Download - 2021: THE GREAT AWAKENING


Feb 2021 - Please read this document within the next 48 hours - it is arguably the most

important document you will ever read. Your life is about to change dramatically, whether you

are prepared or not. Events that have gone unreported by all major news outlets are about to

be revealed and will shock the world. You must be informed so that you can prepare.

We cannot stress enough the urgency of this situation – make this your highest priority!

Events are about to be revealed that will shock the world. In fact, it is going to be Biblical.








Please take this seriously. Past events have triggered future events

that will come to light very soon, and 90% of Americans have no idea

what is about to happen. You can choose to read the contents of this

report and prepare, or you can toss it in the trash. Regardless of

whether you are prepared or not, change is coming, and it will affect

everyone in the United States.

Let us hit you with a few points to initially wake you up:

• The US Military is in charge and has been for quite a while.

• The Biden presidency is illegitimate.

• Washington D.C. is a foreign entity – that is why it is occupied

by the US Military.

• Main-stream media is complicit in treasonous censorship and

misinformation and will be held accountable.

• Child-trafficking is rampant amongst the world’s elites,

politicians, and Hollywood.

• Horrific crimes against humanity (especially here in America)

will soon be revealed.

• High-profile politicians, world leaders, Hollywood elite, sports

legends – thousands are involved. They will all be tried for

crimes against humanity, treason, and other serious crimes.

Mass arrests of very high-profile individuals are happening

world-wide. Military tribunals are taking place.

• There is a reason why we now have a Space Force.

The US Military will soon take over all broadcast media and will begin

to reveal the crimes against America. Many of these crimes will be so

disturbing and shocking that most will find them hard to believe.

However, it must be done this way to shock individuals and wake them




Pg 1 – Preface Pg 2-5 – Brief Overview Pg 6-9 – Horrendous Crimes Against Children Pg 10-12 – Stake Have Never Been Higher Pg 13-14 – The Corruption is Real Pg 15 – Election Interference Pg 16-19 – The Cabal, They Are Brutal Pg 20-23 – COVID is Real, But… Pg 24-25 – The Coverup Pg 26-29 – The USA is at War Pg 30-32 – For the People Pg 33-34 – Change Is Coming! Pg 35-36 – Are You Ready?

Daily updates are provided at

“Only an alert and

knowledgeable citizen can help protect liberty

and freedom.” It is important that you read through each section of this report to get a thorough understanding of the issues.


We will forewarn you, the information contained in this report is very disturbing and should only be reviewed by responsible adults.


You probably have no idea that we are actively engaged in a war on American soil...

You are here because:

• A friend sent you this information to learn more about what is really going on.

• You realize 2020 was an unprecedented, weird year and you want to know why.

• You have watched things over the past several months and you know something is off, but you just cannot pinpoint it. You found this report because of digging through information on the internet.

• You are a critical thinker who has numerous social media accounts - you found us via one of those threads/posts.

Regardless of what brought you here, you are looking for answers. In this report you will find an overview only. You must take the time to complete your own research to learn more (this is by design). I will forewarn you; What you are about to learn will have you questioning what is real, and what is not real. We will provide you with a brief, bulleted overview, then we will dive into some of the most serious issues so that you have a better understanding.

"Buckle your seatbelt because you are about to embark on a discovery journey that is unprecedented."

The information soon to be released will be unprecedented, unbelievable, shocking, and will cause a great awakening around the world. You are about to witness history in the making. Please take this information seriously. Research, pray, then prepare for the greatest revival in centuries. After reading, feel free to connect with us on the internet at so we can keep you updated on current events as they unfold.


BRIEF OVERVIEW: ISSUES TO BE COMMUNICATED The following bullet points contain a small sampling of past, current, and future events that have been suppressed by the main-stream media. We are close to revealing all this information to the American Public. Here is a sampling of topics that will be shared along with recommendations: Be forewarned, this is only a fraction of what is coming, and some issues are so disturbing they will be managed behind the scenes and will not be made available to the general public.

• The military is and has been in control for quite some time now. Do not let this alarm you – it has been planned for several years and is the only legal way to confront the “soon to be disclosed” world-wide deep state evil and corruption ("cabal") that must be presented to the public. It is likely there will be an EBA message (Emergency Broadcast Address) broadcast to all of America and other nations around the world to further explain what is happening. It is important for you to understand this is not an orchestrated coup being executed from either side. This is a 20-year strategic plan being executed by our military.

Special Operations will spearhead all operations and regular military will be layered in as they can be trusted. It is possible there are internal entities who have been compromised and will attempt to subvert orders, resulting in internal US military skirmishes. Yes, the Space Force is real and serves a critical part of military operations. Under authorization of the President’s 2018 Executive Order, the Insurrection Act, and/or other legally authorized rule of law, the US military is in charge and military operations have been going on behind the scenes for quite some time for the purpose of rooting out the deep state… yes, the deep state does exist, and you are about to witness the most sophisticated military operation in history.

Who to trust:

• The military.

• Designees appointed by the military.

• Information received through official military-established communication platforms.


• We will post other trusted resources on our website as operations unfold.

Who not to trust:

• ALL mainstream media television and live stream channels • Big tech, specifically Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Google, Apple, Amazon,


It is highly likely the mainstream media and big tech will be taken down for a period of time so that the American public (and the rest of the world) can receive truthful information from one trusted source. There may be internet, utility, and other system outages to support these efforts. • Biden (and several others) are part of an illegitimate administration (1776 vs 1871 US




• The 2020 US Presidential election was illegal due to interference by several entities including,

but not limited to: 1. Foreign Governments (Italy, Vatican, China, Iran, Germany, Pakistan, Cuba & more) 2. Democratic Party 3. Businesses (large & small, foreign & domestic) 4. Global elitists, CONUS elitists 5. US & foreign Intelligence Agencies 6. Big tech (MSM – Mainstream media), all the major networks, paper & online publications,

Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Instagram, TikTok & more 7. The US Military will present detailed information regarding the interference of elections. This

evidence has already been presented to military justices. 8. This is not the first election that was stolen by bad actors.

• The 2021 Inauguration was illegal, it is illegitimate, and holds no power over the governance of the United States Republic. Biden is not in control (optics are important). You are watching one of the most sophisticated movies ever made as will soon be revealed.

• Bad actors in in the USA and foreign countries have already been arrested. Several foreign governments are scrambling to manage the fallout, all of which is not being communicated via the MSM. You may have heard some recent noise around several foreign and domestic government key cabinet position deaths, firings, and resignations – this is by design and is not a coincidence. Some of these are not resignations as some have been arrested, and some you will never see again. The MSM would have you believe it is due to the changing administration – that is simply not true. Most have been agents of the deep state who have been “taken out of service” as part of this operation.

• Several thousand high level, very shocking arrests will occur. Very shocking crimes have been committed. You will find these hard to believe, but they must be presented for the public to understand the magnitude of what has happened.

• Several documents are being declassified. However, most MSM outlets will not report on these activities as it will lead back to them. You are about to learn of some very shocking crimes perpetrated by the US Government, the monarchy, world leaders, the global cabal, and Hollywood elites.

• You will read of some high-profile “Covid” deaths, suicides, and accidental deaths. Many of these deaths have occurred as part of the mission, some are the result of suicides, some are consequences of military tribunals, and some are masked to cover up extractions and interrogations.

• Big tech will be shut down. Big media will be shut down. If you do have internet access, these are the safest platforms to get your information:

1. If you have a VPN, use it. 2. Use “Brave” as your internet browser – DO NOT use Chrome or Bing. 3. Use “Duck Duck Go” as your search engine. 4. Do not use Facebook, TikTok, SnapChat, Instagram, Messenger, Twitter. Instead, use

Telegram, Gab, MeWe, Parler, and CloutHub. 5. I cannot stress enough… if MSM is still up and available, do not watch/listen! They are the

enemy, complicit in the censoring of information in support of the deep state and will be dealt with accordingly.



• Several covert military operations have been active for some time now. Military will be

deployed strategically throughout the USA and other parts of the world to support this mission, many masquerading as riot control. Make no mistake, these groups are there to keep the rats at bay and to support arrests.

• It is likely there will be some skirmishes in select areas with bad actors. The media will spin most incidents as aggression from right-wing terrorists to overthrow the government – it is exactly the opposite. There could be some major events/false flag operations planned by bad actors to throw the public and/or military off plan… some of these could be very serious. The recent Capital incident was a false flag operation perpetrated by the corrupt forces.

• Do not rule out foreign boots on US soil. We know Chinese troops have trained in Canada and Mexico in the last year and it is likely they have a presence in the USA. Rest assured, the military has this under control. While this is unlikely, anything is possible.

• Those arrested will most likely be tried with military tribunals, not the civilian court system.

• Events will last several days, weeks and months. Arrests/military tribunals will continue for years.

• Partial or absolute martial law may be imposed – Military is in full control.

• There could be communications blackouts in select areas for undetermined periods of time. These may be select “enemy” big tech entities such as (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon (who control Amazon servers for hundreds of businesses), Instagram, TikTok, Messenger, etc. It may also include a total internet, cell service and television communication blackout. These big tech companies are censoring the good guys and spreading false flags and they must be suppressed to communicate the truth to the world.

• There could be electrical grid blackouts in select areas for undetermined periods of time.

• Do not rely on cell/landline communications or electricity. If you have firearms, keep them close.

Yes, this all reads like a Tom Clancy novel, but I assure you, it is much bigger than that. In fact, those who are in the fight are calling it Biblical. Hundreds of thousands have lost their lives in this fight. Children have been raped, tortured, and killed for sport and satanic rituals. This is just the tip of the iceberg…

In the weeks to come, what you will hear will shock you. You will hear evidence of very disturbing, pure evil alliances/activities that have existed for several years, both in our country and all over the globe. Many military operators have had to seek help for the crimes they have witnessed and the horrific conditions many rescued children have endured for generations. You will cry too.

Now it is time to dig a little deeper into some of the issues. We have included links to reliable sources with plenty of video so that you can perform additional research - This is a critical step in the process.

"This nation is about to embark on the most important event in 250 years."

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”



Sold for pleasure, raped, tortured, harvested organs and adrenochrome. Bureaucrats, Hollywood, Vatican, big business, tech moguls... they will all go down!

We chose this disturbing issue first because it tends to strike a nerve with all of us. Rape, torture, satanic rituals, cannibalism – these horrific crimes against humanity are being perpetrated by very high-profile criminals right here in America. You think you know the story, but you do not. We will caution you, the things you are about to see cannot be unseen but if we to truly make a difference, this information must be shared with the general public. Whenever we point to issues of pure evil, we focus primarily on crimes against children... our most vulnerable, and God's most cherished. There are certainly other horrendous activities the bad actors are involved in, which we will get to in subsequent segments, but none so evil as these crimes against humanity. It is important that you understand the horrors these children are experiencing. Only then will you become so disturbed, angry, and heartbroken that you will move to eliminate the perpetrators who hurt our children. These individuals have no place in society – they must be put down. Warning - The information presented is very disturbing. Spend some time reviewing these videos and decide for yourself. We would recommend watching somewhere in private, away from little eyes.




Adrenochrome is harvested from children. Small children are raped and tortured to produce fear – at

the climax of this fear stage, the children are killed, and their blood is collected with a needle and

syringe from the base of the back of the neck and spinal column. This blood is used as a drug by the

elite and is said to cause an addictive euphoria with age reduction side effects.

The 400,000+ children who go missing each year – this is where they are. These children are kept in

massive compounds all over the world (many underground), with most of them located right here in the

United States. I know this sounds unbelievable, but I assure you, it is very real. Kids are kept in small

room and cages like animals for the sole purpose of harvesting adrenochrome and organs. Child

trafficking for sex, satanic rituals, and cannibalism – These activities are very much alive.

Before you dive deeper, I can tell you that a massive world-wide military effort is currently

underway to rescue these children. There are tens of thousands, many who have never seen

daylight, many who are 2nd and 3rd generation children born, raised, and harvested in captivity. Many

soldiers who have participated in these rescues are under professional care treating PTSD because of

seeing these children and women “existing” in these conditions.



We are remarkably close to exposing this truth to the public. The pedophilia world leaders, politicians,

Vatican, business and Hollywood elites, sports stars, etc – the world is going to be amazed when these

criminals are exposed, and the arrests are revealed. Thank God we will finally bring these Satanists to

justice and I promise you, justice will be swift.

Begin by watching this video. We have included several links on the next page if you choose to dig

deeper. If you find that any links are inoperable, it is because big tech has censored them as they are


Additional Video Links:

Must See - What Is Adrenochrome? The Evil Drug of The Super Elite ANDRENOCHROME: The divine substance of ILUMINATES Secret Of Drinking Childrens Blood || Childrens Blood Is Their Drug Exposing adrenochrome on oprah = Harpo has done this Adrenochrome The Darkest Drug of Them All ! Adrenochrome The Elite's Secret Super Drug! Documentary PURE EVIL THE WORLD MUST KNOW CHILD ORGAN HARVESTING - REACTION Adrenochrome Human Trafficking Celebrity Fail ADRENOCHROME THE SICK SATANIC WITCH LUCIFERIAN ELITES DRUG OF CHOICE Ex CIA officer Exposing child trafficking and Adrenochrome users Adrenochrome And Child Dismemberment Adrenochrome, Immortality Serum For The Elites ?? Ambrosia Corporation ?? Adrenochrome: What is it & Why the Elite Love it? Pastor Mark Details His Experience Moloch, Adrenochrome and Kuru


ADRENOCHROME: THE DEVIL'S IMMORTALITY DRUG Vampires Drink ADRENOCHROME = IMMORTALITY Adrenochrome harvesting documentation ADRENOCHROME:"The Elites Super Drug - Down The Rabbit Hole" Adrenochrome/Adrenachrome EXPOSED Adrenochrome The Real Coronavirus: The Carnivores who Murder our Children for Adrenochrome The Elites Adrenochrome and Disneys Warning Adrenochrome in Hollywood Adrenochrome - #PizzaGate #SaveOurChildren #ChildrenUniteUs Hillary Clinton Pizzagate Child Sex Trafficking Adrenochrome & Body Count Save the Children, Celebrity and Pedophile Roundup/ Hollywood and #Adrenochrome #savethechildren The Adrenochrome Conspiracy - Who's Involved? | Movie Mysteries The 'Luciferian Drug' Adrenochrome Pt. 1 | What You Didn't Know About Adrenochrome: Where are the Missing Children? Pt. 1 Pt. 2 | What You Didn't Know About Adrenochrome: Where are the Missing Children? Pt. 2 i #2 God's Word about ADRENOCHROME - for ELITE BLOOD DRINKERS Black Adrenochrome aka WALNUT SAUCE! They eat our babies! The wicked elite of Esau and their love for adrenochrome Adrenochrome the Satanist Drug of choice What ADRENOCHROME, the CLINTON Foundation & PODESTA Have in Common Adrenochrome Illuminati Child Blood Sacrifice Exposed Full Documentary 2019



It is profoundly serious. It is very disturbing. The most sophisticated military mission ever is currently underway...

“You will be witness to the most sophisticated military operation EVER. The Alliance is grand, the military is in control, and God will prevail.”

We are going to share just a small sample of the military operations currently underway. We have chosen some of the most important, extremely dangerous, and disturbing operations in an effort to educate the general public on the magnitude of what's going on around them. It is important for you to open your hearts and minds and continue your research. Current military operations underway:

• Cabal leader arrests underway

• Politicians, Hollywood elites, big business, arrests underway

• Watch the movie play out (seriously)...

• Optics are important...

• Rescuing children from underground tunnel systems, man-made earthquakes

• Arresting black hats globally, prosecuting in military tribunals

• Alliance missions against the worldwide cabal

• Prep for installation of new governments

• Space Force global operations

Perhaps the most disturbing of all missions, rescuing children from generational "harvesting"... We have provided a little detail around this horrendous activity. Hopefully, it will move you to continue researching...

Tortured, malnourished children and corpses in the tens of thousands have been found in a sophisticated network of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) that ran beneath the US, Canada,



Mexico, Australia, Asia and across Europe. For over a year US Special Forces had been in training for the rescue missions which began on Oct. 16 2019 with the rescue of over 2,100 caged babies and children beneath the China Lake Navy facility in California.

Children were held in cages for human experiments, organ harvesting, tortuous mind control, sexual exploitation, Adrenochrome production (drinking the blood of a traumatized child was believed to stop aging and produced a “high”) and child sacrifice rites in honor of Satan.

The vast child rescue missions across the globe were headed by President Trump, the Pentagon

Pedophile Task Force, US Special Forces and Marines in cooperation with Interpol, and various

nations’ special military forces. They included arrests of pedophile perpetrators and destruction of the

underground tunnels and bases through bombs that caused minor earthquakes. On Sun. 6 Sept. a

huge tunnel in the Philippines was destroyed – accompanied by an earthquake.

Over 50,000 traumatized or deceased children have been recovered from underground tunnels running beneath US cities. The Australian military recently discovered over 300,000 tortured children in underground Melbourne tunnels and it was estimated that in the next couple of weeks, over a million children would be brought out of a network that circled beneath Australia.

An international child trafficking ring run by the Vatican and funded by the CIA appeared to account for

thousands of children who went missing every year. Children were stolen to the order of global and

political elites in both the US and UK by well-known organizations including some state Protective

Services namely in Arizona and California. UNICEF, NATO, many children’s charities in Africa and

those out of Hollywood were believed to kidnap and torture children using the sophisticated tunnel


This child kidnapping network was discovered after thousands of abused and tortured children were found and rescued out of tunnels running through New York and Los Angeles. Under disguise of the first Covid-19 “pandemic” the children were treated on the USNS Comfort Hospital Ship in the New York Harbor and the USNS Mercy Hospital Ship off the coast in California. The UN in New York and



Century City in LA, both under control of the Council of Foreign Relations, were known breeding grounds for avowed Satanists who practiced Child Sacrifice. This excerpt was taken from the following site:

While unbelievable, much of this video is true...

Another link for your research... There are several hard truths our military are currently battling... this is only one, but perhaps the most disturbing. This one alone should stir enough anger that you will take the time to continue researching this and other military missions. You can start by connecting to us on social media and visiting this website for daily updates. Our children, our country, and the entire world are under siege right now. You have no idea how many military missions are underway to fight this evil. The missions are not over, but the good news is we have already won, and we will be revealing everything in the upcoming weeks... stay tuned.



You think you know the truth but do you really? I promise you will be absolutely dumbfounded when you find out! Military authorities will be making an Emergency Broadcast very soon to explain to the world what is happening.

You have been lied to your entire life! The world is not the way you see it!

A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape.

~ Proverbs 19:5

We are not here to convince you of the truth - our mission is simply to provide the facts through a lens where you can research information and come to your own conclusion. We know the truth and ALL OF IT will come to light in the next few weeks. We are simply an information conduit preparing for the dissemination of critical information to assist the general public with reconciliation efforts post "New Republic." Here are truths that warrant your research - you can research now and learn for yourselves or you can wait, and they will be revealed in the next few weeks. Learning these truths now will better prepare you for the alarming impact they will have once communicated in mass to the general public. The hard truths:

• Election interference has been proven but ignored by the MSM and court system. Democrats, foreign govt's, big business, big tech, global elitists, 3 letter agencies. Courts are complicit – the Military is in control.

• USA Corp is defunct. Biden is the President of nothing. The inauguration and everything since has been staged – you’ve been watching the greatest movie ever made with CGI, actors, etc.

• America is illegitimate, 1776 vs 1871 Constitution "FOR" the People. Look it up.

• You have been lied to by the MSM (mainstream media) - things are not at all what they seem.

• There was treason, former presidents complicit, many high-profile bad actors.

• COVID was bio warfare, stats are lies.



• False flags: Twin Towers, Middle East Wars, Capital “Siege”, more…

• Tribunals, arrests, executions of very high-profile bad actors in play.

• Crimes against humanity: Adrenochrome is real, general harvesting is real, tunnels are real, child trafficking is real, Satanic rituals are real, Hollywood, gov't, music, sports, tech, business, law enforcement, Monarchy, child welfare agencies, Vatican, churches, more...

• Vatican-London-Washington DC... goodbye

• God is very real, Satan is real

This short list should be plenty to keep you busy researching. Please understand the importance of doing your own research - it is to prepare you for what is to come.

Where to start:

DO NOT use Chrome, Google, Bing, YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter. Turn the TV off and DO NOT watch mainstream media - they are ALL part of the cabal coverup and they have censored their content and search results. You should use the following research tools:

• Download Brave. It is a secure Chrome and Bing browser replacement.

• Download Duck Duck Go. It is a secure Google replacement.

• Connect to us via all our social media platforms listed here . These include several secure social media platforms where we post updated information as it becomes available. These platforms are not censored like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.

• Visit this website - We update it daily with information you need to know.

There will be an emergency broadcast from the US Military very soon. Please prepare for this. Once the broadcast occurs and the droves of information and data are presented to the world, America will enter a new era. will publish/communicate all necessary information via official documents, video, and livestream events once the military reestablishes internet service. Be sure to bookmark.

Election fraud evidence:



It happened and the entire system covered it up. We have the evidence. Bureaucrats, judicial officials, main-stream media, big tech, foreign countries... we have it all! Global arrests are in progress...

"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight."

~ Proverbs 12:22

There is still much to learn about this year’s election. Open-minded people must examine the evidence of fraud for themselves. Trump hater or Trump lover, that should have no bearing on ensuring the integrity of our election systems. We the people must select our leaders; they should not be chosen for us. Any sane person with integrity would pursue the truth...

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing,

but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Thus, by their fruits, you will know them." ~ Matthew 7:15, 7:20

Please do your own research... there is no denying the fact there was election interference designed to position cabal-controlled, puppet leaders... Summary of Election Fraud




They are the richest of the rich. They want absolute power and they have done everything to get it. You

cannot partner with darkness without consequence.

“And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.”

~ Revelation 19:11

If there are dark forces, or a cabal, that control world economies (and minds), as well as secret factions within religious organizations, then a lot of strange things begin to make sense - think of all the strange things that have happened in the last year. Many believe some covert but influential organization is responsible for globally impactful circumstances or events. And the truth is that people conspire - they gather in small groups and work together to take control. Such meetings have been going on since the beginning of time. But when the actions of secret societies become sinister and harmful to others, then perhaps it is time for the populace to wake up. That is where we are right now... The Great Awakening. Sometimes called the Illuminati, the New World Order or even the Global Elite, “cabal” refers to secret factions working inside our governments with an agenda for world domination. To become aware of their entrainment, we must empower ourselves with an awareness free from their carefully planned agendas. We must begin to question what we feel is right or wrong, then begin to ask questions when things do not add up. We must challenge the status quo. We must do our own research, and then we need to gut-check everything against scripture.

"We believe God has given Christians the ability to see what is happening in the world around us, and it's our duty to expose and disempower their secrecy. When we do this, evil loses."

The Cabal and Secret Societies

Secrecy needs darkness to survive. We may have heard the name, but few know what it is. If we are unaware of their existence, we are powerless against their manipulation.



Secret societies are nothing new. From the Illuminati to the Freemasons, they have thrived behind closed doors, teaching countless generations beliefs and knowledge. Secrecy and power are their currency. They have many heads, many names, all with the same belief that power, and domination is the role of the select few. The cabal has a membership of world-power elites, mostly from America, Canada, and Western Europe. These are mostly high-profile individuals who are influential in an array of areas ranging from politics to entertainment, and from industry to banking. Well represented are top figures from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), IMF, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, EU, and powerful central bankers from the Federal Reserve, the ECB, and Bank of England. The cabal operates by nature of several different methods to include: False Flag Events One of the hallmarks of conspiracy theories is that official answers are unsatisfying, vital information is withheld regarding strange events, or answers strain credibility. This leads many to the conclusion that the “powers that be” are deliberately carrying out a disinformation campaign to protect their secret activities. History is replete with examples of big news stories that have left the general public dissatisfied with official reports. Down through the ages, we have seen false flag events — reasons to start wars or institute restrictive laws. Examples of these include:

• The USS Maine sinking

• The Gulf of Tonkin incident

• The Nayirah testimony

• Claim of weapons of mass destruction

• 9/11

* I would encourage you to research these events for yourself... A Fear-Based Agenda Fear is arguably one of the two most powerful motivators of human beings, with the other being love. To many, it seems as though the mainstream media, which is owned by the most conservative and powerful multinational corporations the world has ever known, capitalizes on school shootings, acts of terrorism, and swings in the economy to control the populace. Add to this the increasing stress of the middle and lower classes just to pay their bills, and we are left scared and confused with a world turning to giant corporations for faster (and artificially produced) foods that are deleterious to the health, pharmaceuticals to mitigate stress and anxiety, terrified that supposedly dangerous immigrants are seeking to infiltrate our country, weapons to protect ourselves from the attackers we see in the media, and foreign governments threatening to take away our rights. How about COVID19? COVID19 has a 99%+ survival rate without taking any type of treatment yet the world is gridlocked... this is simply a fear tactic designed to negatively impact the ability of society to be financially independent from financial entities destined to take full control.



Detaining prisoners indefinitely without charge, conducting dragnet surveillance on the American people without a judicial warrant, and engaging in unprecedented politically motivated investigations against federal employees (Trump). All the while, we seem to be in a situation where our protectors are actually our imprisoners. To keep us from uniting for a common cause of freedom of mind and body, the “free world” is perpetually subjected to media broadcasts and political leaders that divide people - Democrats against Republicans, blue states versus red states, people of color against “old white men,” rich against poor, and so on. This is all by design.

Read More About the Cabal’s Plan for Our Future

Six Ways the Cabal Influences the World Today

Media The most insidious activity is covert media programming. From cartoons to pop music and even news and mainstream television, a fear agenda permeates all. This subconscious programming entrains us to be fearful, stressed, and sick. Hollywood’s creative efforts often fit into a precise formulaic scripts Blockbuster movie and are in place to program our reactions so that when a cataclysmic event does occur, they can predict our responses. Pharmaceuticals & Food Genetically modified foods, sugar, and chemicals rather than living foods are all part of a long-term plan to weaken and sicken us. Education The mainstream education system does not encourage free thinking, instead they create followers. Children who do not comply in sitting quietly in their seats are placed on drugs at a young age.



More damaging still is the fact that modern education is a complex brainwashing system designed to teach the version of the world they want us to believe is real. When we are falsely taught what the world is, we cannot see beyond the scope of what we have been programmed to believe. Science and Technology The government uses scientific innovation, financed by the Cabal, as a means of power. When we recognize that every technological advance made in the last century is destructive to the environment, and disrupts the harmony of the natural world, we begin to glimpse the reaching of their control. Nikola Tesla created brilliant inventions that would grant us all true freedom. His vision was so far-reaching he created technologies that would connect and empower the world. His ideas posed a huge threat to the ways the Cabal maintain wealth and control. Suppression of patents and great thinkers who create technologies to better our world are notoriously squashed so we are crippled in our ability to thrive and grow. If they control science and technology, they proliferate their agenda to suppress freedom of thought. Financial System The Cabal has created an exploited society living in debt and forced to work jobs that drain our life force. We become slaves to the money (or lack thereof) and must rely on the establishment to save us in the form of loans, credit cards, and fees. While the global elite amasses larger amounts of wealth, the middle class is buried in greater debt to simply survive. Religion and Science Religion is blocking our path to God, while science is closing our minds. Belief systems limit our access to spirit and truth. Through science and religion, the cabal crafted a lens with which we view the world. This ensures we do not go beyond the current limitations of perception. The main way they control us is by controlling our co-creative ability. They control our power of creative thinking, dreaming, and manifesting, diluting our ability to trust and know God and ourselves. In doing so they have made us believe we are not in control of our reality. When we recognize that everything we think and feel is a cabal program, we lift the veil to take actions to awaken and restore the power of God that dwells within each of us.

We invite you to spend some time reviewing the information contained in this video - I can guarantee it

will open your eyes.



Designed in a lab and purposefully released to wage war against countries to control "we the people"

while they continue to execute their global agenda.

Before we begin, please take a few minutes to review this BEFORE taking any Coronavirus vaccine…

Covid19 is not a pandemic. There is a political agenda, which uses covid19 as a front. Since February 2020, the U.S. media has been pounding Americans with non-stop reporting about COVID-19 coronavirus. Several months later, the data shows everything the media said about the virus was false. Yet, those posing as “journalists” continue to repeat the lies as if they are facts rooted in their quest to “follow the science.” Every one of the (7BIG THREE lies7) seems designed to promote panic and an irrational response to the actual threat. Anyone who even suggests that maybe the governments of the world have been overreacting to a virus that kills at about the same rate as the flu has been immediately shot down as stupid and not worth listening to. Slowly but surely, however, everything we “conspiracy theorists” said back in March about COVID has since been borne out as not a conspiracy theory at all. It was 100 percent true. So, let us look at the three biggest lies that are still being used to spread fear of COVID-19, keeping in mind that the media used these same lies to castigate President Trump when he was released from the hospital October 5th and implored Americans in a tweet, “Don’t let COVID-19 dominate your life.” This virus is “not like the flu,” we are scolded. It is much scarier than the flu because:

1. COVID carries an extremely high, 3.4 percent, death rate (compared to a flu death rate of 0.10


This has now been debunked by none other than the United Nations World Health Organization, which the leftist globalists believe is the gold standard for information about COVID. The WHO came out with



Continued updated mortality rates this week showing that only 0.13 percent of those infected will die. That is 26 times lower than WHO’s previously purported death rate of 3.4 percent. We already know that in the U.S. the average age of those who succumb to the virus is 78 and they have an average of 2.6 comorbidities. This 0.13 percent death rate is almost exactly the death rate for the common flu.

2. COVID is spread by asymptomatic "super spreaders."

This scares people to death every time they hear it, because it suggests that every human being you come in contact with can potentially infect you. This is absolute hogwash. Asymptomatic carriers have a very low viral load in their system, making it virtually impossible to pass the virus on to another person. Even in the rare cases that they might be able to pass it on, it is highly unlikely if they don’t have symptoms, meaning they are not coughing, sneezing or wheezing.

3. COVID is untreatable.

Now that truly is scary! This lie provided the pretext for Bill Gates and Big Pharma to rush to market an unsafe and unproven vaccine, which could end up being mandated by various state governments and corporations. But this “no treatment” lie has been exposed over and over by the facts, most recently seen in the way President Trump was so effectively treated with a cocktail of supplements and drugs. Trump was treated with Rendesivir in combination with zinc, Vitamin D and melatonin. Another option available in some states is hydroxychloroquine.

These three lies were cleverly crafted to refute anyone who brings facts to the table to argue that the

government has no business closing churches, businesses or generally violating the civil liberties of

any American.

The authorities say this coronavirus has killed (400,000) Americans but those numbers do not reflect the fact that hospitals were directed by the CDC to be liberal in filling out death certificates. Some doctors were so liberal that they actually notched deaths from accidents, heart attacks and strokes as COVID-related and therefore COVID-caused. CDC estimates that only 6 percent of these (400,000) deaths have been caused by COVID alone.

While these are the three biggest lies, they are not the only lies the media has told and continues to tell.

What about the risk to young people? A look at the data shows incontrovertible evidence that college-

age students have virtually no risk of dying from COVID. The media knows this. That’s why they focus

their hysteria on the number of “cases” on campuses, not the number of deaths.

According to a survey by the New York Times, published September 25th, at least 130,000 people on more than 1,600 campuses contracted COVID and 70 died, but “most” of those 70 deaths, the Times admits, were not students but rather college employees, who were likely much older. But even if we factor in those older employees, the rate of death on college campuses according to the Times’ own study is a paltry 0.054 percent. Stunning!

One would think that once these scurrilous lies were exposed, the media would be shouting from the

housetops that the CDC, WHO, Drs. Fauci and Birks, Gates and the rest of the “experts” whom they




relied on for their information, and whose misinformation formed the basis for politicians to implement

the economy-killing lockdowns, were completely wrong! Isn’t that what good, honest journalists do

when they find out they have been played? Yes, they go back and correct the record.

But instead, we see no corrections of their previous false reporting. No, they double down on the lies. This is not news. This is the hallmark of a propaganda operation. Another name for it is information warfare.

If they corrected their false reports and began to prominently report the truth about COVID, this would

put pressure on political leaders to end the destructive restrictions on human activity. Those leaders

could then turn their focus to protecting the vulnerable, which are people over 65 with multiple serious,

pre-existing health issues.

But that would require an honest press – something that no longer exists in America. They will continue to repeat the same old lies, that COVID is a killer disease unlike any other faced by mankind; we must “not let our foot off the pedal” of containing it, people of all ages and conditions must stay masked up at all times, indoors or out, and we must stay separated and isolated from our loved ones.

THE ‘GREAT RESET’ Meanwhile, the real reason for locking people down, telling them they must stop traveling for non-essential trips, shuttering small businesses, or bogging them down with irrational and arbitrary rules, goes unreported by the mainstream media. But it is hiding in plain view for anyone with an ounce of curiosity.

The global power brokers at the United Nations, World Economic Forum, the British royal family, the

International Monetary Fund, and the Vatican have told us why COVID must be kept front and center in

the human psyche for the foreseeable future: they have all identified it as the key to launching a “Great

Reset” of the global economic and social order.

They want to do away with the post-World War II, free-market capitalist system and replace it with a global technocratic surveillance state likely to include a new digital currency and digital ID system.



Continued This new system will be much more authoritarian than what Americans would choose to live under if we remained in normal times, so the technocrats had to create a “new normal” that grips people in fear. People are known to defer to their leaders in times of crisis and panic. They can be convinced to go along with almost anything in such times when fear brings its twin cousins of chaos and confusion. THE NEW AGE POPE Pope Francis and the Vatican are also fully onboard with the new socio-economic world order being prepared for us – just read his latest encyclical issued on October 3rd entitled "Fratelli Tutti" [translated as "Brothers All"]. In it, he blames capitalism for the world’s most pressing problems, derides the concept of private property, holds up collectivism as superior to the rights of the individual, and seems to call for open borders and a termination of national sovereignty.

The pope cites COVID-19 as the triggering event that will usher in a new age of man-based utopian


“The Covid-19 pandemic momentarily revived the sense that we are a global community, all in the

same boat, where one person’s problems are the problems of all. Once more we realize that no one is

saved alone; we can only be saved together.”

COVID was simply a prop, a triggering mechanism, for what global elites refer to as the Great Reset, the New Economy, the Green Economy and Sustainable Development. Whatever they call it, those with discernment will recognize this as the end-times beast system, global in nature, which will seek to dominate every human life on the planet.

The Bible says the end times will be marked by the rise of an anti-Christ system that bullies and

bludgeons its way to power over all humanity. The United Nations arrogantly affirms the biblical

prophecies with its admonition that “no person will be left behind” by its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable


As Christians, we must prepare both physically and spiritually for persecution that will only grow more intense in the weeks, months, and years ahead. We must resist ungodly government edicts that seek to silence our voice, shut down our religious practice, and deprive us of our humanity.

We are fortunate to have a plan underway to put a stop to this lie. Be patient, the storm is upon us.

“By this symbol, you will conquer.”



The entire mainstream media, big tech, social media... the corruption is absolutely astounding!

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but

inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Thus, by their fruits, you will know them." ~ Matthew 7:15, 7:20

In recent weeks we have witnessed the big tech giants censor several conservative people, businesses, and social movements. Twitter, Facebook, Amazon - these are just a few of the tech elites who assume they answer to no one. “They have deliberately suppressed the 1st amendment free speech rights guaranteed to all Americans through the US Constitution.”

Before we get into the more severe threat of mainstream media, let’s focus on the one that’s clear and present. Mainstream media has been “left-leaning” for over four decades. Some may remember a time when the media was actually right-leaning. Those days are obviously behind us; anyone who does not qualify for Social Security benefits has likely never seen right-leaning mainstream media (other than arguably Fox News and WSJ) in their adult life. The major shift that we witnessed in the most recent election cycle is unabashed bias. There was still a semblance of subtly in their bias during the Bush43-era. Today, they are loud and proud about being leftists. There are righteous cries by conservatives to do something about this problem. The Democratic Party’s propaganda wing has become so engrossed with their own rhetoric that they are having a hard time understanding why there is any opposition to them at all. It is imperative that conservatives do what they can to simultaneously denounce mainstream media’s bias, and to promote independent and conservative media that needs help in being the countermeasure to liberal talking heads. We live in a time where the mainstream media and big tech are controlled by the cabal. This is something every American should be worried about. If recent history has taught us anything, it is that the sentiment of the American people can be shifted very quickly. In the beginning of Barack Obama’s presidency, nearly 70% of Americans opposed same-sex marriage. Even Californians outlawed it for a time. Today, less than 40% of Americans oppose it. In less than seven years, the sentiment on this topic was changed through liberal indoctrination in



Continued colleges, massive propaganda campaigns in the media, and pressure put on those who would oppose the practice. What we are seeing happening with the media is not necessarily indoctrination from one side. Sure, they are liberals that spew a liberal left-wing narrative, but both liberals and conservatives should see needs for “restraints” on the media. Not to sound too conspiratorial, but the rise of the “fake news” narrative is designed to get us to not trust ANY media. There has always been fake news. In fact, it is not any worse today than it was a decade ago. The difference is that we have put more of an emphasis on it through social media. We have given it a tangible name and defined it as a bogeyman to be feared. "Make no mistake, the majority of MSM are bad actors and we've caught them in the act. We have the evidence and the plan to take them down is in play. The world will be witness to the implosion of corrupt MSM and it will be epic!"

As Americans transition to the New American Republic, we need to fight any future corruption through our voices and our dollars. Mainstream media outlets must be made aware that if they are going to be biased, they will not get our money nor our page-views in the form of clicks. Smaller media sites, particularly those who adhere to neutrality, need our support. We must admit, we do not feel sorry for the MSM. They have made their decisions and now they will reap the consequences. 2021 is going to be a great year!

Trusted News Sources

One America News Network Right Side Broadcasting Network

Research more at:


THE UNITED STATES IS AT WAR Breaking: Active military and spiritual warfare operations are waging against foreign and domestic black hats this very minute...

In case you missed it:

• We are literally watching the reclaiming of the United States of America

• D.C. is fenced off and President Trump is never going back to the White House. But not for reasons you may be thinking.

• President Trump’s executive order was actually directed at the Washington D.C. corporate swamp/cabal all along.

• D.C. is now walled in and filled with military guard.

• D.C. will be locked down because it will not be possible for a foreign ruler to rule over a sovereign country, therefore, the foreign ruler must be locked out. In this case, that would be this new, illegitimate administration.

Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes paid to the tax collectors of the Corporation that is now in the hands of a new administration. They went to all the trouble to steal a corporation whose assets are in the process of being seized. Most did not see this coming for they did



Continued not even know their nation was a Corporation. But it is, and now the states are not subject to it. Please read on to understand the nature of the battle in which we are engaged.

Meet the thieves in the light of day. So proudly they claim what is not theirs to take…

In 1871 a seditious act was performed by the Government. A coup was made to rewrite the constitution and put WE THE PEOPLE in all capitals, under a new corporate contract transferring the United States of America into the new Corporation of the United States of America which transferred the power of We The People and the constitution over to the new corporation. When they did that, it placed the citizens in the United States as property of the Corporation, which was centered in Washington D.C.. This action made Washington D.C. a FOREIGN ENTITY on American soil of sovereign states. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. Citizens’ rights were taken from them in this process. No one realized this. When they did the broker deal to get the loan from the Vatican, they did so via the Bank of London. At that time, they transferred all the property in D.C. Columbia over to the Corporate entity of D.C. a foreign corporation. The forming of this corporation in D.C. is of major importance to understand, for when President Trump signed an executive order in 2018 on Election Interference/Fraud for entities both foreign and domestic, it outlined how assets would be seized. The President and the people knew and had the proof that a coup transpired out of the Corporation of the United States of America along with other foreign nations and was ignored by the Corporation in D.C.. They continued with their illegal steal, and the military is now in the process of seizing the assets of this foreign country known as THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It appears that President Trump’s executive order was actually directed at the Washington D.C. corporate swamp/cabal all along. D.C. is now walled in and filled with military guard. President Donald J. Trump has moved out permanently for he cannot be president over a Sovereign Nation in a Foreign land, which is what the White House and Capitol are. President Trump was voted in by We the People. Not the Corporation.




Now that President Trump has exited, D.C. will be locked down because it will not be possible for a foreign ruler to rule over a sovereign country, therefore, the foreign ruler must be locked out. In this case, that would be this new administration. We are literally watching the reclaiming of the United States of America. What this means for We the People is many things. One of them is no more IRS. Watch and see how this plays out. It is a genius move. God is in charge of this nation and is now leading his elect to restore this great nation called by His name.

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven,

and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." ~2nd Chronicles 7:14 In Conclusion: The Corporation called Washington D.C. is now a foreign entity on American soil of sovereign states. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city state and this corporate entity. It is now under siege for interfering with the elections of We the People of the United States along with the Vatican and the other foreign nations who interfered, such



Continued as Germany, Italy, China, et al. They are now an enemy of the state and their assets shall be seized. Our military has already been taking down the giant as we have witnessed while all eyes were set on the voter fraud. The world is in a shake down…. Italian Government has resigned:

Poland Government has resigned:

Russian Government resigned except Putin:

300 Italian politicians and police charged along with Italian mafia:


The entire Kuwait Government has resigned:

Dutch government of the Netherlands resigns:


German Chancellor Angela Merkel steps down: Malaysian Government steps down:

Baron Benjamin de Rothschild died at 57:


Estonian Prime ministers fired:

Obamagate documents declassed – fully loaded with incriminating facts:


25,000+ National Guard and Military in DC and 10 state capitols guarded and locked down:

Washington DC in lockdown and panic:




You are in for a shocking surprise! The future is very bright! 2021 is the year of newfound freedom!

Let us preface this segment with this statement; In the coming weeks, our New American Republic leadership (that does not necessarily mean "Republican" leadership) will be introducing new infrastructural reforms that are designed to point our nation towards prosperity levels never before experienced by "we the people". These changes will affect the financial, education, healthcare, and social program infrastructures... America is about to experience a paradigm shift that will ensure prosperity and stability for future generations. Now that we have set the stage, continue reading to understand how and why... Most Americans have no idea that we have not been operating under the 1776 "United States Constitution FOR the People". Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies. The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States. The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from Britain and Democracy was born. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original “Constitution for the united states for America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”. The Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made a financial deal with the cabal – international bankers — (in those days, the Rothschilds of London) thereby incurring a DEBT to said bankers. The conniving international bankers were not about to lend the floundering nation any money without some serious stipulations. So, they devised a way of taking back control of the United States and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed. With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia. With the passage of “the Act of 1871” a city state (a state within a state) called the District of Columbia located on 10 sq miles of land in the heart of Washington was formed with its own flag and its own independent constitution – the United States’ secret second constitution.




The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three-city empire. The three-city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City. London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington’s District of Columbia city state is in charge of the military, and the Vatican controls it all under the guise of spiritual guidance. Although geographically separate, the city states of London, the Vatican and the District of Columbia are one interlocking empire called “Empire of the City.” The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under tyrannical Vatican law known as “Lex Fori” (local law). When congress passed the Act of 1871, it created a separate corporation known as THE UNITED STATES and corporate government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act has unlawfully allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and in total disregard of the best interests of the American citizens. POTUS is the Chief Executive (president) of the Corporation of the United States operating as any other CEO of the corporation — governs without a Board of Directors (cabinet officials) and managers (Senators/Congress). Yeah, we get it... this is hard to believe. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the Republic. It does not! What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government. Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, we the people now have “relative” rights or privileges. One example is the Sovereign’s right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a “privilege” that requires citizens to be licensed – driver’s licenses and Passports. By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution. The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials. As of 1871 the United States is not a Country; It’s a Corporation! In preparation for stealing America, the puppets of Britain’s banking cabal had already created a second government, a Shadow Government designed to manage what “the people” believed was a democracy, but what really was an incorporated UNITED STATES.



Continued It is becoming increasingly apparent to American citizens that government is no longer being conducted in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, or, within states, according to state constitutions. While the people have recognized for more than 150 years that the rich and powerful, often corrupt individual officials exert undue influence to get legislation passed that favors their interests, most Americans still cling to the naïve belief that such corruption is exceptional, and that most of the institutions of society, the courts, the press, and law enforcement agencies, still largely comply with the Constitution and the law in important matters. They expect that these corrupting forces are disunited and in competition with one another, so that they tend to balance one another. This is not the case. Mounting evidence makes it clear that the situation is far worse than most people think, that during the last several decades the U.S. Constitution has been effectively overthrown, and that it is now observed only as a façade to deceive and placate the masses. What has replaced it is what many call the Shadow Government – created with the illegal passing of the Act of 1871. It still, for the most part, operates in secret because its control is not secure. The exposure of this regime and its operations must now become a primary duty of citizens who still believe in the Rule of Law and in the freedoms which this country is supposed to represent. Enter the patriots... The Act of 1871 has since expired. Trump did not renew the Act with the Queen of England. Trump is signaling that the U.S. is no longer under British/U.N./Vatican rule and is returning to a Republic as the founding fathers had originally designed it to be. Also, notice that Italy has been in lock down. Where is the Vatican located? CORONA is a PLANNED ATTACK at the US and has BOOMERANGED into a COVER for DEEPER OPERATION that is happening WORLDWIDE. We are going back to the Gold Standard (more on that in a later segment). Be patient, the world's finest military are in control.

For additional research

“Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.”

~ 1 Peter 2:16


CHANGE IS COMING Get ready for a paradigm shift...

Let this sink in... In the year 2021 the world will witness history in the making - events so astounding they will be considered "Biblical". God has drawn the line in the sand, and he has prepared His warriors to carry out a plan to exterminate Satan’s minions. There will be a true paradigm shift in the very near future. Behind the scenes, February is going to be bumpy. March is going to be refreshing. Both months will be revealing. The spring will be like none other. On the horizon

• The military is actively engaged in cyber, air, space, land, sea, and subterranean warfare.

• Corrupt governments are falling.

• Corrupt governments will be replaced.

• World elite cabal will be dismantled.

• Election interference will be exposed.

• Crimes against humanity will be revealed.

• Disturbing crimes against children will be exposed.

• Treason will be exposed.

• MSM & big tech censorship, duplicitous activities in support of government corruption will be exposed.

• Assets of all involved worldwide will be confiscated.

• All guilty will be tried by military tribunal.

• Executions, prison sentences will be administered.




• America will return to the Republic as outlined in the 1776 US Constitution.

• New financial, education, healthcare, social infrastructures.

• New technologies to be revealed.

• New relationships with foreign governments.

Prepare for a range of emotions and responses:

• Some of the crimes committed will be very disturbing. It is important for the world to see the crimes these evil criminals have committed against the most vulnerable. Only then will we understand the magnitude of what has happened. We must awaken to the pure evil that exists for us to realize that God also exists.

• You will be shocked, dismayed, confused, mad, anxious... you will experience every emotion imaginable as the movie begins to be revealed.

We truly are getting ready to be part of history that will be written in the history books. Prepare yourself and your families. Pray for our Spiritual and Military soldiers who are in the battle. If you are currently in the fight, may God direct your actions.

“De Oppresso Liber"

Free the Oppressed


ARE YOU READY? Your next steps...

This segment will conclude our mission of phase 1 "beacon" - Proving a foundation of information covering the activities/events leading up to this point. What we have shared with you is a very small part of the overwhelming level of activities currently in play as part of the most sophisticated military operation EVER. What should you do next? Here are our recommendations:

• Check our website daily. As part of phase 1 "beacon", we will provide daily updates showcasing the most important activities underway. You will notice we do not report on the current illegitimate administration's activities. This is because they are irrelevant. Everything they do is illegal and will not stand, Therefore, we will not waste our time there.

• Share this document and our website with as many like-minded friends and family as possible. Remember, the primary reason we exist is to disseminate information to keep the public informed. We do not do this for personal gain. Information flow will be hard to come by and somewhat fragmented once the authorities begin to release information (phase 2 "inform"). MSM and social media platforms will most likely be restricted or altogether nonexistent.

• Connect with us on "white hat" social media. It is likely Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok will be shut down or suspended. You can find our contact information here. If our website is taken down, we will attempt to deploy our backup (located in another country). If we are unable to keep either up, you'll have to "wing it" like the rest of us until the new government reestablishes service.

• Research - Join our social media channels - they will lead you to a treasure trove of information. If you choose to research on your own, DO NOT use Chrome, Bing, or Google. These platforms are compromised and have censored all major news regarding ongoing activities. Instead use Brave and Duck Duck Go - these are secure platforms that will not censor the information and they will block any advertisement trackers, etc. If you have a VPN, use it.

• There is a high probability the military will commandeer communications for a period of time to communicate all the nefarious activities, outcomes, and future direction of the country. Expect this to happen as early as March but be mindful that all battle plans must be adjusted daily, and timelines will change. Rest assured, the military is in control.




• Temporary utility, communications, social media platforms, and main-stream media channel outages may occur to support mission initiatives.

• Various stages of martial law may be executed in select locations. Curfews are possible. Stay at home orders could be enacted.

• If stay at home orders are enacted, most business will not be able operate. This will affect income.

• While the military does not expect to impede access to basic needs, you may find local "bad actors" will cause trouble (think Detroit, NYC, Portland).

• Keep your vehicles fueled up. Same goes for generators if you own one.

• Stock up on batteries and an emergency radio. If you can afford solar chargers, it's always nice to have them on hand.

• Keep some cash on hand.

• Consider family members in your plan.

• Security - We are staunch supporters of the 2nd amendment and own weapons with plenty of ammo for self-defense. We would recommend you do the same.

• The vulnerable - Think of family members, friends, church members, co-workers... if you know of anyone who may need help, consider developing a plan for them also.

• Prepare to support those closest to you as the news rolls out. Some of the information will be so disturbing it will cause great anxiety for some. These individuals may need professional help.

We are in phase 1 right now “Beacon” – Reporting on activities as they are reported to us. This information comes from various sources and it is important that everyone use discernment while conducting their own research to confirm events as they are reported. Phase 2 “Inform” will come after the military makes a formal announcement that they are in control. As they release information, that information will be organized and disseminated via our website ( When phase 3 "reconciliation" begins, we will all need to adjust to our new infrastructure. This site will post/communicate all the changes to help with a smooth transition. Now that you have read this report, you are better prepared for what is to come. Continue to seek the truth, know that our military is in control, a new administration will be forthcoming (and I bet you are going to like it) and most importantly, pray for those who have been the victims of evil wrongdoings, the spiritual and military soldiers fighting the great fight, and for a prosperous, God-loving New American


"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper

you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~Jeremiah 29:11