Download - 2018 07 July - Army helps victims of modern slavery The Salvation Army marks an anniversary this

Page 1: 2018 07 July - Army helps victims of modern slavery The Salvation Army marks an anniversary this

The monthly magazine of

Bath Central United Reformed Church—30p



The monthly magazine of

Bath Central United Reformed Church—30p

Working Together for Good

Joseph the boy with the multi-coloured coat

Sold by his brothers and made a slave

But he rose and became Pharaoh’s right-hand man

And he rescued his family when famine came.

Moses saved from death in the Nile

Raised up as a leader in Egypt’s land

Empowered by God to deliver his people

As the Lord brings them out with a mighty hand.

Daniel led captive to Babylon

Became promoted by interpreting dreams

And through visions revealed prophetically

Future events, some as yet unseen.

And can it be whatever befalls

Above it all God has a plan?

What’s seen as evil is turned around

And works for good to benefit man.

By Megan Carter

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Note: These are the Revised Common Lectionary Bible passagesas published in the URC Prayer Handbook

Lectionary ReadingJuly 1 – Pentecost 6: 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27; Psalm 130;

Solomon 1:13-15, 23-24 or Lamentations 3:22-33;

Psalm 30; 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-43

July 9 – Pentecost 7: 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; Psalm 48; Ezekiel 2:1-5;Psalm 123; 2 Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13

July 15 – Pentecost 8: 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; Psalm 24;Amos 7:7-15; Psalm 85:8-13; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29

July 22 – Pentecost 9: 2 Samuel 7:1-14a; Psalm 89:20-37;

Jeremiah 23:1-6; Psalm 23; Ephesians 2:11-22; Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

July 29 – Pentecost 10: 2 Samuel 11:1-15; Psalm 14; 2 Kings 4:42-44;

Psalm 145:10-18; Ephesians 3:14-21; John 6:1-21


The date for contributions for the next CONTACT is17th July. It will be published on the 29th July.

Argyle Players .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12Brownie News .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3Christian Aid Week Thank You .. 7Church Diary .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9Church Meeting .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8Commitment for Life .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5Crossword .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16Crossword Solution.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13Daily Devotions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2Eco News .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6Elevator .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11Flowers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12

June Midweek Communion .. .. .. 8Minister’s Letter .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1Organists .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4Outer Hebrides - First Mosque .. 4Prayer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13Salvation Army .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6St James the Least of All .. .. .. .. 15St Swithun .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10Sudoku .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14Syria and Refugees .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11Woodside … .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7World Peace Day .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3

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Minister’s Letter

Dear Friends,

In the adaptation of George Bernard Shaw’s ‘Pygmalion’, the

musical ‘My Fair Lady’ has the heroine, Eliza Doolittle, singing:

“Words, words, words, I’m so sick of words, I get words all day


We live in a world where words largely predominate. Good

words and bad words. Facebook and Twitter, email and a few of usstill send proper letters with stamps and envelopes. Words from

our televisions and radios, computers and electronic devices.

Words on our phones as people seem to be talking to everyone all

of the time on buses and trains, in cars and on the street. An old

BT advert from a couple of decades ago told us that: “It’s good to

talk”, but in the present day I wonder if we are ever silent long

enough to listen. There is little point in talking if there is no one

taking the time to listen.

Then there is the issue about what we are saying and

communicating to those around us. Paul tells us in his first letter

to the Corinthians: “Evil communications corrupt good

manners.” James in his Letter tells us to watch our tongues and

what we say. Words and how we use them can make or break

relationships, business deals, political commitments, economic

strategies and foreign policy. What we say, and how we say it,often says a lot more about us than it does about the people we are

talking to, or the topics we are talking about. ï

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As people of faith, how do we talk to each other and about each

other on matters about which we agree and disagree? Global

warming and how we care for creation; immigration and the

plight of refugees; the ongoing debate about same-sex

relationships; how we address the scandals of poverty andhomelessness; what we do about arguing for better funding for

resources for people with poor mental health; how we tackle food-

justice; how we cope with ‘Brexit’. Will people know we are

Christians by the words we choose to speak, and by the actions we

choose to take?

The Bible tells us that there is a time for speech and a time for

silence. We should use our words, and our silences, well.

Best Wishes

Revd Helen

[Inspired by the words of The Rt Rev Dr Browning}


Daily Devotions - Inspiration In Your Inbox!Each morning the United Reformed Church sends out an email to

around 2,500 people. In it there is a reading, a short reflectionand a prayer. The reflections are written by a variety of peoplefrom different places and perspectives across the Church.

You can sign up to receive them by going to

(and you can read previous Devotions there too).

Please see the poster in the rear vestibule.

Not covered by insurance

A recent letter that appeared in The Independent newspaper: ‘Following the

recent major flooding, I find myself out of pocket, due to what I am informed isan ”act of God.” To avoid future financial embarrassment, please could yourecommend an atheist insurance company?

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Brownie NewsThis year marks the 65th Anniversary of the founding of the 10th

Argyle Brownies. As part of their celebrations they are about tohead to the Roman Baths for a sleepover. Meanwhile the RevdHelen was happy to provide celebration cup-cakes at a recent


This year also brings the retirement of leaders Rose Spence andJulia Bishop, who between them have given 80 years service. On

behalf of the congregation Revd Helen presented orchids andcards as a token of our appreciation. Please pray for new leaders

Tuesday and Rhiannon.

Lastly, a big thank you to the leaders and Brownies for theirfantastic work for our World Peace Day exhibition in September.

They have indeed ‘Imagined Peace’.

To Mark World Peace DayYou are invited to Imagine Peace through painting, sketching,

photography, poetry, découpage, flowers …

All the items submitted to Imagine Peace will be displayed onWorld Peace Day, Friday 21st September 2018, in the sanctuary of

Bath Central United Reformed Church.

The display will be assembled on Thursday, 20th and will remainin place till Tuesday, 25th. The church will be open to the public

during this time.

For further information, and/or, if you would like to place anexhibit about Imagine Peace please contact Revd Helen by email

or phone: [email protected] or 01225 310050

Duty: what you expect from other people. Oscar Wilde

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Organists in the Church of EnglandBe very, very nice to your church organist, and don’t upset them,

because they are becoming somewhat of an endangered species inthe Church of England. In fact, so many churches now haveorgans, but no organists, that nearly one in three churches have

introduced recorded organ music for their congregations to singalong to.

A recent survey found something very ominous: that less than

four per cent of churches have organists aged 30 years old orunder. Almost half of all churches who do have organists report

that they are older than 70.

But recorded organ music is hardly ideal – it tends not to leaveenough time between lines, and so rushes the singing along.

Also, there is a weaker sense of togetherness and community, ifyou are singing along to a machine, rather than a person wellknown to you.

The survey was done by the diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich’smusic development director.

From Parish Pump

Outer Hebrides to get its First MosqueThe first mosque in the Outer Hebrides is due to open thissummer, despite the objections of local church leaders. The planfaced fierce opposition from the local arm of the Free Church of

Scotland. A derelict house is being converted into a mosque forthe small Syrian community on the Isle of Lewis.

From Parish Pump

Keep offSign on a newly planted front garden: ‘Please stay off me. I want to be a

lawn one day.’

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‘Silver cyclists’ are on the rise

More and more people over the age of 55 are getting into cycling,thanks to the increasingly popular e-bike. ‘Silver cyclists’, in fact,

account for nearly two thirds of e-bikes sales in the UK, according toresearch by Halfords. And no wonder: the e-bikes have a built-in batteryto help riders on more difficult hills or terrain. Now all we need are safer

places to cycle: more than a third of us would cycle more if British roadshad dedicated cycle lanes.

From Parish Pump

Commitment for LifeThe latest Stories for Change and Moving Stories are on the notice

boards. Please read and return if you wish or look on line. Theygive wonderful monthly feedback about where our money andsupport goes.

eg Zimbabwe. ZimPro is transforming lives of families with theirgarden project. Of 31 participants, 21 are women. They grow a greatvariety of vegetables thanks to educational advice and support, and use a

solar powered pump to get water.

Our campaigning arm Global Justice Now is currently focussing on

defending international aid, as there is a worry that much aidmoney is being diverted towards military and counter-terrorismprojects which are not supporting community work as in

Christian Aid. Global Justice Now is also exposing the enormousdebts that are being racked up again in many countries as theyare persuaded to live beyond their means. 20 Years on from the

Birmingham rally (Drop the Debt) the crisis seems to be re-appearing.

Jenny Stephens

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Eco NewsWest of England Churches Together ECO Conference was held at

Southdown Methodist in June. 80 enthusiasts from everydenomination, colour and age gathered for a remarkably wellorganised day of talks, workshops, displays, worship — all

master-minded by Revd Ian Souter who had devoted his 3 monthsabbatical working on it. There will be a fuller account availablelater but just for a starter can I suggest that you look on line to the

Green Christian website for its many resources, including “The 7R’s - Practical tips for respecting and protecting God’s Creation.“

And also perhaps do one of the exercises in the Life-style work-shop, when you had to decide out of a choice of 6 or 7 categorieswhich you find the hardest to cope with or choose (ethically

speaking) and which you find the easiest. They includedTransport Shopping (food/ clothes/ fashion/ on-line/ flowers etc)Investments /Banks Waste Energy Holidays. Have a go.

Jenny Stephens

Salvation Army helps victims of modern slaveryThe Salvation Army marks an anniversary this month. It was inJuly 2011 that it was appointed to be lead agency in England and

Wales for coordinating and managing the delivery of specialistsupport services to the adult victims of Modern Slavery & HumanTrafficking.

The Salvation Army’s engagement with Human Trafficking &Modern Slavery goes back to the 19th century. Members werethen involved with the journalist WT Stead and campaigner

Josephine Butler in bringing the trafficking of young girls inLondon to the attention of British society in the 1885 “Maiden

Tribute of Modern Babylon” affair, which led Parliament tointroduce the age of consent at 16.

From Parish Pump

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Christian Aid Week Thank YouDespite my low expectations (less cash kept in the house,

resentment at doorbell ringing at children’s bed-time!, Haitiscandal etc.) Central did remarkably well again in May. Youraised an amazing total of £1,600, so a huge thank-you is due to

all. Five intrepid collectors (AB, MC, JS, ME, SC) dared to knockon doors and were well received on the whole; between themthey raised over £800.

On the final Saturday, despite the clash with the Royal Wedding,a steady stream of people noticed the bunting fluttering in the

church porch and willingly stopped to give their loose change£73.69; church meeting strawberry scone tea made another £15.50;Hazel’s lovely cards had already made £125 (imagine the effort

involved in making 250 cards – so far!) and finally, those of youwho signed cheques and gave so generously at Churchcontributed a wonderful £333, most of which was gift aided.

The full account is on the notice board. Thank you all. You willhave transformed many lives in Haiti and throughout the world.

Jenny Stephens

Woodside …On June 6th we once again met at the Woodside Nursing Home toshare in a short time of worship. Whilst missing now absent

faces, we welcomed the new. We thank Jenny for accompanyingour hymn singing and Revd David for his reflection … “GoodKings – Bad Kings”. Thank you to church members for your

support and to Gabi at Woodside for her hosting. Our next visitwill be on Wednesday 8th August at 2:30pm. You are welcome tojoin us.

Revd David

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June Midweek CommunionRevd Hazel led our June Midweek Communion on the subject oftransformation. By way of talking of changes from black and

white to colour photography, and the changes wrought on theseasons by nature, she led us to the deeper theme of the changesoccasioned by our developing relationship with God.

After the service everyone had the opportunity for chat andcatching up over tea and cakes. I should like to give especial

thanks to those who pitched in to help out in the kitchen in theabsence of Ann and Maurice, and to Mildred for gettingeverything in order for communion in the absence of Jane


It should be stressed these services are not just for the house-bound – they are for anyone who would like to come along to

what is always a very agreeable occasion. The next MidweekCommunion is on 12th September. Hope to see you there!

Sheena Carter

July Church MeetingOn Tuesday 10th July at 2:30pm our guest will be Mr Simon

Peters, National Project Manager, from Church House, London.He is telling us about the new national initiative – ‘Walking theWay’. This is an open, non-business meeting. Refreshments will

be served.

I want to thank everyone for all the cards, phone calls andflowers that I have received prior to and since my stay in the clinic.

Being on the receiving end of the support Central gives itsmembers is a real eye opener and one we should all be proud of.

Jane Tollyfield.

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Church Diary – JulyEvery Friday 10.30am Friday Coffee in the Argyle Hall.

Sunday 1st 10.30am Communion Service: Revd Dr Hazel Starritt

Foodbank & Traidcraft

Tuesday 3rd 2.30pm Women's Guild Annual Outing

Sunday 8th 10.30am Family Worship: Revd David Pattie

Tuesday 10th 2.30pm Church Meeting

Sunday 15th 10.30am Family Worship: Mr Paul Swift

Sunday 22nd 10.30am Family Worship: Revd Peter Chave

Tuesday 24th 2.30pm Men‘s Fellowship Barbecue

Sunday 29th 10.30am Family Worship: Mrs Margaret White

AugustSunday 5th 10.30am Communion Service: Revd David Pattie

Foodbank & Traidcraft

Sunday 12th 10.30am Family Worship: Revd Dr Hazel Starritt

Sunday 19th 10.30am Family Worship: Revd David Pattie

Sunday 26th 10.30am Family Worship: Revd Helen Pattie

Preaching at Rush Hill and Larkhall

Rush Hill 10.30am Larkhall 11.00am Larkhall 6.30pm

Jul 1 The Elders Revd David Pattie Mrs Margaret White

Jul 8 Revd Helen Pattie Mr Norman Palfrey Sarah Shepherd

Jul 15 Revd David Pattie Revd Helen Pattie Revd David Pattie

Jul 22 Mr Peter Rouse Revd Dr Hazel Starritt Revd PatsyHoldsworth

Jul 29 Revd Dr Hazel Starritt l/a l/a

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St. Swithun is apparently the saintyou can blame for rainy summers.It is said that if it rains on hisspecial day, 15th July, it will thenrain for 40 days after that. It allbegan when Swithun was madeBishop of Winchester in 852 byKing Ethelwulf of Wessex. It wasan important posting: Winchesterwas the capital of Wessex, andduring the 10 years Swithun wasthere, Wessex became the mostimportant kingdom of England.

During his life, instead of washingout people’s summer holidays,and damping down their spirits,Swithun seems to have done a lotof good. He was famous for hischaritable gifts and for his energyin getting churches built. Whenhe was dying in 862, he asked thathe be buried in the cemetery of theOld Minster, just outside the westdoor.

If he had been left there in peace,who knows how many rainysummers the English may have

been spared over the last 1000years. But, no, it was decided tomove Swithun. By now, the 960s,Winchester had become the firstmonastic cathedral chapter inEngland, and the newly installedmonks wanted Swithun in thecathedral with them. So finally, on15 July 971, his bones were dug upand Swithun was translated intothe cathedral.

That same day many peopleclaimed to have had miraculouscures. Certainly everyone got wet,for the heavens opened. Theunusually heavy rain that day, andon the days following, wasattributed to the power of StSwithun. Swithun was movedagain in 1093, into the newWinchester cathedral. His shrinewas a popular place of pilgrimagethroughout the middle ages. Theshrine was destroyed during theReformation and restored in 1962.There are 58 ancient dedications toSwithun in England.

From Parish Pump

St Swithun (or Swithin) – saint for a rainy day

‘Just think,’ exclaimed the enthusiastic young husband coming home fromthe July sales, ‘By the time we get all this furniture paid for, we’ll have

genuine antiques!’

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ElevatorAn intermittent fault with the Church lift has been reported,

occasionally causing problems at the Grove Street entrance level.Infrequently, when used to reach this level from above, the door

will refuse to open. At the moment it is not obvious what is thecause of this problem, but the service engineering company, wholook after the lift, have been informed.

However, the situation can be overcome. If it occurs whilst youare in the lift, take the unit down to the William Jay Room level,by pressing (and holding down) the travel button to Zero. If you

then press number One on the panel, the lift platform will returnto the Grove Street level, and the door will open.

No doubt the fault will be rectified on the engineers’ next visit.

Michael Burgess

Syria and RefugeesFighting in Syria continues. Danger and uncertainty persist due

to shifting alliances and military conquests. For many refugees inneighbouring countries and displaced in Syria it means that life ison hold. The reality is that the longer refugees are forced to live

in exile, the more difficult it will be for families to return home.The Methodist agency ‘All We Can’ is working with Syrianrefugees in Jordan.

The President Designate of the Methodist Church, Revd.Michaela Youngson and the Vice President Designate, Bala

Gnanapragasam have recently returned from a visit to Jordanwith All We Can. You will be able to read their account or that ofClaire Welch, All We Can staff member, here: - Christians Aware

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1954 –The Argyle Players

- 2018The problem facing any director for an amateur theatre’s nextproduction does not necessarily lie in finding something exciting,interesting or thrilling to set before its patrons. Hundreds of

plays are available from the major publishers like Samuel FrenchLtd. However, the problems occur when trying to fit the acting

members to fit the cast list of any script. The characters, shown atthe front of the acting editions, or in the publishers’ catalogue,may match the number of Thespians anxious to take part.

However, on reading, it is found that, although there are parts forsix ladies and seven men, the ages, don’t match those available.

Even worse, the script may indicate eleven in the cast, but reading

will show that there are three major players required, whilst theremainder have minuscule parts (akin Shakespeare’s ‘spear

carriers’). These problems do not make for a happy group, and isthe reason why, at the time of writing, The Argyle Players are stillreading scripts for the Autumn production which will take to the

stage from Wednesday to Saturday 5th-8th December.

If you would like to be part of this adventure, please speak toHelen Brettell(423866) about how you can be involved.

Michael Burgess

FlowersLinda Mead (Commitment for Life at Church House) has

asked anyone with art or craft skills to make flowers of any kind

(knit, crochet, collage) for use at the Greenpeace festival inAugust. Please hand any to Jenny Stephens by 1st August.

Desk: a waste-paper basket with drawers

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The following is the collective prayer for thismonth. We ask you to join us in prayer on the third

Wednesday of the month—18th July. We shall prayat 7.30am and/or 7.30pm: please join us.

Last Months Crossword

Across: 1 Wickedness 7 Harpist 8 Teach 10 Side

11 Impostor 13 Encamp 15 Saddle 17 Ignorant18 Tent 21 Grass 22 Olivier 23 Wrongdoers

Down: 1 World 2 Crib 3 Entomb 4 National5 Started 6 Whispering 9 Harvesters 12 Imprison14 Centaur 16 Unload 19 Evils 20 Give

A Prayer for JulyGod of power and love, we pray for


remembering those who are sick,sorrowful or anxious.

May your holy spirit live in us andstrengthen us,

enabling us to follow our calling to loveand serve, and inspiring our actions,words and prayers.



Each week we pray for:

1st JulyWeekly envelope and

Covenant Secretary,John Osborne.From those who use our

halls: Bi-PolarOrganisation.

8th July

Woodside NursingHome, the residents

and those holdingservices.From those who use our

halls: Brownies.

15th JulyWomen’s Guild.

From Churches Togetherin Bath: Bath YMCA

and Christ Church.

22nd JulyChurch Admin

Officer, Lin Whipp.From those who use ourhalls: Child Contact


29th JulyAllsorts Group.

From those who use ourhalls: Gospel and New

Junior Choir.

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3 1 2 85 9 1

5 6

2 7

7 1 9 25 7 8



1 4 2 9

Sudoku Each row, column and 3x3 block shouldcontain all numbers 1 to 9

...I don’t care what your Sat-Nav’s telling you - I’m telling youyou are definitely not on the M6, nine miles south of Derby!

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My dear Nephew DarrenAnd so once again we start the annual

round of parish treats. While the bell-ringers prefer public houses, and thechoirboys want fast food outlets, theLadies’ Guild are centred on lavatories.The itinerary is unchangeable: Coach driveto coffee stop and lavatory. Coach drive toluncheon stop and lavatory. Coach driveto some arbitrary attraction – provided ithas a tea shop and lavatory. Coach triphome with a lavatory (stop en route).

A sub-committee will have been hard atwork for the previous six months decidingwhere to visit. The most disastrous courseof action is to present the group with achoice; if two options are provided, theywill attract almost equal numbers infavour, thus ensuring that half of thegroup will rejoice in saying throughout theday that the other option would have beenpreferable. When it comes to decision-making, Stalin had a lot going for him.

My predecessor in this parish left me aterrible legacy; he always accompanied theGuild on their day out, thus obliging me todo the same. I do, however, travelequipped with armaments. “The Times”crossword rules out any possibility ofconversation for at least the first twohours. Three years ago, Mrs Phillips hadthe audacity to look over my shoulder andgive me 12 across; she will not make thatmistake again. A brief nap after these

intellectual exertions, assuring thosearound me that I am meditating on thetheme for next Sunday’s sermon, ensures amorning almost free from having tocomment on the weather, other members ofthe party, or why I so rarely drop in on thePram Service.

The ideal destination is one where Ihave a clerical colleague, so while the ladieswander about, shop and analyse why I stillwear the same suit I arrived in 30 yearsago, we have an agreeable afternoonassassinating the characters of bishops andarchdeacons and bemoaning the standardsof a new generation of curates. After ourdifferent therapies, we all re-assemble atthe coach for the return journey.

Naturally, there is the traditional waitfor those who have forgotten where thecoach park is. As far as I am concerned, adeficit of less than 10% should be entirelyacceptable. I can think of several husbandswho may be rather thankful that theirwives may not be back as soon as they hadfeared.

Our ladies return, invigorated with thethought of all the bits of information aboutother members in the party that can bediscreetly shared over the telephone, whileI am exhausted from 12 hours ofattempting to be polite. Meanwhile thesub-committee gets a date in the diary forplanning next year’s lavatorial sequence.

Your loving uncle, Eustace

St James the Least of All by the Rev Dr Gary Bowness

On the perils of the Ladies’ Guild annual outing…

The elderly Anglo-Catholic vicar, Eustace, continues his correspondence to Darren,his nephew, a low-church curate recently ordained…

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CrosswordFrom Parish Pump

The Bible version usedis the NIV.

Across1 Proverbs describes her as

being ‘of noble character’(Proverbs 31:10) (4)

3 ‘Shall we go up again — —against the Benjamites, ourbrothers?’ (Judges 20:23)(2,6)

8 A descendant of Shem (Genesis 10:28)(4)

9 ‘Anyone who does not carry his crossand follow me cannot be my — ’(Luke 14:27) (8)

11 Resentment(Ephesians 4:31) (10)14 In Cain (anag.) (6)15 ‘Such knowledge is too wonderful for

me, too lofty for me to—’ (Psalm139:6) (6)

17 Intense (1 Thessalonians 4:5) (10)20 Third Order of the Roman Catholic

Church (8)21 ‘At midnight the cry rang out, “Here’s

the bridegroom!Come out to — him”’(Matthew 25:6) (4)

22 ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for mypower is made perfect in — ’ (2Corinthians 12:9) (8)

23 ‘As the — pants for streams ofwater,so my soul pants for you, OGod’ (Psalm 42:1) (4)

2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9



12 13

14 15









Down1 Nickname of popular First World War

chaplain, the Revd G.A. StuddertKennedy, — Willie (8)

2 Occasion of religious joy (Lamentations2:22) (5,3)

4 ‘We three kings of — are’ (6)5 Allegation or charge (Jude 9) (10)6 Kind (1 Chronicles 12:33) (4)7 ‘Open your — and look at the fields!’

(John 4:35) (4)10 Also known as the Feast of Lights

(John10:22) (10)12 Area that saw the healing of two demon -

possessed men and a herd of pigsstampeding to their deaths (Matthew 8:28)(8)

13 Forebear(James2:21) (8)16 Name given to the first two books of the

Apocrypha(6)18 Esau sold his birthright for this (Genesis

25:34) (4)19 Rear (anag.) (4)

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ActivitiesSunday Worship: 10.30am Family Worship for all ages.

Church Meeting: Third Tuesday of alternate months at 2.30pm (Jan on)

Elders’ Meeting: Second Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm

Women’s Guild: Secretary: Mrs Jane TollyfieldFirst Tuesday each month at 2.30pm

Men’s Fellowship: Programme Secretary: Mr John OsborneFourth Tuesday each month at 2.30pm

Allsorts Group: Contact: Mr Paul Swift Third Saturday each month

Argyle Players: Secretary: Mrs Helen Brettell Thursdays at 7.30pm

Argyle String Orchestra: Church Contact: Martin Cawte

Thursdays at 7.30pm

CommitteesBuildings:Convener; Mr MHH Burgess: Secretary; Mr RM Short

House: .. ..Convener; Mrs Sheena Carter Secretary; Mrs Angela Campbell

Finance: ..Convener; Mr RB Turner: .. .. ..Secretary; Mr WE Richardson

Copy in most formats is acceptable, from manuscript to email

([email protected]).

Please note the copy and publication dates.

Editor: Martin Cawte, 6 The Chestertons, Bathampton, Bath BA2 6UJ a469807

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Ministers: Revds Helen & David Pattie .. .. .. .. .. .. .. a 01225 331952

Revd Dr Hazel Starritt.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. a 01373 467814Senior Elder: Jane Tollyfield .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. a 01225 312871Church Secretary (Worship): Peter Rouse .. .. .. .. .. .. .. a 01225 332760

Church Treasurer: Brian Campbell .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. a 01225 463989

Published by:

Central United Reformed Church, Argyle Street, Bath BA2 4BA

Postal address: Central URC, Grove Street, Bath BA2 6PJ a310050

Web site: Registered Charity No 1130339

Money mice