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3rd Quarter Wrap Up - EquityOverview & RambusChartology - October 26th


“So long as stocks DO go up, nothing big is evergoing to change, You say you want a revolution?You’re a MAGA guy and you want someone to drainthe Swamp? You’re a Bernie Bro and you want therich to “pay their fair share”? Well, good luck with anyof that so long as stocks go up. It’s a very stable

From The Site

November 2nd3rd Quarter Wrap Up -Control 101

November 9thThe War for Your Mindwith Melissa and AaronDykes, TruthstreamMedia

Subject: This Week's Solari UpdateFrom: The Solari Update <[email protected]>Date: 10/26/17 6:17 PMTo: <[email protected]>

This Week's Solari Update

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political equilibrium we have today, full of Sturm undDrang to provide a bit of amusement and distraction,but very stable for the Haves” ~ Ben Hunt, “SheepLogic

This Thursday I will present the third segment of the3rd Quarter Wrap Up, which is my overview offinancial markets year-to-date combined with thethird 2017 Blockbuster Chartology from Rambus. We will discuss what has happened this year andwhat the charts and outstanding technical analysisfrom Rambus indicate about current markets for theUS dollar and global fixed income and equity, as wellas for precious metals.

You can follow along with the 2017 charts in the“Financial Market Round Up”section in the 3rdQuarter Wrap Up web presentation and with links tothe latest Blockbuster Chartology. You will be able tolink back to find all the Rambus quarterly reports overthe last two years.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, take some time thiscoming week to watch the History Channelsdocumentary on directed energy weapons. The documentary provides a general introduction to thistype of weaponry. Directed energy weapons areoften discussed in connection with unansweredquestions regarding the 2001 destruction of the twintowers of the World Trade Center.  There is renewedinterest in connection with growing unansweredquestions regarding unnatural fires this year inNorthern California, Greece and elsewhere.

Catherine Austin Fitts

See the blog post here.

Food for the Soul: BladeRunner 2049

Subscribers: Money &Markets - October 20,2017

Book Review: Weaponsof Math Destruction byCathy O'Neil

Special Solari Report:How the U.S. FederalGovernment HandlesTaxation forCryptocurrency

Asking for Prayers for thePeople of NorthernCalifornia

Anne Williamson's "Rapeof Russia" Testimony

Shadow Work


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Just a Taste! - 3rd Quarter Wrap Up - EquityOverview & Rambus Chartology

3rd Quarter Wrap Up - Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology

Food for the Soul: Blade Runner 2049“Every civilization was built on the back of a disposable workforce, but I can onlymake so many.“Wallace – a creator of replicants in Blade Runner 2049

Check It Out!

By Your Culture Scout

Space exploration is considered to be potentially one of key industries andinvestment opportunities in the coming years. For anyone interested in space then,let’s take a look at one of the most seminal sci-fi movies and its sequel that has beenmade 35 years later.

When the original Blade Runner was released in 1982, it was not a box officesuccess. Audiences were flocking to less intellectually complex movies of that year:E.T., 48 Hours and Star Trek-The Wrath of Khan. In time, Ridley Scott’s vision of the


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world in the year 2019 has come to pass in many aspects and the movie became asci-fi classic with many of its ideas copied countless times.

Continue reading here

Subscribe Now & Receive Your Solari Coin orWrap Up!Purchase a yearly subscription to the Solari Report and receive Solari Coin!

The Solari Coin is a one ounce, silver round designed by Ben Lizardi of LizardiStudio. This coin is representative of Solari’s purpose: to align interests, protect,guide, and lead through troubled times Note:Coin will be sent to the address on your invoice, if this is not correct, pleasesend email to: [email protected] with correct mailing address. Purchase a 6month subscription to the Solari Report and receive printed , soft cover book:2nd Quarter Wrap Up: Enforce The Constitution Or You Might As Well Kiss Your MoneyGoodby

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The 2nd Quarter Wrap Up: Enforce The Constitution Or You Might As Well Kiss YourMoney Goodby book comes in a soft cover, with glossy pages, beautiful images andeasy-to-follow charts. Note: Wrap Up book will be sent to the address on your invoice, if this is not correct,please send email to: [email protected] with correct mailing address. Purchase a 1 month subscription to the Solari Report and receive printed , soft cover book:2017 1st Quarter Wrap Up -The Clash of Civilizations 

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 The 2017 1st Quarter Wrap Up The Clash of Civilizations book comes in a soft cover,with glossy pages, beautiful images and easy-to-follow charts. Note: Wrap Up book will be sent to the address on your invoice, if this is not correct,please send email to: [email protected] with correct mailing address. Solari Report subscribers receive:

Access to the complete Solari Report audio archive (currently over 200 reports)Solari Report transcripts and Quarterly / Annual Wrap-Up web presentationsSend your questions to Ask Catherine weeklySpecial reports and alerts throughout the year

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This Week's Solari Update

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Highlights from Last Week - 3rd Quarter Wrap Up -News Trends & Stories Part II with Dr. Joseph P. FarrellThis week on the Solari Report, my discussion with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell continueswith Part II of the most important News Trends & Stories of the 3rd Quarter Wrap Up.

In Part I, Joseph and I covered the accelerating economic, financial and geopoliticalchanges. We discussed his new book: Hess and the Penguins: the Holocaust,Antarctica and the Strange Case of Rudolf Hess.  We also touched on the Dr. JosephP. Farrell Virtual Pipe Organ Crowdfund.

This week Joseph and I cover five areas: culture, science & technology, unansweredquestions, go local, and inspiration. Joseph’s understanding of the importance ofculture to accelerating change always inspires me.

Make sure to access the News Trends & Stories section of the 3rd Quarter Wrap Upweb presentation, linked from your subscriber links. Our web presentation includes:

Control 101 – During the last week of the 3rd Quarter Wrap Up roll out, I willpublish my overview of how the centralized control systems work. If you want tounderstand what is happening in the financial markets and geopolitics, youmust understand how the people participating in the transactional ecosystemsare controlled individually and collectively.News Trends & Stories – Our News Trends & Stories editor Brad Eddins hasdone an outstanding job of presenting top trends, stories, and videos of the 3rdQuarter.Financial Markets – a roundup of market and commodities charts from the3nd Quarter.

See it here or Subscribe

About The Solari ReportA weekly 1-hour briefing with Catherine Austin Fitts and specialized experts, TheSolari Report helps to navigate you through the shifting political and financial

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climates while building your wealth.

Learn more and subscribe here.

Nothing in this Solari Update should be taken as individual investment advice. Anyone seeking investment advice forhis or her personal financial situation is advised to seek out a qualified advisor or advisors and provide as muchinformation as possible to the advisor in order that such advisor can take into account all relevant circumstances,objectives, and risks before rendering an opinion as to the appropriate investment strategy.

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