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Enrico Garau

Regional Employment Agency of Sardinia

With Financial support from the EU

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With Financial support from the EU

Summary 1. Skills and characteristics of the new profile of the career

guidance professional

2. Why should private and public employment service being in competition?

3. Weaknesses, Strenghts, Threats, Opportunities regarding the role of the new career guidance in PES

4. The Job Account

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With Financial support from the EU

Collection and analysis of good practices in the field of career guidance

Promote the dissemination of information and exchange of experiences

Collect objective information regarding the current powers and functions of counselors in the European context

Comparative analysis of good practices collection

Identify the new profile of the career guidance professional as a promoting agent of change

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New profile of the career guidance professional as a promoting agent of change A new «orientation consultant» able to make a rational and propositive connection between labour offer and demand

Consultant for enterprises on human resources needs and employees’ competences updating

Able to provide PESs with the right feed back on the availability of professionals needed and information for the updating of training courses

Able to integrate labour orientation tools with those typical of information and communication actions

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New profile of the career guidance professional as a promoting agent of change New consultant able to carry out actions towards occupability and employment

In contrast with traditional trend that evaluates SPEs and its operators in terms of employment insertions activated instead of occupability created.

Both occupability and employment are crucial and employment comes as a result of an employability process

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New profile of the career guidance professional as a promoting agent of change Soft skills Focus is on soft skills. All BPs showed that this professional

needs to have “commercial” competences and knowledge in order to establish lasting and solid contacts with the domain of labour demand

Technical Skills Technical competences required can be summarised in:

knowledge and ability in presenting tools and specific regulation according to the intervention carried proposed; coaching abilities

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New profile of the career guidance professional as a promoting agent of change

Tools The need to have digitized tools, on line and supported by updated data is emerged Activities They vary according to the action but they are all directed to support the enterprise, elaborate a project and not to carry out a mere survey

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With Financial support from the EU

Career guidance within private and public employment services

Employment services

Can public employment services became competitive in a confrontation with private ones on services offered to enterprises? Which challenges they have to face?

Private Unbalanced towards services to enterprises instead of on services to the unemployed

Public Unbalanced towards services to the unemployed instead of on services to enterprises

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Swot Analysis for the new career guidance in PES The objective Provide PES with new professionals in career guidance as experts in relations with enterprises

Strengths and weaknesses Factors directly related to the characteristics of current PES

Opportunities and threats Determined by external factors such as social and economic aspects

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Weaknesses of Career Guidance in PES

Not much attention to the domain of labour demand

Merely burocratic approach towards enterprises

Staff not trained on relations with enterprises

Unbalance distribution of human resources involved in services

towards offer and labour demand

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Weaknesses of Career Guidance in PES

Lack of (financial) resources directed to enterprises needs

Resistance to external interventions, at the enterprises instead

of at their workplace, by PES operators

Career guidance professionals are more prepared to work with unemployed people

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Strengths of Career Guidance in PES

Presence on the territory

Many contacts with enterprises although still burocratic and merely on administrative basis

Several Data Banks available

Availability of services directed to the unemployed (offer) such as guidance and training

Indirect benefits for all enterprises

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Strengths of Career Guidance in PES

The action of career guidance in PES contributes to increase employability, the competitiveness of workers and the adaptability of businesses as the new PES will, then, be able to create sinergies between companies and unemployed people The connection and integration of information coming from PESs and enterprises allows a dynamic and updated analysis of the labour market

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Threats of Career Guidance for companies in PES

Redistribution of financial resources for future development of PES towards an approach directed also to enterprises’ needs which goes beyond a service focused on the unemployed only

Inadequate human resources: Human resources should be

incremented or personnel available should be better organized.

Training is needed to update competences of operators.

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Threats of Career Guidance in PES

Passive attitude and resistance to change within firms to overcome

Companies have often their own policies and are ‘closed off’ in

their own working practices

Companies don’t trust the effectiveness of Public Employment Services. These resistances needs to be overcome in order to offer the proposed actions to enterprises.

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Opportunities of Career Guidance in PES

Economic and social crisis context Criticities of the labor market encourage the adaptation of career guidance professionals to the new needs of enterprises and, at the same time, career guidance services must provide new formulas in order to adapt to these changes and achieve results Present challenges and needs of the labour market require new methodologies and approaches from PESs. Services offered can be increased to complete those currently provided, contributing to the definition of a professional, integrated orientation model and a better overview of the labour market.

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Opportunities of Career Guidance in PES

Enterprises need more effective career guidance actions which takes into consideration both enterprises and the unemployed needs

Through a networking activity PESs could help enterprises in developing career and guidance actions as part of their working processes

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Opportunities of Career Guidance in PES

It is time to redefine career guidance services provided by PESs as the service currently offered doesn’t meet the expectations of the unemployed and the labour market. Through the feedback from career guidance expert unemployed people could have training coherent with the new needs of the labour market.

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Career Guidance for companies: The Job Account

Our proposal to increase the shills and knoledges of career guidance for enterprises is the profile of

The Job Account

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Job Account

Definition, proposal and competences Concept taken from communcation agencies Why and which should be the competences needed by the operator/orientator of the employment services What should he be able to do

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Job Account

The Job Account keeps contacts with enterprises: Gathers and interprets their needs in terms of job vacancies and training Evaluates and, possibly, anticipates needs Supports enterprises to overcome a passive attitude and the resistance to change

The JA uses information coming from enterprises (analysis, marketing data, development plans) and from PES (analysis of labour demand, planning of public and private training offer, etc.) and drafs an employment and occupability plan which is precise, coherent and feasable.

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Job Account

He is the referent for the enterprises, in charge of the service offered to them and, within SPEs, the "team leader“ responsible for the successful support to enterprises in personnel research and selection, training actions and staff competences updating

The Job Account is asked to coordinate his action with other specialized resources of the employment system such as experts in profiling, career guidance, training, labour offer and demand, administrative services

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Job Account

In order to plan is supporting strategy to enterprises, the JA needs to:

- acquire and interpret information on the labour market and on its current and future trends

- analyse services offered by public and private subjects accredited to the employment system

- interpret the conduct and carachteristics of the labour offer

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Job Account

The Job Account needs to be able to work succesfully with the services offered by the PES he cooperates with:

- by making the best use of a "briefing“ moment in a smart and creative way

- by elaborating the information received (information that often show a problem or a marketing opportunity) and interprenting and elaborating it for the delivery of a project offer to the client

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Job Account

In synthesis the Job Account coordinates the contribution of all to the project of training and employment planning approved by the client and by the management of PES and makes sure that terms of costs and timing are fulfilled. The Job Account needs to acquire expertise in several techniques (marketing, training planning, economic incentives and regulations fostering employment, labour systems, education and training) in order to communicate with clients and offer them the best combination of training and labour insertion actions.

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With Financial support from the EU

Proposal Skills4Jobs Project n.2

Training Model for operators (Soft skills and Technical Skills) Creation of Tools Definition of Activities Test and experimentation Informative Campaign