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izedLiving Magazine

September - O

ctober 2014

34 Million,

Dr. Ben Lerner Co-Founder of Maximized Living







Just last week, a young man who used to be part of our local triathlon team died of cancer, leaving his wife and brand new baby behind. In the same week, in the same city, the sister of another friend is getting treatment for cancer. She’s a young, single mother. And that’s just the adults. We also know a 3-year-old fighting for her life against cancer while another family recently lost their 6-year-old to the disease. That’s just among our friends. Because I wrote a book on cancer, the stories I receive weekly go on and on.

In the U.S. alone, the amount of money spent on cancer research is in the billions. In 2010, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) had a budget of $5.1 billion and an additional $1.3 billion from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for research. In addition, there are a multitude of societies and foundations that raise billions more, including the American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the Livestrong Foundation, the Prostate Cancer Foundation, and the National Children’s Cancer Society; to name a few.

Given this immense annual commitment to research, shouldn’t we be radically farther along? More importantly, shouldn’t the numbers of people diagnosed with cancer be dropping at some point? And shouldn’t the cost of treating them be going down as well? Sadly, none of these is the case. The National Cancer Institute has projected that costs of care for the disease will climb another $45 billion by 2020. Other experts have estimated that number could rise as much as $80 billion.

Doesn’t this suggest that research dollars are not being used effectively, or that we may be researching the wrong thing? Isn’t it clear that the philosophy and mode of conventional cancer treatments isn’t working? Of course it’s hard for these questions to be heard by an industry making billions of dollars only so long as the problem persists.

Many of us have heard of clinics in the U.S. and around the world that practice cancer-curing techniques, which are not approved for patients in the U.S. We have experience with several of them that get tremendous results. They not only use different treatments, they have a radically different philosophy about cancer altogether.

One alternative medical doctor who has had incredible results without the use of chemo or radiation says this about cancer, “The answer is obvious: doctors are usually not removing the fuel that the cancer flames are feeding off; they’re not getting to the cause of the fire. Traditional doctors fail to clear the body of potential sources of fuel that keep the cancer growing and spreading.”

Under normal circumstances, your body makes thousands of cancer cells every day. The good news is that a healthy body will kill those thousands of cancer cells every day. Generally, problems only arise when there is something in your body or lifestyle that interferes with your ability to kill cancer. Interference is at the root of the problem!

You are a natural born Cancer Killer. Prevention and a cure do exist – address the cause, the root of the interference. The Cause is the Cure. The only downside to this solution is that no one makes a billion dollars that way. This idea won’t make me popular, but I would rather my friends’ children still had their parents and the parents still had their children.

You have a say about whether or not you’ll develop this illness, and if you do, you have a say in whether or not you’ll kill it. Through Maximized Living, we want to help you to take responsibility for your future.

In view of the complex, individual nature of health and fitness problems, this magazine and the ideas, programs, procedures, and suggestions in it are not intended to replace the advice of trained medical professionals. All matters regarding one’s health require medical supervision. A physician should be consulted prior to adopting any program or programs described in this magazine, or any of the Maximized Living® resources. The contents of this magazine are based upon the opinions of the authors. The authors and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this magazine.

This magazine is not intended to make recommendations related to getting on or off prescription or over-the-counter medication. If you face any current health concerns, or are currently taking medication, it is always recommended to seek the advice of your physician before starting a new health care program. Only your medical doctor can prescribe drugs or tell you to get off of drugs. Our role is to make you aware of the hazards of poor lifestyle decisions while helping you to create optimum function and healing in your body. In time, you must begin to judge for yourself whether your medications are keeping you alive, merely palliating symptoms of an unhealthy body, or actually causing some of the ailments you suffer from. With the guidance of your prescribing physician, you need to make your own best decisions on medication. As you heal, work with your medical doctors to help you reduce or eliminate the drugs you’re on.

The information in this magazine is intended to be educational and should not replace consultation with a competent health care professional. This magazine is intended to be used as an adjunct to responsible health care supervised by a healthcare professional. The authors and Maximized Living® are not liable for any misuse of the material contained in this magazine.

Contact us: Maximized Living1170 Celebration Blvd., Suite 100BCelebration, FL 34747P: (321) 939-3060


An Un-Profitable Truth:


The Cause is the Cure


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1. I fly all over the country for my job—do you have any recommendations on how to eat healthy while spending so much time in an airport? Dr. Greg - I too go all over the country for Maximized

Living, and that means lots of time in airports. One of the main things that I do when traveling is recognize that it’s “okay” if I miss a meal once in a while. It’s not the end of the world if that happens. I can substitute a main meal with healthy snack food that I bring with me.

Some great options are organic energy bars, almonds and seeds. Basically, just because I’m in an airport at noon doesn’t mean I have to eat lunch there. I can always eat a small snack that will hold me over until I can eat a more nutritious meal later.

2. I’ve just started my ML treatments a week ago and am kind of sore. Should I be concerned?

GL- No, I would actually be more concerned if you weren’t sore. When getting treated we are making very specific adjustments to change the spine, it basically becomes the equivalent soreness as when you get braces put on your teeth. All patients will respond differently to treatment, some don’t experience soreness, but most do. Soreness will go away with time! Just remember, change takes dedication and sometimes things may have to get a little uncomfortable for positive change to occur.

3. What would your top 4 “super foods” be that kids would love to eat? GL- Being a father I know how picky kids can sometimes

be. Super food snacks for children have to be quick, easy and accessible. My top picks would have to be blueberries, avocados, organic Greek yogurt and chia seeds.

a.) Blueberries: Blueberries are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and research suggests they can improve brain function.

b.) Avocados: Creamy and delicious, avocados are full of healthy fats and nutrients like folate, lutein and glutathione. You can add avocado to a smoothie for a creamy texture and nutritional boost.

c.) Organic Greek yogurt: Greek yogurt is full of healthy probiotics and nutrients like calcium, magnesium,

phosphorus, potassium and protein, which promote strong and healthy bones in your growing child.

d.) Chia seeds: Chia seeds are full of omega-3s and omega-6s. They have no significant taste, so they can easily be mixed into yogurt or smoothies for a healthy, nutrient dense crunch.

4. I work at a computer all day long and rarely have time to exercise during the day. Do you have any “in office” exercise recommendations for me to do?

GL- Yes, drop and give me 10! Whatever happened to the good old-fashioned push-ups and sit-ups?

5. I just found out I am pregnant. Is it safe for me to get adjusted?

GL- YES absolutely! You have a growing child inside your body and you want the best nerve supply to the uterus as possible so your child develops properly in utero.

Misalignments (subluxations) occur more frequently in pregnant women because, as you develop to accommodate your growing baby, weight changes occur in your body. These weight changes specifically affect your lower back and pelvis, which can cause stress and, thus, subluxation. Mothers actually need more frequent adjustments during their pregnancy to keep their spine and nerve system healthy.


SOURCEEach issue, we will look to Maximized Living co-founder Dr. Greg Loman to answer some of the burning questions we receive from our readers. If you want to ask Dr. Loman a question, you can email him at [email protected].

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izedLiving Magazine

September - O

ctober 2014

My name is Jennifer Snow. I am a wife, mom of two, and a registered nurse who, despite living most of my life with disabilities, has managed pretty well and stayed active and fit. That was until I was unexpectedly struck with a neurological condition that changed my life in a matter of days.

I was left with an array of symptoms too long to list, but here are a few: non-stop dizziness, leaving me unable to stand for more than a few seconds; numbness of my entire body, especially in my arms and legs (as if they were always asleep, yet they burned and stung); racing heartbeat and chest tightness that left me afraid to go to sleep at night; sensitivity to noise and light that made my vision really blurry and interfered with my brain-to-body connection, which, in turn, left me without the ability to speak clearly.

I went from being able to live life like a “normal person” within certain parameters, to being completely helpless. I was now unable to walk without help, drive a car or talk on the phone easily. Even simple things, like getting dressed, were next to impossible.

I had been to my primary care physician, an infectious disease doctor, and a neurologist trying to discover what was going on but no one could figure out how to help me. I was devastated and felt completely lost until I began to lean on the Lord. I trusted in Him for answers instead of only focusing on this huge mountain in my life. That is when things started to change.

A friend from church told me about Twin City Health in Winston-Salem, N.C. I had been down so many broken roads, and had spent so much time and money with no positive outcomes, that I was super hesitant to try yet another method.

Then, Dr. Tom Nixon entered my life!

He took the time to call me even though I was a complete stranger and we chatted for about 30 minutes. I decided I would pray about it and after many days of prayer, I had the revelation that it was the real deal and the road I was meant to take. After just two adjustments I got some feeling back in my arms and legs, enough that I felt safe to drive with my husband by my side for the first time in months.

I sobbed like a baby because, for the first time in a long time, I had hope.

I can’t even begin to describe what Maximized Living and the team at Twin City Health means to me. They have impacted not only my life, but also my family’s lives. To be in a place full of love, godliness, sincerity, and hope has meant the world to me. What goes on inside of Maximized Living clinics are true miracles.

If you are reading this please take that one last chance and step into a Maximized Living office! I promise you won’t regret it. In July, I celebrated my one year anniversary of being a patient at Twin City Health. Maximized Living means the ability to walk again, to run and work out, to drive, to not be afraid to lay my head down at night, to fulfill a calling to sing on the Praise Team at my church, and to be there for my family.

It has also been an honor and a blessing to have the opportunity to share the love, hope and healing offered through Maximized Living and to live out the 5 Essentials taught at Twin City Health.

Changed LivesJennifer, patient of Dr. Tom and Marissa Nixon, shares how Maximized Living has positively affected her health and attitude.

* This is the testimonial from a real Maximized Living patient. If you would like to contribute your story to this series, please contact us at: [email protected]. Results may vary. Consult your physician before beginning any new health or fitness program.

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There is a new Maximized Living Makeover event on October 4th: Cancer Killers Maximized Living Immunity.We will show you what cancer is, what causes it and what you can do about it. Join us for the health makeover that has

transformed thousands of people into Cancer Killers.

Ask your Maximized Living clinic how YOU can become a Cancer Killer today!

Makeover Event

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September - O

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Throughout my career, I have encountered this question regarding not only cancer, but many other diseases and conditions, including diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

To properly answer this question I always have to explain a few concepts first. First, we must define “cure.” The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines cure as “something (such as a drug or medical treatment) that stops a disease and makes someone healthy again.”

Now here is the problem: The far majority of all diseases are not real.

Yes, you read that correctly.

In today’s modern age, the majority of people blame their health care issues on bad genes or unlucky circumstances. However, the truth is the exact opposite. Studies on individuals who travel from one country to another have shown that the likelihood of developing chronic disease changes with whatever country they move to; it is not determined by the genes they inherited from the country in which they were born (1-4).

In addition, studies with identical twins have suggested that genes are not the source of most chronic illnesses. For instance, the concordance between identical twins for breast cancer was found to be only 20 percent (5).

The modern disease epidemic is a result of the body reacting to the situations we put it in. It is not the consequence of suddenly faulty genes. Our everyday lives either maintain a normal, healthy body, or interfere with proper bodily function, which creates a compensating malfunction within the body. When this occurs, we experience “a state of disease,” which is your body’s natural reaction.

This reaction causes a response just like the one that makes you shiver when you are exposed to cold for long enough. No one would call “shivering” a state of disease; it would be considered a normal reaction to the cold exposure. What this means is that—by establshing unhealthy habits in our lives—we are creating our diseases, not falling victim to them.

So how can you cure something that isn’t real, but rather is a reaction to what we are doing to our bodies? The answer is, you can’t. That is why the “cures” for cancer campaigns have fallen short despite our decades of spending billions of dollars in research each year. The cure is to correct the situation in which you placed your body that caused it to react into this “state of disease” to begin with. Once you take this mindset, you can start making some better choices.

With all patients, I always look to the 5 Essentials to put their bodies in a better situation and to help regain normal function. These Essentials work as the map to health, with Essential No. 2 being Maximized Nerve Supply. Your nerve system is responsible for the function of every system in your body, including your immune and endocrine systems.

Over 35 years ago, Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York's Preventive Medicine Institute and professor in environmental health at New York University, was interested in determining one susceptibility to chronic disease. He was interested in the relationship between the nerve and endocrine systems and cancer. Dr. Pero found that people who had spinal cord injuries also experienced a very high rate of certain types of cancers. He understood this relationship because the nerve system is responsible for every function. This led him to study the effects on chiropractic and immune competence.

After studying 107 individuals on long-term chiropractic care, he compared these people to people who had not received chiropractic care. He found the people had the long-term chiropractic care had a 200 percent greater immune competence than the non-chiropractic group. Then, he compared the long-term chiropractic care group to people who had cancer or a serious disease. He found that the chiropractic care group had a 400 percent greater immune competence than the serious disease group. Pero stated, “I have never seen a group other than this show a 200 percent increase over normal patients(6).”

So—in short—chiropractic can’t cure cancer, but it can help increase your immune competence which is vital for you to keep your body functioning normally.



izedLiving Magazine

Chiropractic Is it true

can cure cancer?

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We are exposed to toxins on a daily basis. Toxins find their way into your bloodstream through food, water, medications and even in the air

we breathe. This forces the body to work extra hard to remove chemicals, parasites, heavy metals and other impurities. Everyday exposure to toxins can affect you down to the cellular level, which can lead to symptoms like fatigue, depression, inflammation, weight gain and—in some cases—cancer.

Chlorella: Detoxifies the liver, gallbladder and colon, and boosts beneficial flora in the intestines. Chlorella effectively removes heavy metals and protects the body against free radical damage.

Milk Thistle: Reduces liver damage caused by medications, radiation and alcohol, according to a 2010 study published in Phytotherapy Research.

Glutathione: Protects the body from toxins encountered daily and rids the body of heavy metals like mercury.

Superoxide Dismutase: Used to treat long-term damage from exposure to smoke and to prevent side effects stemming from radiation-based cancer treatments.

Maximized Living has compiled these and many other whole food-based nutrients in a gluten-free detoxification system. This system features a super-antioxidant formula that binds toxins at a cellular level and a whole body detox formula that effectively removes those toxins from your body. Talk to your Maximized Living Doctor about how Detox System can help you with Essential No. 5 today.

Vitamin D is known to improve memory, benefit prostate and breast health, and boost the immune system while protecting you against

cancer. Studies have even shown that healthy blood sugar levels can be maintained with vitamin D intake.

Although sunlight, wild-caught fish, and dairy can be decent sources of vitamin D, it’s very likely that you may not be getting enough. Milk doesn’t contain as much vitamin D as it claims, and fish generally contain only trace amounts of it. In order to receive the health benefits associated with vitamin D, we must ensure that we are getting enough of it.

Because the majority of people are deficient in vitamin D, it is generally recommended to start supplementing with 5,000 IU a day. A once-a-day supplement is the easiest and most cost-effective method to ensure you receive all of the vitamin D you need.Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 is a critical component in maintaining a healthy immune system and decreased levels have been linked to a higher susceptibility to infection and autoimmunity.Bacillus Coagulans: a strong probiotic that supports healthy gut flora and in turn supports a healthy immune system which can protect you against invading pathogens and carcinogens.

Maximized Living offers an ideal formula to provide you this much-needed whole-food form of vitamin D: Vitamin D3 Complex. This supplement features 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 and 1 billion CFU of powerful probiotics in an organic whole fruit and vegetable blend. All you need is one capsule a day, on a full stomach or on an empty one, in the morning or at night, or however you wish.

Talk to Your Maximized Living Doctor About the Benefits of

These Products TODAY!

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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izedLiving Magazine

September - O

ctober 2014

With skyrocketing health insurance premiums and health care costs, “workplace wellness” is a hot topic right now for companies. According

to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), employers spent more than $8,500 per active employee on health care coverage in 2011 and as much as 75 percent of the total U.S. Health Care spending is for people with chronic conditions. (1)

The solution is equipping employees to take control of their health and to implement lifestyle changes in order to prevent (or reverse) chronic conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.

Instead of just providing a paycheck and a place to work, many employers are now delivering wellness programs that help their employees lose weight, quit smoking, and increase productivity.

The challenge with these programs, though, has long been employee participation, or engagement. Information alone isn’t typically enough to motivate the average person to make changes. Studies on lifestyle-change programs have shown that the best way to be effective is to have a leader-driven program to increase accountability.

Maximized Living Doctors have been working with Olympic athletes for years and now we have decided to bring that same level of excellence to the workplace wellness arena in a big way with the new Corporate Health Concierge (CHC) program.

The aim of the program is to lead people in the workplace to achieve real health and wellness in a way that increases participation and creates a culture of wellness for large corporations and small businesses alike.

The program begins with employees completing a Life Score evaluation that assesses five key areas of health. Once they have their score, they enter the 30-Day Life Score challenge that focuses on nutrition, food label reading, smart shopping and fat-burning fitness. Participants receive the CHC book that provides a 30-day meal plan and recipes, daily fitness routines, and exercises on proper posture while they are working.

Maximized Living Doctors have already worked with some of the largest corporations in the U.S. and Canada, including General Electric, Elevation Church in Charlotte, N.C., UPS and the PGA of America. We have seen participants lose 20 pounds in 30 days on a regular basis, eliminate the need for medication, and take control of their health. In order to foster a culture of wellness, the Concierge Doctor returns on a quarterly or monthly basis to provide workshops on toxicity, ergonomics and much more. Companies completing the program have reported greater engagement from employees than in any prior wellness program.

It’s all about changing the way people view and manage their health—even at work!

Corporate Wellness: How it helps businesses succeed

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Dr. Kristen Kells, DC representing the Sports Performance Council, a Maximized Living program, talks today about how the program works and the benefits of athletes getting involved.

Maximized Living: Dr. Kells, thank you for taking the time to share the vision and stories of what the Sports Performance Council is doing with Maximized Living (ML). Who is Sports Performance Council (SPC) tangibly helping and in what way?

Dr. Kristen Kells: Our vision is to enhance the performance of athletes from young children to local and national sports teams and international elite athletes. The mission is to educate patients on how to reduce injury, enhance performance, look at their individual potential and overall health of life.

ML: It’s really unique that you focus on the overall health of life when educating athletes. What specifics do you target when meeting with them?

DKK: We center on chiropractic care through spinal correction, nutrition, and exercise programs as a vital way to deliver on the athlete’s potential.

ML: Wow! For an athlete SPC sounds like an amazing way to get involved with the doctors of Maximized Living.

DKK: Yeah, the strength is in the number of doctors delivering this resource to their communities. Our doctors are specifically trained in comprehensive sports performance care.

ML: I’m glad you mention specific training because I’m curious to know who you and your doctors have helped.

DKK: We’ve served and continue to work with numerous levels of sports and various organizations such as USA Weightlifting, volleyball, track athletes, UFC fighters, NFL alumni and players, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, USA Judo, and USA Wrestling, to name a few. Plus, our local doctors work with athletes from every sport. We also have several doctors covering this year’s wrestling world championships in Uzbekistan.

ML: Your team is quite active in helping a diverse sports community, which is really incredible. I bet you always have stories to share when serving people.

DKK: Yeah, a couple stories come to mind. First, is Elena Pirozhkova who is a world championship wrestler, three-time world medalist and competed in the 2012 Olympics.

She has said, “These principles have made all the difference for her in performance and each year, her performance has improved by utilizing the Maximized Living 5 Essentials.”

Even team USA woman’s wrestling coach Terry Steiner has said “Maximized Living has been a game-changer for us.”

Elena has become so excited with the 5 Essentials that she wants to become a chiropractor after her wrestling career.

DKK: The next story is about a young man named Dartanyon Crockett, who’s been featured on ESPN. He is a blind Judo Paralympic athlete and he has utilized specific extensive spinal correction as part of his training program. He also earned a bronze medal in the 2012 Paralympic games.

He has said, “The support of Maximized Living and their principles have made a difference in every area of my life.”

ML: Wow! Maximized Living is helping a lot on the national and international, but how does this work on a local level?

DKK: We have local doctors who serve local coaches and have found utilizing the principles very helpful for their teams. Doctors come in and educate on nutrition, injury prevention, spinal correction, stretching to enhance performance, and the whole person.

ML: So with all this information where would someone get started?

DKK: It begins with asking your local Maximized Living doctor about how he or she can help your sports team, your children’s teams, local leagues and support local athletics. They have a heart to serve and to educate our future generation to build strong principles and foundations of health.

ML: How can I get involved if I’m not a high-performance athlete?

DKK: Your involvement is vital because whether you’re a weekend warrior, experienced athlete or desire to improve your overall health, one of the most important things to do is commit to optimum body shape in your career and life. You can do this by setting an initial evaluation to assess your individual needs. Finding this information is the first step that will make a difference in the way the doctors can help you reach your goals of a Maximized Life.

What to learn more? Visit us at:

Dr. Kristen Kells (DRK): Owns one of the largest natural health care clinics in the USA. She is serving as a team chiropractor for USA Wrestling and cared for the team at the 2012 Olympics in London.


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izedLiving Magazine

September - O

ctober 2014

No More Cancer:A Story of InspirationCarolyn Blaine, mother of Maximized Living doctor Justine Blainey, is a cancer killer who can’t wait to share her story of encouragement, appreciation and inspiration to everyone she meets. Her journey hasn’t been easy, but she courageously shares with us from her home in Canada how a life-saving book and the support from her chiropractic team at Maximized Living has given her new life.

Maximized Living: So take us back to the day your life changed. When were you diagnosed with cancer and what type of cancer did you have?

Carolyn Blainey: September 16th, 2013 is the day I found out I had invasive breast cancer. When the doctor spoke those words, I was dumbfounded and all I heard was cancer. All I thought was death. I couldn’t think and I really thank God my daughter was with me to take over because I was mentally not there anymore and emotionally distraught. My daughter remained calm and asked the doctor lots of questions.

ML: After dealing with those emotions that day, what was your chance of survival and options?

CB: At the time about 40 percent, according to the first scans. Actually, my daughter Dr. Justine Blainey and Dr. Blake Broker are both Maximized Living chiropractors and they put the book “The Cancer Killers” in my hands pretty fast. But at first, I couldn’t read it because it was emotional. I couldn’t think or talk so they took the time to read me bits and pieces from it.

ML: That is super encouraging to hear of all the support you received. What steps in the book helped you during this process?

CB: The first rule was to never be hungry— and I heard that! I was 250 pounds at the time so I was listening. I started green tea pills, rice machine, oxygen and broccoli. You can’t have enough broccoli. In the book, it states to utilize what is relatively convenient and available. Not everything was available but I did what I could and right now I have a 98-99 percent survival rate!

ML: You can’t go wrong with plenty of vegetables, but more importantly congratulations! That’s awesome! What or who else encouraged you during this period?

CB: First; Maximized Living was willing to explain the tests, give insight to what vitamin D does and also provide tangible information that’s suited for that particular patient. For maintenance, I go to the clinic 2-3 times a week and anytime I have questions they are quick to respond with the answers I am looking for. It’s not just me, its other patients with other diseases. Maximized Living chiropractors care about your soul and emotions. They’ll take time to explain things and hold your hand if you need it.

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ML: Listening to your journey tells me you’ve had a great experience. What help can you offer someone who is struggling with cancer right now?

CB:Get yourself to a Maximized Living chiropractor because they are doctors who care about you. They focus on areas my oncologist, radiologist, and family doctor don’t, but the Maximized Living doctors have the ability to send you to a specialist as you need it and then help with reports. As far as the book, read it and ask questions. Pick up what you can because if you have cancer there are 50 ways of fighting it in this book and none of them are toxic.

ML: I’m just curious, how many people have you been able to share your story with, and what’s been their response to you?

CB:I’ve been able to share my story with about 50 people and their initial response is “congratulations,” but what they don’t realize is the congratulations belongs to somebody else. So I share with them my journey with the Maximized Living chiropractors and I say if you or someone you love is going though cancer, get them to a Maximized Living chiropractor and “The Cancer Killers” book!

RecipeSubmitted by Tina Tweeten – Celebration Family Chiropractic

Thai Chicken in Coconut Curry Sauce Prep Time: 10 minutesCook Time: 35 minutes

1 teaspoon ground coriander½ teaspoon ground turmeric1/8 to ¼ teaspoon ground cayenne¾ teaspoon salt1 pound organic boneless, skinless chicken thighs1 cup sliced onion1 cup bell pepper (red or yellow)2 shallot, thinly sliced into half moons 3 cloves garlic, pressed or minced2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger1 can (14 ounces) light coconut milk1 to 3 teaspoons Thai red curry paste1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil or cilantro

Directions:1. In a cup, mix together the coriander, turmeric,

cayenne, and ½ teaspoon of the salt. Sprinkle the mixture evenly over chicken

2. Heat a large, deep nonstick sauté pan on medium-high. Add chicken to pan. Cook until the thighs are lightly browned, 4 to 6 minutes per side. Remove them to a plate.

3. Reduce the heat to medium and add the onion and pepper. Cook until the vegetables are soft but not browned, 4 to 5 minutes. Stir in the shallot, garlic and ginger and cook for 1 minute. Add the coconut milk and then whisk in 1 teaspoon of the curry paste. Taste the sauce, and add more curry paste and the remaining ¼ teaspoon of salt if desired.

4. Return the chicken and any accumulated juices to the pan. Bring the mixture to a simmer on medium. Then reduce the heat to low and simmer gently until the chicken juices run clear (165 degrees F internal temperature), 15 to 20 minutes. Divide the chicken and sauce among plates and sprinkle on the basil.

Cancer Fighting Ingredients:Coconut Milk = Good FatGrass Fed Organic Chicken = High levels of omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammationCoriander and Turmeric = Protection against breast cancer and tumor growth

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ctober 2014

What comes to mind when you hear about dietary protein? Do you think of a heavily muscled body builder? Or maybe you think about a fad diet that is protein heavy? Perhaps it’s the idea that you need to get more protein in your diet in order to be healthy?

Most Americans are unsure about what protein is and how much we need to eat in order to be healthy.

Proteins make up every cell, organ and tissue in our bodies and are composed of tiny building blocks known as amino acids. Amino acids are found in a variety of foods from meats to vegetables. There are 20 different types of amino acids that join together to make proteins. Of these 20 amino acids, some are considered essential, which means they must be obtained from our diet. The rest can be made in our bodies. It’s hard to know what option is better: animal-based or plant-based protein. The answer lies in your individual needs and requirements.

ARE YOU GETTING ENOUGH QUALITY PROTEIN?The protein you get in a standard diet is usually highly processed and no longer has the same benefits as pure

protein. Dietary sources of complete proteins, or those that include all the essential amino acids, include: meat, poultry, fish, eggs and cheese.

For vegetarians, alternative sources of protein include: rice, dry beans, corn and soy. Unfortunately, these plant-based options are considered incomplete because they don’t contain all of the essential amino acids in one food.

A bigger problem, when considering protein intake, is the source of your protein. Conventional meat and dairy products contain harmful steroids, antibiotics and pesticides. Conventionally raised animals lack many vitamins, omega-3s, and beta carotene. Protein powders on the market that are sourced from conventionally raised animals are equally harmful, often containing hydrolyzed protein and typically laced with dangerous artificial sweeteners. The same is true for plant-based proteins; some of the popular versions on the market have been shown to be high in toxic metals like lead, cadmium, and mercury. Still others offer incomplete protein from a single vegetarian source.

Whey Protein VS. Plant Protein

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WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS?High quality protein provides the building blocks of a healthy body by providing a source of energy, boosting your metabolism and repairing muscles and bones.

Whey protein is nature’s richest source of biologically available protein; it contains powerful immune boosters and helps to synthesize antioxidants necessary for detoxification. The most powerful antioxidant synthesized by whey protein is glutathione, which protects the body against free radical damage, toxins and cancer.

The best sources of whey protein are derived from 100 percent naturally raised cows that have never been injected with hormones, fed grains or genetically modified foods (commonly known as GMOs), and have grazed on natural grass pastures free of pesticides and chemicals.

It’s also imperative to find a protein powder that is processed at low temperatures to protect vital enzymes, immune factors and amino acids.

For vegans, vegetarians, or lactose intolerant individuals a plant-based protein can provide the same benefits as a whey protein. Plant-based proteins that have been derived from whole vegetables can provide strong antioxidant support and be a complete source of all of the essential amino acids. Plant-based protein provides an alternative to soy and animal protein powders in a form that is easily digested.

Because most vegetables and grains are not complete sources of protein on their own, you want to look for a product that utilizes multiple plant-based sources, ideally sprouted seeds, grains and legumes. This will provide you with a complete protein source. It’s also important to look for a product free of artificial flavors and preservatives, free of GMOs, and is dairy- and lactose-free.

THE VERDICTWhat this boils down to is the importance of high quality protein in your diet. Eating a diet that balances protein, fiber and vegetable intake is a key component of immune health and preventing chronic disease and illness. Protein provides the essential amino acids necessary to build glutathione—our body’s most potent defense against free radical damage, toxins and cancer. Everyone reaps the benefits of good, high quality protein from a trusted plant or animal source.

When deciding between plant- and animal-based protein, choose the option that is best for you, your lifestyle and your diet. A high quality whey protein like Maximized Living’s Perfect Protein or an optimally combined plant-based protein like Maximized Living’s Perfect Plant Protein will provide the essential amino acids required to synthesize glutathione, boost your immune system and protect you from toxins.

About Dr. Pragati Patel Gusmano, NDDr. Gusmano earned her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University. She joined the Maximized Living team as the Nutrition Coordinator in February 2014. She brings with her a passion for evidence-based care and nutrition.


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BY: Dr. Renee LopezDr. Ashly Ochsner

Maximized Living Doctors

UNDERSTANDING CHILDHOOD CANCERChildhood cancer is a very real problem in today’s world. In fact, it’s the leading cause of disease-related death among U.S. children between ages 1 to 15.

While proponents of traditional Western medical cancer treatment tout increased survival rates, professionals and parents like us can’t get past the deplorable fact that the incidence of invasive childhood cancers has increased over the past 30 years.

It’s time to think a little differently on pediatric cancer.

Just like adults, children are equipped with very powerful immune systems. The immune system coordinates specific cells, tissue and organs to launch an assault on disease-causing bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

The immune system’s cancer-killing plan:1. Recognize (a foreign substance or organism vs. our

own body cells or tissue).2. Respond (by producing specific antibodies or

lymphocytes).3. Retaliate (and eliminate the foreign and damaging

substances or organisms).

It is also responsible for destroying abnormal, toxic and cancerous cells.

FINDING A NATURAL SOLUTIONIf your child is going to escape the odds of the ever-rising incidence of pediatric cancer, then there are five critical steps you must take to help boost your children’s immunity:

1. Eliminate or greatly reduce sugar intake. 2. Avoid conventionally fried starches (potato chips

and French fries). 3. Avoid unnecessary medications, antibiotics

and vaccinations.4. Be certain your child has a thorough

spine and nerve system evaluation. A 2010 study showed that spinal adjustments increase the production of interleukin-2, a substance that activates LAK cells which target and destroy tumors.

5. Get Active. Exercise has been shown to prevent diseases and certain types of cancer.

Sugar, fried foods and toxic medications can suppress immune system function, while specific spinal correction and regular exercise support your immunity.

By teaching your kids the healthy habits of a Cancer Killer from a young age, you can help ensure a healthy future for your young ones.

Kids Need to be Cancer Killers, Too

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Save counter-space (and money)

with this 3-in-1!Have you ever wondered why there are more inflammatory conditions like arthritis, autoimmune disorders, cancers and heart disease than in the past? The answer is simple: overexposure to environmental toxins and free radical damage. Fortunately, the solution is also simple: a trio of synergistic antioxidants that decrease

inflammation and increase our bodies’ natural defense system.




Talk to your Maximized Living doctor to determine if Daily Defense is right for you










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