Download - 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)

  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)



    Food Labels Survey2016 Nationally-Representative Phone Survey

    April 6, 2016

  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center

    IntroductonIn e!ruary, 2016, the Consumer Reports® National Research Center con"ucte" a nationallyrepresentative phone survey to assess consumer opinion re#ar"in# the la!elin# o$ $oo"%&pinion Research Corporation '&RC( o$ Princeton, Ne) *ersey a"ministere" the survey to anationally representative sample o$ 1,001 a"ult +%S% resi"ents 'hal$ o$ the respon"ents )ere

    )omen( throu#h its CARAAN &mni!us Survey% Respon"ents )ere selecte" !y means o$ ran"om-"i#it "ialin# an" )ere intervie)e" via phone% he "ata )ere statistically )ei#hte" sothat respon"ents in the survey are "emo#raphically an" #eo#raphically representative o$ the+%S% population% his report the /n"in#s $rom this survey%



    More Consu'ers %uy Natural Food t"an Or!anc Food

    • A #reater percenta#e o$ consumers !uy natural '( versus or#anic '34( $oo"% 5hen

    ase" a!out the price o$ natural versus or#anic $oo", many '6( consumers say or#anic$oo" is more e7pensive than natural $oo"% Interestin#ly, a 8uarter say there is little price

    "i9erence !et)een natural an" or#anic $oo"%

    Most Consu'ers (lln! to Pay More )or Fruts*&e!etables Produced Under Far (or+ Condtons

    • :ost consumers ';( are )illin# to pay more per poun" $or $ruits an" ve#eta!les

    pro"uce" !y )orers )ho earne" a livin# )a#e an" )ere treate" $airly%

    Consu'ers are Loo+n! at Labels on Processed Foods to Hel, In)or' Frst T'ePurc"ase #ecsons

    •  he clear ma

  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center

    Consu'ers See+ In)or'aton About Food Or!n

    •  he over)helmin# ma

  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center

    Consu'ers (ant Fructose Or!n Labeln!

    • Nearly 4 out o$ 10 consumers )ant the ori#in o$ $ructose to !e liste" on la!els%

    • 5hen ase" a!out the ori#in o$ $ructose, many consumers say $ructose coul" !e ma"e $rom

    hi#h $ructose corn syrup '6(, su#ar caneE!eets '66(, or $ruit '3(%


    Consu'ers (ant More Strn!ent Standards )or .Far Trade2 Label on Food

    • 5hile many consumers thin that the B$air tra"e la!el on $oo" currently means that  farm

    workers were provided with a fair living wage  '61(, farm workers were provided withhealthy working  conditions  '61(, the food was produced by small,scale independent farmers '30(, or no to!ic pesticides were used  'D(= an even #reater percenta#e $eelthat this la!el should mean that farm workers were provided with a fair living wage ';(,farm workers were provided with healthy working  conditions '40(, the food was producedby small,scale independent farmers '62(, or no to!ic pesticides were used '64(%

    Consu'ers Have H!" E/,ectatons )or Hu'anely Rased Cla' on E!!s4 #ary andMeat

    • :any consumers thin a humanely raise" claim on e##s, "airy an" meat currently  means

    the farm was inspected to verify this claim '42(, the animals had ade-uate living space'(, the animals were slaughtered humanely   '1(, the animals went outdoors  '64(,the animals were raised in houses with clean air .% , or the animals were raised without cages  '3(% Accor"in#ly, a #reater percenta#e o$ consumers !elieve this claim shouldmean that the farm was inspected to verify this claim   '44(, the animals had ade-uateliving space '46(, the animals were slaughtered humanely '40(, the animals were raisedin houses with clean air .23%, the animals went outdoors  '4(, or the animals wereraised without  ca#es '66(%


  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center


    More Consu'ers %uy Natural Food t"an Or!anc FoodA #reater percenta#e o$ consumers typically !uy natural '( versus or#anic '34( $oo"%5hen ase" a!out the price o$ natural versus or#anic $oo", many '6( consumers say or#anic

    $oo" is more e7pensive than natural $oo"% Interestin#ly, a 8uarter say there is little price"i9erence !et)een natural an" or#anic $oo"%

    Consu'er Perce,ton o) Cost o) Natural vs5 Or!anc Food

    4ase5 All respondents .1001


  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center

    Most Consu'ers (lln! to Pay More )or Fruts*&e!etables Produced Under Far (or+ Condtons:ost consumers ';( are )illin# to pay more per poun" $or $ruits an" ve#eta!les pro"uce" !y)orers )ho earne" a livin# )a#e an" )ere treate" $airly% &ur 201D oo" Ga!els Survey1 also$oun" that ; o$ consumers are )illin# to pay more= ho)ever, compare" to 201D, there )as a

    sli#ht increase in the percenta#e )illin# to pay a "ollar more '1D in 2016 versus ; in 201D(%

    Consu'er (lln!ness to Pay More )or Far Trade Fruts*&e!etables

    6789 678:

    6ould be willing to pay more ."et 27% 27%

    10 cents more per poun" 22 20

    23 cents more 22 14

    30 cents more 20 21

    &ne "ollar more ; 1D

    :ore than one "ollar more per poun" 3 6

    5oul" N& !e )illin# to pay any more 14 14

    otal 1008 1001

    4ase5 All respondents

    Consu'ers are Loo+n! at Labels on Processed Foods to Hel, In)or' Frst T'ePurc"ase #ecsons he clear ma

  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center


    Most Consu'ers %eleve .$RAS. Means F#A #ee'ed t"e In!redent Sa)e  Companies primarily !rin# ne) $oo" in#re"ients to maret throu#h an >A system calle" ?RAS,)hich stan"s $or @#enerally reco#ni.e" as sa$e% :any consumers !elieve that B?RAS means

    the FDA has evaluated the ingredient and deems it to be sa$e '( or the FDA keeps track of the new ingredient's safety and use  '66(, thou#h this is not true% o)ever, 1 thin thatB?RAS means that the company using the ingredient deems it to be safe, )hich is true%

    ("at Consu'ers T"n+ .$RAS2 Means

    4ase5 All respondents .1001

    Consu'ers (ant Sa'e Un)or' US#A Standards Across Co',anes5hen consumers )ere tol" that the +S>A o$ten allo)s companies to set their o)n stan"ar"s

    on meat, the clear ma

  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center

    Consu'er O,non o) Re;ured Federal Standards )or OR$ANIC Fs"

    4ase5 All respondents .1001

    Seven out o$ 10 consumers thin the +S>Ashoul" N& permit the use o$ non-or#anicin#re"ients in or#anic $oo" pro"uction i$ theyare N& "eeme" essential%

  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center

    Consu'ers See+ In)or'aton about Food Or!n he over)helmin# ma=>isa#ree )ith the "ecision !y Con#ress to repeal more

    speci/c country o$ ori#in la!elin#


  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center

    Consu'ers (ant Standards )or Meat Rased 0t" #ru!s:any consumers reporte" !ein# e!tremely   or very   concerned that routinely $ee"in# healthyanimals anti!iotics an" other "ru#s may allow animals to be raised in crowded and unsanitary conditions '64(, create new bacteria that cause illnesses that antibiotics cannot cure '63(,lead to environmental pollution '3(, or articially promote growth '31(%

    Consu'er Concerns Re!ardn! Feedn! #ru!s to Healt"y An'als

    4ase5 All respondents .10019oncerned : (!tremely/;ery concerned"ot concerned : "ot very/"ot at all concerned

    :ost '4( consumers thin animals shoul"not !e #iven hormones, ractopamine or other#ro)th promotin# "ru#s%


  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center

    5hen consumers see the Braise" )ithout anti!iotics la!el on meat, hal$ correctly thin thismeans no antibiotics were administered to the animal

  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    No"i9erence 12



    Consumer Reports® National Research Center

    Consu'ers (ant Stron! Federal Sa)ety and Labeln! Standards )or $enetcallyEn!neered FoodAn over)helmin# mat purchase salmon : 3%= ?nsure : 1%


  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center

    Consu'ers Have H!" E/,ectatons )or .$rass1)ed2 Label on MeatConsumers )ere ase" a!out their perception o$ the B#rass-$e" la!el on meat% :any !elievethis la!el shoul" mean the animal was e!clusively fed grass for $& of its life '6;(, theanimal's diet was 100% grass for its (")*( life  '66(, the animal was allowed to gra+e ongrass during the pasture growing season, but ate grain other times '60(, or the animal was

    not routinely given drugs such as antibiotics and hormones '34(%

    Consu'er O,non o) ("at $RASS1FE# Label on Meat S"ould Mean

    4ase5 All respondents .1001

    Si7 out o$ 10 consumers thin companies shoul" !e a!le to mae a partial #rass-$e" claim i$ theanimals "iet )as less than 100 #rass%

    Many Consu'ers #on2t Understand .No Ntrates2 LabelNearly t)o-thir"s o$ consumers thin a Bno nitrates la!el means no nitrates at all, )hether $roman arti/cial or natural source, )ere use"= ho)ever, this is not true%

    Consu'er Perce,ton o) NO NITRATES Label

    4ase5 All respondents .1001

     )o thir"s o$ consumers are a)are o$ the recent 5orl" ealth &r#ani.ation conclusion thatsome processe" meats can increase the ris o$ cancer= over a thir" )ere un)are o$ this /n"in#%Consu'ers (ant Fructose Or!n Labeln!

    Nearly 4 out o$ 10 consumers )ant the ori#in o$ $ructose to !e liste" on la!els% 5hen ase"a!out the ori#in o$ $ructose, many consumers say $ructose coul" !e ma"e $rom hi#h $ructose


  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center

    corn syrup '6(, su#ar caneE!eets '66(, or $ruit '3(%

    Consu'er Perce,ton o) Or!n o) Fructose

    4ase5 All respondents .1001


  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center


    Consu'ers (ant More Strn!ent Standards )or .Far Trade2 Label on Food5hile many consumers thin that the B$air tra"e la!el on $oo" currently means that  farmworkers were provided with a fair living wage '61(, farm workers were provided with healthy 

    working conditions '61(, the food was produced by small,scale independent farmers '30(, orno to!ic pesticides were used  'D(= an even #reater percenta#e $eel that this la!el shouldmean that farm workers were provided with a fair living wage  ';(, farm workers were provided with healthy working  conditions  '40(, the food was produced by small,scaleindependent farmers '62(, or no to!ic pesticides were used '64(%

    Consu'er Perce,ton o) FAIR TRA#E Label on Food

    4ase5 All respondents .1001


  • 8/17/2019 2016 Food Labels Survey Public Report (Consumer Reports)


    Consumer Reports® National Research Center

    Consu'ers Have H!" E/,ectatons )or Hu'anely Rased Cla' on E!!s4 #ary andMeat:any consumers thin a humanely raise" claim on e##s, "airy an" meat currently  means thefarm was inspected to verify this claim  '42(, the animals had ade-uate living space  '(,the animals were slaughtered humanely  '1(, the animals went outdoors '64(, the animals

    were raised in houses with clean air .% , or the animals were raised without cages  '3(%Accor"in#ly, a #reater percenta#e o$ consumers !elieve this claim should mean that the farmwas inspected to verify this claim  '44(, the animals had ade-uate living space  '46(, theanimals were slaughtered humanely '40(, the animals were raised in houses with clean air .23%, the animals went outdoors '4(, or the animals were raised without  ca#es '66(%

    Consu'er Perce,ton o) HUMANEL- RAISE# Cla' on E!!s4 #ary and Meat

    4ase5 All respondents .1001

    Su''ary&ur /n"in#s sho) a clear ma