Download - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B—Yr of … Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B—Yr of Consecrated Life 8 ... ... Centre

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33 Tranmere Street, Drummoyne NSW 2047 Tel (02) 9181 1795 Fax (02) 9819 6406 Email [email protected] Parish Website

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B—Yr of Consecrated Life 8 November 2015

Parish Priest: Very Rev Fr Michael L McLean PP EV (Email: [email protected]) Priest in Residence: Fr Denis Minns OP

Pastoral Associate: Ms Mary Cook (Email: [email protected] Tues, Wed & Thurs 9 am—5 pm) Chairperson Parish Pastoral Council: Mr John Perkins School Principal: Ms Rachel Bourke

Parish Administration: Mrs Debra Whaley (Mon & Tues) & Mrs Sue O’Neill (Wed, Thurs & Fri) Parish Office Hours: Mon & Tues 9 am—5 pm Wed, Thurs & Fri 9 am—3 pm

S e v e r a l p a r i s h i o n e r s , Fr Denis and parish staff came together for afternoon tea and to watch the

Melbourne Cup on Tuesday in the Parish Centre. We enjoyed each other’s company, the sparkling wine and some tasty food prepared from home. The highlight was the race and the history-making win by a woman jockey. Michelle Payne’s family story of struggle and survival has touched our hearts. This family didn’t dwell on the difficult times, but on the blessings received.

There are two women in today’s readings who have faced up to the struggles of life and been blessed. They are not named, but their stories live on in our faith community. They can be viewed as a type or ‘typos’ of every woman who has had to endure hardship and unfair discrimination. The woman in the first reading has very few

resources to call upon. Despite the fact she is a widow, she is still required by custom to provide hospitality to whoever approaches her, regardless of the cost this might exact of her, even starvation and death. She followed the word of the prophet, and God’s word came to pass. Her miraculous supply of flour and oil lasted for a year. She declared that Elijah’s God lives. The miracle showed the woman that this God who lives, can and will grant life even in the face of death. In the Gospel, Jesus condemns ostentation. Some men wore religious robes in public, hoping that people would consider them prayerful. Others sought the most important seats in the synagogue or at banquets. Still, others made sure that their temple offerings were acknowledged. In contrast to this, Jesus pointed out the offering of a poor widow. She offered the smallest coins in circulation at that time, but she gave out

of the generosity of her heart. Her total giving implied absolute trust in God.

Jesus himself goes to his passion and death with absolute trust in God. And God raised him up. In the letter to the Hebrews we learn that Jesus has entered heaven once and for all, having offered himself in sacrifice to do away with sin forever. When he appears a second time, it will not be to deal with sin, but to reward with salvation those who are waiting for

him. Today’s psalm describes God’s graciousness to all the vulnerable. Whenever we make a generous contribution of our time, money, energy or service, let us endeavour to seek no acknowledgement outwardly but adopt the genuine piety of these two women in the scriptures. Then we will have truly run a good race. Mary Cook Pastoral Associate—St Mark’s Parish

Today’s Liturgy Today’s Liturgy Today’s Liturgy Today’s Liturgy Today’s Liturgy Today’s Liturgy Today’s Liturgy Today’s Liturgy -------- Entrance Antiphon cf. Ps 87:3

Let my prayer come into your presence. Incline your ear to my cry for help, O Lord.

First Reading: Kings 17:10-16

The widow made a little scone from her flour and brought it to Elijah.

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 145:7-10. R. v. 2

Praise the Lord, my soul!

Second Reading: Hebrews 9:24-28

Christ offered himself only once to take the faults of many on himself.

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44

This poor widow has put in more than all who contributed. Communion Antiphon: cf. Ps 22:1-2

The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me

repose, near restful waters he leads me.

NEXT WEEKNEXT WEEK——33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

YrYr BB——Dan 12:1Dan 12:1--3; Heb 10:113; Heb 10:11--14, 18; Mk 13:2414, 18; Mk 13:24--3232





9.00 am & 6.00 pm

WEEKDAYS: Monday & Friday 8.00 am Tuesday & Thursday 9.30 am Wednesday 7.30 am Saturday 12 noon


Saturday 11.00 am to 12 noon BAPTISMS are on the first & third Sundays of the month at 10.30 am. During Lent no Baptisms are celebrated. Parents are asked to contact the Parish Centre (02 9181 1795) to make an appointment to discuss details for the Baptism of their child. *Contact Mary Cook at the Parish Centre for baptism information and bookings. MARRIAGES:

Parishioners intending marriage are asked to notify the Parish Centre at least six months prior to the wedding.

EUCHARIST FOR THE SICK: Anyone who is aware of a Catholic who is sick or housebound should notify the Parish Office so that they can receive the appropriate sacraments.

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PULPIT POINTS: † Come and join our ‘band of brothers’. † God ‘is calling you to be a hero’ – Archbishop’s pastoral letter. † Halloween the tip of an iceberg of spooky fascination. † Sydney ordinations – souvenir lift-out. † China policy change still leaves love out of the equation. † Parishes sign up to WYD partnership program. † Snap judgment? No. Focus with an eye to the eternal. † Saintly treasure from the ashes of the Terror. † Making domestic violence everyone’s business. † Rock star philosopher to teach at Notre Dame Sydney. † Vista: what’s on in your parish and diocese

All parishioners are welcome to come along to Wine,

Cheese & Scripture which will run over four weeks from the end of October on Friday evenings. Catch up first with a glass of wine and then spend some time reflecting on the scriptures.

What: Wine, Cheese & Scripture When: Friday 13 November, Friday 20 November Time: 7.00-7.30 pm for wine, cheese and a chat 7.30-8.30 pm for scripture and reflection Where: The Parish Centre (Upstairs) You are welcome to come to all, or any of the sessions. Please contact: [email protected] from St Mark's school if you would like to attend.

T here are envelopes available in the Church foyer today for November Masses. November is the month of the Holy Souls, a month in which we pray for our departed. Names of the deceased will be placed on the altar during November. A Mass will be celebrated each day during November for the deceased. There is a November Mass Offerings folder at the front of the Church, on a pedestal near the Paschal Candle. All deceased loved ones (from November Mass Envelopes) are remembered in this folder. Please pray for them.

This weekend we will be having the Charitable Works

Fund (CWF) Appeal. Each year we have three CWF Appeals—in May, August and November. The CWF supports the following agencies—CatholicCare, Chaplaincies, Ephpheta Centre (services to deaf and hearing impaired people), Seminaries, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (catechism classes/support in our public schools) and Aboriginal Catholic Ministry. Our Parish has been long and loyal supporters of the CWF and for that we truly thank you. On behalf of the CWF, we sincerely thank you for your continued generosity and faithful support.

Parishioners are invited to an Advent Group, four Thursday evenings in Advent commencing at 7.30 pm-9.00 pm

in the parish centre, using the Wollongong Diocese program, ‘Beloved’, with writings from popular authors including Sister Hildegard. The program booklet contains daily reflections, as well as the Advent Sunday readings, designed for small group meetings with CD support. Maria Theodore (parishioner) has offered to facilitate this group. Please contact the parish office (9181 1795 or email [email protected]) Registration is recommended. A small donation would be appreciated. Dates: Thursdays 26 November, 3, 10 and 17 December.

Have you thought about leaving a legacy to St Mark’s Parish? There are many ways you can support your local parish—whether it’s through the collection bowls, monthly giving plan or support of special appeals. Individuals who would like to contribute into the future also choose to leave a gift in their Will. A bequest, no matter how big or small, benefits a parish enormously: Fix a leaking roof, new carpet, repainting, reducing existing debt. Your parish is a vital part of your community and your bequest can mean all the difference. If you’d like to find out more about how you can do this, pick up a flyer on ‘Leaving a Bequest’ from the Church foyer or phone the Sydney Archdiocese Fundraising Office on 1800 753 959 for an information booklet.


All parishioners are warmly invited to the Rosary on

Tuesday 8 December 2015 at 7 pm in St Mark’s Church. PARISH NOTICEBOARDSPARISH NOTICEBOARDS

In the Church foyer are noticeboards with upcoming retreats and

events for your information. Take a look!

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St Mark’s Sunshine Club is a social group which meets for lunch at 12 noon on the third Thursday of each month. The new venue for their meetings is The Oxford Hotel, Cnr Victoria and Lyons Road, Drummoyne. New members welcome.


Year 6 and above and would you like to be a Junior Eucharistic Minister (JEM), please contact the parish office on 9181 1795 or email: [email protected] Full training and support will be provided.

† FUNERALS AT ST MARK’S—Parishioners are asked

to contact the parish office (02 9181 1795) if they need pastoral support and guidance regarding the arrangements of funerals of loved ones. In order to facilitate the smooth planning of a funeral, the parish needs to be contacted to ensure the Church is available, as well as Clergy, before funeral directors are arranged. Thank you.

Currently, Fr Michael is on annual leave and returning to the parish on Wednesday

18 November 2015. In his absence Fr Denis Minns, OP—Priest-in-Residence at St Mark’s—will be looking after the parish.

You are invited to contribute to the next issue of

‘On Lion’ (Christmas Edition). Articles can be left in the secure letterbox on the veranda of the parish centre or emailed ([email protected]). Articles or photographs are required early, in order to have ‘On Lion’ available in time for Christmas. Editors would be particularly interested in items of historical interest for the parish of St Mark’s.

Do you have any time to help in St Mark’s Primary School? More volunteers in the school are really needed. Your main tasks would be to help children in reading and Maths (no experience needed), unless you have particular skills in a different area. If you are able to volunteer, you would need to have your Unpaid Working With Children Check (unless you are a parent of one of our school children) and then we will do an induction with you. You can go to this site to fill out a form online and then follow the instructions:

Once you have filled in the form, you print it and take it to the Roads and Maritime Services with some proof of identify. You will be issued with the Unpaid Working with Children Check and you can bring that to the school office. We will give you a 15-minute induction and then you can begin as a volunteer. Thank you.

Ms Rachel Bourke (Principal)

Did you know you can make

donations or payments via our new parish website? Visit our website, and click on the ‘Make a Donation or Payment’ red button at the bottom of the screen and follow the prompts.

All parish families with preschoolers and babies are invited to come along to St Mark’s School Playgroup. When: Friday 13 November. Where? St Mark’s Hall. Time: 9.00 am to 10.30 am. Please email: [email protected] if you are interested. Please note Playgroup is not on all Fridays due to other school events. No Playgroup on 20 November.

1st Reconciliation Photos Forms1st Reconciliation Photos Forms

Around the Church walls are photos of our children who will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation in November. Please pray for them and sign their photos.

The new Charitable Works Fund (CWF) envelope has been developed as a way for honouring a loved one—families may choose to ask for a small gift in lieu of flowers. It’s a beautiful way to express how much a person meant to them and one way they can help to support a favourite charity. CWF Appeal income and donations from these envelopes will be credited back to your nominated Sydney Archdiocese parish on the form. The CWF of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney provides over one hundred social and community programs through its six benefiting agencies.

ARE YOU A VISITOR TO ST MARK’SARE YOU A VISITOR TO ST MARK’S? ? If you would like to make a donation (2nd collection) to our parish, and you are a visitor, there are envelopes in the brochure stand in the Church foyer. Thank you.

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‘Thank You’ from Catholic Mission—

For a while now Christmas decorations have been on sale in the

shops. And at least one building in the city is already lit up for

the festive season. Any day now we will begin to hear the

familiar tunes of Christmas carols coming from shops and public

buildings. We know the reasons for this and it has nothing to do

with the Christian festive season. Rather Christmas provides a

great opportunity for excessive consumerism. And the earlier

this exercise of purchasing can begin the better it is for those

with goods to trade. Christmas signals feasting and gift

giving. We are invited to stock up on special foods and

drinks. We are also urged to buy the latest gadgets and toys. At

this time everything in our society urges us to think that

Christmas is near so we had best get ready. Meantime in our

churches we are making our way on our journey towards the end

of the liturgical year that is still four weeks away. Let’s live in the

moment of Ordinary Time.

Sr Carmel Pilcher rsj, Liturgy Consultant

Recently, St Mark’s Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) met for its monthly meeting. The PPC supports and discussed— † The PPC would like to invite any interested parishioners to consider being part of the ministries of Welcoming, Hospitality and Transport. We invite people to consider the very important work of these ministries in our Parish involving looking after new parishioners and welcoming regulars at weekend Masses; being part of a team to provide support for parish morning teas and other gatherings; and to provide assistance to those of our community who may need help with transport to get to Mass or other functions held within the Parish.

† There are plans for a Spirituality Companion Group and a Social Justice Group – opportunities for people to connect.

† At the conclusion of 2015, there will be some PPC members for

whom their term is complete, leaving vacancies – please consider the possibilities for your personal growth in this service of our community.

† We now have two successful Family Groups and are looking to establish a third.

† ‘Welcomers’ at the Saturday 6 pm Mass and the Sunday 6 pm

Mass—We need a group of nine people (three for each Mass) that we can rely on to welcome people as they come into the Church.

Enquiries can be directed to PPC Members (photos on the noticeboard in the Church foyer) at Mass, or via the Parish Office. Fr Michael

YOUTH NEWSYOUTH NEWS——Diary Date (St Charles Borromeo Parish, Ryde): Saturday 28 November—Family Trivia Night in the hall of Holy Cross College, Ryde (518 Victoria Rd, Ryde) to raise funds for WYD pilgrims. Who? 12 years and up. Cost: $20 per person (family: 2 adults, 2 children = $70). Light refreshments will be provided. Get your teams together!

Are you interested in playing netball for Five Dock All Saints? Netball is a great way to experience sport, learn new skills and play in a team. The 2016 netball season will commence in March next year with games played on Saturday mornings at Cintra Park, Concord. Girls as young as 5-7 can commence in the Mini Magpies program, which is a great introduction to the game of netball. Girls who turn 8 years and over next year can enrol in junior teams. Registration for existing and new players will be held in December at All Hallows Parish Hall, Halley St, Five Dock on Wednesday 2 December from 6-8 pm or Friday

4 December from 6-8 pm. Enquiries: Darryl Stuart on 0425 255 846 or Andrew Russell 0410 326 272 or visit:

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Catholic Youth Services is offering young adults aged 18-25 the opportunity to travel to the Australian Catholic Youth

Festival in Adelaide from 3-5 December with FREE accommodation and meals. Young adults need to arrange their own flights and then book their festival ticket ($195) though Catholic Youth Services. There are limited places.

For more info visit or email [email protected].

If you are new to St Mark’s please pick up an ‘Information for

New Parishioners’ handout from the Leaflet Cabinet

in the Church Foyer.

In your love and concern, please pray for the following ill members of our community—Carlo

Balacco, Bruce Barter, Betty Bidgood (nee Mason)

& Jeff Bidgood, Pat Castagnone, Zachary Chidiac,

Evelyn Dann, Meagan Ficarra, Daisy Gill, Alan

Gill, Julie Grady, Giovanni Iacono; John Latin,

Lynette Lord, Wendy Madden, Margaret

Micheletti, Shirley O’Hare, Carina Partington,

Hilda Reeves, Bishop Geoff Robinson, Sylvia Ryan,

Molly Wark, Anne Whitfield, Ceeying Wong and all

community members unwell at this time.

Recently Deceased: Elizabeth Uno; Sylvia Ryan;

Christopher Favorito; Maria Catanzaro; Rosa

Fraumeni; Sebastian Pomarda.

Anniversaries and those we are remembering at

this time: Fr Denis will celebrate Mass each day

during November for the repose of the souls of

deceased relatives and friends. Envelopes are

available in the Church foyer.


Come along to the ‘Reflections’ morning tea group for morning tea and a chat. This group is specially for those grieving the death of a loved one. Listening and talking about grief can help. Date: Monday 16 November 2015 from 10 am to 2 pm in the Tree of Hope Room, 2C West St, Lewisham (cnr Thomas St), Mary Potter Wing OR Wednesdays 11 November and

9 December from 10 am to midday at Catholic Church Offices, Polding Centre, Level 8, Room 2, 133 Liverpool St, Sydney. Enquiries: Patricia Thomas on 0438 263 036/9649 6423/[email protected] This is a free community event and sponsored by Catholic Cemeteries & Crematoria.

Morning prayer will be held in the Church 15 minutes prior to

each Mass—Monday to Friday. All warmly welcome.


If you require a high school reference from Fr Michael, please submit to the parish office all of the following documentation— 1 The relevant part of the School Nomination Form to be filled out by

the Parish Priest with details—such as the name of your child, start year for the high school, Parish and Parish Priest;

2 A photo of your child who is being nominated, with the other members of the family, if possible (family photo);

3 One-page biography of family’s major involvements and commitments in the life of the parish and primary school, past and present, including membership number in the Parish Planned Giving Envelope system if appropriate;

4 Other relevant information, eg community roles, other financial commitments to the parish and schools;

5 A stamped, pre-addressed envelope addressed to the school.

The Parish Priest Reference is sent directly to the high school. Thank you.

If you would like to join the Planned Giving Program, fill out a planned giving card and parish census form. These are kept in the brochure stand in the Church foyer, then return them to the parish centre (via the secure letterbox on the veranda). Envelopes can then be issued and collected from the parish office or deductions can be made via your credit card.


REUNIONREUNION—— DE LA SALLE COLLEGE, ASHFIELD LEAVING CLASS & SCHOOL CERTIFICATE CLASS OF 1965 SCHOOL EX-STUDENTS are invited to attend a reunion on Friday 13 November 2015 in the College hall. Enquiries: Tony Ficarra 9712 4824.

Please join Palms Australia to again celebrate their vision of ‘People co-operating across cultures in order to achieve a just, sustainable, interdependent and peaceful world free of poverty’.

Palms Australia 4th Annual Solidarity

Awards will be held on Saturday

5 December 2015 at 6.30 pm at the University of Technology Sydney (Aerial UTS Function Centre, Level 7, Building 10, 235 Jones St, Ultimo). Theme: International Volunteering: Integrating Perspectives

and Improving Outcomes.

Buffet dinner, entertainment by music and song, games, auction and raffle prizes. Enquiries: Roger O’Halloran 9518 9551.

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Applications are invited for the position of a part-time parish secretary at St Anthony’s Parish, Marsfield. The position will be fourteen hours per week (Tuesday/Thursday/ Friday). The successful applicant will be a person who upholds the ethos of the Catholic Church and has an intermediate working knowledge of Microsoft Office – Word, Publisher, Excel and Outlook. For further details, please contact the Parish Office on 9888 5222. Please email your application and resume to: [email protected]. Applications close on Wednesday 16 November 2015.

� WIN A TRIP TO WORLD YOUTH DAY IN POLAND IN JULY 2016! Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Sydney (CCD) is holding a competition for current Year 9 & 10 public secondary students to win free pilgrimages to World Youth Day 2016 in Poland via Prague. To enter, handwrite in 300-500 words (or submit artwork with a reflection) on why you would like to go to WYD as a pilgrim, then have your entry endorsed by Fr Michael or Fr Denis and contact CCD on 02 9307 8330 or email: [email protected] for parental permission form and further information.

† COME CELEBRATE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY! The Archdiocese Justice & Peace Office and L’Arche Sydney invite you to a special morning tea to celebrate and honour people living with disability and all of those who love, care about and advocate with them. There will be guest speakers, music, as well as time to share our own stories. Morning tea provided. Date: Tuesday 1 December from 10.30 am-12.00 pm, Level 5 Polding Centre, 133 L i v e r p o o l S t , S y d n e y . R S V P 2 4 N o v e m b e r email: [email protected] Ph: 02 9307 8461 (Please indicate any access and dietary requirements).

† NOTRE DAME TO TEACH INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE - first in NSW. In a landmark move, The University of Notre Dame Australia will become the only university in New South Wales to award undergraduate students with the International Baccalaureate (IB) Certificate in Teaching and Learning from 2016. The course will provide future Primary and Early Childhood graduates with improved graduate employability nationally and internationally. For more information please visit

† ARCHDIOCESE OF SYDNEY APP NOW AVAILABLE—The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney has released a Smartphone App for parishioners in the Archdiocese, featuring parish Mass times, the latest news from the Archdiocese of Sydney and the Catholic Church in Australia, information about upcoming Archdiocese events, as well as announcements from Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP, Archbishop of Sydney. Download the App for free – search for “Archdiocese of Sydney” in the Google Play and App stores.


Saturday/Sunday 7 & 8 November

Charitable Works Fund Appeal

All Masses

Friday 13 November St Mark’s Playgroup 9 am to 10.30 am—Hall

Regular Gps:

2nd & 4th Monday of the month)

St Vincent de Paul Society

7.45 pm—Parish Centre

Mondays to Fridays Morning Prayer 15 minutes prior to Mass


Italian Ladies’ Prayer Group

1.30 pm—Parish Centre

Thursdays (3rd of the month)

Sunshine Club Lunch 12 noon—Oxford Hotel, Cnr Victoria & Lyons Rds, Drummoyne

Fridays (4th of the month)

St Mark’s Catholic Women’s League

2 pm—Parish Centre

Friday 13 November Wine, Cheese & Scripture 7 pm—8.30 pm—Parish Centre

PLANNED GIVINGPLANNED GIVING—Planned Giving, which helps run the parish of St Mark’s, offers a 50% tax deduction. To give, please contact the office on 02 9181 1795 or [email protected]



EACH MONTH: HOSPITALITY HELP NEEDEDEACH MONTH: HOSPITALITY HELP NEEDED St Mark’s Parish is seeking a few parishioners to assist with the next Community Gathering for Baptism families. Families come together to meet Fr Michael and each other. Children are present. Afternoon tea is offered in the parish centre upstairs meeting room. If you would like to assist with this hospitality, please contact the parish office on 9181 1795 and leave your name and contact details. INVITATION TO FAMILIINVITATION TO FAMILIES BOOKED FOR ES BOOKED FOR



STST MARK’S THIS YEARMARK’S THIS YEAR Parents: If you have missed out on a Community Gathering for whatever reason, please contact Mary Cook on [email protected] and come along to meet other young families and their children on the first Sunday of the month at 4 pm. Fr Michael is keen to meet all families, and afternoon tea will be provided. Please Note: No gathering will be held in November.

ROSTERSROSTERS——The rosters listed below are a reminder only. Please ensure you check your roster for your service times.


Monica Loadsman & Jane McCredie

LITURGICAL MINISTERS 15 November 2015 LITURGICAL MINISTERS 15 November 2015 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year B



(jnr euch. min)(jnr euch. min)



VIGIL (Saturday) 6 PM Vigil

K Sharpe M Sargisson

A Latham K Sharpe

E Pidd

9.00 AM (Sunday)

N Rice M Fernon R Guerra

Y Lee M Jimenez R Colantonio

K Cox JEMS: G Chiera

Younger Gp: S Garofano R Ilacqua Older Gp: V Vinski

6.00 PM (Sunday)

Youth Ministry P Harrington M Harrington

M Casey

JEMS: L Cramp


LITURGICAL MINISTERS 8 November 2015 LITURGICAL MINISTERS 8 November 2015 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time & CWF Appeal

Year B



(jnr euch. min)(jnr euch. min)



VIGIL (Saturday) 6 PM Vigil

C Burlew M Bullock

M Hanvey N Duane

R Zoccali

9.00 AM (Sunday)

N Goodman L Boulos D Reilly

C Drury K Drury C O’Neill

E Pidd JEMS: A Chrystie

Younger Gp: J Callegari Older Gp: J Denehy

6.00 PM (Sunday)

D Moiso T Saitta

I Boccalatte J Price

T Boccalatte

JEMS: G Harrington