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Early Identification of Hearing LossImportance of Early Intervention

Early Identification of Hearing Loss

Dr. Ghulam SaqulainM.B.B.S., D.L.O, F.C.P.S

Head of Department of E.N.TCapital Hospital

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Early Identification of HearingLoss is Important Because . . .

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Hearing loss is the mostcommon birth defect

3 of every 1,000 babies born have permanent HL

InvisibleAverage age of diagnosis was

~3 yrs. before babies were screened Some were as old as 5 to 6 yrs.

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Does EarlyIdentification of

Hearing Loss ReallyMatter?

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Yoshinaga-ItanoLandmark Studies

Children identified with hearing loss before 6 months And who receive appropriate intervention demonstrate:

–Better receptive and expressive language–Better expressive vocabulary–Better personal-social skills

And maintain those skills within normal limits

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When Hearing Loss isIdentified Early

More improvement in language scores for those with–Moderate hearing loss– Profound hearing loss

Less improvement in language scores for those with–Moderately-severe hearing loss–Severe hearing loss

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When Hearing Loss isIdentified EarlyMore improvement in speech/articulation

skills for those withModerateModerately-severeProfound hearing loss

Little improvement in speech/articulation skills for those withSevere hearing

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Why would children with severehearing loss have less benefit fromearly identification?

Less improvement in technology for this group

– Limitations of hearing aids:distance, noise

– Dependent on FM

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Data Differs from previous data

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Here’s what earlyidentification can do ;

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Universal Newborn HearingScreening (UNHS)

Screen babies before 1 month of ageDiagnose HL by 3 months of ageAppropriate intervention by 6 mos.Culturally-competent family supportAll newborns have “medical home”

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Early Identification of Hearing LossImportance of Early Intervention

Importance of Early Intervention

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Total Language by Severity of Hearing Loss Before and After UNHS

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Speech Percentile by Severity of Hearing Loss Before and After UNHS

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Expressive Language Scores

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Why Does it Still Take So Long to StartIntervention and to Fit Hearing Aids?

Grieving processHealth of baby Family crisisProgressive hearing lossOtologic clearanceMiddle ear problemsNot enough pediatric audiologistsLack of continuity of services

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Early Identification of Hearing Loss

Early Identification of Hearing LossProtocol of Hearing Assessment according

to age