Download - Prospectus · 2015-05-21 · Mindfulness 4 Habit Constellation 5 Habit Areas 6 Principles 7 ... a new sustainable solution. This Prospectus explains our powerful new ... The Process

Page 1: Prospectus · 2015-05-21 · Mindfulness 4 Habit Constellation 5 Habit Areas 6 Principles 7 ... a new sustainable solution. This Prospectus explains our powerful new ... The Process


Page 2: Prospectus · 2015-05-21 · Mindfulness 4 Habit Constellation 5 Habit Areas 6 Principles 7 ... a new sustainable solution. This Prospectus explains our powerful new ... The Process

CONTENTS Habit Change 1

National Challenge 2

Individual Challenge 3

Mindfulness 4

Habit Constellation 5

Habit Areas 6

Principles 7

MindBodySpirit Process 8

Sustaining Habit Change 10

Research 11

Customers & Partners 12

Habit Change Company 13

“ No problem can be solved

on the same level of consciousness

that created it.”Albert Einstein


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Habit ChangeOur habits are consistent patterns of choice and behavior that govern the

way we live everyday. Our habits are so well established that we are barely

aware of them and naturally resist changing them. The resistance to

changing habits is very strong. How we eat, exercise, sleep, learn, relax

and relate to others is critical to our vitality. Even when we know that a

change in our habits will improve or save our lives, we often cannot make

these changes. Less than 10% of us choose, change and sustain the

habits that would be best for our lives.

Why are we unable to change our habits? The 3 founders of the Habit

Change Company worked on this challenge. We knew better habits

would build healthier, more productive, happier lives. We spent 7 years

researching habit identification, habit choice and habit change, seeking

a new sustainable solution. This Prospectus explains our powerful new

MindBodySpirit Process for making sustainable habit change.


When I started the program, I was wearing a size 20 and they were really tight. I had just been put on anti-depressant medication due to an overwhelming home and work life. I was also sleeping prob-ably less than 5 hours on most work nights and then sleeping up to 9-10 hours on the weekend. This sleep pattern had been going on for over 15 years. I am now wearing a size 14-16, have a regular sleep routine where I am in bed by 10 pm and sleeping 7-8 hours per night, and no longer need to take any anti-depres-sant medicine! Without Mind-BodySpirit, I do not know where I would be – probably in a size 22, still sleeping irregularly and still taking anti-depressant medicine. A MindBodySpirit Process participant

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Whether insured or not, virtually all Americans are con-

cerned with the quality and cost on healthcare. In spite of

spending more per person for our health than any other

nation, the US ranks 37th in overall health outcomes.

The US spent an estimated $2.4 trillion on healthcare in

2008. At current rates of cost increase, this figure will be $4.3

trillion in 2017 and will represent 20% of our gross domes-

tic product (GDP). However, in spite of estimates that 90%

of major diseases could be avoided or mitigated through

better habits, only 5% of health care expenditures went to

prevention. Moderate changes in our national habits – how

we eat, exercise, sleep, relieve stress, learn and relate to

others could produce enormous positive results.

The return on our current $2.4 trillion national health invest-

ment is poor. Heart disease, obesity, metabolic syndrome

and diabetes are all epidemic. 24 million Americans are

struggling with type II diabetes. An estimated 70 million

more are in danger of developing diabetes over the next

decade. 34% of our population is obese, including 32% of

our children. While we invest more than $350 billion each

year to combat these serious health conditions, these dis-

ease rates have grown more than 5% per year since 1980.

Both small businesses and large corporations are severely

impacted by this national habit challenge. With 15%

average annual health insurance premium increases, fewer

small businesses can afford to offer quality health insurance

to their employees. Insurance premium increases and the

growing effects of epidemic disease undermine the

productivity of large and small businesses.

At the Habit Change Company, we believe that the solution

to this national health challenge is in improving basic habits

– eating, sleeping, exercise, learning, friendships, spirituality

and building resilience. Americans know enough about the

effects of their habits to realize that it is now time to change.

We also know, from scientific research and everyday experi-

ence, that choosing, changing and maintaining new habits is

very hard work. The physicians and psychologists at the Hab-

it Change Company developed the MindBodySpirit Process

– a powerful new pathway to change habits and address this

national challenge.



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Many factors, ranging from the evolution of vaccines to

the improvement of emergency medicine, affect longevity.

Americans are living more than 60% longer in 2010 than we

did in 1900. The individual challenge is – how productive,

happy, vital and long can my life be? What will my life be

like at 40, 60, 80 or 90, if I develop better habits now?

For many reasons, including the ever-increasing busyness

of our lives, most of us do not have satisfactory answers to

these questions. We have habits we wish we could change

and new habits we wish we could establish. We have tried

New Year’s resolutions, gym club memberships and diets

to make these changes. However, research shows that most

of us have not been able to sustain these habit changes.

Even when we know that better habits will help us realize

our deepest aspirations and dreams, we rarely sustain habit

change. Every one of us is an important example of “how

to live” for the people we love. Each of us wants to live as

courageously and vitally as possible.

The Habit Change Company presents the MindBodySpirit

Process that can help all, who want to take responsibility

for their habits, learn to choose and permanently change

the ways in which they live. The MindBodySpirit Process

comprehensively addresses our individual aspirations for

greater health, vitality and happiness. Habit change can

become a systematic, life-long, creative adventure in each

of our lives.

“If I’d known I was going to live this long,

I’d have taken better care

of myself.” Eubie Blake, 99


MindBodySpirit has opened me up to so many new

experiences. The process brought me to a place in my life that is

calm, centered and focused. You can achieve anything in life by living mindfully. My health is

better, my spirits are better and bonus – my waistline is smaller! Living life with intention makes

life worth living.Kristin Ford,

MindBodySpirit Process participant

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MindfulnessThe Habit Change Company’s MindBodySpirit Process is founded on the transforma-

tive power of Mindfulness. Meditation practice increases mindfulness. Mindfulness is

the key to changing habit Practices in each Habit Area.

Mindfulness meditation is purposefully paying attention to the present moment –

to one’s thoughts, images, feelings, and sensations – without judgment. Learning

to be mindful, we raise our conscious awareness and gain insight into our thoughts,

feelings and behaviors.

Mindfulness meditation is a path towards self-discovery. Learning to live mindfully

opens the possibilities for choices that affect our health, vitality and well-being. By

learning to understand ourselves, we can change our habits and transform our lives.

The MindBodySpirit Process teaches mindfulness across 8 Habit Areas in the Habit

Constellation to help participants make better life choices. The Habit Change

Company teaches participants to meditate and make meditation a daily practice

in their lives. Consistently meditating for 20 minutes each day can have profound

and positive effects on physical, emotional and spiritual health.


Mindfulness is the miracle by which we master and restore ourselves. …. Then how are we to practice mindfulness? My answer is: keep your attention focused on the work, be alert to handle ably and intelligently any situation, which may arise — this is mindfulness. Mind-fulness is like that — it is the miracle which can call back in a flash our dispersed mind and restore it to wholeness so that we can live each minute of life. Thich Nhat Hanh

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Habit Constellation

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The Habit Change Company helps people establish

positive Practices in 8 Habit Areas in the Habit Constella-

tion. MindBodySpirit Practices are based on Habit Change

Company research, specialized experts, curriculum, and

extensive teaching and coaching experience. Positive or

negative Practices in each Habit Area significantly influence

other Practices and overall progress.

The MindBodySpirit Process works through the 8 Habit

Areas in a comprehensive and integrated manner:

1. RESILIENCE Our capacity to survive and flourish is

compromised by the lack of awareness of our habits

and their consequences. Meditation practice and

Mindfulness heighten awareness and focus attention.

Mindfulness reduces stress and anxiety, and improves

relaxation and resilience.

2. NUTRITION What and how much we eat and drink

directly affect our health and longevity. We are what

we eat and drink, but most of us are unaware of our

nutritional habits and their consequences. The Mind-

BodySpirit Process teaches participants healthy food

preparation, eating and nutritional supplementation.

3. EXERCISE Regular vigorous physical activity can

transform our health. Building habits of physical activity

promotes physical, emotional, spiritual health and an

overall sense of wellbeing. Most exercise commitments

falter and fail, but the MindBodySpirit Process sustains

exercise practice.

4. SLEEP The importance and benefits of adequate

restful sleep are poorly understood. The Process

assesses sleep needs and improves participants’ sleep

habits and conditions for restful sleep.

5. LEARNING Lifelong learning and active use of the

cognitive function are essential to wellbeing and

happiness. Emerging brain research on neuro-plasticity

indicates that a more mindful approach to learning

sustains cognitive functioning.

6. FRIENDSHIP Enduring and meaningful friendships are

key to health and happiness over a lifetime. A network of

healthy relationships enhances open mindedness, men-

tal acuity and emotional stability. Friendship practice and

positive social networks produce compelling benefits.

7. SIMPLICITY Our lives are overrun with activities,

busyness and possessions. The MindBodySpirit Process

produces a clear profile of personal values, how time

is spent and the complexity of everyday activities.

Simplicity sets priorities, avoids self-indulgence and

achieves a spirit of humility.

8. SPIRITUALITY Habit change is profoundly spiritual.

The Process helps participants discover and nourish their

deepest values, motivations and aspirations. This spiritual

foundation guides progress in all other Habit Areas. A

life lived in the spirit leads to an enlightened conscience,

gratitude, harmony, peace and sustaining energy.


I am setting goals in several areas that I had not expected to. I am grateful for this experience as I continue to grow old in a mindful, healthy, fit way. … The

MindBodySpirit experience opened my mind to new ways of thinking and provided me with a structure for moving forward with important changes. … This program has provided me with tools to reach my goals and the support to stay on mission.

MindBodySpirit Process participant


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“Your vision will become clear only

when you look into your heart…

Who looks outside, dreams.

Who looks inside, awakens.” Carl Jung

The MindBodySpirit Process is a proven model of how habit

change works, grounded in 7 fundamental Principles:

SPIRITUALITY Powerful and enduring change comes from

genuine values and deep meaning. The MindBodySpirit

Process is a journey of spiritual discovery and increasing

self-awareness, leading to sustainable habit change – a life-

transforming experience.

HABIT INTEGRATION The 8 Habit Areas and Practices in

the Habit Constellation are highly integrated. Addressing

one problem is rarely successful. Only a comprehensive and

a fully integrated approach to habit change can produce

lasting results.

MOTIVATION STYLES Each of us has different values and

motivations. The Process recognizes, assesses and adapts to

important variations in the forms and styles of participants’

motivations. Customizing the Process, the Habit Change

Company makes habit change more effective and lasting.

SMALL STEPS Habit change is difficult. Setbacks occur

in all attempts at habit change. The best method for

ensuring successful long-term habit change is – Small Steps

– managing the Process for each participant’s conditions,

motivation and progress.

LOVING SUPPORT This integrated spiritual approach

produces lasting results, with long-term loving support. The

MindBodySpirit Process nurtures participants and provides

a loving community of practice. Education, coaching, group

exercises and group cohesion provide the loving support

that sustains habit change.

LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP Beyond education and

coaching within the Process, the Habit Change Company

maintains a long-term support relationship with participants.

The Habit Change Company provides a variety of opportu-

nities for continuing engagement with education, services,

research and goods.

ACCESS Behavior change programs currently available

in the US are usually short-term and costly. Many programs

are in inconvenient locations. The MindBodySpirit

Process is accessible through direct delivery and flexible

payment arrangements.





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The MindBodySpirit Process is a proven, effective and sustainable pathway to habit change.

ASSESSMENTS Each participant completes Lifestyle,

Health and Psychological Assessments. The Process

measures and monitors the physical, psychological and

behavioral progress of each participant. The results of these

Assessments are consolidated into the Starting Point™, a

comprehensive point of departure for habit change work.

MINDFULNESS The Habit Change Company is dedicated

to the transformative power of meditation practice and

Mindfulness in each Habit Area and Practice. Mindfulness

inspires better life choices that affect vitality and wellbeing.

EDUCATION MindBodySpirit education provides useful

information, practical knowledge, experiential learning and

continuous evaluation to inform and inspire habit change in

each of the 8 Habit Areas.

LIFE PLAN The Life Plan, developed in collaboration with

the Habit Change Coach, is customized for each participant.

The Life Plan sets objectives, monitors progress, provides

for adjustments and recognizes achievements.

COACHING The Habit Change Company provides at least

a year of certified, professional coaching for each participant

in the Process. Coaches help each participant develop a Life

Plan and make the Small Steps in behavior that establish

new habits. Coaching and loving support reinforce positive

habit change.

PROGRESS The Habit Change Company measures

physical, epidemiological, psychological and spiritual

results. Measurement, evaluation and research inform each

participant of results and progress. Habit Change Company

research informs the refinements of the Process and

customization as needed.

SUSTAINABILITY Habit change can be slow and difficult.

The resources, methods and services of the Habit Change

Company are designed to produce lasting habit change.

Continuing Habit Change Company affiliation, support and

networks sustain habit change.

In collaboration with our partners the Habit Change

Company customizes the MindBodySpirit Process duration,

design and delivery.

MindBodySpirit Process


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“ The real voyage of discovery

consists not in seeking new landscapes,

but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust








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Our participants taught us that once they have improved

their habits, they want to maintain a relationship with the

Habit Change Company. They want continuing access to

education, coaching and emerging research, after their

initial, intensive MindBodySpirit Process experience.

With many clients, we offer quarterly reunions for partici-

pants and tune-ups on individual Life Planning. We offer

longer periods of individual and group coaching at very af-

fordable prices. On a regional basis, we will offer continuing

education for sustaining life-long habit change. Continuing

habit change courses include: Small Steps a Life Planning

course, Mid-Course Corrections specifically for people 45-60

years old, The Third Third specifically for those over 60 and

Habit Change for Couples designed for those that want to

sustain habit change with their life partners.

The Habit Change Company will expand our electronic and

in-person course offerings. Feedback from our participants

suggests that they want affordable and high quality training

in habit change tools including yoga, advanced meditation

training, exercise physiology and cooking for health. With

our partners, we offer continuing education and research

updates to support and sustain habit change.

SUSTAINING HABIT CHANGE The MindBodySpirit experience has provided me invaluable insight into what was truly

missing in my life. While I have always felt successful, through this process I learned that

my success was tied to one facet of my life (career) and there were so many opportunities that were worth exploring. I’ve made positive

changes that have increased my satisfaction with life and I now spend more quality time with my family and friends, I volunteer for causes that are important to me, and I have

begun a spiritual journey that makes me believe that I am on the right path. I’ve also

learned that I am certainly a work in progress, but know that I have tools that were not in my toolbox prior to working with the MBS team.

Stephanie Capaccio, Director, People Development, Wawa Inc.

“Truth is the only

safe ground to stand on.”

Elizabeth Cady Stanton


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“Truth is the only

safe ground to stand on.”


Working with our partners, the Habit Change Company is

dedicated to demonstrating that our MindBodySpirit Pro-

cess is effective. Our Process always includes measurement,

monitoring, reporting and outcome research, so that our

participants can evaluate their progress and make appropri-

ate adjustments with their coaches. These measurements

give participants, coaches and the Habit Change Company

valuable information to refine and improve the Mind-

BodySpirit Process for each participant and our partners.

We track and report on physiological, psychological and

behavioral outcomes of the MindBodySpirit Process over

multiple years. In the near future, we will compare results

across participants (maintaining confidentiality) from all

of our partner organizations. These data are a critical part

of habit change for participants and the MindBodySpirit



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Customers & PartnersThe Habit Change Company is working with diverse custom-ers and innovative partners, including hospitals, corporations, research centers, retirement communities and universities. We customize our MindBodySpirit Process with our partners to create better health outcomes and improve the lives of employees, patients, students and clients – all of us.

DISEASE MANAGEMENT We are designing and imple-

menting a 5-year study of the effects of our Process, com-

bined with new diagnostic technology for very early detec-

tion and treatment of heart disease. Our partner is a major

hospital system research center.

SURGICAL OUTCOMES We are integrating the Mind-

BodySpirit Process with a surgical protocol to study benefits

for pain management, and long-term physical and emotional

recovery. Our partner is a premier provider of joint replace-

ment surgery.

HEALTH CARE COST CONTROL With several corporate

clients, we have customized our Process to address challeng-

es in the work lives of their employees. Together, we pro-

duced significant and well-documented physical, emotional,

attitudinal and spiritual results. Our large corporate partners

include industries ranging from life insurance to health clubs

to food distribution.

VITAL AGING We have co-designed a life-long partnership

for a new approach to courageous and vital aging. Our first

“aging company” is on the East Coast, with enthusiastic pilot

participants age 60-84. We intend to expand this network to

the Midwest in 2011.

HOSPITAL SYSTEMS We implemented a 15-month version

of our Process offered through hospitals, to improve health

outcomes and patients’ spiritual lives. The MindBodySpirit

Process effectively enhances existing rehabilitation programs.

ALL OF US Soon, individuals will be able to participate

in our Process online. The Process will be more accessible,

geographically and financially, to anyone seeking profound

habit change.

HABIT CHANGE COACHING The effectiveness of our Process relies on professional, loving,

health coaches. Our health coaching is essential to sustain-

ing habit change. Many corporations and healthcare provid-

ers are beginning to incorporate health coaching into their

healthcare and disease management services and solutions.

Our coach training uses the advances in health and happiness


The Habit Change Company now offers curriculum and inter-

national certification for health coaches through universities

and online. We hope to be the premier provider of expert

coaching skills combined with the deep understanding of the

strategies for wellness and disease management in Integra-

tive Medicine (also known as Complementary and Alternative

Medicine, CAM).


Our collaboration with the Habit Change Company allows us to offer an innovative, exciting opportunity to Friends Life Care clients and to grow our business. The pilot project was very successful. As one of the participants, I found the MindBodySpirit Process powerfully transformative, improving my sense of health, vitality and well-

being. We are especially appreciative of the Habit Change Company’s willingness to work with us to customize the Process to meet our clients’ needs.

Carol A. Barbour, President, Friends Life Care

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Steve Baumgartner, Founder and Chief Executive Officer Robert Bulgarelli, DO, FACC, CMA, Founder and Chief Medical Officer Jeffrey Kaplan, PhD, MBA, MCC, Founder and Chief Operating Officer

Barbara Schwarzenbach, Vice President, Communications Tom Corl, Vice President, Development Denny O’Brien, Vice President, Finance

Vivian Kominos, MD, FACC, President, New Jersey Region Catherine Conley, President, Illinois Region

Chris Coward, MSW, LCSW, Vice President, Coaching Julie Bertholf, Manager, Administration


Margaret Mead

“A small group of thoughtful committed people

can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

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For more information or to request a presentation on the MindBodySpirit Process, contact the Habit Change Company.

Habit Change Company PO Box 1447 Fort Washington, PA 19034-1447

610-889-1104 [email protected]

Through mindfulness,

the MindBodySpirit Process changes habits

and transforms lives.