Download - 36th Terry Fox Community Walk FOX PUBLIC SCHOOL · back Ms. Colgan, Ms. Ciurzynski, Ms. Bahri, Ms. Lalla, Ms. Parhar , Ms. Taylor, and Ms. Mullings-Smith. On Sunday, September 18,

Page 1: 36th Terry Fox Community Walk FOX PUBLIC SCHOOL · back Ms. Colgan, Ms. Ciurzynski, Ms. Bahri, Ms. Lalla, Ms. Parhar , Ms. Taylor, and Ms. Mullings-Smith. On Sunday, September 18,


September 2016 Terry Fox Website -

Lucy Fields - Principal Kristina Morgan - Vice Principal TBA - Office Manager Angela Longstreet - Office Assistant (905) 846-1262

Mark Haarmann - Superintendent (905) 451-2862 Suzanne Nurse - Trustee (905) 495-3423
























95 Richvale Drive Brampton, ON L6Z 1Y6 Tel: (905) 846-1262 Fax: (905) 846-3681

We extend a warm welcome to all of our returning students and to those students who are attending Terry Fox Public School for the first time. We hope everyone had a great summer and are ready for the new school year. Our Terry Fox Public School staff is eager to work with you to create a learning environment where your children can develop to their full potential. New staff This year we are pleased to welcome the following several new staff members to our school: Ms. Olton, Ms. Mensah, Ms. Dubas, Ms. Bungay, Ms. Muthada, Ms. Lubin, , Ms. Kokolj, and Ms. Reid. We welcome back Ms. Colgan, Ms. Ciurzynski, Ms. Bahri, Ms. Lalla, Ms. Parhar , Ms. Taylor, and Ms. Mullings-Smith.

On Sunday, September 18, 2016 Terry Fox Public School will host the 36th annual Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research. We hope every family in our school community will join us on our walk, bike, rol-lerblade course (stroller and wheelchair accessible) between 8:30 a.m. and noon. All are welcome. There is no entry fee and no minimum donation to partici-pate. If you would like more information or if you would like to volunteer on this day, please contact Terry Wood at 905-846-8013. Everyone is encouraged to visit for more information and merchandise purchases in advance of the community run.

Students who regularly go home for lunch will be allowed to do so only during Nutrition Breaks C and D from 1:00 to 1:40 p.m. Afternoon attendance will be taken promptly at 1:40 p.m.

Welcome to a New School Year

Our School’s Daily Schedule

36th Terry Fox Community Walk

Supervision Begins -8:25 a.m.

Warning bell -8:35 a.m.

Student Entry -8:40 a.m.

School Day Starts -8:40 a.m.

Nutrition Break A -10:20 - 10:40 a.m. (K– 2’s eat)

Nutrition Break B -10:40 - 11:00 a.m. (Gr. 3– 5’s eat)

Nutrition Break C -1:00 - 1:20 p.m. (K– 2’s eat)

Nutrition Break D -1:20 - 1:40 p.m. (Gr. 3– 5’s eat)

Dismissal -3:00 p.m.

Happy New School Year! Welcome to the 2016-17 school year—opportunities to learn, grow and succeed await you and your child! At the Peel District School Board, our mission is to inspire success, confidence and hope in each student. There is no doubt that families play a vital role in helping us achieve this goal. We value your involvement and want you to know it's appreciated. As our partner in education, we hope you'll stay connected to your child's learning throughout their entire school experience! Reach out to your child’s teacher to find out how you can get involved. Together, we have the incredible opportunity to inspire a smile in each student. On behalf of the Peel board, I wish you an amazing school year. Tony Pontes, Director of Education Peel District School Board

Page 2: 36th Terry Fox Community Walk FOX PUBLIC SCHOOL · back Ms. Colgan, Ms. Ciurzynski, Ms. Bahri, Ms. Lalla, Ms. Parhar , Ms. Taylor, and Ms. Mullings-Smith. On Sunday, September 18,

Beginning Sept. 6, 2016, all parents/guardians need to report their children’s full-day absences, late arrivals and/or early departures from school via our new automated SafeArrival phone number at 1-855-209-6155, online at, or by downloading the mobile app for Apple and Android devices. For absences long-er than 5 consecutive school days, please contact the school office. Parents are encouraged to provide an email address to schools. Parents who have an email address on file at school will receive an email invitation from Synrevoice Technologies during the week of August 29. The invitation will include login information. Starting the week of August 29, parents who do not have an email address on file at the school can visit and choose CREATE LOGIN to create your account and receive login credentials that can be used online or with the mobile app. Parents need to have a cell phone that is capable of receiving text messages to complete the setup process. The cell phone number must be on file with the school. All three options are available 24 hours a day. There is no longer an absence reporting phone line at school. If you have any questions or require any assistance, contact the school directly and speak to one of our Office staff.

Regular attendance at school ensures that your child is receiving the appropriate instruction and is able to follow the routines for their class. Please ensure that your child is on time for school. Any student who arrives during or after the opening exercises is deemed late unless he/she is travelling by school bus. If your child is unwell (affected by fever, chicken pox, or head lice), please keep them at home. We have to con-sider the health and well-being of all who are present in our school building. Thank you for your continued sup-port and cooperation.



Page 3: 36th Terry Fox Community Walk FOX PUBLIC SCHOOL · back Ms. Colgan, Ms. Ciurzynski, Ms. Bahri, Ms. Lalla, Ms. Parhar , Ms. Taylor, and Ms. Mullings-Smith. On Sunday, September 18,

Every Peel school has a school council—a group focused on helping students succeed. School councils provide a voice for parents and the community and offer advice to the school principal on a num-ber of topics.

School council elections will be held on September 29, 2016.

Should you wish to run as a parent representative on Terry

Fox ’ s School Council this year, nomination forms are en-

closed in the memos being sent home on Tuesday, Septem-

ber 6.

Here are some dates to remember if you are interested in be-

ing an elected member of the council.

September 12 Brief Bio is due in the office

September 16 Posting of Bios and list of candidates

September 29 Voting for new council during Open House

If you are unable to fulfill the role of a voting member of coun-

cil, you may still attend any monthly council meeting and ac-

tively support and volunteer at council sponsored events and

fundraising initiatives.

Council Meeting dates for 2016-17

Wednesday October 5, 2016

Wednesday November 9, 2016

Wednesday January 18, 2017

Wednesday February 8, 2017

Wednesday April 5, 2017

Wednesday May 3, 2017

All council meetings are held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in our

library. Babysitting is provided.

Your participation and support of school council is greatly ap-

preciated by staff, parents and students.

Join Our School Council—Share Your Ideas Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Peel District School

Board ’ s mission is to in-

spire success, confidence

and hope in each student.

As leaders in the use of

technology, we encourage

creative and innovative


Our students are allowed to bring personal devices

such as laptops, tablets, Smartphones and iPads to

school to support their academic work. Please note

that each child will continue to have access to class-

room computers, iPads and our Netbooks. As we

work together to provide the best possible educa-

tional environment for the students and to keep per-

sonal devices secure, we are asking Terry Fox fami-

lies to do the following things:

Provide your child with a case or

zipped bag for his/her device

Ensure that his/her name is clearly

marked on the device and the case

Check to see if you child ’ s device has a built-in

locator that is enabled

Please note: Personal devices are not for use dur-

ing Nutrition Breaks, unless the student is directly

supervised. By a staff member.

While we embrace technology and want to ensure

the safety of students and their devices, Terry Fox

Public School will not be responsible for any device

that is lost, stolen or damaged while at school.

Please visit us online at

for information on:

How devices will be used to support learning

Which device to choose

Digital citizenship and the appropriate use of


The board ’ s commitment to equity of access

School plans to help keep devices secured

The use of wireless technology

We thank all parents for their kind cooperation and



P.A. Days: Sept 27 / Oct 7 / Nov 18

Open House: September 29 5:00-6:30.p.m.

Photo day: October 20

Retake day: November 17

Teacher interviews: November 17 and 18

French Immersion

Information Night: November 30

Page 4: 36th Terry Fox Community Walk FOX PUBLIC SCHOOL · back Ms. Colgan, Ms. Ciurzynski, Ms. Bahri, Ms. Lalla, Ms. Parhar , Ms. Taylor, and Ms. Mullings-Smith. On Sunday, September 18,

Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-

threatening allergic reaction that af-

fects some children. We ask that you

help us take care of these students by

sending lunches and snacks for your

child that are free from peanuts or nuts. These foods

are the leading cause of anaphylaxis.

Please read the label of any food you plan to send to

school with your child. If the label says, "May contain

nuts or peanuts”, please do not send it to school.

Please inform the school office immediately if your child

suffers from any medical condition that

is potentially life-threatening

may require medication or testing during school


may impact on their ability to partici-

pate fully in curriculum subjects.

Some of these conditions include, but

are not limited to, asthma, anaphylaxis,

diabetes, epilepsy, seizures, heart con-

ditions, kidney diseases, hearing or vi-

sion impairments.

All medication that may be required should be submit-

ted to the office. Students are NOT allowed to adminis-

ter medication to themselves. However, students who

are anaphylactic, must wear their Epipens in a pouch

on them at all times. Parents and family doctors are

required to sign specific forms so that we can have

documentation on file should an emergency arise.

In an effort to protect students with severe allergies,

( p eanuts, tree nuts, egg, dairy, fruit ) we ask that you

Do NOT bring food items in for birthday celebrations,

no exceptions. If food items are sent to school, they will

be sent back home. Thank you for your understanding.

Peel schools provide a safe environment for staff and students to work and learn. The Board has many pro-cedures to ensure safety. To keep students safe, schools use many strategies including:

requiring all parents and visitors to check in at the main office and obtain visitor passes

the use of a "buddy system" – students can only leave the classroom if accompanied by another student (for example, going to the washroom)

assigning teachers to supervise inside and outside the school during recesses, before and after school

locking all exteriors doors, including the main entrance, during school hours [elementary schools only]

encouraging staff to regularly review street proofing skills with students

expecting staff and students to report unidentified individuals to the office immediately

holding fire drills and "lockdown" rehearsals

having evacuation plans in place

ensuring that all staff and volunteers have up-to-date criminal record checks

working with the police to provide education on street-proofing

We feel that it is important that you also take this opportunity to review safe procedures with your child. Peel Regional Police have provided the following safety guidelines:

Tell your children never to go anywhere with a stranger, not to talk to strangers and never take anything from them. You also have to teach them what a "safe stranger" is in case they need help. A safe stranger includes a police officer, a cashier, a fire fighter.

Develop a "what if" game for children to get them thinking about how they would respond if they felt threatened or afraid.

Know who your children play with and where they go. This includes keeping a list of their friend's addresses and phone numbers.

Do not leave your child in unsupervised locations, such as cars, parks, public washrooms, arenas, malls and plazas.

Teach your children where and how to get help. Go with them on their regularly travelled routes.

Your child's body is private. Tell your children that no one may touch the area their bathing suit covers. If someone tries to touch them, they should tell you immediately.

Teach your children to talk to you immediately when someone does anything that makes them feel strange or uncomfortable. Listen when your children are trying to tell you about some-thing that bothers them, and provide them with support and understanding.

Help Protect Students With Allergies Procedures To Help Keep Students Safe



Page 5: 36th Terry Fox Community Walk FOX PUBLIC SCHOOL · back Ms. Colgan, Ms. Ciurzynski, Ms. Bahri, Ms. Lalla, Ms. Parhar , Ms. Taylor, and Ms. Mullings-Smith. On Sunday, September 18,

In September, schools are required to re-

port their numbers in the first couple of

weeks of school.

Adjustments are made across the Peel District School

Board to accommodate all students equitably with possi-

ble student and class movements. We will need the

next few weeks to carefully review all classes. This will

ensure that each child is placed in a setting that will

maximize learning and growth, and that class numbers

are equitable.

If a change is required, parents will be contacted. Re-

organization becomes necessary if there is an increase

or decrease in enrolment at our school. If re-

organization takes place, please be as-

sured that we will do everything possible

to ensure a smooth transition for your

child if he/she is moving to another class.

School Organization

Protect your kids—and your finances The Peel District School Board does not provide accident insurance coverage for student injuries that occur on school property or during school activities including extracurricular sports. Each year, many of our families spend thousands of dollars when their children are injured at school, on field trips, while participating in non-school activities, or at home. If a student is injured, parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for any costs not covered by provincial health care or their employer’s health plan. Please check with your provider regarding your coverage. The provincial health care system does not cover costs which are commonly related to accidents including dental work, ambulance fees, casts and crutches, and physiotherapy. All of these are cov-ered by Reliable Life’s student accident insurance plan. It is strongly recommended that all families consider this coverage, especially if your child partici-pates in extracurricular activities. Annual plans, which provide 24 hours a day, 365 days a year cov-erage, range from $13.50 to $32 per year. Through the application only you can be covered for the school day only as low as $8 per year. Family rates for three or more children are available. The insurance agreement is between you and Reliable Life Insurance Company. You can apply for coverage through paper application or online at For more information call Reliable Life Insurance Com-pany toll free at 1-800-463-KIDS (5437).


Terry Fox Website -

Want to keep up to date with what’s happening at Terry Fox P.S. ? Check out our school website where you'll find: The latest school news, contact information for school admin-istration, superintendent and trustee, calendar, enrolment data, school hours, mission, vision and values, registration infor-mation, printable forms, frequently asked questions, volunteer information, and EQAO reports

Keep up to date with our website subscription service Our new website also features a subscription service where you can sign up to receive email notifications for school news, calen-dar events and volunteer job opportunities. You can also choose to be notified via email and/or text message for critical news, such as school closures due to bad weather. Click on the sub-scribe link on the left-hand side of the main page of our website.

Page 6: 36th Terry Fox Community Walk FOX PUBLIC SCHOOL · back Ms. Colgan, Ms. Ciurzynski, Ms. Bahri, Ms. Lalla, Ms. Parhar , Ms. Taylor, and Ms. Mullings-Smith. On Sunday, September 18,

The role of trustees

advocate for the needs of the community to other members of the board

help members of the community address concerns about the school system

set policies in the areas of curriculum, facilities, human and financial resources

explain the policies and decisions of the board to the community evaluate the board's achievement of its goals and objectives and moni-

tor its implementation of new policies participate in budget development, approve budget decisions and

monitor its progress protect the future of the board by always considering the long-term

effects of decisions

Visit and check out the ‘Meet Your Trustee’ section to sub-scribe to board meeting agendas and minutes and read highlights from board meetings.

It’s school time again! I hope everyone had a great summer, spent doing exciting activities with your families. I know your school has worked hard to prepare a chal-lenging and enriching year for your children. They cannot, however, do this alone. Around this time of year, you will be hearing information about school council. Becoming a member of school council can give you the opportunity to provide helpful input on school decisions and communicate student success to parents and community members. For more information about how to get in-volved, contact the school office or check out our website at Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with you to ensure our children become independent, lifelong learners. Suzanne Nurse Peel DSB Trustee Wards 2 and 6 Vice Chair of the Board

A Letter From Our Trustee

Page 7: 36th Terry Fox Community Walk FOX PUBLIC SCHOOL · back Ms. Colgan, Ms. Ciurzynski, Ms. Bahri, Ms. Lalla, Ms. Parhar , Ms. Taylor, and Ms. Mullings-Smith. On Sunday, September 18,

What you need to know about busing Peel District School students may access transportation services if their primary address is within the school's attendance boundary, at a distance of more than:

kindergarten and grade 1 students – 1 km

grades 2 to 4 students – 1.6 km

grades 5 to 8 students – 2 km

grades 9 to 12 students – 3.8 km

Eligibility distances are calculated using appropriate roadways and pedestrian walkways and are measured from home prop-erty line to school property line using Board approved software to ensure a consistent and equitable assessment of distance for all students and all schools within the Board. It is also important to note that parents are responsible for safely getting their children to and from school. How do I know if my child is eligible for transportation? Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR) has a website,, where you can find information concerning transportation including bus safety, procedures, late buses, cancellations, and frequently asked questions and as well whether your child is eligible for transportation based on your home address. Click on "Am I Eligible for Transportation" and enter your information. In addition, if your child is eligible for transportation, beginning the last week of August to the end of June each year, at you can securely access your child’s specific transportation information, including bus stop location and pick-up and drop-off times. Click on “Parent/Student Login” and enter the information required. To ensure privacy of information you will be required to enter the Ontario Education Number (OEN), which can be found on your child’s report card. Parents can now sign-up to receive automatic e-mail notifications of delays or cancellations for their children’s bus run. Go to and click on the “bus delays and cancellations” link and then click “subscriptions” to sign-up for this service.


Traffic congestion in front of the school in the morning and at dismissal times can create a dangerous situation for our students and staff. We are asking for your cooperation and assis-tance in following the safety rules outlined below:

The Kiss and Ride between our school and R.H. Lagerquist is available for drop off and pick up. Please ensure that your child uses the crossing guard at the pedestrian traffic light when

crossing Richvale Drive North. Our parking lot is reserved for staff only, due to limited space. Have your child ready to exit the car when you reach the curb. Students may only exit from

the right side of the vehicle. After picking up or dropping off your child, leave promptly so that others can get in behind you. If your child is not waiting for you at the main crosswalk at the end of the day, please circle the area and re-

join the line or park in a designated parking space to wait. Always respect traffic flow and obey all traffic laws and signs. Our bus turn loop, located directly in front of the

school, is only for buses and approved service vehicles. For the safety of all students, parents and staff, cars must not enter or park in our bus loop. Unauthorized vehicles can be tagged and ticketed by the City of Brampton Parking Control by-law enforcement officers.

Do not park in areas that are reserved for persons with physical disabilities.

Page 8: 36th Terry Fox Community Walk FOX PUBLIC SCHOOL · back Ms. Colgan, Ms. Ciurzynski, Ms. Bahri, Ms. Lalla, Ms. Parhar , Ms. Taylor, and Ms. Mullings-Smith. On Sunday, September 18,

Understanding your child’s Ontario Student Record

The Ontario Student Record (OSR) is an ongoing, confidential record of a student’s education progress. Authorized by the Education Act and protected by the Freedom of Information Act and Protection of Privacy Act, an OSR is established for each student enrolled in an Ontario elementary or secondary school. The record is housed at the student’s current school and moves with the student as they transition from one school to the next. If a student leaves Peel to attend another school in Ontario, the OSR is forwarded to the new school upon request. If the OSR is not requested or the student leaves Ontario, the OSR is housed in the last Peel school that the student attended. The OSR contains familiar documents that parents can view at any given time. OSR contents include: biographical data documentation file, containing (if applicable): verification of a custody arrangement, change-of-name order, place-

ments decisions, suspension letters, psycho-educational assessment report, identification and placement decision letters, and registration forms

information concerning special health conditions name(s) of student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) Ontario Student Transcript (secondary school only) – the cumulative record of a student’s successful completion of sec-

ondary school courses photographs may also be attached record of the student’s accumulated instruction in French as a second language, if applicable report cards school(s) attended Every student, and parents or guardians of students under 18 years of age have the right to examine the student’s OSR and receive a copy of its contents. Supervisory officers, school administration and teachers may also access a student’s OSR for the purpose of improving the instruction of the student. Written permission is requested for any outside agency or person-nel to access the OSR. Contact your school principal for details of the procedure to review your child’s OSR. If you would like to learn more about your child’s OSR, visit the Ontario Ministry of Education web site at

Getting your questions answered

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions about your child's education, or about education in general, anyone with the Peel board is happy to help. Here are some of the people who can help you:

If you have specific questions or concerns about the education of your son or daughter, the first person to talk to is your child's teacher. If possible, arrange a personal interview with the teacher to discuss your concerns and attempt to resolve the matter. Your child's teacher or principal can also give you more information about specific strategies being used to monitor your child's progress.

If you need extra help, or have more general questions, your school principal is there to assist. Your school principal can help if you have been unable to resolve the issue with your child's teacher. All curriculum material is available in your child's school.

If you still have unanswered questions or concerns, talk to your superintendent of education. If you have general questions about curriculum, call Curriculum and Instruction Support Services at 905-890-1010 ext.

2559. If you have questions about special education programs or services, contact Special Education Support Services at 905-

890-1010 ext. 2345. Of course, your local school trustee is elected to represent your interests and is always ready to hear and discuss your

suggestions or concerns. If you don't know the name of your trustee, check the 'Meet your Trustee' section of the board's website at

If you still have questions, please email [email protected] or call Communication & Community Relations Support Services at 905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146 ext. 2809.

Page 9: 36th Terry Fox Community Walk FOX PUBLIC SCHOOL · back Ms. Colgan, Ms. Ciurzynski, Ms. Bahri, Ms. Lalla, Ms. Parhar , Ms. Taylor, and Ms. Mullings-Smith. On Sunday, September 18,

How To Register at a Peel School Here’s what you need to know about registering your child for school

Who can attend? The Peel board serves children age 4 and older.

Our schools Peel has more than 245 elementary and secondary schools. You can find the name and location of your local school by calling our Planning and Accommodation department at 905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146, extension 2212.

Where to register If your family is new to Canada, your child may need an orienta-tion interview to register for school. To assist you with registra-tion, we offer three Welcome Centres. Please call 905-366-8791 to talk to our staff and book your appointment. There is no fee for registration.

Documents to bring to registration

Proof of child's age Canadian birth certificate Canadian passport citizenship card/certificate Permanent Resident Card Record of Landing confirmation of permanent residence work permit refugee permit

Proof of address purchase agreement utility bill bank statement/client slip (directly from financial insti-

tution) credit card statement federal government forms (e.g. Social Insurance Num-

ber, Service Canada documents) Ontario driver's licence

Proof of custody – children must live with their parent(s) unless provided documentation supports an alternate living arrange-ment Proof of immunization – proof that your child has been immun-ized/vaccinated

Missing documents?

If you are missing some documents, you can still visit the We

Regional Learning Choices Programs cont’d

Transportation is not provided for students in regional programs. If students have been accepted into a re-gional program and they live within the school bound-ary, they are eligible for busing only if they meet the distance criteria outlined in the board’s Transportation Policy #39. All regional programs include annual fees, including an $40 application fee for all regional programs. The application process for secondary regional programs opens Nov. 9, 2016. Application dates for middle school programs vary from school to school.

For more information about program information nights, busing, fees and the application process/dates, contact the school or visit

Regional Learning Choices Programs Regional Learning Choices Programs offered by the Peel District School Board empower students by providing them with opportunities to develop and ex-plore skills in a particular area of interest. Regional programs are open to all students who meet the crite-ria for acceptance. Students and their families are en-couraged to attend the information night for the pro-gram of their choice to receive more information about the program and application details.

Programs 6 7 9

Actively in Motion (AIM) – Royal Orchard MS

Advanced Placement – Central Peel SS, John Fraser SS

Arts – Earnscliffe Sr. PS, Queen Elizabeth Sr. PS, Caw-thra Park SS, Mayfield SS

Arts and Technology – Morning Star MS

Graphic Design Management – Gordon Graydon Memorial SS

International Baccalaureate – Bristol Rd. MS, WG Davis Sr. PS, Erindale SS, Glenforest SS, Harold M. Brathwaite SS, Turner Fenton SS

International Business and Technology – Allan A. Martin Sr. PS, Lisgar MS, Williams Pkwy Sr. PS, Gor-don Graydon Memorial SS, Meadowvale SS, North Park SS

International and Executive Leadership Academy – TL Kennedy SS

SciTech – Centennial Sr. PS, Macville PS, Tomken Rd. MS, Chinguacousy SS, Port Credit SS

Sports – Applewood Heights SS

Strings – Central Peel SS, Port Credit SS

Truck and Coach Engineering and Technology – Bramalea Secondary School