Download - ©2019 Marie L Deforge  · 2019. 10. 15. · ©2019 Marie L Deforge Samhain celebrations often involve invoking dark Goddess Hecate into the ircle Many witches see Samhain as the

Page 1: ©2019 Marie L Deforge  · 2019. 10. 15. · ©2019 Marie L Deforge Samhain celebrations often involve invoking dark Goddess Hecate into the ircle Many witches see Samhain as the

©2019 Marie L Deforge

Page 2: ©2019 Marie L Deforge  · 2019. 10. 15. · ©2019 Marie L Deforge Samhain celebrations often involve invoking dark Goddess Hecate into the ircle Many witches see Samhain as the

©2019 Marie L Deforge

Samhain Blessings

“The sweet calm sunshine of October now warms the low spot; upon its grassy mould the purple oak leaf

falls; the birch bough drops its bright spoil like arrowheads of gold.” Willam Cullen-Bryant.

Samhain (sow-when)– our final harvest before winter’s cold. Samhain is a greater sabbat, a fire festival and

is the Celtic New Year/a fresh start of the Wheel of the Year – celebrating one full turn of the season year for

witches. Bonfires were lit to honor the old Gods.

Trick or Treating orginated as a ritual as a night when people would go door to door and collect soul cakes in

exchange for their prayers to the dearly departed.

Folk names: Samhain (Celtic) Hallowmas (Scottish/Celtic), November Eve, Shadowfest (Strega), Nut-crack

Night, Snap Apple Night, All Hallow’s Evening, All Hallow’s Eve, Halloween.

Lighting a candle in front of their pictures and setting a place at the dinner table were ways to honor and

welcome home ancestors from the other side.

Correspondences: orange, black, brown, yellow, purple, corn, apples, wheat, pumpkins, black cats, witches,

trick or treating, gourds, jack o lanterns, candles, ancestral healing, shadow integration.

Deities: Hecate, Morrighan, Cernunnos, Innana, Lilith, the Horned God

A time of year when the veil is thinnest, making it easier to receive messages from the other side and to

catch glimpses of the fae realm. This is a season of change, a time to release all that no longer serves your

life, letting go of the old as the new year ushers in.

Invocation to Hecate

Praise to you Queen of all witches. Please join us on this night of magick & mischief. Be gentle with us humble mortal beings, as we endeavor to sharpen our wits, strengthen our magick and illuminate our souls. To the Queen of all sorcery and keeper of the cross roads. Forgive us our foibles lest you turn us into toads.

Page 3: ©2019 Marie L Deforge  · 2019. 10. 15. · ©2019 Marie L Deforge Samhain celebrations often involve invoking dark Goddess Hecate into the ircle Many witches see Samhain as the

©2019 Marie L Deforge

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©2019 Marie L Deforge

Calling in the Elements at Samhain

“Elemental spirits, protect us that no

harm may come to us, nor to our be-


Spirits of air, blow hard and strong

that all evil may disappear and be


Spirits of fire, may you burn so bright

that malevolence is consumed in your

brilliant light.

Spirits of water, your power can

drown. May wickedness never dare to

come round’.

May the spirits of earth with their

strength and their starkness stand be-

tween us and the agents of darkness.”

author unknown.

Page 5: ©2019 Marie L Deforge  · 2019. 10. 15. · ©2019 Marie L Deforge Samhain celebrations often involve invoking dark Goddess Hecate into the ircle Many witches see Samhain as the

©2019 Marie L Deforge

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©2019 Marie L Deforge

Calling in the Directions at Samhain I call upon the spirits of the eastern realm, the ethereal wind whose invisible

and unseen form is known by the movement it creates. Kind spirits, travel on

the winds of fate to enter into this sacred space. You are most welcome here

on this night of nights.

I call upon the spirits of the southern realm, the fire that consumes the phoe-

nix. Through death we are reborn. Through fire we are purified until nothing

but our original and untainted essence remains. The fire of the spirit may

change, but it may never be extinguished. Familiar spirits, we beckon you to-

wards the candles’ glow. Enter into this sacred space. You are most welcome.

I call upon the spirits of the western realm, the deep mysteries of the water.

Beloved spirits, many tears we have shed at your passing from this realm. By

the water that is our blood, we ask for your presence here tonight. Sail upon

the sea of mystery and enter into this sacred space. You are most welcome

here tonight.

I call upon the spirits of the northern realm, the mighty earth. Divine earth spir-

it, who cradles the bones of the dead. We bid you reveal the mysteries that

you contain. The earth that we walk upon and adore is the same earth that

houses the remains of our beloveds and the bones of our ancestors. We ask for

your blessing as you descend into this sacred space. Gentle spirits of the earth,

you are welcome here.—author unknown

Page 7: ©2019 Marie L Deforge  · 2019. 10. 15. · ©2019 Marie L Deforge Samhain celebrations often involve invoking dark Goddess Hecate into the ircle Many witches see Samhain as the

©2019 Marie L Deforge

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©2019 Marie L Deforge

Some Altar Pics

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©2019 Marie L Deforge

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©2019 Marie L Deforge

Samhain Ceremony Set up your altar and sage clear the space before others arrive (if you invited guests). Colors include

orange, black, brown, yellow, red. Placing pictures of lost loved ones or momentos of your ancestors, any

objects representing final harvest (corn, wheat, apples, grapes), candles, crystals, horns, moon objects,

statues or pictures of Deer, Wolves etc.

Smudge clear yourself and others with sage or dragon’s blood incense. Light your candles or incense.

Call in the directions/elements:

“We call to the watchtowers and the spirits of the North, to the element of Earth. The soil beneath our feet

and the soil that holds the bones and ashes of our ancestors, the land that fosters our birth.

Hail and welcome to our Circle.”

“We call to the watchtowers and the spirits of the East, to the element of Air. The breath of life that blows

through every generation of our lineage and every lifetime. The wisdom of our ancestors, the knowledge

they share.

Hail and welcome to our circle.”

“We call to the watchtowers and the spirits of the South, to the element of Fire. Fire of love and life, the

spark of creation & inspiration. Your flames and smoke burn away what is no longer needed so we never


Hail and welcome to our circle.”

“We call to the watchtowers and the spirits of the West, to the element of water. The blood of our blood flows

through our veins. We drink from the same well of wisdom, so that our love will never faulter.

Hail and welcome to our circle.”

“We call to the Spirits and our Guides above, the Sun, Moon & Stars. Hail and welcome to our circle.”

“We call to the Spirits and our Guides below, the finned, feathered, scaled and furred. Hail and welcome to

our circle.”

“We call to our ancestors to join us in our circle.” “We call to Lord and Lady to guide us, protect us and to

join us in our circle.” “Hail and Welcome”

Samhain (sow-en) is the 3rd and final harvest, also known as “summer’s end”, mainly recognized as Halloween. It is the

ending of one year and the beginning of another for many. We stand at the midpoint halfway between the Autumn Equinox

and the Winter Solstice—it is a greater sabbat and a cross-quarter fire festival.

Such magick thins the veil making communication with our ancestors easier, and the interaction with the fae realm more

probable. We often experience these energies trying to make contact with us as the movement of shadows, unexplained

sounds/music and smells, the prickling of the hairs on your skin when you sense a presence in the room, maybe even a

tugging of your hair or sleeve, hearing your name spoken.

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©2019 Marie L Deforge

It is also said that at Samhin, the Faerie Realm covorts in a Wild Hunt. Riding wild horses and hounds through the

forests. On the lookout for unsuspecting humans who partaked in the flow of alcohol during the festival celebra-

tions...These people are more easily swept up in the chaos of the Wild Hunt and taken away to the Fae Realm for a bit of


Suggestions for your Samhain activities:

Automatic Writing / Séance / Pendulums / Tarot or Oracle Readings /

Spirit Communication (mediumship) / Table Tipping / guided meditations /

meditation /shamanic journeying /Hecate Ritual

Finish by having a feast (harvest vegetables, meat, apples, pears and


Close your circle and release the directions/elements/spirits.

In Perfect Love

& Perfect Trust

So Mote it Be

Page 12: ©2019 Marie L Deforge  · 2019. 10. 15. · ©2019 Marie L Deforge Samhain celebrations often involve invoking dark Goddess Hecate into the ircle Many witches see Samhain as the

©2019 Marie L Deforge

Samhain celebrations often involve invoking dark Goddess Hecate into the Circle

Many witches see Samhain as the Festival for Hecate as she is the Goddess of Witches and the

dead are her realm. Also related to her realm are fish, eggs, cinnamon, willow trees, cloves, sage,

owls, wolves, mugwort, mandrake, and wolf hounds. Offerings were left where three roads

crossed as gifts for the Goddess. Hecate protects the wild places, rules blood rites, decay and

death, leading us to Summerland, howling wolves and the dark moon.

Hecate Ritual

Light a black candle, to honor the dark Goddess, Crone of Wisdom, Keeper of the Cauldron and

protector of the Wooded Crossroads, Doula for women, Guide to the Summerlands.

Stand in your circle with Staff and as you pound the ground/floor begin your chant—or invocation

of Goddess Hecate.

(thump) “Hecate - join our circle” (thump) “Hecate - join our circle” (thump) “Hecate - join our circle”

Repeat as your voice gets louder and louder, have others join in, to build the energy—the energy

must be strong to get Hecate’s attention and bring her energy forth.

photo source unknown

Guided meditation or shamanic journey.

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©2019 Marie L Deforge

the entrance to the dark forest. Know that you are safe inside and you step into the opening, between the

big trees, following the glow of the path. It is quiet, going deeper into the forest. As you walk you get the

sense that you are walking down deeper into the darkness, quieter, down, further inward, down and down

some more until it begins to level out and you begin to hear the sounds of the forest around you—a howl

from a wolf is heard in the distance, the sound of wings soaring through the tree tops you continue walking

down the path and you sense eyes watching you. You feel more a curiosity at what you will find, knowing

you are safe and are seeking counsel only. You come with authenticity and love in your heart. You now

begin to smell something unusual and you walk downward towards it. As you draw closer, you recognize the

hint of sage in the air and you hear the bubbling of liquid boiling. Out of the dark appears a large black iron

cauldron atop a small fire, the wooden spoon is stirring the liquid but with no one’s guidance that you can

see—you walk closer—it casts a warm glow outward touching the circle of trees. An owl appears and hoots

at you from a nearby tree, a dark wolf hound, then a second one walk into the clearing and lay down near-

by. They are watching and you know the dark Goddess is near. You call out to her “Hecate may I see you?”

A dark and mysterious figure appears out of the shadows and she walks up to the cauldron, grasping the

spinning spoon and slowing the stirring. It is hard to see her face, but you get the sense that it is ever chang-

ing, from a young maiden, to a beautiful woman and then an old crone, changing back to the maiden and so

on. She is ready for your questions now.

*ask your Questions now—suggestions “What do I need to release?” What is coming into my life, that I must

embrace?” “How can I strengthen my connection to you, to honor you?” ….. Find your own questions.

Hecate invites you up to look into the cauldron now. As you step forward and peer down into the dark pool

of liquid, the stirring stops and she says—see yourself now my child, see your true inner self, your power,

see what I see in you—and you stand transfixed as the images flow before you. Recognize your true power.

When you are done you may ask if there is any message she wishes to relay to you. Thank Hecate and bid

her goodbye as you turn to walk back up the pathway, a slight incline as you ascend out of the darkest of the

forest and towards the light of the field from which you started, as you get further up the path, closer to the

entrance, the woods around you are lighter and less congested, you notice the falling of the colored fall

leaves and you feel refreshed and empowered with the visions and messages you received. Open your eyes.

Hecate Guided Meditation Begin with your eyes closed and taking some deep grounding breaths.

Imagine the energy of your feet melting and growing down into the

ground, connecting you with mother earth and holding you safe and se-

cure during your mediation.

Imagine you are at the edge of a meadow and before you is a forest. It is

dark and you cannot see into the forest beyond the first line of trees, ex-

cept for a very thin ray of light along a narrow pathway that leads deeper

into the forest. You begin walking towards the entrance to the path,