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  • 8/12/2019 4th Semestr Report


    1 Introduction

    The objective of this study is to analyze Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR)

    using Event Tree Analysis (ETA). This is a Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA)

    technique used for identifying potential accident sequences and quantifying risk for

    evaluating contribution to Core Damage Frequency (CDF). It includes mitigating actions

    interventions in steam generator tube rupture sequences leading to severe accident

    conditions. In case of SGTR, current accident management actions foresee flooding of

    the secondary side through the emergency feed water system in an attempt to arrest the

    activity. Effective accident management actions may significantly reduce the source term

    in these accident types. PSA is used to explore the risk significance for various aspects of

    plant design or operation and for the evaluation of abnormal events that occur at theplant. It identifies the sequences of events that can lead to core damage, estimates the

    core damage frequency and provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the

    safety systems and procedures provided to prevent core damage. The necessity for these

    evaluations is the rationale for establishing a PSA applications program.

    Any issue that is going to be evaluated needs to be explicitly defined together with

    the type of results required as input to the decision making. As already stated, as part of

    the evaluation, the PSA is used in combination with other methods and sources of

    information. The PSA can be used to evaluate the risk significance of each issue, or to

    define a risk measure as the basis of prioritizing the various issues under consideration

    [1]. Having invested considerable resources in developing PSAs, there is a desire to use

    the insights derived from them to enhance plant safety while operating the nuclear

    stations in the most efficient manner. PSA is an effective tool for this purpose as it assists

    plant management to target resources towards the largest risk of accident.

    The assessment of risk with respect to nuclear power plants is intended to achieve the

    following general objectives:

    Identify initiating events and event sequences that might contribute significantly

    to risk;

    Provide realistic quantitative measures of the likelihood of the risk contributors;

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    Provide a realistic evaluation of the potential consequences associated with

    hypothetical accident sequences; and

    Provide a reasonable risk-based framework for making decisions regarding

    nuclear plant design, operation, and siting.

    1.1 Role of PSA in NPP Safety Management

    During the operation of a nuclear power plant, conditions exist that alter the risk

    of operating the facility. These conditions (or events) that result in a change, where

    change can be an increase or decrease in risk, fall under three general categories. It

    includes plant activities that dictate that certain components will be incapable of

    performing their desired functions at certain times during operation [2].

    The objectives of a NPP PSA study are as follows:

    To determine core damage frequency (CDF) based on the fault trees method and

    event trees method,

    To identify initiating events and accident sequences with a predominating

    contribution to core damage,

    To assess the effects of various modifications of safety systems on CDF,

    To specify recommendations for the updating of emergency operating procedures

    based on predominant accident sequences.

    A nuclear power plant PSA analyses the risk associated with operating the plant,

    expressed in terms of various postulated initiating events (PIEs) related to the different

    levels of damage to the plant (e.g. core damage frequency). The analysis is done using a

    logical and systematic approach that makes use of realistic assessments of the

    performance of the equipment and plant personnel as a basis for the calculations. This in

    principle has the potential to produce an understanding of the inherent risk of operating

    the plant over a much wider range of conditions than the traditional deterministic

    methods, which generally define what is assumed to be a bounding set of fault conditions.

    In international practice three levels of PSA have been evolved:

    1. Level 1: The assessment of plant failures leading to the determination of core

    damage frequency;

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    2. Level 2: The assessment of containment response leading, together with Level 1

    results, to the determination of containment release frequencies;

    3. Level 3: The assessment of off-site consequences leading, together with the

    results of Level 2 analysis to estimate the potential environmental and health


    A Level 1 PSA identifies the sequences of events that can lead to core damage,

    estimates the core damage frequency and provides insights into the strengths and

    weaknesses of the safety systems and procedures provided to prevent core damage.

    Level 2 PSA, which identifies the ways in which radioactive releases from the plant

    can occur and estimates their magnitudes and frequency. This analysis provides

    additional insights into the relative importance of the accident prevention and

    mitigation measures such as the reactor containment. Level 3 PSA, which estimates

    public health and other societal risks such as contamination of land or food. This

    particular study involves a level 1 PSA.

    One of the products of a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) is a list of plant

    responses to initiating events (accident starters) and the sequences of events that

    could follow. By evaluating the significance of the identified risk contributors, it is

    possible to identify the high-risk accident sequences and take actions to mitigate

    them. Although the consequences of the high-risk accident sequences may vary from

    one PRA to another, they all attempt to evaluate realistically the consequences of

    hypothetical accident sequences.

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    2 Init iating Event Analysis

    2.1 Initiating Events

    An initiating event (IE) is a postulated event that could occur in a nuclear power

    plant. It is an occurrence that creates a disturbance in a plant and has the potential to lead

    to core damage, depending on the successful operation or failure of the various mitigating

    systems in the plant. An initiating event is an incident that requires an automatic or

    operator initiated action to bring the plant into a safe and steady-state condition, whereas

    in the absence of such action the core damage states of concern can result in severe core


    Initiating events are usually categorized in divisions of the internal and external initiatorsreflecting the origin of the events.Initiating events are generally classified into internal

    IEs and hazards (internal and external). Internal IEs are hardware failures in the plant or

    faulty operations of plant hardware through human error or computer software

    deficiencies. External hazards (which may also be termed external events) are events that

    create extreme environments common to several plant systems. External hazards include

    earth- quakes, floods, high winds and aircraft crashes. Internal hazards include internal

    flooding, fire and missile impact [3].

    2.1.1 Type Of Initiating Events

    The internal initiating events are categorized as follow [4]:

    1) LOCAs Initiators; The loss of coolant accident (LOCA) initiators include

    primary system breaks resulting in loss of primary coolant. Pipe breaks and

    ruptures of different sizes, inadvertent opening and failures to re-close (stuck

    open) of valves are being considered in this category.

    2) Transients Initiators; The transient initiating events are those which

    introduce the disturbance in normal plant operation, without loss of primary

    coolant and which require an automatic or manual shutdown of the reactor.

    Examples of transients are: disturbance in feed water flow of turbine/condenser,

    reactivity control, reactor re-circulation, etc.

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    3) Common Cause Initiators (CCIs); These are events, which, in addition to

    requiring reactor shutdown, simultaneously disable one, or more of the mitigating

    systems required to control the plant status following the initiator.

    The important types of LOCA Ies and CCIs are represented in tables 1and 2 respectively.

    Table 1: List of important LOCA initiators [4].

    Events Description of Breaks

    1. Small-break LOCA A break or leak 1/2 to 4 inches in effective diameter.

    These are spontaneous events: induced LOCAs were

    treated directly.

    2. Large LOCA A break or rupture greater than 4 inches in effectivediameter except those noted below.

    3. Interfacing-system


    A large loss of coolant through the valves acting as a

    Boundary between high and low RCS pressure

    4. RPV rupture A loss of reactor-vessel integrity precluding the ability toMaintain coolant inventory.

    5. Steam generatortube rupture

    A rupture of a steam generator tube resulting in an RCSleak greater than 10 gpm.

    Table 2: List of important Common Cause initiators [4].

    Events Description of Breaks

    1) Loss of instrument-air system

    Reactor trip, a failure of instrumentation and equipmentdue to this system.

    2) Loss of service-

    water system

    A pipe break or pump failure and in addition prevent

    other safety system operation that depend on service

    water cooling supply.

    3) Loss of integrated

    and auxiliary controlsystems

    The Integrated Central System (ICS) is controlling feed

    water, pressurizer heaters etc., and may cause a transientwith loss of a protecting system.

    4) Loss of DC power


    Failure to supply power to a number of pumps in train A

    Supplying several mitigating systems.

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    2.2 Selection Of Initiating Events

    A long list of initiating events (IEs) is recognized completely as possible. A judgment is

    required that any IEs not identified would make only a small contribution to the total risk.

    The scope of the PSA could also constrain the initiating events that are to be considered.

    There are several approaches to the selection of IEs, each of which has its limitations.

    Since the aim is to produce a list that is as complete as possible. . The approaches are

    discussed below [3].

    2.2.1 Engineering Evaluation

    This technique is directly related to evaluation of a component of plant system.The plantsystems (operational and safety) and major components are systematically reviewed to

    evaluate the failure modes, for example (failure to operate, spurious operation, breach,disruption, collapse) that could lead directly, or in combination with other failures, to

    core damage. Partial failures of systems should also be considered since, although they

    are generally less severe than complete failure, they are of higher frequency and are often

    less readily detected.

    2.2.2 Reference To Previous Lists

    This technique refers to studies of lists of IEs drawn up for previous PSAs on similar

    plants and for the safety analysis report. This may in fact be the starting point. Specially

    useful for providing a list of transient initiators for LWRs.

    2.2.3 Deductive Analysis

    This approach uses master logic diagram, in which core damage is made the top event in

    a diagram, which has the appearance of a fault tree (although it is not one in the usual

    sense). This top event is successively broken down into all possible categories of events

    that could cause it to occur. Successful operation of safety systems and other preventive

    actions are not included. The events at the most fundamental level are then candidates for

    the list of IEs for the plant.

    2.2.4 Operational Experience

    The operational history (if any) of the plant in question and of similar plants elsewhere is

    reviewed for any events that should be added to the list of IEs. This approach is

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    supplementary and would not be expected to reveal low frequency events, but it could

    show common cause IEs.

    2.3 Initiating Events GroupingSince some of the initiating events would induce the same or a reasonably similar plant

    response. In order to get rid of a long list of initiating events, these are divided into

    groups of IEs. Initiating events can be grouped in such a way that all events in the same

    group impose essentially the same success criteria on the front line systems as well as the

    same special conditions (challenges to the operator, to automatic plant responses, etc.)

    and thus can be modeled using the same event/fault tree analysis [50P-4]. Example is:

    steam line break by size, loss of flow by number of pumps failed and spurious control rod

    withdrawal by number of rods or rate of reactivity addition events are grouped into one


    LOCA IEs are divided into groups on the bases of pipe breakage, leakage or rupture. The

    LOCA groups are:

    I. Large LOCA; For break size > 6 inch diameter, equivalent to > 300 cm2 leakage


    II. Medium LOCA; For break size > 3 inch diameter, equivalent to 150-300 cm2

    leakage area);

    III. Small LOCA (e.g. break size < 3, equivalent to < 150 cm2 leak area).

    Transient Initiators are plant specific, and depend heavily on the purpose and scope of a

    PSA study. Transient IEs are divided into groups based on design and operation features

    of plant and PSA requirement. The minimum groups are:

    I. Transients with main feed water (MFW) initially available (turbine/reactor trips);

    II. Transients with loss of MFW;

    III. Loss off-site power

    Common cause IEs are very much plant specific. The most common initiating groups are:

    I. Loss of vital AC power bus;

    II. Loss of service water system;

    III. Loss of component cooling;

    IV. Loss of a DC bus;

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    V. Loss of instrument air;

    VI. Loss of core level measuring instrument

    VII. Loss of ventilation system;

    VIII. Loss of room coolers;

    IX. Steam line break in locations where it causes additional effects or containment


    2.4 Initiating Events In PWRsOne of the products of a nuclear power plant PRA is a list of plant responses to initiating

    events (accident starters) and the sequences of events that could follow. By evaluating the

    significance of the identified risk contributors, it is possible to identify the high-risk

    accident sequences and take actions to mitigate them.

    The barriers confining the radioactivity are manifold. The first is the ceramic fuel pellet

    itself; radioactivity must diffuse from the pellet. It is confined within the primary cooling

    loop and if released through, for example, the safety relief valve action, it is confined by

    the containment. Most probable initiating events in PWRs are depicted in table 1. Nuclear

    power plant systems may be classified as "Frontline" and "Support" according to their

    service in an accident.

    Frontline systems are the engineered safety systems that deal directly with an

    accident; and

    Support systems provide the services necessary for the frontline system to


    List of typical font line systems is given in table 2.Accident initiators are broadly grouped

    as loss of cooling accidents (LOCA) or transients. A LOCA is one in which the water

    cooling the reactor is lost due to irreversible damage to the boundary holding the water.

    These are typically classified as small-small, small, medium and large [5]:

    1. SSLOCAs(small-small LOCA), ranging in pipe break sizes up to 3 inches, are

    mitigated by high pressure injection from typically one of three pumps,

    2. SLOCA(Small LOCA), encompassing pipe break size in the range of 1 to 8

    inches are mitigated by high pressure injector from two out of three pumps

    and two out of three accumulators.

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    3. MLOCAs (Medium LOCA) in the range 6 to 18 inches are mitigated by two

    out of three accumulators and one out of two low pressure pumps,

    4. LLOCA (Large LOCA) encompassing the largest pipes in the plant is

    mitigated by the accumulators and one out of three low pressure-high volume


    A transient, as the name signifies, is a passing event, which may upset the reactor

    operation, but itself does notcause immediate damage

    Table 3: List of PWR Transient Initiating Events [5]._________________________________________

    1. High pressurizer pressure2. Inadvertent safety injection signal

    3. Containment pressure problems

    4. Startup of inactive coolant pump

    5. Total loss of RCS flow6. Loss or reduction in feed water flow (one loop)

    7. Total loss of feed water flow (all loops)

    8. Full or partial closure of MSIV (one loop)

    9. Feed water flow instability-miscellaneous mechanical causes

    10. Loss of condensate pumps (one loop)

    11. Loss of condensate pumps (all loops)

    12. Steam-generator leakage

    13. Sudden opening of steam relief valves

    14. Turbine trip, throttle valve closure

    15. Generator trip or generator-caused faults

    16. Loss of all offsite power

    17. Pressurizer spray failure

    18. Spurious trips-cause unknown

    19. Manual trip-no transient condition

    20. Fire within plant________________________________________________________________________

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    3 Event Tree Analysis

    Event trees are graphic models that order and reflect events according to the requirements

    for mitigation of each group of initiating events. Events or headers of an event tree can be

    a safety function's status, a system's status, basic events occurring or operator actions.

    Event trees display some of the functional dependences between the events or 'headings'

    of the tree; e.g. cases where failure of one system implies that another system cannot

    perform its function successfully. Such dependences result in omitted branch points.

    Omitted branch points also occur if the failure of a given system does not affect the plant

    damage state associated with a given accident sequence.

    The event tree headers are normally arranged in either chronological or causal order.

    Chronological ordering means that events are considered in the chronological order inwhich they are expected to occur in an accident. Causal ordering means that events are

    arranged in the tree so that the number of omitted branch points is maximized [3].

    The event-tree method is described as a method for modeling plant-level sequences that

    may lead to public risk. The approach to event-tree development and application is

    generalized and can be adapted to specific study objectives. The event-tree method has

    been used in some form in all recent risk assessments for light-water reactors. It is a most

    suitable means for modeling complex plant-level sequences, and it permits these

    sequences to be evaluated in an efficient manner.

    The integration of event trees and fault trees provides an analytical approach capable of

    handling the complexities associated with modeling potential accident sequences. It is a

    proved means for defining and under- standing plant design and operation in a manner

    that leads to the quantification of public risk [6].

    Quantification of the risk associated with a commercial nuclear power plant requires the

    delineation of a large number of possible accident sequences. Because nuclear systems

    are complex, it is not feasible to write down a listing of important sequences. A

    systematic and orderly approach is required to properly understand and accommodate

    many factors that could affect the course of potential accident.

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    Figure 1: Procedure for the even tree development [6].

    3.1 Event Sequence Analysis

    Event sequence analysis is a method used to identify the complex relation ships between

    accident-initiating events and detailed system responses. Event sequence diagrams

    (ESDs) are developed for each group of the initiating events. The ESD is an analytical

    tool intended to facilitate the collection and display of information required for the

    developing system of event trees. Its objective is to illustrate all possible success paths

    from a particular accident-initiating event to a safe shutdown condition.

    3.1.1 Success Criteria

    It is the criteria that have been developed for mitigating the events that constitute core

    damage. This is often done by adopting indirect criteria where core damage is assumed to

    occur following prolonged core uncovery, to the top of the core or over pressurization

    and these need to be differentiated for comprehensive analysis. This is often assumed for

    light water reactors but is not necessarily applicable for all reactor types. The safety

    functions that need to be performed to prevent core damage are to be identified for each

    of the initiating event groups. The safety functions required would typically include

    detection of the initiating event, reactor shutdown, residual heat removal, containment

    protection, etc. depending on the nature of the initiating event. The safety systems

    available to perform each of these safety functions have to be identified [10].

























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    The success criterion for each system is then determined, as the minimum level of

    performance required from the system, and expressed.

    3.2 System Modeling

    A general objective of risk assessment is to determine the susceptibility of a system or of

    groups of systems to condition of design, operation, test, and maintenance that could lead

    to failure. This objective can be realized through system modeling, for which a variety of

    analytical techniques can be used.

    The level of the PSA determines some of the factors that must be accounted for in the

    system models. Information on the elevation of a component, proximity to specific

    systems or components, or room location with in the plant is typical of the information

    needed for system model ling if floods, fires, earthquakes, or similar external hazards are

    to be properly addressed. Decisions also are required as to the level pf detail and the type

    of components to be included in the trees. Normally, passive failure of piping segments

    are omitted or lumped together. If the segments and information on their location are

    included. Figure 2 shows the generalized process of system fault tree modeling. A

    significant amount of system related information is generated during the plan-

    familiarization process. This information, along with specific system failure criteria

    developed for each of event tree heading forms the basis for the system modeling.

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    Figure 2: Generalized process of system modeling [6].

    The initial step is the definition of the top events for each fault tree, these must be

    consistent the appropriate event tree heading. When the top event has been clearly

    defined, the ground rules for analysis must be clearly specified. The system under

    analysis must be clearly defined and its boundaries and interfaces identified. The

    constraints and assumptions associated with analysis must be under stood and

    incorporated into the model 6].






    fault trees






    Fault tree








    Fault trees





    Of numerical




    3.3 Safety Functions

    The functions that must be performed to control the sources of energy the plant and the

    radiation hazard are called safety functions. The concept of safety functions forms the

    basis for selecting accident initiating events and delineating potential plant responses.

    Generally, safety functions are defined by a group of actions that prevent core melting,

    prevent containment failure ,or minimize radio nuclide release. Such actions can result

    from the automatic or manual actuation of a system, from passive system performance, or

    from the natural feedback inherent in the design of the plant [6].

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    For each IE, the safety functions that need to be performed in order to core damage is

    identified [3]. Nuclear power plant systems may be classified as "Frontline" and

    "Support" according to their service in an accident. Frontline systems are the engineered

    safety systems that deal directly with an accident while Support systems provide the

    services necessary for the frontline system to function [5]. The important safety functions

    are listed in table 3.

    3.3.1 Frontline systems

    Frontline systems are the engineered safety systems that deal directly with an accident in

    the plant. Examples of front line systems for a PWR are:

    Reactor protection system

    Core flood system

    High pressure injection/re-circulation system

    Low pressure injection/re-circulation system

    Reactor building spray injection/re-circulation system

    Reactor building cooling system

    Power conversion system

    Emergency feed water system

    Pressurizer safety relief valves

    3.3.2 Support systems

    The systems that are required for the proper functioning of the front line systems are

    termed support systems. Their performance as a safety function is indirect.

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    Table 4: Safety function and front line system corresponding to a particular initiating event.

    Initiating event Safety function Frontline systems

    LOCA Render reactor sub-


    Remove core decay heat

    Prevent containment over


    Scrub radioactive


    Reactor protection system

    High pressure injection systemLow pressure injection systemHigh pressure re-circulation system

    Core flood tanks

    Auxiliary feed water system

    Power conversion system

    Reactor building spray injection system

    Reactor building spray re-circulationsystem

    Reactor building spray fan cooling

    systemIce condensers

    Reactor building spray injection systemReactor building spray re-circulation

    systemIce condensers

    Transients Render reactor subcritical

    Remove core decay heat

    Prevent containment overpressure

    Scrub radioactive


    Reactor protection system

    Chemical volume and control

    High pressure injection System

    Auxiliary feed water system

    Power conversion system

    High pressure injection systemPower-operated relief valve

    Containment spray injection systemContainment spray re-circulation


    Containment spray fan cooling system

    Ice condensers

    Containment spray injection system

    Containment spray re-circulation

    systemIce condensers

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    4 Steam Generator Tube Rupture Event

    An SGTR event is a loss-of-coolant accident that results in a leakage of the primary

    coolant into the secondary side of one or more (SGs). This type of event poses several

    rather unique operational concerns such as: steaming of a ruptured SG results in offsite

    radiological doses, a continuous in-leakage results in SG overfill, and failure to reduce

    the differential pressure between the primary and secondary sides can result in the

    depletion of the borated water storage tank (BWST) inventory. A leakage rate of primary

    coolant would depend on the severity of tube rupture and may vary from several gallons

    per minute (gpm) in the case of a single tube failure, to several hundreds to thousands of

    gpm in the case of guillotine rupture of several tubes.

    The accident is assumed to take place at power with the reactor coolant contaminated

    with fission products corresponding to continuous operation with a limited amount of

    defective fuel rods. The accident leads to an increase in contamination of the secondary

    system due to leakage of radioactive coolant from the SRC. In the event of a coincident

    loss of offsite power, or failure of the condenser steam dump system, discharge of

    activity to the atmosphere takes place via the steam generator safety and/or poweroperated relief valves.

    Complete severance of a steam generator tube is considered a some what conservative

    assumption since the Incoloy 800 tube material is highly ductile. The more probable

    mode of tube failure would be one or more minor leaks of undetermined origin. Activity

    in the steamand power conservation system is subject to continuous surveillance and an

    accumulation of minor leaks which exceed the limits established in the technical

    specification is not permitted during the unit operation [8].

    In case of SGTR, plant conditions are defined in terms of general accident scenario and a

    five critical safety functions: primary pressure control, primary inventory control,

    secondary heat sink, secondary pressure control and secondary heat removal [11].

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    4.1 Purpose of analysis of SGTRThe analyses of steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) event are performed to evaluate the

    following scenarios [7]:

    An SGTR transient with leak rate less than normal makeup rate (less than a single

    tube rupture) and leak rate greater than normal makeup rate capacity,

    Steaming of both SG versus isolation of an affected SG,

    Breaks in both SGs,

    Off-site power available and loss of off-site power,

    Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) is an initiating event considered in PWRs

    only. In this project only one tube rupture in a steam generator is considered. Even

    though this is a very small loss of coolant accident (LOCA) the plant response is in

    general different from the very small LOCA case (due to filling of affected SG and

    eventually over pressurizing it) and, in addition, a path to bypass containment is created

    in this case, which makes this initiator unique [4].

    To estimate the core damage frequency, a small event tree and large fault tree PRA

    technique is used. The event trees are used to simulate the procedure, while the fault treesare used to simulate the systems called out in the event trees to prevent the core damage.

    The sequences are developed and quantified using the Integrated Reliability and Risk

    Analysis. Every effort is taken to eliminate conservative PRA modeling assumptions.

    For example, a "failure to depressurize" event is not assumed to result in fuel damage,

    given that high pressure injection (HPI) pump is available. Similarly, all the efforts are

    taken to preserve simplicity and understanding of the models by eliminating unwarranted

    complexity. The event trees are very large, complex, and consist of large number of

    sequences, e.g., 137 sequences for a less than single tube rupture event compared to 10 to

    15 sequences in a conventional SGTR event tree [9].

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    4.2 Future Tasks

    The future work would be totally dedicated to the detailed analysis of steam generator

    tube rupture (SGTR) event and to evaluate the operation of safety functions of Nuclear

    Power Plant system to mitigate this event. Safety function are analyzed under the headingof even tree header e.g. high pressure injection system, low pressure injection system,

    and residual heat removal system.

    The scope of the project that comprises the major part of the project, is quantification of

    the initiating event of steam generator tube rupture in a PWR core. The planning of the

    project for fifth semester would consist of following points:

    Use Of Risk Spectrum Professional

    To develop SGTR event tree

    To create respective fault trees

    Linking fault tree top gates to event tree headers

    Accident Sequence Analysis

    Accident Sequence Quantification

    Interpretation of Results

    Identification of most severe accident sequences and top minimal cut sets

    Contribution of SGTR in total CDF

    Discussion of results

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    5 Summary and Conclusions

    The objective of this study is to analyze Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR)

    initiating event using Event Tree Analysis (ETA). Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA)

    technique is used for identifying potential accident sequences and quantifying risk for

    evaluating contribution to Core Damage Frequency (CDF). A Level 1 PSA identifies the

    sequences of events that can lead to core damage, estimates the core damage frequency

    and provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the safety systems and

    procedures provided to prevent core damage. Level 2 PSA identifies the ways, in which

    radioactive releases from the plant while Level 3 PSA estimates public health and other

    societal risks such as contamination of land or food.

    An initiating event (IE) is a postulated event that could occur in a nuclear power plant. Itis an occurrence that creates a disturbance in a plant and has the potential to lead to core

    damage. Initiating events are categorized into LOCAs, transients and common cause

    failures. The several approaches for the selection of initiating events are engineering

    evaluation, deductive analysis, operational experiences and reference to previous lists.

    The initiating events are divided into groups to get rid of large number of events in a

    Nuclear Power Plant on the bases of same initiating conditions. Initiating events are

    grouped in such a way that all events in the same group impose essentially the same

    success criteria on the front line systems as well as the same special conditions. The

    integration of event trees and fault trees provides an analytical approach capable of

    handling the complexities associated with modeling potential accident sequences. It is a

    proved means for defining and under- standing plant design and operation in a manner

    that leads to the quantification of public risk. Quantification of the risk associated with a

    commercial nuclear power plant requires the delineation of a large number of possible

    accident sequences. A general objective of risk assessment is to determine the

    susceptibility of a system or of groups of systems to condition of design, operation, test,

    and maintenance that could lead to failure. This objective can be realized through system

    modeling, for which a variety of analytical techniques can be used. Safety functions are

    defined by a group of actions that prevent core melting, prevent containment failure, or

    minimize radio nuclide release, which are front line systems and support systems to

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    mitigate the particular event happened in the reactor. An SGTR event is a loss-of-coolant

    accident that results in a leakage of the primary coolant into the secondary side of one or

    more steam generators. The accident is assumed to take place at power with the reactor

    coolant contaminated with fission products corresponding to continuous operation with a

    limited amount of defective fuel rods.

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