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November 2013

Did you Know? Balfour Beatty provides snow removal and lawn care if

you live in on post housing and your spouse is

deployed. Please contact them for further details.


Deployment Mailing


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Automatic Battery Soldiers made it to their tem-porary homes in Kuwait across multiple flights over the last few weeks, and immediately fo-cused on their mission at hand. With the bat-tery split between two locations for the immedi-

ate future, we are reliant as ever on our great Non-Commissioned Officer corps and soldiers to look after one another and accomplish the mission.

During a successful relief-in-place with 4-42FA and 7-10CAV, Automatic Battery quickly as-sumed responsibility for the mission of providing force protection and quick-reaction force capa-bilities for the bulk of American infrastructure in Southern Kuwait. Additionally, 2/A began their training cycle at Camp Buehring, where they will support 1-67AR with indirect fire during several field exercises for the next several months.

If the first two weeks is any indicator, the deployment will be a productive one for Automatic Bat-tery. Soldiers are patrolling and training daily, staying fit and taking advantage of multiple MWR opportunities. Soldiers will have the opportunity to visit certain sites within Kuwait City over the next few months if they choose.

1SG and I would like to thank the Soldiers and families of Automatic Battery for their devotion to the mission, hard work and dedicated team work that makes this unit so great. The Soldiers of the battery could not complete the mission with-out the great support from our extended family!

Automatic Steel!

CPT Collins

1SG Murphy

HARDROCK family and friends,

Today marks one month since personnel have been on the ground in Kuwait and have

been becoming adjusted to life out here. We are all starting to get into the swing of things and beginning our day-to-day work routines. The Relief in Place/Transfer of Authority ceremony was held yesterday so we are “officially” in charge of our duties here now. Our counterparts from 7-10 CAV, 1BCT, 4ID did a phenomenal job in helping us get settled and get a lay of the land and we want to thank them for their help. Soldiers are working hard while taking ad-vantage of the activities available at the different locations to include MWR/USO facilities, gym/crossfit, movies theaters, and those close to the beach. Everyone is in high spirits and is looking forward to keeping in touch with eve-ryone back home while letting friends and family know about life in Kuwait.

CPT Christopher A. Coats

1SG Tonio D. Childress

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To the Soldiers and families of Bulldog Nation: Bulldog Battery is now in Kuwait settling into their new homes for

the next nine months. This deployment is different from any other

deployment that your Soldiers have been on. We are pulling se-

curity and spending our off time in the gym, basketball court, MWR, volleyball court, movie tent, and fishing on the

beach; though we have not had the time to start fishing. Soon we will be able to give the Soldiers a day every week,

so they can have time to Skype or call. Within the next week the remaining Soldiers will be leaving Fort Carson to join

up with the Battery. We want to thank the families for helping out the Soldiers prepare, pack, and leave with no issues.

As always, know while we are deployed forward Bulldog Battery’s leadership can still be

reached through the FRG support channel, as well as the Rear Detachment Family Readi-

ness Leader SGT Alexander. Additionally, know the Battery newsletter will continue through-

out the rest of the deployment, to include photos of your Bulldogs.

CPT Mason and 1SG Henriquez


To the families, friends, and Soldiers of Golf Company;

Golf Company is already successfully executing our mission in

Kuwait and adjusting well to our new environment. We have

proficiently transitioned into our new jobs thanks to 7-10 Cavalry of 1st Brigade with a smooth and

professional Relief In Place. (“During the Relief In Place process the incoming unit works along-

side the outgoing unit to get a feel for the methods of operation that work best for accomplishing the

mission the new unit is assuming.”) Thank you to all of our families for keeping us in your thoughts

and prayers. Without you, we can’t successfully execute our mission. We are glad to hear you had a

great turnout to our first FRG meeting since our departure and we enjoyed the pictures.

We currently have the majority of the Company located at Kuwaiti Naval Base (Camp Patriot) which

is made up of Headquarters Platoon, Distribution Platoon, and a small maintenance crew. Golf’s mis-

sion is to provide life support for the tenants of Camp Patriot, while partnering with the Kuwaiti

Navy. We provide life support to all tenants including the Navy, Coast Guard, and Marines, by pro-

viding all critical functions including: ice/water, contract and project monitoring, badging access,

food service, mail, billeting, Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR), safety, environmental, recy-

cling, and infrastructure maintenance.

Located at Camp Arifjan, we have the majority of our Maintenance Platoon and Maintenance Control

Section. They are gainfully employed by servicing vehicles, ordering and pickup of CL IX parts, and

monitoring the maintenance program for the battalion.

Camp Buerhing is where we have another small crew of maintenance personnel who will be main-

taining Alpha Battery’s paladins and wheel vehicles. Distribution Platoon’s small section of ammo

handlers also supports Alpha Battery with their mission.

CPT Figueroa and 1SG White

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The virtual Family Readiness Group (vFRG), is a webpage that is for you,

your spouse, and your family members. No matter where they live, they

can access your unit news and learn the latest! It is a secure website,

which enables us to put information and photos that we can’t put on

facebook. During the last deployment manifests for re-deployment were

posted here.


Go to

Click on “Find and FRG”

Click on “Colorado”

Select 2nd

BCT, 4ID under the Fort Carson heading

Complete the requested information: ( You will need to know your

Soldier’s last 4)

Create your username, password, and other information.

For Component, select Active. For Disposition, select Family Mem-


If you are not granted immediate access, please send an email to [email protected] so that I can verify you and approve your registration.

Once you are granted access, you will then be directed to the Brigade page every time you sign in.

This is where you will find a link to 3-16 FAR’s Battalion page.

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Welcome Thunder Babies!

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The Thunder times is an authorized online publication for the members of the Department of Defense. Contents

of the Thunder Times are not necessarily official views of or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, DoD, or

Department of the Army. The editorial content of this monthly publication is the responsibility of the 3rd

Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment.