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Curriculum Vitae

Tianxiang He (China P. R. 1984) is Assistant Professor at the School of Law, CityUniversity of Hong Kong. Dr. He holds an LL.B. degree (Huaqiao University,China, 2007) and a Master degree in International Law (Jinan University, China,2009). Dr. He received his degree of Ph.D. in IP law at Maastricht University (TheNetherlands, 2016), where he was Researcher at the Department of Internationaland European Law, and Ph.D. Fellow at Institute for Globalization and InternationalRegulation (IGIR), and another Ph.D. degree in Criminal Law at RenminUniversity of China (2017).

From August 2012 to July 2013, Dr. He worked in the Research Center of for theLegal Systems of Intellectual Property of Waseda University as a visitingresearcher, with the Japan Foundation Fellowship on the research title of “Fansubsand Copyright Protection Levels: A case study into the ANIME Industry of Japan”,under the supervision of Prof. Takabayashi Ryu. In Europe, the Ius CommuneResearch School conferred to him an Honorable Mention in the Ius Commune Prize2014.

As of 1st August 2016, Dr. He is working as Assistant Professor in School ofLaw, City University of Hong Kong, in which he is responsible for teachingsubjects such as IP law and criminal law. Dr. He is also acting as an ExternalFellow in IGIR, Maastricht University.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017T. He, Copyright and Fan Productivity in China,DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-6508-8




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University of Pennsylvania PressBauerlein M (2008) The dumbest generation: how the digital age stupefies young Americans and

jeopardizes our future (or, don’t trust anyone under 30). Jeremy P. Tarcher/PenguinBenkler Y (2006) The wealth of networks: how social production transforms markets and freedom.

Yale University PressBlackstone W (1893) Commentaries on the laws of England in four books. J. B. Lippincott

Company, PhiladelphiaBoyle J (2008) The public domain: enclosing the commons of the mind. Yale University Press.Bush S (1971) The Chinese literati on painting; Su Shih (1037–1101) to Tung Ch’i-ch’ang (1555–

1636). Harvard University PressDecherney P (2012) Hollywood’s copyright wars: from Edison to the internet. Columbia

University PressDratler J (2001) Licensing of intellectual property. Law Journal Seminars-PressFairbank JK, Goldman M (2006) China: a new history, 2nd enl. edn. Belknap Press of Harvard

University PressFisher WW (2014) Promises to keep: technology, law, and the future of entertainment. Stanford

Law and PoliticsGanea P et al (2005) Japanese copyright law: writings in honour of Gerhard Schricker. In: Ganea P

et al (ed) Kluwer Law InternationalGoldstein P (2003) Copyright’s highway: from Gutenberg to the celestial jukebox. Stanford

University PressGoldstein P (2013) Goldstein on copyright, 3rd edn. Wolters Kluwer Law & BusinessGoldstein P, Hugenholtz PB (2013) International copyright: principles, law, and practice, 3rd edn.

Oxford University PressGuan W (2014) Intellectual property theory and practice: a critical examination of China’s trips

compliance and beyond. Springer, BerlinGuy RK (1987) The emperor’s four treasuries: scholars and the state in the late Ch’ien-lung era.

Harvard University Asia Center

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017T. He, Copyright and Fan Productivity in China,DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-6508-8


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Huang R (1997) China: a macro history, M.E. Sharpe Turn of the century ednIngulsrud JE, Allen K (2009) Reading Japan cool: patterns of manga literacy and discourseJenkins H (1992) Textual poachers: television fans & participatory culture. RoutledgeJenkins H (2006a) Convergence culture: where old and new media collide. New York University

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Book Contributions

Berry M (2013) Chinese cinema with Hollywood characteristics, or how the Karate Kid became aChinese film. In: Rojas C (ed) The Oxford handbook of Chinese cinemas

Bollmann T (2010) He-romance for her—Yaoi, BL and Shounen-ai. In: Niskanen E(ed) Imaginary Japan: Japanese fantasy in contemporary popular culture

Brokaw CJ (2005) On the history of the book in China. In: Brokaw CJ, Chow K (eds) Printing andbook culture in late imperial China

Chan JM (2009) Toward television regionalization in greater China and beyond. In: Zhu Y,Berry C (eds) TV China

Chu DSC (2012) Fanatical labor and serious leisure: a case of fansubbing in China. In: Lee FLF(ed) Frontiers in new media research. Routledge

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Oberholzer-Gee F, Strumpf K (2010) File sharing and copyright. In: Lerner J, Stern S(eds) Innovation policy and the economy

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Perkins DH (1991) China’s economic policy and performance. In: Twitchett DP, Fairbank JK(eds) The Cambridge History of China, vol 15, The People’s Republic, Part 2: revolutionswithin the Chinese revolution 1966–1982

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