Download - 3 Reasons evaluate media learning - Association for Media ... · Media texts construct reality. 2. Media texts construct versions of reality. 3. Audiences negotiate meaning. 4. Media

Page 1: 3 Reasons evaluate media learning - Association for Media ... · Media texts construct reality. 2. Media texts construct versions of reality. 3. Audiences negotiate meaning. 4. Media

Media Literacy Teaching Strategies

3 Reasons1. Media Literacy/Pop Culture

is unworthy

2. I don’t know how to teach it

3. I don’t know how to assess/evaluate it

I don’t know how to assess/evaluate media learning

1. Postponing Judgment

2. Logging/Journaling

3. Interview

4. Exemplars

5. Rubrics/Checklists

6. Triangulation

Postponing Judgment

I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't believed it. Marshall McLuhan


Investigate and acknowledge biases of medium, creator and audience.

Adjust criteria to allow for students’ experience and maturity.


The process is the product. !

Opportunities to witness learning process and metacognition. !

Be aware that learning is being measured via writing (bias).


Opportunities to witness learning process and metacognition. !

Be aware that learning is being measured via speaking (bias).

Page 2: 3 Reasons evaluate media learning - Association for Media ... · Media texts construct reality. 2. Media texts construct versions of reality. 3. Audiences negotiate meaning. 4. Media


Reveal the target. !

Caveat 1: Student demonstrations might mimic exemplars. !

Caveat 2: Use average exemplars.


Qualitative descriptors of criteria and essential ingredients. !

Distribute WITH assignments. !

Especially useful when accompanied by exemplars.


Observing/Discussing Writing (logging)

Speaking Producing Texts

I don’t know how to assess/evaluate it

1. Postponing Judgment

2. Logging/Journaling

3. Interview

4. Exemplars

5. Rubrics/Checklists

6. Triangulation

I don’t know how to teach it. What is ‘it?’ 1. demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts; !2. identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning; !3. create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques; !4. reflect on and identify their strengths as media interpreters and creators, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in understanding and creating media texts.

Page 3: 3 Reasons evaluate media learning - Association for Media ... · Media texts construct reality. 2. Media texts construct versions of reality. 3. Audiences negotiate meaning. 4. Media

1. understanding media texts; !2. explain how conventions and techniques create meaning; !3. create media texts !4. reflect as media interpreters and creators

1. understand !2. conventions and techniques !3. create !4. reflect

I don’t know how to teach it.

Frameworks Compare And Contrast

Lists Continuum

With and against Positioning

A Range of Readings Production

Instructional Instruments

Frameworks Teaching Strategies

Key Concepts ( !

1. Media texts construct reality. 2. Media texts construct versions of reality. 3. Audiences negotiate meaning. 4. Media texts have economic implications. 5. Media texts communicate values messages. 6. Media texts communicate political and social messages. 7. Form and content are closely related in each medium. 8. Each medium has a unique aesthetic form.

Media Literacy Five Core Concepts !

1. All media messages are constructed. 2. Media messages are constructed using a creative language with its own rules. 3. Different people experience the same message differently. 4. Media have embedded values and points of view. 5. Most media messages are organized to gain profit and/or power.

Page 4: 3 Reasons evaluate media learning - Association for Media ... · Media texts construct reality. 2. Media texts construct versions of reality. 3. Audiences negotiate meaning. 4. Media

All media messages are “constructed.” Each medium has different characteristics,

strengths, and a unique “language” of construction. Media messages are produced for particular purposes. All media messages contain embedded values and points of view. People use their individual skills, beliefs and experiences to construct their own meanings from media messages. Media and media messages can influence beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, and the democratic process.

Compare And Contrast


examine at least two texts and apply a compare and contrast strategy

Composition of Thirds Power Points

Codes and TechniquesCompare And


examine at least two texts and apply a compare and contrast strategy



asks students to place a range of items along a continuum according to specific criteria

Page 5: 3 Reasons evaluate media learning - Association for Media ... · Media texts construct reality. 2. Media texts construct versions of reality. 3. Audiences negotiate meaning. 4. Media



asks students to place a range of items along a continuum according to specific criteria


students consider or build a list of items according to set criteria

Liststhe power of the strategy lies in the speaking and listening (processing) that it implicates

List the 3 most important communications technologies in students’ lives. !

List 3 of the most significant communications technology innovations in the last X years.


List 3 games that some people think should be banned.


List 3 games that you think should be banned. !

List 3 games that some people think should be banned but they shouldn’t be banned.

List 3 things that players learn from games. !

List 3 things that players learn from games that some people might worry about. !

List 3 things that players learn from games without realizing that they have learned them. !

List 3 things that you think the other students will list.

Page 6: 3 Reasons evaluate media learning - Association for Media ... · Media texts construct reality. 2. Media texts construct versions of reality. 3. Audiences negotiate meaning. 4. Media

List the 3 most popular toys in class. !

List the 3 most popular toys for 1) girls; 2) boys; 3) girls and boys. !

List the toys that almost no one plays with and explain why. !

List 3 toys that were popular last year, but are not popular this year.

List 3 TV shows that parents won’t let you watch. !

List 3 TV shows that you can watch, but not your younger brother(s) or sister(s). !

List 3 reasons why some people might not want children to have TVs in their bedrooms.


List 3 reasons why parents want their children to carry mobile phones. !

List 3 reasons why schools might ban mobile phones from the classroom. !

List ways that students might use their mobile phones to learn.

List 3 reasons why some people like to watch sports on TV. !

List 3 reasons why some people don’t like people to watch sports on TV.


students consider or build a list of items according to set criteria

With and Against students consider which media messages they feel comfortable with (the ‘with’ part of the strategy); and which messages make them feel uncomfortable (the ‘against’ part); and WHY

Page 7: 3 Reasons evaluate media learning - Association for Media ... · Media texts construct reality. 2. Media texts construct versions of reality. 3. Audiences negotiate meaning. 4. Media

With and against It is unethical to use the image of a real dying person in an anti-smoking message. It is OK to use the image of a real dying person in an anti-smoking message. It is OK to use the image of a real dying person in an anti-smoking message with her permission.

With and Against students consider which media messages they feel comfortable with (the ‘with’ part of the strategy); and which messages make them feel uncomfortable (the ‘against’ part); and WHY

- Positioning

exploring the reader’s assumptions about the text and the text’s assumptions about the reader

- Positioning

What are my expectations of this text? Who does this text think I am? What does this text want me to do? Why? Why am I (un)willing to comply?

Page 8: 3 Reasons evaluate media learning - Association for Media ... · Media texts construct reality. 2. Media texts construct versions of reality. 3. Audiences negotiate meaning. 4. Media

- Positioning

analyzing the reader’s assumptions about the text and the text’s assumptions about the reader

A Range of Readings

Understand Preferred, alternative and oppositional

Preferred Readings

I understand the intended meaning and accept it.

Oppositional Readings

I understand the intended meaning and reject it.

Alternative Readings Presentation: I understand the intended meaning and accept/reject it.

Alternative Readings

Reality: Inaccurate/incomplete prior knowledge has resulted in misinterpretation.

Page 9: 3 Reasons evaluate media learning - Association for Media ... · Media texts construct reality. 2. Media texts construct versions of reality. 3. Audiences negotiate meaning. 4. Media

A Range of Readings

Preferred, alternative and oppositional


Integration Codes and conventions

Group skills Planning skills Technical skills

Reading Speaking Writing

Critical thinking

Media Products/Texts• Advertisement*† • Billboard* • Brochure* • Menu* • Graphic novel* • News report*† • Blog† • Game*† • Greeting card* • E-card† • Poster* • Report*†

• Podcast† • Interview*† • Music† • Website† • Music Mix† • Invitation*† • Cartoon*† • Vlog† • Travelogue† • Banner Ad†

* paper † electronic

• T-shirt • Clothing design *† • Postcard* • Text message*† • Mashup† • Multimedia Pres†

• Storyboard†* • Textbook page* • Wrapper* • Package* • Documentary†*

I don’t know how to teach it.

1. understand !2. conventions and techniques !3. create !4. reflect

I don’t know how to teach it. Frameworks

Compare And Contrast Lists

Continuum With and against

Positioning A Range of Readings


1. Media Literacy/Pop Culture is unworthy

2. I don’t know how to teach it

3. I don’t know how to assess/evaluate it