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4 Ways You Can Begin Personalizing Your Email Marketing

by New York Ave.

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Seth Godwin described email as “The most personal advertising medium in history.”Most business owners and marketers understand that email marketing is important, but they may not realize the importance of personalizing the content in the emails.

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Personalizing email has always been a challenge for businesses. What works? What doesn’t?To help you get started by putting the right foot forward, we’ve put together 4 helpful ways you can utilize to begin personalizing your email marketing.

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Collect the Right Information1

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Collect the Right Information1

If your business isn’t collecting customer information, it’s time to start now. At the very least, you should have first and last name, email address, and physical address.

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Collect the Right Information1

You can accomplish quite a bit of personalization with just this info, but ideally you should make an attempt to collect more personal information like birthday and gender.

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Collect the Right Information1

Collecting additional information about your subscribers will help you further personalize your email marketing and segment your lists in the future.

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Make the Information Count2

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Make the Information Count2

As simple as it sounds, one of the most effective things you can do to personalize your email is to place the recipient's name in the subject line or within the content.

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Make the Information Count2

As inboxs become more and more cluttered, a subject line that says “Christmas Deals for Katherine” is more likely to get opened by Katherine than something generic.

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Make the Information Count2

Take the time to set up and send email messages to your subscribers on their birthday or anniversary and include an offer you know they’ll love.

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Use Third Party Tools3

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Use Third Party Tools3

You can collect information manually and build targeted lists in-house, but a more effective use of your time is to use a third-party tool that will help keep it organized.

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Use Third Party Tools3

Third party email services such as MailChimp, CampaignMonitor, and ConstantContact can extract specific subscriber info and use it to personalize emails.

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Use Third Party Tools3

Using third party tools not only saves time, but they typically offer things like split testing and enhanced reporting to help you see what’s working and what isn’t.

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No one wants to feel spammed or like they’re getting emails from robots. Even just creating the illusion of a human touch through personalization will matter!

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Always consider how to add more humanity to your email marketing. Try sending your emails from a real person and not just from the company.

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Make sure that the body of the email, signature, and subject line reflect that the message if from a real person. Your customers will appreciate the personalization!

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Consumers receive more email than ever before, personalizing is no longer an option.Your business should begin collecting more information and using it appropriately to connect on a deeper level with subscribers. Generic emails are marked as spam!

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Need help organizing your subscriber data and personalizing your campaigns?Take a second and check out our email marketing services, we’d be happy to help! Visit our website at and get in touch with our team.