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22 Must Read Books For Recruiters

We’ve put together a killer list of some must-reads for any

recruiter who wants to quickly become an expert and get

noticed. Some of these books address recruiting head-on.

Others cover different topics such as science or interpersonal

relationships, but have many obvious parallels to how we recruit

and source clients.

Here are our top 22 recommended reads for recruiters:

Page 2: 22 Must Read Books For Recruiters - Brought to you by Network Monkey

Some recruiters have the drive to take their professional skills to the next level of serious success. Breakthrough! is a must-read for those who plan to be the cream of the crop. It is comprehensive and solid,

and covers a range of key topics such as developing a client database, dealing effectively with candidates, and coping with burnout. Finkel presents his best advice for distinguishing yourself as a top-level

recruiter, and it is well worth the read.


Exploding the Production of Experienced Recruiters

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 111 Customer Reviews

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In what is one of the definitive guidebooks of the industry, Shally Steckerl delineates the essential steps to acquiring and managing employees. Steckerl is extremely highly regarded, and this book covers every aspect of recruiting and sourcing employees in a

practical, thorough way. He covers how to search for clients most effectively, and is considered a true guru in client sourcing. This is an

ultimate must-have.

The Talent Sourcing & Recruitment Handbook

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 9 Customer Reviews

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In his best-selling book Hiring Smart! How to Predict Winners and Losers in the Incredibly Expensive People-Reading Game, Pierre Mornell outlines how an interviewer can get the best sense of job

candidates. By teaching you how to really get a feel for what a potential employee will be like on the job, this book can make good recruiters great by having them match the ideal person to any given

position, including the less-typical roles that have become increasingly common in today’s job market.

Hiring Smart!: How to Predict Winners and Losers in the

Incredibly Expensive People-Reading Game

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 34 Customer Reviews

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John Medina presents a definitive guide to how your brain works which is invaluable in its impact on productivity, self-regulation, and

interpersonal relationships. Covering a range of topics such as multitasking, memory, and stress, this book helps us to understand our thoughts and decisions. We’d be remiss in our quest to find the best talent if we failed to understand the foundations of thought that

are absolutely at the root of it all.

Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School

555 Customer Reviews

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Sue Knight wrote this thorough guide to the fascinating field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming as it pertains to the workplace. In a hands-on

way, she describes the workings of both verbal and nonverbal communication, and how ineffective communication can lead to many

of the typical snafus people experience in the workplace. We constantly send and receive messages to and from those around us at work. By tuning in to the science behind what we are saying and what is being said to us, we can learn how to interact most effectively with


NLP at Work, Second Edition: Neuro Linguistic Programming, The Difference

That Makes a Difference in Business (People Skills for Professionals)

12 Customer Reviews

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In this highly engaging book, Bandler and La Valle outline ways in which you can ensure that others will connect with you and be willing

to be influenced by you. As recruiters, connecting and relating to others is of the utmost value. The suggestions the authors propose are

unorthodox and often entertaining. Their positive and motivating approach to the art of sales and influencing people is absolutely worth

learning about.

Persuasion Engineering

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 49 Customer Reviews

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By thoroughly analyzing the brain’s intricate ability to recognize patterns, Ray Kurzweil proposes that we can create even more

intelligent technology and artificial intelligence machines. This is a fascinating and sometimes controversial read that can certainly teach readers to understand their communicative tendencies and patterns in order to hone their intuitions to maximize productivity when sourcing

and recruiting top talent.

How to Create a Mind

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 229 Customer Reviews

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What can we as recruiters learn from an ancient book on Chinese military strategy? Plenty. Sun Tzu’s classic manual for warfare has

significant practical implications in that it addresses the crux of business interactions: Know yourself and know your enemy. The key to successfully maneuvering all possible situations is understanding

our competition, our colleagues, those we are sourcing, and ourselves.

The Art Of War

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2,773 Customer Reviews

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In their excellent guide to recruiting top people for any organization, Smart and Street explain why hiring decisions based on “voodoo” or gut decisions can be disastrous for a company. Hiring in a thoughtful

and rigorous manner is time-consuming to be sure, but that time spent laying the foundation will pave the way for success in the long run as it

will save precious time and money stemming from dreaded mistakes and incorrect hires. This book will teach you the practical steps to

source, score, and select top players who will be leaders and innovators in companies.

Who by Geoff Smart and Randy Street

135 Customer Reviews

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In this book, Skip Freeman presents tactics and strategies he’s culled from many years of experience running an executive recruiting firm. Because this book is so widely regarded among job-seekers, it is of

great use to those of us on the recruiting side as well. Freeman’s advice is indispensable for those who want to learn how to source the best talent and understand the ins and outs of the hiring process from

the perspective of someone who knows the current demands of today’s job market.

Headhunter Hiring Secrets: The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed . . . Forever! by

Skip Freeman

247 Customer Reviews

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This book is a classic that everyone in recruiting should have in their back pocket. Robert Cialdini explains the science of influencing and

persuading others, which is at the core of our industry. It’s highly readable and outlines proven methods to achieve your goals with

anyone you interact with. Cialdini explains the six universal principles of persuasion and how to utilize them to motivate others to change

their behaviors.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

1,072 Customer Reviews

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George Anders presents a book that explains how to identify and attract top talent as a recruiter. He explains how to figure out which

candidates will show leadership, persistence, and flexibility on the job. The top performers will be head and shoulders above the rest, so it is worth investing the effort to learn how to attract them and keep them.

This is a useful and refreshing read for our industry.

The Rare Find: How Great Talent Stands Out by George Anders

31 Customer Reviews

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Daniel Pink is the widely-regarded author of several books about the world of work and how it is changing. In this gem, he expounds on the growing body of free agents in the workforce. Many recruiters are free

agents and enjoy the flexibility and authenticity this type of role provides. Pink asserts that more and more people will work for

themselves in the future, weakening the stronghold of big corporations. How will this impact seeking and sourcing clients? This

work will certainly give you food for thought about our industry’s future.

Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself by Daniel H. Pink

73 Customer Reviews

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In this fascinating read, Malcolm Gladwell explains that the reason for major changes to occur is often very minor. He incorporates many

statistics and studies, as well as very familiar scenarios, to illustrate this point. This book is hard to put down and really delves into what

triggers an epidemic of change, be it the setting, historical details, and especially significantly, the type of person able to effect such a

change. These phenomena relate strongly to the impact and influence we strive for as recruiters, or agents of change and growth.

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2,086 Customer Reviews

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Kevin Mitnick is perhaps the world’s most infamous hacker, having earned millions with successful attacks on private and public sector databases, and ultimately serving time in federal prison. In this book,

Mitnick utilizes his vast knowledge to explain how to out-think the system. He built his career out of conning susceptible victims and that

risk is real in interpersonal relationships. As recruiters, we can gain practical insight about building trust and establishing reliable

connections with our source pool. A very worthwhile and fascinating read.

The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security by Kevin D.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 197 Customer Reviews

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The authors of this book propose that the culture of work is no longer what it once was. There are very few rules set in stone anymore and

resources are accessible readily and cheaply to the masses. What this means is that just about anyone can start a business, and many, many people do. This book challenges readers to think outside the box and

create work situations that are fulfilling, meaningful, and devoid of unnecessary hardship. As recruiters, we specialize in seeing what is potentially possible and how tweaking roles or situations at work can

lead to revolutionary improvement. Rework echoes that sentiment well.

Rework: Change the Way You Work Forever by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier


995 Customer Reviews

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We’ve all come across people who we would consider assholes. When we have to work with them, things can get nasty quickly. Jerks can

unfortunately show up at every level in the workplace. In this direct, to the point book, Robert Sutton empowers the reader as to how to cope with these negative types, and hopefully eliminate their influence and

presence at work. When we strive to fill roles and develop a solid client base, it is imperative that we learn who the assholes are and how they operate so we can avoid the downward spiral they create for everyone

around them.

The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn’t by

Robert I. Sutton

321 Customer Reviews

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Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman delineates the two primary systems that motivate our thoughts. The first is quick, emotional, and

intuitive. The second is slow, logical, and deliberate. These two systems are what influence our choices and judgement. Kahneman

urges readers to favor slow thinking over rash, reactive decisions as the latter often gets us into trouble. He highlights the biases in our

thinking that skew our thought process. Understanding these principles is a must for any recruiter who wants to master the

psychology behind hiring decisions.

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

2,041 Customer Reviews

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This is a fascinating guide to successfully navigating challenging conversations in our daily lives. High-stakes dialogue is an enormous part of recruiting and sourcing. When things are important, so much is on the line yet at these very junctures, we find ourselves so often at a

loss for the right thing to say and the best way to say it. The authors of Crucial Conversations outline hands-on skills that can completely

reshape our communication patterns. This book is sure to yield very significant results for any recruiter.

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Patterson,

Grenny, McMillan, and Switzler

996 Customer Reviews

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In this work, Nate Silver explains how to tease out vital, important data from the plethora of noise-like input we face in today’s world. By

tuning out the “noise” and focusing on the “signal”, we can learn to find meaning in pattern and probability, and make predictions in our

daily lives. Recruiters rely greatly on intuition, so learning how to trust and make sense of the signals we receive is an essential skill. Silver

teaches us how to do so in this engaging and fun book.

The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail But Some Don’t by Nate


990 Customer Reviews

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From the visionary head of Google’s innovative People Operations comes a groundbreaking inquiry into the philosophy of work-and a blueprint for attracting the most spectacular talent to your business

and ensuring that they succeed.“We spend more time working than doing anything else in life. It’s not

right that the experience of work should be so demotivating and dehumanizing.” So says Laszlo Bock, head of People Operations at the

company that transformed how the world interacts with knowledge.

Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead

180 Customer Reviews

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Hire with Your HeadUpdated with new case studies and more coverage of the impact and importance of the Internet in the hiring process, this indispensable

guide has shown tens of thousands of managers and human resources professionals how to find the perfect candidate for any position. Lou

Adler’s Performance-based Hiring is more powerful than ever!

Hire With Your Head: Using Performance-Based Hiring to Build Great Teams

79 Customer Reviews

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Final ThoughtThere are loads of books out there that cover topics such as

business, the science of thinking, and interpersonal

relationships. The above list is our definitive compendium of

worthwhile, relevant reads. It combines classics as well as new

material, well-known works and lesser-known finds. Some are

quick, light books, while others are tomes to keep by your side

for ongoing reference. Recruiting demands both talent and skill.

By arming ourselves with some of the best written work on the

subject, we can continuously strive to develop our craft.