Download - 2nd Indonesian Petroleum Bidding Round 2012 Regular Tender

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PGS is pleased to announce that Data Packages

covering some of the Blocks offered in the 2nd

Petroleum Bidding Round in 2012 are ready for viewing

and license.

PGS MultiClient Indonesia offers an extensive seismicdatabase of over 72,000 km of MC2D and 15,000 km² ofMC3D (Makassar, D-Alpha and West Natuna) coveringsome of the Blocks offered in the 2nd Petroleum BiddingRound in 2012. In addition to surveys covering most of therelevant basins in Indonesia, PGS also offers regional

studies such as West Timor – Arafura MC2D acquired withGeoStreamer®, as well as the East Java-Muara-MakassarMegaProject (EJMM) which combines five separate longoffset 2D surveys, acquired by PGS and MCG between2005 and 2010, into a single consistent phase and amplitudematched seismic dataset. The seismic data, together withan accompanying interpretation report, provides a regionaloverview from the East Java Basin, through the prolificMakassar Basin and northwards to the more frontier MuaraBasin.

2nd Indonesian Petroleum Bidding Round 2012Regular Tender

A Publication of Petroleum Geo-Services October 2012Vol. 4 No. 3

MultiClient News : Asia Pacific

2nd Indonesian Petroleum Bidding Round 2012, Regular Tender



Masalima /

NE Sepanjang

Indonesian Southern Margin and WestTimor MC2D Seismic DataRegular Tender - Seringapatam I and Seringapatam II

PGS is pleased to announce that a Data Packagecovering the Blocks in Seringapatam Basin which containlong offset modern data is ready for viewing and license.PGS has approximately 42,000 km of long offset MultiClient

2D data in Deep Water along the Southern Margin ofIndonesia and the North West Shelf of Australia.

The Data Package within the two blocks totalsapproximately 1,050 km and is part of two MC2D surveys:the Indonesian Southern Margin (ISM) MC2D and WestTimor GS MC2D. Both surveys have tie lines into the

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Browse Basin and southern part of the Vulcan/BonaparteBasins. The surveys therefore represent the first moderncross border tie surveys.

The SW block is located within the Seringapatam Basin(Block II), which is a frontier area located outboard of thevery prolific Browse Basin (33Tcf Gas), in water depthsranging from 500 to 3300 m. The second block (Block I) islocated on the Ashmore Platform and within the TimorTrench. The Seringapatam Basin is part of one of severalmajor NE-SW trending Mesozoic depocentres on the NorthWest Shelf of Australia which is subdivided into the Caswell,Barcoo and Seringapatam sub-basins and contains over 15km of Palaeozoic to Cenozoic sediments. One of the mostsuccessful plays of the Browse Basin is the PloverFormation, Early-Middle Jurassic shallow marinesandstones. Huge gas fields have been discovered withinthis play type, e.g., Brecknock, Calliance, Torosa andPoseidon. Other play types include the Campanian –Maastrichtian Puffin Formation sands and the Callovian-Oxfordian Montara Formation sands (Argus Field), as wellas Brewster Fm (reservoir in Ichthys Field).

The Seringapatam Basin is believed to comprise distalEarly-Middle Jurassic shallow marine sandstones equivalentto Plover Formation, deep marine sandstones of Oxfordianage and potential Cretaceous sands and carbonates. Thesource rocks in the Seringapatam Basin are believed to beTriassic in general, as indicated by numerous seeps on Timor

Island, with the Early Triassic Mt Goodwin Formation themain source.

There are a number of potential leads identified in theexisting seismic. While there is good evidence that aneffective petroleum system exists, this is yet to be proved.In addition to source, the other main risk to address is trapeffectiveness.

Block I is located partly over a thick Triassic depocenterwhere the middle - lower Triassic will be thermally maturetoday. Also, this area has several potential leads withinPlover clastics as well as Upper Triassic clastics.

South Makassar:Regular Tender - Masalima Block

East Java:Regular Tender - North East Sepanjang

The two blocks proposed in this area are covered by theSMB05-SMBI06 and EJB-04 surveys giving more than

13,500 km of modern high quality data in the SouthMakassar and East Java area. Both surveys are included inthe Makassar MegaProject.

Most of the South Makassar area covered by thesurvey is under-explored, in water depths to 2000 m. TheSMB-05 and SMBI-06 tie 5 wells drilled on the Paternoster

MultiClient News - Asia Pacific: October 2012 Page 2

Indonesian Southern Margin and West Timor

MC2D Seismic DataContinued from Page 1

Indonesian Southern Margin and West Timor MC2D Seismic Data:Regular Tender - Seringapatam I and Seringapatam II

Indonesia Australia

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Platform, including the Pankat-1 and Makassar-1discoveries, as well as running close to the Lembuk 1x welldrilled by Talisman last year.

The acquisition of these two surveys over central partsof the South Makassar Basin has revealed the presence ofapproximately 2 km+ sequence of syn-rift sediments, whichis most likely Eocene age. The internal seismic character andthe geometry in the rift grabens further indicates the likelypresence of a lacustrine / shallow marine source rocksystem, which is believed to mainly be in the oil to early gaswindow at present day.

The main play within the Masalima block is a Miocene- Oligocene carbonate play which is typically developed onstructural highs (see line example 1), Eocene Oligoceneclastics in inverted half grabens (see line example 2), as wellas Miocene turbidite play along the southern margin of theSouth Makassar Basin.Top seal is provided bydeep water Oligocene toMiocene shales.

Recent wells testingthe Miocene - Oligocenein the South Makassarbasin have considerablyde-risked several key playelements, as the resultshave proven the presenceof potential syn-riftEocene source rocks. Thisis supported by fluidinclusion studies, dropcores and an active gascolumn in one of thewells.

The North EastSepanjang block is locatedpartly within the SouthernSub-Basin, to the south of

South Makassar: Regular Tender - Masalima Block and East Java: Regular Tender - North East Sepanjang Block




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MultiClient News - Asia Pacific: October 2012 Page 4

the NRM wrench zone and to the north of the wrench zone.The area has a sub-commercial oil discovery (L-46 -1), withoil in Eocene clastics, which proves the presence of a

source rock system in this part of the basin. Main plays inthis area are Eocene clastics, as well as Miocenecarbonates along the southern margin of the sub-basin (seeline example 3 on previous page). Upper Miocene-LowerPliocene presents a possible play in this area as well.

Arafura Sea:Regular Tender - Wanapiri Block

The block on offer is partially covered by a longGeoStreamer regional line (over 450 km) that forms part ofthe Arafura GeoStreamer MC2D campaign acquired in 2010.

The Australia–Arafura MC2D cross-border survey,totaling approximately 22,000 km has enabled a muchbetter understanding of the Tertiary to Palaeozoic structuraland petroleum history and their sedimentation and faciesdistribution. The detailed imaging that GeoStreamertechnology provides will undoubtedly make a significantcontribution towards revealing the remaining hydrocarbonprospectivity and exploration potential in this mostly under-explored region.

The long continuous regional lines tying key wells areoptimally orientated across the main structural andgeological provinces to link the basins together.

For further information on this or any other PGSMultiClient Survey in Asia Pacific please contact:

[email protected] or [email protected]


Singapore Tel: +65 6735 6411 Fax: +65 6735 6413

Indonesia Tel: +62 21 769 8038

Australia Tel: +61 8 9320 9000

Petroleum Geo-Services

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South Makassar - East JavaContinued from Page 3

Arafura Sea: Regular Tender - Wanapiri Block

Open Wanapiri Block