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40’s & 50’s DomesticI. Postwar economy booms

A. Demobilization

1. out of the depression

2. Economy starts to build

B. GI Bill

1. Low-interest mortgages

a. Spurred demand for housing

2. Loans for college

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40’s & 50’s Domestic

C. Baby Boom Generation

1. Phenomenal population growth

2. Helped Sustain prosperity

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40’s & 50’s DomesticII. Expanding Consumer Culture


1. Mainstay of life

B. Automobile

1. Highways

2. Suburbs

a. Mass produced housing

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Aerial view of Levittown before construction

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Levittown aerial view after construction

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40’s & 50’s DomesticIII. Conforming Consumer Culture

A. Corporate Life

1. Conform for the company

B. Women’s Role

1. Traditional

C. Beats

1. young men (writers, poets, artists) who rebelled against conformity

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Women in the 50's          

The following is from a 1950's Home Economics textbook intended for High School girls, teaching them how to prepare for married life. Maybe after reading this, all you women out

there will understand your Mothers and/or Grandmothers a lil' bit better.

1.Have dinner ready: Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready, on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you have been thinking about him, and are concerned about his needs. Most men are

hungry when they come home and the prospects of a good meal are part of the warm welcome needed. Some men like a drink before dinner, if so, plan to keep

the meal warm, and not burn anything while he finishes his drink.

2.Prepare yourself: Take 15 minutes to rest so you will be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people. Be a little gay and a little more interesting. His boring day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it.

Remember too that the women who are in the work force are usually well-dressed and single, and probably looking for a husband.

3.Clear away the clutter: Make one last trip through the main part of the house just before your husband arrives, gathering up school books, toys, paper, etc. Then run a dust cloth over the tables. Your husband will feel he has reached a

haven of rest and order, and after all it will provide you with immense personal satisfaction.

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4. Prepare the children: Take a few minutes to wash the children's hands and faces if they are too young to do so themselves. Comb their hair, and if necessary, change their clothes. They are his little treasures and he would like to see them playing the

part. Caution the children that while discussion is welcome at the dinner table, unpleasant squabbles or disputes should wait until a later time.

5. Minimize the noise: At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise of washer or dryer. Make sure all appliances, such as the vacuum are properly put away. Try to

encourage the children to be quiet. Be happy to see him. Greet him with a warm smile and be glad to see him.

6. Avoid Using the Phone: Should anyone telephone you before/during/after dinner, politely advise them you'll return their call after doing the dinner dishes.

7. Things to Avoid: Don't greet him with problems or complaints. Don't complain if he's late for dinner and didn't have time to call. Count this as minor compared with

what he might have gone through that day.

8. Make him comfortable: Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or suggest he lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him. Arrange his pillow and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soft, soothing and pleasant

voice. Allow him to relax and unwind, either before or after dinner.

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9. Questions: Don’t ask him questions about his actions or question his judgment or integrity. Remember, he is the master of the house and as such

will always exercise his will with fairness and truthfulness. You have no right to question him.

10. Listen to him: You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first. Remember, his topics

of conversation are more important than yours.

11. Stress the Positive: Plan to inform your husband of the positive events of the day; include the children's accomplishments.

12. Make the evening his: Never complain if he does not take you out to dinner or to other places of entertainment; instead try to understand his world of

strain and pressure and his need to be home and relax.

13. The Goal: Try to make your home a place of peace and order where your husband can relax and enjoy himself.

A good wife always knows her place.

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40’s & 50’s DomesticD. The McCarthy Era

1. Joseph McCarthy

a. Wisconsin Senator

b. Accused state department of having communists

c. Had a list of 205

d. Accused Democrats

e. McCarthy-Army Hearing

E. The Red Hunt goes on

1. Blacklisting

2. Hollywood Ten

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