Download - 2014 GranD TraVerSe area MiDDLe SchooL STuDenTS ... Grade teacHer/Parent karl eicHberGer, atHletic director /Parent 2014 GranD TraVerSe area PreSchooL Fair hoSTeD By TriniTy For the


2013-14 Annual Reportto the

Community and Congregation

A Family in Christ Experience the Excellence

TriniTy LuTheran SchooL1003 S. Maple St. | Traverse City, MI 49684 | School Office: (231) 946-2721 | Fax: (231) 946-4796 |

Whatfootprint will your child

leave behind?

Heidi Grebe, Parent

Matt dickinson, 3rd Grade


karl eicHberGer, atHletic director


2014 GranD TraVerSe areaPreSchooL Fair hoSTeD By TriniTy

For the second year in a row, Trinity Lutheran School has had the pleasure of hosting the county-wide PRESCHOOL FAIR on Sat., Jan. 25th, from 10:00 a.m - 2:00 p.m. The event is held yearly to provide information from various preschools and child-related businesses in the area to the general public in a safe and fun environment.

In spite of the cold weather in January, the fair was a huge success with many fun activities for the children to enjoy while the parents shopped preschools and businesses. Snacks and lunch were available to complement the fun day!

JaMie MccoMbs, Parent

Come see the Trinity difference!We are strong in faith and strong in academics. For more information or to schedule a tour,

please call us at (231) 946-2721.

hiGh acaDeMic STanDarDSanD FaiTh, characTer, VaLueS “My goal as a parent is for my children to be instilled with good values, strong character, to be walking in faith and to leave good footprints in life. What I have found at Trinity is more than just the academic building blocks; they are an extension of our family, teaching the faith, character and values that help shape my children.”

STronG FaiTh ThrouGh KnoWinG JeSuS anD SerVice To oTherS “Helping children know Jesus is an important goal at Trinity! Since kindergarten, our son has been stopping whatever it is he’s doing and praying on the spot when he hears any siren. Our kids learn to do this and make this a daily habit. Yes, a daily habit, making faith part of his or her life routinely. Recognizing that the way you act comes from your faith foundation. A relationship

with Jesus is what it’s all about and your child receives that daily at Trinity. And that little person brings it home to the rest of the family and everyone is truly blessed!”

STronG eMPhaSiS onSchooL SaFeTy “School safety is a HUGE strength at Trinity! We have responded to many of the concerns arising from school incidents happening across the country. Doors are locked each morning after students arrive. Cameras are in place for added protection. Playground areas are secured as well.”

STronG eMPhaSiSon DiGiTaL LearninG “Children of today are growing up in a digitally connected world and schools must be prepared to provide learning that will prepare them for life in the digital age. Students at Trinity are using iPads and MacBooks to participate in engaging learning opportunities that often take them beyond the walls of their classroom. SMART Boards are utilized in every classroom to provide visually stimulating lessons, rich

in content. All middle school students received an iPad this past year when entering sixth grade. Students participate in exciting online learning environments allowing them to collaborate and learn even after the school bell rings.”

VarieD SPorTS anDenrichMenT oPPorTuniTieS “Trinity recognizes the importance of sports andextracurricular activities and the many life lessons that they teach our children. These activities add to the enjoyment of the total school experience for our children as well.”

WarM, LoVinG enVironMenTanD SMaLL cLaSS SiZeS “Making educational decisions foryour children is easy when teachers arejust as enthusiastic about learning.”

dan dockery, 4/5tH Grade


Marisa beHrMann, Parent

MiDDLe SchooL STuDenTSProDuce yearBooK

Yearbook Club was a new offering for middle school this year. Students helped with picture taking as well as designing and selection of graphics and pictures for the individual pages. Advisor for the Yearbook Club was Mr. Dickinson, third grade teacher at Trinity. Students exceeded expectations on creativity and had a fun time producing the yearbook. In the past the yearbook project was handled by a teacher. Learning digital skills was an important goal of the project as well.

hiSTory oF SucceSSTrinity Lutheran School has a long history of achievement. Looking at the diagramed chart above one can see a typical

pattern that exists here at Trinity. Students come to school and achieve at a typical standard scoring until they have been here for a couple of years. With the type of teaching and expectation levels provided, students begin to achieve better as they progress through the grades, until one can see that by the 5th and 6th grades test scores rise to well above national grade point averages. Trinity also provides the AIMS testing program through the Intermediate School District. This provides teachers with reading scores at least three times a year to determine patterns and growth in reading. This type of consistent monitoring aids in building success.

Trinity Lutheran School is a fully accredited school through the National Lutheran School Accreditation process (NLSA) and through the Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools (MANS). Both of these programs help to insure that programing, academics, and teacher qualifications meet or exceed standard requirements.

All of Trinity teachers are certificated through the State of Michigan and all but one have additional training and certification by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod that classifies them as Commissioned Ministers. This level of teacher achievement is certainly part of what provides a high level of achievement.

STuDenTS enTer BuSineSS WorLDTRINITY TREASURES school store officially opened

its doors for business on Nov. 1st, 2013. The store is designed to be a business project for middle school students to learn to run a business during their three years in middle school. Opening day was amazing and the excitement ran high! A ribbon cutting ceremony was held as part of the opening day fun. The school store had more shoppers than they could handle on those early first days.

The store is open for business three days a week during the lunch hour. Younger students are learning the value of money and choices while the middle school students are engaging in finance, inventory, advertising and decorating skills needed to run a business. The store features spirit wear for students and adults, as well as school supplies and lots of fun things for children. Holiday gifts and special occasion items are also featured throughout the year. A special highlight was the Christmas season where students eagerly shopped for gifts for their loved ones.

roBoTicS cLuB DraWS eXciTeMenT!Trinity’s sixth grade students embarked on a new

adventure with ROBOTICS CLUB this year. The opportunity came through U.S. First, a Michigan company, who sponsors elementary, middle school and high school robotics teams and events around the State. Trinity chose to become a middle school FTC team and thus became eligible to compete in Middle School Robotics Competitions.

Each team was challenged to create a robot that could perform specific tasks, such as picking up blocks with an arm and placing them in a box, hanging in mid-air by hooking onto a bar, etc. Trinity’s team built their robot “Savannah” from September through early December and participated in A Block Party Competition at Petoskey Middle School with other teams across the State.

The students learned a great deal about engineering and technology while having a fun time with this new learning challenge. Coach Eric Rosema did a great job guiding the learning project!

TriniTy inTroDuceS neW WeBSiTeSMarketing in today’s digital world identifies a school, church

or business website as the number one best marketing tool. Families of today are shopping online more than ever before.

Trinity Lutheran Church and School are proud to present new and improved websites for all to use and enjoy. An events banner is featured on the home page and helps to keep school and church families aware of coming events and programs within the school or church community.

We invite you to visit our websites and check out our new look! See the church at and the school at They are also interchangeable so you may go from one to the other by clicking on “School” or “Church.”

SuMMer caMP Fun!Trinity Lutheran School introduced a new program in

2014 enabling parents to have year-round care opportunities for their children. SUMMER DAYS CAMP is a CHRIST-CENTERED PROGRAM that provides exciting daily activities centered around weekly themes that highlight areas of interest for learning. The camp is open to students from ages three to thirteen. Weekly field trips, water activities, arts and crafts, plus participation in Trinity’s Vacation Bible School are also featured pieces of the program. Day Camp hours run from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays during the summer dates scheduled. Parents are offered flexible options for days and times they would like their children to attend. This year’s camp was a BIG success!

Trinity Lutheran School Welcomes All Students!

Mission Statement:

Trinity Lutheran School seeks to glorify God and assist families by providingeducational excellence in a Christ-centered environment.

National Trinity1.9 2.52.9 3.33.9 44.9 6.15.9 8.76.9 8.6












1.9 2.9 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.9

1 2 3 4 5 6National 1.9 2.9 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.9Trinity 2.5 3.3 4 6.1 8.7 8.6











8.7 8.6













 Level Results

Grades Being Compared

2013‐2014 Stanford Achievement Test Comparison

National Trinity Linear (National)

SMaLL SchooL... huGe reSuLTS!



TechnoLoGy“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get

what you always got.” (Albert Einstein). Students have become very oriented to new technology. Trinity classrooms are equipped with Smart Board technology, PC computers and the availability of a portable Apple Lab with twenty laptop computers. During the 2013-14 school year, sixth grade students were provided with individual i-Pads. During the 2014-15 school year those i-Pads will be utilized in other classrooms while the sixth grade students will be provided with individual laptops for their use in and out of school. Our special thanks for private donations and the Germanfest funds for providing these upgrades. We try not to always do what we’ve always done! Trinity strives to promote excellence and cutting edge “best practices” for children.

SerVice ProJecTSStudents at Trinity are taught that service to others is part

of the Christian life. Children walked during the annual Turkey Trot contributing approximately 1200 items to fill Trinity’s food pantry. During Lutheran Schools Week, a large collection of baby items were collected and presented to the local Pregnancy Center where they were distributed to needy mothers with newborn babies. To assist the Church that supports the school program, classes collected loose change to purchase “shingles” that were representative of the need to reroof the church’s roof. Chapel offerings were used to assist the “sister” school located at the Guatemala city dump. Students have done a fine job knowing those who struggle with their environment need assistance.

hiSTory oF SucceSSTrinity Lutheran School has a long history of achievement. Looking at the diagramed chart above one can see a typical

pattern that exists here at Trinity. Students come to school and achieve at a typical standard scoring until they have been here for a couple of years. With the type of teaching and expectation levels provided, students begin to achieve better as they progress through the grades, until one can see that by the 5th and 6th grades test scores rise to well above national grade point averages. Trinity also provides the AIMS testing program through the Intermediate School District. This provides teachers with reading scores at least three times a year to determine patterns and growth in reading. This type of consistent monitoring aids in building success.

Trinity Lutheran School is a fully accredited school through the National Lutheran School Accreditation process (NLSA) and through the Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools (MANS). Both of these programs help to insure that programing, academics, and teacher qualifications meet or exceed standard requirements.

All of Trinity teachers are certificated through the State of Michigan and all but one have additional training and certification by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod that classifies them as Commissioned Ministers. This level of teacher achievement is certainly part of what provides a high level of achievement.

STuDenTS enTer BuSineSS WorLDTRINITY TREASURES school store officially opened

its doors for business on Nov. 1st, 2013. The store is designed to be a business project for middle school students to learn to run a business during their three years in middle school. Opening day was amazing and the excitement ran high! A ribbon cutting ceremony was held as part of the opening day fun. The school store had more shoppers than they could handle on those early first days.

The store is open for business three days a week during the lunch hour. Younger students are learning the value of money and choices while the middle school students are engaging in finance, inventory, advertising and decorating skills needed to run a business. The store features spirit wear for students and adults, as well as school supplies and lots of fun things for children. Holiday gifts and special occasion items are also featured throughout the year. A special highlight was the Christmas season where students eagerly shopped for gifts for their loved ones.

roBoTicS cLuB DraWS eXciTeMenT!Trinity’s sixth grade students embarked on a new

adventure with ROBOTICS CLUB this year. The opportunity came through U.S. First, a Michigan company, who sponsors elementary, middle school and high school robotics teams and events around the State. Trinity chose to become a middle school FTC team and thus became eligible to compete in Middle School Robotics Competitions.

Each team was challenged to create a robot that could perform specific tasks, such as picking up blocks with an arm and placing them in a box, hanging in mid-air by hooking onto a bar, etc. Trinity’s team built their robot “Savannah” from September through early December and participated in A Block Party Competition at Petoskey Middle School with other teams across the State.

The students learned a great deal about engineering and technology while having a fun time with this new learning challenge. Coach Eric Rosema did a great job guiding the learning project!

TriniTy inTroDuceS neW WeBSiTeSMarketing in today’s digital world identifies a school, church

or business website as the number one best marketing tool. Families of today are shopping online more than ever before.

Trinity Lutheran Church and School are proud to present new and improved websites for all to use and enjoy. An events banner is featured on the home page and helps to keep school and church families aware of coming events and programs within the school or church community.

We invite you to visit our websites and check out our new look! See the church at and the school at They are also interchangeable so you may go from one to the other by clicking on “School” or “Church.”

SuMMer caMP Fun!Trinity Lutheran School introduced a new program in

2014 enabling parents to have year-round care opportunities for their children. SUMMER DAYS CAMP is a CHRIST-CENTERED PROGRAM that provides exciting daily activities centered around weekly themes that highlight areas of interest for learning. The camp is open to students from ages three to thirteen. Weekly field trips, water activities, arts and crafts, plus participation in Trinity’s Vacation Bible School are also featured pieces of the program. Day Camp hours run from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays during the summer dates scheduled. Parents are offered flexible options for days and times they would like their children to attend. This year’s camp was a BIG success!

Trinity Lutheran School Welcomes All Students!

Mission Statement:

Trinity Lutheran School seeks to glorify God and assist families by providingeducational excellence in a Christ-centered environment.

National Trinity1.9 2.52.9 3.33.9 44.9 6.15.9 8.76.9 8.6












1.9 2.9 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.9

1 2 3 4 5 6National 1.9 2.9 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.9Trinity 2.5 3.3 4 6.1 8.7 8.6











8.7 8.6













 Level Results

Grades Being Compared

2013‐2014 Stanford Achievement Test Comparison

National Trinity Linear (National)

SMaLL SchooL... huGe reSuLTS!



TechnoLoGy“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get

what you always got.” (Albert Einstein). Students have become very oriented to new technology. Trinity classrooms are equipped with Smart Board technology, PC computers and the availability of a portable Apple Lab with twenty laptop computers. During the 2013-14 school year, sixth grade students were provided with individual i-Pads. During the 2014-15 school year those i-Pads will be utilized in other classrooms while the sixth grade students will be provided with individual laptops for their use in and out of school. Our special thanks for private donations and the Germanfest funds for providing these upgrades. We try not to always do what we’ve always done! Trinity strives to promote excellence and cutting edge “best practices” for children.

SerVice ProJecTSStudents at Trinity are taught that service to others is part

of the Christian life. Children walked during the annual Turkey Trot contributing approximately 1200 items to fill Trinity’s food pantry. During Lutheran Schools Week, a large collection of baby items were collected and presented to the local Pregnancy Center where they were distributed to needy mothers with newborn babies. To assist the Church that supports the school program, classes collected loose change to purchase “shingles” that were representative of the need to reroof the church’s roof. Chapel offerings were used to assist the “sister” school located at the Guatemala city dump. Students have done a fine job knowing those who struggle with their environment need assistance.

2013-14 Annual Reportto the

Community and Congregation

A Family in Christ Experience the Excellence

TriniTy LuTheran SchooL1003 S. Maple St. | Traverse City, MI 49684 | School Office: (231) 946-2721 | Fax: (231) 946-4796 |

Whatfootprint will your child

leave behind?

Heidi Grebe, Parent

Matt dickinson, 3rd Grade


karl eicHberGer, atHletic director


2014 GranD TraVerSe areaPreSchooL Fair hoSTeD By TriniTy

For the second year in a row, Trinity Lutheran School has had the pleasure of hosting the county-wide PRESCHOOL FAIR on Sat., Jan. 25th, from 10:00 a.m - 2:00 p.m. The event is held yearly to provide information from various preschools and child-related businesses in the area to the general public in a safe and fun environment.

In spite of the cold weather in January, the fair was a huge success with many fun activities for the children to enjoy while the parents shopped preschools and businesses. Snacks and lunch were available to complement the fun day!

JaMie MccoMbs, Parent

Come see the Trinity difference!We are strong in faith and strong in academics. For more information or to schedule a tour,

please call us at (231) 946-2721.

hiGh acaDeMic STanDarDSanD FaiTh, characTer, VaLueS “My goal as a parent is for my children to be instilled with good values, strong character, to be walking in faith and to leave good footprints in life. What I have found at Trinity is more than just the academic building blocks; they are an extension of our family, teaching the faith, character and values that help shape my children.”

STronG FaiTh ThrouGh KnoWinG JeSuS anD SerVice To oTherS “Helping children know Jesus is an important goal at Trinity! Since kindergarten, our son has been stopping whatever it is he’s doing and praying on the spot when he hears any siren. Our kids learn to do this and make this a daily habit. Yes, a daily habit, making faith part of his or her life routinely. Recognizing that the way you act comes from your faith foundation. A relationship

with Jesus is what it’s all about and your child receives that daily at Trinity. And that little person brings it home to the rest of the family and everyone is truly blessed!”

STronG eMPhaSiS onSchooL SaFeTy “School safety is a HUGE strength at Trinity! We have responded to many of the concerns arising from school incidents happening across the country. Doors are locked each morning after students arrive. Cameras are in place for added protection. Playground areas are secured as well.”

STronG eMPhaSiSon DiGiTaL LearninG “Children of today are growing up in a digitally connected world and schools must be prepared to provide learning that will prepare them for life in the digital age. Students at Trinity are using iPads and MacBooks to participate in engaging learning opportunities that often take them beyond the walls of their classroom. SMART Boards are utilized in every classroom to provide visually stimulating lessons, rich

in content. All middle school students received an iPad this past year when entering sixth grade. Students participate in exciting online learning environments allowing them to collaborate and learn even after the school bell rings.”

VarieD SPorTS anDenrichMenT oPPorTuniTieS “Trinity recognizes the importance of sports andextracurricular activities and the many life lessons that they teach our children. These activities add to the enjoyment of the total school experience for our children as well.”

WarM, LoVinG enVironMenTanD SMaLL cLaSS SiZeS “Making educational decisions foryour children is easy when teachers arejust as enthusiastic about learning.”

dan dockery, 4/5tH Grade


Marisa beHrMann, Parent

MiDDLe SchooL STuDenTSProDuce yearBooK

Yearbook Club was a new offering for middle school this year. Students helped with picture taking as well as designing and selection of graphics and pictures for the individual pages. Advisor for the Yearbook Club was Mr. Dickinson, third grade teacher at Trinity. Students exceeded expectations on creativity and had a fun time producing the yearbook. In the past the yearbook project was handled by a teacher. Learning digital skills was an important goal of the project as well.