Download - 5 sales-spiking communication strategies sure to turn your · autoresponder sales sequences. Inside you’ll find

Page 1: 5 sales-spiking communication strategies sure to turn your · autoresponder sales sequences. Inside you’ll find

Page 2: 5 sales-spiking communication strategies sure to turn your · autoresponder sales sequences. Inside you’ll find


Disclaimer: The information contained herein is general in nature and for informative purposes only. It

is based on the author’s personal experience. The author assumes no responsibility whatsoever, under

any circumstances, for any actions taken as a result of the information contained herein.

Copyright © 2015. BAAB Writing and Marketing Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this

document may be reproduced or shared without express, written consent from the author.

Page 3: 5 sales-spiking communication strategies sure to turn your · autoresponder sales sequences. Inside you’ll find


The Anatomy of a Mega Successful Launch Using Nothing But Emails

Dear Copywriting Quickies Customer,

This file contains the exact same methodology used to write my most profitable

autoresponder sales sequences. Inside you’ll find a series of 8 emails showing the

formula used, as well as additional profitable tips that take you even deeper into

email marketing to get not just “good,” but great – fast, and in a way that you

should find easy to learn and simple to follow.

A word of warning though:

While I have included scripts you’re free to swipe, I highly suggest you pay close

attention to the knowledge of how to increase sales with your autoresponder email

series. This aspect is much more important than just copying and pasting the

‘swipe file.’ That is, if you want to write emails that blow right past your lazy


One last thing: Some of these emails highlight a program I run periodically

throughout the year. It’s no longer available. And in case you’re wondering, it sold


Okay, Let’s. Get. Started!

Apryl Beverly

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How Treating Your Email List Like “Leggings” is Probably

Hurting Your Sales

Leggings sometimes come in “one-size fits all.

So do night gowns.

Baseball caps, sometimes.

And the occasional t-shirt.

But what happens when you shop one-size-fits all?

You probably find out that it still doesn’t quite right.

Same thing happens with email.

Email autoresponders are NOT one size fits all, but here are a few of the most

common reasons people use them:

Trying to sell a product

Trying to sell a service

Trying to build a long-term relationship in hopes of closing a sale later down

the road

So knowing what you want to accomplish with each and every email sequence is

the first step in increasing sales with your autoresponder sales sequence.

In the upcoming email swipe file, I’ll primarily focus on emails selling info

products (i.e. online courses, instructional guides/videos) and one-on-one sessions

as that’s what the majority of what I see folks selling through emails. However,

you can still apply all of it to selling anything else, too.

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Bottom line:

The purpose of an email autoresponder sales sequence is to move people deeper

into your sales funnel.

Here’s what you’re NOT trying to do:

Be your prospect’s BFF

Send regular emails just for the heck of it so your prospect sees you’re

thinking about her.

Share emails to boost brand awareness (this is certainly a byproduct, but

again, not your primary focus)

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The “No-Brainer,” Simple 4-Step Method

And the secret “methodology” simply goes like this:

1. Opt in (and nothing else – do not let then buy unless they opt in; this is

considered the 1st conversion) *By the way, I don’t always do this; I will

sometimes sell in Facebook Groups where I’m very active and well known –

it works like crazy, when it’s done right.*

2. Pitch your “flagship” product (and NOTHING else)

3. Sell them a spin-off product (i.e. a membership site, info product – this

item is generally less expensive than the flagship product, but still relevant

to your market

4. Once they’ve made it to the 3rd conversion, they’re more likely to buy

everything else. (Go ahead and sell them anything you want at this point).

If you want to find out more about the effectiveness of “sequential selling,” check

out marketing guru Sean D’Souza. That’s where I first heard about this incredibly

effective formula.

Again, I’ve tested and “re-engineered” his methodology to fit my own needs and

don’t follow it exactly. For example, my flagship products are the “Copy Clinic”

and done-for-you services. I don’t offer these services all the time to my

subscribers because I have a ton of long-term clients and offline relationships. If I

offered these products all the time to everyone who signs up for my list, I’d be so

busy I’d never see my family, sunshine or friends. And that would suck.

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Instead, I offer the Copywriting Quickies and the Copy Clinic periodically. I

hardly ever promote my done-for-you services via email. I’ll also have the “Write

Like a Boss” lab coming which will most likely be my future flagship product.

Sales funnels can be complicated little boogers. So I’m not going to dive too deep

into telling you how to create one since we’re here to write profitable email

autoresponder series.

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The One Wimpy Thing Your Emails Could Never Beat

One last thing before we get to the writing:

Be sure you have a clear goal before writing anything.

And this is important.

No matter how great the writing, no email series can survive a wimpy,

floundering objective.

Do you want to sell a one-on-one session?

Do you want to sell an info product?

Do you want to sell a service?

Your strategy will be different depending on your goal.

So you’ve got to get that all mapped out first before you start smacking the

keyboard and bangin’ out emails.

Now, no matter your goal, there are some overarching hot buttons you’ll want to

include in your emails.

And that’s just what we’re about to cover next …

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Email #1: Give them what they asked for

In this first email, you need to be direct. Use a straightforward subject line, so they

know you’re all about business (not uptight, but professional and reliable).

Inside the email, you want to thank them for requesting your “freebie” and

subscribing to your list. And you want to give them what you promised. Don’t wait

for a second email – give them exactly what they requested in this first email.

This is critical. Waiting to give them what they requested means your breaking

expectations. And you want to set the tone early in the relationship that they can

count on you to do what you say you’re going to do.

So let’s say they’re signing up for a 7-Day Challenge or a 3-Part Video Series. In

this first email, you want to give them the first day’s email for the challenge or

video series and set expectations on when they’ll receive the remaining parts of the


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Subject Line: [ACCESS] Your Write Like A Boss Guide Inside

Hey, thank you for joining my weekly email tips.

See how I immediately thanked them for signing up? This is important – so many people forget to say this simple phrase.

Two or three times a week (give or take) you'll get a valuable tip sent to

your inbox. You can grab your complimentary copy of my [Insert Title] Guide


Here I set expectations and give them what I promised.

[Include link to the freebie]

Just a reminder:

You will receive emails from me about 3 times per week.

I reiterate the frequency of emails. When I switched to sending out multiple emails per week, I didn’t do this and got a bunch of unsubscribes. So if you’re switching it up and plan to change the frequency of your emails, be sure to let both your existing and new subscribers know.

If you’re running a challenge or video series, you’ll switch this out or add mention of when they can expect to receive the next training. Something like:

“Over the next few days/week, I’m going to be sharing with you step-by-step lessons on blah, blah, blah …”

If at any time you wish to leave this list, simply scroll down to the end of any email,

and you can easily and automatically remove your mail from the system.

Anyway, much love + gratitude.

And I'll see you soon...

Apryl Beverly

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P.S. For more advanced [insert type of training/services you offer] training, go


Use the P.S. to sell in the very first email. They may click or they may not, but at least it’s there and it’s not a hard, sleazy sales.

[Include link to a sales page]

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Email #2: Encourage action + build credibility


In this 2nd email, you’re following up to encourage action, introduce yourself and

share some of your results. Remember, this is still pretty early in the relationship,

so you don’t want to get all hot and heavy and come off as a sleazy salesperson.

Keep it light and focused on the reader. No chest-thumping or head-bangin’ sales


Just give them a glimpse into what you have done for others and what you can do

for them.

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Subject Line: Do you do this yet …

A few days ago, you asked for a copy of the:

[Restate what they requested]

And if you're the action taker I think you are, I'm sure you're already using one or

two of the tips to [insert big benefit of what you’re teaching in the freebie].

In case you're letting this gem sit untouched in your inbox ...

Here’s a recap of what you're missing:

[Insert bullets of what you covered in the freebie. The bullets below are samples to

show you how to create curiosity to propel people to want to check out the freebie


A forehead-slap way to write fast (you're English teacher would have never

told you this)

Why ditching this one thing can make your writing much more lovable and


How bragging about your "bodaciousness" is so not cool in school, but it's

perfect if you're a kick-ass entrepreneur

Why flaunting what your mama gave you is the only way to stand out

Quite a few of my clients are already seeing excellent results from my copywriting


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[Include 2-3 testimonials or social media love notes]

Please do send me your results too so I can feature you as the next superstar on my


I'm guessing by now, you're wondering who is this chick and why you should

listen ...

[Include your Power Statement. Check out the Power 10 post in the Word Boss

Community for help on this: This

link is only available if you’re a member of the group. If you’re not, you can join


I'm Apryl Beverly, communications strategist and word stylist. I've been known to

turn quite a few dull pages of copy into sexy, toe-curling sentences strung together

to make even skeptics and non-believers smack the 'buy' button.

This is an example of my power statement. I change it depending on my audience but this gives you a good idea of phrasing what you do in a way that shows your value to the reader. Notice I didn’t talk about my years of experience, degrees … just the results of my work.

Here's what I do for clients:

I crawl inside their pretty little heads to dig out all the flawless diamonds that make

their services simply irresistible. From there, I put their "diamonds" in writing so

they capture the hearts, minds + pockets of their ideal clients. #BOOM

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And what about you? I’d love to hear about you and your awesome biz. If you

have any questions about the [insert the name of the freebie –

challenge/video/guide] or about anything to do with writing period – or you simply

want to say Hi or send me a love note, hit reply now!

Much love + gratitude,

Apryl Beverly

P.S. If you need some relief like right now. Today. Can't wait another minute. You

can grab a [insert name of the offer] where I'll [insert the benefits of investing in

the offer].

Get it here:

[Include link]

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Email #3: Q&A time


In this 3rd email, you’re going to talk more about your flagship product. This email

is all about building trust. Here, I show potential clients I’m trustworthy by not

being pushy and citing how the Copy Clinic is actually much less expensive than

hiring a copywriter … even though I’m a copywriter who would like to have the

bigger paycheck.

Again, this isn’t an “in yo’ face” sales pitch, but you do start digging deeper into

the benefits of your offer and framing them in a way so your prospects will trust

what you’re telling them.

And mention of the offer is now moving up earlier in the email versus just being in

the P.S.

One of the best ways to build trust and sell the benefits of your offer is through a


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Subject Line: she can’t possibly think this …

Have fun with the subject line – just make sure it’s relevant to the question being asked.

Just got an interesting question.

A subscriber said she’s not sure if investing in the [name of your product] is a good


Make sure you include a link early in the email to your offer.

Her question: "Why not just hire a copywriter to do allllll the writing for her?"

Replace this with one of the most commonly asked question from your market.

She’d just sit and wait for me to pound out spine-tingling sentences.

See how the answer to the question includes more details about the product without you being pushy and running down all the features?

Make sure you’re including the value of the offer.

Then she’d hit send and watch the cash pour in like rain on a spring day.

I still do that sort of thing sometimes.

But, not for everyone.

In a lot of cases, (especially if, say, you’re just starting your biz and you’re on a

pretty tight budget …) hiring a copywriter can do more harm than good. Not

saying they don’t help.

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But to get a copywriter to create toe-curling website copy.

Go back and write a sales page that gets folks to smack the ‘buy’ button.

Rewrite your website copy when you change your services.

Write your brand new sales page to sell your brand new service.

And then, toss in some autoresponder emails that propel people to snatch up

everything you sell …

Ain’t cheap.

I like how Theodore Roosevelt put it:

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

That’s what’s important.

Sure you can hire a badass copywriter (like me).

But when you do that, what happens when you need to tweak a sentence or two or

create a new sales page and you’re out of money?

You could go without the new copy and risk not making any profit for all the

sleepless nights and energy you poured into your service offering.

Or, if you know how, you can simply write what you need to make sales.

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Get tons of money coming in.

And hire a copywriter when you’re too busy with clients …

Not because you’re trying to get clients.

Write your own sizzling sentences that make your services irresistible.

That’s the Copy Clinic way.

Include mention of the product again.

It’s fast.

It’s efficient.

It can be very profitable.

And it feels oh so fabulous to see your words bringing in some cold, hard cash.


Find out how to string together sentences that sell here:

Close with a strong call to action – the true benefit of your product.

[Include link]

In my next email, I’ll share with you a mind-blowing success story of a client who

decided to go DIY with her writing and got great results against all odds.

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Be on the lookout for more on her success in a couple of days.

Much love + gratitude,

Apryl Beverly

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Email #4: Rockstar results


In this 4th email, you’re going to talk about the rockstars who are shining because

of your product or service. This email is all about proof and credibility.

People don’t have time to deal with amateurs and newbies. They want to work with

folks who have a track record of results.

If you don’t have testimonials yet, no worries. There’s plenty of other ways to

show proof and credibility:


Media appearances

Love notes from helping folks in Facebook Groups

And much, much more

Again, this isn’t an “in yo’ face” sales pitch, but you do start digging deeper into

the benefits of your offer. And the offer is now moving up earlier in the email

versus just being in the P.S.

One of the best ways to sell the benefits of your offer is through a Q&A.

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Subject Line: Help me congratulate Lauren …

Straightforward rockstar headline following through on the expectation set in the previous email.

As promised in my last email, I want you to meet Lauren. This superstar has been

rocking out when it comes to taking action and boosting her sales by crawling

inside my brain to swipe secrets on writing messages that make money.

Build trust and credibility by sending this email exactly when you said you would.

Here’s her story:

When Lauren booked the Copy Clinic last summer, she hated writing and had no

idea how to connect with her online audience. She knew what she wanted to say,

but it all pretty much fell apart when it came to turning her passion into spine-

tingling sentences that propelled the men she wanted to turn into stylish, confident

hunks (this is a pretty good time to tell you that she’s a wardrobe stylist … before

your mind wanders) to hit the ‘buy’ button.

Insert a case study of your client’s amazing results. Make sure you hit on all the awesome results and how you achieved those.

She wasn’t confident about sharing her writing voice and was hiding behind

uptight, corporate-speak that didn’t fit her audience. Well we changed all that!

Together, we styled up her About Me page (and made it all about her handsome

clients) …

Whipped her Services page into shape …

And got her Home page looking Magic Mike XXL sexy.

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Before, Lauren didn’t even have photos of herself on her website, but look at her

giving us the happy face now:

All this newfound confidence has Lauren super-busy and with a page-full of client

love notes. And here’s what Lauren said about her experience in the Copy Clinic:

“Apryl was amazing to work with. The whole experience from start to finish was

fantastic. I felt that the agenda was clear and our time talking was well put to use.

I never felt like I didn’t know what was going on or she was not hearing what I was

saying. Apryl’s copywriting workshop ROCKED!” - Lauren Wald, Entrepreneur

Include your client’s actual words/testimonial on the service you provided.

Fantastic results for someone who absolutely hated to write, don’t you think? If

this story touches your heart and you’ve been dreaming of reaching similar results,

you can apply to participate in the Copy Clinic:

[Insert link]

Oh and in case you’re wondering, Lauren isn’t the only one with amazing results.

So far, I’ve helped hundreds of people get results like these.

This is about adding more proof. Be sure to mention that you’ve worked with here.

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Be on the next email from me. It will be THE most important email you will ever

receive from me, so don’t miss it.

Set expectations for the next email, which will be the “official” introduction of the product/service.

Much love + gratitude,

Apryl Beverly

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EMAIL #5: Picture the “promised land”


This 5th email is all about getting the prospect to picture themselves on the other

side. You want to come across helpful, non-pushy and relatable. You know what

it’s like to be in their shoes and you’re here to lift some of the burden.

You want to show them what life will be like on the other side in the promised land.

How they’ll have a renewed sense of confidence or whatever you’re selling and

will love life and business again after buying from you.

Here you’ll include details from your sales page to showcase the value of the offer.

You’ll also make it very clear who your product is intended for.

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Subject Line: This is your moment …

What did you think about Lauren’s success story? I’m so proud of her – she is

rocking it! I’m always getting emails from entrepreneurs like Lauren who don’t

have a problem TALKING about their services in-person or over the phone – they

just can't seem to put their passion into written words that sell.

Recap the rockstar story in a way that tells the prospect you understand their problems.

When it comes to writing, they lack confidence, and are afraid of screwing up and

losing out on clients.

Writing spine-tingling sentences that propel people to smack the ‘buy’ button is so

super important for entrepreneurs these days, and having a superpower under your

belt like writing messages that make money, will empower you to change your

business and your life.

Highlight the benefits of the product.

Now that may seem like a pretty intense statement, but it’s true. As a boss lady,

CEO, entrepreneur, coach or even an author, you’ve got a lot on your plate –

creating and implementing marketing and sales strategies, hiring staff, keeping

track of expenses, and let’s not forget providing incredible value to your clients.

Mention who the product will benefit the most and why.

And the worst part – money is tight – so you’ve got to find a way to do most of this

stuff – if not everything – all on your own.

So I created the [insert name of product] to take some of the load off. Here’s where

you can check it out:

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Introduce the product as the solution to all their troubles. Just because you have included the link in previous emails doesn’t mean they clicked, so go ahead and include the link here and share more details about the product.

We are sometimes a bit cocky to think everyone reads all our emails in the order we sent them. Remember inboxes are crowded, so don’t feel like you’re repeating, you’re reiterating.

[Include link]

Talented copywriters can charge thousands to write sales pages, emails and

website copy, but the [insert name of product] won’t cost you anywhere near that.

Make a statement showing the value when compared to a competitor of the product.

Because I want you to grow your business and rake in tons of cash … without

emptying your pockets.

Include the promise – what you want buyers to get from the product.

Here’s what you get inside:

Reiterate the benefits of what’s inside.

[Include a bulleted list of key benefits of the product]

You can check out all the details here:

[Include link]

Remember Lauren? That could be you. Better yet, you could achieve even more

amazing results and earn a spot as my new star student.

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Talk soon,

Apryl Beverly

P.S. Only 6 more spots left and when these puppies are gone, they're gone. I've

decided I won't be offering the [insert name of product] anymore this year. So if

you want me to tell you exactly how to write like a boss and make more sales, go


Include a REAL scarcity element here. Are you limiting the number of buyers? How about the window to buy? Include it here and be honest. Also, be sure to do what you say you’ll do when the spots/time run out.

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EMAIL #6: Valuable content


In this 6th email, you’re going to do some “soft” teaching to show off the value of

your product.

You’re not going to give away the farm, just enough to show people you know

what you’re talking about … in a way that helps you sell your product.

You can choose to tell a story.

Give a checklist.

Share a Q&A.

Be inspirational.

Share something bizarre.

Whatever you decide, make sure you can sensibly tie it to the benefits of your

product. Also, be sure to mix up the emails. For example, don’t send three straight

Q&A emails or double up on the checklists.

On the following pages, I’ve included sample valuable content emails I’ve shared.

Again this is soft teaching, so don’t give away the farm. The point of these emails

is to show the value of your product and get folks wanting more expert-level


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Subject Line: Be a lil’ ray of sunshine …

Just a reminder to make sure your subject line talks to your audience. This is just a sample of one I’ve used.

A little while ago a biz pal asked me about writing an email series to promote her

new course. Like most online biz folks, she'd heard all the hoopla about the

“money’s in the list,” and wanted some guidance on what to say, how to say it, and

how to keep people interested.

Some quick tips include:

Here I give some pretty useful writing tips that the reader can apply right away.

*Don’t try to be someone you’re not (frankly, people connect with you more when

you share your battle scars)

*Feel free to drop a few swear words (and here I thought Gary Vaynerchuk was

just cursing for no reason, come to find out mild cursing is a persuasion technique

that works)

*Be a little ray of sunshine (yep, negativity sells, but research shows that

sometimes saying, “gain one more hour each day,” pushes people’s buttons way

more than saying, “stop wasting time”)

*Write drunk (I thought Ben Settle was a little nuts when he said this)

Let me explain that one:

He simply meant let go of your inhibitions.

Stop worrying about what folks are going to think.

Be as wild and crazy as you want.

Get silly.

Start an argument.

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For example, my first stab at writing sales emails a few years ago was a complete

train wreck.

Here, I show my vulnerability by talking about a time when I wasn’t so “perfect.”

I was uptight.

Way too formal.

And, frankly, boring as hell.

When I stopped worrying about what people would think and if they’d unsubscribe

from my list ...

Here, I talk about my transformation ad leave the door open for the prospect to see that as a possible transformation for them.

A crazy thing happened:

My list tripled in 60 days and my open rate skyrocketed. And my sales ... whoa


Now, before I end this thing, let me say this ...

After you get all wild and crazy and before you hit 'send' ...

Go back and edit. Make sure it’s what your peeps want and need to hear from you.

Make sure it represents your brand well.

Anyway, those are a few tips off the top of my head.

And it’s what I teach my students who qualify for the Copy Clinic.

Here’s where I start the lead to the product.

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And, I can teach you, too.

But only if you’re an action taker. (Not a fence sitter like 99% of the folks online.)

And, only if you’re ready to work.

This ain’t la-la land.

If you apply and are accepted, I expect you to work.

I expect you to read the grab bag.

And, I expect you to implement the secrets you’ll get.

Otherwise, you’ll fail.

And, then what would be the point?

So when you’re ready to jump off the fence, go here:

[Include link]

Talk soon,

Apryl Beverly

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EMAIL #7: Incredible results


In this 7th email, you’re going to talk about more incredible results. We’re just one

email away from closing down this autoresponder series, so the testimonials you

share really need to count.

You’re not going to give away the farm, just enough to show people you know

what you’re talking about … in a way that helps you sell your product.

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Subject Line: Thaaaaaaat’s my girl …

Keep having fun the subject line.

Subscriber [insert full name] writes:

Keep building credibility by including the subscriber’s full name or copying and pasting the actual post, comment or message.

(In my private Facebook Group)

“The feedback Apryl gave on my website has already proven beneficial. I made

one of several changes she suggested and have received positive feedback from

visitors. She knows her stuff.”

That’s my girl.

Take action.

Get results.

Which reminds me:

A lot of folks have been talking behind my back lately. And the things they say

shocks the heck out of me at times. Like Casey, for example, she bought my last

product before even reading the full page, saying I have the “skills to pay the bills.”

Give more proof.

They sure know how to make a girl feel loved.

Anyway, here are a few reasons why my methods work:

1. Speed (you can profit from my tactics the *first* day)

2. Simplicity (I don’t burden you with the history of writing sales messages or

a bunch of theories. I tell you what works and show you how to do it.)

Talk about the benefits of the offer and what the product has done for others.

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Here’s why this is important to you:

You’re in business to make money.

You’re not here to find BFFs.

To give away all your best stuff.


You’ve got a life to live.

A family to take care of.

And you need moolah to do that.

In the [include name of product and link to the sales page], I give you the chance to

all the moolah you need.

All you gotta do is follow instructions and implement.

It’s not complicated, either.

In fact, what I’m going to teach you is about as simple as they come.

So if you’re looking to kick up sales fast and easy, then you can use the knowledge

I drop in the Copy Clinic.

But tomorrow’s the deadline to grab your spot.

Get it here:

[Include link]

See you on the other side,

Apryl Beverly

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EMAIL #8: Straight up sales pitch


In this 8th and final email, you’re going to give a full, in yo’ face sales pitch.

Keep it short and sweet.

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Subject Line: An in-yo’-face sales pitch …

Today is the deadline to apply for the [insert name of your product].

Be upfront about the scarcity. Are you down to the final spot? Deadline today?

Here’s a whiff at what’s inside:

[Include your very best 7-10 bullets for the product]

Here include your very best bullets highlighting the benefits. It’s all or nothing here. Go hard or go home!!!

Again, today’s the deadline.

If you want in, apply here while there’s still time:

[Include link]

See you on the other side,

Apryl Beverly

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And that’s it, folks!

Now, it’s up to you to take action.

Go use this information TODAY!

Want to be the first to find out when the next issue of the “Copywriting Quickies” is released?

Click here

Much love for your support!

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Who’s this writer chick?

I'm Apryl Beverly, communications strategist and

word stylist. I've been known to turn quite a few

"dull" pages of writing into sexy, toe-curling

sentences that make even skeptics and non-believers

smack the 'buy' button.

No matter the project on your plate, I’ll help you

write in a way that turns skeptics into believers and

prospects into paying clients. I can be as goody two-

shoes or Billy Badass as you need me to be, woo

corporate bigwigs or drop a few swear words for special effect – whatever you


I’m here to enhance, not cramp your style.

By the way, I don’t just sling seductive sentences as a hobby. I’ve got 15 years of

business writing and copywriting experience and a couple of degrees to boot.

When you’re ready to deliver a powerful message, attract a community of raving

fans, or crawl inside people’s heads and pull out what they really want, call me.