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4Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Deploying the Oracle Management Agent

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

• Describe the deployment options for the Oracle Management Agent

• Deploy Oracle Management Agent to your target hosts

• Describe the postinstallation configuration tasks

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Deploying the Management Agent

There are several options to deploying the Management Agent:

• Agent Deploy application

• NFS-mounted agent installation

• agentDownload script

• Cluster Agent installation

• Management Agent cloning

• Interactive installation using OUI

• Silent installation

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Agent Installation: Agent Deploy Application

The installation of the Management Agent by using the Agent Deploy application:

• Is performed through the Grid Control console

• Can be used for remote deployments

• Is used for mass-deploy installations

• Has several prerequisites that need to be met

$ ./ –hosts -user oracle

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Starting Agent Deploy Application

From the Deployments tab:

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Agent Deploy: Installation Details

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Agent Deploy

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Agent Installation: NFS-Mounted Agent

The installation of the Management Agent usingNFS-mounted agent:

• Is where the agent bits are shared on a Net App Filer disk

• Has configuration files for each host stored in the STATE directory

• Can have only one nfsagent installation per host

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NFS-Mounted Agent: Installation Steps

1. Configure the shared drive so that the master host has read/write access and all other hosts (slave hosts) have read access.

2. From the master host, perform agent installation in this shared drive.

3. Stop Agent from the Oracle home.

4. From the master host and the slave hosts, execute the nfsagentinstall script.

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Agent Installation: Downloadable Agent Script

Installation of the Management Agent by using the downloadable agent script:

• Is used for deploying one agent at a time

• Is run from the target (so uses pull technology)

• Can be modified for specific environments

• Is noninteractive; silent

• Provides text-only output

• Simplifies deploying Management Agents in secure Web environments (HTTP access)

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Preinstallation Steps for agentDownload

Before executing agentDownload, perform the following steps:

1. Create the oracle operating system user and the appropriate operating system groups.

2. Ensure that wget (used by agentDownload to download the installation files) is available in the correct location.

3. Log in as the oracle operating system user.

4. Ensure that the Java program jar is available in the oracle user’s path.

5. Determine the parent directory for the installation of the Management Agent home.

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Installation Steps for agentDownload

Perform the following steps:1. Download the agent download script,

agentdownload.linux, to the target host using the management service URL (using upload port): http://<OMS_host_name>:<port>/agent_download/<version>/<platform>


2. Modify permission on agentdownload.linux to allow it to execute.

3. Install the agent by executing agentdownload.linux.

$ chmod 755 agentDownload.linux$ ./agentDownload.linux –b /u01/app/oracle/product

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What agentDownload Does

Upon execution, agentDownload:

1. Creates necessary directories

2. Downloads the installation response file

3. Downloads a jarred OUI

4. Unjars and launches the OUI in silent mode to install the management agent

5. Discovers targets and starts the management agent

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Agent Installation: Silent Installation

Silent installation of the Oracle Management Agent requires:

• Grid Control product CDs

• An installation response file

$ /stage/Disk1/runInstaller -

-responseFile /home/oracle/agent.rsp -

-silent doDiscovery=TRUE startAgent=TRUE

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Response File

Response file parameters control the installation.










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After installing the management agent, perform the following steps:

1. Run as necessary.

2. Configure the monitoring credentials for discovered targets.

$ su – Password:# ./

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Configuring Monitoring Credentials

Configure monitoring credentials for discovered targets.

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Key Configuration Files

• The key configuration files for the Management Agent include:– ./sysman/emd/targets.xml– ./sysman/config/– ./sysman/config/

• The Management Agent log and trace files are located in <AGENT_HOME>/sysman/log/.

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Target Discovery

During target discovery:

• Management agents automatically discover available targets and register them with the management repository

• Target names must be unique for registration to succeed

• The Management Agent must have read permission on some application server files

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Adding a Target Manually

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Configuring Agent to Use a New Management Service

The steps involved to associate the agent with a new Management Service are the following:

1. Stop the Management Agent.

2. Edit to point to the new Management Service.

3. Delete files in the upload and state directories.

4. Restart the Management Agent.

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Summary of Ports Assigned

You can view a list of ports assigned during the installation process by viewing the contents of the portlist.ini file.

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Custom Port Selection

Ports used by Grid Control components may be customized by using a static ports file.

$ /stage/Disk1/runInstaller -/home/oracle/staticports.ini

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RepManager is a command-line utility that:

• Is mainly used by the Grid Control Installer when the “installing Grid Control w/ existing database” installation type is chosen

• Collects input from the user and invokes the EM repository SQL scripts

• Has three major functions: – Dropping repository– Creating repository– Upgrading repository

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The Agent Configuration Assistant (agentca) script is used to:

• Reconfigure the agent and rediscover targets on the host it resides on

• Discover new targets on the host it resides on

• Reconfigure a stand-alone agent to a RAC agent

$ /u01/app/oracle/product/agent10g/bin/agentca –d

$ /u01/app/oracle/product/agent10g/bin/agentca -f –c


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In this lesson, you should have learned how to:

• Describe the deployment options for the Oracle Management Agent

• Deploy Oracle Management Agent to your target hosts

• Describe postinstallation configuration tasks

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Practice 4 Overview: Deploying the Management Agent

This practice covers the following topics:

• Deploying the Management Agent

• Configuring Your Database

• Grid Control Case Study