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Exciting time is here again! It’s time for Summer Vacation and fun filled activities’.
The Holiday Homework designed would not only enhance achievements of your children but also help to enhance family relationships.
It would teach your child to work independently and would improve their basic academic skills, such as reading, writing, and spellings
and would help them develop personal skills and time management.
Dear Parent,
Q1. Write a letter to your friend apologizing for your failure to attend a dinner party given by him.
Q2.Write a composition (250-300) words on a leader whom you admire the most.
Q3.Read the comprehension and answer the questions that follows
Games though essential should not become be all and end all for student life.Generally,the sportsmen waste too much time on
them, and fail in their examination. One must never devote more than an hour to sports ,and after that should not even think
about them . Again, if a player plays a game rashly ,there is every danger of his breaking a limb . If it is played without the spirit
of sportsmanship, it can lead to bad blood and quarrels . In some of the colleges there is a tradition is that if the visiting team is
winning a match, the home team plays foul ,picks a quarrel and tries to injure the visitors. But in spite of all these minor defects
sports are very useful in keeping the students busy and developing their PERSONALITIES. If we all acquire these qualities then
there will be no narrow - mindedness’ corruption and no injustice.
1. What harm do games do to some students?
2. Why do players break their limbs sometimes?
3. How do sports develop the personality of students?
4. What would happen if we acquire all the qualities of a true sportsman?
5. Suggest a suitable title for the passage
Q4.Giive synonyms of the following
1. Abandon
1. A group of ____________ was standing there(people,peoples)
2. The _______________ is to be delivered (furniture, furnitures)
3. The ____________ belongs to me (scissors ,scissor)
4. ________________ swim in water (fish, fishes)
5. He Gave me much _______________(Advice , advices)
7. Read chapter 1 and 2 in literature and learn word meanings

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2 × 4 2
× 3
Q2. Along with meandering rivers, alpine lakes and mountains, what makes Sikkim an incredible place for adventure, is its lofty peaks.
The following table gives the details about the top climbing peaks in Sikkim:
Without calculating, which of the above altitudes are surely not perfect squares? State
the property used.
Find the smallest number that should be subtracted from the altitude of Mt.
Brumkhangse so that it becomes the perfectsquare.
Q1. Simplify by using suitable property:
Mountain Peak Altitude District
Mt. Lama Wangden 5868 meters North Sikkim
Mt. Brumkhangse 5868 meters North Sikkim
on the number line.
DIRECTION: Begin from START. Find the square root of the number in the box
and follow your choice to the next box. Connect through the boxes until you reach
the FINISH box
Solve this riddle by reducing each rational number to its lowest term. The
magnitude of the numerator of the rational number so obtained gives you the
letter you have to encircle in the word following it. Use the encircled letter to fill
in the blanks given below:
Sample Example :
encircle the fifth letter of the word
Is 3 and the magnitude of numerator is 3. So, you will encircle the third letter of the word
1. Collect pictures of some agricultural machines & paste them on a chart paper or A4 sheet. Write their names & uses.
2. Microorganisms play a important role in lives. Some of them are beneficial whereas some are harmful & causes
disease. Write about five friendly & five harmful microorganisms in a project file.
3. How can we contribute to make the world clean & beautiful? Write any 5 simple ideas.
4. Do oral Question answer chapter 1, 2 & 3 in your text book.
Project Work 1. Study the “Revolt of 1857” and make a project. Focus should be laid upon the following;
(a) Causes of revolt (b) Outbreak of the revolt (c) Why the revolt failed?
(d)Result of the revolt.
Make it in a History note book and paste Pictures relevant to the topic. Presentation should be neat . OR
Refer to the internet and your text book and study the topic 'Marginalized groups and social justice'. Make a project using the following points:
(a) Forms of social inequality -Caste System, Untouchability, Adivasis etc. (b)How social status affects Economics status? (c) Social justice and the Indian constitution (d)Laws to help the marginalized
Use a Civics notebook for this and also Paste relevant pictures.
2. Write the name of different type of rocks and also paste picture in geography notebook. 3. Name the following:
(a) A history of British India was written by _______
(b) The first governor general of India was _______
(c) The Nawab of Bengal after Alivardi Khan was _______
(d) Coal and petroleum are examples of _______
(e) The percentage of fresh water on earth is _______ 4. Based on battle of Plassey, answer the following :
a) Year and place : ______________
(b) The two parties : ______________
(d) Name the traitor : ______________
5. Fill in the blanks:-
a) The force of falling water is used to generate _____. b) Land, water and soil are ______ resources. c) The non-renewable resources are also called ____resources. d) Human beings use ___ and ____ to develop resources.
6. Distinguish between the following:-
a) Natural and human made resources. b) Biotic and abiotic resources. c) Potential and developed resources. d) Ubiquitous and localized resources.
7. Give short answer (in 60-70 words) for these questions:-
Q.1 How is resource different from gifts of nature? Ans. _______________________________________________________. Q.2 What are the factors that determine the utility of any natural resource? Ans. ________________________________________________________. Q.3 Human beings are an important resource. Justify this statement. Ans.________________________________________________________. Q.4 Define – conservation of resources sustainable development. Ans.________________________________________________________. Q.5 Why is conservation of resource essential? Ans.________________________________________________________. Q.6 Explain the different types of minerals? Ans.__________________________________________________________.
Q.7 Explain the classification of minerals? Ans.__________________________________________________________. Q.8 Differentiate between metallic and non-metallic minerals? Ans.__________________________________________________________. Q.9 Name the three types of rocks? Give one example of each? Ans. _________________________________________________________. Q.10 What are the uses of minerals? Ans.__________________________________________________________. Q.11 How are the minerals conserved? Ans._________________________________________________________. Q.12 Explain the various power resources? Ans._________________________________________________________. Q.13 .What is Hydroelectricity? How is it produced? Ans._________________________________________________________. Q.14 Name some source water projects in India? Ans._________________________________________________________. Q.15 Which company is the greatest producer of nuclear power in the world? Ans._________________________________________________________.
Map Work 8. Mark and label iron ore producing areas in Indian map.
Activity 9. It is shocking to know that while Bengal was and witnessing famine , the British held grand durbar to celebrate victories. Design a poster depicting the contradictory scenes. Give a catchy title to your poster . 10. Revise all the work done in class.
1. Draw a block diagram to show different types of network based on geographical area they covered. 2. Segregate the following into Physical Transmission Media /Wireless Transmission Media
3. Write the full form of the following protocols:
a) Table b) Forms c) Queries d) Report
Subject - French 1 – Write the days of week in French.
2 – write the months of the year in French.
3 – Complete the conversation
Kevin -
Kevin –
5 – complete the greetings
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