Download - 26.1 Unification of Italy I. The condition of Europe prior to the growth of nationalism A. From the 1100’s to the 1800’s – central Europe was made up of.


26.1 Unification of ItalyI. The condition of Europe prior to the growth of nationalism• A. From the 1100’s to the 1800’s – central Europe was

made up of numerous kingdoms, principalities, and free cities.

What influenced the Italians and Germans to unify these territories into nations in the 1800’s? (3


• A. Desire for economic growth

• B. Success of American Revolution

• C. Napoleonic Wars – Define -


• -desire for national independence became one of the most powerful forces at work in Europe during the 1800’s

C. 1815 – Italian Peninsula

• Divided into independent states. Many of these states had foreign rulers.

• Identify the foreign rulers of Italian states

• France

• Austria

• Papal States (“of the pope)

D. Unification is difficult. Why? …

• Cultural differences

• Poor transportation

• Restrictive trade between states

II. Beginnings of Nationalism in Italy

• A. In 1830’s, Mazzini promoted the idea of a nation state.

• Define it and explain why this would be important to unification.

“The Soul”

• Political organization of 1 nationality instead of many

• People that shared similar / common culture and ideas – makes it easier to unify

• This was not easily achieved in Italy

• Mazzini’s movement of “Risorgimento” – (resurgence or revival) – to restore the greatness of the Roman Empire

B. Define Diplomacy

• to negotiate with foreign powers

III. Count Cavour’s Diplomacy • “I have discovered the art of deceiving diplomats. I

tell them the truth and they never believe me.” What does this tell you about politics/diplomacy in general?

• A. Cavour believed he

needed to get rid of

which foreign power

to unify Italy?

….and what would he


“The Brains”

Use of one foreign enemy to expel another • Agreed to assist France (and Britain) in

Crimean War• In return, France (and Britain) would assist

the Italians in expelling Austria• Example of Realpolitik- (based on practical

methods; reality – not ideology) ; whatever means necessary



Cavour and King Victor Emmanuel II

(Kingdom of Sardinia)

B. Now Cavour needs a war. How would he get it?

• Encourages nationalist revolts in Austrian controlled Lombardy

• Austria declares war• France assists Sardinia in victory

IV. Garibaldi Seizes the South

A. Goal: take over Kingdom of Two Sicilies and unite with rest of Italy

The Sword

B. Where did he get training in nationalist and military methods?

• South America (guerrilla warfare) and United States

• Spanish; “little war” ; armed civilians vs. organized national army; hit and run; ambushes and raids

C. Garibaldi succeeds in taking the Kingdom of Two Sicilies

D. Northern Italy – controlled by Cavour and King Victor Emmanuel II

• Southern Italy – controlled by Garibaldi

• How were they finally unified in 1861?

• Southern vote to unify

• Garibaldi concedes to Cavour and King Victor Emmanuel II

• = Constitutional Monarchy