Download - 38 winter 2014

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Hafod’s OwnYouth Panel Conquer

The RapidsThe Rapids

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In this issue...

Helping the environmentThis newsletter is printed on paper from sustainable forests – forevery tree cut down, another is planted in its place. When you havefinished reading this newsletter, please recycle it.

Contact UsHafod’s Own Production TeamHafod Housing AssociationSt Hilary CourtCopthorne WayCulverhouse CrossCardiff CF5 6ES

Contact DetailsTel: 029 2067 5800fax: 029 2067

Office Opening TimesMon-Fri 8.30am – 4.30pm

EditorChris Davies

Registered as a CharitableHousing Association under theIndustrial & Provident SocietiesAct No. 18766R. Registered withthe Welsh Government No. L034.

Tenant Assessors Training Page 7

Community MattersCrazy Carvings 3St Mellons Skip Amnesty 3STAR FC 4Tenants ’Go Potty’ inRhydyfelin 4Visited by Royalty ...wellalmost!! 5Hafod Youth PanelConquer the Rapids 5Football Crazy, FootballMad 6Hafod Youth Awards 2014 6Hafod Youth Panel – NewLogo 7

Tenant MattersTenant Assessor Training 7Greenstream Flooring 8

ASB MattersNew Powers 10Contacts 11

Money MattersYour Rent StatementExplained 12Do You Have a BankAccount That Suits Your Needs 14

Maintenance MattersMaintenance Contacts 15Prize Draw Winners 15Appointments 15Planned MaintenanceProgramme 2015 16Condensation 18

Competition MattersWinter Competition 2014 19

Final WordChristmas Closing & Thank You 20

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St MellonsSkip AmnestyIn partnership with the St Mellons Compact,Cardiff City Council Waste Management Team,and the East Cardiff Neighbourhood ManagementGroup, Hafod took part in a free skip day. Twofree skips were place on the Hafod site whichprovided an ideal opportunity for residents tohave a good clear out before the winter sets in.

A number of residents made use of the facilityduring the 2 days, disposing of, brokenfurniture, wood and general rubbish. Arecycling table was placed at each of theskips, allowing for unwanted items to berecycled. Many items were up for grabsincluding books, furniture and plenty of toys.Most people were happy to have a look andtake away some items.


Residents in St Mellons went pumpkincarving crazy during the October half term.Over 40 local children, parents andgrandparents enjoyed making their spookycreations ready for Halloween. This eventwas organised by the St Mellons Compactin partnership with Operation Bangsupported by the local police, Fire Serviceand St Mellons Youth Service. The residentswere also joined by local police who tooktime to support the event and even came upwith a few creations of their own.

Crazy Carvings

Local resident Mr Price of Heol Maes Eirwgsaid, “I used the skip today to get rid of myold sofa, as I had my new sofa deliveredyesterday. I think it’s a good idea to get ridof things that are not wanted any more“.

Local resident Aaliyah Hasting-Davis said,”it was very fun, I really enjoyed carving mypumpkin”. Aaliyah’s father commented “itis really nice to do stuff like this in thecommunity”.

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STAR FC – Local Children‘Get Active’


The children enjoyed taking part in the manydifferent sports on offer, providing both girlsand boys aged seven to eleven, the chance totake part in a safe fun filled environment, withopportunities to make new friends and try anew sport. STAR FC provides sports activitiesfrom football, tag rugby, baseball and manymore fun active activities for the youngchildren who attend to take part in.

For more information about STAR FC pleasecontact Pearl on – 07765406252

Tenants in Rhydyfelin

“Go Potty”

The October half-term holiday saw local childrenfrom St Mellons ‘get active’ and take part in the 3day STAR Multi Sport programme at MeadowlanePrimary School in St Mellons.

Pearl Hale Community Development Officer

for Hafod said “it was great to see over 45

children take part in the programme over

the 3 days and getting active!”

Throughout the summer, tenants in Rhydyfelinand St Mellons have been taking advantage ofHafod’s garden equipment loan hire scheme,Garden Smart. They have been able to borrowat no cost quality electrical and hand tools tohelp keep their back gardens in tip top condition.

In Rhydyfelin 10 tenants took part and decidedthey would come together to create an informalgroup and do a bit extra to give their housefrontages a lift through the winter months.

With the help of a grant from Hafod theypurchased hanging baskets, compost andwinter plants to create their very own winterhanging baskets.

One of the group, Jan Jones said,” GardenSmart is a really good idea; I wouldn’t havebeen able to access these tools without it. It’salso brought us together and become betterneighbours. I can’t wait for the baskets toflower, they will add a lot of colour through thewinter months and we are all looking forwardto resuming gardening in the spring.”

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Visited by Royalty ...well almost!

Our young tenants are always up for achallenge and their recent visit to theCardiff International White Water Centreranks as one of their best.

Donning wet suits, helmets and buoyancyjackets 8 members of the Youth Panel and2 Hafod staff tackled the rapids and whirlpoolsunder the expert supervision of one of thecentre’s staff.

As the photos show, there was no shortageof thrills and spills, yes Ben Cadwalladerfrom our Fir Tree Drive site was thrownoverboard by the power of the water course.It was great fun and well controlled to ensureeveryone came through the session unscathed.

Marcelle Stratford who is the chair ofHafod’s Youth Panel said, “Our visit wasawesome, it was great to do the challengetogether as a group and we can’t wait tocome back again.”

The visit to this internationally recognisedcentre is just one activity in an actionpacked programme that the young peoplehave agreed themselves. They are nowbusy preparing yet more activities thatstretch their boundaries. You can join themif you are a Hafod tenant aged between 15– 21. Just give Bill Daniel a call on 01443491878 or 07585 963077 or email him [email protected]

HafodYouth PanelConquerThe Rapids

Our amazing new building, the Fir Tree Centrein Quakers Yard, was officially opened onWednesday 26th November by H.M LordLieutenant of Mid Glamorgan, Mrs KateThomas CVO,CSTJ,JP.

It would be easy to feel overawed in the presenceof one of the Queen’s representative but thisincredible lady was warm, welcoming and verycomplimentary about our building. It was a realhonour and privilege to have her with us.

The event went incredibly well, thanks to ourvolunteers Bryan, Mike, Ben, Elaine and ofcourse, as always Glenn and Marion. We had

over 40 guests and it was great for our fundersto be able to witness first hand how the moneyhad been spent and how it would touch thelives, not only of the people in Fir Tree Drive,but also in Treharris and the wider community.

Thanks to Sally and Bill from Hafod Housingfor their help and support as always and toJohn Wreford, Chair of the Hendre Group, forhis kind words in his opening speech. We hopepeople will spread the word now and start touse not only our lovely Cafe but also hire ourrooms for any upcoming events they may have.Tanya Skinner, Social Enterprise Manager.

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Keeping young people busy, especially on adamp day in October half term is not alwayseasy. So when one of our tenants in MynyddGlas Maesteg offered to help organise a sportevent, the offer was gladly accepted.

Hosted by Maesteg School, young peopledrawn from our site and surroundingneighbourhoods played 5 a side football andtag rugby on the inside sports hall.

As our photo shows, there were smiles allround, plus a few aching legs after the morningsession. Bill Daniel, Hafod’s CommunityDevelopment officer who helped to organisethe event said, “Having a facility like the one atMaesteg School was brilliant, it was good tobe able to provide the opportunity locally andwe will be coming back again next year.”

Hafod Youth Awards for 2014We have some very talented and communityminded young people living in our homes andtheir achievements often go unnoticed. That iswhy every year we hold a Youth Awards eventto celebrate their successes and say thank youfor the commitment they give to making adifference where they live.

Any young Hafod tenant aged between 15 and21 can be nominated for an award and wewant you to take a few minutes and nominatea young person whose story needs to be told.

In this edition you will find a nomination form,taking 5 minutes of your time could mean such

a lot to your son or daughter, a next doorneighbour or a young person who “goes thatextra mile “to help others in the community.

Being nominated and receiving an award canmean such a lot to a young person as thisquote from a previous award night shows, “Ireally enjoyed the evening and I was surprisedwhen I won the award. My Mum told me shewas really proud of me!”

The closing date for nominations is the 14

January 2015 but don’t put it off, get your

pen out and say well done to a young

person right now!

Football Crazy,Football Mad

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Hafod Youth Panel New Logo

Members of the Youth Panel were set a task ofdesigning a new logo for the panel and designsproduced by Scott Mably who lives at MynyddGlas in Maesteg were chosen as the best ones.

To give the designs that little extra bit of polishour friends at the graphic design team at TheArts factory in Ferndale agreed to meet Scottand share their award winning expertise.

Putting the advice to great effect, Scottproduced 3 shortlisted designs. These wereposted to Hafod’s Facebook page for aneventual final logo to be agreed.

Thanking Martin Workman who heads up TheArts Factory’s graphic design team, Bill Daniel,Community Development Officer with Hafodsaid, “Being able to bring Scott to meet Martinwas fantastic, the team has won many prestigiousawards and we are all very grateful for the timeand ideas that were shared with us.”

Marcelle, Ben and Scott, commented that theyreally enjoyed the training and are lookingforward to carrying out their first Assessmenton our very own SMART Money team.

We hope that together we can prove to everyonethat age is just a number, that everyone should

get the same service and be treated the sameway no matter how old or young you are!

If this is something that you would beinterested in, get in touch with Michelle on tel: 029 2067 5865 or email:[email protected]


Hafod Youth Panel

Congratulations to 3 members of the Hafod Youth Panel on passing your TenantAssessors Training. The Assessors will be used to help us to improve the services thatyou receive with a particular emphasis on services from a young tenant’s perspective.

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Greenstream fought off stiff competition from anumber of highly respected social enterprisesincluding Pembrokeshire Frame, Cardigan’s4CG and Dwr Cymru/ Welsh Water.

Based in the Rhondda, Greenstream FlooringCIC started in 2008 and has been reclaimingotherwise wasted carpet tiles from commercialoffices. It also supplies and fits all flooring,including its low-cost reclaimed carpet tiles.The company employs eleven staff providingflooring products and services to smallbusinesses, community groups, tenants directand housing associations including Hafod.

Indeed, for the last 3 years we have beenhelping tenants in financial hardship byproviding them with reclaimed carpet tiles,usually when they first let their property. Therooms most frequently carpeted are livingrooms (66%) and bedrooms (48%) andfamilies with children account for a third ofthe beneficiaries.

So far this year Hafod has helped 84 householdssaving 2079m2 of carpet tiles from ending upin landfill (that’s enough to carpet over eighttennis courts). Those taking up the carpet tilesare reporting high levels of satisfaction with100% stating they would recommend thescheme to families and friends.

Greenstream Flooring also provides placementand volunteer opportunities from its warehousein Porth and thousands of metres of reclaimedcarpet tiles per year to the furniture re-use sectoraround the UK, supporting other communitygroups to provide low cost flooring in theirregions.

Now in its fifth year, The Social EnterpriseAwards Wales are promoted by the WalesCooperative Centre to raise the profile of co-operatives and social enterprises and torecognise innovation and commitment withinthe sector. Greenstream will now go on torepresent Wales in the UK Final in London.Good luck Greenstream!

Free Reclaimed CarpetFor one day only Greenstream

Flooring will be opening its depot to

clear out its excess stock. Please

note these reclaimed carpet tiles will

be grade C and D and may show

signs of wear and tear, soiling or sun

fading. They are however absolutely

FREE to Hafod tenants if you have

access to a car and are able to travel

to Porth to pick them up.

Congratulations to Greenstream Flooring on winning the coveted Social Enterprise

of the Year Award at this year’s Social Enterprise Awards Wales 2014.

Derek Walker, Chief Executive of the Wales Co-operativeCentre, Becky Lythgoe and Kyleigh Lecrass of GreenstreamFlooring CIC and Councillor Brian Cossey, Vice Chair ofConwy County Borough Council.

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Unit 3, Rheola Industrial Estate, Porth, CF39 OAD

Tel: 01443 683123 us on us on Twitter:

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Tenants and members of the Public should be aware there are new powers to helpus deal with the numerous reports of Anti-Social Behaviour we deal with eachyear. Below is a summary of each new action available to us and the powers wehave:

New Powers


Civil Injunction (Available Feb 2015)

These new powers will not be available untilapproximately February 2015. Their purposeis to stop or prevent individuals engaging inanti-social behaviour quickly, nipping problemsin the bud before they escalate. Injunctionscan be gained for over and under 18s. Theinjunction will include conditions and can alsoinclude positive requirements to get theperpetrator to address the underlying causes oftheir behaviour. Breach of the injunction couldsee over 18s receive an unlimited fine or up totwo years in prison and under 18s a supervisionorder or as a very last resort a detention orderof up to 3 months for 14-17 year olds.

Can Hafod apply for these? – Yes?

Community Protection Notice

These are new powers designed to stop aperson, business or organisation committinganti-social behaviour (including noisenuisance) which spoils the community’squality of life. A Community ProtectionNotice (CPN) can be issued including arequirement to stop things, do things or takereasonable steps to avoid further anti-socialbehaviour. Any breach of the notice is acriminal offence and fines of up to £20,000for businesses can be issued.

Can Hafod apply for these? – Yes


Criminal Behaviour Order (Available Feb 2015)

These new powers will not be available until approximately February 2015. They allow a criminalcourt to issue an order against any person who has been convicted of an offence. The order isdesigned to tackle the most persistently anti-social individuals who are also engaged in criminalactivity. The order is applicable for both over and under 18s and will include prohibitions to stopthe anti-social behaviour but it can also include positive requirements to get the offender toaddress the underlying causes of their behaviour. Breach of the order is a criminal offence andon conviction a prison sentence of up to 5 years and or a fine may apply to over 18s. For under18s, the sentencing powers of the youth court apply.

Can Hafod apply for these? – No, only Police or Local Councils

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ContactsYou dont have to deal with issues ofAnti-Social Behaviour alone. We canand will be able to support you if youare suffering.

For all Anti-Social Behaviour issues /queries, please contact:

ASB Co-ordinatorLiz Magness – 029 2067 2465

ASB Officer Iestyn Hart – 029 2067 2466

Email: [email protected]

? ?

Public Spaces Protection Order

This new power is designed to stopindividuals or groups committing anti-socialbehaviour in a public space. The behaviourhas to be having, or be likely to have adetrimental effect on the quality of life ofthose in the locality. Be persistent orcontinuing nature and be unreasonable.Breach of this power is a criminal offenceand enforcement officers can issue a fixedpenalty notice of up to £100 with a fine of upto £1000 on prosecution.

Can Hafod apply for these? – No,only Local Councils can issue afterconsultation with the Police.

New Closure Power

This new power is designed to quickly closepremises which are being used, or likely to beused, to commit nuisance or disorder. Aclosure notice can be issued out of court inthe first instance which can close thepremises for up to 48 hours (but cannot stopthe owner accessing the premises). A courtorder can close premises for up to 6 monthsand restrict all access. Breach of this power isa criminal offence and breaching a notice canbring a penalty of up to 3 months in prison.Breach of a court order can bring a penalty ofup to 6 months in prison. There could also bean unlimited fine applicable to both residentialand non-residential premises.

Can Hafod apply for these? – No.Both the Local Council and Policecan apply for these

Dispersal Powers

This new power will require the person/scommitting anti-social behaviour, crime ordisorder to leave an area for up to 48 hours.This power can be used on anyone over theage of 10. Breach of this power is a criminaloffence and failure to comply with a directionto leave can result in a fine of up to £2,500and or up to 3 months in prison.

If you would like more information on any ofthe new powers, please contact us.

Can Hafod apply for these? – No,these powers are used by Police and PCSO’s

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Your Rent Statement ExplainedThis shows your name and address, please let us know ifthis needs updating.

The statement date. The details shown on the statementare correct as of this date.

Date. This is the date that the payment or charge wasmade to your account, this will not always be exactly thesame as showing on your receipt as payments can take afew days to come through to us.

This is the address of the property this statement relates to.

Charges. This column shows all the charges made to youraccount. This will usually be your rent and service charges.

Week No. This column shows which week of the financialyear your payment was credited to.

If you have any credits or debts outstanding from previous Accounts,they will be shown here

Court Costs/Recharges. If you have any outstanding Court Costsor recharges they will be shown here

Closing balance. This will tell you the final balance of your rentaccount at the time the statement is printed.

Opening balance. This is the amount you are in arrears orcredit at the start of the period covered by the statement.

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This section tells you the exact period thestatement covers. Any payments made afew days before the second date may notshow. Any payments made after thesecond date definitely won’t be shown

Balance. This column shows arunning total of all the charges andpayments made to your account.

This column will highlight if youraccount is in Arrears, Advance or NilBalance at any time during the periodof the statement. If the statementreads Arrears, this is the money youowe. If the statement reads Advance,this is a credit. If the statement isblank, this means your account is inbalance.

Payments. This column shows all thepayments made to your account.Where an amount appears in thepayment column showing a ‘minusfigure’ this means the payment hasbeen taken from the account.

Total Balance. This will tell you the final balance of youraccount at the time that the statement is printed.

Your tenancy number. This number isunique to your account and should bequoted in any correspondence.

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Services &Features


Basic BankAccount

Jam JarAccount

Post OfficeCard Account

Prepaid Card

Accepts UniversalCredit

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Allows DirectDebits &Standing Orders

Yes Yes Yes No Not always

Overdraft Facility Yes No No No NoCash Card withPin for CashMachine

Yes Yes but may berestrictions

Yes Yes, but canonly be used atthe Post Office

Yes, may becharges

Debit Card Yes Sometimes No No Most prepaidcards can beused in thesame place asDebit Cards

Cheque Book Yes No No No No

Credit Checksneeded to openaccount

Yes No No No No

Fees & Charges Fees andinterest onoverdraftscharges forrefused DirectDebits

Usually chargesfor refusedDirectDebits

Monthly Feearound£5-£15

No Fees Charges vary,can includefees for set-up, on top-up,and forwithdrawingcash



Do you have a bank accountthat suits your needs?

Most high street banks and building societiesoffer basic bank accounts. If you already havean account that can accept electronic payments,such as a current account or basic bankaccount that’s fine, if not, you need to get one.

Whatever type of account you decide to openyou’ll need documents to prove your identitysuch as a passport, driving licence with photoor letter from your benefits agency. You’ll alsoneed proof of your address such as a recentutility bill, Council Tax bill or your rental agreement.

With the introduction of Universal Credit it is essential that you have a bankaccount to receive your payment.

If you do not want to have an account with abank, you could open an account at a localcredit union. This will work in the same way asa basic bank account.

For further information, pleasecontact Smart Money Team onTel: 02920 67580 e-mail:[email protected]

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Maintenance ContactsTo report or enquire about a repair pleasecontact the Maintenance Team between8:30am – 4:30pm Mon – Fri on: 029 20675800 or e-mail: [email protected]

If you have a problem with your plumbing orheating please contact Liberty Gas onFreePhone 0800 328 4322 or 0330 123 9622(low rate for mobile users).

Maintenance Prize Draw WinnersCongratulations to the following who eachwon a cheque for £50 in our quarterly prizedraw:

Gas servicing winner: Mr Hooper – BarryDay-to-day repairs winner: Mr G Palmer – Bridgend

All tenants who allow access to ourcontractors Liberty Gas to service the gasboiler in their homes and return a satisfactionsurvey, along with tenants who completethe satisfaction survey we issue concerninga repair undertaken at their home, are putinto a prize draw to win £50 each quarter.


Maintenance AppointmentsOur contractors are responsible for making appointmentswith you to arrange works in your home. For day to dayrepairs we have 3 categories of repair:

Emergency – 24hrsUrgent – 7 day

Non-Urgent – 14 day

For all non-emergency works you will becontacted by a contractor and given a mutuallyagreeable appointment date and time. If youare not able to make the appointment, pleasenotify the contractor immediately in order forthe appointment to be re-scheduled. If you failto advise the contractor that you will not be atthe property at the pre-arranged time you maybe subject to a re-charge due to costs incurredby the contractor.

We are shortly due to implement a textreminder service for all non-emergencyappointments. These reminders will occurwhere we have been provided with a mobilenumber as one of your contact details. Wehope this will be a valuable additional to theservice you receive and assist you in ensuringthat the repairs to your home can beundertaken at the agreed time.

To ensure the text service is a success, pleasemake sure you inform us of any new mobilephone numbers you have!

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Maintenance Programmes

Location Works

HeatingACQ/EDW Properties Heating systemsHartshorne House, Maesteg Electric Storage HeatersMaes Sarn Llantrisant Boiler Renewal Mynydd Glass, Maesteg Boiler RenewalBarrack Row Merthyr Boiler RenewalSt Luikes Av, Penarth Boilers and RadiatorsSt James Av, Penarth Boilers and RadiatorsHeol Ty Maen, Bridgend Boilers and RadiatorsMaes Gwair, Bridgend Boilers and RadiatorsLlanishen Ct, Llanishen RadiatorsMeadow Rise, Brynna RadiatorsCastle Court, Maesteg Boiler Renewal

Bathrooms and ShowersACQ/EDW Properties Bathrooms and showersMutual Site, St Mellons, Phase 3 Bathrooms and showers Gabalfa Site, Cardiff Final Phase Bathrooms and showers/

Electric upgradeMaes Gwair, Cefn Glas, Bridgend Bathrooms and showersHeol Ty Maen, Cefn Glas, Bridgend Bathrooms and showersSt Davids Close, Brackla, Bridgend Bathrooms and showersGlanogwr House, Bridgend Level Access Showers

ElectricalACQ/EDW Properties ElectricalTy Copa, Llantrisant Electrical Rewires

External RoofingHafod Court New Slate RoofNewhouse Ct New Slate RoofACQ/EDWESPWHP Roofs

We are investing £4.3m

in your homes as part

of our planned and

cyclical maintenance

programmes for 2015

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Electrical WorksACQ/EDW/MOR Properties Smoke detectors, co and testingFielding Close Llanrumney Smoke detectors, co and testingMacauley Av, Llanrumney Smoke detectors, co and testingSwift Close, Llanrumney Smoke detectors, co and testingLynmouth Cres, Rumney Smoke detectors, co and testingStonechat Close, St Mellons Smoke detectors, co and testingFieldfare Drive, St Mellons Smoke detectors, co and testingOwain Close, Penarth Smoke detectors, co and testing13-20 Hafod Court, Canton Smoke detectors, co and testingThrush Close, St Mellons Smoke detectors, co and testingAlbert St, Barry CO DetectorsBarrians Way/College Fields, Barry CO DetectorsButtrills Rd, Barry CO DetectorsDock View Rd Barry CO DetectorsGateholm Close, Barry CO DetectorsBryn Cigfran, Bridgend CO DetectorsMaes Llysteg, Bridgend CO DetectorsCommercial Street, Maesteg CO DetectorsMynydd Glas. Maesteg CO DetectorsSt James/St Lukes, Penarth CO DetectorsWest Court, Penarth CO DetectorsGlan y Nant, Rhydyfelin CO DetectorsHeol y Cadno, Thornhill CO DetectorsLon Heulog, Bridgend CO DetectorsLlys Seion, Maesteg CO DetectorsGlanogwr House Heat and Smoke DetectorsWHP Properties PEA Testing

Painting266/267 Bridgend Rd, Maesteg External/Internal Communal Painting37 Bethania Street, Maesteg External/Internal Communal PaintingErw Hir, Bridgend External Painting/WashdownButrills Rd, Barry External Painting/WashdownMariners Way, Rhoose External Painting/WashdownMarlborough Close, Barry External Painting/WashdownStonechat Clsoe, St Mellons External Painting/WashdownThrush Close, St Mellons External Painting/WashdownChapman Court, Newport External/Internal Communal PaintingTy Bryn Coch, Taffs Well External/Internal Communal PaintingHarlech House, Radyr External Painting/WashdownThe Pines, Whitchurch External Painting/WashdownRedgate Close, Tonyrefail External Painting/WashdownLlys yr Efail, Tonyrefail External/Internal Communal PaintingStryd y Berllan, Tonyrefail External Painting/WashdownTy Copa, Llantrisant External/Internal Communal PaintingGabalfa Railings phase 2 External Painting/WashdownMeadow Rise Brynna External Render/Wash down

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WHY CONDENSATION IS BECOMING APROBLEMCondensation is largely the result of:• improved standards of insulation, double

glazing and draught proofing of propertiesthat all give the benefit of better heatretention, but results in a lack of airventilation, stale air and trapped moisture.

• Without regular ventilation, condensationoften results in unhealthy living conditionswith the possibility of unsightly black mouldgrowth, peeling decorations, damage toclothing or fabrics and unpleasant mustydamp smells within a property. In itsseverest form, a long term condensationproblem can result in permanent damage toplaster work and timbers in the home.

FIRST STEPS TO FIGHT CONDENSATIONThere are simple things you can do straightaway to help stop the build-up:• Make sure you dry your windows and

windowsills every morning, as well assurfaces in the kitchen or bathroom thathave become wet.

• Wring out clothes rather than drying themon a radiator.

• Don’t cook with internal doors open andeither put the extractor fan on or open thewindow.

• After cooking, leave the window securelyopen and leave the extractor fan running toallow moisture to escape. You can carefullyclear the face of the extractor fan once ithas been switched off with a duster or drybrush to aid air flow. Try not to allow food toboil in open pans.

• Ventilate your home by ensuring that tricklevents, where fitted, are open and clean.

• To reduce the risk of mildew do not overfillyour wardrobes and cupboards as thisstops air circulating, also don’t store clothesin plastic bin bags.

Too much moisturebeing produced inyour home

Not enoughventilation

Cold surfaces

Condensation is the drops of water that appear on cold windows or other surfacesas a result of hot air or steam becoming cool: We get a lot of condensation on thewalls in the winter.

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PreviousWinnersWe are pleased to announce that the 3lucky winners of the How to Train YourDragon DVD Boxset were:

Master T Dunstan – BridgendMaster J Buckley – BridgendMiss J Cogin – Cardiff

Spot the Bauble and win

Find the Hafod bauble, cut it out,

and send it in along with your name,

address and telephone number for

your chance to win £100.

What a great way to start the new

year with £100 in your pocket!!

To celebrate the upcoming Christmas Holiday’s we have hiddena festive Hafod Bauble on one of our pages.

Congratulations All!!!

All entries must be received by Friday 16th January 2015

£100Chris DaviesWinter CompetitionFREEPOST – RTJK-LCSX-KKZUHafod Housing Association Ltd St. Hilary Court Valegate Business Park Copthorne Way CARDIFF CF5 6ES

Please send your entry to:

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Christmas ClosingOur Head Office will be closed from 12.00pm

on Wednesday 24th December until 8.30 am on

Monday 5th January 2015.

Our St Mellons Office will be closed from

12.30pm on Wednesday 24th December until

9.00am on Monday 5th January 2015.

Our Community Office in Rhydyfelin will be

closed from 12.00pm on Wednesday 24th

December until 8.30am on Monday 5th January


If you have a maintenance emergency during the

Christmas Holidays please contact – 029 20675800

For all Heating and Plumbing issues please contact

– Freephone 0800 328 4322 or 0330 123 9622

Finally, we would like to wish you all a

very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thank you all who have taken time to provideus with valuable support and feedback overthe past 12 months.

From those who attend regular meetings tothose who simply complete a satisfactionsurvey or even contacting us to tell us you arehappy or unhappy with something.

Your feedback is really important to us and letsus know how you feel about the services weprovide and what we need to do to improvethings for you.

Keep on giving usfeedback in 2015!!!