Download - 5 Free Giveaways To Build Your List Infographic

Page 1: 5 Free Giveaways To Build Your List Infographic

–For years people were giving away free reports & eBooks, at one point it

seemed everyone was giving away a free report, they became pretty thin and

useless. Many were re hashed material found in hundreds of other reports or

simple off the shelf reports made from PLR content. PLR means Private

Label Rights; you buy the content and can then re use it as your own or as

you please.

Ideally you want to create the best eBook you can crammed full of useful

information that makes it worth the lead handing over their email details.

The bigger and the better is the way forward.

This is an excellent give away, if you know

something that people will find helpful like SEO

then you can create a video or a series of videos

that are very easy to make and then offer them as a

freebie in exchange for email details.

This is another popular freebie, if you have

created a sales page that converts well like Zac

Johnson did with his CPA sales pages you can give

away the HTML template with images and

headlines that can be easily edited with free

HTML editing software like NVU.

Sales pages, templates and Themes help the

newbie to get started; do you think people would

not give you their email details to take you up on

that helpful offer?

This is similar to the video course and can in fact use video tutorials as part

of the course. For this you offer a short trading course over a set period of

5 or 7 days and you send the new sign up an email with a new part of the


The email can contain the course material or you can set the course

material on pages on your website and then each email will contain the link

to the next part online allowing the new subscriber to study the next


This one is a really good one but also a very tricky one to pull off, you

create a competition like ‘Win a Free Website’ where people who want to

try and win have to hand over their email details to enter.

The prize has to be chosen carefully, if you offer an iPad as a prize but your

website is about healthy eating, it is very possible that your email list will

have people on it who are not interested in your website content and only

entered to try and win an iPad.