Download - 4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE, THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE, • TWT? A MFRTPAN TSRA FT ITF The material aid which they receive comes

Page 1: 4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE, THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE, • TWT? A MFRTPAN TSRA FT ITF The material aid which they receive comes

4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE, •TWT? A MFRTPAN TSR A FT ITF The material aid which they receive comes . Njw OitiKAN, Sept 6, 1873. Egypt and sojourned near them in the wil- Bilaam , of whom It .*u believed that heitih AMMIl/AJM lMtAMrllJi.

charitable people and communities. To Hon. W.P. KkUogg: ¦ . . dernesa, and also becanse they hired Bilaam, was as great among them as , -was Moses in- ^J iXSZL** **.** j % Jga£& 1&i2g& rz^ '^T 1^? Ir\f eMr^e1ta ^Isaac M. Wise, Editor and Proprietor, such calamity has overtaken the same coda- Eustis, and others, dpaattd forty thousand Law then adds these words : * But God thy the philosopher, the sublime poet, the- ' munities it has been here repeatedly. Still rations to the destitute o^this city. Your Lord would not hearken to Bilaam ; and mighty prophet; and yet, behold his fgnor-

not one ' nrovision has been made by any suggestion to the Honorable Secretary of God thy Lord changed unto thee the curse ance, he imagined he could effectively curseCINCINNATI, 0, SEPTEMBER 13, 1878. ^VtoTeet the evil , not a man and ^^SSS^ ^mS *** a "*"** b8


Be G°d »& *** *** "*** ^^ A^ H "i not a dollar given to assist. Are those le«is- dissensions among ' 'benevolent societies' thee." (Deut. xxm. 6.) The Prophet and yet, behold his childish superstition , he

T£B_.s OF SV-USCBikTiOX latures or mockeries? In all the infected might delay the'distribution. I say you lie. Michah also (vi. 5) refers to this evenithus : believed that a she-ass spoke,..uttered divine:. *¦ .. ' districts vou have notheard- that a govern- ; Within iqrtyrei ght^ I-

beseech' thee,, oracles ; so necessary-,- was , all^£SSp £££!««*°™*»» i5.oo or!Vstiy^lieutenint.governo?aBenV !"3£^%Bf i £SJS$ ^nat ^yised Balak; the King of|Moab, and- Casseaid ^en,. th^vsibnle-minded,- ; the

' Thesuppremeii?Mfwmumh0Ut the

- *m™ -.oo ator, a member of Congress or any other the navy is doi»|; duty here as a clerk in the what responded to; him Bilaam, -the Bon of righteous and the philosopher.: ,The Gorman supplement, (d-dorah) alone, toplofty politician came near the sick, sent Howard Association. Creed, race and poli- Beor, from Shitim to Gilgal, in order to This'solves one objection ahd i tells us whyPo.&VtSpc. r annum/ - " - " f.'SS a word of cheer to sufferers , or had any ad- ^JHtK^^


the righteousness of God.'' The mo- the Bilaam story ism the Law 'bf Moses.~— vice or support to offer to,anybody. Are

^^ tfftSSfr SWl «*•


the Law

is "Because God loved qT_«iBtLih_t r A__ rr _ ««• ADVEKTisEHKiiT- they leaders or leeches of the people, do government into political channels. A am thee," but the Prophet changed it into a We are told in Sacred Scriptures that Godbates or aiu m *. *.j» • they feel with the people or with the taxes? wri ting this to you as a friend. You know making known "the righteousnesses of has given before us blessing and curse (Deut.

English or German : Is n6t a barbarism and heartlessness mani- aB we^

aB 1 that

aa ait.his St*\e ifl, ('<P God ;" for it was out of love for Israel that xi. 26) ; so we should think both are in our

r*.!** « IB-*-' - ¦ ¦ • ^sted in that conduct of governments and Sft^TfSiM l iA" God .evea^d

to him His


utes and His own power and could not be


upon-t " one month. ' - .. V governing individuals, which shows that was, when you did not wish to do any good, will, how He loves and governs the world us by others. Then we read again (Num-" « ^refmomhs - ' - • i > > £ both are worthless or the latter are despica- waa not to do any harm. Clear your record if with wisdom, justice and mercy. hers vi. 23) the divine commandment to the« « ¦ta ^uife., ' - - •

ble? Perhaps the Ixmisville Cour^Qu^^ However, the whole Bilaam story with priests, how they should bless the children

fca rtUmenttw aSblntion"., - - 6* also will agree with us when we maintain Ke^urySallSl ft llar-and - -* coward I the two commentaries ju st mentioned con- of Israel, from which it appears Scripture"Sar^o tice wSfWESf of

any orders "lor, •* that these are rotten institutions and rotten can't disprove it. When you donated pub- tains objectionable points. How did that does attach importance to the. blessing pro-

?•rtfeement iiot paid in advance. men, the latterought to be swept away and lie money to ShreVepbrt, you told ; Clark, story of the heathen prophet come to be hounced by one man. over another. And in¦' - " ' • ' • ' "' ;; ' the former radically reformed in the name "Tell the newspapers I. take: counsel frpm added to the Law of Moses,and the Talmud our special .case we are told that God by a

roCAX AOEMTS of humanity and progressive civilization.- JSSw'Si SSS ^w -PTTARWP "No SS Casfl Street C5hi- Nob°dy need think, however, that any this open letter! Should .there bfe any thing Bilaam? :MoseB, of whom; w

^>" 111 ' " State in the Union, in regard to humanity in the above you might construe as belligr ' little while ago,'merciless denunciations'.-at without that special interference the wicked

LitrW rnpsm - 11 -w T>„«hWrt« anl progressive civilization, hasa better «enfe *«* fl fllS? "\^£tSSww eTett kind of. Prevailing superstition, who; man's curie migfit have proved efficient ;Stlf^^M* than Louisiana, Mississippi ^^8? ^^o t m ^ * *:' m fttmr -tfni? triKW«llH Street Milwan. >i"l Tennessee, as there is -not the least you to drop it P. B. q;; Vjery truly, mancy, exorcism/; inquiring of the - dead* of ^- . , n«3 Wfl Din W £ >J»pke£wS™°* My^^™"™ cause on

^reconl forso ch*ritabje a belief..

Lieutenant CommS " f signs, omens, pracle^thg same;Moses, it is u^. ^,lli^: V.wtt:

-i i W

BEV. J. SHONINGEB, 47 Melrose St. ^ f ^ ff i. *; ':. p. S; S^n°o^^fe ESeSv^^Boston Masc. politicians .-in;, one section differfrom those before the Potter Committee and tesWtbat ^

WB the 8to :, .;.. .

T^w 'oniiviB uno'iur;.- '- a* «* t»?«v, the Bame.^ffuu in any other: section of the the Sherman letter is all right, and that you! tion goes so far^ that , he :. believes a; she ass : .. «a- • *v i^SS? vfqHAA ' * ' land. They are all ^profound sympathy area scoundrel. ¦. . KkliI had spoken to hitn^iivine oracles. This*$

^; 8 toowd»^

no»K'^^wt- 'q^' V-

'" - • n v with their verydear felloW Citizens and , ^pn^ksT U./ - ;: ; . pears objectionable^ The; n^X N. OHOYNSKI, San Francwco, Cal. con8tituente) ]dng as no sacriflceaare de-

¦> Columbus, 0., Sep. 7;-Wbereas a^large Particularstress is. being laid; upon thW tact ™«. ^^^

J **1 ^:fe^.^UM. ALETBINO 172 Erato St., New Or- manded to prove it. But it appears they portion of our country is rafflicted with a that God turned BilaanVs curse fo

; blessing, alter a blessing had- been pronounced overleans; La^ . only think of humah beings in connection ^T^plague, which Js .sweeping iwav. which undou^tediy;- Buggests::that:"without UB! ^el :;hurt, if ;one cursed/iis.- There;

Bt?Liuf " SeVenteenth M Stre6t' ¦» W questions, outside .hereof S SSSSSSl "» ^ particular^grace. PT the^mighty, su

^^ ^gg^S^T.Bfc VJaiB. things, persons and situations^are alike to and, whereas, human^ 'science and human curee;-wou^SOL.. WEIL, 248 W. 36th St., New York ihem_^al i indifferent This may sound efforts have proved ; unavailing in stopping which ap^and vicinity. harsh ,istill it appears so, and last week the prog^^

.; M, E,;LAM, 739. S, 8th St., Philadelphia, - p^^ the testimony

from two dp^ ^eSSo S h1y ffi S ' ^V^ '^^P-^J?^


¦'"• " ;' •'• • ^ ^ ,• ^ • • ^ ' • • ' " • ' . . .

^' ^ ' '. ^ > ¦ H a Gt) ve rn^) t o f Ohi o was ond u tv Sen- Mni ¦ ta.: the :hote;. o t Med; NoW,-thereforei I by brought abouUv' ' . ' -- \- 'f ^ j ^ -r ':! ^au^the rpugh;hunter/cried vwith; tears in:

The yellow fever, according ^authentic speech I What :else. has a^ovprnortodo?) 13th dafpf September, all Christian people 8tof "J}% % —tap«ln, SS'SS fSSaccouhts^from various infected loeaiities, M the ; ex-blue^ and ^gray:soldiers; who in the^State Of Qhi0;assemble /

in, their res- tended to;prpve the:neceBsity.of revelation. ^;1



if^W6 a^


spSa ^SrSSgvidleni. ^t isour had their annual ;; picnic^h^hey cali; a ^«ye j churc hes, of. worship, and^

ffer, up rexplain;;thifl proposition in ^the folio wing .pqrtoce^

to;-them ,,an^ none^Bpreaas wH^ iurwiouj ifKy'V'^c. *\»*v™ ; . .. ... ,; . . .. . ^ ... » _ . . ¦ ¦ f . . , ; their united: prayers to <j od to check the maniier^ ' : "'¦- '*¦ - ! ' ¦ . .¦ : . .! confident.can get over them with feelings of; duty as men and;Israelites ;to b^r^ ^eeweWin council with Pharaoh ili^• give our assistance to those who need it, to very important, no doubt, and we like to em States, and that He in His infinite good- i-uree were in. touncii .iWitft "arao11. -^.a.. . . _ . ¦ ._ ^

. . _ . . . . .

f ., . .^ ; , ..; .

thbse'who arWat the spot tod 'db personal see .people have good times^a^SSln hShSwealBorviiB. :iu ^u biju ^»n,u iuigc : «ui .. . . ... . .,V ;. .. . .. . . . .. . •...: ¦ •. >r , . — -? . been called upon to mourn the loss of friends PHaraoh ? If(ileadinffTi rinr .i n]pi in iiinrfiMort ' is no f isolated ,caae.v There . are numerousthe needy and afflicted . Therefore we here-: sentimental and full of significance,, no and relatives^; ^RichardM. Bishop,. :i 5^"

a0^ ^™S' ^v?r*vF«^' 'facteiin :' the human 5 mind for ivriic^ reasonby ppeh a list of donations to relieve: those' doubt. Therefore, the Governor pfOhio, of : Goverhor of the State of Ohio. i n the w^s^l

know not

Jehovah,'^there. ia!!iHM^(l lf^rewin th' infected cities , and towns^ho shall course;;was; to,be ,present ;andto make a / .^^.^la^foW^^at ^ ^ m^ , ^^^ SM^need it, and call upon all our charitable speech, and^M ^^friends to send us' at oncP such sums! of speech, full of sad re^money as they wish to donate for this pur^ and glorious moments of, the present .day. hianda^ of the sublime sovereign : of the

^^^:Ppse, and we willnhdertake this task: : He ;spoke to the men of ; the^orth and celestial empire;, He .alls ;, on, fll Chris^ .ff * M« confessed,," Npw I ^5^^ ^

j fg- •I" Toacknowledgcrecei ptih this journal: the Sou^h in,the -What though" raseo^ iians to ipray for the / afflicteepeople; how ^Mf f^^ S \2.. To; forward such sums as might : be ogy and grew; ,the Vclbse,; wind, c^tab^, 4d-he ia confident iat such- f^^^ B^^^ l^ SS Sa^teS v^do voncalled for in the infecteddistricts by authoV- i°S "P^ith a stuH^

ized offlcers and publish their receipts. .:^ ^ :- ^

rTo keep puSic accou^^ an^leceived and disbursed '. plague; • not a word, not an expression of ch-ei of ; riome^articuiar classi ot bimts and man was priest of M1dtan , a.chiet of error; n°t nipve.t^

W^Sfon ah who are charitable on all deling for ;those other .tens- of thousands ^^^^0 TheSo^eSetSl dfaeredrtp; -j t untirthe revelation; of A ^e :what: ; do,;:;you.can, not judge

^^S%T3SS^££- «t ea^j


in^^^ --^

on all who are ready to assist brethren in . over X^J^^to^^ m^ that! is the ver^ thin

g: against which w^^ ^distress We can not eO< to the^^ houses of

swn of-feeling: .for all the heroes who face Drbfe8t .: The^^ book of Job has that' self-same\tenv«^.0 «auvm^.PMy.,»^^MPJ^?%^ £%££,i*S£


.ud -fcht ih.. - H6re ».ie tki .gtabta ; :

l.^^^P.Wvidj .* m ^ ' Z^S J^

'b88 t6. „„.,rw wi,h «^w ^^^ m™, v«»*> c^e^ v. ; 3^rS!^¦l^¦ ^ ^3a^3^ss^S£S5t ons at occe. The list of donations will be dex to all; Pi them. : FHAKKF0RT, Ky., September 9, 1878. f f" ?6,8'1 Pr0Da0J 9 causes tor, tne sutter r _ : . - / ^ :¦:$¦?£ - W _ • Mti.:,/ ,tBpublishedweekly. : : tf :Thereis another¦ • however, ta whom we A pestilenc; whose malignity is uhprL ^^^-

¦ - '-W ¦¦¦¦ ' ¦ -¦ - - ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ must pay our compliments,.- On tbe same dented , contihues its terrible, havoc among, the book opens, to show how all reaspn of W?W presence in humannature., ,

'¦' ¦ Tho HeartieBBneSB of PoUit clans. day, September 5th." the people of St. Paul; our; friend^arid neighbors in various parts all ie.asoiiers penetrates not the mysteries, - The idea that -virtue is' the progenitor ofLed b^a peculiar idea of the. ^ur^^- Minn,

rial, of Louisville, Ky^ some papers had the the President Of the United States, wife, ble and generous.efforts - alreaay madVby } ' "gbteous, upnghVand God-fear- Jutue .demands^ ;;self :denial .iighteousness

' exceptional generosity of accusing us with suite, etc., coming to the State fair which them in .behalf of a" stricken, suffering peo- mg, ju dges with the Almighty; (Qnan ntan dictates self-negation, and self-sacnfice is itsopposition to the South, or rather opposi- takes place there. The.President, of course, *!??, T^e r^°^rTthe y.611

^^61^- ^JTO ^3) and . denies Him the right .to criterion pf perfection, >He; who expects

tion to the active charity now developing in must make a speech, and; he made a very S^KvSSthSeS?atoife ms ^thim

; he reasons V and gropes in the virtue?s;g^en fruite has 'ho idea of lieingthe various cities to give support to the peo^ long and very able one, which was dry to be daily, increasing. Sorrow^ and; suffer- dark like' a..blind man, and with' all his virtnous.;;;he is selfish. He who; seeks re-ple of the hapless localities, visited, by the enough to be called an able state paper. He inE' mpurnihg.and; misery, have;taken pos- righteousness". he. questions the righteous- ^d, thanks or apprqbatipn for his apingsdread scourge of . the yellow fever. Our spoke about finances^ a subject of -deep in- f

8S?on f


0m,e ^i^V^v1' 1*!

681 f.n^

hess of'Providence,, until at last Jehovah. °^^^ omissions is far frond/being; righteous -h ereaders know how false and unjust that ac- terest just now td machinP politicians. Jt^ shS aro^^'le^

Bnswejrs aid expounds, revelaaon leads him; . PJayg. a hazardous game iii theXlpttery, of

cnsation is,and the CincinnSti papers might was a sort of a political speech, not exactly Ol the abundance our people have in this put '.of the labyrinth, then he confesses : '^> at which there are nine lpsersto onehave known that our call for charity was coined for that partipular occasion; it was healthy favored and bountifully blessed Coin- "I have heard of thee by the'hearinfe of theT . winner. Virtue leads on a path : pf thorns>the very first published in their columns, rather intended for all elections, now under n



htll, UCh

¥ * **t th ^?r¥-' Th6

:ear, and now my eye hath seep thee; there- righteousness wears' a crown of thistles'and the donations sent southward-in conse- way. The President very accurately gave of^arity^whillw'e^are^h^^quence of that call were among the very numbers and dates orf tlje finance^ debts neighbors are sick and dyingi God loves a: aaid) upon dust and «shes;" Now he knew; "Virtue or righteousness, because it wantsfirst sums which reached the men of public and exports then and now (1866 and 1878), cheerful giver, ahd,,,;he that hath pity upon God's justice, he did not know it before; -Profit , enjoyment and > in New Orleans. Our readers which nobody will doubt, although this the poo^ lendeth .unto the lord.'' _ , therefore he was in the council of PharaPh: NPPe is prudently^^ virtuous^ or^ cunninglyknow that since then we have never ceased need not be spoken at all as it must be cietyfehurch

the book of Job has the ten-. 'ri jghteous; - And yet how many^tens of thou--urging upon the community the necessity printed in order to be remembered; then way our stricken, despairing fri ends. Be- dehcy bf proving^^ the necessity of revelation, sands of human beings are trulj T virtuousof relieving the sick and needy, of assisting he wound up with a paternal admonition ^e' Associations should be organized in therefore it was maintained'that Moses him- ,an^ .excellently

righteous, how many dothe heroes left in the infected districts to to politicians on the question of finance, in dead are°unb^iid and^ %e . :self,' or -one who thought like him, must ^l,.c0SPe). .d to ad^figh t the battles of humanity. In short our words full of gold and some silver, and did be cared fprW the presence of the plagu<£ bave written it. To this I add, because the their exceneiQcies;and admit;Jthat if it; was-readers know that the Courier-Journal'* not say a word about the fair! there should be no delay. ¦¦- ' story of Bilaam^ proves the^ necessity'

^pf n°t for ' those .excelleht. men- the. human

charge against us could have been made Not a word about the fair and not a word "Aj ™ady this pestilence has reached revelation, therefore it was supposed Moses family would be a .ihiserable cdhglommera-only by ignorance of tbe facts or in a fit . of about the woes which befall so many tens ever before and'altfal.S must have written it. Bilaam also , knew tion of selfishness;and cunningness. Why,,partizan madness. of thousands of citizens. And this was the from the expierence of the past, and from nothin8 of the Living God of Israeli for he we ***> why are those excellent men so ex -

The cause for that false accusation was in speech of tbe head of a nationl Remember th* opinions of many of our most learned believed that his curse or blessing could cellent, so admirable, so. truly humane ?one of our articles, in which we attempted it 0f the chief of all machine politicians! P^JBicianB« that it will prevail to an^ extPnt change the plans and designs of Providence ; They know , not why or wherefore ; theyto expose the worthlessness of the State This is an index to the heartlessness of pol- our SS ^rlr^^ck^a^nd hehPflrd bia own Elohim telling him not to maBt be:;sp,cont^ry


Governments, which are perfectly inactive iticians. Those, men "surely are not igno- while our people are helping others, l earn- %° flfld not to curse' and then went with the they must be so, they obey .their own betterand indifferent , although the same calamity rant of the positions they occupy; bnt they estly request them to help themselves by men of Balak t o 'curse anyhow, although nature_contrary to th e loud protestations ofdid and does now sweep away tens of thou- flre heartless, hence they think of none who °r8*nlziD,S l?. 1 Boards

of Health' hji every this permission was not given' him by his reason, therefore they are what they are.

sands of our fellow-men. Those govern- is not an immediate voter or wirepuller , Kmtoand^ Iq a11 that story he has no Look, for an illustration;, look to thosements, we maintained, are superannuated and feel nothing, and can think nothing vent; if ppssible; the further advance of the idea of Jehovah, till the revelation of events heroic men? and; women who stand likemachines constructed in good olden times which does not affect them in their political fell aestroyer. The State Board of Health at last convinces him of his error and he gianlsin the midst of tbe pestilence, faceto collect and spend the people's taxes.with- contemplations, therefore it does not occur ann the autb

+oritieB 0,..the Commonwealth exclaims (Numbers xxiii. 8), "How should danger and death for the sake of humanity,out a humanitarian idea at their founda- to them to speak of anything outside of ?ower°"°

PXsB[ Mp&majw Governor " x denounce whom God hath not denounced , not one day in the heat and excitement oftion, and ought to be changed in form and theirvery narrow sphere of political themes. ' "-— ' ' bow should I defy whom Jehovah hath not a battle, but every day, qontinually ; notmen. We said all that, notwithstanding Does not the Courier-Journal think that Memphis, September 9-10 p. u. defied I" Now,he knew the Living God of fighting man to man with equal arms andour opposition to centralization of power, the country ought to be cleansed of her ma- Governor Stohe is1 here to-day to confer Israel against ^hose will and power none equal chances, but fighting grim, invisibleand our conviction , that State, municipal chine politicians? Well , then, go to work witb- tbe State Board of Health and citizens can prevail ; 'now. he knew, but he did and omnipresent death. Look, for instance,and personal rights, well' extended and and do it, oust them as fast as you can, and ?? to, State-aid in the present emergency, not know it before, for he was in the coun- at our deceased friend andbrother,well secured are the only safeguards of lib- let ua have ffien who feel other people's ^^i .TPS SK «=U of Pharaoh, who said I know not Jehovah. kathak mk^,erty; and we said it, simply because we feel woeB) and ar8 on hand to ameliorate, if maintained in nearly every county in the That savan of old whose proposition we who fell at the post of honor in the citv ofthe wrong done to suffering people by un- they not conquer. Let us have men at State. have quoted must have thought so. Here Memnhi^. He wfB 1»X »nfLT^worthy and inefficient governments. !.. But the helm who are not mere politicians, who ~J ~~ is the simple and upright pa°an represented SM. I.7 \ I f t», f a

'now we have come back from that idea.and are also meI1. We need a radial revolin THE NEC^

MTY °* bEVEi.At,«W. ^. b ££j **?™ ented arthly


ion for remainirig at the dread-

think the fault is toot so much in the form in mfiri if not of form nriint hi* suDsratifcior . »„h ¦ 1a not ™.™ inl spot ; his family, too, now lamenting the

of government as it is in the men in the A Sermon p««Mrt»«l *» *h« »•-"•» *«• ?UtA ' f?


rs;'tloa and ignorance ff it ]088 0f a dearly .beloved husband^ther,oi government as h is in me men, in the supplement l . .haran Temple of Glneinnati had not been for the revelation received by brother and friend wan in the North farheartlessness of machine politicians, who . by the EaitorL iarael. Here is the\ upright and riehteous aS^wf • r 'T I • "'appear to be the semi-barbarous element, 4. New OBiKANS,.Sept. 6.-Violent indigna- renreBented bv Toh Jv ^aB awaX **om the infected region ; his asso-, . , . i - l tidn is expressed"at the ao-cal ed attempt of .. ' man, represemea oy Job, who, neverthe- ciatee and friend a nf (nrmnr dava -arom pat-of which we complain J Senator K

PeUogg to divert the public calamity The Law ordains that Ammonites and less, in the hours of tribulation and the days SWftJ^h hWin «« S»Look once upon the reports which reach into capital for his political ends. Com- Moabitts should not be admitted 'in tbe of distressing visitations stands in need of

teinly n»t .there, for he was born in our cityus from the fever districts, and you find mander Kells, U S . if, a strong partisan of congregation of the Lord, nor even the tenth special revelation to understand the ful«

" ilS^i,? ?~^rH? V" iS

IvTo std trroSwT ^SSSSSJSSiS^ ¦—»*

- the-, because thosetribes did and loving Madness of Providenc^ H^ ^nZ^^^^^ty, who stand up heroica ly with suffering the It will be published to-morrow not meet the children of Israel ™th bread is, furthermore; the highest exponent of who knew him

^ as well as I dTd could savhumanity and battle against gnm death , corning. and water when the latter came out of reason of "that age, the Uentile Prbphet £j knew:^^He waTa ILan otpromund re^

Page 2: 4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE, THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE, • TWT? A MFRTPAN TSRA FT ITF The material aid which they receive comes

' 1.HE AMERICAN- ISRAELITE. «llgious sentiments, a great h'eart, a generous . /ntt J nmnn ^/

... " ^^^^^=g^^g"""''M'"""*g!!5s; Sggggss

and noble soul of feelings deeper and con- A |, | 4 AP ' T 'h'k TrRri M T^Ul? HP A T MTTTk "---man after resurrection.ceptions loftier ; therefore he remained and il Ullill lij ll I1 li v/lU 1 JQIj 1 AjjMlJ 1/. "I t was rawrhr in th» nr,,i.« e wi- u . •' .worked and died in the cause of humanity, n _ . X illJUl U ^»

Holv J,™

f! the academy of Elijah , the righteous ones whom the

(one nib M niDn), he could notdo other- CALLED CHELEK, F.ROM THE TREATISE OF SAtfHEDRIN. SI- u » .* , ys w r6-animate Wlli not aeain return t0 dust , as sa idwise whatever, prudence , and reason Bug- _, ^_ . [ w' h And it will be that he who remaineth in Zion and he who isgested.his nobler and higher nature led him ¦ ic' is t .lu u t • >j u. u • /-. „ . . ^

Iett m Jerusalem will be called "holy, every one who was written down' die the death of a maftyr. . . *' Joshu

f b" Lev\said' those who sing God's praise in this'world will be life in Jerusalem;' as the Holy One (vnp) remaineth former soZ \ thJrlT2

Whst^ii ^^e^^Us do- .J**** who dwell in thy house they will continuall y praise thee.' R. Chiya [p. oz *j time when the Holy One in future will rcnew His world as ifa iiingsV'and yet is in^ ahd^ governs hW t£^**J ^ * u^^ '" f


^cti°n in Sc"P" »). 'And God alone will be exalted on that day P T "

h^v One w ff^shIt is fact, like the necessity^ of prayer, the tures? Where-it is-said (Isaiah In. 8), 'The voice of thy watchmen, they raise them wings like the cades and thev will fW .mnn filTJ r1feeling produced by blessing or,curse, like their voice, together shall they shout, for eye to eye Shall they see Uen God said (Psalm xlvii 3), 'TSefot we J no"

wL he eU ,° T'' "Jnumerous other psychical facts,:for which returneth unto Zion.' It says not, 'they have shouted- ' it savs 'thev will and whpn mn„nZt A "e,eiore ^e wlU not tear when the earth is

transformedreason can not account, which defy reason shout; ' this is an inference "of resurrection in Scri wouJdst supZ tWZZZ T ^l r °' x ™ ' ^ ^and carve out their own coursenf action, future days all the prophets will utter God's praise in Le an ted cho us

" «id ^inZ^ ^ ST?^ ***™'' ' * " ^'Brethren, we do not know all things; we iT, / £ f . . v * .* m one unitea c™rus , as said , xi. 31;, And they who hope in God shall acquire renewed strength thev shalldo not understand all we know; we can not The VOlCe °f ** ^

at^men, they raise their, together shall they shout." grow pinions like the eagles, they shall run and not be weary they shalf walkexplain, all we understand. Butin all these 9.-the savan's dhtv to teach. - * - *"*?* beCOme fainL ' W\y do we not learn all this from the dead whommysterious feelings and undefined senti- * Ezekiel re-animated? Because this teacher was of tl • " • ¦ , , .

menta, we must not forget thai there is an " R. Judah said in the name of Rab, whoever withholds a law (a rule of who said (concerning the dead re-animated bv H,p Pr™h^ V i ™?? 7r "tEternal God above us whose wisdom, jus- conduct suggested in Scriptures) from a student has done the same as if he had it was a parable '" * P ' }' In tmth

tice, goodness ahd power are supreme who robbed him of his parental heritage ; for it is said (Deut. xxxiii. 4), 'The law '

wS^^SSSi&'SSiiA^S. ^^ Mosesxommanded us is the inheritance of the congregation' of Jacob;' .. »3-™* °had whom the prophet ezekiel re-animated.

The;;iasr*atid urst of ^all onrfeelingsi hopes

the inheritence^of'all Israel frorrUhe very beginning of creation. (z3) R. «It is a tradition (tfj irr) that R. Aliezer (b. Hyrcan) said , the dead whomand expectation Vhana b, Bizna said in the name of R. Simeon Pius, whoever withholds a law Ezekiel had re-animated stood upon their feet chanted praise and then di*dtice of .God to be.cimyinced that

^He loves .fro* a student s jnouth will be cursed even by children in their mothers womb, again. What did they chant! 'God killeth in justi ce and re-aniiteth in mere A

^anj ^th^

:.m^W« .« said (Proverbs xi. 26), 'Him that withholdeth corn (bar) the people (l'om) R. Joshua (b. Ghananiah) said, they chanted this (1 Samuel 16 ) « God kil ethcursed :we must remember.that God is high- r Di Qz al wil denounce ' T'om ci^nifiM f n n t \nni« „-„„!,» u..*\ 1 l-u j • . .l ", . , „? '» 0iin»uei 11. o;, troa kiiietb

er than he Who^ does either. Wheh we priy, £ L&"S

edTtieneSw1 Snd^^l^

P - 'iV ^ f V? rt

ammateth' he lowereth * Sheol and bringeth up again.' R. Judah (h.*if o**lteli :li?m:im-£mk& *y f i-

¦ U!f

d m. ™ne™ *?T" A \

°M Wl

" be mi

^ht,er than **0M (,n Aleai) 6a*d> truth. * » « P»»ble, R. Nechemiah sald to him, if truth, how canlti-*&mw 'i -&i&P$&i&:f cm 1 ^° T°b an!!. of" S ^

?ir m° r S womb>V kabhh signifies to curse, it -be a parable; if a parable, how.can it be truth ? It must be stated thus- ' Incdnscienceorthe dicta bf reason^it^ ihust al- :as sa.ld (Numbers xxm. 8), 'How shall I curse whom the Almighty hath not truth it is a parable.' R. Aliezerj the son of R Tose the Galilean said thf^m^msmm Wto^ zf is l^^ r f u "1^

¦«.* . >^ —•*¦*> ^^i , w^power, and .we are his children. The curse

f1SS t

he ^a^ iBA^)-

(24) Eula b. Ishmael said, he (who withholds the sons and daughters. R. Judah b. Bethirah rose upon his feet and said I amot ,BUMm,,howeyer:= efficient .itmftyhaye Law, from a disciple) ought to be perforated like a sieve, for kabah signiges also one of their descendants, and here are the Tethilin which mv grandfather h«

S^^^e t^^ng^ ip ^rfbrate (2 Ki„g, xii; xo), 'Ana he bored, hole in its door;' to which Abii bequeathed to me ahd inherited from them / " ^^^"^

may.know the rightebnsness bi your. .Go^ But if one teaches'''^^bl^Dft^^^e^S #.La what wi«.be his reward? Rabba says of R. Shesheth, he will receive ' r4:-TH^ persons whom the erophet ezekiel re-animated.belieyea^e,iUa^ghtwith^u^ blessings like Jacob, as said;(Proverbs xi., closing verse 26), 'And blessings rt Who were those.dead persons whom Ezekiel re-animated? Rab ™\A

:^$3f i!^M$SSf i^ V*] *™

®* hff d,°

i^^elleth t^^^this is expressed hy J ^sMir, they were the children of EphraimVwhp had calculated the time when the cap-dren of Israel : and ; I- "will ' .bless them." and Joseph is called Mashbir (Genesis xxxv). R. Shesheth also said , Whoever tivity in Egypt should come to an end, and made a mistake ' (which cost them

in order- 'tb J teach ; the; great truth, ¦ "God (f royerbs xi. 25), He who reiresheth (others or floweth over now), he will^lso the men of Garb, who Were born there had slain, for they had\cbm^own to ': i¥jul^^a^^^ _^:; ;:_. ; . tak^is not the imagined ; efficacy; of man's 'curse io—other inference op re <?urrkctiov tm crn,^^ " father;;mpuined many .day s and his, brothers came ta eohsole him/: (Hence vwhich Scripture teaches, fo^is

is in hu^n" ; : : > :

ia other, inference . .of resureection in scriptures.- . . . . .. . . g6od ^n wire re^himated to live^ agair^^ the balance of theiri days^whk theVwil{;"usticeS"loT^God blesses,andrso may^ He bless; each and is said (Deut. xxxiii. 6), ' May Reuben live and nttt die ;' 'may Reuben live in ' maintained , those dead persbris re^aniiriated were sons of man who denied tliea" ? ¦ :?°"V; -f" $&£& *: ; > ^>X~ : '

^-- ' Wbr}d

not d'e ^" ^^^ to

ebme.. Rabbina saidi "I

take it

from this resurrection of the ^ead , as said: (Ezekiel xk^ me/ sbri

i : :i of; man,;these bones;are ^ir::v;;;|vv;; -;;vj-s;^ ;y ,v ; : ^ / :shall;awake, some to everlastihg life:and some to disgrace and everlasting dry,;bur hbpp has perished^ w^By Bay. Dr. Faik vidaver, pf EvanBviiie. abhorrence.' R. Ashai to^ end and^ who denied the i

' "*a\ ' pSiifQ 1& ^^n^^W

' ;' ^st thou, arid thou shalt rise to thy lot at the end of :days"/ "'; . - ' ;' ¦¦.¦.- ;. bvAbba>aicl, they were; the sons^ of mani in ^hom there was no sap'

6f^ piety, •;V - ^E^^5p^^^^'-V ' . U.-APHbRISMS' OP-R. 'ALEZER. (2,) '¦ . ' ' ,; - .; > %AbtaliPn says i' ; Wise ihehi;be cautious in ' ' • " ' . , A , t, ¦> ¦- '¦. tVl \ were sinners ;roused ; frp m ;death^to repent their sihsj ;R. Isaac Naphcha '

your expressions, lest y<& be banished to a ' > (Also Uerachoth 33.) (Smith') said,' those were the persons who covered the temple with present^.- §Sles thtt^u$5olk^^ " I-."Every ruler who conducts the congregation quietly (without ostentatiori tibns of abominations and^reptiles i as said^ (Ibid. viii, id); 'And 1 went in ahd ;

' ,

and die,-"and the> sequel thereol will be that and,r.igof ) will lead it again in; me world to come, as said (Isaiah;xlix. ir),;'For saw, and behold there was every form of creeping things, and cattle, abomina-the naoie^ of God; ia beprofaned.; (A.both he who hath- mercy on them will lead them, and. by springs of water ^vill he tions, and all the idols of the house: of Israel, engraven upon the' wall all round;:' I do perfectly: agree s *' " , ¦ abput; ' and (Ibid, xxxvii. 2). cpncerh

tatprs whofiay that^ the Tanai of ourMis'hna ;: 2. !'Great is.the'merit of knowledge^ for it is placed between two names said, 'And he caused ' me to pass about them round about/ . 1 (Hence the storv.warned the.wise men of:his age to be care- ¦• ' ¦ > -^ j • 1 / o ¦' ¦ i •• v «t? .. ;i t ~~ c i 1 j • ^ »¦ ¦ '>* '¦¦ .' - . ' ¦• ¦ " ¦' i"» " '¦ ' ¦ 'i i - r „- 'r ¦'¦, , ; ' •¦ •'.- :t , V . . *v»'^ c "'c a >ruiy¦¦ ful .in ^theiripoliticalvdiscusstons^because ^?^ Great is is.a ,parable on.. he^^ downfall of idolatry in Israel during the Babylonian cap-they accused;b ^^^ two hames - .-of. God, as said tivity ; the; idolaters rose again to. reribunce- theii; error.) R: Jochanan saiH '

b iS SiS ^SS6

"(Exodus xv. 17), 'The work of Gppy the sanctuary of <5od, which , thy hahds they were those who died on the plain of : Dura/ viz.: between the streain ; of /;must;respectfully dissent-,from: their, expla- have established. To this, howrever, R. Acha of Karchina objected, if the Ashal and the great plain of Dura, i pr when Nebuchadnezzar , the ' wicked^°if Se

hTanS^^niP^W^Si P a<rmg °f a worc! in Scripture between two names of God is intended to give exiled the Israelites, there were lads among them whose beauty^put the sun to

the learned .men against politic is great, for it is said (Psalm xciv.), shame. The Chaldean women saw therr^and fell in love with them. Theirwhere fee-S^ofePnoSw^r - 6 ^ d^^

'lord of vengeance is God, Lord of vengeance, He shineth forth.' He said to husbands learning this slew; those lads. But the women's love was attachedendanger the live|i 'o'f .their diflcipies. t can ^^i ^ ^

so some respect^ as Eula has

said, (26) why is here vengeance to the beautiful dead and their husbands mutilated the .corpses." (They werehardlv understand; why = the h^could be more desecrated by the death of : . .t . r> j • n. t j r ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦„ r • : nthe: disciples than: by that of: / . Jto be

continued.]I^ would, theref ore; render the above^shria .vengeance does not govern him), and the other says God shines forth in ' . .; '. '. ' ¦ '. ' ' . .. ' ' . ' . . ' y ' . '.' " ' . " " " ' .' "' "

S^SsJest^WaSshed^wKere there are iad-vf ater s ^ (a metaploS evU." ' - - .:Of pafaen> sufferin g


d^wouioVn^^ 3- "A man who has acquired knowledge is as worthy as if in his day s the PiiiiABEtPfli^ ifirfeb. to the.-desife of health aut^oritiTto avoid

woulidribk those waters> yes, they would temple had been rebuilt, for both sanctuary and knowled ge are placed in Scrip- v— • KiiT°n!?'JKi?' H?- '^ -^,?y?i?tbecoipe imbued

^with those . unwholesome turelbetween two names of God. Every man of knowledge will become rich Philadelphia, Pa,, Aug. 27, 1878. gjgj » from the country coming into the

wouttcomedeadenfS at the end, as said (Proverbs xw. 4, in pfaise of wisdom and intelligence), To iEBEDnoB or imc AMKBicAN Ibba^utk. , Atourown Hospital there has been some

w^^ecra^^the ^me 0t G^^

, -j " ' - , and pleasant.' It is prohibited to show mercy to the ignorant, as said (Isaiah truth to the saying in its broadest sense, we: the tenderingbf the .,™ M

^ X^^^ xxvn. 11), 'Because it is not a people of intelligence, therefore his Maker will \ ^£$£lJ3^ " "««*»* ^* ««—babV-1 N pis ui np nBT3 show him no mercy and his Creator bestow no grace on him.' Whoever gives expectant Micawberinto inquisitive Obser- to the Societyby Messrs Adler and A LoebSimeon,:the son.of Gamliel, says: I have. his b d j the ;gnorant brings afflictions on himself, as said (Obadiah i. 7), '7«i.., Philadelphia .during the. summer a, brief history of this most popular Jewishbeen raised among wise men and I have Ilia ulc , ? , , , ., j j iL «.u • . . n- v / months has not falsified her quiet orderly charitv mav not ba out or niai'S in ronn«i<-found nothing better, for the. body than si- 'Those who eat thy bread have secretly wounded thee; there is no intelligence character. Her closed, houses, thank God, 'SoTStpln accounlt of the l«eCereSes-lence, and not the -study of the law is the m j im; Mazoh signifies affliction , as said (Hosea v. 13), 'And Ephraim saw jndic^te not miBery, but enjoyment. The In Augast of the year 1864 Mr. Abrahamprincipal thing but the practice thereof ,and . , T , °, , , . ,,r , m. ,, , ,*, .., . T ¦, , inhabitants are not bewailing the dead, but Kniw herirftr 'of thn T O B B n(fpr^ » imHP»whoever talklth much produceth failure, his disease and Jehudah his (Mazor) affliction.' The man without knowledge recreating the living. Occasional thunder- „f JlffiK tp th^(Ibid i. 17). . r will at iast find himself exiled , as said (Isaiah v. 13), 'Therefore my people are storms of more than ordinary vehemance iaraeiite8 should emulate the example of. «&pf|SSS exned from w». of

toW The house in

wbld. no »o

M of the W

is g—* «JW - <£S2$*$ Sf i .Z&&l2&S%over him.Rabbi Akiba said in his Eulogy heard at night time will be consumed by fire, as said (Job xx, 26), 'All that is month has deprived us of one of our best Hebrew might expire whilst hearing thethathe wasffeeof sin. He was living under , k . h[ i& f his treasureSj unquenchable fire shall consume them, it shall cit^n!>£

f ™ya tn^tVnS'nS'wW confession ofhis faith. Various com mitresthe incumbent yoke of Hadrian, who pro- aarK ls niuucu luI "1:> " . * , ^ .' .. and a scholar, a most brilliant orator, whose {rom the different lodges having been ap-hibited the study of the law under the pen- devour the remnant, of his tent. . Sarid refers to the man of learning, as is acr as well as whose spoken and written pojnted and having secured about threeally of 4eath, and therefore he found silence seen in Toel (iii. q), where the Sbridim are those 'whom God hathV called;' ^^

labored jndustriousyjn the^cause of hundred subscribers at five dollars per an-profitable to the body and in order to save seen in j oe ^11. 5/. ^"


^ c % ' political elevation, was cut of? at the age

^of num it was decided to enlist the co-opera-his brethren from death, he endeavored to (hence the house will be burned , because he wronged learning 111 his tents.) thirty-four years. It is ^ presumed^hat a tion pf the whole Jewish community. Spec-inculcate upon their minds that " BTot the whoever aoplies none of his property to the use of the men of learning will cold caught aUhe Valley Forge Celebration ,ai notices having been sent to the difierentatudy of the law is the principal thing, but "«CYC1 arr . ' ¦ • j • T u / u c -j - \ -kxtu together with an over-tasked mind , produced 0reanizations and lodees a meetinz of dele-the practice thereof." At theconclusion he never see a sign of blessing, as said in Job (as above on Sertdtm). Whoever tn| fever of which he died.' The syni- gafe^KK Bernn\beri0th,

g1864, outwarns also laymen of much talking, and ieaves no bread on his table (to feed the poor) will never see a sign of blessing, pathiesjDf many who knew him only as the of whictl Bprung the present Hospital Asso-says: "Whoever talks much produces fail- ., /T , .. vv

, { Mftt Wn (r cleaned his Preedv aooetite therefore his oros- °.rator tbat he d - "I^ k ??1 y ciation. This body was organized at a publicure." as said (Ibid, xx, 21), N othing escaped his greedy appetite, theretore nis pros eioauence, are with his beautiful young meeting of Israelites on the 19th of February,v131 T8IP D^n tnil . nB^ <?V Ni^tsn perity shall not endure.' Did not R. Alezer say (elsewhere), whoever leaves ^f «^S??^^J^i„ in -.a^ to 1865. fhe President, Alfred T. Jones Esq.,

H^ ^pin the crumbs on his table does the^me as id^ < 3%ff i 3ff i & Ztt 'g USC?Si^»%,R. Simeon, the son of Gamliel, says the 11, among the idolatrous practices), 'Who set out a tablei for Gad {P ortu na) country and abroad; Appeals have been Spj CUOus in the cause of Judaism, appointed

world is maintained by three things, namely : an,i fin the drinlc-oflerinp for Destiny?' This is not difficult to see, for the made »n the _ synagogues, and some ot the efficient committees, whose labors swelledJudgement, Truth, and Peace, etc. (Ibid i. and hJ1 *be drin


lor JJES"1?" * ™ " fr„ LL„t" ac tK. r^Hl P wa, • eVerend «entlemen ar^ W,S'Uywvl'h?™ the subscription list to over six hundred. A

18.) latter refers to placing also cups and dessert to the fragments, as the table was ,ng among our^o-rehgionists. We^ have w then the most brilliant and popularThe Tanai of our Miahna seems to differ t f r Gad wnlle the former refers to leaving bread only .on the table." every reason to believe that the fearful gince thQ great "Sanitary" of war times, pre-

entirely from his grandfather's saying in the set lor oau, wnne uie uri 5 hi, ' . . „_„_, t0 the scourge of the swamps will not spread in a aided over by the Jewish ladies irrespe'etive

second^Mishna of the sfime .Perek, which. 4- "Agam R. Alezer said, for a man to change his word is equal to the Clty whlch has ever been ajnodel of clean- of congregatfonal differences, yielded aboutruns as follows: "Sime>n the Just says the worship of idols; for it is said in this case (Genesis xxvh. 12), 'And I will be hness. Two cases are reported nifl retugee $5000, and since that time liberal bequestsworld is maintained by three things, name- . ,. riD[i ,, , . „, Mvtiiatuv:\ nnd concernino- the idols it is said n y J • lcMDuC§» a°dL 7" ..S?!™ not only from Israelites, but from membersly:.the Law, the Service of the Temple and in bis eyes like a deceiver, Methathea , and concernmg the idols it saia yeliow fever is considered by ou^Benevolence." (Jeremiah x. 15), 'They are vanity, work of deception,' Thathuim." medical authorities not contagious, every annuai ^ift of the Hebrew, Charity Ball 80-

But I think that the Tanai of our Mishna / D ' FJ e<f *u°n haa,be«n


en - ^ SSV»i ciety various miscellaneous donaUons, have

does not vary from his grandfather at all. ^ / ,_ ¦ ¦ ^ J J 1U 4> ... .. ,, rra ,mni, m .nfqina wW.oh tQJWn3lthe ^'flu p "«jJM! materially aided the managers in their

For,iudgement depends iipon law, and when (23) frhe Thprah preceded the creation of the world, the Talmud maintains, which mnnion of the bteward of the Pennsylvania ^ 1/work. s n after Organization a

hesuffiutS nieanstfsay that the moral order of the world being one of the final causes of ite Most- Hospital on a subject with which his.perr ^{li Vas selected in West Ihiladelphiaso, becaS ence preceded the creation of the material universe. When this world was created, Bomfi experience renders him fully conyer-

| "p^1 AugU8t> 1866( for nofl.Sohshed; and thin he acted according to Provioe/ice must have designed Israel the bearer of the Law, as with the ALl-wise is flant. ftfr. Malm says, and, his statements Xl purposes, and in September of thethe prophet who says.: "Ye shall serve them , l(.m ^ ryrn j ^n «D, "The end of a work contained in the first thought !£a fi™?* ??£

ffl tsame year the first inmate of the Asylum

with truth, etc." ©am. xii. 24). » And bo thereol?' n3B,nra mvo ^10' dinary times at the Pennsylvania' Hospital, tm th£ Aged aQd Infirm Wja admitted.

He^ho strivesUto"bfJenlvo^wi^ Z

Bab signifies, that which in

the abstract is

"pure, tried, approbate, all of which is aSyXrS p^ntTutaeddlnTanl ^^tS ^SSS&

rpA &ssi . ^^^iiedin Pa ^ f S ^ ^s SSB

fe^^Wl«Mbte^^ic^ou^a^ ai to^sas^w ff«MBS^

^SrttiSe ssfr^fl ^Magt^tfitTA45« Here the text

ischanged and m

ust be corrected from Berschoth

,, as we

^^^un^^^ ^

^ j ^-^ -*