Download - 2016 Math 7 Advanced Unit 4 Individual Test Review€¦ · Math 7 Advanced Unit 4 Individual Test Review Directions: Read all problems carefully and show ALL work. Please circle your

Page 1: 2016 Math 7 Advanced Unit 4 Individual Test Review€¦ · Math 7 Advanced Unit 4 Individual Test Review Directions: Read all problems carefully and show ALL work. Please circle your


Math7AdvancedUnit4IndividualTestReviewDirections:ReadallproblemscarefullyandshowALLwork.Pleasecircleyouranswer.1.Simplifyeachexpressionbycombiningliketerms.(Expressions&Equations)a.3+ 2𝑥 − (2+ 2𝑥)b.−5− 7𝑥 + 4 + 𝑥 − 4c.−2𝑥! − 10− 𝑦! + 4𝑥 − 𝑥! − 7𝑦 − (−8)+ 𝑦!

2.Simplifyeachexpressionusingorderofoperations.(Expressions&Equations)a.5− 7 ∙ 2− (−7) b.−2+ (− !!!!"



a.!"!− 4𝑥if𝑥 = 3. b.−2𝑥 − 3− 2𝑦if𝑥 = −2and𝑦 = 4 c.𝑥! − 6𝑦!if𝑥 = −1and𝑦 = 2


a.−2𝑥 − 8 = 3𝑥 + 2 b.5𝑥 − 1 = 4𝑥 − (2− 𝑥) c. !!!"!!

= 𝑥 − 1

Page 2: 2016 Math 7 Advanced Unit 4 Individual Test Review€¦ · Math 7 Advanced Unit 4 Individual Test Review Directions: Read all problems carefully and show ALL work. Please circle your


5.Solveeachoftheequationsbelowforthegivenvariable.Checkyoursolutionsforextracredit.(Expressions&Equations)a.−2 3+ 3𝑥 = 6 b.10− 5− 3𝑦 = −4+ 2𝑦 − (5− 3𝑦)6.Writetheinequalitythatmatcheseachgraphbelow.(Expressions&Equations)a. b. 7.Solveandgrapheachinequality.(Expressions&Equations)a.2+ 3𝑥 < −6− 𝑥 b.−2𝑥 − 3 ≥ 9+ 2𝑥