Download - 25th - Binghamton NY · 2018-03-02 · Shaken Baby Campaign 2009– Opened PAL Walton 2009– Launched Safe Sleep for Babies Campaign 2010– Kids Insurance Connection 2013– Became

Page 1: 25th - Binghamton NY · 2018-03-02 · Shaken Baby Campaign 2009– Opened PAL Walton 2009– Launched Safe Sleep for Babies Campaign 2010– Kids Insurance Connection 2013– Became

Annual Report July 1, 2014—June 30, 2015

25 th

Mothers & Babies Perinatal Network

Of South Central New York State

457 State Street Binghamton, NY 13901

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It takes a village to raise a child…

To many,

We are their village.

For 25 years Mothers & Babies Perinatal Network has worked

to connect and support families throughout our region. From

education and parenting resources to advice and assistance

with health insurance, we’re here, answering questions, lending

a supportive hand and reaching people in need.

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Table Of Contents

2015 Board

Of Directors


Zachary Majka

Vice President

Michele Vojtisek


Maire Lowery


Elizabeth Tricomi


Charlotte O’Dea

Syvlia Kerber


Lisanne Bobby

Danielle Bulger

Mary Ann Harkness

Teri Kappler

Dominique Lazaros

Kristen Luce

Terri MacCheyne

Andrew Marietta

Christine Miller

Lyubov Nixon

Camillle O’Brien

Joyce Price

Shari Sterling

Matt Sheehan

Jeanne VanBuren

Michele Vojtisek

June 30th closed our 2014-15 fiscal year, and July was the 20th anniversary of our incor-

poration as Mothers & Babies Perinatal Network. Looking back at the start of our agency

as an informal Coalition through the vision of Dr. Raj Dave` in 1989, we are kicking off a

year of dual celebration: 25 years of service and 20 years incorporation.

Serving more with less seems to be our mantra. Despite some reductions in funding, our

programs continued to be in demand : on pages 6 & 7, you’ll see the number of individuals

and families served through our various programs tallies into the 1000s (and with some

programs not even mentioned!). The client comments on page 5 provide a very small sam-

pling of the notes staff receive or hear from families on a daily basis of their appreciation

for our service and how we have helped make their life a little easier. Our Staff are the

backbone of our agency and programs. Each day through their hard work and commit-

ment to the individuals and families we serve, our Mission is being fulfilled. We thank

them all for their good work.

Our Board members also served the agency well this year.

Lisa Bobby lent her expertise again this year to lead the Board through an update

of our strategic plan. This was a process that began right in January and is continuing to

evolve with the goal of having a plan that jumpstarts 2016.

Under the leadership of Maire Lowery, we held our 2nd annual Fashion Show fund-

raiser which exceeded all previous initiatives and events, generating over $22,000 to help

support our programs. We are so grateful to Marie and her committee for their time and

work to make this event a success.

So many board members have taken on commitments this past year to help the

agency remain strong and continue to grow both in expertise and vision – we truly appreci-

ate each and every board member.

Mothers & Babies was built through grants and contracts predominantly from NYS. Over

the years, our administrative infrastructure has continued to be strengthened through poli-

cies, protocols and use of best practices. We were put to the test this year through a very

intensive NYS Dept of Health audit of our major contracts. Following 4 months of on/off-

site and intensive review, we received a clean audit – further testimony of the caliber of our

agency and staff.

As we plan some additional events over the next six months to celebrate our 20/25 years,

we hope you will share in our celebration of the opportunities available to all of us in the

South Central NY region and for the health and well-being of all pregnant women, babies

and families!

Zach & Sharon

25 years of Education, Advocacy, Collaboration & Referral

Helping pregnant women, new moms & dads w/ their babies,

teens and individuals & families of all ages

A message from the Board President and Executive Director

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25 Years Serving the Community!

This year we celebrate our 25th year providing services to the South Central New York Region.

The first grant was received in 1989 to form the informal coalition Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of SCNY.

Services began that same year with a focus on community awareness to pro-mote prenatal care and the PCAP program.

1995 brought formal incorporation as Mothers & Babies Perinatal Network, making 2015 our 25th year of providing services within the region and our 20th year of incorporation!

What an amazing journey it has been, from the humble beginnings of a group of 6 individuals who were motivated to make a positive impact for the families of the Southern Tier region to the organization as it is today. With a staff of 30, 65+ community leaders who have served as volunteers and board members and support from the community, we are honored by the generosity of everyone who has helped us become the agency we are today.

Mothers and Babies Perinatal Network is PROUD to celebrate our 25th year of service and we look forward many, many more years providing guidance, education, resources and assistance to the women, infants, children, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, care givers and community to support our most precious resource, our children.

1989 Healthy Mothers

Healthy Babies Coali-

tion Est. Received our

1st grant

1993– Launched Quit Kit

Program and Baby Your

Baby Campaign

1995 Formally Incorpo-

rated as Mothers & Babies Peri-

natal Network

1996 Opened

Doors to PAL


1997 Launched the

Worth the Wait

Pregnancy Preven-

tion Program

1999-Launched Facili-

tated Enrollment Health

Insurance Program

2004– Opened PAL


2006– Opened PAL


2007– Launched

Shaken Baby Campaign

2009– Opened PAL

Walton 2009– Launched Safe

Sleep for Babies Campaign

2010– Kids Insurance


2013– Became SCNY

Chapter for Cribs for

Kids 2015:

25 Years of


2007– relocated

M&BPN & Bing PAL

to State Street

2011– Lost the roof at

Binghamton Offices in

a storm

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2nd Annual Guys & Gal’s Fashion Gala!

Our Fashion Gala on March 11th was a fantastic success and all

around good time! We welcomed over 250 members of the

community at the Double Tree by Hilton for a night of fashion,

fun, shopping and food. Twenty Three local businesses were

featured at our vendor showcase and cocktail hour, giving our

guests the chance to shop from a variety of products and ser-

vices. Our models showcased the spring lines from nine

stores, showing off a variety of men's, women's and chil-

dren's fashions. We are extremely indebted to our Platinum

sponsor Gault Auto (many thanks to Connie & Bob for their

personal involvement as well!). Excellus and M&T Bank

were our Gold sponsors for which we are very grateful. We

raised over $32,000 in support of our programs. Everyone

at Mothers & Babies is extremely grateful to all of our spon-

sors, vendors, program advertisers, clothing stores, models

and many volunteers to who helped make this event a fan-

tastic evening. The proceeds of just over $22,000 will help

support our PAL Centers and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs.

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Mothers & Babies Perinatal Network 2014-15 Impact

by the numbers

Pregnancy Related Services

Our Community Health

Workers helped 150

Women throughout

Broome, Chemung, Che-

nango and Delaware counties during the

past year. We were able to assist with get-

ting health insurance, finding doctors and

other health supportive professionals,

identifying family planning options and

providers, finding housing , setting and

achieving goals and providing education

on pregnancy, parenting and child devel-


Our Perinatal Educators pro-

vided 44 professional education

opportunities for individuals,

groups, and health care professionals on a

broad range of topics surrounding preg-

nancy and early parenting.

Mothers & Babies is proud to be

the local chapter for this Na-

tional Organization . We distrib-

uted 35 cribs and provided safe

sleep training to these families this year.

These cribs will keep each of these babies

safe while they sleep and will give their

parents peace of mind.

PAL Centers

This year was a challenging year for our PAL centers.

With the loss of funding we were forced to close two of

the centers. Sidney and Walton , in the fall of 2014. We

will continue to support these communities in other


Our Binghamton and Norwich Centers remained very

busy throughout the year:

Our Norwich PAL Center hosted 73 families in

the center this year.

106 children and 111 adults came to play,

eat a meal, try a craft and build commu-

nity with fellow families.

Our Binghamton PAL center hosted 509

families throughout the year, serving 729

adults and 890 children.

Our families enjoy a variety of activities and support,

from the monthly dinners to teddy bear picnics, or com-

pleting a parenting class—there’s always something to

do at the PAL Center!

Both of our PAL Centers also host supervised visits, giv-

ing families with children in foster care or other living

arrangements a fun place to play and build family


Our Norwich center hosted 94 supervised


Binghamton center hosted over

1100 supervised visits.

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Mothers & Babies Perinatal Network 2014-15 Impact

by the numbers

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

We’ve had a full year this year with our

Teen programs! We are excited to say our

goals are being met and excited by the

number of middle and high school stu-

dents we’re seeing.

Middle school students

participated in our

Draw the Line pro-

gram. This program

focuses on teaching students how to iden-

tify healthy relationships, goal setting, set-

ting personal limits and making smart

choices about drugs, alcohol and sex.

High School Students par-

ticipated in our 10-16 day

Be Proud, Be Responsible

program. This program fo-

cuses on the highest risk youth, providing

sexual health education as well as essential

life skills.

Middle and High School

students participated in

our Life Skills sessions

which teach valuable skills

such as Money management, Apartment

Hunting, Healthy Eating, Legal Jams and


Health Insurance Programs

Access to health care coverage is essential

to addressing the high rates of infant mor-

tality by ensuring pregnant women have

access to health care. And we go further:

Mothers & Babies assists ALL individuals

and families in attaining health insurance

regardless of income and employment

status. Our navigators help individuals

and families through the application proc-

ess within the NYS Health Care Exchange,

Child Health Plus, Medicare and Medicaid.

This year our navigators

assisted 4,773 individuals,

filing 2,887 applications in


Our Community Health Ad-

vocate works with individu-

als who are having issues

with their existing health insurance cover-

age, understanding billing issues and deal-

ing with the myriad of complications that

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Revenue AllocationContracts

Family Resource Ctrs

Fund Raising

Health Insurance Programs

Maternal Child Health

Teen Pregnancy Prevention


5%2%3% 1% 4%

Funding Sources



Fee for Service





Program Expenses

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2014 MCH Award

Recipient: Eric Denk

During his tenure as Board Presi-

dent Eric led the agency through a

critical period of growth and transi-

tion which included the relocation

to new office space and recovering

after disaster.

Eric helped lead

the Board

through two im-

portant strategic

plan updates and

provided fore-

sight and dili-

gence in initiating sustainability

planning through the establishment

of a resource and fund development

infrastructure. Throughout his ten-

ure on the Board, Eric assisted with

the development of policies and or-

ganizational infrastructure and rep-

resented our agency throughout the

community with competence and

compassion. Eric continues to be a

champion for Mothers & Babies

helping to foster our mission

and growth. He is truly deserving

of our MCH Award.

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Donors George & Sally Akel Ronald & Bitti Akel Kathleen Allman Audio Classics LTD. Patricia Aylward Shelley Barker Gail L. Barton Bates Troy Inc Alicia Beekman June Bendert Benevity Community Impact Fund Patricia Cummings & Hugh Leonard Renata Bernal Linda H. Biemer Jane Blake Lisaanne Bobby Sherman Bodner Kathleen Bomysoad Bruce W. Boyea John M. Broderick Broome County Medical Society Alliance Danielle Bulger Cynthia Burger Donna M. Burr Alberta Casey Dotty Ceesay Joseph Chesna Mary Chesna Sharon Chesna Bonnie Coddington Colonial Plaza Associates Jean Cramer Peter Cronk Sarolta Defaltay Renee DeMarco Discovery Center Of The Southern Tier Donna J. Distefano Donna DiVirgilio Luba Djurdjinovic Martin Doorey Ernest Skiadas CPA PC Dorothy F. Erney Christine Finch Marcas Flindt Jacquelyn Gailor Helen Gaspar Fran Gdovin Bruce Gerringer Mary Beth Giordani Martha Gosney Sarah Guccia Joan Hale Linda Hanson MaryAnn Harkness Kathleen Henehan Donna Hill Cassidy Hoffmier

Diane W. Jenson Enid Jones Margaret Jones Diane M. Julian James Kane Jonamae Kane Teri L. Kappler Theresa Kaschak Sylvia Kerber Laura Knochen-Davis Maryanne Laffin Judith Laine Regan Lanning Tracy Lee Kathleen Loftus Mary Ellen Lollie Megan A. Lollie Maire Lowery Kristen K. Luce Janet Lucik Terri S. MacCheyne Edward Machak Jill M. Madigan Zachary & Kimberly Majka Andrew & Melissa Marietta Karl Marietta Laura Martell Matthews Auto Group Anthony Mazzatti Mary McFadden Elaine McGraw Franklin & Helga McShane Michael J Gavin CPA ABV PLCC Amanda Micholychak Christine Miller Shirley Moehring Network For Good Jacquelyn Newman Lyubov Nixon Julie Norris Camille O'Brien Brighid O'Dea Charlotte O'Dea Michael O'Dea Our Lady Of Sorrows Concetta Palmer Aileen Pan Johannes Peeters Linda Phelps Tammy Pornbeck Joyce Price Raymond Foundation Rogers Service Group Dominique Romeo Rhonda Ruhm Cheryl Sacco Virginia Schmitt James Scoville Susan & David Seibold- Simpson Barbara Simeon Celia Smiley-Boone Anne N. Smith Shannon Soper

Brigit Sorrells Kathleen Spann Gale A. Spencer Joseph A. Stankaitis MD Paul Stapel Shari Sterling Beth Stockwell Eileen I. Sullivan Jacquelin Sykas Dung Hung Thai Phoung Tong Elizabeth T. Tricomi Maureen Trzepla United Church Of Christ UNOS Upstate Office Furniture Jeanne H. Vanburen Ann VanSavage Melissa Vargas Michele Vojtisek Elsie Wager Darlene Weeks Patricia Weeks David Weintraub Tracey Wheeler Jessica Williams Joyce Wilson Yong F. Wu Lauretta Zarrelli Rosemary J. Zinner

Employees of the Following Organizations: Coughlin & Gerhart LLP Binghamton City Schools Gault Toyota Lockheed Martin National Pipe and Plastics NBT Bank State Employees Federated Appeal Wegman’s Windsor Central Schools NYS Department of Labor NYS Department of Transportation Office of Disability Determination Broome County Public Defender’s Office Broome County Family Court NYSEG Johnson Outdoors Sikorsky Aircraft Target

Fashion Show Sponsors Gault Auto Excellus Health Plan Inc M&T Bank Upstate Office Furniture Raymond Corporation NBT Bank Empower Federal Credit Union New York Pizzeria Carr Printing Coughlin & Gerhart LLP Hulbert Engineering Jennings Environmental Monroe Plan for Health Care Wells Fargo Vierra & Associates Lesko Financial Visions Federal Credit Union SEPCO Incorporated

WITH GRATITUDE Our warmest thanks to the donors who have shown extraordinary support to Mothers & Babies

Perinatal Network in 2014-2015

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Government, Foundation &

Corporate Support

Government Grants:

New York State Dept of Health

Division of Family Health

Division of Marketplace Integration

Broome County Department of Social Services

Broome County Health Department

Broome County Youth Bureau

City of Binghamton

Community Development Block Grant


C.J. Foundation for S.I.D.S.

Busfield Foundation

Conrad and Virginia Klee Foundation

Floyd Hooker Foundation

Franklin Conklin Foundation

G. Clifford & Florence Decker Foundation

Greater Norwich Foundation

JM McDonald Foundation

Miller & Adelaine Gaffney Foundation

Other Grant Support

Community Services Society of NY

NY Council of Non-Profits

Association of Perinatal Networks of NY

The NYS Perinatal Association

Constitution Pipeline

NBT Financial Corporation

Rural Health Network of SCNY, Inc

United Way of Broome County

United Way of Chenango County

Donations Made

In Honor Of:

Cheryl Boyea

Barbara Skiadas

Mari Jo Vallone

Alison Hanson

Anne O'Dea

Charlotte O’Dea

Barbara Meyer

Sabrina Laine

Kathryn Armezzani

Lori Rink

Joan Haines

Lois J. Eagan

Penny Newman

Mr. William Russell

Wayne Mitteer


Made in

Memory Of:

Adell Kuzmich

Genevive O'Dea

Susan Barlow

Varbara Cable

Marion Rose

Vivian Sterling

Eleanor Petcosky

Marian Finch

Catherine Russell

Stephen Cornwall

Thank You to all of our donors, supporters, volunteers,

friends and families. We couldn't serve the community

with out your love and support.

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Mission Statement



Information & Referral


Map of Service

457 State St.

Binghamton, NY 13901

Phone (607) 772-0517

Fax (607) 772-0468 Of South Central New York

Our mission is to improve pregnancy and birth

outcomes and support the health and development of all

individuals and families.

Thank you to all of our friends , fami-

lies and clients who allowed us to use

their images in our report publication.

Our cover model is one of our regular

visitors at the Binghamton PAL center

– whose mom worked with one of our

Perinatal Services Community Health

Workers , and who continues to share

in the community of the PAL center

weekly. The interior photos are all

faces of our friends and families who

find support and resources at Mothers

& Babies Perinatal Network.


We are grateful to receive many generous gifts from individuals, families, businesses, or-

ganizations, groups and foundations. We all know the saying “It takes a village to raise a

child”, to many people in our community, we are their village.

We consider all of our generous supporters a part of our village, filled with people who care

about our region and it’s people and who believe in and want to invest in our future.

If you would like to join in supporting Mothers & Babies, call (607)772-0517 or visit our

website to find detailed information on giving: