Download - 2019 Matric Results Supplement - Matric Results Supplement. The Ursuline Sisters, Board of Governors, Parent Teachers’ Association and Head congratulate those teachers


2019 Matric Results Supplement

The Ursuline Sisters, Board of Governors, Parent Teachers’ Association

and Head congratulate those teachers who had a hand in guiding our

girls to success. This includes their pre-school, primary school and sec-

ondary school teachers.

We acknowledge all our pupils’ achievements - those who excelled in the

National Senior Certificate examinations by the Independent Examina-

tions Board and those who achieved personal triumphs in reaching their

full potential.

Percentage 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 - 79 80 - 100

Subject Total

Accounting 0 0 1 1 3 3 4 12

Advanced Programme English 0 0 0 0 3 4 1 8

Advanced Programme Mathematics 0 0 5 2 3 1 2 13

Afrikaans First Additional Language 1 0 2 8 8 14 18 51

Business Studies 0 0 0 1 0 4 3 8

Consumer Studies 0 0 0 3 1 11 2 17

English Home Language 0 0 0 2 7 30 25 64

French Second Additional Language 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 10

Geography 0 0 1 1 1 5 4 12

History 0 0 0 1 4 15 15 35

Information Technology 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2

IsiZulu First Additional Language 0 0 0 1 1 4 6 12

Life Orientation 0 0 0 2 8 30 24 64

Life Sciences 0 0 0 3 16 18 9 46

Mathematical Literacy 0 0 0 0 1 2 14 17

Mathematics 0 2 3 8 8 10 16 47

Music 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2

Music ABRSM 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2

Physical Sciences 0 2 7 4 7 9 5 34

Spanish Second Additional Lan-guage 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Visual Arts 0 0 0 2 1 4 9 16

Totals 1 4 19 39 72 172 166

Brescia House School 2019 Results Summary

Congratulations to our Matriculants of 2019

Brescia House School rejoices in excellent results!

Highlights of statistics and results

• 100% pass rate

• 100% entrance to tertiary course of study

• 7 placements in the top 1% of specific subjects

• IEB Commendable Achievements: 1 (achieved within the top 5% in 5 Subjects and achieved

a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation)

• 166 distinctions from 64 girls (average 2.6 per candidate)

Comparison of Results

Brescia House School : Independent Examinations Board Candidates

Brescia House School Independent

Examinations Board

Year Number of


Bachelor Degree


Diploma Pass

% Pass

% Bachelor Degree


% Bachelor Degree


% Pass

2019 64 63 1 100 98.44 89.51 98.82

2018 59 59 - 100 100 90.65 98.92

2017 60 60 - 100 100 88.34 98.61

2016 66 66 - 100 100 87.6 98.6

2015 40 40 - 100 100 85.2 98.3

2014 39 38 1 100 97 85.4 98.3

2013 65 64 1 100 98 85 98.6

10 Distinctions

Heather Wimberley

Accounting*, Advanced Programme Mathematics*, English*, Information

Technology*, isiZulu*, Life Orientation*, Mathematics* (Top 1% of IEB

candidates), Music*, ABRSM Music* (Top 1% of IEB candidates), Physical


Heather is mature and diligent, with a quick sense of humour. Intelligent and insightful, Heather is a rational thinker, logical and intuitive, with re-markable problem-solving ability and exceptional academic ability.  Creative and astute, she has a flair for the mathematical sciences, and approaches her studies with insight and understanding. She has delivered superb results throughout her high school career, culminating in academic full colours in grade 11 and grade 12.  In 2019 Heather was named Dux Scholar for 2019 and was awarded the subject prizes for Advanced Programme Mathematics, Mathematics, Information Technology and Music. Heather is a talented musician who excels in two instruments and achieved full music colours for two consecutive years. She has been a valued member of the choirs and orchestra. On the sports field, she has gained full colours for both orienteering and hockey for three consecutive years, representing Southern Gauteng at hockey throughout her high school career. In 2018 she was awarded her honours blazer in recognition of her all-round achievements in academics, sport and cultural arenas and in 2019 was named joint winner of the Kinsley award for best all-rounder. Heather embodies the Brescia House School ethos, inspiring her peers and younger girls with her confi-dence, ability and integrity.

* Indicates the subjects in which candidates obtained distinctions

7 Distinctions

Sarah Everett

Advanced Programme Mathematics*, Afrikaans, English*, History*, Life

Orientation*, Life Sciences*, Mathematics*, Physical Sciences*

Sarah is a quiet and empathetic young woman, with an inner strength and determination to succeed. Intelligent and diligent, Sarah is an insightful and creative thinker, with a flair for both the mathematical sciences and hu-manities. She has gained awards throughout high school, culminating in academic full colours in grade 11 and 12. Her determined approach to life is reflected in her many achievements out-side the classroom. A skillful debater and committed member of the athlet-ics team, Sarah has gained full colours in both disciplines. She has also par-ticipated in orienteering, achieved selection for the South African Junior Orienteering squad and gained full colours for the discipline in three con-secutive years. This lead to the awarding of her honours blazer, the school’s highest recognition of achievement. In addition to community ser-vice with the school, Sarah has volunteered at Olivedale and Helen Joseph hospitals, and done work for the needy through St Mungo’s Church. Out-side of school, Sarah is an enthusiastic modern and contemporary dancer.

Lauren McJannet

Accounting* (Top 1% of IEB candidates), Advanced Programme Mathe-

matics, Afrikaans*, English*, History*, Life Orientation* , Mathematics*,

Physical Sciences*

IEB Commendable Achievement

Lauren is an intelligent, perceptive, responsive and goal-orientated young woman, with a strong work ethic. She approaches life with a diligence and determination that is reflected in her academic performance, which has been superb. She has, throughout her high school career, maintained an average above 80%. She achieved full academic colours in grades 11 and 12. She has also gained awards for her performance in Maths and English Olympiads, the Witwatersrand University Mathematics competition and the SACEE creative writing competition. Lauren has balanced her academic work with a variety of co-curricular activities, participating in hockey, drama and athletics. A capable actress, Lauren has played various roles in house plays and achieved a merit award for acting. She achieved a merit for her grade 6 Trinity College drama ex-amination in 2017. Lauren played hockey throughout her high school ca-reer, playing for the first team in 2019; she was awarded half colours for her contribution to the sport.

* Indicates the subjects in which candidates obtained distinctions

7 Distinctions

Jodie Pattison

Advanced Programme Mathematics, Afrikaans*, English*, History*, Life

Orientation*, Life Sciences*, Mathematics*, Physical Sciences*

Jodie is a considerate and empathetic young woman. Gracious and ma-ture, Jodie is diligent and intelligent, with an inquiring mind and a strong drive to succeed in all that she undertakes. Conscientious and capable, with a positive attitude, Jodie enjoys challenging problems and demon-strates perseverance in achieving her goals and in understanding all as-pects of a task or challenge. Her excellent results have led to awards throughout high school, and she gained full colours for academics in grade 11 and 12. At the annual prize-giving ceremony in 2019, Jodie was awarded the subject prize for Life Sciences. Outside of the classroom, Jodie has been a member of the swimming squad and the netball team, gaining recognition for her contribution to both disciplines. She was elected by her peers to serve on the Pupil Fo-rum, where she made a mature and meaningful contribution. She has also been recognised for her sustained commitment to community service.

6 Distinctions

* Indicates the subjects in which candidates obtained distinctions

Amy Coningsby

English* (Top 1% of IEB candidates), French*, History*, isiZulu*, Life

Orientation*, Mathematics, Visual Arts*

Amy is a diligent student, with a mature approach to her studies, who achieved full academic colours in grade 11 and 12. A strong creative think-er with an ability to express these ideas eloquently and succinctly, Amy is a talented Visual Art student who has achieved awards for her work through-out her high school years. She has also completed numerous external ex-aminations through the Alliance Francais in the course of her French stud-ies.

Outside the classroom, Amy’s passion for the arts saw her participating in drama as a member of the lighting crew for the major production and play-ing various roles in house plays. She was also a member of the SACEE debating team and a capable public speaker. Amy was a member of the Eco Committee and was awarded a certificate for commitment to liturgical service, for her efficient contribution in managing the polycomp for all church services throughout her high school years.

Kristen Cronje

Advanced Programme Mathematics, Afrikaans*, English*, Life Orienta-

tion*, Life Sciences*, Mathematics*, Music, ABRSM Music, Physical


Kristen is considerate and thoughtful, with a ready smile and delightful sense of humour that belies her quiet and serious demeanour. Kristen sets high standards for herself and works diligently to achieve and exceed her own expectations. Her academic ability and superb work ethic have led to awards throughout her high school career, culminating in full colours for aca-demics in 2018 and 2019. At the annual prize-giving ceremony in 2019, Kristen was awarded the subject prize for Physical Sciences, as well as the Creative Writing Trophy and Senior Project Trophy. A capable pianist and flautist, Kristen gained full colours for music in 2018 and 2019. In her senior years, she played the flute in the school orchestra, and made guest appearances at several choir concerts and church ser-vices. Kristen has also enjoyed orienteering throughout high school, where she achieved full colours. Outside of school, she is a talented dancer who has participated in Highland and Irish dancing at provincial level.

6 Distinctions

* Indicates the subjects in which candidates obtained distinctions

Tamsin de Castro

Advanced Programme Mathematics, Afrikaans*, Business Studies*,

English*, Life Orientation*, Life Sciences*, Mathematics*, Physical


Tamsin is a gracious and polite young woman, with a lovely sense of hu-mour and cheerful demeanour. She is respected and highly regarded by her peers and teachers alike. Tamsin is capable, focused and well organised and her intelligence, positive attitude and perseverance have led to excellent re-sults. She achieved full academic colours in grade 11 and 12 and in 2019 was awarded the subject prize for Business Studies. Tamsin has been a committed member of the high school equestrian team throughout her high school years, where she has excelled and achieved both full school colours and provincial colours. Tamsin has also participated in diving, netball and tennis. Tamsin has not only represented the school on a sporting level but also in the cultural arena, where she gained full colours for public speaking. In addition to school community outreach projects, Tamsin has undertaken further community service projects, which include her work with the Yenzeni Children’s home.

Elois Kruger

Advanced Programme English*, Afrikaans*, English*, History, Life

Orientation*, Life Sciences, Mathematical Literacy* (Top 1% of IEB

candidates), Visual Arts*

Elois is a young woman with great strength of character, who faces life’s challenge with grace and perseverance. Conscientious and determined, she has worked diligently to achieve excellent results, thereby gaining full col-ours for academics in 2018 and 2019. Elois has a special flair for lan-guages and was awarded the Afrikaans and Advanced Programme English subject prizes, as well as the Bilingual Trophy, at the annual prize-giving ceremony in 2019. Elois’s achievements were not limited to the language arts, as she was further awarded the Mathematical Literacy subject prize in the same year. Her charisma, and gentle nature have garnered her much acclaim with her fellow peers. Elois is a vivacious young lady who is well respected by staff and peers at Brescia House School. As a member of the Public Rela-tions Committee, she executed her responsibilities with dedication and pos-itivity.

6 Distinctions

5 Distinctions

Avril Mugauri

Advanced Programme Mathematics, Afrikaans*, English*, Geography*,

Life Orientation, Life Sciences*, Mathematics*, Physical Sciences

* Indicates the subjects in which candidates obtained distinctions

Victoria Lavelle

Advanced Programme Mathematics, Afrikaans*, English*, History*, Life

Orientation*, Life Sciences*, Mathematics*, Physical Sciences

Victoria is a gentle young lady, empathetic and mature, with a determination to succeed in all that she undertakes. Academically capable, Victoria’s intel-ligence, inquiring mind and motivation have delivered excellent results and awards throughout her high school years, culminating in the awarding of full colours for academics in both grades 11 and 12.

Victoria has represented her school at many equestrian events during her school career, and she was elected as equestrian captain in 2019. Victoria gained full equestrian colours in grades 11 and 12. Her achievements extend-ed beyond the school sphere, where she was a provincial representative for South African show jumping in 2016. In 2019, Victoria represented South Africa in Ecuador in 2019, where she was recognised by SASCOC and was awarded her Protea Junior Show jumping colours, leading to the awarding of the school’s prestigious honours blazer. Victoria also played A-team hockey in high school and she was elected hockey captain in 2017.

Avril is a perceptive, intelligent and deep-thinking student, who contributes eagerly to class discussions. Diligent and determined, she has achieved aca-demic awards throughout high school, culminating in the achievement of full colours for academics in grade 11 and 12. Avril is an eloquent speaker who has participated in public speaking and de-bating throughout her high school career. She gained full colours for both disciplines and inspired and motivated younger debaters. Avril was also elected by the students to serve on the Pupil Forum in matric, where she made a meaningful contribution to raising and discussing relevant issues af-fecting the student body. Her leadership skills were recognised in the award-ing of full colours, which led to her receiving an honours blazer, the highest award the school can bestow.

Jade Orpen

Afrikaans*, Consumer Studies, English*, Geography*, Life Orientation*,

Life Sciences, Mathematical Literacy*

Jade is a delightful and diligent young woman who approaches all that she undertakes with determination and initiative. A conscientious student, Jade is focused and methodical in her approach to her studies. As a result, she has achieved above-average results and gained full colours for academic achievement in grades 11 and 12. Outside the classroom, she is a capable public speaker and member of the Guild Trophy team; she was awarded full colours in the discipline. She is a passionate pupil who has engendered excellent spirit amongst the Brescia House School community, and has been a valuable role model to the younger girls. As an elected member of the Pupil Forum, Jade made a meaningful contribution in raising pupil issues and her leadership skills were recognised in the awarding of full colours in 2019.

* Indicates the subjects in which candidates obtained distinctions

5 Distinctions

Rosa Pisanti

Advanced Programme Mathematics, Afrikaans*, English* (Top 1% of IEB

candidates), History*, Life Orientation*, Life Sciences*, Mathematics,

Physical Sciences

Rosa is an engaging young woman, with a quick smile and lovely sense of humour. Elected as deputy head girl in 2018, Rosa has fulfilled her role with loyalty and aplomb. She embodies the Brescia House School ethos, inspiring her peers and younger girls with her confidence, ability and integ-rity. Rosa sets high standards for herself and works diligently to achieve her goals. Her academic ability and superb work ethic have led to awards throughout her high school career, culminating in full colours for academics in 2018 and 2019. At the annual prize-giving ceremony in 2019, Rosa was awarded the subject prize for English and Life Orientation. She also re-ceived the Head’s award for her service to the school, as well as a certificate for her initiative and commitment in community service.

Fiona Smith

Accounting*, Afrikaans, English*, History*, Life Orientation*, Life

Sciences, Mathematics*

Fiona is always gracious and polite, with a lovely sense of humour and cheerful personality. She is respected and liked by her peers. She is a highly intelligent young woman whose positive attitude and perseverance ensure that she always achieves pleasing results. She has achieved aca-demic awards throughout high school, culminating in the achievement of full academic colours in both 2018 and 2019. Her academic prowess was balanced by her commitment to netball throughout her high school career, reaching second team level and gaining merit awards for her efforts. A dedicated member of the Serviam Com-mittee, Fiona was part of a group which served the school and our sur-rounding community, highlighting her kindness and compassion for oth-ers.

5 Distinctions

Isabela Rusconi

English*, History*, isiZulu, Life Orientation*, Life Sciences, Mathematics,

Spanish Second Additional Language*, Visual Arts*

Isabela is a courteous and sincere young woman, well regarded by the staff and peers alike. She approaches her academics with positivity and determi-nation, and gained full academic colours in grades 11 and 12. Her flair for languages is seen in her achievements in English Olympiads, as well as in her study of Spanish as an additional subject. She speaks isiZulu confi-dently, and is learning Italian, French, German, Chinese and Korean. Isa-bela is an avid artist, and enjoys experimenting with different media, styles and techniques. Outside of the curriculum, Isabela has participated in public speaking, chess, and photography. She has also pursued an interest in ballet and in fashion. Isabela spiritual awareness and concern for others are evident in her commitment to both community service and to liturgical service.

* Indicates the subjects in which candidates obtained distinctions

Erin Wakefield

Advanced Programme Mathematics, Afrikaans*, English*, History*, Life

Orientation*, Life Sciences, Mathematics*, Physical Sciences

Erin is a motivated and helpful young lady, with a friendly and engaging demeanour. She is a highly disciplined and driven pupil who strives to give of her best. Erin is diligent and has a positive attitude towards her studies, which is evident in her excellent academic record. She gained awards throughout high school and was awarded full academic colours in grade 11 and 12. Erin is a talented gymnast and has participated in various world cups and international tournaments as far afield as Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, Russia, and Finland. Erin has also completed all her Royal Academy of Dance ballet examinations, passing every examination with distinction. In addi-tion to community service projects through the school, Erin has volun-teered at Charlotte Maxeke hospital, Randburg SPCA and at various gym-nastic events and competitions.

5 Distinctions

Jessica Sutherns

Advanced Programme Mathematics, Afrikaans*, English, Geography*, Life

Orientation*, Life Sciences*, Mathematics*, Physical Sciences

Jessica is a quietly confident young woman who makes a success of all that she undertakes. Academically capable, Jessica sets high goals for herself and works diligently to achieve them, resulting in excellent results and achieving full academic colours in grade 11 and 12. At the annual prize-giving ceremony in 2019, Jessica was awarded the Geography subject prize and the Dick Shone trophy for the best environmental project. Outside the classroom, Jessica was a team swimmer and a capable public speaker, earning half colours for her skill and commitment. Over and above the community outreach projects undertaken by her grade, Jessica has also spent many extra hours doing community service for Guild Cottage and the Hospice Wits shop.

* Indicates the subjects in which candidates obtained distinctions

‘This is my body, my body’s holy, no more excuses, no more abuses; We are mothers, we are teachers, we are beautiful, beautiful creatures.’

Break the Chain—theme song for Billion Rising Campaign

* Indicates the subjects in which candidates obtained distinctions

4 Distinctions

Aashna Beepan Afrikaans*, English*, History*, Life Orientation*

Daniéle Enslin English*, History*, Life Orientation*, Mathematics*

Marie Houdet Afrikaans*, English*, French*, Visual Arts*

Theresa Matthews English*, Life Orientation*, Mathematical Literacy*, Visual Arts*

3 Distinctions

Gabriella Baker Consumer Studies*, English*, Life Orientation*

Emma Botha Afrikaans*, Consumer Studies*, English*

Femke Kooijman Afrikaans*, History*, Life Orientation*

Lungile Mthunzi Accounting*, English*, Mathematical Literacy* (Top 1% of IEB candidates)

Lianne Bench

Kirsten Bushney

Tayla Coetzer

Taeya Dukes

Tarren-Lee Ebels

Courtney-Anne Froneman

Chloe Logan

Tyler Marshall

Tshedimoso Phetlhe

Karina Ruest

Caroline Spencer

Cameron van Deventer

Jade Brazington Samantha Jordaan

Mistral Brogden Caitlyn Kenyon

Kianne Coltman Kathryn Lawlor

Alexia De Freitas Bontle Mlebuka

Tarryn Donald Mashego Nalane

Jessica Frohlich Melissa Papiyana

Josephine Harvey Ashleigh Sova

Michelle Harwood Danielle Stead

Danielle Henning

2 Distinctions

1 Distinction

Strive to be faithful to that which God has called you.

Angela Merici

As servant leaders we worked hard to uphold the key attributes of a servant leader which

are empathy, stewardship and commitment to growing and developing pupils, nurturing all

pupils and building a community within the school. Overall, with these attributes we em-

braced, encouraged, inspired and supported students to understand and undertake their role

in building our school spirit and pride. The role of each girl was equally valued and re-

spected in this process which we believe was key to our success in achieving our goal

which will be carried forward with our school in the years to come.

As leaders we have gained crucial skills along the way, these being: strong and effective

communication and negotiation skills, the characteristics of responsibility, accountability

and confidence and what we believe to be the most valuable; resilience. Our resilience has

helped us to think outside the box, in more innovative, inclusive and creative ways, to per-

severe and to never give up. This skill will serve us and all others who have developed it as

we encounter bumps along the road on our life journey. It is the way in which we manage

these bumps that will ultimately determine our destiny.

Serviam, is an integral part of every Brescia girl’s school life. It is a core value which we

uphold with the highest esteem. Not only has service to our community taught us to have

empathy for the needs of others but it has helped build a sense of community and has

helped better connect us to the world around us.

Humility is one of the values that we have aspired to live by throughout our leadership journey. To the future leaders of South Africa, as Sonya Tecial said, remember to have enough confidence to hold your head high. Enough humility not to look down on others.

Melissa Papiyana, Tyler Marshall and Rosa Pisanti


Brescia House School is an independent, Catholic, day school

for girls from Grade R to Grade 12. While it prepares Catholic

learners for growth within the Catholic faith, it accepts and

welcomes learners from all other faith groups and encourages

their spiritual growth. All learning programmes are in service

of this growth towards the Creator.

Vision Statement

Brescia House School believes in:

• creating a Christian atmosphere, in which principles of

truth, love, justice and reverence become the criteria in

life’s decisions.

• working to achieve academic excellence and the develop-

ment of the whole woman in all facets of her potential.

• high standards of behaviour and discipline and in the

importance of the individual and in her creative self-


• the dignity of all persons and in respecting the rights of


• an open environment where all persons of our richly

diverse society may grow in mutual understanding and


Sing we a song of service,

Honour and truth and praise,

Ours is a royal watchword,

Ours will be loyal ways,

Bright as the badge we carry,

Gemmed with the guiding stars

And ‘neath the cross’s banner,

The claim to service ours.

Eyes on the stars that beckon,

Travelling the roads that climb,

We’ll only stoop to offer

A helping hand in time,

So those who on life’s journey

The path with us have trod,

Can say we kept our watchword,

Our Serviam for God. [email protected]