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  • 1. CatalystTHE MAGAZINE OFHAYES FREE CHURCH (U.R.C.)November 2014

2. HAYES FREE CHURCH111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HUSunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.We are a member of the United Reformed Church.We believe in Justice and Peace.Principal ContactsMinister: Rev. Sue Powell is on a Sabbatical until 1 DecChurch Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168NOTE: All enquires to MavisTreasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556Church Website www.hayesfreechurch.comCatalystEditor: Mr Richard BrownContents : - Items not covered by the diary of events.Sunday Services;Notes on preachers; Infill item 2Church Notices 3 - 5Womens Fellowship;Hayes Horticultl Society 5Coffee mornings donations 6The Tower of London remembers 7Antique & Collectors Fair 8Christmas Tree Festival 9This months website: -The website of the month is Lives of the First World. It is part of theImperial War Museums website.Go to: livesofthefirstworldwar.orgNow, turn to Page 16 for more details. EdCopy for the December 2014 / January 2015 edition needs to behanded in bySunday, 16th November.Please submit items in good time.You can leave copy in the B Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect,or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning.You can also e-mail copy to [email protected] You. EditorNotice Board 10 - 11Kay Atkinson - Obituary 14 - 15Website of the Month; The waythings once were 16Saints days in Nov;A Christmas Cracker 17Hayes Philharmonic Choir;Armistice Day 20Church Organisations I B C 3. Letter from the Church Secretary1Dear All,By the time you read this letter we willbe at the beginning of November, a time when I worry abouthibernating hedgehogs.Yes, I had to include my prickly friends in one of my letters.For 30 years I have had the joy of caring for one of Godscreatures and have seen them slowly decline in population tothe stage where they are now critically endangered.It is so sad to think that life has got so difficult for thisbeautiful animal and I use this opportunity to ask all those ofyou who are about to have a bonfire to PLEASE check that nohedgehog has moved into the heap, to sleep away the winter.Do please be aware that any hedgehogs wandering around indaylight are also in need of help.It is so easy to take nature, wild life and the beauty of Godscreation for granted but it does need us to do our bit, for weare custodians of Gods beautiful world.My best wishes to you allMavisNOTE: - Our Minister is away on her Sabbatical until December 2014.So, during that period the Ministers letter will be written by theChurch Secretary. Ed 4. Sunday ServicesNovember 20142nd 10.30 am - Morning Service - Keith Nye6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Judy Davies9th 10.30 am - Parade Remembrance Service - Bill Michie6.30 pm - Evening Service - Bill Michie16th 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox6.30 pm - Evening Service - Keith Nye23rd 10.30 am - Holy Communion - Judy Davies6.30 pm - Evening Service - Beckenham U.R.C. Members30th 10.30 am - Morning Service - Men's Group6.30 pm - Evening Service - The MinisterDecember 20147th 10.30 am - Morning Service - Rev. John Marchant6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The MinisterSome notes on the visiting preachers.v Keith Nye is one of the readers from St. Marys Church at Plaistow2Green.v Judy Davies is well known to us. She has conducted services atHFC on a number of occasions.v Beckenham U.R.C. Is our sister church.v The Mens Group is a long standing organisation within HFC.v Bill Michie is well known to us all. He is a Lay Preacher at HFC.v John Cox is known to us, having conducted services at HFC inthe past.v Revd John Marchant is the assistant minister at Coney Hill BaptistChurch. He has conducted Sunday Worship at HFC on anumber of occasions.THINGS YOU NEVER HEAR IN CHURCHI've decided to give our church the 250.00 a month I used tosend to TV evangelists. 5. News of the Church FamilyAnnouncements are welcome :-BMD - Changes of address, etc.Announcements: -An amount of 400 has been sent to Parkinsons UK inmemory of Kay Atkinson. Tony is extremely gratefulto all those friends who contributed to this amount.Your prayers would be appreciated for: -Jim Pearson, Mike Duke, Ruth Rees, Jessie Martin, Tony Atkinson andHelen Hebbes.Change of Address:-Sarah Humphrey [brownie leader on Monday] has moved to241 Queensway, West Wickham BR4 9DXChurch MeetingsThe next Elders meeting will be on Tuesday, 4th November at 8.00 pmin the small hall.The next Church meeting, will be on Sunday 23rd November at 12.00noon after the morning service.Women's Contact GroupWe will be enjoying a lunchtime meal at The Conservative Club, 27Elmfield Road, Bromley at 12.30 pm on the 3rd of November, and thenagain on the 1st of December3Sylvia MackTuesday Prayer Meetings for NovemberHeld at 10.00am at the following homes:-4th Martin Nunns. 11th Betty Costers.18th Brenda Cordingleys. 25th The Church.Then in December: -2nd Martin Nunns.Please address any queries to Martin Nunn.Saturday FellowshipThe November meeting will be on the 1st at 2.30pm at Barbara Joneshome. Martin Nunn will be leading a Bible Study. In December we willbe meeting on the 6th at 2.30pm at the same place.You are welcome to join us. 6. Men's GroupThe next Mens Group meeting will be on Thursday 20 November,when there will be a Bingo evening in the small hall at 8.00 pm led byBruce Tannock.Ministry of FlowersThank you to those who will be providing flowers in November.A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed.2nd - Martin Nunn - i.m.o. Reg Nunn- my father, a member here.After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed tomembers and friends, bringing joy to the recipients.Mavis RighiniHayes Mothers & Toddlers ClubWe welcome all babies and children under school age, accompaniedby their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Fridayafternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is 1 perfamily tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time whenadults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playingwith toys and activities in the company of other children.There is no meeting on October 31st during the half term break.Our CHRISTMAS PARTY and last meeting of term is on December 5th at2.15 pm.Tickets priced 2.50 per child will be on sale from November 21st.We look forward to seeing you.Judith Stoner - Secretary.Bible Study GroupThis Group will next meet in January.Worship GroupThe Wednesday Reflections Group meets at 6.30pm on the 4thWednesday of each month.Linda Michie49th - Sue Powell16th - Sylvia and Laurie Mack 23rd - Joan Smith30th - Mavis Righini - i.m.o. Mum & Dad- Lorna & Gilbert Plater 7. Book ClubWe meet on the first Thursday of the month at 8.00pm in the small hall.Wendy Smith will be taking the lead.Notice Sheets November2nd Joan Smith 8462 39209th & 16th Brenda Cordingley 8462 386723rd & 30th Pamela Collison 8658 0748December7th Joan SmithIf you require items to be included in the notice sheets, pleasecontact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday.Women's FellowshipMeetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated,on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m.5November Meetings: -4th June Fox will talk about one of her charity walks. Followed bya review of our shoe box project.11th Service taken by David Stoner.18th Paul Reed from Wellers Law Group talks about Wills, Power ofAttorney, and answers questions.25th Ann Bartlett will show photographs of one of her holidays.December2nd Visit to Emmanuel Church (subject to confirmation)MINI-AMBULANCEMembers who use the mini-ambulance are asked to phoneMarion Swanborough on 8462 3981 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday whenthey are unable to come to the meetings.As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along for apleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty tointerest everyone.MarionHayes (Kent) Horticultural SocietyAn illustrated talk Secrets of Hever Castle and Gardens by Neil Miller,Head Gardener on 13th November at 8 pm at Hayes Village Hall.Everyone is welcome to join us Entrance is 2.50 for non-members ofthe Society but members have free entry.Brenda Cordingley can give any further information if required. 8. Womens Contact Coffee MorningWe will be holding the next coffee morningfrom 10.00am to 12.00 noon in the Small Hallon the 8th of November.We are continuing to raise monies to contribute todisaster relief funds in different parts of the world.We hope to see you at the Coffee Morning, and why not bring a friend?Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings areseparate from those raised through the refreshments trolley afterSunday morning services.Barbara JonesThe Fairtrade Sunday StallWe hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4thSunday of each month.The stall will be held on the 9th and 23rd of November.Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you.6Richard and Barbara.Action Aid Ebola Emergency AppealFrom the money collected at Sunday morning coffee-time, Ihave sent a donation of 25.00 to the above appeal.Barbara.Worlds Biggest Coffee MorningI have been able to send 70 to Macmillan Cancer Support frommoney raised at our Contact Coffee Morning.Every day in our area 77 people find out that they have cancer,so every pound raised will help make sure that there is aconstant source of support for people facing cancer inGreater London and across the U.K.Barbara. 9. Catalyst Needs You!This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page.Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some pictures, poetry or stories.The Tower of London Remembers-----------------On the afternoon of Wednesday, 15th October I joined the shift ofvolunteers at the Tower of Londonmemorial site to plant poppies.The team of 150 was a mixed bunch offolk of different nationalities. Most ofus were over 50 years old. Some hadtravelled from the Midlands andbeyond especially for this project.The weather was kind - it was cloudyand remained dry until 15 minutesbefore the shift ended when weendured a fine drizzle. However, thegroups spirit of camaraderie was notdampened.Our work was straightforward. Weassembled the special washers andspacer discs which were to hold theceramic poppy heads on their metalstems. The planters placed the poppyheads onto the stems and pushed the stems into the moat floor. Wehad to take care not to damage any archaeology under the surface- i.e. Dont hammer the stems into the ground where something hardhas been found!I am sure many of us shared acommon sense of purpose involunteering. I believe each ofus had lost a grandfather orgreat uncle in that awful conflict.When the memorial is finishedthere will be over 888,000poppies - one for each of theBritish and Commonwealthfatalities.Overall, I was privileged to havecontributed a very small part tothis amazing, temporary memorial. Richard Brown7 10. ROTARY CLUB OF LANGLEY PARK & DEAF ACCESSSaturday 1stNovember201410.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m.ATHAYES FREE CHURCHPICKHURST LANEHAYESKENTLUNCHES & REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLEInterested table holders tables available David Connolly.Tel: 020 8776 0108.ENTRANCE 1.00Sponsored by: - Ennis-Webb & Co. Solicitors, Wills, Probate, Tax & TrustsElite House, 155 Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3JPtel. 01959 5770008 11. HAYES FREE CHURCHCHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVALIN AID OF DEAF ACCESSFROM FRIDAY 28th NOVEMBER to SATURDAY 13th DECEMBERThe Festival will be open each day from 2.00 pm from 1 December to 6 December.The Church will be open at service times each Sunday (10.30 am and 6.30 pm)Programme of Entertainment for the FestivalNOVEMBERFriday 28th Opening Concert - The Kaos Signing ChoirFor Deaf & Hearing ChildrenThey sang at The Opening Ceremony at TheLondon 2012 Olympic Games, and haveappeared at the Royal Albert Hall.Plus items from Hayes Free Church performers.9All money raised will go toDeaf Access in Bromley.Registered Charity l050990Admission charges: -The Silver Lane 7 Jazz Band 8.00 andThe Velvet Harmony Choir 6.00.Tickets from John Moren 020 8460 6726.Father Christmas film & tea.Children 2.00 Adults 4.00.Tickets from John Curry 020 8249 3663.7.30 pmSaturday 29th The Silver Lane 7 Jazz band 7.30 pmSunday 30th Pickhurst Junior School 6.30 pmDECEMBERMonday 1st Bishop Justus School 7.30 pmTuesday 2nd Velvet Harmony Ladies Choir 7.30 pmWednesday 3rd Wandle Ringers 7.30 pmThursday 4th Sing Choir (a Cappella Choir) 7.30 pmFriday 5th Film A Man Called Peter. A true story starringRichard Todd and Jean Peters. 19557.30 pmSaturday 6th Beckenham Concert Band 7.45 pmSunday 7th Churches Together in Hayes with musicalaccompaniment by Hayes School musicians.6.30 pmSaturday 13th Film Raymond Briggs Father Christmasfollowed by tea for children3.00 pmHAYES FREE CHURCH111, Pickhurst LaneBromley BR2 7HUwww.hayesfreechurch.comCheques should be made payable to: -HAYES FREE CHURCH TREE APPEALDeaf Access 12. Subscriptions for CatalystSubscriptions for 2015 are due in December. The cost is6 if you wish to receive Catalyst via the pigeonholes at theback of the church. Please let Judith or David Stoner have thisamount as soon as possible. There is an envelope attached tothis issue of Catalyst for you to use.If you wish to have the magazine sent by post, the cost is 11and you should send your subscription to:Judith and David Stoner113 Bourne WayBromley BR2 7EXCheques should be made payable to Hayes Free Church.It would be helpful if subscribers who no longer wish toreceive Catalyst by post would let us know.10NOTICEA ReminderThe Women's Fellowship will spendan afternoon on November 4thfilling shoe boxes for Smile International.We would be grateful for contributions for these boxes.For guidance about suitable contents see the Smileleaflets on the table at the back of the Church.There is also a box on the table waiting for yourcontributions.The boxes are given to children in the third world by theSmile Organisation. 13. 11BOARDHARVEST LUNCHSUNDAY 12 OCTOBERGrateful thanks toMargaret, Bruce andJean for anEXCELLENT3 course lunchwhich was enjoyed by40 members.A profit of 200 will gotowards the repairsto the boiler.BROMLEY ROCK CHOIRon 20TH DECEMBERat Hayes Free Church from 7.30pmwith mince pies and mulled wine during the interval.(Event advertised in Septembers Catalyst)How about buying a ticket asa Christmas present.The cost of a ticket will be the same as last year - 10 and the moneycollected will go to provide equipment which will enhance the livesof the students atNash College who join us in Church on Sunday Mornings.I will have tickets for sale so please see me.Margaret Tannock.Christmas PostThe September Church meetingdecided that the Christmas Post wouldbe re-instated.PLEASE note the LAST POST will be onSunday 14 December at 10.30 am.The post will be distributed after Carolsby Candlelight on that evening.Collections will start onSunday 7 December.Its earlier this year.John Curry---------------------------------------------Footnote: Pages will be available inDecembers Catalyst for SeasonsGreetings if you wish to avail yourselfof this service.Editor 14. For more information about these events, please contactthe organisers: -Pamela Collison for the Charity Christmas Card Sale orChris Wood for the Christmas Fair12 15. Our Christmas FaironSaturday 15th November10.30 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.The following people have kindly offered to run stalls: -CAKES - Connie Russell & Daphne Cummings.CHRISTMAS FAYRE (cakes, puddings & fancies) Joan Smith.BOOKS Tony Russell.BOTTLES - Philip & Kate Sheardown.CHRISTMAS FLOWERS - Margaret Tannock.SANTA'S GROTTO - Jayne Carvell.BRIC-A-BRAC ~ Doreen Hobbs.JEWELLERY - Barbara Jones.Please give your contributions to the above people, ORplace them in a box in the vestibule.The BOTTLE stall would welcome non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks,cans of drink, washing up liquid, after shave, perfume, shampoo,tomato ketchup, etc.Please bring your bottles to the hall onFriday 14th November after 8.00 p.m.Any other offers of help will be greatly appreciated.Please ring John Curry on 8249 366313 16. Kay Atkinson15 December 1922 18 August 2014-------------------------Kay was born in Edinburgh and spent a happy and carefree childhoodthere with her parents and two older brothers. She had a thirst forknowledge and enjoyed reading books, joining the library at an earlyage so she could read as much as possible. Many a night was passedwith the family sitting round the fire reading their books or newspapers.She was a good student and travelled with her school friends acrossthe city each day by tram to get to Boroughmuir School where shewon prizes for her attainment. Even though she did well at school, likemany children at that time, she left school at 14 to get employment.Her first job was with the local Co-op as a clerkess processing the coalorders in the accounts department. While working here she went tonight school to gain shorthand and typing qualifications and thisenabled her to get her next job as a shorthand typist for the whiskydistillers James Stewart.When Kay reached the age of 18 she was at last old enough to apply tobe a nurse, her true vocation. She did her general training at GlasgowRoyal Infirmary, which included a spell as theatre sister to the professorthere, a demanding role, which kept her on her toes. Not that life wasall hard work and hospital sterilisers found a second use as a means ofboiling eggs for hungry nurses (what would matron have said?) AfterGlasgow it was back to Edinburgh to specialise in midwifery Call theMidwife 1940's style.Kay had hoped to use her nursing skills to travel and see some of theworld so came down to London with a group of other nursing sisters tostudy tropical medicine. It was here that she met Tony who had beenmisdiagnosed with a tropical disease due to his war service in Africa.Not only did she find romance but a new first name. Kay was actuallychristened Agnes Kemp Webster but became known as Kay using theinitial of her middle name to distinguish her from the other three nursesall similarly named Agnes and Kay she remained for the rest of heradult life.Kays romance with Tony blossomed and as he lived in Tankerton-on-seaand his last train home left at 9:30pm she decided to move downto Kent to be near him, taking a post as a midwife in the localmaternity hospital, where she worked until their marriage on 30September 1950.Married life saw the young couple move to Morden in Surrey wherethey stayed for 5 years. Kay worked part time at a local nursing home,though at that time part time nurses had longer hours than officeworkers so it was no holiday.14 17. In 1955 Kay and Tony moved to Abbotsbury Road in Hayes, where theybecame members of Hayes Free Church. Here they had their familyHelen in 1956 (one of the first babies to be christened in the newly builtchurch hall) and 2 years later in 1958 Colin (just in time to be christenedin the recently finished church itself).While her family was young Kaystayed at home trying to make her childrens childhood as happy andcarefree as her own had been.Once her children started secondary school Kay returned to nursing fora while working with children with spina bifida at the Shaftesbury Homein Coney Hall. Nursing can be hard work with a lot of lifting soeventually Kay hung up her nursing cap and returned to clerical work.She worked first at Charingtons in Hayes once again processing coalorders before she moved over the road to work in the office of theNew Inn. Finally, she worked for a small motor insurance brokers inShirley and as she never learnt to drive herself the owner sent his RollsRoyce each morning to take her to and from work (talk aboutcommuting in style!) Kay decided to retire at the same time as Tonyand they were lucky to share over 30 years retirement together.Kay had been an active member of Coney Hall Towns Womens Guild,while her children were at school, first as Arts and Crafts Chairman,then as the Secretary and finally 5 years as Treasurer. Kay belonged tothe local Scottish Society and took her family along to many of theirevents over the years especially the childrens fancy dress parties atHalloween. She also enjoyed Scottish Country Dancing and attendeda group at HFC, run by Shena Jones, as well as belonging to a displayteam in Surrey.When Kay retired she joined the Womens Fellowship at HFC taking anactive part and becoming Treasurer a post she held for over 10 yearskeeping the accounts and helping make the teas etc. Kay had a heartattack about 12 years ago and had to give up her role as Treasurer butstill attended every week as an ordinary member thoroughly enjoyingthe talks and other activities as well as keeping up with her friends.Kay was a member of HFC for nearly 60 years and was a regularattendee until the Parkinsons she had suffered with for several yearsfinally affected her mobility. Those that knew Kay remember her withaffection as a person who cared for others, was always willing to lenda hand and would make you feel welcome. She put others first andrarely complained about the pain and difficulties her condition causedher. Sadly she suffered a stroke on 6 August this year and died inhospital; 12 days later due to complications.Kay is now at peace and the family wish to thank everyone at HFC fortheir kind words and support at this difficult time and for their donationsto Parkinsons UK in her memory.15 18. Website of the Month Lives of the First World WarI make no apologies for bringing the IWM (Imperial War Museums)Website toyou again.Lives of theFirst World Waris a new wayto share a story.You can now add your storiesand narratives more simply -try it out on the Life Stories you've Remembered.The site is intendedto be apermanentmemorial tothose who servedin the Great War.There are a number of entriesabout those whoserved in the KentRegiments.The way things once wereThis years theme covers sayings or poetry from the First World WarBodies of men killed near Guillemont Farm collected for burialThis item, held at the Imperial War Museum Photographic Archive, is fromThe First World War Poetry Digital Archive. (; University of Oxford16 19. Saints Days in November.---------------1st All Saints' Day, also known as All Hallows, Solemnity of All Saints,or Feast of All Saints, is a solemnity celebrated on 1 Novemberby the Catholic Church and several Protestant denominations30th St Andrew. Patron of fishermen. Also the patron saint of ScotlandSaint AndrewThe CollectALMIGHTY God, who didst give such grace unto thy holy Apostle SaintAndrew, that he readily obeyed the calling of thy Son Jesus Christ,and followed him without delay: Grant unto us all, that we, beingcalled by thy holy word, may forthwith give up ourselves obedientlyto fulfil the holy commandments; through the same Jesus Christ ourLord. Amen.THE EPISTLERomans 10.9-endTHE GOSPELSt. Matthew 4.18-20--------------------------------------All information taken from the Church of England website www.churchofengland.orgBromley Central LibrarypresentsA CHRISTMAS CRACKERwith THE NEW ENGLISH SINGERSand SPECIAL GUESTSdirected by ADRIAN BOYNTONA wonderful programme of seasonal music spanning six centuriesTHURSDAY 18 DECEMBER12 noonTickets 5 from the Information Desk on Floor 1 of the Central LibraryFor more information please call 07961 348697--------------------------------------Adrian Boynton introduces some very talented young musicians whoput a lot of work into making these concerts so enjoyable.Do come and support this special "Christmas Cracker."Ruth White.17 20. November 20141st Sat 10.00 am - Antique & Collectors Fair Page 82.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 32nd Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Keith Nye6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Judy Davies3rd Mon 12.30 pm - Womens Contact Group Page 3184th Tue10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 32.00 pm - Womens Fellowship Pp 5 & 108.00 pm - Elders Meeting Page 35th Wed6th Thu 8.00 pm - Book Club Page 57th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers & Toddlers Group Page 48th Sat 10.00 am - Womens Contact Coffee Morning Page 69th Sun10.30 am - Parade Remembrance Service - Bill MichieFollowed by Fairtrade Stall Page 66.30 pm - Evening Service - Bill Michie10th Mon11th TueRemembrance Day10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 32.00 pm - Womens Fellowship Page 512th Wed13th Thu14th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers & Toddlers Group Page 415th Sat 10.30 am - Christmas Fair Page 1216th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox6.30 pm - Evening Service - Keith Nye17th Mon18th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 32.00 pm - Womens Fellowship Page 519th Wed20th Thu 8.00 pm - Mens Group Page 421st Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers & Toddlers Group Page 422nd Sat 21. 7 - 9 Nov WW1 Exhibition in the Village Hall.22 Nov Christmas Fair at Beckenham URC.13 Dec 6.00 pm - Compassionate Friends19Service.14 Dec 10.30 am - Last collection forHFC Christmas Post.16 Dec 3.45 pm - Christingle Service.25 Dec 10.30 am - Service.28 Dec Joint Service with BeckenhamURC at HFC.December 20141st Mon 12.30 pm - Womens Contact Group Page 37.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Event Page 92nd Tue10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meting Page 32.00 pm - Womens Fellowship Page 57.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Event Page 93rd Wed 7.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Event Page 94th Thu 7.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Event Page 98.00 pm - Book Club Page 55th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers & Toddlers Group Page 47.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Event Page 96th Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 37.45 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Event Page 97th Sun10.30 am - Morning Service - Rev. John Marchant6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister and CTHwith Hayes School Page 9DATES FOR YOUR DIARYNovember 201423rd Sun10.30 am - Holy Communion - Judy DaviesFollowed by Fairtrade Stall Page 612.00 Noon - Church Meeting Page 36.30 pm - Evening Service - Beckenham U.R.C. Members24th Mon25th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 32.00 pm - Womens Fellowship Page 526th Wed 6.30 pm - Worship Group Page 427th Thu28th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers & Toddlers Group Page 47.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Opens Page 929th Sat 7.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Event Page 930th SunSt. Andrew's Day10.30 am - Morning Service - Men's Group6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister withPickhurst Junior School. Page 9 22. HAYES PHILHARMONIC CHOIR----------------------We are your local choir, the only choir for male and female voicesbased in Hayes, and also have a formal link with this church, whichprovided some of our founder members.Our next performance will be on Saturday 15th November at 7.45pmat Hayes Parish Church so please keep the date free and comealong to support us, and enjoy an evening of choral and solo music.Songs of the Sea is a series of settings by the British composer SirCharles Stanford of poems by Henry Newbolt. They vary from thesternly patriotic (Drakes Drum) to the dreamily peaceful HomewardBound, and finish with the rousing tale of the battleship the OldSuperb, which sailed night and day across the ocean to catch upwith the rest of the navy. As a complete contrast we will also beperforming Franz Schuberts serene and beautiful Deutsche Messe.This is shorter than most Masses and will be sung in English. Someadditional solo pieces will complete the programme.Tickets cost 10 (concessions 8, and school-age children, 2) and areavailable on the door or can be reserved in advance by ringing07989 192928.If you would like to know more about the concert, please give us aring on the same number.Armistice Day------------------On Armistice Day last year, I went to the Bromley War Memorial on thehill overlooking the River Bourne valley.The weather was very cool and misty with a slight breeze, unlike thewet and windy conditions which lasted during Armistice week in 1919.Just before the appointed hour, about 10 adults and party of schoolchildren had gathered to pay their respects. The Bromley ParishChurch clock chimed 11 and we fell silent for 2 minutes, with thoughtsand prayers for lost relatives and friends occupying our minds. Theonly sound was the rustling of autumnal leaves in the breeze.At the end we all went about our business. The children and theirteachers remained standing in a circle around the War Memorial.For this year, in particular, it is important to make time in your busy livesto gather at your nearest War Memorial on the 11th hour of the 11thday of the 11th month to pay your respects.20Editor 23. CHURCH ORGANISATIONSDay Organisation Contact PhoneSunday10.25am Sunday Club Mike Duke 8462 5103Weekdays9.15 -12.15pmPre School Group12.15 -12.45pmP/School lunch clubJayne Carvell 07913 299773Monday5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey T.B.A.6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 8325 39568.00pm - 1st Women's ContactGroupSylvia Mack 8462 1938Tuesday10.00am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 8462 59182.00pm Women's Fellowship Marion Swanborough 8462 39817.00pm Scouts Paul Hasling 3236 0083Wednesday3.30pm - 4th Messy Church Mavis Righini 8462 11685.15pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 5749626.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 8325 39566.30pm - 4th Reflections Group Bill Michie 8658 41678.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295Thursday5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 8325 34697.15 - 8.45pm Rangers Georgina Chappell 07983 4713088.00pm - 1st HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 8462 17798.00pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 8325 62648.00pm - 2nd,& 4thIgnatian SpiritualityGroupDavid Hawthorn 8249 7188Friday9.00 - 12.00pm Coffee morning during term times2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Judith Stoner 8462 30236.30pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 8777 6042Saturday2.30pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 8462 5918NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month.This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to whichweek day of the month, NOT the calendar date. 24. Final ThoughtRev Eli Jenkins' Prayerfrom Under Milk Woodby Dylan ThomasEvery morning when I wake,Dear Lord, a little prayer I make,O please do keep Thy lovely eyeOn all poor creatures born to dieAnd every evening at sun-downI ask a blessing on the town,For whether we last the night or noI'm sure is always touch-and-go.We are not wholly bad or goodWho live our lives under Milk Wood,And Thou, I know, wilt be the firstTo see our best side, not our worst.O let us see another day!Bless us all this night, I pray,And to the sun we all will bowAnd say, good-bye - but just for now!