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5 Simple Steps

Above All Termite & Pest

Page 2: 5 Tips to determine if you have bed bugs- New Jersey pest control company

STEP 1: Check Your Body

Check everyone in the house for marks and bites. The bites have a distinctive pattern: often they are red, itchy and form a straight line. If you find bites in random sports on the body in no particular pattern, chances are they are not from bed bugs. Often you will find these marks on the arms and shoulder region of the body, so pay close attention to those areas.

Above All Termite & Pest Control

Page 3: 5 Tips to determine if you have bed bugs- New Jersey pest control company

STEP 2: Check Your Sheets

Make your bed with light colored sheets, if you have them. As soon as you wake up in the morning, inspect the bottom sheet carefully. After you have reviewed your fitted sheet, go around the outside of the mattress where the seams and piping are. After careful review of this area, remove the top mattress and inspect the box spring. You are looking for red stains or dark spots. These could be from dried blood, feces, skin, eggs or even dead bugs.

Above All Termite & Pest Control

Page 4: 5 Tips to determine if you have bed bugs- New Jersey pest control company

STEP 3: Set Your Alarm

You may not have clear evidence after doing a thorough inspection, so the next best practice would be to catch them “in the act”. Set an alarm approximately an hour before dawn. Go to bed as you normally would but be sure to have a flashlight within arm’s reach. When the alarm goes off, try very hard to be as still as possible. Reach carefully for the flashlight and lift the covers and search. Try to be as still as possible, movement will force them to go back into hiding.

Above All Termite & Pest Control

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STEP 4: Full Room Inspection

Look inside and around your nightstand, drawers, electronic devices, behind picture frames, lamps and around your curtains. Use a flashlight and carefully inspect around (and inside) outlets. Begin by starting at the bedroom door and inspect inch by inch as you walk inward. Take your time and look for dark spots or “dots”. If you find any, purchase traps and place them in the area you have identified. If they are there, you will trap one.

Above All Termite & Pest Control

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STEP 5: Call a Professional

If you are unable to determine whether or not you have bed bugs, but you strongly believe that there is some form of infestation present- call in a pest control specialist. You need to call in a qualified bug and pest inspector especially if you notice that you or your family member has bites that are forming in some form of a line.

Above All Termite & Pest Control

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To see photos of bed bugs that we have treated, visit our website and click on the Picture Gallery.