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  • Medical Treatment of Depression 24 1

    In autogenic training, such responses (termed autogenic discharges) are not considered abnor- mal, and are thought to reflect the unloading of pent-up thoughts or muscular activity. A similar perspective is seen in many forms of meditation, where such anxiety is viewed as a too-rapid release, an unstressing, of emotional tension.

    Given the aversive nature of such responses, it is possible that relaxation-induced anxiety is a major contributor to the high dropout rate often seen in RT. However, in the hands of a skilled thera- pist, it may become a valuable part of ongoing training (as well as potentially useful in associated psychotherapy interventions) as the patient learns to relax and accept such experiences. Alternatively, the therapist can switch, at least initially, to a more structured form of relaxation (e.g., progressive muscle relaxation or biofeedback).


    1. Barlow DH: Cognitive-behavioral therapy for panic disorder. Current status. J Clin Psychiatry %(Supplement 2):32-37, 1997.

    2. Benson H: The Relaxation Response. New York, Morrow, 1975. 3. Borkovec TD, Mathews AM, Chambers A, et al: The effects of relaxation training with cognitive or nondirec-

    tive therapy and the role of relaxation-induced anxiety in the treatment of generalized anxiety. J Consult Clin Psycho1 55383-888, 1987.

    4. Craske MG, Barlow DH: Panic disorder and agoraphobia. In Barlow DH (ed): Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders, 2nd ed. New York, Guilford Press, 1993.

    5. Gatchel RJ, Blanchard EB (eds): Psychophysiological Disorders: Research and Clinical Applications. Washington, DC, American Psychological Association, 1993.

    6. Kabat-Zinn J, Maisson AO, Kristeller J, et al: Effectiveness of a meditation-based stress reduction program in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Am J Psychiatry 149:936-943, 1992.

    7. Lehrer PM, Carr R, Sargunaraj D, Woolfolk RL: Stress management technqiues: Are they all equivalent, or do they have specific effects? Biofeedback and Self-Regulation 19:353401, 1994.

    8. Murphy LR: Stress management in work settings: A critical review of the health effects. Am J Health Promo 11:112-135, 1996.

    9. Suinn RM: Anxiety Management Training: A Behavior Therapy. New York, Plenum Press, 1990.


    1. What symptoms are affected by antidepressant medications? Antidepressant medications exert their effects on the psychological and neurovegetative physi-

    cal symptoms of depressive illness. Psychological symptoms include feelings of sadness, hopeless- ness, helplessness, worthlessness, guilt, and suicidal ideation. Physical symptoms include lack of energy, trouble concentrating, insomnia or hypersomnia, appetite disturbance (with weight loss or, less commonly, weight gain), diminished interest and/or pleasure in daily activities, psychomotor agitation or retardation, diminished libido, increased anxiety and/or agitation, and impaired cogni- tive function.

    2. What are the factors in clinical presentation that suggest prescription of an antidepressant medication?

    The diagnosis of major depression-persistent presence of five or more of the above physical features together with psychological symptoms, for a period of 2 weeks-is a strong indication for prescribing antidepressant medications. Additionally, there is evidence that the persistent presence of psychological symptoms even in the absence of marked neurovegetative depressive features may be sufficient indication to prescribe antidepressant medications. Thus, patients with dysthymia also are candidates.

  • 242 Medical Treatment of Depression

    3. What do antidepressants accomplish? Antidepressant medications reverse the neurovegetative and psychological symptoms of depres-

    sion, restoring a sense of well-being and normal function, as existed prior to the onset of the depres- sive episode. Antidepressant medications typically take at least '2 weeks to begin exerting their therapeutic effects and may take up to 6 weeks at adequate dosage before full therapeutic effect occurs. They are not euphoriants and do not induce elevation of mood in the absence of a depressive disorder.

    Before beginning antidepressant medication, the clinician should establish that there is no or- ganic factor (such as anemia, frontal lobe tumor, or hypothyroidism), that is initiating and maintain- ing the depressive symptoms.

    4. How do antidepressants work? Current understanding suggests that they work by blocking the reuptake and degradation of im-

    portant neurotransmitters including serotonin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, enhancing their availability at the synaptic level. Thus, the transmission of neurochemical impulses in brain regions rich in noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons, which contribute to the regulation of neurovegetative and psychological function, is facilitated.

    Recent theories postulate that antidepressant medications mediate various intracellular signaling mechanisms that operate to increase or decrease specific neurotrophic factors. These factors are nec- essary for the functional viability of neuronal systems involved in the regulation of mood.

    5. Can antidepressants be used in conjunction with psychotherapy? Yes, and they are commonly used in this manner. Psychotherapy exerts its primary effect on the

    psychosocial and interpersonal adaptation of the patient, but has little impact on the neurovegetative symptoms of depression and is not effective for the treatment of severe depressive symptoms. Once a diagnosis of major depression is established, initiate antidepressant medications to afford relief of major depressive symptoms and supportive psychotherapy to enable maintenance of hope and a real- istic perspective. The psychotherapy should emphasize a psychoeducational approach, which includes teaching the patient how to marshal social support from family and others. Moreover, when the major symptoms of depression resolve, many patients find insight-oriented psychotherapy helpful in reducing stress by altering maladaptive patterns of behavior.

    Several studies suggest that the combination of antidepressant medication and psychotherapy is the most comprehensive and effective approach for resolving an acute depressive episode.

    6. What are the common antidepressant treatments? Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft),

    paroxetine (Paxil), citalopram (Celexa) Cyclic antidepressants: tricyclic antidepressants, such as imipramine (Tofranil) and

    amitriptyline (Elavil); heterocyclic or atypical antidepressants, such as amoxapine (Asendin), maprotiline (Ludiomil), bupropion (Wellbutrin), nefazodone (Serzone), trazodone (Desryl), mirtaza- pine (Remeron), venlafaxine (Effexor)

    Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors: phenelzine (Nardil), tranylcypromine (Painate), iso- carboxazid (Marplan)

    A novel antidepressant with a unique chemical structure, venlafaxine (Effexor), has been intro- duced within the past year. In addition to effects on neurotransmitters (see Question 4), this antide- pressant has dopamine-blocking properties.

    7. Comment further on SSRIs. SSRIs, developed in the mid-l980s, have become the most popular antidepressants in the world

    due to their relatively benign side-effect profile and relative safety in overdose. Citalopram (Celexa) is a useful alternative for the patient who has experienced intolerable side effects (see Question 1 1 ) on other SSRIs. Citalopram also exhibits limited medication interactions as it appears to have less

  • Medical Treatment of Depression 243

    effect than other SSRIs on the cytochrome P40 enzymes and, therefore, may be a useful choice for patients requiring pharmacologic treatment for medical conditions.

    8. Describe the cyclic antidepressants. The tricyclic antidepressants were first used in the early 1960s and subsequently were the stan-

    dard in the field for many years. The heterocyclic antidepressants, reflecting a variation from the classic tricyclic molecular structure, have found a specific role in selected circumstances. They were introduced throughout the 1970s and 1980s. Each of these agents has specific clinical features that may be advantageous in specific circumstances:

    Amoxapine has significant dopamine blocking properties and may play a particular role in the treatment of psychotic depression.

    Trazodone has highly sedating properties and often is useful in the treatment of depressed pa- tients with insomnia. It also is used in low dosage (25-50 mg in the evening) in conjunction with SSRI antidepressants, which usually are activating, to induce insomnia.

    Bupropion is a highly stimulating antidepressant, which may be of particular value in bipolar patients in the depressed phase of illness. Some clinical studies have suggested that it induces mania or hypomania less frequently than other antidepressants.

    Nefazodone is a less activating antidepressant with significant anxiolytic properties. It may be a useful choice in the anxious depressive who develops insomnia on standard SSRIs.

    Mirtazapine enhances central noradrenergic and 5-HT, transmission while blocking 5HT2 and 5HT3 receptors. It may be helpful in underweight patients, as weight gain and increased appetite can be associated with this medication.

    9. What is the relationship between M A 0 inhibitors and tyramine? The MA0 antidepressants also were discovered over 20 years ago but fell out of popularity for a

    time because of adverse reactions, often severe and occasionally (rarely) fatal, involving ingestion of tyramine-containing foods. Prevention of this adverse side effect requires a special tyramine-free diet.

    10. What do the antidepressants have in common? Similar rates of response to all antidepressant drugs have been documented. Antidepressant

    medications may not be fully effective before 6 weeks of administration at adequate dosage, al- though most treatment-responsive patients show a response 2-3 weeks into the treatment course. The choice of antidepressant is predicated on factors specific to the particular patient, such as toler- ance to specific side effects, and previous history of response to a given antidepressant.

    11. What are the common side effects of antidepressant treatment?

    PharmacoloRy of Antidepressant Medications __ ~~ DRUG MOST COMMON SIDE EFFECTS

    Tricyclics Aniitriptyline Clomipramine Desipramine Doxepin Imipramine Nortriptyline

    Heterocyclics Amoxapine Bupropion Maprotiline Trazodone Nefazodone

    Anticholinergic side effects predominate: dry mouth, constipation, drowsiness, orthostatic hypotension, urinary hesitancy. Weight gain excessive sweating, increased intraocular pressure may occur. Side effects vary within group. Amitriptyline and clomipramine are most anticholinergic; desipramine and nortriptyline are least anticholinergic.

    Amoxapine may induce mild parkinsonian symptoms. Bupropion may be associated with agitation, insomnia, and seizures. Trazodone is highly sedating, and has been associated with priapism in males. Maprotiline is sedating.

    Table continued on following page

  • 244 Medical Treatment of Depression

    Pharmacology of Antidepressant Medications (Cont.) DRUG

    SSRIs Fluoxetine Paroxetine Sertraline Citalopram

    Mixed reuptake blockers Venlafaxine (Effexor)

    Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant

    Mirtazapine M A 0 inhibitors

    Isocarboxazid Phenelzine Trany lcypromine


    Insomnia, agitation, headache, and GI upset, typically nausea and cramp- ing. Fluoxetine generally more activating (akethesia) than other SSRIs. Sertraline may have more pronounced GI side effects. Paroxetine has mild anticholinergic properties and may cause mild dry mouth.

    SSRI-like side effects include agitation, nausea, headache, and GI distress. Hypertension may occur over time; ongoing BP monitoring required.

    Weight gain, sedation.

    Orthostatic hypotension, weight gain, adverse interactions with tyramine- containing foods. Adverse food interaction characterized by throbbing headache and BP elevation, with marked pressor response. Tranylcy- promine activating; may induce insomnia. Phenelzine sedating; has a greater effect on (lowers) blood pressure.

    12. Discuss antidepressant effects on sexual function. Cyclic antidepressants, SSRI antidepressants, and MA0 inhibitors are not uncommonly associ-

    ated with sexual dysfunction, including diminished libido, delayed ejaculation, and anorgasmia. These side effects are much less likely to occur with bupropion, and are probably less likely to occur with mirtazapine and nefazodone. Helpful strategies for countering sexual side effects include low- ering doses of antidepressant if possible, considering drug suspension for 1-2 days prior to sexual activity, or adding counteracting medicines, typically stimulants, such as yohimbine 5.4 mg qd, or the serotonin antagonist cyproheptadine, which is taken 30 minutes before sexual activity.

    13. How might these medications affect weight? Weight gain may be encountered with cyclic antidepressants and MA0 inhibitors, but is less

    likely with SSRIs. Weight loss has been reported with the use of SSRIs; thus, they should be used with caution in the treatment of anorectic or underweight patients.

    14. What are possible neurologic side effects? Neurologic side effects include an approximate 1 % risk of induction of seizures. This risk is as-

    sociated with elevated antidepressant blood levels, and is more commonly associated with tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and bupropion as compared to SSRls and MA0 inhibitors. Mild myoclonus and toxic confusional states, particularly in the elderly, also may be encountered, particularly with elevated blood levels of TCAs.

    15. Describe potential cardiologic side effects. Cardiovascular side effects of antidepressant medications include orthostatic hypotension, commonly

    seen with TCAs, MA0 inhibitors, and bazodone. Among the TCAs, nortriptyline (Pamelor, Aventyl) and desipramine (Norpramin) induce less orthostatic hypotension. In patients with sinus node dysfunction, treatment with TCAs may on occasion induce bradyarrhythmias. Therapeutic concentrations of TCAs may lengthen the QT interval, which predisposes to the development of ventricular tachycardia.

    Cardiovascular side effects are less commonly observed with the SSRI antidepressants, as well as mirtazapine, nefazodone, and venlafaxine. Venlafaxine may contribute to essential hypertension, particularly at high doses (greater than 225 mg/qd), and monitoring of blood pressure is required.

    16. Which antidepressants have side effects especially worth noting? Bupropion is quite activating and is associated with less sexual dysfunction than other antidepres-

    sants, but it has a tendency to induce insomnia and in high doses has caused a significant incidence of

  • Medical Treatment of Depression 245

    seizures in underweight patients. Trazodone has been associated with priapism in males, yet in low doses is often used adjunctively with SSRI antidepressants to facilitate sleep. Mirtazapine may be associated with weight gain in some patients, and at lower doses is often sedating.

    17. What is important to remember about MA0 inhibitors? At least 2 weeks must elapse after discontinuation of other antidepressant medication prior to

    the initiation of treatment with MA0 inhibitors. For long half-life SSRIs such as fluoxetine (Prozac), 6 medication-free weeks must elapse prior to initiating MA0 inhibitor treatment.

    18. What factors influence the choice of antidepressant medications? Since all antidepressants are equally effective in clinical trials, factors specific to a given patient

    influence choice of antidepressant. Depressive illness is heterogeneous in symptom expression, and individual patients exhibit dif-

    ferent side effect patterns and treatment responses. If a patient has had an excellent response to a specific antidepressant in the past, it likely is the best choice for future administration. Similarly, if there is a history of a first-degree relative having had an excellent response to an antidepressant, the likelihood of the patient having a good response is enhanced.

    In addition, antidepressant side effects are an important consideration. If a patient has insomnia, an antidepressant with sedative properties is advantageous. Conversely, if a patient is experiencing lethargy and hypersomnia, a more activating antidepressant is helpful. Antidepressants that induce orthostatic hy- potension should be avoided in the management of patients at risk for falls, such as the elderly.

    Another factor is safety in overdose. The SSRIs and nefazodone, venlafaxine, bupropion, and mir- tazapine have a clear advantage in this regard as they are substantially safer in overdose than other antide- pressants, especially TCAs. Ingestion of 2000 mg of a TCA (a 10-day supply of 200 mg/qd) can be fatal.

    19. How might antidepressant medications be combined? Combination with adjunctive medications, such as lithium carbonate 600-1200 mg qd, or tri-

    iodothyronine 25-50 mcg qd, can enhance efficacy. In some treatment-resistant patients, combinations of antidepressant medications such as low-dose Prozac 10-20 mg qd and low-dose desipramine 25-50 mg qd may be considered, provided that antidepressant blood levels are carefully monitored, as toxic levels of desipramine can result due to medication interactions. Clinicians often combine SSRl antidepressants with bupropion, mirtazapine, or mirtazapine plus bupropion. Busipirone (Buspar) also can be used synergistically with antidepressant medication.

    20. Are there specific types of depression that respond more consistently to specific antide- pressant treatments?

    Yes. While all antidepressants are equally effective in general, specific subtypes of depressive dis- order appear to respond preferentially to different antidepressant treatments. These subtypes include:

    Atypical depression Psychotic depression Melancholia

    Manic-depressive illness

    Mujor Depressive Disorder Subgroups ESSENTIAL DIAGNOSTIC



    Psychotic Delusions More likely to be Hallucinations bipolar than non-

    psychotic types; may be misdiag- nosed as schizo- phrenia

    Antipsychotic plus antidepressant more effective treatment than antidepressant- alone

    ECT highly effective



    Usually a recurrent illness

    Subsequent episodes usually psychotic

    Psychosis affect conso- nant in depressed patients

    Patients with mood incongruent features- have poorer prognosis

    continued on following page

  • 246 Medical Treatment of Depression

    Major Depressive Disorder Subgroups (Cont.) ESSENTIAL DIAGNOSTIC TREATMENT PROGNOSTIC






    Anhedonia Unreactive mood Severe vegeta-

    tive depressive symptoms

    Reactive mood Overeating and

    oversleeping Rejection sensi-

    tivity Waves of fatigue Prominent anxiety

    and irritability

    Can be misdiag- nosed as dementia; more common in elderly patients

    Patients tend to be

    May be misdiag- younger

    nosed as personal- ity disorder

    Onset in low-light More frequent in months nonequatorial


    Acute onset (

  • Medical Treatment of Depression 247

    antidepressants in the treatment of psychotic depression. Increasingly, the novel neuroleptic, risperi- done (Risperdal), 1-3 mg qd, is added. For patients with bipolar tendencies, consider olanzapine (Zyprexa) 5 mg qd, as it appears to have mood-stabilizing as well as anti-psychotic characteristics.

    24. Which medications are best for manic-depressive illness? Many clinicians feel that the antidepressant bupropion is a superior choice for the treatment of

    manic-depressive patients in the depressed phase of their illness, because it is less likely to induce mania than other antidepressants. Limited data suggests that paroxetine (Paxil) also is less likely to induce mania. Avoid TCAs because they are most likely to induce mania.

    25. Which personality disorder traits respond best to which antidepressants? Clinical trials currently underway suggest that SSRI antidepressants may have specific benefits

    in depressed patients with a proclivity towards inappropriate anger and impulsivity. Indeed, SSRIs reduce impulsivity and inappropriate anger in nondepressed patients with borderline or antisocial personality disorder.

    26. True or false: In higher doses, SSRI antidepressants are highly effective for the treatment of OCD symptoms.

    True. Fluvoxamine (Luvox) is specifically marketed in the U.S. with an OCD indication. The antidepressant clomipramine (Ananfranil) has specific beneficial effects on OC symptoms and may be a preferential choice for patients with depression and associated OCD or OC symptoms.

    27. Is phototherapy helpful in depression? In some patients who experience depression during low-light months, 30 minutes of bright,

    white artificial light in the morning and/or evening hours can reduce symptoms. Phototherapy-re- sponsive patients also may respond to antidepressant medication, and the two can be used in combi- nation. Phototherapy generally is not associated with side effects, but some patients report irritability, insomnia, or increased anxiety during the course of treatment, particularly if photother- apy is combined with antidepressant medication.

    28. When should electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) be considered? When the patient has failed to respond to several antidepressant medication trials. When the patient is experiencing threatening acute symptoms such as intense suicidal pres-

    sure, food refusal, or catatonic stupor, which require a rapid antidepressant response. ECT can be ef- fective within days (antidepressants commonly require 2-3 weeks).

    When the patient has agitation and/or psychotic symptoms, characterized by delusions or hal- lucination.

    When antidepressant medications are associated with unacceptable side effects. When the patient has a history of a positive response to previous ECT treatments. When the patient has a medical condition that precludes the use of antidepressants.

    29. Is ECT an adjunct to antidepressants? During the course of ECT, antidepressant medication treatment is suspended, although low-dose

    antianxiety medication may be used. High-dose antianxiety medications may interfere with the effi- cacy of ECT.

    30. Is ECT effective? ECT has shown a high rate of success in patients exhibiting marked neurovegetative symptoms, in-

    cluding marked agitation or psychomotor retardation, and in patients with psychotic depression. ECT has an excellent safety profile and rapid onset of action. There are no absolute contraindications. However, ECT causes a transient elevation in blood pressure, heart rate, cardiac workload, and blood-brain barrier permeability. Therefore, it should be considered with caution in patients with recent myocardial infarc- tion, cardiac arrhythmias, and intracranial space-occupying lesions; consultation is advised.

  • 248 Medical Treatment of Depression

    31. Describe the side effects of ECT. The most common side effects are a transient postictal confusional state and anterograde and

    retrograde periods of memory disturbance, which may take 2-3 weeks to resolve after completion of the course of ECT. Therapy usually consists of three treatments per week for up to 4 weeks. Recent advances in ECT instrumentation have reduced cognitive side effects and permitted some patients to be treated as out-patients, with careful day program andor family monitoring.

    32. Can electrode placement affect results? Yes. There are two standard electrode placement positions, unilateral nondominant hemisphere

    placement and bilateral electrode placement, which utilizes a bitemporal positioning. Generally, bi- lateral electrode placement is reserved for patients who fail to respond optimally to unilateral treat- ment. A disadvantage of bilateral treatments is that they cause somewhat more confusion and transient memory impairment than unilateral treatments.

    33. Are there any new approaches to treating depression somatically? An experimental alternative to ECT, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), currently is being

    evaluated in clinical research trials. This treatment involves highly topographically selective mild electrical stimulation of the left anterolateral prefrontal cortex. It does not require general anesthesia and has few side effects. TMS shows promise as an antidepressant treatment. It remains to be seen whether it will be a viable alternative to ECT.

    34. How successful is pharmacologic treatment of depression? Initial pharmacologic interventions are ineffective in 20-30% of patients with a major depres-

    sive disorder. The most common factors are inadequacy of dosage and treatment duration and failure to detect and treat a coexisting medical or psychiatric disorder. The duration of treatment required before a medication trial can be ruled a failure is 6 weeks. Blood levels of antidepressant medication can be assessed for adequacy of dosage, although appropriate levels are not precisely established for every antidepressant medication.

    35. What steps should be taken if a medication fails? If a patient does not respond to an antidepressant medication despite adequate dosage and suffi-

    cient duration, other interventions are required. Reassess possible medical factors contributing to treatment resistance. Rule out comorbid psychiatric conditions including anxiety disorders, alcohol or substance abuse, neuropsychiatric disorders, and personality disorders. Identify chronic psy- chosocial stressors as potential complicating factors. (See flow chart on facing page.)

    Assuming none of the above issues is operative, possible modification of antidepressant treat- ment could include:

    Changing to an alternate class of antidepressant medication. Using adjunctive medications to boost antidepressant response. Using combinations of antidepressant medications. Considering the use of ECT as a treatment alternative.

    36. What might changing to an alternate class of antidepressant involve? Three options are: using an SSRI if a TCA has failed, switching to a mixed agent such as ven-

    lafaxine (Effexor), and considering an M A 0 inhibitor. Many clinicians combine a low dose of a TCA such as desipramine, 30 mg qd, with an SSRI medication such as sertraline (Zoloft), 100 mg qd. Take care to use low doses of TCAs for these purposes, as medication interactions with SSRI antidepressants drive up TCA blood levels. Alternative antidepressants including nefazodone and mirtazapine warrant consideration as options.

    Note that serious adverse reactions can occur if SSRI and MA0 inhibitor medications are com- bined; therefore, a waiting period of up to 6 weeks is required before beginning an MA0 inhibitor following a trial of a long-half-life SSRI agent such as fluoxetine.

  • Medical Treatment of Depression

    f Clearly I imDroved Better 4 If no benefits No Rc D/C Llthium


    SSRll TCN Others

    Ensure Adequate Dose and Time

    Measure plasma level when appropriate

    JI JI I

    4 i 4 .1

    Clearly Better Partial Response No Response

    Continued Treatment Continue antidepressant Change antidrepressant Add: Lithium Carbonate class,s ).,MA01

    (after eppw '8 waking time) Use Blood Level to Adjust Dose

    (25 P@Y)



    Continue treatment for at least 6 months Consider indefinite

    maintenance if history of recurrent depression

    Depending on symptoms, consider 1. antipsychotic agent

    3. add: carbamazepine 4. ECT

    2. change class

    Flow chart for approaching treatment-resistant depression

    37. Which adjunctive medications can boost antidepressant response? Commonly added are: lithium carbonate, in a standard dosage of 300 mg tid; Cytomel (T3),

    25-50 mcg; or low doses of stimulants such as methylphenidate (Ritalin), 5-10 mg qd. Some clini- cians add busipirone (Buspar), a serotonergic antianxiety medication, to an antidepressant regimen to enhance antidepressant response. Hormonal treatments, such as estrogen in women, are less well established as adjunctive agents.

    38. Describe some antidepressant combinations that may be helpful. Treatment-resistant patients may respond to a low-dose SSRI plus a low-dose TCA, typically

    fluoxetine, 10-20 mg qd, with desipramine, 10-20 mg qd. Also consider bupropion (Wellbutrin), ne- fazodone (Serzone), mirtazapine (Remeron), and venlafaxine (Effexor), all of which have slightly different biochemical properties from the SSRIs. Combinations of these agents, e.g., combining bupropion with nefazodone or mirtazapine, may be tried. In treatment-refractory cases, combina- tions such as bupropion and mirtazapine, or bupropion and nefazodone, can be helpful.

    Note that it is less optimal to combine two simulating or two sedating antidepressants, and it is inadvisable to combine any antidepressant with an MA0 inhibitor. A 2-week washout period is recommended before beginning an alternative antidepressant trial following a failed MA0 in- hibitor trial.

  • 250 Medical Treatment of Depression

    39. When is electroconvulsive therapy an alternative approach? ECT is an option in treatment-resistant patients failing to respond to any of the interventions

    above. Approximately 50% of medication-resistant patients exhibit a positive response to ECT. The novel antidepressant venlafaxine, which acts on both noradrenergic and serotonergic neuronal sys- tems, has shown promise in a subgroup of patients who have responded to other antidepressants. Venlafaxine generally is well tolerated, but has a spectrum of side effects (e.g., nausea, insomnia, and anxiety) similar to to the SSRIs.

    40. Describe the phases of treatment with antidepressant medication. Antidepressant treatment can be divided into three phases: acute treatment, which occurs in the

    initial stages of a depressive episode; continuation treatment, which covers the 6 months following the acute phase; and maintenance treatment, or chronic preventive treatment.

    41. When is maintenance treatment appropriate? Increasing evidence suggests that patients who have had three or more major depressive

    episodes, or histories of chronic low-grade depressive symptomatology are candidates for mainte- nance antidepressant medication. Note that adequate dosage is an important factor in effective pro- phylaxis of depression; thus, full dosage of medications should be administered for maintenance treatment. If a patient has had one initial depressive episode and does not exhibit any of the risk fac- tors (see Questions 1 and 2 ) , treatment should be continued for 6 months to 1 year prior to attempt- ing a gradual tapering of antidepressant medication.

    Decisions regarding precisely when to taper medication are best made collaboratively by the pa- tient and doctor, with full consideration of the patients life circumstances, including the likelihood of a recurrent episode of depression.

    42. Why is tapering important? Withdrawal symptoms may occur with the abrupt discontinuation of antidepressant medications.

    Withdrawal symptoms include feelings of malaise, agitation, lightheadedness, confusion, and increased dysphoria. The likelihood of withdrawal phenomena occurring is most pronounced with short-half-life antidepressants such as paroxetine (Paxil) as compared to long-half-life medications such as fluoxe- tine (Prozac). As a precaution, all antidepressants should be tapered over several days, if possible.

    43. What are the risks of long-term treatment with antidepressants? There are no well established long-term risks associated with chronic administration of antide-

    pressant medications. Monitoring of cardiac status in the elderly by obtaining serial electrocardio- grams and episodic assessment of liver function tests is recommended. Chronic administration of lithium carbonate requires periodic assessment (q 6-12 months unless symptomatic) of CBC with differential, thyroid tests, and measures of renal function including urine concentrating capacity fol- lowing water restriction.

    Since an increasing number of patients require maintenance antidepressant treatment, problems necessitating treatment modification may become more common simply due to the time factor. For example, the development of coronary vascular disease may lead to a risk of arrhythmia, and an al- ternative antidepressant with less cardiac toxicity, such as an SSRI, may be necessary.

    44. What other psychiatric conditions commonly influence the medical treatment of depression? It is crucial to have a high index of awareness of other psychiatric conditions that can influence

    and adversely affect the treatment of depressive disorder. These include: Substance abuse, particularly alcoholism Anxiety disorders, including panic disorder Personality disorders, most commonly borderline personality disorder Dementia superimposed on depression (The elderly are especially sensitive to the adverse cog-

    Temporal lobe epilepsy and neurologic conditions impacting the frontal lobes (particularly the nitive side effects of antidepressant medication.)

    left anterolateral prefrontal cortex)

  • Medical Treatment of Depression 25 I

    45. What common medication interactions can influence antidepressant treatment? Antidepressants can potentiate the sedative and central nervous system effects of a variety of

    medications, including antihistamines, barbiturates, and anticonvulsants. Do not use barbiturates with M A 0 inhibitors-this is a potentially fatal combination. TCA blood levels can be increased sharply with concomitant usage of SSRIs. M A 0 inhibitors and SSRI antidepressants should never be combined, as a potentially fatal serotonergic syndrome may occur. Many antidepressants can inhibit enzyme systems involved in the breakdown of common medications such as warfarin and digoxin. Citalopram (Celexa) appears to have less effect than other SSRIs on the P450 family of en- zymes and thus may be favored in the medically complicated patient.

    Carefully investigate medication interactions !

    46. What are the treatment implications of concurrent general medical disorders? Sympathomimetic agents, such as bronchodilators for asthma, must be avoided in patients on

    M A 0 inhibitors. Additionally, patients on M A 0 inhibitors should never be given meperidine, as fatal drug interaction may occur.

    Patients with cardiac disease, including subclinical sinus node conduction disease or a history of ventricular arrhythmia, are best treated with bupropion, fluoxetine, sertraline, or ECT as opposed to TCAs.

    Patients with dementia, given their vulnerability to adverse cognitive side effects of anticholiner- gic antidepressants, do well with low doses of antidepressants. If TCAs are to be used, low-dose de- sipramine or nortriptyline, which have minimal anticholinergic properties compared to other TCAs, are advised. Bupropion, fluoxetine, or trazodone with lower anticholinergic effects may be preferable.

    Narrow angle glaucoma is a relative contraindication to anticholinergic antidepressants. Obstructive uropathy usually secondary to prostatism mitigates against the use of highly an-

    timuscarinic antidepressants. SSRI antidepressants, desipramine, or bupropion are advised in this circumstance.

    Severe depression in pregnancy can be safely treated with ECT. The relative risk (particularly in the first trimester of pregnancy) of inducing birth defects, versus the benefits of antidepressant medication, should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Accumulating evidence supports the view that fluoxetine also is quite safe in pregnancy.


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    3. Ayd Jr F: Nefazadone: The latest FDA-approved antidepressant. International Drug Therapy Newsletter

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    48. ANTIPSYCHOTIC MEDICATIONS Herbert T. Nagamoto, M . D

    1. What are antipsychotic medications? Antipsychotic medications are used to treat psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia

    and other conditions. Symptoms may include hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, thought broadcast- ing, catatonia, bizarre behavior, and associated symptoms such as hypervigilance, agitation, and irr- tability. Typical antipsychotic medications also have neurologic side effects, leading to the alternate designation of neuroleptics (of the neuron). Antipsychotic medications are divided into typical agents, which are similar to haloperidol, and atypical agents, as exemplified by clozapine, which have different therapeutic and side-effect profiles and a different mechanism of action. This is a rapidly evolving area of psychopharmacology, and the newer atypical antipsychotic agents increas- ingly are used as first-line agents (see Question 21).

    2. List the different typical antipsychotic medications by chemical class, specifying relative potency in chlorpromazine equivalents and usual range of daily oral dose.

    Potency and Range of Oral Dose of Neuroleptics APPROXIMATE AMOUNT (MG) OF



    Piperazine Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)

    Fluphenazine (Permitil,

    Perphenazine (Trilafon) Prochlorperazine (Compazine) Trifluoperazine (Stelazine)


    I00 25-2000

    2 1 4 0

    10 4-64 IS 15-150 5 2-40

    Table continued on following page