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4 Interview Prep Tips You Can’t Afford To Skip

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An interview can be extremely nerve-wracking. Why? Because you’re simply being judged. The fate of your future relies on how you come across to an employer/interviewer.

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There are so many interview prep tips out there; let's cover the most important four...

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#1 - Being Nervous Is Good, But Being Too Nervous Isn’t

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You need to relax as much as possible (easier said than done) and take a confident approach - being a nervous wreck doesn’t show the interviewer your true personality.

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On the other hand, there’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance, so be careful. Think about what you’re saying and don’t be too be too confident, as it’s irritating and cocky.

Try and answer questions honestly, and be yourself (you’ll hear that a lot), don’t be too robotic.

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#2 - You Need To Prepare For Those Questions That Always Come Up

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For example, why do you want the job? Why are you a suitable candidate for this vacancy? What are your strengths/weaknesses? What skills do you have that correspond with this vacancy?

The day before the interview, get the pen and pad out, and thoroughly prepare answers to these questions.

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It’s also vital you know your CV inside out. You should be able to discuss everything that appears on it in detail.

Ideally, you should know it all by heart - you should be able to go through it without even having it in front of you. This portrays sharpness, honesty, and professionalism to the interviewer.

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#3 - Do Some Background Research On The Company

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Common interview questions employers like to ask are, "What do you know about the company?" or, "What do you know about this particular role?"

Having a good background on the company lets them know how enthusiastic you are and how keen you are to get the placement.

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Being able to talk about your knowledge of the company and the role in particular will impress the interviewer and could give you competitive edge over other applicants.

Ideally, you should have knowledge on the company’s history, all aspects of the role, problems encountered with the role, and so on.

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#4 - Lastly, Your Manners Are Essential

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● Greet with a smile and a firm handshake

● Sit down when you’re told to

● Don’t slouch

● Speak directly and clearly

● Make eye contact, but not too much eye contact

● Thank the interviewer for the opportunity, even if you feel the interview went badly

● Be sure to share a few jokes, too, as a sense of humor is essential to your likability factor

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As obvious as these tips are, they are also the most commonly forgotten.

Remind yourself of these before every interview, or you could risk ruining the opportunity to land the job!

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