Download - 5 Low-Cost Marketing Tactics for Your Small Business · 2019-05-31 · 5 Low-Cost Marketing Tactics for Your Small Business One of the rst things small businesses aim to implement


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218 West AveOcean City, NJ 08226

5 Low-Cost Marketing Tactics for Your Small Business

One of the �rst things small businesses aim to implement is a good marketing

strategy. Within a good marketing strategy comes e�ective marketing tactics. The

problem is, if we just started a business, our budget isn’t exactly going to be


This means we have to think outside the box. In one of our last posts, we described

how today’s social media and internet-driven world provides ample opportunities

for small businesses to market, free of charge. But what if you want to scale the

scapes outside of the online realm? You don’t have to put up a billboard, or print

out a magazine ad. There are plenty of ways that small businesses can utilize the

world, outside of social media, while still being �nancially responsible.

Here are 5 ways you can market your business without breaking the bank or the


1. Add Value To Your Content

This one should be obvious since we’ve been saying it all the live long day. You

need to add value to your content. This is a great way to connect with your

customers or prospects and build a position of leadership and respect through

your industry.

2. Infographics

With today’s market and their shortened attention spans, we can only write so

much without losing our audience’s focus. They want visuals. An infographic is the

perfect opportunity to pour pages of written content into a simple, easy-to-digest,

visually appealing graphic,. You can create these online with free software or hire

a freelance designer to make one for you.

3. Partnerships

Never underestimate the power of local union. If you can �nd other small

businesses in the area, team up and create some sort of discount strategy, or host

a small event together. This brings together so many people who can talk, interact

and network with each other. Making friends is essential to nourishing your

professional network.

4. Local Media

If you do decide to host an event, there is no harm in reaching out to loca news

stations and seeing if they would cover it. You could even do this with a Youtube

creator who has a following. This way you hit TV viewers and online surfers.

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People love to see what’s going on in their communities, especially if you’re a new

business or have a special announcement.

5. Giveaways

People love freebies. Therefore, people will love a company who gives them

freebies. Every time I have won something free from a company, they have

cemented a place near and dear in my heart. We don’t forget freebies, because

we all know the cost that goes into manufacturing a product or hosting a service.

You don’t always need a ginormous budget to start in�ltrating the market. Don’t

give up just because you can’t imagine smaller opportunities. There is plenty to do

in terms of marketing your business, and you are one hundred percent not limited

to the online world.


Although, if you decide to go that route, you know you can always bring on our

mobile minds to help.


By Joe | March 7,2018 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

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