Download - 32cc/1.9 2-Cycle GASOLINE WEEDWACKER · 32cc/1.9 2-Cycle GASOLINE WEEDWACKER ... evaluated to applicable ISO and EN safety requirement standards by the Swedish ... •



Model No.358.791042

• Safety

• Assembly• Operation• Maintenance• Parts List

• Espa6ol, p. 23


Read and follow all Safety Rules and OperatingInstructions before first use of this product.

For answers to your questions about this product:Call 7 am-7 pm, Mon.-Sat., or 10 am-7 pm, Sun.

1-800-235-5878 _Hou,s listed are Central ]qme)

Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.

545167679 Rev. 2 7/3/08 BRW

Warranty Statement 2 Storage 17

Identification of Safety Symbols 2 Troubleshooting Table 18Safety Rules 4 Emissions Statement 19Assembly 10Operation 11 Parts List 21Maintenance 15 Spanish 23

Service & Adjustments 16 Parts and Ordering Back Cover


When used and maintained according to the operator's manual, if this product failsdue to a defect in material or workmanship within one year from the date of pur-chase, return it to any Seats store, Sears Service Center, or other Craftsman outlet inthe United States for free repair (or replacement if repair proves impossible).This warranty excludes cutting line, spark plug and air filter, which are expendableparts that can wear out from normai use in less than one year.This warranty applies for only 90 days from purchase date if this product is everused for commercial or rental purposes.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rightswhich vary from state to state.Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman E_tates, IL 60179


_DANGER: Use only specified trimmerhead, spool, and recommended trimmerline. Never use blades, flailing devices,wire, rope, string, etc. This attachment isdesigned for line trimmer use only. Failureto follow these instructions may result inserious injury.

Read the operator's manual before use. Failure to followinstructions could result in serious injury. Save operator'smanual.

_ Trimmer line can throw objects vio-

lently. You can be blinded or injured.Always wear hearing protection andsafety glasses marked Z87. Alwayswear head protection, heavy, longpants, long sleeves, boots andgloves.

I& I_WARNING: This unit can be dangerous! Careless or

1Iimproper use can cause serious injury.

Hazardzoneforthrownobjects.• Trimmerlinethrowsobjectsviolently<• Youandotherscanbeblinded/injured.• Keepchildren,bystanders,andanimals


_O _ ISecure hair above shoulder length.

f _ • I Do not wear jewelry, loose clothing,| ..._li I I or clothing with loosing hanging• _[I I straps, ties, tassels, etc< They can

_lllll_ J be caught in moving parts<

Ill Assist handle to be positioned only belowthe arrow.

Never allow children to operate this unit<

Store unit indoors in a high, dry place out of thereach of children. Store unit and fuel in area wherefuel vapors cannot reach sparks or open flamesfrom water heaters, electric motors or switches,furnaces, etc.

When servicing unit, use only identical replace-ment parts.

Always stop unit and disconnect spark plug beforecleaning or servicing.

_ i o_ruTeAtt_eNul_tGn;eFile _aaZmardorNse;e_m(iiXcP°cUrng°rsst°rkengas°/lene

I flames, or work that can cause sparks).

I_1 se unleaded gasoline and two-stroke oit mixed at aratio of 40:1 (2<5%).

These attachments used in combination with the specified powerhead have beenevaluated to ANSI B175.3-2003, "Grass Trimmers and Brushcutters - SafetyRequirements".

Powerhead including trimmer attachment ...................... 358<79104Brushcutter attachment ...................................... 358<79244

These attachments used in combination with the specified powerhead have beenevaluated to applicable ISO and EN safety requirement standards by the SwedishMachinery Testing Institute:

Edger attachment ........................................... 358<79240Cultivator attachment ........................................ 358<79241Blower attachment .......................................... 358<79242Pruner attachment .......................................... 358<79245

A'lIllWARNING: When using gar-dening appliances, basic safety pre-cautions must always be followed toreduce the risk of fire and seriousinjury. Read and follow all instructions.This power unit can be dangerousf Op-erator is responsible for followinginstructions and warnings on unit and inmanual. Read entire operator's manualbefore using unit! Be thoroughly familiarwith the controls and the proper use ofthe unit. Restrict the use of this unit topersons who have read, understand,and will follow the instructions andwamings on the unit and in the manual.Never allow children to operate this unit.



_ DANGER: Never use bladeswith line trimmer attachment. Neveruse flailing devices with any attach-ment, This unit (when used with sup-plied line trimmer attachment) is de-signed for line trimmer use only. Useof any other accessories with line trim-mer attachment will increase the riskof injury.

If situations occur which are not cov-ered in this manual, use care andgood judgment. Ifyou need assis-tance, contact your Sears ServiceCenter or call 1-800-235-5878.OPERATOR SAFETY• Dress properly. Always wear safety

glasses or similar eye protectionwhen operating, or performing main-tenance, on your unit (safetyglasses are available). Eye protec-tion should be marked Z87.

• Always wear face or dust mask if op-eration is dusty.

• Always wear heavy, tong pants, longsleeves, boots, and gloves. Wearingsafety leg guards is recommended.

• Always wear foot protection. Do notgo barefoot or wear sandals. Stayclear of spinning line.

• Secure hair above shoulder length.Secure or remove loose clothing orclothing with loosely hanging ties,straps, tassels, etc> They can becaught in moving parts.

• Being fully covered also helps pro-tect you from debris and pieces oftoxic plants thrown by spinning line.

• Stay Alert. Do not operate this unitwhen you are tired, ill, upset or un-der the influence of alcohol, drugs,or medication. Watch what you aredoing; use common sense.


• Wearhearingprotection.• Neverstartorruninsideaclosed


• Keephandlesfreeofoilandfuel.• Alwayskeepengine on the right

hand side of your body.• Hold the unit firmly with both hands.• Keep trimmer head (or other option-

al attachment) below waist tevel andaway from all parts of your body. Donot raise engine above your waist.

• Keep all parts of your body awayfrom muffler and spinning line (orother optional attachment). A hotmuffler can cause serious burns.

• Keep firm footing and balance. Donot overreach or use from unstablesurfaces such as ladders, trees,steep slopes, rooftops, etc.

• Use only in daylight or good artificiallight.

• Use only for jobs explained in thismanual (or manuals for optional at-tachments).


Ai_WARNING: Stop unitand dis-connect the spark plug before per-forming maintenance (except carbure-tar adjustments).• Look for and replace damaged or

loose parts before each use. Lookfor and repair fuel leaks before use.Keep in good working condition.

• Replace trimmer head parts that arechipped, cracked, broken, or dam-aged in any oti_er way before usingtile unit.

• Maintain unit according to recom-mended procedures. Keep cuttingline at proper length.

• Use only Craftsman brand replace-ment line. Never use wire, rope,string, etc.

• Install required shield properly beforeusing the unit. Use only specified trim-mer head; make sure it is properlyinstalled and securely fastened.

• Make sure unit is assembled cor-rectly as shown in this manual.

• Make carburetor adjustments withlower end supported to prevent linefrom contacting any object.

• Keep others away when making car-buretor adjustments.

• Use only recommended Craftsmanaccessories and replacement parts.

• Have all maintenance and servicenot explained in this manual per-formed by a Sears Service Center.

FUEL SAFETY• Mix and pour fuel outdoors.• Keep away from sparks or flames.• Do not smoke or allow smoking near

fuet or the unit or while using the unit.• Avoid spilling fue! or oil. Wipe up alt

fuel spills before starting engine.• Move at least t0 feet (3 meters)

away from fueling site before start-ing engine. Stop engine and allow itto cool before removing fue{ cap.

• Empty the _el tank before storing ortransporting the unit. Use up fuel leftin the carburetor by starting the en-gine and letting it run until it stops.

• Store unit and fiJel in area where fuelvapors cannot reach sparks or openflames from water heaters, electricmotors or switches, fiJrnaces, etc.

• Always store gasoline in a containerapproved for flammable liquids.

TRANSPORTING AND STORAGE• Stop the unit before carrying.• Allow engine to cool before storing

or transporting in vehicle.• Empty the fuel tank before storing or

transporting the unit. Use up fuel leftin the carburetor by starting the en-gine and letting it run until it stops.

• Store unit and _el in area where fiJelvapors cannot reach sparks or openflames from water heaters, electricmotors or switches, fiJrnaces, etc.

• Store unit so line limiter blade can-not accidentally cause injury. Theunit can be hung by the shaft.

• Store unit out of reach of children.This unit is not equipped with an anti-vibration system and is intended foroccasional use only.SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibra-tions through prolonged use of gaso-line powered hand tools could causeblood vessel or nerve damage in thefingers, hands, and joints of peopleprone to circulation disorders or ab-normal swellings. Prolonged use incold weather has been linked to bloodvessel damage in otherwise healthypeople. If symptoms occur such asnumbness, pain, loss of strength,change in skin color or texture, or lossof feeling in the fingers, hands, orjoints, discontinue the use of this tooland seek medical attention. An anti-vibration system does not guaranteethe avoidance of these problems. Us-ers who operate power toots on a con-tinual and regular basis must monitorclosely their physical condition and thecondition of this tool.

SPECIALNOTICE:ThisunitisequippedwithatemperaturelimitingmufflerandsparkarrestingscreenwhichmeetstherequirementsofCali-forniaCodes4442and4443.AllU.S.forestlandandthestatesofCalifornia,Idaho.Maine,Minnesota,NewJersey,Oregon, and Washington require bytaw that many internal combustion en-gines be equipped with a spark arrest-ing screen. If you operate in a localewhere such regulations exist, you arelegally responsible for maintaining theoperating condition of these parts.Failure to do so is a violation of thetaw. For normal homeowner use, themuffler and spark arresting screen wiltnot require any service. After 50 hoursof use, we recommend that your muf-fler be serviced or replaced by aSears Service Center.LINE TRIMMER SAFETY

_WARNING: Inspect the area tobe trimmed before each use. Removeobjects (rocks, broken glass, nails,wire, etc.) which can be thrown by orbecome entangled in line. Hard ob-jects can damage the trimmer headand be thrown causing serious injury.• Only use the trimmer attachment for

trimming, scalping, mowing andsweeping. Do not use the trimmerattachment for edging, pruning orhedge trimming.

• Cut only from your left to your right.Cutting on right side of the shield willthrow debris away from the operator.


_WARNING: For each optionalattachment used, read entire opera-tors manual before use and follow allwarnings and instructions in manualand on attachment.

AJ)&WARNING: Ensure handlebar

is installed when using brushcutterattachment. Attach handlebar abovearrow on safety label on the uppershaft (engine end of unit). If yourbrushcutter attachment does notinclude a handlebar, a handlebaraccessory kit (#530071451) is avail-able from your Sears Service Center.



A_)&WARNING: Inspect the area tobe edged before each use. Removeob ects (rocks, broken glass, nails,wire, etc. which can be thrown by theblade or can wrap around the shaft.• Blade rotates momentarily after the

trigger is released. The blade canseriously cut you or others.

• Allow blade to stop before removingit from the cut.

Blade rotates Allow blade tostopbefore removing it

after the fromthe cut.

• Throw away btades that are bent,warped, cracked, broken or dam-aged in any other way. Replaceparts that are cracked, chipped, ordamaged before using the unit.

• Do not attempt to remove cut materi-al nor hold material to be cut whenthe engine is running or when cut-ting blade is moving.

• Always keep the wheel and depthadjusting skid in contact with theground.

• Always push the unit slowty over theground. Stay alert for uneven side-walks, holes in the terrain, largeroots, etc.


_ WARNING: Inspect area beforestarting unit. Remove all debris andhard objects such as rocks, glass,wire, etc. that can ricochet, be thrown,or otherwise cause injury or damageduring operation.• Do not set unit on any surface ex-

cept a clean, hard area while engineis running. Debris such as gravel,sand, dust, grass, etc., could bepicked up by the air intake andthrown out through discharge open-ing, damaging unit, property, orcausing serious injury to bystandersor operator.

• Neverplaceobjectsinsidetheblow-ertubes,vacuumtubesorbloweroutlet.Alwaysdirecttheblowingde-brisawayfrompeople,animals,glass,andsolidobjectssuchastrees,automobiles,wails,etc.Theforceofaircancauserocks,dirt,orstickstobethrownortoricochetwhichcanhurtpeopleoranimals,breakglass,orcauseotherdamage.

• Neverrununitwithouttheproperequipmentattached.Whenusingyourunitasablower,alwaysinstallblowertubes.

• Checkairintakeopening,blowertubesorvacuumtubesfrequently,alwayswithenginestoppedandsparkplugdisconnected.Keepventsanddischargetubesfreeofdebriswhichcanaccumulateandrestrictproperairflow.

• Neverplaceanyobjectinairintakeopeningasthiscouldrestrictproperairflowandcausedamagetotileunit.

• Neveruseforspreadingchemicals,fertilizers,orothersubstanceswhichmaycontaintoxicmaterials.

• Toavoidspreadingfire,donotusenearleaforbrushfires,fireplaces,barbecuepits,ashtrays,etc.


lently away from material it does notcut. Blade thrust can cause amputa-tion of arms or legs.

mIWARNING: Do not use trimmerhead as a fastening device for tileblade.

_ WARNING: Inspect the area tobe cut before each use. Remove ob-jects (rocks, broken glass, nails, wire,etc.) which can be thrown or becomeentangled in the blade or trimmer line.• Throw away and replace blades that

are bent, warped, cracked, brokenor damaged in any other way.

• Install required shield properly be-fore using the unit. Use the metalshield for all metal blade use.

_ WARNING: Only use brushcut-

ter attachments that provide a metalshield with protruding nose.



• Use only specified blade and makesure it is properly installed and se-curely fastened.

• Cut from your left to your right.• Always use the handlebar and a

properly adjusted shoulder strapwith blade (see ASSEMBLY instruc-tions in brushcuttar attachmentoperator's manual).


_ WARNING: Rotating tines can

cause serious injury. Keep away fromrotating tines. Stop the engine anddisconnect the spark plug before un-clogging tines or making repairs.

• The blade continues to spin after thethrottle is reteased or engine is turnedoff. The coasting blade can throw ob-jects or seriously cut you if accidental-ly touched. Stop the blade by contact-ing the right hand side of the coastingblade with materiat already cut.

_ WARNING: Inspect the area tobe cultivated before starting the unit.Remove all debris and hard and sharpobjects such as rocks, vines, branch-es, rope, string, etc.

• Avoidheavycontactwithsolidobjectsthatmightstopthetines.Ifheavycon-tactoccurs,stoptheengineandin-specttheunitfordamage.

• Neveroperatethecultivatorwithoutthetinecoverinplaceandproperlysecured.

• Keepthetinesandguardclearofdebris.

• Afterstrikingaforeignobject,stoptheengine,disconnectthesparkplugandinspectthecultivatorfordamage.Repairbeforerestarting.

• Disconnectattachmentfromthedriveenginebeforecleaningthetineswithahoseandwatertorernoveanybuild-up.Oilthetinestopreventrust.

• Alwaysweargloveswhenservicingorcleaningthetines,Thetinesbecomeverysharpfromuse.

• Donotrununitathighspeedunlesscultivating.


HANDS AWAY FROM BLADE - Blademoves momentarily after the trigger isreleased, Do not attempt to clearaway cut material when the blade is inmotion. Make sure engine is stopped,the spark plug wire is disconnected,and the blade has stopped movingbefore removing jammed materialfrom the cutting blade. Do not grab orhotd the unit by the cutting blade.

Blades move Aflow blades to stopmomentarily before removing

after the them from the cut

_WARNING: thspect the area be-

fore starting the unit. Remove all de-bris and hard objects such as rocks,glass, wire, etc. that can ricochet, bethrown, or otherwise cause injury ordamage during operation.• Do not use a cutting blade that is

bent, warped, cracked, broken ordamaged in any other way. Haveworn or damaged parts replaced byyour Sears Service Center.

• Always keep unit in front of yourbody. Keep all parts of your bodyaway from the cutting blade,

• Keep the cutting blade and air ventsclear of debris.


_ WARNING: The reciprocatingblade/rotating chain can cause severeinjury. Inspect the unit before use. Donot operate unit with a bent, crackedor dull blade or dull chain. Keep awayfrom the blade/chain.

_WARNING: The reciprocating

blade/rotating chain is sharp, Do nottouch. To prevent sedous injury, alwaysstop engine and ensure blade/chainhas stopped moving, disconnect sparkplug, and wear gloves when changingor handling the blade or chain.

WARNING: A coasting blade/ro-tating chain can cause injury while itcontinues to move after the engine isstopped. Maintain proper control of theunit until the blade/chain has completelystopped moving. Keep hands, face andfeet at a distance from all moving parts.Do not attempt to touch or stop theblade or chain when it is moving.

_ WARNING: Falling objects cancause severe head injury. Wear headprotection when operating this unitwith a pole pruner attachment.

WARNING: To prevent seriousinjury, do not use more than one boomextension with a pole pruner attach-ment.

_ WARNING: Keep the pruner

away from power lines or electricalwires.• Only use for pruning limbs or

branches up to 6 inches (15 cm) indiameter,

• Donotoperatetheunitfasterthanthespeedneededtoprune.Donotruntheunitathighspeedwhennotpruning.

• Alwaysstoptheunitwhenworkisdelayedorwhenwalkingfromonecuttinglocationtoanother.

• Ifyoustrikeorbecomeentangledwithaforeignobject,stoptheengineimmediatelyandcheckfordamage.HaveanydamagerepairedbyaSearsSewiceCenterbeforeat-temptingfurtheroperations.Discardbladesthatarebent,warped,crackedorbroken.

• Stoptheunitimmediatelyifyoufeelexcessivevibration.Vibrationisasignoftrouble.Inspectthoroughlyforloosenuts,boltsordamagebeforecontinuing.ContactSearsServiceforrepairorreplacementofaffectedpartsasnecessary.

SNOWTHROWERSAFETY,_ WARNING: Keep hands andfeet away from the rotor when startingor running the engine. Never attemptto clear the rotor with the engine/motorrunning. Stop engine and disconnectspark plug before unclogging snow ordebris from discharge chute or whenadjusting vanes.

,_ WARNING: Never lean over dis-

charge chute. Rocks or debris couldbe thrown into the eyes and face andcause serious injury or blindness.

_WARNING: Inspect the areawhere the unit is to be used. Removeobjects that could be thrown or dam-age the unit. Some objects may behidden by fallen snow -- be alert forthe possibility.

• Direct material discharge away fromglass enclosures, automobiles, etc.

• Do not run engine at high speedwhile not removing snow.

• Be attentive when using the snow-thrower, and stay alert for holes inthe terrain and other hidden haz-ards.

• Make sure the rotor will spin freelybefore attaching the snowthrower tothe powerhead.

• If the rotor will not rotate freely dueto frozen ice, thaw the unit thorough-ly before attempting to operateunder power,

• Keep the rotor clear of debris.• Do not throw snow near other

people. The snow thrower couldpropel small objects at high speedcausing injury.

• After striking a foreign object, stopthe engine, disconnect spark plugand inspect the snowthrower fordamage and repair if necessary be-fore restarting unit.

• Never operate the snowthrower nearglass enclosures, automobiles andtrucks.

• Never attempt to use the snow-thrower on a roof.

• Never operate the snowthrower nearwindow wells, dropoffs, etc.

• Never discharge snow onto publicroads or near moving traffic.

• Clear snow from slopes by going upand down; never across. Use cau-tion when changing directions. Nev-er clear snow from steep slopes.

• Let snowthrower run for a few min-utes after clearing snow so movingparts do not freeze.

• Look behind and use care whenbacking up. Exercise caution toavoid slipping or falling, especiallywhen operating in reverse.

• Know how to stop quickly.



mlWARNING: Always stop unitand disconnect spark plug before per-forming any assembiy procedures.

_WARNING: If received as-

sembled, repeat all steps to ensureyour unit is properly assembled and attfasteners are secure.


CAUTION: When installing trimmerattachment, place the unit on a flatsurface for stability.1. Loosen the coupler by turning the

knob counterclockwise.




2. Remove shipping protector fromcoupler.

3. Remove the shaft cap from thetrimmer attachment (if present).

4. Position locking/release button ofattachment into guide recess ofcoupler.

5. Push the attachment into the cou-pler until the locking/release buttonsnaps into the primary hole.

6. Before using the unit, tighten theknob securely by turning clock-wise.

Upper Locking/ AttachmentShaft Release


_ WARNING: Make sure the lock-

ing/release button is locked in the pri-mary hole and the knob is securelytightened before operating the unit. Allattachments are designed to be used inthe primary hole unless otherwisestated in the applicable attachment op-erator's manual. Using the wrong hotecould lead to serious injury or damageto the unit.

Secondary Hole

Locking/ReleaseButton in Primary Hole

For optional attachments, see the AS-SEMBLY section of the applicable at-tachment operator's manual.


_WARNING: The shield must be

properly installed. The shieid providespartial protection ftom the risk of thrownobjects to the operator and others andis equipped with a line limiter bladewhich cuts excess line to the properlength. The line limiter blade (on under-side of shield) is sharp and can cut you.For proper orientation of shield, seeKNOW YOUR TRIMMER illustration in OP-ERATION section.1. Remove wing nut from shield.2. Insert bracket into slot as shown.3. Pivot shield until bolt passes

through hole in bracket.4. Securely tighten wing nut onto bolt.



Line LimiterBlade


_WARNING: When adjusting thesbt

assist handle, be sure it remains aboveBracket the safety label and below the mark or

/ arrow on the shaft./' 1. Loosen wing nut on handle.

2. Rotate the handle on the shaft to anupright position; retighten wing nut.


KNOW YOUR TRIMMERREAD THiS OPERATOR'S MANUAL AND SAFETY RULES BEFORE OPERATING YOURUNIT Compare tile illustrationswith your unit to familiarize yourself with the location ofthe various controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.

Assist Handle/

CouplerShaft _._

ON/STOP SwitchTrimmerHead


Line LimiterBlade


Starter Handle

Primer Bulb


Start Lever

ON/STOP SWITCHThe ON/STOP switch is located on tiletrigger handle and is used to stop theengine. To stop the engine, push andrelease the engine ON/STOP switch.PRIMER BULBThe PRIMER BULB removes air fromthe carburetor and fuel lines and flitsthem with fuel This allows you to startthe engine with fewer pulls on thestarter rope. Activate the primer bulbby pressing it and allowing it to returnto its original form.

START LEVERThe START LEVER helps to supply fuelto the engine to aid in starting. Acti-vate the starting system by moving thestart lever to the START position. DONOT squeeze the throttle trigger untilthe engine has started and runs. Afterthe engine starts, allow the engine towarm-up 5 seconds, then fullysqueeze the throttle trigger to deacti-vate the starting system (start leverreturns to RUN position).COUPLERThe COUPLER enables optional at-tachments to be installed on the unit.


_WARNING: Be sure to read

the fuel information in the safety rulesbefore you begin. If you do not under-stand the safety rules, do not attemptto fuel your unit. Call 1-800-235-5878.


_ WARNING: Remove fuet capslowly when refueling.This engine is certified to operate onunleaded gasoline. Before operation,gasoline must be mixed with a good


qualitysynthetic2-cycleair-cooleden-gineoil.WerecommendCraftsmanbrandsyntheticoil.Mixgasolineandoilataratioof40:1.A40:tratioisob-tainedbymixing3.2ouncesofoilwith1gallonofunleadedgasoline.Includedwiththistrimmerisa3.2ouncecontain-erofoil.Pourtileentire contents of thiscontainer into 1 gallon of gasoline toachieve the proper f_el mixture. DONOT USE automotive oit or marine oil.These oils will cause engine damage.When mixing fuel, follow instructionsprinted on container.Once oit is added to gasoline, shakecontainer momentarily to assure thatthe fuel is thoroughly mixed. Alwaysread and follow the safety rules relat-ing to fuel before fueling your unit.IMPORTANTAlcohol blended fuels (called gasohotor using ethanol or methanol) can at-tract moisture which leads to separa-tion and formation of acids during stor-age. Acidic gas can damage the fuelsystem of an engine while in storage.To avoid engine problems, empty thefuel system before storage for 30 daysor longer. Drain the gas tank, start theengine and let it run until the fuel linesand carburetor are empty. Use freshfuel next season.Never use engine or carburetor clean-er products in the fuel tank or perma-nent damage may occur.See the STORAGE section for addition-al information.HOW TO STOP YOUR UNIT• Release the throttle trigger.• Push and release the engine ON/

STOP switch. The switch wilt auto-matically return to the ON position.Wait 5 seconds before attempting torestart unit to allow switch to reset.


_WARNING: Avoid any contactwith the muffler. A hot muffler cancause serious burns.


NOTE: DO NOT squeeze the throttletrigger until the engine has started andruns.1. Set unit on a flat surface.2. Slowly press the primer bulb 6

times.3. Move the start lever to the START


Starter Handle



4. This unit has the Sim-pul_ startingsystem. You do not have to pull thestarter rope handle sharply or brisk-ly. Pull starter rope handle with acontrolled and steady motion untilengine starts and runs.

5. Allow unit to run for 5 seconds, thenf,Jlly squeeze the throttle trigger todisengage the starting system (startlever returns to RUN position).

STARTING A WARM ENGINE1. Squeeze and hold the throttle trig-

ger.2. Pull starter rope handle with a con-

trolled and steady motion whilesqueezing throttle trigger until en-gine starts and runs.

NOTE: Normally, the warm startingprocedure can be used within 5-t0minutes after the unit is turned off. Ifthe unit sits for more than 10 minuteswithout being used, it wilt be neces-sary to start the unit by following thesteps under STARTING A COLD EN-GINE or following the starting instruc-tion steps shown on the unit.

STARTING A FLOODED ENGINEFlooded engines can be started byplacing the start lever to the RUN posi-tion. Fully squeeze throttle trigger.Pull the starter rope handle repeatedlywhile squeezing throttle trigger untilengine starts and runs. This could re-quire pulling the starter rope handlemany times, depending on how badlythe unit is flooded.If the unit still doesn't start, refer toTROUBLESHOOTING TABLE or catt1-800-235-5878.



This model is equipped with a couplerwhich enables optional attachments tobe installed. The optional attachmentsare:

Edger ................. 358.79240Cultivator .............. 358.79241Blower ................ 358.79242Brushcutter ............ 358.79244Pruner ................ 358.79245

_WARNING: Always stop unitand disconnect spark plug before re-moving or installing attachments.

REMOVING TRIMMER ATTACH-MENT (OR OTHER OPTIONAL AT-TACHMENTS)CAUTION: When removing or instal-ling attachments, place the unit on afiat surface for stability.1. Loosen the coupler by turning the

knob counterclockwise.

Upper Shaft


C°uple_eide Recess

Upper Locking/ AttachmentShaft Release


_ WARNING: Make sure the lock-

ing/release button is locked in the pri-mary hole and the knob is securelytightened before operating the unit. Allattachments are designed to be used inthe primary hole unless otherwisestated in the applicable attachment op-erator's manual. Using the wrong hotecould lead to sedous injury or damageto the unit.

Secondary Hole



2. Press and hold the locking/releasebutton.


Upper ShaftAttachment

3. While securely holding the engineand upper shaft, pull the attach-ment straight out of the coupler.

INSTALLING OPTIONAL ATTACH-MENTS1. Remove the shaft cap from the at-

tachment (if present).2. Position locking/release button of

attachment into guide recess ofcoupler.

3. Push the attachment into the cou-pler until the locking/release buttonsnaps into the primary hole.

4. Before using the unit, tighten theknob securely by turning clock-wise.

Locking/ReleaseButton in Primary Hole

OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSTo maximize operating efficiency, donot run the engine for longer than 1minute at a time at full throttle.OPERATING POSITIONALWAYS USE:

Eye Protection



Cut from your right to your left.

_ WARNING: Always wear eyeprotection and hearing protection. Nevertean over the trimmer head. Rocks ordebds can ricochet or be thrown intoeyes and face and cause blindness orother serious injury.


When operating unit, stand as shownand check for the following:• Wear eye protection, hearing protec-

tion and heavy clothing.• Hold trigger handle with right hand

and assist handle with left hand.• Hold unit so that engine is below

waist level.• Cut only from your dght to your left

to ensure debris is thrown away fromyou. Without bending over, keep tinenear and parallel to the ground andnot crowded into material being cut.

Do not run the engine at a higher speedthan necessary. The cutting line will cutefficiently when the engine is run at lessthan full throttle. At lower speeds, thereis less engine noise and vibration.Always release the throttle trigger andallow the engine to return to idlespeed when not cutting.HOW TO STOP YOUR UNIT• Release the throttle trigger.• Push and release the engine ON/


_WARNING: Use minimum

speed and do not crowd the line whencutting around hard objects (rock,gravel, fence posts, etc.), which candamage the trimmer head, becomeentangled in the line, or be throwncausing a serious hazard.• The tip of the line does the cutting.

You will achieve the best perform-ance and minimum line wear by notcrowding the line into the cuttingarea. The right and wrong ways areshown below.

Tip of the Line Line Crowded IntoDoes The Cutting Work Area

Right _/rong

• The line wilt easily remove grassand weeds from around walls,fences, trees and flower beds, but italso can cut the tender bark of treesor shrubs and scar fences.

• For trimming or scalping, use lessthan full throttle to increase line lifeand decrease head wear, especially:

• During light duty cutting,• Near objects around which the line

can wrap such as small posts,trees or fence wire.

TRIMMING - Hold the bottom of thetrimmer head about 3 inches (8 cm)above the ground and at an angle, Al-low only the tip of the line to makecontact with vegetation. Do not forcetrimmer line into work area.


3 inches (8 cm) ....above ground

SCALPING - The scalping techniqueremoves unwanted vegetation down tothe ground, Hold the bottom of the trim-mer head about 3 inches (8 cm) abovethe ground and at an angle, Allow thetip of the line to strike the groundaround trees, posts, monuments, etc.This technique increases line wear.

Scalping 3 inches (8 cm)above ground

MOWING - Your trimmer is ideal formowing in places conventional lawnmowers cannot reach. In the mowingposition, keep the line parallel to theground. Avoid pressing the head intothe ground as this can scalp theground and datum, e the tool.



SWEEPING - The fanning action of therotating line can be used to blow awaytoose debris from an area. Keep the tineparallel to and above the area surfaceand swing the tool from side to side.



WARNING: Disconnect the spark plug before performing maintenance

except for carburetor adjustments.CARE & MAINTENANCE TASK

Check for loose fasteners and parts

Check for damaged or worn parts

Inspect and clean unit and decalsClean air filter

Inspect muffler and spark arresting screen

Replace spark plug


Before each use

Before each use

After each use

Every 5 hours of operation

Every 50 hours of operation


GEN ERAL RECOM MENDATIONSThe warranty on this unit does notcover items that have been subjectedto operator abuse or negligence. Toreceive full value from the warranty,the operator must maintain unit asinstructed in this manual. Various ad-justments wilt need to be made peri-odically to properly maintain your unit.CHECK FOR LOOSEFASTENERS AND PARTS• Spark Ptug Boot• Air Fitter• Housing Screws• Assist Handle Screw• Debris ShieldCHECK FOR DAMAGED ORWORN PARTSContact Sears Service Center for re-placement of damaged or worn parts.• ON/STOP Switch - Ensure ON/STOP

switch functions properly by pushingand releasing the switch. Make sureengine stops. Wait 5 seconds beforeattempting to restart unit to allowswitch to reset. Restart engine andcontinue.

• Fuel Tank - Discontinue use of unitif fuel tank shows signs of damageor leaks.

• Debris Shield - Discontinue use ofunit if debris shield is damaged.

INSPECTAND CLEAN UNITAND DE-CALS• After each use, inspect complete

unit for toose or damaged parts.Clean the unit and decals using adamp ctoth with a mild detergent.

• Wipe off unit with a clean dry cloth.CLEAN AIR FILTERA dirty air filter decreases engine per-formance and increases fuel consump-tion and harmful emissions. Alwaysclean after every 5 hours of operation.1. Ctean the cover and the area

around it to keep dirt from fallinginto the carburetor chamber whenthe cover is removed.

2. Remove parts by pressing buttonto release air fitter cover.

NOTE: To avoid creating a fire hazardor producing harmful evaporativeemissions, do not clean filter in gaso-line or other flammable solvent.3. Wash the fitter in soap and water.4. Allow filter to dry.5. Repiace parts.





_WARNING: The muffler on this

product contains chemicals known tothe State of California to cause cancer.As your unit is used, carbon depositsbuild up on the muffler and spark ar-resting screen.For normal homeowner use, however,the muffler and spark arresting screenwill not require any service. After 50hours of use, we recommend that yourmuffler be serviced or replaced by yourSears Sen4ce Center.

REPLACE SPARK PLUGReplace the spark plug each year toensure the engine starts easier andruns better. Set spark plug gap at0.025 inch (0.5 mm). Ignition timing isfixed and nonadjustable.1. Twist, then pull off spark plug boot.2. Remove spark plug from cylinder

and discard.3. Reptace with Champion RCJ-6Y

spark plug and tighten securelywith a 3/4 inch socket wrench.

4. Reinstall the spark plug boot.

LINE REPLACEMENT• Always use Craftsman replacement

line.Choose the line size best suited forthe job at hand. Red line is designedfor cutting grass and small weeds.The black colored line is designed forcutting larger weeds and light brush.NOTE: Before inserting new line intothe holes in the cutting head, identifythe proper holes. Follow directions asshown on the line glide plate.1. Remove the old line and line glide

plate from the cutting head.2. Clean entire surface of cutting

head.3. Reinstall Iine glide plate (see il-

lustration). Align arrow with:

when using medium (red) or(_) large (black) line

when using Iines with diameter(D smaller than medium (red) line


Line glide Arrow

Cutting head

NOTE: Line glide plate must be rein-stalled in cutting head before insertingnew line.4. Insert both ends of your line

through the proper holes in theside of the cutting head.


5. Pull the line and make sure theline is against the hub and ex-tended fuIt through the positioningtunnels,

Line against"the hub


6, Correctly installed tine will be thesame length on both ends.


_ WARNING: Keep others awaywhen making idle speed adjustments.The trimmer head witt be spinning dur-ing most of this procedure. Wear yourprotective equipment and observe altsafety precautions. After making ad-justments, the trimmer head must notmove or spin at idle speed.The carburetor has been carefully setat the factory. Adjustments may benecessary if you notice any of the fol-lowing conditions:• Engine will not idle when the throttle is



• Thetrimmerheadmovesorspinsatidle.

Makeadjustmentswiththeunitsup-portedsothecuttingattachmentisoffthegroundandwillnotmakecontactwithanyobject,Holdtheunitbyhandwhilerunningandmakingadjustments.Keepallpartsofyourbodyawayf_omthecuttingattachmentandmuffler.Idle Speed AdjustmentAllow engine to idle. Adjust speed untilengine runs without trimmer headmoving or spinning (idle too fast) orengine stalling (idle speed too slow).• Turn idle speed screw clockwise to

increase engine speed if enginestalls or dies.

• Turn idle speed screw counterclock-wise to decrease engine speed iftrimmer head moves or spins at idle.

Air FilterCover - b-

Idle SScrew

_ WARNING: Recheck the idle

speed after each adjustment. Thetrimmer head must not move or spin atidle speed to avoid serious injury tothe operator or others.If you require further assistance or areunsure about performing this proce-dure, contact your Sears Service Cen-ter or call our customer assistancehelp line at 1-800-235-5878.

=&m_WARNING: Perform the follow-ing steps after each use:• Allow engine to cool before storing

or transporting,• Store unit and fuel in a welt venti-

lated area where fuel vapors cannotreach sparks or open flames fromwater heaters, electric motors orswitches, furnaces, etc.

• Store unit with all guards in place.Position unit so that any sharp ob-

ject cannot accidentally cause injury.• Store unit and fuel well out of the

reach of children.SEASONAL STORAGEPrepare unit for storage at end of sea-son or if it wilt not be used for 30 daysor more.If your unit is to be stored for a periodof time:• Clean the entire unit before lengthy

storage.• Store in a clean dry area.• Lightly oil external metal surfaces.FUEL SYSTEMEmpty the fuel system before storagefor 30 days or longer. Drain the gastank, start the engine and let it run un-til the fuel lines and carburetor areempty. Use fresh fuel next season.Under FUEUNG ENGINE in the OPERA-TION section of this manual, see mes-sage labeled IMPORTANT regardingthe use of gasohol in your engine.

Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable alter-native in minimizing the formation offuel gum deposits during storage. Addstabilizer to the gasoline in the fuettank or fuel storage container. Followthe mix instructions found on stabilizercontainer. Run engine at least 3 min-utes after adding stabilizer.Craftsman 40:1,2-cycle engine oil (aircooled) is already blended with fuelstabilizer. If you do not use this Searsoit, you can add a fuel stabilizer toyour fuel tank.ENGINE• Remove spark plug and pour 1 tea-

spoon of 40:1,2-cycle engine oit (aircooled) through the spark plugopening. Slowly pull the starter rope8 to 10 times to distribute oil.

• Replace spark plug with new one ofrecommended type and heat range.

• Clean air filter.• Check entire unit for loose screws,

nuts, and bolts. Replace any dam-aged, broken, or worn parts.

• At the beginning of the next season,use only fresh fuel having the propergasoline to oit ratio.

OTHER• Do not store gasoline from one sea-

son to another.• Replace your gasoline can if it starts

to rust.



WARNING: Always stop unit and disconnect spark plug before perform-ing all of the recommended remedies below except remedies that requireunit to be operating.


Engine will not 1. Engine flooded. 1 See "Starting a Flooded Engine" instart. Operation Section.

2. Fuel tank empty 2. Fill tank with correct fuel mixture3. Spark plug not firing. 3 Install new spark plug.4. Fuel not reaching 4 Check for dirty fuel filter; replace.

carburetor. Check for kinked or split fuel line;repair or replace

5. Carburetor requires 5 Contact Sears Service (see back cover).adjustment.

Engine will 1. Carburetor requires 1. See "Carburetor Adjustment" innot idle adjustment. Service and Adjustments Section.properly. 2. Orankshaff seals worn. 2. Contact Sears Service {see back cover).

3. Compression low. 3. Contact Sears Service (see back cover).

Engine will not 1. Air filter dirty 1 Clean or replace air filter.accelerate, 2. Spark plug fouled. 2 Clean or replace plug

lacks power, and regap.or dies under 3. Carburetor requires 3 Contact Sears Service (see back cover).a load adjustment.

4. Carbon buiid-up on 4 Contact Sears Service (see back cover).muffler outlet screen.

5. Compression low. 5 Contact Sears Service (see back cover).

Engine 1. Fuel mixture incorrect 1. Empty fue_ tank and refill withsmokes correct fuel mixture.

excessively. 2. Air filter dirty. 2. Clean or replace air filter.3. Carburetor requires 3. Contact Sears Service (see back cover).


Engine runs 1. Fuel mixture incorrect. 1. See "Fueling Engine" in Operationhot. section

2. Spark plug incorrect. 2. Replace with correct spark plug.3. Carburetor requires 3. Contact Sears Service (see back cover).

adjustment.4. Carbon build-up on 4-. Contact Sears Service (see back cover).

muffler outlet screen


YOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS AND OB-LIGATIONS: The U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency/California Air Re-sources Board and Sears, Roebuckand Co., U.S.A., are pleased to explainthe emissions control system warrantyon your year 2007 and later small off-road engine. In Califomia, all small off-road engines must be designed, built,and equipped to meet the State's strin-gent anti-smog standards. Sears mustwarrant the emission control system onyour small off-road engine for the peri-ods of time listed below provided therehas been no abuse, neglect, or improp-el maintenance of your small off-roadengine. Your emission control systemincludes parts such as the carburetor,the ignition system and the fuel tank(California only). Where a warrantablecondition exists, Seals will repair yoursmall off-road engine at no cost to you.Expenses covered under warranty in-clude diagnosis, parts and labor.MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTYCOVERAGE: If any emissions related_=arton your engine (as listed under

missions Controt Warranty Parts List)is defective or a defect in file materialsor workmanship of the engine causesthe failure of such an emission relatedpart, file part will be repaired or re-placed by Sears. OWNER'S WAR-RANTY RESPONSIBILITIES: As thesmall off-road engine owner, you areresponsible for the performance of therequired maintenance listed in your op-erator's manual. Sears recommendsthat you retain alt receipts coveringmaintenance on your small off-road en-gine, but Sears cannot deny warrantysolely for the lack of receipts or for yourfailure to ensure the performance of allscheduled maintenance. As the smalloff-road engine owner, you should beaware that Sears may deny you war-rarity coverage if your small off-roadengine or a part of it has failed due toabuse, neglect, improper maintenance,unapproved modifications, or the use ofparts not made or approved by the orig-inal equipment manufacturer. You areresponsible for presenting your smalloff-road engine to a Sears authorizedrepair center as soon as a problem ex-ists. Warranty repairs should be com-pleted in a reasonable amount of time,not to exceed 30 days. If you have anyquestions regarding your warranty rights

and responsibilities, you should contactyour nearest authorized service centeror call Sears at 1-800-469-4663.WARRANTY COMMENCEMENTDATE: The warranty period begins onthe date the small off-road engine ispurchased. LENGTH OF COVERAGE:This warranty shall be for a period oftwo years from the initial date of pur-chase. WHAT IS COVERED: REPAIROR REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. Re-pair or replacement of any warrantedpart will be performed at no charge tothe owner at an approved Sears Servi-ce Center. If you have any questionsregarding your warranty rights and re-sponsibilities, you should contact yournearest authorized service center or callSears at 1-800-469-4663. WARRAN-TY PERIOD: Any warranted part whichis not scheduled for replacement as re-quired maintenance, or which is sched-uled only for regular inspection to theeffect of "repair or replace as neces-sary" shall be warranted for 2 years.Any warranted part which is scheduledfor replacement as required mainte-nance shall be warranted for the periodof time up to the first scheduled replace-ment point for that part. DIAGNOSIS:The owner shall not be charged fordiagnostic labor which leads to the de-termination that a warranted part is de-fective if the diagnostic work is pet-formed at an approved Sears ServiceCenter. CONSEQUENTIAL DAM-AGES: Sears may be liable for dam-ages to other engine componentscaused by the failure of a warrantedpart still under warranty. WHAT IS NOTCOVERED: All failures caused byabuse, neglect, or improper mainte-nance are not covered. ADD-ON ORMODIFIED PARTS: The use of add-onor modified parts can be grounds fordisallowing a warranty claim. Sears isnot liable to cover failures of warrantedparts caused by the use of add-on ormodified parts. HOW TO FILE ACLAIM: If you have any questions re-garding your warranty rights and re-sponsibilities, you should contact yournearest authorized service center or callSears at 1-800-469-4663. WHERE TOGET WARRANTY SERVICE: Warrantyservices or repairs shall be provided atall Sears Service Centers. Call1-800-469-4663.


MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENTAND REPAIR OF EMISSION RE-LATED PARTS: Any Sears approvedreplacement part used in the perfor-mance of any warranty maintenance orrepair on emission related parts will beprovided without charge to the owner ifthe part is under warranty.

EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTYPARTS LIST: Carburetor, Ignition Sys-tem: Spark Plug (covered up to mainte-nance schedule), Ignition Module, Muf-fler including catalyst, Fuel Tank(California only). MAINTENANCESTATEMENT: The owner is responsiblefor tile performance of all required main-tenance as defined in the operator'smanual

The information on the product labet indicates which standard your engine is certified.Example: (Year) EPA Phase 1 or Phase 2 and/or CALIFORNbA.

This engine is certified to be emissions compliant for the following use:

[] Moderate (50 hours)

[] Intermediate (t25 hours)

[] Extended (300 hours)



2 3 4 5 6






All _pairs, ad}ustments andmamtenar_ce not described in

the Operator's Manua_ must beper[uuaed by qualified servicepersoJ_rJel


10-'I_17 _.


_ 23

Ref Part No.

"1 5300158052 5300158863 5300579834 5300163265 5300579846 5300588437 5300713568 5300158869 545017701

10 53001578611 53005858312 53001615213 530071936

14 53001634415 53007178816 53005228617 53001581418 530071802

19 530015820


Sclew alignmentScrewHsg Thr_lle rigi_tScow Cable Retentioh

Hsg Left throttleAssy WireK_t SwitchScrewLever Trigge_Bo_tAssy Handle (Incl 10¸12)WingnutK_t Upper Shalt

(Incl flex, clamp & 14)ScrewKit Lower ShatiLimiter LineScrewKit Shield Assy

(IncI 16¸17,19,20)Bolt




Part No Description

530016152 Wingnut71 85740 Head Cutting

Tube Twisted Line71 85908 Red Line71 85909 Black Line530096039 Plate Glide

Not Shown

545167679 Operatol Manual545209101 Decal Shaft War_ing530057296 Decal Upper Shaft




All repairs adiustments andmainte_ance _ot deseribed in

tl_e Operator's Manua_ mu3tbe periormed by qualifiedservice personnel¸

23 24


2 3

9 i10 11"12

i13 1=4 15















Part No. Description

330047721 Bulb Purge330071717 Kit ChokeLever330015843 Screw tank

330049386 Cap Fuelwjet330014362 Assy Fuel pickup330071404 Kit Fuelline330069216 Kit Fuel/Purge line330015775 Screwi45000501 Cover Air boxi45082301 Filter Ai_330015849 Sclew Carbi45000601 Box Air

345006017 Kit Oarbassy(OlU W32)

e: HepaEr Klls are no1 avaE_ablefor this carburetorl





I i

Part No. Description Ref. Part No.

530055492 Isolatol T_nk 47 530055122530054941 Ret Tank 48 530150247530054834 Handle Starter 49 530010960545050409 Kit Rope 50 530015162545081601 BeaHng Inne_ 51 530012594530015787 Retaine_ 52 530071998530019158 Seal

530032102 Bea_ng Outer 53 545030102530015789 Ret C_nksha_ 54 530058846530028807 Assy Crankshaft 55 530016387545081901 Assy Crankcase 56 545030102

(Inc[ 28,2930,31) 57 545033201545006037 Assy C'caselC'shaff 58 545081871

(Inc[ 32,3334)530055524 Assy F[ywhee_ 59 530012586


Seal Carb (kit}Assy Fuel TankSclew Cl_nkcaseScl_w ShroudAssy Rear ShJpudO Hng Shroud (kit}Valve ReedStop ReedSclew Reed stopScrew Retaihe_

37 53001646338 53005562039 53001577540 54511520141 54505040842 54505490143 53001918244 53001638645 53005927846 530094189

Washer 60 ChampionSpace_ 61 530001624Sc_÷w Baffle 62 530039229Plate Baffle 63 530016357Kit Pulley 64 545030102Spring StarterGrommet 65 545026801Scl÷w F,'hsgAssy Fan HousingWashe_ Crutch



Assy ClutchAssy Drum/Adapte_Assy Conn RodRet Piston pinRing PistonKit Piston

(_ncl 50,51)Gasket Cylinder(kit)Assy LeadwireBo_t Muffler 1_ ¸' 20Gasket Muffler (kit)ShieldKit Muffie_(Incl 55,56,57)

CylinderPlug Spa_(ROJ 6Y)Bo_t Oyl 1_ ¸' 20Module IgnitionScrew ModuleKit GaskePSeal( Incl 14,19, 53,56)Assy Throttle cable