Download - 2015

  • 1. 2015

2. What is 2015 3. In 2010, we created our 2015 mid-term ambition. AIESECers from around the world expressed that we should be delivering more life changing AIESEC experiences to more young people. 4. BHAG 5. A BHAG is a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal. BHAGs are bigger, bolder and more powerful than regular long and short term goals and they typically take a 10 to 30 year commitment 6. Engage and Develop every Young Person in the World 7. The 2015 statements explain the desired state of the organisation considering our essence for next 5 years time and commitment to leverage the organisation closer to peace and fulfilment of humankinds potential what we envision 8. What We Envision:Peace & Fulfillment of Human Kinds PotentialAIESEC 2015Our Impact Model Develop Leadership by providing Experiential Leadership Development Opportunities for Young People 9. AIESEC DU in 2015 10. But HOW? 11. 2014