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4 Creative Wedding Ideas

Your wedding is your big day and the day you will always look back on and remember. To make it even more memorable here

are 4 ideas for the themes you could choose.

• If you’re into horror and your partner is too then don’t disregard this wedding theme.

• Becoming more common by the day this will definitely make your day a day to remember.

Have a Horror Theme

• Quite a jump from the first idea although this is also based on fantasy, the fairy tale wedding.

• Every girl grows up watching and maybe even dreaming off

Have The Dream Wedding

• If you’re not much of a fantasy enthusiast then a beach wedding might suit you.

• Relaxed and romantic, realistic and peaceful this is a beautiful theme for any wedding.

Take it to the Beach

• His is a unique and creative theme and will work great if history is your thing.

• With a well-researched plan this theme could be the most exciting and fun weddings your guest will attend.


4 Creative Wedding Ideas