Download - 3000 BC – AD 500 India and China. Chapter Objectives Explain how geography influenced the development of civilizations in India and China Identify characteristics.

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3000 BC AD 500 India and China Slide 2 Chapter Objectives Explain how geography influenced the development of civilizations in India and China Identify characteristics of these civilizations Explain political and social structures in these countries Describe the role of religion List the contributions of each civilization Slide 3 Early Civilization in India The Land of India Indias First Civilization The Arrival of the Aryans Society in India Hinduism Buddhism Slide 4 Lesson Essential Question What were the main characteristics of Aryan civilization in India? Slide 5 Graphic Organizer Hinduism Buddhism Slide 6 The Land of India The Indian subcontinent is composed of a number of core regions Mountain ranges River valleys Dry interior plateau Fertile coastal plains The Himalayas, in the far north, are the highest mountains in the world The Ganges River Valley, directly south of the Himalayas, if one of the chief regions of Indian culture The Indus River Valley to the west is a relatively dry plateau that forms the backbone of modern day Pakistan In ancient times, it enjoyed a more moderate climate and served as the cradle of Indian civilization Slide 7 The Land of India (Cont) The Deccan plateau lies south of Indias two main rivers, and extends from the Ganges Valley to the tip of India The interior of the plateau is relatively hilly and dry East and West Coast are lush plains Most densely populated regions of India Primary feature of Indias climate is the monsoon- a seasonal wind pattern in southern Asia Warm, moist air from southwest during the summer Brings heavy rains which farmers depend on to grow crops If rains come early or late, or too much or too little rain falls, crops are destroyed and thousands starve Cold, dry air from northeast during the winter Slide 8 Indias First Civilization Emerged in river valleys between 3000 BC and 1500 BC The valleys of the Indus River supported a flourishing civilization that extended from the Himalayas to the coast of the Arabian Sea Advanced civilization flourished in two major cities for hundreds of years Harappa Mohenjo-Daro Slide 9 Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro Both Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro had around 35,000-40,000 inhabitants at their heights Well organized governments Both cities were carefully planned Main broad streets ran in a north-south direction Crossed by smaller east-west roads Large walled neighborhoods with narrow lanes separating the rows of houses Buildings built of square mud bricks forming a mud pattern Public works provided a regular supply of water Bathrooms- advanced drainage system Wastewater flowed out to drains located under the streets; carried to sewers outside city walls Trash collected in bins Slide 10 Think-Pair-Share What evidence leads us to conclude there must have been well organized governments in Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro? They are carefully structured cities, with public water supplies, advanced drainage systems, wastewater carried to sewer pits, trash collected in garbage bins, planned neighborhoods, and buildings made from oven-baked bricks Slide 11 Rulers and the Economy Harappan rulers based their power on a belief in divine assistance Religion and political power were closely linked Royal palace and holy temple combined in the fortress Economy based primarily on farming Flooding of the Indus River every year provided rich soil Also carried on extensive trading with Mesopotamian city- states Much of trading was carried out by ship via the Persian Gulf Slide 12 The Arrival of the Aryans Arrived around 1500 BC from their original homeland of central Asia Moved south across the Hindu Kush mountain range into the plains of northern India They conquered the Harappans and created a new Indian society based on Aryan culture and institutions Nomadic people who excelled at the art of war Moved throughout India until they controlled most of India Slide 13 The Aryan Way of Life Pastoral people with a strong warrior tradition Gave up pastoral life for regular farming Introduction of iron Iron plow made it possible to clear the dense jungle Irrigation Developed first writing system, Sanskrit, by 1000 BC Wrote down legends and religious chants and rituals Early writing reveal India was a world of warring kingdoms and shifting alliances Aryan leaders, rajas, carved out small states and fought each other Seized women, cattle, and treasure Slide 14 Society in Ancient India The conquest by the Aryans had a lasting impact on Indian society A set of social institutions and class divisions that has lasted to the present day, with minor changes, arose during this time period Slide 15 The Caste System- Reading Activity Read the section titled The Caste System on pages 75-76 After reading, make a graphic organizer identifying and describing the different castes in Indian society. Slide 16 The Family In Ancient India Life was centered on family 3 generations lived in same household- grandparents, parents, children Patriarchal- oldest male held legal authority over entire family Males superior- allowed to inherit property, serve as priests, educated Divorce was usually not allowed Man could take second wife if first not able to bear children Children were important Expected to take care of parents as they aged Slide 17 The Family Life in Ancient India (Cont) Marriages were arranged and common for young girls Daughters were seen as an economic drain on their parents The ritual of suttee is perhaps the best visual symbol of mans dominance over women Women required to throw themselves on the pyre of her burning husband Slide 18 Hinduism One of the most complex religions in the world Developed over 3500 years ago (around 1500 BC) No one founder Told people to live moral lives Many followers avoided violence Many sacred texts Believed in the existence of a single force in the universe, ultimate reality or God, Brahman Duty of the individual self, to seek and know ultimate reality Merge with Brahman after death Slide 19 Hinduism (Cont) Reincarnation- belief that the individual soul is reborn in a different form after death After many reincarnations, the soul reaches its final goal in a union with the Brahman Karma- force generated by a persons actions Determines how the person will be reborn in the next life What people do in their current lives determines what they will be in their next life Also, a persons current status is a result of that persons actions in a past existence The concept of karma is ruled by the dharma-divine law Requires all people to do their duty Duties vary depending on their societal status Slide 20 Hinduism (Cont) System of reincarnation provided a religious basis for the rigid class divisions in India People on higher end of society would not have those priviledges if they were not deserving Gave hope to those on the lower end of the scale Developed the practice of yoga Designed to lead to the union with the Brahman Hundreds of deities in Hindu religion- 3 chief ones Brahma- Creator Vishnu- Preserver Siva- Destroyer Slide 21 Hinduism (Cont) Many Hindu regard the multitude of gods simply as a different expression of the Brahman However, the various gods and goddesses gave ordinary Indians a way to express their religious feelings Hinduism is still the religion of the vast majority of Indian people Slide 22 Buddhism Founded in late 500s BC by Siddhartha Gautama- the Buddha (Enlightened One) Denied the reality of the material world Believed physical surroundings were simply illusions Pain, poverty, and sorrow caused by peoples attachment to material items Achieving wisdom is a key step to achieving nirvana- or ultimate reality Achieving nirvana led to a reunion with the Great World Soul Based on the Four Noble Truths Ordinary life is full of suffering This suffering is caused by our desire to satisfy ourselves The way to end suffering is to end desire for selfish goals and to see others as extensions of ourselves The way to end desire is to follow the Middle Path Slide 23 Buddhism (Cont) The Middle Path- Eightfold Path Right view Right intention Right speech Right action Right livelihood Right effort Right mindfulness Right concentration Slide 24 Buddhism (Cont) Accepted the idea of reincarnation, but rejected the caste system All humans could reach nirvana as a result of their behavior in this life Rejected the multitude of gods that had become identified with Hinduism Spread throughout India after the Buddhas death Built monasteries to promote his teaching and provide housing and training for monks As Buddhisms roots spread through Asia, it slowly declined in India Slide 25 Exit Ticket Using your notes and book, answer the following question. What were the main characteristics of Aryan civilization in India?