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25 Words of Writing Wisdom

From the readers ofWriting Frameworks

Page 2: 25 Words of Wisdom - Writing

“It is with words as with sunbeams. The more they are condensed, the deeper they burn. ”

~Robert Southey

Page 3: 25 Words of Wisdom - Writing

Exaggerate with specific details not flowery adjectival phrases. Get to the point quickly and don't assume your reader must know everything to "get" your story.

- Mike Fisher

Exaggerate with specific details not flowery adjectival phrases. Get to the point quickly and don't assume your reader must know everything to "get" your story.

- Mike Fisher

Page 4: 25 Words of Wisdom - Writing

Be yourself. Let your personality, humor, sarcasm shine through. Don't try to use $50 words when $10 ones will do. KISS--Keep it simple, stupid.

- Mrs. Brown Dog

Be yourself. Let your personality, humor, sarcasm shine through. Don't try to use $50 words when $10 ones will do. KISS--Keep it simple, stupid.

- Mrs. Brown Dog

Page 5: 25 Words of Wisdom - Writing

Writers write to create pictures in the minds of readers, so write in a way that the reader can see what is on your mind.

- Shelly Burns

Writers write to create pictures in the minds of readers, so write in a way that the reader can see what is on your mind.

- Shelly Burns

Page 6: 25 Words of Wisdom - Writing

Just start. Get out of your own way. Let your stories write themselves. Don't avoid the rocks in your path. They provide you new direction. - Angela

Just start. Get out of your own way. Let your stories write themselves. Don't avoid the rocks in your path. They provide you new direction. - Angela

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Words sometimes fail us. Don't obsess over perfection, start with what feels close and let your story unfold. The right word will eventually introduce itself. - Jennifer

Words sometimes fail us. Don't obsess over perfection, start with what feels close and let your story unfold. The right word will eventually introduce itself. - Jennifer

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Think. Feel. Watch. Write what you know and what you think you know. Find your voice and shout it! Take risks. Play!- Theresa

Think. Feel. Watch. Write what you know and what you think you know. Find your voice and shout it! Take risks. Play!- Theresa

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Flickr Photo CreditsSlide 2: Sunbeams 3 : Mystery Flower 4: Money 5: My Mind is Elsewhere 6: Sorcerer's Path-Daly Point 7: Unfolding Beauty! 8: Amelia at the Fair! (2008) T. Gray