Download - 2014 Annual Report of the Commissioner...underserved communities and the elimination of the sunset on three insurance related special assessments used to fight insurance fraud. •

Page 1: 2014 Annual Report of the Commissioner...underserved communities and the elimination of the sunset on three insurance related special assessments used to fight insurance fraud. •

California Department of Insurance Table of Contents2014 Annual Report

2014 Annual Reportof the Commissioner

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Table of Contents CONSUMER SERVICES a n d MARKET CONDUCT BRANCH ............................................ 1

CONSUMER SERVICES DIVISION ................................................................................................... 3

CONSUMER COMMUNICATIONS BUREAU............................................................................... 5

CLAIMS SERVICES BUREAU........................................................................................................ 6

HEALTH CLAIMS BUREAU............................................................................................................ 6

RATING AND UNDERWRITING SERVICES BUREAU ............................................................. 7

MARKET CONDUCT DIVISION...................................................................................................... 8

FIELD CLAIMS BUREAU ................................................................................................................ 9

FIELD RATING AND UNDERWRITING BUREAU ...................................................................... 9

HEALTH POLICY and REFORM BRANCH ...........................................................................11

RATE REGULATION BRANCH ..........................................................................................................17

RATE FILING BUREAUS...................................................................................................................18

RATE SPECIALIST BUREAU (RSB)...............................................................................................19

ENFORCEMENT BRANCH .................................................................................................................22

SECTION ONE: ENFORCEMENT BRANCH OVERVIEW..........................................................24

SECTION TWO: INVESTIGATION DIVISION ...............................................................................27

SECTION THREE: FRAUD DIVISION ............................................................................................34

AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE FRAUD PROGRAM ....................................................................36

DISABILITY AND HEALTHCARE FRAUD PROGRAM ...........................................................37

WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSURANCE FRAUD PROGRAM .......................................38

PROPERTY, LIFE AND CASUALTY FRAUD PROGRAM ......................................................38

SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE UNIT (SIU) COMPLIANCE PROGRAM .....................................39


SECTION FIVE: WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSURANCE FRAUD PROGRAM APPENDICES.......................................................................................................................................52

FINANCIAL SURVEILLANCE BRANCH.........................................................................................120

FINANCIAL ANALYSIS DIVISION .................................................................................................122

FIELD EXAMINATIONS DIVISION.................................................................................................122

ACTUARIAL OFFICE .......................................................................................................................123

TROUBLED COMPANIES UNIT.....................................................................................................124

PREMIUM TAX AUDIT BUREAU ...................................................................................................124

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LEGAL BRANCH ..................................................................................................................................125

AUTO ENFORCEMENT BUREAU .................................................................................................126

ENFORCEMENT BUREAU – SACRAMENTO.............................................................................127

ENFORCEMENT BUREAU – SAN FRANCISCO ........................................................................128

FRAUD LIAISON BUREAU .............................................................................................................130

GOVERNMENT LAW BUREAU......................................................................................................131


RATE ENFORCEMENT BUREAU..................................................................................................132

CORPORATE and REGULATORY AFFAIRS BRANCH ....................................................................134

CORPORATE AFFAIRS BUREAU I ..............................................................................................135

CORPORATE AFFAIRS BUREAU II .............................................................................................135

ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING BUREAU .......................................................................................135

OFFICE of the SPECIAL COUNSEL......................................................................................................139

LEGISLATIVE OFFICE .......................................................................................................................141

COMMUNITY PROGRAMS and POLICY INITIATIVES BRANCH................................................144

CONSUMER EDUCATION AND OUTREACH BUREAU...........................................................145

CALIFORNIA LOW COST AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PROGRAM.....................................146

CALIFORNIA ORGANIZED INVESTMENT NETWORK ............................................................148

OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN ....................................................................................................154

SPECIAL PROJECTS DIVISION ....................................................................................................154

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS DIVISION.............................................................................................155

COMMUNICATIONS and PRESS RELATIONS BRANCH...............................................................159

ADMINISTRATION and LICENSING SERVICES BRANCH...........................................................162

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIVISION ........................................................................................163

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT DIVISION ....................................................................168

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISION ..................................................................................170

LICENSING SERVICES DIVISION.................................................................................................171

OFFICE of CIVIL RIGHTS....................................................................................................................178

ORGANIZATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE .......................................................................181

INTERNAL AUDITS UNIT ................................................................................................................182

ETHICS OFFICE ................................................................................................................................183

OFFICE of STRATEGIC PLANNING .................................................................................................184

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CONSERVATION and LIQUIDATION OFFICE................................................................................187

ESTATE SPECIFIC INFORMATION ..............................................................................................203

CROSS REFERENCE TO CALIFORNIA INSURANCE CODE (CIC) ......................................246

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STATE OF CALIFORNIA Dave Jones, Insurance Commissioner

DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1700 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 492-3500 (916) 445-5280 (FAX)

August 1, 2015

The Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Jr. Governor State of California State Capitol, Suite 1173 Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Governor Brown:

I am pleased to provide you with the 2014 Annual Report of the Insurance Commissioner as required by California Insurance Code (“CIC”) section 12922. The report describes in detail the work of the California Department of Insurance (CDI). The department’s core function, as the regulator of the sixth largest insurance economy in the world with insurers collecting more than $257 billion in premium annually in California, is protecting consumers and the integrity, health and vitality of the insurance marketplace. The mission of the Department of Insurance is "Insurance protection for all Californians.” We succeed in our efforts by enforcing insurance laws and regulations, assisting consumers in their dealings with insurers, and using innovation to improve services for insurance producers and consumers.

My administration has made considerable progress on an ambitious consumer and business protection agenda. As of publication, the following are highlights of what the department has accomplished since I took office on January 3, 2011:

Healthcare Reform • Issued and enforced regulations prohibiting health insurers from denying health

insurance to children with pre-existing conditions. • Worked with federal and other state agencies to implement the Affordable Care Act

(ACA) in California. • Issued regulations to implement and enforce the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA),

including individual and small group market reforms and strengthening the department’s Independent Medical Review (IMR) program.

• The department also issued regulations resulting in increased consumer access to mental health and substance abuse disorder benefits, treatment for gender dysphoria for transgender Californians, and treatment for pervasive autism disorder (including behavioral treatment).

• Reviewed and submitted comments on numerous major federal ACA regulations. The department's comments assisted the federal government in issuing final regulations for the implementation of the ACA reflecting California's strong consumer protection interest and experience.

• Assisted Covered California in establishing California’s Health Benefit Exchange. • Managed over $2.1 million in federal grant money to expand health insurance rate

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review to evaluate whether filed rates are unreasonable. • Implemented the Online Medical Price and Quality Transparency Project using federal

grants of approximately $5.2 million awarded to the department over the last two years. The department contracted with UC San Francisco to obtain medical claims data, analyze the cost and quality of health care, and began website development and testing of consumer online price transparency tools.

• Awarded an additional $589,500 to further the department’s rate review and price transparency work. CDI provided $225,000 in the form of grants to consumer organizations to increase public participation in the rate review process.

• Secured federal funding to enhance consumer assistance pertaining to the ACA. The department used these funds, in part, to enhance our consumer call center and redesign our website so that information is more easily accessed using mobile devices. This allows consumers greater ease in accessing information about the ACA.

• Saved consumers nearly $71 million by issuing and enforcing Medical Loss Ratio regulations that require insurers to spend more of their collected premiums on actual medical care rather than administrative expenses.

• Reviewed more than 2,673 insurance policy forms for compliance with new requirements, benefits, and consumer protections under the ACA.

• Required health insurers to provide treatment for autism, including behavioral treatment.

Premium Savings • Reviewed 245 health insurance rate filings in the individual and small group health

insurance markets and obtained reductions in proposed rates, resulting in $312 million in premium savings for individuals and small businesses. The department, however, continues to lack the authority to reject excessive rate hikes and health insurers continue to implement excessive and unreasonable rate increases.

• Processed over 32,966 property and casualty insurance rate filings under Proposition 103 during our first 53 months. The department reduced the overall amount of requested rate increases by $974 million and obtained over $1.313 billion in rate reductions, totaling over $2.287 billion in savings to California consumers and businesses. This total includes approximately $803 million in rate reductions for personal auto coverage and $455 million in rate reductions for personal homeowners’ coverage.

• Lowered medical malpractice insurance rates saving doctors, dentists and other medical providers $61 million annually in premiums.

• Assisted financially distressed homeowners by requiring insurers who sell "forced placed homeowner insurance" to reduce their rates for a total of $64 million annually in premium savings.

• Approved a rate decrease of 12.5 percent for California Earthquake Authority (CEA) policyholders. Also approved changes to the CEA residential insurance policies to provide consumers with more coverage options.

Insurance Fraud • The department administered five distinct local assistance grant programs which award

funds to district attorneys for the investigation and prosecution of insurance fraud and insurance related crimes. During fiscal year 14/15, we reviewed application requests and awarded grants totaling approximately $61.2 million in funding to district attorneys. These programs resulted in 3,589 arrests and 6,944 convictions from fiscal year 11/12 through what has been reported for fiscal year 14/15 to date.

• A team of investigators was established to investigate complaints regarding ACA implementation. From October 2013 to May 2015, the Enforcement Branch handled 83 complaints and inquiries.

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• In 2013, the Enforcement Branch continued to fight the underground economy by joining forces with allied agencies such as the Contractors State License Board, Employment Development Department, Department of Industrial Relations, and Franchise Tax Board. We continue to be an active participant with the Joint Enforcement Strike Force (JESF). One example of an underground economy case in which the Department of Insurance played a lead role with other agencies is the investigation, conviction and sentencing of Richard Lopez Escamilla in the Kings County Superior Court. Richard Escamilla was sentenced to serve six years in prison for underreporting payroll and unemployment insurance tax evasion. He was also ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $4.2 million dollars. Richard Escamilla was the owner of a farm labor contracting company in the central valley.

• The department investigated and worked with district attorneys to secure convictions for insurance fraud against seniors. For example, Michael and Melissa Woodward were investigated by the Department of Insurance and arrested on a multimillion-dollar scam bilking hundreds of seniors across 10 states and pleaded guilty to several felony counts. The court ordered over $3 million in restitution is returned to victims.

• The department joined forces with its JESF partners to conduct a statewide sweep of contractors operating in California’s underground economy. The department collaborated with the Contractors State License Board, the Employment Development Department and local District Attorney’s Offices in 11 counties. This sweep resulted in 104 enforcement actions including for failure to carry workers’ compensation insurance and underreporting payroll.

• In November 2013, we settled a major qui tam case against Sutter Hospital and Multiplan, a preferred provider organization. The case involved allegations of false medical billing practices. Sutter and Multiplan agreed to settle the case just before trial for a record $46.95 million.

• The Department's portion of the settlement proceeds from the Sutter case has been used to create an enhanced fraud investigation and prevention program. Over $3.5 million will be used for up to 32 four-year limited-term positions for enhanced anti-fraud efforts, including investigation of additional cases and civil litigation workload associated with California’s false and fraudulent insurance claims act. As part of this program beginning fiscal year 14/15, $1 million annually over four years will be provided for local assistance to district attorneys to investigate and prosecute Disability and Healthcare insurance fraud.

• Successfully investigated a $500 million workers’ compensation insurance fraud conspiracy involving hospital CEO Michael Drobot that led to evidence, investigation, and federal indictment of State Senator Ron Calderon for public corruption. CDI’s investigation resulted in Drobot and other conspirators pleading guilty.

Legislation and Regulations • CDI sponsored nine strong consumer protection bills that were signed into law during the

2011 legislative session. These include bills which: 1) protect seniors from fraudulent activities while purchasing annuities; 2) ensure that agents and brokers do not engage in predatory practices in the selling of reverse mortgages; and 3) require disclosure in workers’ compensation policies in order to save businesses from unexpected costs.

• In 2012, CDI sponsored five bills that were signed into law. These include bills that: 1) reinstate specified conduct standards and requirements for all bail fugitive recovery persons (bounty hunters); 2) increase funding available to district attorneys and CDI to investigate and prosecute health and disability fraud; and 3) improve the predictability of long-term care insurance rates.

• Four consumer protection bills sponsored by CDI were signed into law in 2013. These

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bills include adoption of solvency standards to help prevent insurers and insurance groups from collapsing, providing a financial boost to California’s economy of more than $460 million by 2016 through increased investment and tax incentives in California’s underserved communities and the elimination of the sunset on three insurance related special assessments used to fight insurance fraud.

• In the 2014 calendar year, nine CDI sponsored bills were signed into law. One bill allows California’s small businesses to maintain their existing small group health insurance coverage for their employees for an additional year. Additionally, a senior protection bill was signed which requires that insurers provide seniors with additional disclosure notification and protection when purchasing an immediate annuity. A reform to California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program was also signed into law. The program was expanded to allow more low-income Californians the opportunity to purchase affordable automobile insurance, most importantly newly licensed non-citizen individuals who will receive a driver’s license pursuant to Assembly Bill 60 of 2013.

• The department manages roughly 30 rulemaking projects at any time, and issues approximately 15 regulations on an annual basis. From 2011 to the present, the department has managed 133 rulemaking projects and issued (and received OAL approval) for 58 rulemaking projects. In 2014 alone, the department issued 16 regulations. These regulations cover health care, life, property and casualty, and workers’ compensation insurance as well as financial solvency and insurance producer (agent and broker) issues. Significant matters (2011-2014) include:

o Medical Loss Ratio establishes an annual medical loss ratio that requires 80 percent of premium dollars be used for medical treatment for individual and family policies.

o Principally at-fault clarifies the procedure that an insurer must follow to determine that the driver is principally at-fault for an automobile accident.

o Essential Health Benefits: implementation of the Affordable Care Act and Essential Health Benefits requirements in California.

o AB 2470 regulations establish procedures for the Commissioner's review of complaints of policy cancellations and rescissions.

o Gender Non-Discrimination prevents discrimination by health insurance companies on the basis of gender identity.

o Mental Health Parity mandates that medically necessary treatment for autism is covered in health insurance policies.

o Aftermarket parts and reasonable estimates establishes standards for automobile repairs and the use of aftermarket parts, by increasing the consumer protections regarding insurer estimates and replacement parts used in vehicle repairs.

o Premium taxes permits insurers to continue to file premium tax returns on an accrual basis (written) rather than only on a cash basis (received), possibly saving the State of California as much as $390 million dollars in fiscal year 2011/12.

• The Department undertook additional initiatives including: o Iran Divestment Initiative: Requested all insurers to divest from the military,

energy and nuclear sectors of the Iranian economy due to the risk associated with investments in Iran. As a result of the Commissioner's Iran Divestment initiative, the number of insurers investing in companies doing business with Iran has fallen 98 percent, from 341 insurers to just seven.

o Climate Change Initiative: The department leads a multi-state collaborative effort to survey insurers with regard to the impacts of climate change on the insurance industry and its efforts toward adaptation, mitigation and resilience. The California led effort is now in its fourth year (2012-2015) and includes more than

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1,000 insurance companies, that write at least $100 million in annual premium, and reaches 77 percent of the entire United States insurance market. The department maintains an interactive website with all survey data, which allows regulators, insurers and members of the public to analyze quickly the results and better measure the insurance industry’s ability to respond to the impacts of climate change.

o Reformed the Workers’ Compensation “Pure Premium Benchmark” process and provided workers’ compensation market stakeholders with expert actuarial reviews of workers’ compensation cost structure changes.

Enforcement • We continue leading a national investigation (Death Master File Investigation) of life

insurers' failure to pay billions of dollars in death benefits. We successfully obtained enforcement settlement agreements with 17 major life insurers representing approximately 64 percent of the market since the effort commenced, requiring them to pay hundreds of millions of unpaid benefits. Insurers have paid approximately $19 million in penalties to California while agreeing to reform practices relating to the use of the Social Security Administration’s deceased persons database to identify deceased policyholders so that the companies would locate their beneficiaries and pay them benefits due under the policies.

• In conjunction with other states, we successfully settled an enforcement action against Life Insurance Company of North America that resulted in a $500,000 penalty to California and remediation of improperly handled long term disability claims for claimants across the nation expected to total in the tens of millions of dollars. The settlement resolved insurance code violations discovered in a market conduct examination of the company.

• In 2013, two additional actions were settled successfully. Homesite Insurance Company agreed to settle with the department for $350,000 and Safeco Group settled for $900,000 for rating and underwriting violations resulting from examinations.

• We issued a final decision in the matter of PacifiCare Life and Health Insurance Company where the insurer was found to have committed over 900,000 unfair business practices among other violations. After a review of the facts and legal arguments, PacifiCare was assessed a penalty of $173,603,750. Payment of the penalty was stayed pending the resolution of litigation brought by PacifiCare challenging the decision.

Insolvency Recovery • Performed early intervention with a failing domestic health insurer, efficiently

transitioning 20,000 members to more stable insurers and working with state insurance guaranty associations to facilitate the timely payment of claims.

• Collected $313.6 million of reinsurance recoveries, reinsurance commutations and litigation recoveries of failed insurance companies to repay policyholders and creditors.

• Distributed $622.3 million to injured policyholders and guaranty associations from failed insurance companies.

Consumer Protections • Recovered over $266 million for consumers as a result of investigations of consumer

complaints received by the department and through market conduct examinations by the department.

• Handled over 175,000 consumer calls to our Consumer Hotline in 2014. • Modified CDI’s database system to better capture and track potential problems

associated with implementation of the Health Exchange (Covered California) and other

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ACA matters; trained staff and developed processes and procedures to deal with issues. • Enhanced CDI Call Center phone system to enable seamless health call transfers

between the CDI and DMHC. Enhanced our Independent Medical Review (IMR) statistics page on our public website in accordance with Senate Bill 1410 (2012) requirements. Starting with cases closed after July 1, 2015, consumers will be provided with a summary of our IMR findings, reviewer qualifications as well as other specified information such as consumer demographics.

• Revamped the consumer section of our public website as part of the department’s responsive design to better accommodate mobile device users.

• In conjunction with Rate Regulation Branch, Consumer Services launched a new online coverage comparison tool to help California consumers shop for homeowner, condominium owner and renter insurance by allowing them to compare coverage features offered by a variety of insurers.

• CDI continues to enforce regulations promulgated in 2012 that prohibit discrimination based on gender identity and expression. The regulations were the first of their kind in the nation and produced the first actuarial and economic analysis of the cost of such services. The study is being used widely by other organizations to advocate for similar protections in other states and localities. While California is the only state to have enacted regulations seven other states including Washington D.C. have issued guidance or director’s letters that remove discriminatory exclusions in their employee healthcare plans.

Community Programs • We conducted an investigatory hearing on insurance issues related to Transportation

Network Companies (TNCs) such as Uber, Lyft and Sidecar that encourage non-professional drivers to use their personal vehicles to transport passengers for a profit. California issued a first-in-the-nation notice to TNC drivers about the insurance gaps, and we made recommendations to the California Public Utilities Commission and the California Legislature about how better to protect pedestrians, drivers and passengers, which were largely incorporated into new rules and legislation.

• As indicated in California Organized Investment Network’s (COIN) Community Investment Survey 2014 Data Call, insurers have annually increased their COIN qualified investment holdings from $5.4 billion in 2009 to $6.6 billion in 2010, $7.8 billion in 2011, and $9.1 billion in 2012.

• Assembly Bill 32 (Pérez, 2013) quintupled COIN’s CDFI Tax Credit from $2 million to $10 million annually, increasing the amount of private capital available for community development investments. When Assembly Bill 32 passed in October of 2013, COIN was able to roll over $8 million in tax credits. During 2014, COIN awarded $13.79 million in CDFI Tax Credits for 67 investments into 17 CDFIs to leverage $68.95 million in private investments. In 2014, COIN launched the Inaugural COIN Investment Summit and will be hosting the Second Annual Summit in July 2015.

• We established the rapidly growing and successful Insurance Diversity Initiative to increase procurement from California’s diverse suppliers and diversity amongst insurer governing boards. CDI administered two first-in-the-nation surveys examining insurance industry procurement from diverse businesses (woman, minority, disabled veteran, and LGBT-owned businesses) and the state of diversity on insurer governing boards, respectively. The Insurance Diversity Task Force hosted a hearing at the State Capitol as well as three Annual Insurance Diversity Summits and issued awards to insurers and advocates for best practices in supplier diversity and governing board diversity.

• Since 2011, the department attended 1080 public outreach events throughout California to increase consumer education about insurance products, regulation and the California

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Low Cost Automobile insurance program. • Strengthened and expanded California’s Low Cost Automobile (CLCA) Insurance

Program by creating a consumer-friendly website that closely links customers to insurance agents. Policy sales increased significantly in 2013 by 27.5 percent and 9.5 percent in 2014. The program provides an important option for Californians; in 2014, household incomes for the program remained below the 250 percent Federal Poverty Guidelines and 96 percent of CLCA applicants were uninsured at the time of purchase. CDI sponsored Senate Bill 1273 (Lara) which was signed into law, to expand eligibility for the CLCA program effective January 01, 2015 to allow undocumented low-income drivers to participate in the program.

• Compiled the Commissioner’s Report of Underserved Communities, which details the availability of auto, home and business insurance in underserved communities of California. 145 ZIP codes were identified as underserved.

Corporate and Regulatory Affairs • Developed emergency regulations to assist the COIN Program in increasing insurer

investments in underserved communities in California. • Enhanced and upgraded essential licensing checklists and forms on CDI’s public

website to improve processing times and to provide innovative and accessible information to insurers submitting corporate transaction applications to CDI.

• Developed credit for reinsurance regulations to revise existing reinsurance regulations to conform to the federal Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation and to detail requirements for a cedent to obtain financial statement credit for reinsurance cessions.

• Sponsored Senate Bill 1448 (2012), conforming legislation to the Holding Company Model Act. This legislation was implemented in 2013. Key revisions included insurer reporting on material risks within the insurance holding company system (enterprise risk to the insurer) and examination authority with respect to enterprise-wide risks; participation by state insurance regulators in "supervisory colleges," a forum for regulators of various jurisdictions; corporate governance information at the individual-regulated insurer and group levels; and enhanced access to information regarding any entity within the insurance holding company system.

• Sponsored and implemented Assembly Bill 1234 (2014) which supplemented the California Insurance Holding Company System Regulatory Act provisions related to the confidential treatment of materials submitted to the Insurance Commissioner.

• In response to a new class of licensing in the NAIC model acts, developed and implemented the certified reinsurer application process, primarily involving applications submitted by non-U.S. reinsurers. Staff reviews and assess U.S. treaties and the laws of foreign countries addressing enforceability of judgments rendered in the U.S., and in the courts of a foreign jurisdiction.

• California Members Title Insurance Company re-domiciled in California in 2014, highlighting a trend beginning last year of new companies starting their operations in California or moving to California.

Financial Oversight • Passed the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Accreditation Review

during 2014. This outside review is conducted every five years of all state insurance departments to ensure that all states have enacted the appropriate laws and provide the necessary financial oversight in accordance with national financial solvency standards. California received a full five year accreditation.

• Sponsored and obtained enactment of the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment Legislation known as “ORSA” which in 2015:

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o Requires larger insurers to develop an assessment of their enterprise risk management processes and capital needs.

o Requires the insurer to provide an annual ORSA report to the department. • Promulgated the Hazardous Financial Condition Regulation which:

o Enables the department to have earlier detection of financially troubled insurers and to take necessary regulatory action.

o Enables earlier interaction with financially troubled insurers to develop remediation plans.

• Provided leadership and/or participation in key National Association of Insurance Commissioners working groups and task forces.

Licensing • Continued efforts to improve service levels, including expanding examination sites,

enhancing automated and online services, and improving the license application process. For example, since January 2011, the department has increased the number of its examination sites from 4 to 24 with sites located throughout California, many with evening and weekend availability.

• Continued efforts toward licensing uniformity and reciprocity with other states while strengthening California’s rigorous consumer protection standards. This includes the department’s leadership in lobbying for strong enforcement provisions included in the recently passed National Association of Registered Agents and Brokers (NARAB II). This legislation will provide insurance producers with a streamlined alternative to the traditional process of obtaining a license in every state that the producer transacts insurance.

• Since January 2011, the department has also: o Issued and renewed 780,965 insurance producer, bail agent and insurance

adjuster licenses. o Restricted, suspended or revoked the licenses of 2,914 insurance producers, bail

agents and insurance adjusters, while denying the licenses for 1,030 applicants.

Administration • Achieved and sustained high-performance in procurement activities with Small/Micro

and Disabled Veteran Businesses, including consistently exceeding the statewide participation rate goals and being awarded the Bronze Agency award at the 2012 State Agency Recognition Awards.

• Implemented innovations to create operational efficiencies and control costs while improving service levels, including enhancing the department’s information security and disaster recovery capabilities as well as modernizing mission critical, legacy information and technology systems.

• CDI’s website was named by in 2011 as one of the best in the nation for giving consumers access to critical insurance information. The department’s website was modernized in 2014 to enhance health and consumer information and implement a responsive design platform to enhance mobile users’ experience.

• Sustained achievement in submitting high-quality financial reports to the State Controller’s Office, thus meeting established criteria for Excellence in Financial Reporting.

• Received clean and clear audits from the Department of General Services and the State Personnel Board for the department’s business management activities and human resources examinations, appointments, Equal Employment Opportunity program and personal services contracts, respectively.

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v~ DAVE JONES Insurance Commissio

Significant Contributions to State’s General Fund • CDI collected $2.6 billion in premium taxes for Fiscal Year 2013-14 for the State’s

General Fund. • Through the department’s vigorous legal and enforcement activities, we contributed

$99.6 million in fines and penalties to the State’s General Fund since taking office.

The California Department of Insurance will continue to aggressively pursue our mission to ensure vibrant markets where insurers keep their promises and the health and economic security of individuals, families, and businesses are protected.

It is a privilege to serve California and Californians as Insurance Commissioner. Thank you for your continued leadership of our State and your support of the department's mission.

CC: William Monning, Chairperson, Insurance Committee, California State Senate Henry Perea, Chairperson, Insurance Committee, California State Assembly E. Dotson Wilson, Chief Clerk, California State Assembly Diane F. Boyer-Vine, Legislative Counsel Gregory Schmidt, Secretary of the Senate

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California Department of Insurance 2015 Organizational Chart (Graphical Version)

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California Department of Insurance 2015 Organizational Chart (Accessible Text Version)




ADMINISTRATION & LICENSING SERVICES • Human Resources Management • Financial Management • Information Technology • Licensing Services

RATE REGULATION • Rate Filing Bureaus (5) • Rate Actuary Office • Rate Specialist

CONSUMER SERVICE & MARKET CONDUCT • Market Conduct • Consumer Services

FINANCIAL SURVEILLANCE • Field Examinations • Financial Analysis • Actuarial Office • Premium Tax Audit & Troubled Companies


ENFORCEMENT • Internal Affairs • Investigations • Fraud

LEGAL/CHIEF COUNSEL • Deputy Chief Counsel • Government Law • Rate Enforcement • Policy Approval • Health Policy Approval • Enforcement/Health Enforcement

Sacramento • Enforcement/Health Enforcement San

Francisco • Auto Enforcement • Fraud Liaison

CORPORATE & REGULATORY AFFAIRS • Corporate Affairs I • Corporate Affairs II • Administrative Hearing Bureau

COMMUNITY & POLICY INITIATIVES • Community Programs • Low Cost Auto • Consumer Education & Outreach • Office of Ombudsman • Insurance Diversity • Special Projects • California Organized Investment Network

(COIN) • Statistical Analysis

LEGISLATIVE • Legislative Office

COMMUNICATIONS & PRESS RELATIONS • Communications & Media Relations Office

HEALTH POLICY • Executive Office • Health Policy Reform • Health Actuary Office


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Consumer Services & Market Conduct Branch

Consumer Services & Market Conduct Branch The Consumer Services and Market Conduct Branch (CSMCB) focuses on consumer assistance and protection, by educating consumers, mediating consumer complaints, and enforcing insurance laws. CSMCB enforces insurance laws during the investigation of individual consumer complaints against insurers and agents/brokers and through on-site examinations of insurer claims and underwriting practices.

CSMCB consists of two divisions, six bureaus, and a unit of legal staff dedicated to consumer issues:

Consumer Services Division (CSD)

• Consumer Communications Bureau (CCB)

• Claims Services Bureau (CSB)

• Health Claims Bureau (HCB)

• Rating and Underwriting Services Bureau (RUSB)

Market Conduct Division (MCD)

• Field Claims Bureau (FCB)

• Field Rating and Underwriting Bureau (FRUB)

• Consumer Law Unit (CLU)

TABLE A: CSMCB RESULTS Calendar Year 2014

Consumer Telephone Calls Received (automated call-center calls) 175,684

Complaint Cases Opened 37,806

Complaint Cases Closed 38,830

Total Amount of Consumer Dollars Recovered $44,934,786

Number of Market Conduct Exams Adopted by the Commissioner 144

Total Amount of Claims Dollars Recovered or Premium Returned to Consumers from Market Conduct Exams $ 9,652,504

CSMCB Grand Total Amount (Consumer Dollars Recovered, Claims Dollars Recovered or Premium Returned to Consumers.) $ 54,587,290

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Consumer Services & Market Conduct Branch


The Consumer Services Division (CSD) responds to consumer inquiries and complaints involving insurance company or agent and broker activities. The CSD maintains separate bureaus to handle telephone inquiries and provide education to the public, respond to consumer complaints on claims handling practices, and resolve consumer complaints about rating and underwriting practices. The purpose of CSD is to protect California insurance consumers by enforcing the California Insurance Code and related laws and regulations. CSD also assists consumers as they navigate the complex world of insurance.

The CSD is responsible for administrating the program described in California Insurance Code (CIC) Section 12921.1(a), for investigating complaints, responding to consumer inquiries and bringing enforcement actions against insurers and agents and brokers.

In accordance with California Insurance Code (CIC) Section 12921.1(a)(10), this report includes: 1) a description of the operation of the complaint handling process; 2) a summary of civil, criminal, and administrative actions taken pursuant to complaints received; 3) the percentage of the Department's personnel years devoted to the handling and resolution of complaints; and 4) suggestions for legislation (where applicable) to improve the complaint handling apparatus and to increase the enforcement activities undertaken by the Department pursuant to complaints when appropriate.

Complaints and inquiries are handled by four bureaus within the Division: the Consumer Communication Bureau (CCB), the Claims Services Bureau (CSB), the Health Claims Bureau (HCB), and the Rating & Underwriting Services Bureau (RUSB). Consumers may file complaints via telephone, internet or in written correspondence. In 2014, 117 fulltime staff were devoted to the complaint handling operation. This represents 8 percent of the 1,356 total authorized positions at the Department.

• The CCB Hotline staff responds to general insurance inquiries and answers questions about insurance claims and underwriting practices, administers the CDI Residential, Earthquake and Automobile Mediation Programs, and handles time sensitive complaints.

• CSB is responsible for investigating, evaluating, and resolving consumer complaints involving claims issues for all lines of insurance except health insurance (which is handled by a separate bureau) and Workers’ Compensation, which are handled by the California Department of Industrial Relations.

• HCB is responsible for investigating, evaluating, and resolving consumer and healthcare provider complaints involving health claims issues. HCB also administers the Independent Medical Review Program mandated by CIC §10169.

• RUSB is responsible for investigating, evaluating, and resolving consumer complaints involving rating and underwriting issues for all lines of insurance, including Workers’ Compensation.

All complaints are reviewed, and investigation is generally initiated within three days of receipt. During this period the CDI contacts the appropriate insurers or agents and brokers. The time required to resolve a complaint varies depending on the type of case and the complexity of the issues presented. The average time for resolution is approximately 45 days from open to close. Complex cases involve analysis of conflicting facts and applicable laws. Resolution of these cases may require more lengthy investigation. Conversely, cases involving less complex issues may be resolved within hours, days, or a few weeks. Consumers are informed about the final

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resolution of their complaints as quickly as possible, but no later than 30 days after final action by the Department.

The Division tracks trends and hot topics in addition to insurance company and agent/broker violations identified from its review of consumer complaint files, which CSMCB and others within the Department find valuable in identifying and monitoring non-compliant activity by licensees.

Disaster Response – In addition to assisting consumers with a variety of issues involving all lines of insurance, the Consumer Services Division coordinates the Department’s response to natural and other disasters that impact insurance consumers and businesses in California. This response includes administration of the Emergency Damage Assessment function described in CIC Section 16000, as well as assisting consumers impacted by wildfires and other catastrophic events at local assistance centers and workshops.

The Consumer Services Division monitored approximately 55 disaster events in 2014 including: 4 Earthquakes, 2 floods, 3 storms, 2 mudslides and 44 wildfires. The Division deployed 11 CDI compliance officers to assist CalOES at the Local Assistance Centers and/or community events in San Diego County for the Cocos Fire, Napa County for the South Napa Earthquake, Siskiyou County for the Boles Fire, Ventura County for the Southern California Storms, and Tehama and San Mateo Counties for the Northern California Winter Storms.

Consumer Complaint Trends – The following tables identify notable complaint trends by line of coverage:


Coverage Type 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Automobile 33.76% 31.01% 33.08% 33.81% 35.25% 35.81%

Accident & Health 31.29% 37.00% 35.11% 34.18% 34.45% 34.05%

Misc./Other 13.66% 12.34% 12.11% 12.39% 11.63% 11.32%

Homeowners 8.48% 8.29% 8.40% 8.06% 8.12% 8.30%

Life & Annuity 7.49% 6.52% 6.59% 6.90% 6.34% 6.33%

Liability 2.54% 2.09% 1.96% 2.23% 2.18% 2.27%

Fire, Allied Lines & CMP 2.05% 2.09% 2.47% 2.16% 1.90% 1.77%

Earthquake 0.43% 0.38% 0.28% 0.28% 0.14% 0.14%

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# Types of Complaint Reasons 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 Denial of Claim 26% 26% 26% 26% 26% 25% 2 Claim Handling Delay 13% 13% 11% 11% 11% 12% 3 Unsatisfactory Settlement Offer 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 11% 4 Other – Claim Handling 6% 6% 4% 4% 6% 6% 5 Cancellation 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 6 Premium & Rating / Misquotes 5% 8% 7% 6% 6% 4% 7 Premium Refund 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 8 Premium Notice/Billing Problem 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 9 Coverage Question 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 10 Agent Handling 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2%

All Other Reasons 22% 18% 23% 24% 22% 26%


The Consumer Communications Bureau (CCB), also referred to as the Consumer Hotline frequently is the first point of contact for issues and concerns that affect California's insurance consumers. CCB insurance compliance officers respond to phone calls to the Department’s statewide toll-free Consumer Hotline, 800-927-HELP (4357), where they provide callers with immediate access to constantly updated information on insurance related issues. The Hotline is staffed by knowledgeable insurance professionals whose years of expertise, combined with their dedication to consumers, enables them to provide immediate assistance on time sensitive issues. CCB also responds to inquiries received through the Consumer “Contact Us” form on the Department’s public Web site; coordinates responses to inquiries addressed to the Commissioner through its Commissioner's Correspondence Unit; responds to "walk-in" inquiries at the Department’s Los Angeles public counter; analyzes and provides input on proposed legislation; manages the Division’s Disaster Response Program; and leads or participates in various task forces.

Health insurance continued to remain the most significant issue facing California consumers in 2014. With the full implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) effective January 1, 2014, the Consumer Communications Bureau’s health compliance officers assisted consumers in understanding the new laws and navigating both the Exchange (Covered California) and a transformed health care delivery system.

Residential Property, Earthquake, and Automobile Physical Damage Mediation Program

CCB administers the Department's Residential Property, Earthquake Claims, and Automobile Physical Damage Mediation Program. The program was established in 1995 in response to earthquake claims resulting from the Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994. The legislature has since expanded the program to include automobile physical damage and residential property disputes subject to specific guidelines. Since the program's inception through December 31, 2014, the Mediation Program has recovered $18,009,875 for consumers. Fortunately, California did not experience a significant number of disasters in 2014. As a result, there were no residential or earthquake related claims eligible for the mediation program in that

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year. CIC §10089.83 requires a report of the results of the program for the calendar year 2014. Please refer to table D.


RESIDENTIAL EARTHQUAKE AUTOMOBILE TOTALS Number of mediation cases eligible 0 0 5 5

Number settled within 28 day settlement period 0 0 2 2

Number sent to mediation 0 0 3 3 Number of cases rejected by insurer 0 0 0 0

Number accepted by insurer 0 0 3 3 Number of settlements rejected within 3 day waiting period

0 0 0 0

Amount initially claimed 0 0 $51,500 $51,500

Amount of settlements $0 $0 $28,900 $28,900

CLAIMS SERVICES BUREAU The Claims Services Bureau (CSB) investigates consumer allegations of improper claims handling by insurers, including, but not limited to, wrongful denial of claims, payments for less than amounts claimed, and delays in claims handling. Where investigation indicates a violation of an insurance law or regulation, CSB pursues payment of claims that were improperly denied or delayed.


The Health Claims Bureau (HCB) investigates consumer and health care provider allegations of improper claims handling by health insurers. These requests for assistance include, but are not limited to, wrongful denial of claims, payments of less than amounts claimed and delays in claims handling. HCB works with the complainant to clarify issues and reach a resolution with the insurer. Where investigation shows that an insurance code or regulation has been violated or the policy contract has not been honored, HCB will enforce the code, regulation or policy contract, pursuing favorable outcomes for the consumers.

The Health Claims Bureau also administers an Independent Medical Review (IMR) program which determines when treatment is medically necessary. This includes determining which complaints qualify for the program, guiding the consumer through the IMR process, working with the IMR organization, communicating the final decision to all parties, and developing statistics related to IMR results which are made public with appropriate privacy protections on the Department’s public Web site.

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Health Care Provider Bill of Rights Report – No complaints involving California Insurance Code Section 10133.65 were received for calendar year 2014.

RATING AND UNDERWRITING SERVICES BUREAU The Rating and Underwriting Services Bureau (RUSB) investigates consumer complaints of improper or inequitable rating and underwriting transactions performed by insurance companies and agents/brokers. RUSB works with the affected parties to clarify issues and reach a resolution. When RUSB’s investigation shows that an insurance violation or a policy breach has occurred, RUSB enforces the code or policy contract and requires the reinstatement of coverage and the refund of premiums and broker fees, when applicable.

(CIC) Section 1858.35 Report – In accordance with reporting requirements of California Insurance Code (CIC) Section 1858.35, the following table lists the number and type of complaints received by the Department from any person aggrieved by any rate charged, rating plan, rating system or underwriting rule, and the disposition of these complaints.


RANK TYPE/REASON # OF COMPLAINTS 1 Premium & Rating Misquotes 840 2 Coverage Question 518 3 Cancellation 508 4 Premium Refund 505 5 Premium Notice/Billing Problem 419 6 Nonrenewal 352 7 Surcharge 326 8 Agent Handling 237 9 Information Requested 102 10 Policyholder Service Delays No Response 85

All Other Reasons 561 *Total Number of Complaint Type/Reason 4453 *Total Number of Complaints 3275

*Note: Many consumer complaints involve more than one issue. This explains the difference between the total number of complaints and total number of complaint type/reasons above. The complaint type/reason column also describes the various concerns addressed.

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RANK FINAL DISPOSITION # OF COMPLAINTS RECOVERY AMOUNT 1 Company Position Substantiated 2005 $ 40,008 2 Advised Complainant 652 $ 102,783 3 Recovery 447 $ 64,101 4 Refund 343 $ 195,059 5 Company In Compliance 227 $ 2,579 6 Information Furnished/Expanded 216 $ 9,461 7 Nonrenewal Upheld 145 $ N/A 8 Question of Fact 135 $ 5,087 9 Other 117 $ 3,609

10 Cancellation Upheld 85 $ N/A All Other Disposition Codes 668 $ 297,790 *Total Number of Dispositions 5040 $ 720,477 *Total Number of Complaints 3275 $ 720,477

Note: Many consumer complaints involve more than one issue and therefore may result in more than one disposition. This explains the difference between the total number of complaints and total number of dispositions above.

California Insurance Code (CIC) § 1707.7 (d) Report – To comply with the reporting requirements of Insurance Code Section 1707.7(d), the California Department of Insurance (CDI) tracked 870 justified complaints against licensees referenced in 1707.7(b) for the year 2010, 887 justified complaints for 2011, 994 justified complaints for 2012, 945 justified complaints for 2013, and 864 justified complaints for 2014. For the five year period covering 2010 through 2014, the total number of justified complaints to CDI was 4,560.

MARKET CONDUCT DIVISION The Market Conduct Division (MCD) examines insurance company practices for compliance with legal requirements. These examinations are generally scheduled at regular fixed intervals. Scheduled re-examinations and targeted examinations supplement the routine examinations when special circumstances or the results of market analysis of consumer complaints and other data dictate more in-depth examination. Depending upon their size, complexity, and nature, exams are either conducted in the insurers’ offices located nationwide or in-house at the CDI’s offices, with insurers shipping materials and files to CDI staff.

MCD maintains separate bureaus that conduct claims handling practices exams and rating and underwriting exams. This division of oversight reflects the traditional division of operations in the industry and in the laws regulating them. The goal of the market conduct examination is to evaluate compliance with statutes and regulations relative to the business of insurance and to initiate corrective or enforcement actions when necessary. Also in MCD, the Market Analysis Unit evaluates consumer complaints, enforcement actions, exam activity, and other data on a national basis to identify issues that may be of regulatory concern in California, and to assist in the planning and scheduling of examinations.

The following is a summary of MCD’s accomplishments for the year 2014. The list covers exams completed, dollars returned to consumers, and legal actions taken.

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Totals Number of Exams Adopted by the Commissioner 58 86 -- 144

Amount of Claims Dollars Recovered or Premium Returned to Consumers in Examinations

$1,006,008 $8,646,495 -- $9,652,503

Number of Enforcement Actions Completed on Examinations 0 1 3 4

Penalties Assessed in Enforcement Actions Completed $0 $100,000 $$600,000 $700,000

* FCB: Field Claims Bureau

** FRUB: Field Rating & Underwriting Bureau

*** Div. OFFICE: MCD Division Office staff. Figures reported in this column represent multistate exam work and enforcement activity done in cooperation with other states. This activity is completed directly by the Division Office staff and CDI Legal staff rather than being assigned to a bureau.

FIELD CLAIMS BUREAU The Field Claims Bureau (FCB) conducts market conduct examinations of the claims practices of all licensed California insurers. The focus of each exam is on compliance with the California Insurance Code and the California Fair Claims Settlement Practices regulations. FCB seeks to ensure equitable treatment of policyholders and claimants in accordance with insurance contracts and California law. The California Insurance Code sections cited in FCB examinations vary by line of insurance. However, those that are common to both life & disability and property & casualty insurance involve delay, documentation, and improper handling, which may include improper settlement, failure to pursue investigation, and improper denial. FCB obtains thousands of remedial claim actions from insurers each year as a result of the examinations it conducts. Many of the issues which lead to these actions are displayed in its reports which are published on the Department’s website. During calendar year 2014, Field Claims Bureau staff examined 6,302 claim files and cited 2,983 violations of law in the reports it filed.

FIELD RATING AND UNDERWRITING BUREAU The Field Rating and Underwriting Bureau (FRUB) conducts market conduct examinations of the rating and underwriting practices of all licensed insurers. FRUB reviews the advertising, marketing, risk selection and declination, underwriting, pricing, and policy termination practices of life, health, property, and casualty insurers. FRUB examinations focus on compliance with rate filing requirements, consistency within the insurer’s adopted rating processes, and overall conformity of rating and underwriting with the California law. Each year, as a result of the examinations it conducts, FRUB obtains remedial actions from insurers in the form of revisions to incorrect and illegal practices and premium refunds to consumers when errors and violations resulting in premium overcharges are discovered. During calendar year 2014, Field Rating and Underwriting Bureau staff examined 6,045 policy files resulting in the identification of 389 illegal practices for correction in the reports it filed.

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California Insurance Code (CIC) § 12921.4(b) – In accordance with California Insurance Code (CIC) § 12921.4(b), the Market Analysis Unit reviewed the complaint data of each insurance carrier that was authorized to transact business in California during 2014. The analysis of complaint data focused on the following areas: insurer, insurance line of business, and type of violation. In addition to raw numbers of complaints, the analysis includes the development of a complaint index for each insurer, calculated as the insurer’s complaint share divided by its market share. This allows for comparison of results among insurers of differing sizes.

Complaint totals are among the primary criteria driving the Market Conduct Division’s examination schedule. The ten insurers with the largest number of closed complaints in 2014 (ranging from 694 for the tenth ranked company to 2,382 for the company ranked first) have all been examined within in the last 3 years or are scheduled to be examined in the next 2 years (7 are in progress; 3 are on the schedule). Three of the ten companies with the most closed complaints have been the subject of enforcement actions within the last 5 years.

Complaints by line of business continue to be an important criterion for focusing Market Conduct Division examination resources. The five lines of business generating the highest number of complaints were: private passenger auto (16,993), group accident and health (5,074), individual accident and health (3,869), homeowners (2,414), and individual life (1,581). These lines were among the most frequently examined by the Division’s Field Claims, Field Rating, and Underwriting Bureau during 2014. Within each line of business, the Market Conduct Division also prioritizes those insurers with the most complaints. All insurers in the top 10 of complaints in each line have been examined in the last 3 years or are scheduled to be examined in the next two years. Thus, the lines of business most impacted by complaints, and the insurers that generated the most complaints within those lines of business, are prioritized for examination by the Market Conduct Division.

An analysis of complaints sorted by the type of violation is completed for each examination initiated for the Market Conduct Division’s Bureaus. The results of this analysis allow the examiners in charge to identify areas that should be scrutinized more closely. Whenever a trend or pattern in violation data is observed, the information is shared with those Department employees that have a use or need for the data.

A geographic analysis, established by zip code, of consumer complaints was conducted for the year 2014. Complaints within those geographic regions identified as having high concentrations of complaints relative to the population of the region will be the subject of further analysis during 2015.

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Health Policy and Reform Branch

Health Policy and Reform Branch Background

The Health Policy and Reform Branch reviews, analyzes, and develops policy positions on health insurance issues within the Department. The Branch focuses on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the recent federal health care reform known as the ACA), which was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010. As the regulator of the health insurance industry, CDI plays a significant role in implementing the ACA in California. The Health Policy and Reform Branch closely collaborates with other branches at CDI as well as with state and federal agencies and other stakeholders.

Consumer protection is a top priority of CDI. The ACA presents the opportunity to bring health insurance coverage to millions of uninsured Californians and to strengthen protections for those who already have health insurance. Starting in 2011, the Commissioner tasked the Department with working towards fully implementing the ACA in California. Since then, many provisions of this federal law have been implemented successfully. The Branch continues to work to ensure that the ACA is properly implemented and consumers are able to access health insurance as envisioned by the state and federal reforms in the law.

Implementing the Affordable Care Act The ACA created a multitude of changes, both to the health insurance marketplace in California as well as direct regulatory requirements on CDI. Beginning in 2011 and continuing to the present, CDI has adapted its regulation of the California health insurance industry to accommodate these marketplace changes. Many of the federal ACA changes were incorporated into state legislation that was passed during the 2011-2012 California Legislative Session and more have been passed since then. A number of laws passed which mirror and even exceed the requirements of the federal law, making California a national leader in ensuring more accessible and affordable health care coverage.

With the passage of the ACA, there are many reforms that the Department continues to implement and enforce. The significant and structural changes that have taken effect over the past four years have required a more robust framework of legal and policy support within CDI. This extra support has helped the Department effectively work towards implementation of the federal reform requirements, integrate federal and state changes to the marketplace, increase coordination across state agencies, and actively represent California insurance consumers with the federal government and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), which has been delegated the responsibility by the federal government to assist states with ACA implementation and guidance.


• Federal and State Regulations – The Health Policy and Reform Branch has promulgated, monitored and enforced regulations relating to the ACA. These include regulations on Essential Health Benefits, Gender Nondiscrimination, Mental Health Parity, and the Medical Loss Ratio. The regulations provide clarity and direction for implementing the health reform law and are an important part of providing protection to consumers.

Further, because of the scope of changes and the prolific amount of federal regulations, the Health Policy and Reform Branch monitors and analyzes dozens

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of federal regulations as they are released. Many regulations are very lengthy and require significant analysis and staff time to determine how they impact California’s insurance market. The Branch then makes recommendations about whether the Department has an interest in providing the federal government feedback by way of formal written comments.

• Developed and Initiated the Independent Medical Review (IMR) Fee Regulation – CDI's Independent Medical Review (IMR) program is an independent appeals process for consumers to arbitrate claims denials by insurers. Each individual case brought by a consumer is evaluated by an independent panel of medical experts to determine if the claims denial was appropriate. CDI administers the IMR System and processes requests for assistance to determine whether they require IMR.

In 2014, CDI developed the Independent Medical Review System Fee Assessment Regulations to establish an assessment fee system to fund the costs of the IMR system. The proposed regulation provides a detailed framework that specifies how the assessment fee is determined, how this fee is apportioned among the various insurers, and the mechanisms for making the required payments. The regulations were complete at the end of 2014 and approved by the Office of Administrative Law in May of 2015.

• Improved Consumer Access to Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorder Benefits – CDI enforced new Federal mental health parity requirements that took effect July 1, 2014. We enforced the new requirements in 2015 health plans through form review. Our efforts resulted in increased coverage and access to mental health and substance use disorder benefits for consumers. In some cases, it also resulted in reduced or zero cost sharing for the expanded mental health and substance use disorder benefits. We also worked with Covered California and DMHC to discuss and coordinate implementation of the new requirements.

• Developed Prescription Drug Forms and Regulations – The Department of Insurance (CDI) promulgated regulations per SB 866 that require a health insurer to notify the prescribing provider within two business days of receipt of a completed prior authorization request form whether the request is approved or disapproved. Unlike the federal regulation, the two business day timeframe applies to any drug subject to prior authorization, not just non-formulary drugs.

CDI worked with the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) to develop a prior authorization form for use by every health insurer and health service plan that provides prescription drug benefits. The drug prior authorization request form and its implementing regulations became effective on October 1, 2014 for CDI-regulated products. (10 CCR § 2218.30.)

• Enforced the Medical Loss Ratio – The Department has enforced the emergency regulation issued by Commissioner Jones, ensuring that a larger share of the premiums collected by health insurers pay for actual medical care, instead of administrative costs and profit. As a result, California consumers saved $11,902,850 in 2013. (Figures for 2014 will be available 2015.) These savings applied to 490,052 Californians in the combined individual and group markets.

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• Improved Provider Network Adequacy – The Department initiated a public participation process, beginning with a public hearing chaired by Commissioner Jones in the State Capitol, to obtain input from a wide range of industry, provider, and consumer stakeholders regarding improving the Department’s existing network adequacy regulation to assure access to appropriate care for consumers in a health insurance marketplace that has been transformed by the Affordable Care Act. The Department prepared an emergency regulation to be promulgated the first week of 2015.

• Analyzed and Approved Health Insurance Policies – 2014 was a busy year for the Health Policy Approval Bureau (HPAB). HPAB reviewed 695 individual and small group health insurance policies for compliance with a plethora of new laws, including Essential Health Benefits coverage, levels of coverage for Essential Health Benefits, and annual limitations on cost sharing. HPAB also enforced the new requirement for individual and small group health insurers to offer standard plans designated by the California’s Health Benefit Exchange in all four levels of coverage (platinum, gold, silver, and bronze).

• Provided Technical Assistance to Governmental Agencies and Insurers with Complex Health Insurance Issues – As experts on the Affordable Care Act, the California Insurance Code, and the large body of new legal requirements, the Department provided extensive technical assistance to Covered California, legislative staff, and insurers. Further, the Branch provided technical support to consumers with complex health insurance issues. The Department also provided extensive technical assistance to insurers and Covered California on the topic of pediatric dental coverage.

• Enhanced Health Insurance Rate Review Functions – CDI previously received $2.1 million in federal grant money to implement parts of the Affordable Care Act related to health insurance rate review. Per federal requirements, CDI provided $225,000 in the form of grants to consumer organizations for the purpose of increasing public participation in the rate review process. In 2014, one of these consumer groups, CalPIRG, reviewed three major rate filings and made their analyses public by posting them on the CDI rate review website.

• Saved Consumers Money through Rate Review – In 2014, the Health Actuarial Office reviewed all major medical rate increases filed with the Department. California law does not give the Insurance Commissioner the authority to reject excessive health insurance and HMO rate increases. This legal gap continues to cost California's consumers and businesses hundreds of millions of dollars in excess premiums. However, the process of reviewing rates and discussing concerns with insurance carriers who voluntarily agree to reduce rates has resulted in an estimated combined total savings of $21.5 million for California consumers in 2014.

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• Secured Federal Funding to Improve Consumer Assistance – CDI successfully applied for and was awarded two rounds of funding from the federal government, in conjunction with DMHC, to increase our capacity to provide consumer assistance relating to the Affordable Care Act. In 2014, CDI used federal grant funding to improve our Consumer Hotline’s capacity to make warm transfers to other agencies reviewing products or coverage not regulated by the Department of Insurance. CDI leveraged federal money to completely redesign the health insurance web portal. In addition to making the CDI web site accessible and easier to navigate from any mobile device and desktop browser, CDI completely refreshed the structure and content of the site to reflect the nature of the insurance marketplace in California post-healthcare reform. The site re-design makes it easier for consumers to learn the basics of health coverage, important aspects of obtaining coverage, accessing their benefits, and understanding their rights. Consumers are also directed to online and phone assistance as needed.

• Implemented California Online Medical Price and Quality Transparency Project – CDI was awarded a $5.2 million federal grant to enhance transparency in health care pricing as part of an initiative under the Affordable Care Act. The federal grant funds are being used over a two-year period to establish a data center which will collect, analyze, and disseminate data to the public regarding health care costs and quality in order to increase transparency of medical pricing in California. Department staff developed the project, evaluated potential contractors, executed and interagency agreement with UCSF, and secured Department of General Services’ approval.

In addition to monitoring UCSF’s performance under the interagency agreement, the Department worked closely with UCSF’s project team and subcontractors to obtain medical claims data, analyze the cost and quality of health care, and begin website development and testing of consumer online transparency tools. The Department also collaborated with the project team to convene a stakeholder meeting to discuss the project with stakeholders representing consumer advocates, labor/employers, health insurers, health care providers and hospitals, and other California state agencies.

In 2014, a portion of the grant funds were used to continue implementing the provision of the Affordable Care Act that requires health insurance rate review.

• Secured Additional Federal Funding for Rate Review and Price Transparency – CDI was awarded an additional grant to further our rate review and price transparency work. The Federal Cycle IV grant award of $589,500 funds rate review activities by HAO and provides project management and consulting in support of the price transparency project.

• Advised Covered California regarding Plan Designs and Specialty Drugs – CDI provided feedback to help improve the 2015 standard benefit plan design, and advised Covered California on the issue of specialty drugs in plan design. CDI became concerned that cost sharing structures for certain specialty drugs would limit access to specialty prescription drugs for chronically ill patients and result in plan designs that were discriminatory. CDI recommended to Covered California a solution that other states had already implemented to cap with the out-of-pocket costs at no more than $200 per month for specialty drugs, so that consumers who need these drugs to survive are able to afford them.

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• Conducted ACA Trainings for CDI staff – The Health Policy and Reform Branch provided trainings to CDI staff regarding both federal and state healthcare reform efforts. Topics included essential health benefits, pediatric dental and vision, Actuarial Value, and SBCs. Given the ongoing and technical nature of health care reform, the Branch’s ACA team will continue to conduct more training through 2015.

• Represented CDI and the Commissioner at the NAIC – The ACA team actively participated in weekly NAIC meetings and conference calls, providing feedback from California’s perspective and reviewing information essential to the implementation of the ACA in California. The team also participated in weekly NAIC subgroups such as the State Rate Review sub-group and the Network Adequacy Model Review sub-group.

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Rate Regulation Branch

Rate Regulation Branch The Rate Regulation Branch (RRB) determines whether rates charged to consumers in California are fair (not excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory).

Under the provisions of Proposition 103 (enacted by the voters in 1988) the Department of Insurance is required to review rates for most property and casualty lines of business before they can be used.

RRB analyzes filings submitted by property and casualty insurers and other insurance organizations under California’s prior approval statutes for most property and casualty lines of business. In addition, the RRB analyzes filings submitted by property and casualty insurers and other insurance organizations under California’s file and use statutes for a limited number of property and casualty lines of business.

CDI processed 6,543 property-casualty rates, rules, and form filings during 2014 and reduced requested rate increases by $257.8 million. In addition CDI approved reductions of existing rates totaling more than $222.2 million. For personal auto insurance coverage, the totals include $133.6 million in reductions to requested increases and over $46.6 million in approved rate decreases.

RATE FILING BUREAUS The Rate Regulation Branch consists of five (5) filing bureaus (two in San Francisco and three in Los Angeles). These bureaus receive and review filings from over seven hundred fifty (750) property and casualty companies licensed in California. The Intake Unit in the San Francisco office is responsible for processing all filing applications, except for Workers’ Compensation and Title companies, and providing copies of all filings to the Public Viewing Rooms maintained in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

RRB is assisted by an Actuarial unit and a Rate Specialist Bureau (RSB), which provide technical advice and support with regard to underwriting, rating, data collection, statistical analysis, profitability, and rate-of-return issues for all lines of insurance.

In conjunction with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), Rate Regulation is actively promoting its participation in the System for Electronic Rate and Form Filings (SERFF) project. This system is designed to enable companies to send and states to receive, comment on, approve or reject insurance industry rate and form filings. The project will help increase efficiency and facilitate communication between the Rate Filing Bureaus and insurers. The percentage of filings received via SERFF continues to increase each year. During 2014 the percentage of total filings received through SERFF was approximately ninety nine percent (99%).

In addition to prior approval filing applications, the Rate Filing Bureau reviews:

• Private Passenger Auto Class Plans – California Department of Insurance regulations require all insurance companies writing private passenger automobile insurance to submit a Classification Plan (Class Plans) to CDI for review. Class Plans provide the Department with the rating methodology each company intends to use to comply with the mandates of Proposition 103 relating to the development of rates.

• Advisory Organizations – Advisory organizations compile data and develop rating elements that can be used by member insurance companies to assist in their own rate-

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making related activities. California Insurance Code Section 1855.5 requires that all policy or bond forms, and manuals, intended for use by members of an advisory organization must first be filed with the Commissioner for review and approval prior to being used by member insurance companies.

• Workers’ Compensation – Under California’s competitive rating law, (California Insurance Code Section 11735), insurers are free to develop their own rates based on advisory pure premiums (loss costs) and company-developed loss cost multipliers. All company rates, rating plans, and rating rules must be filed with CDI prior to use. In 2014, four hundred and fifty (450) workers’ compensation rate filings were reviewed.

• Title Insurance – California Insurance Code Section 12401.1 requires title insurers and underwritten title companies to file their title and escrow rates with the Department prior to their use. In 2014, sixty five (65) title insurance rate filings were reviewed.

TABLE A: FILINGS RECEIVED Calendar Years 2013-14

TYPE 2013 2014 Private Passenger Automobile 462 417 Homeowners 191 197 Other Personal Lines Products 314 329 Title 90 65 Workers’ Compensation 466 450 Medical Malpractice 63 62 Other Commercial Lines Products 5508 5,023 TOTAL 7,094 6,543


The Rate Specialist Bureau (RSB) provides advice and support to the Insurance Commissioner, Executive staff, Rate Regulation Branch rate filing staff, other CDI Branch Managers, and the industry and consumers with regard to underwriting, rating, data collection, statistical analysis, profitability, and rate-of-return issues. RSB’s duties and responsibilities continue to include all lines of insurance. During 2014 RSB has accomplished the following tasks:

1. Assisted the Prior Approval Working Group with regard to the preparation of key rate components for the prior-approval regulations. In support of the regulation, RSB promulgated supporting data and reports that were used by the CDI and the rate analysts in the review of rate filings for Proposition 103 lines of insurance. Report topics included: Efficiency Standards; Leverage Factors by line; Reserve Ratios; Industry Rate-of-Returns; Projected Yields; Investment Income; CPI Index for expense trend factors; the Federal Income Tax rate on investment income; California and Countrywide Profitability; and Risk Based Capital.

2. Collected Bond Yields information on a daily basis and compiled information from various sources for the calculation of risk free rates, investment yield rates, and projected yield.

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Rate Regulation Branch

This information is published monthly in the CDI website for use by the companies in their rate filings.

3. Conducted the Survey of Marketing System Information to collect data in order to update the calculation of efficiency standards.

4. Compiled California Market Share Reports for Property & Casualty insurance, for Life & Annuity insurance, for Title and Home Warranty. The reports are posted in CDI’s website at:

5. Compiled the Excessive Rate Report using data obtained from the NAIC. In 2014, this report formed a part of the Excessive Rate Project, a pro-active rate regulation effort to assure that insurers are in compliance with non-excessive rate standards set forth in CIC 1861.05(a).

6. Compiled the Rate Classification Comparison for the Top 50 Workers’ Compensation Insurers in California for CDI’s website. See:

7. Completed various projects in relation to workers’ compensation insurance such as preparing market share reports and historical premium, loss & dividend comparisons. Also compiled historical experience data of State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) in comparison with other major states residual markets on workers compensation insurance.

8. Promulgated the Proposition 103 Administration Fees for property & casualty companies, and the workers’ compensation filing fee charges for the Accounting Division.

9. Collected, compiled, and analyzed data as required by various sections of the California Insurance Code. RSB also continued to collect Calendar Year loss and experience data of credit property and credit unemployment insurance pursuant to (CIC §779.36).

10. Collected and compiled earthquake probable maximum loss (PML) data via the annual data calls RSB collected and compiled the annual Earthquake Premium & Policy Count data call. The Summary Report is posted in CDI’s website at:

11. Reviewed the Fast Track Data and promulgated private passenger automobile and homeowners’ insurance trend factors.

12. Acted as liaison to the California FAIR Plan Association. RSB’s staff participated in the California FAIR Plan’s rating and underwriting appeals proceedings and the Bureau Chief attended its Governing Committee meetings.

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Rate Regulation Branch

RSB is also responsible for reporting data under the following California Insurance Code (CIC) Sections:

§674.5 & §674.6:


Under CIC §674.5, an insurer ceasing to offer any particular class of commercial liability insurance must provide prior notification of its intent to the commissioner. Likewise, under CIC §674.6, an insurer offering policies of commercial liability and most types of property/casualty insurance, must provide prior notification to the commissioner of its intent to withdraw wholly or substantially from the specified line of insurance. The list of notifications that the Department received is shown in following table.







Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Ins. Co.

Pennsylvania Lumbermens Grp


Transition will occur over the

course of a year

Intention to redistribute Indiana Lumbermens insurance policies to Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Ins. Co.

10677 Cincinnati Ins. Co.

Cincinnati Fncl Cp 9/22/2014 12/01/2014 Withdrawal from writing Business

Owners Program.

25747 Unigard Ins. Co. Qbe Ins Grp 8/25/2014 1/1/2015

Discontinue writing Refuse Systems, Nonhazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal insurance.

10079 Sparta American Ins. Co.

Catalina Holdings Grp 7/10/2014 10/1/2014

Withdrawal from writing Property and Casualty insurance and move portion of their business to Arch Insurance Company.

20613 Sparta Insurance Co

Catalina Holdings Grp 7/10/2014 10/1/2014

Withdrawal from writing Property and Casualty insurance and move portion of their business to Arch Insurance Company

37850 Pacific Specialty Ins. Co.

Western Service Contract Grp

6/23/2014 8/24/2014 Withdrawal from the Garage Ins Program.

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Enforcement Branch

STATUTORY REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Pursuant to Sections 1872.9, 1872.96 and 1874.8 of the California Insurance Code and consistent with reporting protocols of the California Department of Insurance, the Enforcement Branch provides information relating to: a) the specific duties of each of its divisions; b) program oversight and expenditures; and c) specific activities for Fiscal Year 2013-14.

Section One: Enforcement Branch Overview......................................................................24

Section Two: Investigation Division.....................................................................................27

Section Three: Fraud Division ..............................................................................................34

Section Four: Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fraud Program ....................................48

Section Five: Appendices .....................................................................................................53

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Enforcement Branch


The mission of California Department of Insurance Enforcement Branch is:

“To protect the public from economic loss and distress by actively investigating, arresting, and referring, for prosecution or other adjudication, those who commit insurance fraud and other violations of law; to reduce the overall incidence of insurance fraud and consumer abuse through anti-fraud outreach and training to the public, private, and governmental sectors.”

To accomplish its mission the Enforcement Branch investigates criminal and regulatory violations relating to insurance transactions from point-of-sale through the claims process.

In addition to investigating criminal and regulatory violations, the Enforcement Branch administers five grant programs that provide funding to county district attorney offices to assist with their efforts to investigate and prosecute insurance fraud. The Fraud Division administers four of the five grant programs: Automobile Insurance Fraud, Urban Automobile Fraud Activity Interdiction; Disability and Healthcare Fraud, and Worker’s Compensation Insurance Fraud. The Investigation Division administers the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Program. Supplemental-Disability and Healthcare Fraud funding was obtained and implemented on July 1, 2014. This one time supplemental funding will be administered over the next four years.

The Branch also provides outreach, education and is a liaison to public agencies involved in combating fraud.

The Enforcement Branch is composed of two divisions: Fraud and Investigation.


Branch Management Team – The Enforcement Branch Management team consists of the Deputy Commissioner, two Division Chiefs, (Investigation and Fraud Divisions), two Bureau Chiefs (Fraud Division), a Professional Standards Unit Captain, (Supervising Fraud Investigator II), one Headquarters Chief, (Staff Services Manager III), and an Executive Assistant.

Branch Headquarters – The Headquarters Chief is responsible for the management of the Branch Headquarters Office that supports the Enforcement Branch Deputy Commissioner and the Fraud and Investigation Divisions’ regional offices. This position works closely with other units within the Department, most notably Human Resources Management Division, Budget and Revenue Management Bureau, Accounting Services Bureau, Information Technology Division, and Business Management Bureau. The Headquarters Chief reports to the Deputy Commissioner.

Six units within Enforcement Branch Headquarters perform the following activities in support of the Regional Offices:

• Human Resources and Training • Local Assistance • Management Reporting and Intake • Fraud Grant Audit Program • Special Investigative Unit (SIU) Compliance Program • Budgets, Property Control and Special Projects

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The Professional Standards Unit Captain oversees the following units:

Professional Standards Unit/Backgrounds – A Detective Sergeant (Supervising Fraud Investigator I) coordinates all investigations and supervises a team of retired annuitants who perform all pre-employment background investigations for the Branch. This position conducts internal affairs investigations when needed as well as special projects. The Detective Sergeant reports to the Professional Standards Unit Captain.

Professional Standards Unit/Computer Forensic Team (CFT) – A Detective Sergeant (Supervising Fraud Investigator I) coordinates the tasks of the Computer Forensic Team that supports statewide investigative efforts through technical expert forensic examinations of computer data seized during investigations. The CFT Detective Sergeant reports to the Professional Standards Unit Captain.

Professional Standards Unit/Enforcement Tactics Training Unit (ETTU) – A Detective Sergeant (Supervising Fraud Investigator I) coordinates training and equipment management in the areas of Arrest and Control, Firearms, Building Entry, and First Aid/CPR for all investigative staff of the Branch. The ETTU Detective Sergeant reports to the Professional Standards Unit Captain.

Professional Standards Unit/Internal Affairs (IA) – A Detective Sergeant (Supervising Fraud Investigator I) is responsible for overseeing and/or conducting complex and sensitive investigations and research related to internal affairs investigations and citizen’s complaints for the Enforcement Branch in accordance with departmental policies, procedures, and applicable laws, rules and regulations. The Internal Affairs Detective Sergeant reports to the Professional Standards Unit Captain.


One component of the Enforcement Branch’s mission statement is to provide anti-fraud outreach and training to the public, private and governmental sectors. The Branch provides a wide array of public awareness through liaison and educational materials. The Department’s overall goal is to advance communications that will help consumers understand insurance fraud and create stronger deterrence through public awareness.

The following are examples of outreach activities:

• Internet – The CDI Internet public Web site addresses several topics including: “What is Insurance Fraud?” and “Reporting Fraud”; the Web site provides Insurance Fraud Reporting Forms, identifies Fraud Division Regional Offices and reports Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fraud Convictions. Relevant press releases are posted as arrests and convictions occur.

• For Workers’ Compensation Fraud, consistent with the requirements of California Insurance Code Section 1871.9, the Department posts fraud convictions on its Web site for five years from the date of conviction or until it is notified in writing that the conviction has been reversed or expunged.

• Community Forums – The Enforcement Branch participates in community-sponsored events, such as town hall meetings, public hearings, and underground economy seminars. These forums give the Branch opportunities to hear directly from consumers

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regarding their insurance concerns, and also to provide information communities may find useful to protect themselves from insurance fraud

• Media/Public Service Announcements – The Enforcement Branch participates with local, state, and national broadcasting outlets to educate the public about insurance fraud in California. The Branch’s accomplishments are highlighted so the public is aware of workers’ compensation arrests, prosecutions, and convictions throughout the State. Significant cases are taken to the media, in partnership with other law enforcement agencies, to educate the public about the Branch’s activities with an eye toward further deterrence.

• Industry Liaison – The Enforcement Branch maintains ongoing liaison with the insurance industry by interacting with a variety of organizations including: The International Association of Special Investigation Units, Workers’ Compensation Advisory Committee, Insurance Fraud Advisory Board, National Insurance Crime Bureau Regional Advisory Committee, Health Fraud Task Force, Underground Economy Task Forces, California Coalition on Workers’ Compensation, California Workers’ Compensation Institute, Northern California Fraud Investigators Association, and the Southern California Fraud Investigators Association.

• Governmental Liaison – The Enforcement Branch maintains routine liaison with the following State agencies or entities on matters of overlapping jurisdiction or mutual concern: California Peace Officers’ Association, California Peace Officers Standards and Training, Instructor Standards Counsel, California Highway Patrol, Employment Development Department, Department of Industrial Relations–Division of Workers’ Compensation and Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Automotive Repair, California Contractors State License Board, and the Cemetery and Funeral Bureau, Department of Justice, Department of Corporations, Franchise Tax Board, California Board of Chiropractic Examiners, California District Attorneys Association, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Statewide Vehicle Task Force, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, and Regional Auto Theft Task Forces.

• Grant Workshops for County District Attorney’s Offices – Statewide Workshops for district attorney personnel who participate in the Insurance Fraud Grant Programs are provided jointly by the Local Assistance Unit, Fraud Grant Audit Program, and Fraud Division regional offices. The workshops, designed for staff responsible for complying with the program data collection and reporting requirements, cover the administration, and audit of grant programs, and the components of a successful joint plan. Procedures to deal with fraud complaints and referrals received by both the Fraud Division and the district attorney are explored.

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The mission of the Investigation Division is:

“To protect California consumers by investigating suspected violations of laws and regulations pertaining to the business of insurance and seeking appropriate enforcement actions against violators.”

Effective enforcement of the insurance laws helps to safeguard consumers and insurers from economic loss and eliminate unethical conduct and criminal abuse in the insurance industry.

The Investigation Division is charged with enforcing applicable provisions of the California Insurance Code under authority granted by Section 12921 and to refer crimes to appropriate prosecuting authorities pursuant to Insurance Code Sections 12928 and 12930. The Division pursues prosecution of offenders through both regulatory and criminal justice systems.

The Insurance Commissioner’s priorities emphasize investigation and prosecution in the following areas:

• Premium theft

• Senior citizen abuses

• Health insurance violations

• Unauthorized insurers and insurance transactions

• Deceptive sales and marketing practices

• Title insurance rebates

• Public adjuster violations

• Abusive acts committed by auto insurance agents and companies and

• Illegal bail practices

Budget and Staffing

During the Fiscal Year 2013-14, the Investigation Division’s expenditures totaled $9,963,774.10 in support of 99 authorized positions.

Investigation Division Administration and Operations

Division Chief – Under the general direction of the Deputy Commissioner of the Enforcement Branch, the Investigation Division Chief oversees a statewide consumer protection and law enforcement unit consisting of seven regional offices.

Branch Headquarters – The Enforcement Branch Headquarters administers the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Program and provides administrative services to the Investigation Division regional investigators and their staff.

Management Reporting and Intake Unit – As part of the Branch Headquarters, this unit receives and reviews information from the public, governmental agencies, the insurance industry, law enforcement, and other units within the Department. All reports of suspected California Department of Insurance Page 27 of 253 2014 Annual Report

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violations are entered into the Investigation Division database for tracking and intelligence purposes. Reports of suspected violations are assigned to regional offices to investigate. The unit processes all Division inquiries and requests from consumers, other CDI branches and from other governmental agencies.

Investigation Division Regional Offices – Seven regional offices located throughout California are each managed by a Chief Investigator assisted by first-line supervisors, investigators, and support staff. Each regional office is responsible for investigating reports of suspected violations within their jurisdiction.

The Criminal Operations Point of Sale Unit (COPS) – A team of sworn peace officers within the Investigations Division, assists investigators with criminal investigations, effects arrests, executes search warrants, serves as liaison with allied law enforcement and advances the Department’s continuing goal of protecting consumers by using the full array of peace officers’ powers authorized by Penal Code §830.3.

Additionally, the Division’s Special Investigators are empowered by Penal Code § 830.11 to arrest suspects and to serve warrants.

Violations – The Investigation Division pursues the following violations:

1. Premium Theft – The theft of insurance premiums is the most prevalent type of misconduct in the agent/broker arena. Illegal conduct ranging from single thefts to multi-million dollar scams victimizes the insurance industry and competitive businesses.

2. Senior Citizen Abuse – Certain segments of the insurance industry target their marketing efforts toward senior citizens. Unscrupulous agents abuse elderly customers by unnecessarily replacing existing policies to earn greater commissions. Initial sales or replacement policies may be wholly unsuitable products further victimizing seniors. The misconduct may involve criminal activities including theft, falsifying documents, Ponzi schemes and confidence games.

3. Health Insurance Violations – This type of fraud encompasses the deceptive sale of long term care products; Medicare supplements, Medicare Advantage Plans – Part C, Medicare Prescription Drug Plans – Part D; medical discount card scams and “mini-med” plans; as well as other health insurance schemes and violations of the Affordable Care Act/Covered California program perpetrated by licensees.

4. Deceptive Sales and Marketing Practices – The failure of some insurers to properly monitor and control their sales force can lead to unethical and misleading marketing practices such as bait and switch schemes, misrepresentation and the use of misleading titles and designations.

5. Unauthorized Insurance Companies – This type of fraud includes everything from phony insurance cards sold in DMV parking lots to fully- operational offshore insurance companies issuing policies they have no intention of honoring.

6. Public Adjuster Misconduct – Public adjusters represent insurance claimants in the settlement of claims with their insurance companies. Misconduct in this area includes high-pressure sales, overcharging, conflicts of interest with vendors, and failure to account for claims proceeds.

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Enforcement Branch

7. Title Company Rebates and Kick-Backs – Kick-backs and commercial bribery are among the anti-competitive practices used to gain business from realtors.

8. Bail Agent Activity – A bail agent is a person permitted to solicit, negotiate, and transact undertakings of bail on behalf of a surety insurer. Some unscrupulous bail agents fail to return collateral, aid and abet unlicensed bail agents or apprehend arrestees with the intent to extort premium payments.

In addition to these violations, the Division investigates other complaints and alleged violations of laws relating to the transaction of insurance prohibited by the California Insurance Code, California Business and Professions Code, California Code of Regulations, California Penal Code, and Title 18 of the United States Code. In October 2013, the Investigation Division deployed a new mail and case tracking system called Investigation Division Case Management (IDCM). IDCM keeps a record of development of each case from the receipt of complaint against a suspected violator through investigation and disposition.

Unlike the former tracking system where a case file represents a file against a single suspected violator, IDCM allows for associating different suspected violators into one case file. Due to this change in methodology, all data presented in this annual report are based on suspected violators instead of case files.


Complaints and General Correspondence Received ......................................1,699

Opened ..........................................................................................................1,092

Additional Complaints - Consolidated with Existing Cases ................................309


In Progress as of June 30, 2014:

• Criminal Cases ......................................................................................546 • Regulatory/Administrative Cases ...........................................................721

Total ...............................................................................................................1,267

Reports of Suspected Violation1 as of June 30, 2014:

• Criminal Cases ........................................................................................56 • Regulatory/Administrative Cases ...........................................................130

Total ..................................................................................................................186

Chargeable Fraud ............................................................................. $138,636,581

Ordered Restitution .............................................................................$11,642,040

Investigative Cost Recoveries ....................................................................$93,720

Fines and Penalties....................................................................................$10,374

1 Any initial allegation that is found sufficient to warrant an investigation but which has not yet been assigned to an investigator. It is intended to represent matters that are potential future investigations. California Department of Insurance Page 29 of 253 2014 Annual Report

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Enforcement Branch


Referral to Prosecutors......................................................................................100

Case Filed by Prosecutors ..................................................................................46

Search Warrants Obtained ................................................................................120

Arrest Warrants Obtained....................................................................................44

Arrested ..............................................................................................................35



Cases referred for regulatory prosecution..........................................................245

Investigation Division Funding

Most investigations conducted by the Division are supported by revenues generated from fees and licenses charged to the insurance industry. Investigations related to automobile insurance and investigations related to Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Programs are partially funded by special assessments.

Investigations Related To Automobile Insurance

Insurance Code Section 1872.81 requires each insurer doing business in California to pay to the Insurance Commissioner an annual fee of 30 cents for each insured vehicle it covers in the State. The purpose of the fee is to maintain and improve consumer service functions related to automobile insurance.


Fiscal Year 2013-14

Cases referred for regulatory prosecution..........................................................245

Opened .............................................................................................................129


In progress as of June 30, 2014 ........................................................................202

Reports of Suspected Violation as of June 30, 2014 ...........................................24

Investigations Related to Life Insurance and Annuity Products

The Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Fund (CIC § 10127.17) provides funds to protect

2 This data is included in the overall Division case information shown on the previous sections of this report. California Department of Insurance Page 30 of 253 2014 Annual Report

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Enforcement Branch

consumers of life insurance and annuity products. Revenue generated pursuant to this program is divided between the Department of Insurance and Local Assistance Grants to various county district attorney offices.

Effective January 1, 2014, SB 476 (Chapter 347, Statutes of 2013) made two substantive revisions to Section 10127.17 of the Insurance Code. The requirement that each individual life insurance policy and each individual annuity product have a value of $15,000 or more in order for the special assessment to apply was deleted. The assessment applies to all newly issued individual life insurance policies and individual annuity products. Additionally, the date of repeal of the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Fund was deleted.

In this eighth year of grant funding, the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Program provided $713,869 in grant funds to 18 counties. As a result of this collaborative effort, numerous licensed agents were prosecuted and convicted for theft, financial elder abuse, forgery, and identity theft in the transaction of life insurance and annuities with California consumers.


Fiscal Year 2013-14

Opened .............................................................................................................152


In progress as of June 30, 2014 ........................................................................299

Reports of Suspected Violation as of June 30, 2014 ...........................................40


Opened Consumer Complaints ......................................................................1,996

Opened Investigations.......................................................................................110

Investigations referred to/reported by prosecuting agencies................................36

Administrative or regulatory cases referred to the Department’s

Legal Division......................................................................................................22

Administrative or regulatory enforcement actions taken ......................................11

To further address abuse of senior citizens in the marketing and sale of life and annuity products, the Division participated in 39 senior events in 2014, educating seniors about how to protect themselves from scams relating to the marketing and sale of annuities.

3 This data is included in the overall Division case information shown on the previous sections of this report. California Department of Insurance Page 31 of 253 2014 Annual Report

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Enforcement Branch

Ongoing relationships with AARP, Contractors State License Board – Senior Scam Stoppers, Department of Aging, Golden Futures, and various senior health fairs enhance the division’s ability to get the message out.

The following educational materials were distributed during 2014:

• What Seniors Need to Know About Annuities– 1,750 copies

• Senior Advisories– 2,010 copies

• Annuities – It’s Your Choice DVD – 200 copies

Initiatives to Reduce Producer Fraud

The following additional strategies were implemented to reduce agent and broker fraud:

1. Established quality control measures at the regional level to ensure compliance with Division policies designed to improve efficiency and increase productivity.

2. Established the Investigation Division Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to work in conjunction with other CDI divisions and allied agencies to proactively respond to disasters or other emergencies statewide affecting enforcement operations.

3. In conjunction with CDI’s Legal Enforcement Bureau, developed the Visiting Attorney Program (VAP) to assist in the review of on-going casework, as well as reports of suspected violations, to ensure that the Division is achieving an efficient use of its resources.

4. Enhanced Investigation Division Database to better identify suspects of investigations, economic impact information and patterns of non-compliance by individuals and entities involved in the transaction of insurance.

5. Provided Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Program (LACPP) training to county prosecutors, local law enforcement agencies and consumer groups.

6. Ongoing development of legislative proposals to strengthen laws governing the transaction of insurance and the enforcement of those laws.

7. Ongoing outreach to industry associations, consumer groups and allied law enforcement agencies.

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Enforcement Branch

California Department of InsuranceEnforcement Branch Headquarters

9342 Tech Center Drive, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95826 Phone: (916) 854-5760


Office Benicia 1100 Rose Drive, Suite 100 Benicia, CA 94510 Phone: (707) 751-2000

Counties Served Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Napa, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Sonoma, and Solano

Inland Empire 9674 Archibald Avenue, Suite 100 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Phone: (909) 919-2200

Inyo, Riverside, and San Bernardino

Orange 333 South Anita Drive, Suite 450 Orange, CA 92868 Phone: (714) 712-7600


Sacramento 9342 Tech Center Drive, Suite 500 Sacramento, CA 95826 Phone: (916) 854-5700

Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne, Yolo, and Yuba

San Diego 10021 Willow Creek Rd., Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92131 Phone: (858) 693-7100

Imperial and San Diego

Southern Los Angeles County 5999 East Slauson Avenue City of Commerce, CA 90040 Phone: (323) 278-5100 Valencia 27200 Tourney Road, Suite 375 Valencia, CA 91355 Ventura

Central and Southern Los Angeles County

Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Northern Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and

Phone: (661) 253-7500 Criminal Operations Point of Sale Unit (C.O.P.S.) 9674 Archibald Avenue, Suite 100 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Phone: (909) 919-2200


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Enforcement Branch


The mission of the Fraud Division is:

“To protect the public and prevent economic loss through the detection, investigation, and arrest of insurance fraud offenders.”

The CDI Fraud Division’s role and responsibilities are outlined in Division 1, Part 2 Chapter 12 of the California Insurance Code, “The Insurance Frauds Prevention Act.” The Division also ensures that Penal Code Section 550 is enforced throughout the State of California.

The Fraud Division oversees the following five fraud programs: (1) Automobile Insurance Fraud Program, (2) Organized Automobile Fraud Activity Interdiction Program, (3) Disability and Healthcare Fraud Program, (4) Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fraud Program, and (5) Property, Life and Casualty Fraud Program. These programs are funded through a combination of annual insurer general assessments and insurance policy assessments. With the exception of the Property, Life and Casualty Fraud Program, the County District Attorneys share the funding with the Fraud Division.

Fraud Division Administration and Operations

The Fraud Division’s nine regional offices serve 58 counties in California. The Enforcement Branch Headquarters office administratively supports all Fraud Division regional office operations, including those activities related to the management of the statewide grant programs. Headquarters provides centralized administrative support for investigations in the Automobile, Organized Automobile Fraud Interdiction Program, Workers’ Compensation, Disability and Healthcare, and Property and Casualty Fraud Programs.

Division Chief – Under the general direction of the Enforcement Branch Deputy Commissioner, and working closely with the southern and northern Fraud Division Bureau Chiefs, the Division Chief plans, organizes, and evaluates operations of the Fraud Division, including the investigations of illegal activities, and coordinates activities with various federal and state government entities in the prosecution of violators.

The Division Chief evaluates district attorneys’ offices receiving program grants, reviews Request for Applications (RFA) made by district attorneys, and makes recommendations to the Insurance Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner regarding RFAs, Fraud Division policy, procedures, issues, and regulations. The Division Chief provides advice to the CDI management regarding proposed anti-fraud legislation and regulations.

Bureau Chiefs – Under the general direction of the Fraud Division Chief, Bureau Chiefs plan, organize, and coordinate, the work of multiple offices engaged in the investigation of violations of insurance and related penal statutes.

The Bureau Chief responsible for the northern region is responsible for the operation of the Sacramento, Benicia, Silicon Valley, and Fresno regional offices and has program oversight responsibility for the Workers’ Compensation and Disability and Healthcare Fraud Programs.

The Southern Region Bureau Chief is responsible for the operation of the Inland Empire, Orange, Valencia, Southern Los Angeles County and San Diego regional offices. The position also oversees the Fraud Division’s two Automobile Fraud Programs – (Regular) Automobile

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Insurance Fraud and Organized Automobile Fraud Activity Interdiction – and the Property and Casualty Fraud Program.

Fraud Grant Audit Program – The primary responsibility of the Fraud Grant Audit Program (FGAP) is to conduct fiscal audits of the Workers’ Compensation, Automobile, Organized Automobile Fraud Activity Interdiction, Disability and Healthcare, and Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Program insurance fraud grant(s) awarded to participating California District Attorney’s Offices. The purpose of the audit is to provide reasonable assurance that the funds have been used for enhanced investigation and prosecution of specific types of insurance fraud in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations. If a county district attorney’s office participates in more than one insurance fraud grant program, the programs are audited concurrently to maximize efficiency. Audit findings, particularly repeat findings and/or unresolved findings, may affect future insurance fraud grant funding for the county district attorney’s office.

California Insurance Code Sections 1872.8(b)(1)(D) and 1874.8(d) require the California Department of Insurance (CDI) to conduct fiscal audits of the Automobile and Organized Automobile Insurance Programs at least once every three years. California Code of Regulations Sections 2698.67(h), 2698.77(e)(1) and 2698.98.1(g) and (h) require CDI to conduct fiscal audits of the Automobile, Organized Automobile Fraud Activity Interdiction, and Disability and Healthcare Fraud Grant Programs once every three years. California Code of Regulations Section 2698.59(f) and California Insurance Code Section 10127.17 authorize the CDI to conduct fiscal audits of the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fraud Grant Program and the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Grant Program.

In Fiscal Year 2013-14, the FGAP completed fiscal audits of 74 grants received by 15 county district attorney’s offices. The breakdown of the audits by program is:


Fiscal Year 2013-14

Workers’ Compensation ......................................................................................26

Automobile ..........................................................................................................28

Organized Automobile ...........................................................................................4

Disability and Healthcare ......................................................................................4

Life and Annuity...................................................................................................12

The most common findings included:

• Mid-Year Program Report not submitted within the required timeframe.

• Expenditure Report not submitted within the required timeframe.

• Independent Auditor’s Report not submitted within the required timeframe.

Once the FGAP completes its analysis, a preliminary report may be issued to the county district attorney’s office. The preliminary report identifies the potential audit findings, observations, and recommendations. The County District Attorney’s Office is given 30 calendar days to respond and provide additional documentation. After analyzing any additional information received, a final report is issued to the county district attorney, CDI California Department of Insurance Page 35 of 253 2014 Annual Report

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Enforcement Branch Deputy Commissioner, Division Chief, Bureau Chief, Regional Office Captain or Chief Investigator, Enforcement Branch Headquarters Chief, Program Manager, and the Legal Division, as appropriate. The final audit report includes the county’s response to the preliminary report and any corrective actions taken to resolve the finding(s).

In Fiscal Year 2013-14, the FGAP assisted the Special Investigative Unit (SIU) Compliance Review Program with conducting limited scope desk audits of the 2012 SIU Annual Report. The limited scope desk audits included the analysis and audit of written procedures, and training materials submitted to CDI by primary insurance companies admitted to do business in California, including any subsidiaries serviced by the primary company’s SIU. The FGAP completed the initial phase of the limited scope desk audits of 269 primary insurance companies.

AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE FRAUD PROGRAM The Fraud Division is the primary law enforcement agency responsible for investigating automobile insurance fraud crimes, and it coordinates enforcement operations with municipal, state and federal enforcement agencies throughout California. Completed investigations are filed with the local district attorney or the United States Attorney General’s Office.

Fraud Division detectives enforce the provisions of California Penal Code Sections 548-550. Detectives focus on five major categories: medical mills, organized crime, staged collision rings, false and fraudulent claims, and organized economic automobile theft groups. Organized criminal elements continue to use these types of schemes.

During Fiscal Year 2013-14, the Fraud Division received 19,578 suspected fraudulent claims (SFCs), assigned 590 new cases, made 366 arrests, and referred 285 submissions to prosecuting authorities. The potential loss amounted to $142,227,099.

District Attorneys’ Automobile Insurance Fraud Program

During Fiscal Year 2013-14, 30 counties received funding totaling $16,412,000 through the Department’s Auto Insurance Grant Program. The financial support provided to each county is based on county population, the number of Suspected Fraudulent Claims (SFCs) reported, and the Insurance Commissioner’s evaluation of the county’s historical performance and plan description.

For Fiscal Year 2013-14, California district attorneys initiated 1,477 investigations and made 1,233 arrests, culminating in 854 convictions. This number includes the Fraud Division’s enforcement actions, and local law enforcement investigations.

Chargeable fraud amounted to $19,948,593, with $2,372,161 in restitution ordered by the courts.

Organized Automobile Fraud Activity Interdiction

The California State Legislature has determined that organized automobile fraud activity operating in major urban centers of the State represents a significant portion of all individual fraud-related automobile insurance cases. This fraudulent activity drives higher insurance premiums in certain urban and low-income areas of the state. The problem demands coordinated effort by all appropriate agencies and organizations. California Insurance Code Section 1874.8 requires the Insurance Commissioner to award three to ten grants for a

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coordinated program targeted at the successful prosecution and elimination of organized automobile fraud activity. The primary focus of the program is organized criminal activity that occurs in urban areas and which often involves the staging of collisions and filing accident or damage claims.

Typically, legal and medical professionals or their associates mastermind these cases. In recent years, highly sophisticated groups have captured the attention of the Fraud Division, prosecutors, and allied law enforcement.

During Fiscal Year 2013-14, the Fraud Division assigned 274 new cases and made 234 arrests and 178 referrals to prosecuting authorities. Potential loss amounted to $8,841,617.

District Attorneys’ Organized Automobile Fraud Activity Interdiction Program During Fiscal Year 2013-14, ten counties were awarded grant funding totaling $7,264,000. The grant awarded to district attorneys reported 306 arrests, which included many Fraud Division arrests. District attorneys prosecuted 247 cases involving 540 defendants with chargeable fraud totaling $14,100,911. District attorney prosecutions resulted in 219 convictions.

DISABILITY AND HEALTHCARE FRAUD PROGRAM Health insurance fraud is a significant problem for health insurance policyholders because it drains resources out of the system causing unnecessary premium increases. California Insurance Code Section 1872.85(a) provides funding for the Disability and Healthcare Fraud Program through annual special purpose assessment to be determined by the Commissioner: not to exceed twenty cents ($0.20) for each insured person in California who is covered by an individual or group insurance policy it issues. This funding supports criminal investigations statewide by the Fraud Division and prosecution by district attorneys of suspected fraud involving disability and healthcare.

This program area includes Suspected Fraudulent Claims involving: claimant disability other than workers' compensation, dental claims, billing fraud schemes, immunization fraud, unlawful solicitation, durable medical equipment, and posing as another to obtain benefits.

During Fiscal Year 2013-14, the Fraud Division identified and reported 515 SFCs, assigned 130 new cases, and made 27 arrests and 28 referrals to prosecuting authorities. Potential loss amounted to $27,635,234.

District Attorneys’ Disability and Healthcare Program

In Fiscal Year 2013-14, ten counties received funding totaling $5,913,640 through the Department’s Disability and Healthcare Insurance Fraud Grant Program. The district attorneys reported 254 investigations, 86 arrests, and 61 convictions, which also included a majority of Fraud Division arrests. Chargeable fraud amounted to $235,930,005 with $3,392,396 restitution ordered by the courts.

In 2012 the legislature, increased the assessment from ten cents ($.10) to 20 cents ($.20). The sharing formula between CDI and the district attorneys was also modified, so that instead of a 50/50 split, district attorneys now receive 70% of the fund proceeds. Regulations implementing these provisions became effective on July 1, 2013.

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WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSURANCE FRAUD PROGRAM In California, workers’ compensation insurance is a no-fault system. Injured employees need not prove an injury was someone else’s fault in order to receive workers’ compensation benefits for an on-the-job injury. In addition to medical expenses being covered for injured employees, some injured workers are entitled to recover a portion of lost wages resulting from injury. Fraudulent workers’ compensation claims can be an enticing target for criminals.

Workers’ compensation insurance fraud occurs in simple and complex schemes that often require difficult and lengthy investigations. Employees may exaggerate or even fabricate injuries. At the other end of the spectrum, white-collar criminals, including doctors and lawyers, entice, pay, and conspire with others to defraud the system by creating false or exaggerated claims, over treating, and over prescribing harmful and addictive drugs. Insurance companies “pick up the tab,” passing the cost onto policyholders, taxpayers and the general public.

The Workers' Compensation Fraud Program was established in 1991. The legislature made workers' compensation fraud a felony, required insurers to report suspected fraud, and established a mechanism for funding enforcement and prosecution activities. The legislation established the Fraud Assessment Commission to determine the level of assessments to fund investigation and prosecution of workers’ compensation insurance fraud.

Funding for the program comes from California employers who are legally required to be insured or self-insured. The total aggregate assessment for Fiscal Year 2013-14 was $49,129,394.

During Fiscal Year 2013-14, the Fraud Division identified and reported 5,729 suspected fraud cases; (SFCs) assigned 669 new cases, made 255 arrests and referred 248 cases to prosecuting authorities. Potential loss amounted to $242,669,008.

District Attorneys’ Workers’ Compensation Program

In Fiscal Year 2013-14, the district attorneys reported a total of 747 arrests, which also included the majority of Fraud Division arrests. During the same timeframe, district attorneys prosecuted 1,371 cases with 1,562 suspects, resulting in 644 convictions. Restitution of $26,590,895 was ordered in connection with these convictions and $10,342,259 was collected during Fiscal Year 2013-14. The total chargeable fraud was $282,070,935, representing only a small portion of actual fraud since so many fraudulent activities remain to be identified or investigated.

PROPERTY, LIFE AND CASUALTY FRAUD PROGRAM The Property, Life and Casualty Fraud Program accounts for approximately five percent (5%) of the Fraud Division's allocated budgetary resources. The funding stream for this program is generated by a $2,100 assessment for each certificate of authority in California. These funds are non-restrictive and can be used to support all other Fraud Division program areas if needed. There is no local assistance component to this program.

This general program handles criminal investigations involving staged commercial/residential burglaries, life insurance fraud (which includes murder for profit cases), fraudulent natural disaster claims (wildfire, flood, earthquake, wind), slip and fall claims, internal embezzlement cases, false food contamination claims, and false marine claims. Criminal investigations in this program area can involve millions of dollars in loss (especially in life insurance fraud cases), and multiple claims for the same loss perpetrated by multiple suspects. Many of these cases

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have been jointly investigated in cooperation with local and federal law enforcement agencies and have been prosecuted at the local, state or federal level.

During Fiscal Year 2013-14, the Fraud Division identified and reported 5,127 SFCs, assigned 150 new cases, made 54 arrests and referred 52 submissions to prosecuting authorities. Potential loss amounted to $155,633,551.

Budget and Staffing


Fiscal Year 2013-14

Fraud Budgeted Levels ..................................................................... $111,586,000

Fraud Actual Expenditures ................................................................ $108,348,000

Insurance Fraud Assessment, Auto:

• District Attorneys’ Auto Distribution................................................ $23,676,000 • State Operations Auto Expenditures.............................................. $19,135,000

Insurance Fraud Assessment, Workers’ Compensation:

• District Attorneys’ Workers’ Compensation Distribution ................. $31,117,000 • State Operations Workers’ Compensation Expenditures ............... $22,151,000

Insurance Fraud Assessment, Disability and Healthcare

• District Attorneys’ Disability and Healthcare Distribution: ................. $5,914,000 • State Operations Disability and Healthcare Expenditures: ............... $2,950,000

Insurance Fraud Assessment, General:

• State Operations General Assessment Expenditures ...................... $3,405,000

Fiscal Year 2013-14 Fraud Division Positions4 ..................................................283

SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE UNIT (SIU) COMPLIANCE PROGRAM Special Investigative Units are divisions internal to insurance companies or retained by contract that identify and investigate suspected fraud involving their policyholders or claimants. The SIU Compliance Program within the Department of Insurance is responsible for ensuring that approximately 600 primary and 600 subsidiary companies licensed to do business in California comply with SIU statutes and regulations. This task is accomplished through a combination of field audits, desk reviews, and analysis of the SIU Annual Report that Insurers file with CDI as required by regulations (now in an electronic format referred to as the eSIUAR).

Field Audits and Desk Reviews Field audits consist of:

• Notifying the Insurer at least 60 days in advance of the on-site visit

4 Includes all authorized program 20 positions. California Department of Insurance Page 39 of 253 2014 Annual Report

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• Audit planning prior to the on-site visit

• On-site field work

• Reporting the results of the audit

Once the SIU Compliance Program completes its on-site field work, a Preliminary Report is issued to the Insurer. This report presents findings and recommendations related to the Insurer. The Insurer is provided 30 days to prepare a Corrective Action and Compliance Plan (CACP). The CACP must either:

1. Demonstrate how the Insurer will correct the findings and achieve compliance, or 2. Include any written material that the Insurer may have to rebut the finding identified in

the Preliminary Report.

After the CACP is reviewed by the SIU Compliance Office, a Final Report is prepared by Department staff determining whether the CACP has been accepted in full or part by CDI. If CACP is not fully accepted by CDI, penalties in the form of fines may result.

Common audit findings of Insurers include:

• Insurer did not report all incidents of suspected fraud to CDI within 60 days of reasonable belief being established.

• Insurer’s SIU did not identify and investigate all incidents of possible suspected WC premium fraud.

• Insurer did not provide all verification and/or source documents (e.g., premium audit information) to allow an adequate review of WC policy files.

• Insurer’s suspected fraud referral forms (eFD-1s) to CDI had errors and/or omissions.

• Insurer did not submit all requested documents and/or information requested by the auditor, which affected the auditor’s ability to conduct a complete review of WC closed claims and/or SIU investigation files.

• Insurer’s integral anti-fraud personnel did not refer all incidents of suspected insurance fraud to the SIU for investigation.

• Insurer’s written anti-fraud procedures or SIU investigation procedures did not include all required topics/information.

• Insurer’s training materials for new hires, integral anti-fraud personnel or SIU staff did not include all required topics/information.

• Insurer’s continuing anti-fraud training was not provided to all SIU staff members.

• Insurer’s anti-fraud orientation for new hires was not provided to all new employees within 90 days of commencement of duties.

• Insurer’s annual anti-fraud training was not provided to all integral anti-fraud personnel.

• Insurer’s SIU Annual Report was inaccurate, incomplete or late.

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1 Genworth Life Insurance Company 2/13/14 No 2 Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company 2/14/14 No 3 Provident Life and Accident Insurance Company 3/6/14 No 4 Everest National Insurance Company 6/30/14 Yes 5 Symetra Life Insurance Company 7/22/14 No 6 American Fidelity Assurance Company 7/30/14 No 7 Star Insurance Company 10/17/14 Yes 8 QBE Insurance Corporation 10/23/14 Yes 9 U.S. Specialty Insurance Company 10/28/14 No

10 OneBeacon Insurance Company 12/19/14 Yes

Desk Reviews

In fiscal year 2014-15, the SIU Compliance Program completed its examination of insurers’ 2012 SIU Annual Report documents, which included integral anti-fraud personnel procedures, SIU procedures, new hire anti-fraud orientation material, and integral anti-fraud personnel annual anti-fraud in-service training material for compliance with California Code of Regulations §2698.35, 2698.36, and 2698.39. We suspended the examination of 177 insurers’ 2012 SIU Annual Report documents at the end of December 2014 with a plan to complete the review of those insurers’ SIU Annual Report documents during fiscal year 2014-15 2015-16.

SIU Annual Report

For the convenience of the Insurance industry, the SIU Compliance Program’s registration, completion, and submission processes for the SIU Annual Report (eSIUAR) is now online. Safeguards are provided so that the report remains confidential, privileged and proprietary. Insurers may update their contact information online throughout the year as needed. CDI is able to reach the SIU community via email notifications and updates to this site. The eSIUAR requires Insurers to upload specified documents such as training materials and procedures, which permits the SIU Compliance Review Program auditors to conduct more extensive and broad-based reviews of Insurers’ compliance with California SIU statutes and regulations. These procedures help to ensure that suspected fraud is identified, investigated, and referred to the CDI Fraud Division (and District Attorney for WC) accurately and on time.

Suspected Fraudulent Claims Reporting

The primary source of leads for investigations initiated by the Fraud Division is the Suspected Fraudulent Claim (SFC). A suspected fraud referral can be as simple as a telephone call from a citizen or as complex as a “documented referral” with supporting evidence submitted by an insurance carrier. SFCs are received by CDI from various sources, including insurance carriers, informants, witnesses, law enforcement agencies, fraud investigators, and the public.

The vast majority of SFCs are generated by the insurance industry. The standards for referring an SFC are required by the Insurance Code when the carrier “believes” or has “reason to believe” to “has reason to suspect” that insurance fraud has occurred. Because of the different

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standards for reporting, not all SFCs result in criminal conviction.

All referrals submitted to the Fraud Division, regardless of the reporting party and supporting evidentiary information, are assigned a case tracking number, and placed in the Fraud Integrated Data Base (FIDB). The referrals are then forwarded to supervisors in the regional office with jurisdiction over the allegations. The supervisors use standard criteria when determining case assignments in the various fraud programs, including:

• Public safety

• Consideration of the Insurance Commissioner’s strategic initiatives

• The quality of the evidence presented

• The priority level of the suspected fraud referral

• The availability of investigative resources

• The jurisdiction for prosecution, especially if the district attorney is receiving grant funds

• If the arrest and conviction of suspects would make an impact on the problem within the county and/or State

• Case assignments may not be made if allegations are abuse rather than fraud, the statute of limitations has expired, or a discussion with a district attorney regarding facts of the SFC result in rejection of the referral or if the case was referred to another agency.

According to Fraud Division data, the quality of SFCs continues to improve each fiscal year. Several reasons for this trend include:

• The extensive efforts to provide training to insurance claim examiners and SIU personnel by the Fraud Division.

• The availability of the electronic form.

• Current SIU regulations that help insurance carriers step up their anti-fraud efforts and become more effective in identifying, investigating, and reporting workers' compensation fraud.

• The Fraud Division and district attorneys’ aggressive outreach programs.


Fiscal Year 2013-14

Auto and Urban Auto....................................................................................19,578 5Property Casualty .........................................................................................5,127

Workers’ Compensation .................................................................................5,729


Total Suspected Fraudulent Claims..............................................................30,949

5 Includes Health and Disability referrals not submitted under the Health program. California Department of Insurance Page 42 of 253 2014 Annual Report

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Fiscal Year 2013-14

SFCs closed, unassigned due to insufficient evidence .................................16,312

SFCs closed, unassigned due to insufficient resources................................11,878

SFCs closed, unassigned due to other reasons ................................................851

SFCs that were assigned to investigators.......................................................1,908


SFCs that resulted in conviction or referred to District Attorney or other Prosecuting Authority ...............................................................................267

SFCs that were closed due to other reasons such as reduction of resources, insufficient evidence, case dismissal, case rejection, or due to statute of limitations.........................................................................1,301

SFCs with ongoing investigation........................................................................340


Fiscal Year 2013-14

Insurance Code Section 1872.86 assesses funding for use in property/casualty fraud, which can include false and bogus death claims in order to receive life insurance policy payouts, murder for profit in order to obtain life insurance benefits, arson, inflated/faked homeowner claims, false boat claims, arson for profit, and so forth.

Caseload (open and newly assigned)................................................................150

Arrests ................................................................................................................54

Suspect submissions to district attorneys ...........................................................52

An estimate of the economic value of insurance fraud by type of insurance fraud.

The following chart monetizes fraud reported to the Fraud Division and extracted from the Fraud Integrated Data Base (FIDB) System.

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Automobile $120,28,293 $49,098,489 $142,227,009

Organized Automobile Fraud Activity Interdiction $1,856,181 $2,510,569 $8,841,617

Health $48,252,962 $39,177,324 $27,635,234

Property Casualty $24,271,871 $41,004,287 $155,633,551

Workers' Compensation $157,232,186 $73,896,061 $242,669,008

TOTALS $351,901,493 $205,686,730 $557,006,509

1. Amount paid on claim to date.

2. Amount paid that is suspected as being fraudulently claimed.

3. Amount of loss/exposure if fraud had gone undiscovered.

Recommendations on Insurance Fraud Reduction.

The goal of the Fraud Division is to produce quality, cost-effective investigations which result in successful enforcement actions. The Fraud Division, in partnership with local district attorneys, selects those cases which will have the most significant impact on the insurance fraud problem in their area of expertise. All open case assignments are coordinated in a joint effort between the Fraud Division and local district attorneys, particularly those receiving grant funding.

Four critical elements have been identified to achieve successful outcomes: 1) an aggressive outreach program; 2) partnership with key stakeholders; 3) effective trend analysis; and 4) a balanced caseload. To that end, the Fraud Division continues to implement performance measures to gauge productivity and efficiency. This is done to measure the overall return on investment and to maximize the impact on insurance fraud deterrence and reduction. Successful outcomes that can have a positive impact on the reduction of insurance fraud have been measured by the following criteria:

• Criminal – A completed investigation and aggressive prosecution resulting in convictions, restitution, jail/prison, penalties and fines. This type of enforcement produces the best results, including deterrence of further criminal activity.

• Civil – The successful disruption and termination of a criminal enterprise or activity, whether it is a single suspect or an organized ring, have been accomplished by civil actions. Actions involving single victims, a collective group of individuals or an insurance carrier can be followed up with civil actions resulting in termination of a criminal enterprise, civil fines and restitution. Additionally, the Fraud Division has

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worked closely with district attorneys involving unfair business practices and related actions.

• Investigative Inquiry – Potential fraud activity or abuse can be stopped and deterred by initial contact from the Fraud Division or district attorney’s office. The preliminary investigative steps taken in these cases often halt or deter activity that does not rise to the level of a full criminal investigation.

Basic Claims Information Including Trends of Payments By Type Of Claim And Other Claim Information That Is Generally Provided In A Closed Claim Study

Although basic claims information and closed claims studies are not available to CDI, the Fraud Division collaborates with the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) on emerging issues and trends in the investigation of insurance fraud crimes. A critical component of this partnership is the Fraud Division’s access to the NICB database as well as the Insurance Service Organization database. Both of these databases are for trend analysis. The Fraud Division continues to explore other sources of information that will enhance its ability to identify emerging trends in all programs.



Fraud Area Restitution Ordered Restitution Collected

Automobile $2,372,161 $1,027,582

Organized Automobile Fraud Activity Interdiction 3,609,131 837,692

Health 3,392,396 1,554,795

Workers' Compensation $26,590,895 $10,342,259

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1100 Rose Drive, Suite 100

Benicia, CA 94510

Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, San Francisco, Solano, and Sonoma


1780 East Bullard, Suite 101

Fresno, CA 93710

Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, San Luis Obispo, and Tulare

Inland Empire

9674 Archibald Ave., Suite 100

Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

Riverside and San Bernardino


333 South Anita Drive, Suite 450

Orange, CA 92868



9342 Tech Center Drive, Suite 500

Sacramento, CA 95826

Phone: (916) 854-5700

Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne, Yolo, and Yuba

San Diego

10021 Willow Creek Rd., Suite 100

San Diego, CA 92131

Imperial and San Diego

Silicon Valley

18425 Technology Drive

Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Monterey, San Benito, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz

Southern Los Angeles County

5999 E. Slauson Avenue

City of Commerce, CA 90040

Southern Los Angeles County


27200 Tourney Road, Suite 375

Valencia, CA 91355

Northern Los Angeles County, Santa Barbara, and


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SECTION FOUR: WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSURANCE FRAUD PROGRAM The Workers’ Compensation Fraud Program is the largest of five statewide anti-fraud programs under the administration and the investigative arm of the Fraud Division.

Distribution of Workers’ Compensation Program Hours

For Fiscal Year 2013-14, investigative staff spent 82.4 percent of program hours on case and direct program support; the remaining 3.1 percent was indirect time and 14.5 percent was time off.

The Division spent 49 percent of its time directly on the Workers’ Compensation Program, while the remaining 51 percent was distributed throughout the other insurance fraud programs. In addition to investigative activities, the Fraud Division is responsible for the administration and oversight of the program, which includes:

• Local Assistance grant management

• SIU compliance

• District attorney grant audits

• Legislative statistical and analytical reporting

• Research

• Legal services (public request acts, opinions, qui tams, rulemaking, etc.)

• Legislation support and analysis

• Budget monitoring and proposals

• Property/Evidence control

• Fraud Assessment Commission support

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Maintaining a Balanced Caseload

Each Fraud Division Regional Office’s caseload is representative of the demographics within its area of responsibility and jurisdiction. Working in conjunction with the district attorneys, each regional office selects cases that will have the most significant impact on the insurance fraud problem in its area of responsibility. These cases include medical/legal provider, premium fraud, employer-defrauding employee, insider fraud, claimant fraud, underreported wages, uninsured employer, and X-Mod evasion. Enforcement efforts continue to focus on high impact fraud cases such as medical/legal provider, premium fraud, and the willfully uninsured.


Fraud Activity Total Caseload Claimant Fraud 751 Insider Fraud 5 Employer Defrauding Employee 30 Legal Provider 9 Medical Provider 88 Misclassification 38 Other Workers’ Comp 84 Pharmacy 2 Underreported Wages 290 Uninsured Employer 169 X-Mod Evasion 18 Total 1,484

Underground Economy

The Underground Economy is made up of individuals and businesses that operate with cash and/or use other schemes to conceal their activities and their true tax liability from government licensing, regulatory, and taxing agencies. Underground economy activity is also sometimes referred to as tax evasion, tax fraud, cash pay, tax gap, payments under-the-table, and off the books.

A March 2011 report, Addressing California’s Tax Gap, prepared by the Franchise Tax Board, estimates California’s tax gap to be $6.5 billion annually. Reports on the underground economy indicate that it imposes significant burdens on: (1) the State of California; (2) businesses that comply with the law; and (3) workers who lose benefits and other protections provided by state law when the businesses they work for operate “underground”.

Businesses operating underground illegally reduce their obligations for insurance, payroll taxes, licenses, employee benefits, safety equipment, and safety conditions. These types of employers gain an unfair competitive advantage over businesses that operate legally forcing them to pay higher taxes and other operating expenses.

Working conditions in the underground economy exploit employees, depriving them of benefits and fair pay and often putting them in danger. Consumers may also suffer economic or physical harm when contracting with unlicensed businesses, which may lack requisite skills and knowledge. California Department of Insurance Page 48 of 253 2014 Annual Report

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Joint Enforcement Strike Force Joint Enforcement Strike Force on the Underground Economy (JESF) was created by Governor’s Executive order that later became law. The JESF is responsible for: 1) enhancing the development and sharing of information necessary to combat the underground economy; 2) to improve the coordination of enforcement activities; and 3) to develop methods to pool, focus, and target enforcement resources. The JESF is empowered and authorized to form joint enforcement teams when appropriate in order to utilize the collective investigative and enforcement capabilities of its members.

In addition to the Employment Development Department, the other Strike Force members include Department of Consumer Affairs, Department of Industrial Relations, Department of Insurance, Franchise Tax Board, Board of Equalization, and Department of Justice.

The JESF obtains information about illegal business operations from various sources including hotline referrals, complaints from legitimate businesses, and information sharing through collaborating agencies’ databases. The JESF conducts joint on-site business investigations to identify employers operating in the underground economy. The goal is to identify and bring into compliance those individual and businesses participating in the underground economy that are in violation of payroll tax, labor, licensing laws and workers’ compensation insurance premium.

Labor Enforcement Task Force The California Department of Insurance (CDI) joined forces with the Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF) in the Los Angeles area in 2012. This is a pilot project to assist the various agencies in LETF to combat the underground economy in Los Angeles. CDI (Southern Los Angeles Regional Office) works with CDI’s Valencia Regional Office, Employment Development Department (EDD), Franchise Tax Board (FTB), Department of Labor Standards (DLSE), Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and Contractors State License Board (CSLB). The CDI Fraud Division also works with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and established filing arrangements with both Los Angeles City attorney and Los Angeles County district attorney’s offices.

The Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF) was formed with an overall goal to eliminate the Underground Economy. Additional goals of LETF are to: ensure workers receive proper payment of wages and are provided a safe work environment; ensure California receives all employment taxes, fees, and penalties due from employers; to eliminate unfair business competition by leveling the playing field and make efficient use of the state and federal resources in carrying out the mission of the LETF. The mission statement of LETF is as follows: As a coalition of state and federal agencies working together, the Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF) combats the underground economy through a focused and vigorous education and enforcement effort. LETF strengthens California’s financial backbone and infrastructure by leveling the playing field to restore fairness and equal competition to all businesses as well as ensure safe and fair employment practices for workers. The LETF also has a vision statement: The LETF ensures all businesses are provided equal opportunity to thrive and workers are afforded safe and fair working conditions through a collaboration of state agencies and other partners.

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Enforcement Branch

Operation Underground In a proactive approach to impact the underground economy, the Fraud Division joined forces, under JESF, with the Contractors State Licensing Board (CSLB), the Employment Development Department (EDD), the Franchise Tax Board (FTB), the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR), and various district attorney offices including Santa Clara, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, and Alameda County to conduct targeted inspections at construction sites and other businesses to enforce workers’ compensation insurance, CSLB violations, and tax withholding requirements.

The targets for these operations are identified using a system of data sharing between partners, internet searches, and surveillance. Information obtained is crossed-referenced with payroll information obtained from EDD as well as premium information from the insurance provider. The focus was to detect any discrepancies in the data to identify businesses who were potentially committing premium fraud, EDD tax, FTB tax and/or DIR violations.

On June 11, 2014, a multi-agency task force led by the California Department of Insurance, consisting of more than 100 detectives and investigators, conducted a sweep across major metropolitan areas statewide issuing more than 60 citations for various violations and six work stop-orders.

Violations found among the nearly 100 businesses contacted included no workers' compensation insurance, no valid contractor's license, and serious safety violations cited by the Division of Occupational Safety with fines totaling $87,140. The Department of Insurance will review the violations for insurance premium fraud investigations.

As information and tips regarding illegal activity often come from the business community, each agency provided pamphlets, posters, and brochures to each of the businesses contacted.

CDI continues to be proactive in seeking out potential premium fraud investigations while participating in enforcement sweeps of Labor Code 3700.5 and in cases with the CSLB, the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, local district attorneys, and allied law enforcement agencies.

Budget and Staffing


Personnel Years (PY) Staffing:

Worker’s Compensation Fraud Program Positions…………………….…123


Fraud Budgeted Levels ..................................................................... $111,586,000

Personal Services ...............................................................................$13,622,855

Operating Expenses & Equipment (OE&E)............................................$4,695,697

CDI Administrative Support ...................................................................$3,768,113


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Enforcement Branch

Unfunded Contributions

The Department continually provides funding for the workers’ compensation anti-fraud efforts in areas that are not funded by the workers’ compensation fraud grant. The Department funds investigations by the Enforcement Branch’s Investigation Division into allegations of misdeeds by brokers and agents. These investigations look at brokers and agents who have violated their fiduciary responsibility by stealing or misappropriating premiums received from employers for the purchase of workers’ compensation coverage. The costs for the investigation of these cases is derived from fees and licensing funds within the Department.

In addition to the investigation of cases involving brokers and agents, the computer forensics team (CFT) members from the Investigation Division routinely assist the Fraud Division during search warrants. Some of the most knowledgeable and experienced CFT members within the Enforcement Branch are Investigation Division investigators. They are often called upon to assist with the acquisition of computer related evidence. These CFT members later assist in extracting information from the acquired evidence. The cost of funding these positions is also derived from fees and licensing.

Program Support

• Insurance Commissioner’s Office

• Statewide Pro Rata (e.g., Governor’s Office, Legislature, etc.)

• Legal Branch

• Budget and Revenue Management Bureau (BRMB)

• Human Resources Management Division (HRMD)

• Accounting Services Bureau (ASB)

• Media Relations

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1. Workers' Compensation Insurance Fraud Program Insurance Commissioner's Funding Recommendation – Fiscal Year 2013-14.

2. Workers' Compensation Insurance Fraud – Reported Suspected Fraudulent Claims for Calendar Years 2012, 2013 and 2014.

3. Workers Compensation Insurance Fraud Program – District Attorney Convictions – Fiscal Year 2013-14.

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Enforcement Branch

Appendix 1 Workers' Compensation Insurance Fraud Program

Insurance Commissioner's Funding Recommendation Fiscal Year 2013-14

County 2012-13 Funding FundingRequested

2013-14 FundingAwarded

Alameda $1,425,916 $1,425,916 $1,425,916

Amador $413,186 $457,879 $410,333

Butte $108,600 $85,026 $75,421

Contra Costa $603,400 $1,101,260 $619,000

El Dorado $257,247 $262,826 $251,615

Fresno $1,122,000 $1,430,337 $1,152,108

Humboldt $178,400 $207,624 $179,016

Imperial $143,087 $195,079 $163,495

Kern $715,000 $1,598,450 $827,500

Kings $269,791 $269,791 $263,875

Lake1 $44,698

Los Angeles $5,937,916 $7,329,718 $5,805,244

Marin $233,731 $271,054 $233,585

Merced $94,012 $150,239 $94,012

Monterey $600,000 $672,923 $607,200

Napa $130,153 $130,153 $130,153

Nevada2 $80,774 $66,190

Note #1: For Fiscal Year 2013-14, Lake County did not apply for grant funding.

Note #2: For Fiscal Year 2012-13, Nevada County did not apply for grant funding.

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Enforcement Branch

Appendix 1 (continued)

County 2012-13 Funding Funding Requested

2013-14 Funding Awarded

Orange $3,588,116 $3,823,908 $3,620,608

Riverside $1,488,786 $1,637,307 $1,529,658

Sacramento $884,657 $910,653 $880,794

San Bernardino $2,206,339 $2,366,103 $2,244,246

San Diego $4,527,303 $4,477,303 $4,477,303

San Francisco $702,366 $851,814 $702,366

San Joaquin $478,031 $573,694 $484,647

San Luis Obispo $62,254 $208,461 $62,254

San Mateo $660,318 $762,172 $680,286

Santa Barbara $286,000 $286,000 $272,800

Santa Clara $2,452,358 $2,452,358 $2,446,586

Santa Cruz $149,332 $231,514 $149,332

Shasta $166,000 $166,000 $157,739

Siskiyou $33,007 $46,503 $34,606

Solano $173,388 $173,388 $169,710

Sonoma $74,419 $70,000 $56,804

Tehama $83,528 $122,377 $84,017

Tulare $504,393 $504,211 $504,211

Ventura $729,984 $795,792 $686,997

Yolo $246,676 $246,485 $224,765

TOTAL $31,774,392 $36,375,092 $31,774,392

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Enforcement Branch

Appendix 2 Workers' Compensation Insurance Fraud - Reported Suspected Fraudulent Claims

Calendar Years 2012, 2013 and 2014

County 2012 SFC’s 2013 SFC’s 2014 SFC’s

Alameda 215 172 241

Alpine 0 0 0

Amador 1 2 4

Butte 10 19 15

Calaveras 3 2 2

Colusa 2 2 10

Contra Costa 68 117 89

Del Norte 6 0 5

El Dorado 12 14 11

Fresno 130 93 114

Glenn 3 3 3

Humboldt 7 9 5

Imperial 16 14 20

Inyo 1 4 0

Kern 111 121 123

Kings 17 9 13

Lake 5 4 4

Lassen 10 3 2

Los Angeles 1,948 2,326 2,374

Madera 11 18 7

Marin 33 30 23

Mariposa 1 2 1

Mendocino 10 5 3

Merced 8 42 21

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Enforcement Branch

Appendix 2 (Continued)

County 2012 SFC’s 2013 SFC’s 2014 SFC’s

Modoc 0 0 0

Mono 0 1 2

Monterey 69 58 78

Napa 13 16 21

Nevada 5 11 7

Orange 527 599 576

Placer 24 24 27

Plumas 1 2 2

Riverside 298 312 323

Sacramento 127 103 148

San Benito 8 5 5

San Bernardino 313 346 348

San Diego 334 337 327

San Francisco 87 92 104

San Joaquin 72 55 69

San Luis Obispo 21 33 18

San Mateo 64 93 63

Santa Barbara 41 34 77

Santa Clara 166 167 188

Santa Cruz 18 27 33

Shasta 17 20 12

Sierra 0 0 0

Siskiyou 2 3 8

Solano 28 31 45

Sonoma 20 42 41

Stanislaus 26 32 43

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Enforcement Branch

Appendix 2 (Continued)

County 2012 SFC’s 2013 SFC’s 2014 SFC’s

Sutter 3 5 5

Tehama 7 7 8

Trinity 0 1 0

Tulare 48 39 56

Tuolumne 4 4 3

US Attorney Central CA 0 0 1

Ventura 74 111 135

Yolo 23 18 23

Yuba 8 2 7

TOTAL 5,076 5,641 5,893

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Appendix 3 Workers Compensation Insurance Fraud Program

District Attorney Convictions Fiscal Year 2013-14

Alameda County



446510 Alvarado, Jesus Claimant Fraud 1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $12,000 $0

131545 Bell, Adrian Uninsured Employer 15 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,000

448612B Curry, Jeremy Premium Fraud 90 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $236,522 $0

H53064 Foxworth, Barbara Claimant Fraud ? $0 $0 $0

447356C Garcia, Maricruz

Multiple Entities Provider Fraud

180 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $0

H54416 Hamid, Sultan

Multiple Entities Provider Fraud

1 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 $805 $0

H54691 Hand, John Insider Fraud ? $0 $61,886 $0

445989 Hu, Jian Ping Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $1,000

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Enforcement Branch

Alameda County (Continued)



448612A Lave, Jenny Premium Fraud 90 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $236,522 $0

H54659 Parker, Dwight Claimant Fraud 180 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 $41,299 $0

448758 Porcher, Michael Uninsured Employer 180 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $23,000 $1,000

454088 Segovia, Fernando Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $1,500

449649 Silva, Gerardo Uninsured Employer 1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,000

H53921 Williams, Elizabeth Premium Fraud ? $0 $0 $0

Amador County







Alcantaro, Daniel

Ariasgonzalez, Maria Hilda

Bamberg, David

Belyy, Viktor


Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Premium Fraud

Uninsured Employer



12 month(s) probation 240 hour(s) community service

12 month(s) probation

















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Amador County (Continued)



62-126529 Blanco, Giovnny Emmanuel

Uninsured Employer

90 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $5,000

62-128129 Carrasco, Carlos Miguel

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $5,000

62-121130 Castillo, Jose Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $0

62-122173 Guzman, Ivan Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,500

62-122174 Hawkins, Mathew Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $2,500

12CR19731 Hypse, Robert Alan Uninsured Employer

90 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $4,505 $0

13C15926 Manzano, Frank Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

62-126530 Matias, Felipe Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $0

13CR21176 Milam, Dale Stanley Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,020

62-110200 Nunez, Nabor Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $0

62-110200 Ramirez, Ruben Uninsured Employer

75 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $34,929 $0

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Enforcement Branch

Amador County (Continued)



13C16243 Roque, Steven Anthony Uninsured Employer 42 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,000

62-12386913C 16243

Sneath, Lee JamesRoque, Steven Anthony

Claimant Fraud Uninsured Employer

12 month(s) probation 42 month(s) probation $0 $0 $0$1,000


Solis, Edgar AmbrocioSneath, Lee James

Uninsured Employer Claimant Fraud

12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,500$0

62-126528 Solis, Edgar Ambrocio Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $2,500

Butte County



DA1000787 Breunle, William Kurt Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) prison $0 $0 $0

DA0900879 Lerossignol, Monica Claimant Fraud

30 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $0

DA0800906 Rangel, Saul Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $0

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Enforcement Branch

Contra Costa County



1-154848-6 Castellones, Jaime Uninsured Employer

24 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $200

1-1619626 Jingui, Bo Uninsured Employer

2 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service

$0 $0 $0

1-161895-8 Mccullough, Marquita Claimant Fraud 24 month(s) probation $0 $9,089 $140

5-1406214 Palmas-Porras, Roberto Uninsured Employer

725 day(s) jail 48 month(s) probation $0 $39,026 $0

1-162773-6 Relei, Kenneth Insider Fraud 31 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $180

1-162165-5 Rodriguez, Angel Premium Fraud

30 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $55,000 $140

11660372 Running, Brian Uninsured Employer

60 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 240 hour(s) community service

$0 $0 $170

1-162773-6 Shannon, Tim Premium Fraud

2 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $55,000 $170

1-162178-9 Uwagbi, Henry Premium Fraud

120 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $19,600 $0

1-154848-6 Castellones, Jaime Uninsured Employer

24 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $200

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Contra Costa County (Continued)



1-1619626 Jingui, Bo Uninsured Employer

2 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service

$0 $0 $0

1-161895-8 Mccullough, Marquita Claimant Fraud 24 month(s) probation $0 $9,089 $140

5-1406214 Palmas-Porras, Roberto Uninsured Employer

725 day(s) jail 48 month(s) probation $0 $39,026 $0

1-162773-6 Relei, Kenneth Insider Fraud 31 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $180

1-162165-5 Rodriguez, Angel Premium Fraud

30 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $55,000 $140

11660372 Running, Brian Uninsured Employer

60 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 240 hour(s) community service

$0 $0 $170

1-162773-6 Shannon, Tim Premium Fraud

2 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $55,000 $170

1-162178-9 Uwagbi, Henry Premium Fraud

120 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $19,600 $0

1-158422-6 Vaka, Ova Uninsured Employer

60 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $21,548 $140

1-167996-8 Vaka, Ova Uninsured Employer

60 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $3,047 $0

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Enforcement Branch

El Dorado County



P13F0204-1 Adams, Brenda / Poor Reds

Uninsured Employer

? $0 $629,818 $0

P13F0204-2 Adams, Michael Ralph / Poor Reds

Uninsured Employer

? $0 $0 $0

P13CRM0674 Bays, Jason Uninsured Employer

? $0 $0 $0

S13CRM0664 Bedinger, David James / Best Decks Construction

Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $884

P13CRM0696 Blubaugh, Brandon Uninsured Employer

24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $967

S13CRM0751 Cerny, Brian Uninsured Employer

? $0 $0 $0

P13CRM0692 Cortez, Macario Uninsured Employer

24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $827

S13CRM0666 Danneo, Paul Arnoldo / Fallen Leaf Cabin Repair

Uninsured Employer

12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $776

S13CRM0661 Delgado, Jose Aguirre / Jose Aguirre Handyman

Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $390

S13CRM0663 Dozier, James Hoyt / J. Dozier Landscaping

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $390

P13CRM0693 Ford, Byron Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $967

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El Dorado County (Continued)



P13CRM0149 Gallagher, Mark / Painting & Home Repair

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $827

S13CRM0752 Garza, Clayton / G&T Maintenance

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $785

P13CRM0655 Gioukaris, Michael E. / Aris Painting

Uninsured Employer 18 month(s) probation $0 $0 $767

S14CRM0040 Gonzalez, Miguel Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $615

P13CRM0691 Harris, Thomas Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $967

S13CRM0656 Herrera, Alfonso Avila / Royal Gardens, Inc.

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $930

P13CRM0694 Hylton, Brent Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $800

13-10-6012 Johnson, Donald / Fix-It-Man Don Johnson

Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $500

P13CRM0719 Koulax, Marty Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $967

S13CRM0769 Lee, Christopher Jordan / Great White Painting

Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $0

P14CRM0105 Lua, Jose Anthony / La Colina Landscaping

Claimant Fraud ? $0 $0 $830

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El Dorado County (Continued)



P13CRM0732 Miller, Matthew Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $796

P13CRM0130 Miner, Brian Charles / Handyman Services That Save You Money

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $845

P13CRM0695 Motocarrera, Miguel Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $967

P13CRM0735 Navarrete, Juan Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $967

P13CRM0733 Nelson, Matthew Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $967

P13CRM0714 Padilla, Chen Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $967

P13CRM0669 Stagg, David Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $967

S13CRM0658 Suglain, Gene / Tahoe House Doctor

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $882

P13CRM0670 Treadway, Timothy Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $410

S13CRM0764 Valladolid, Ramon Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $600

P13CRM0794 Vazquez-Magdaleno, Jesus

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $825

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El Dorado County (Continued)



13-09-5114 Vigneault, John Peter / Impressive Interiors

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $886

S13CRM1546 Whorley, George Arthur / If It Breaks, We Will Fix It!

Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $800

P13CRM0713 Winter, Alan Wayne Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $827

Fresno County










Acajabon, Jorge Mario

Arreola, Esgar Yeraldo

Bratton, Robert

Cendejas, Ramon

Clark, Charles Walter

Cruz, Sergio

Del Toro, Gabriel


Uninsured Employer


Uninsured Employer

Claimant Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer


12 month(s) probation

47 day(s) jail

12 month(s) probation

12 month(s) probation

12 month(s) probation

24 month(s) probation

12 month(s) probation

























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Fresno County (Continued)















Diaz, Ignacio

Enriquez, Martin

Foreman, Corey

Garcia, Mario Stephen

Guire, Rick Gene

Gutierrez, Rogelio

Harrold, Donald

Hendrickson, Douglas Bryan

Jenkins, Craig

Joya, Albert

Macias, Leonides

Macias, Leonides


Claimant Fraud


Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Premium Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Claimant Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer


12 month(s) probation

12 month(s) probation

12 month(s) probation

6 month(s) probation

90 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service

12 month(s) probation

1 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation

30 month(s) probation

12 month(s) probation

12 month(s) probation

365 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation

36 month(s) probation








































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Enforcement Branch

Fresno County (Continued)



07-7926 Maggini, Melvin Premium Fraud

1 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation 500 hour(s) community service

$0 $239,800 $280

12-8687 Meliton, Jose Claimant Fraud

364 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $370

14-3156 Mendez, Donald Kent Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $2,500 $0

13-28274 Mijangos, Santos Uninsured Employer 18 month(s) probation $0 $1,500 $0

13-37256 Musser, Richard Doyle Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $0

13-33771 Opoku-Ababio, Kofi Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $0

13-37208 Ortez, Silvia Mireya Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $500 $0

13-37200 Perez Jr., Joseph Edward

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $0

06-43063 Reyes, Elizabeth Jenny Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $500 $0

13-30682 Rodriguez, Joaquin Lopez

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $0

13-11548 Rubio, Efrain Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $2,500 $0

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Fresno County (Continued)



13-9678 Ruiz, Elias Uninsured Employer

88 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $150 $0

13-9694 Ruiz, Elias Uninsured Employer 16 month(s) prison $0 $10,000 $910

13-27657 Sanchez, Ricardo Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $500 $0

14-11929 Soto-Mendoza, Martin Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $1,500 $0

13-11497 Tapia-Dorantes, Mariano

Uninsured Employer 6 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $0

12-7447 Thomas, Ray Claimant Fraud ? $0 $179,923 $0

11-32712 Thomas, Ruby Marie Premium Fraud 1 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service

$0 $73,280 $0

12-19942 Tilley, Michael Other 12 month(s) probation $0 $500 $0

13-37202 Torres-Rodriguez, Ramon

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $0

14-3284 Weiss III, Edward Ernest

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $500 $0

13-25077 Woolsey, James Clyde Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $0

13-37251 Zeller, Jason Other 12 month(s) probation $0 $1,500 $0

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Enforcement Branch

Humboldt County




Alemar, Carmina Claimant Fraud 18 month(s) probation 24 hour(s) community service $0 $500 $650

Imperial County




JCF30665 Hernandez, George Claimant Fraud 60 month(s) probation $0 $7,497 $0

JCF30708 Mejia, Oscar Claimant Fraud 60 month(s) probation $0 $23,980 $0

JCF31597 Nava, Jaime Other ? $0 $1,000 $210

JCF30717 Niebla, Juan Claimant Fraud 60 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service $0 $91,731 $280

Kern County



BF135460A Baca, Jerry Claimant Fraud

36 month(s) probation $0 $1,401 $560

BF141700B Cabanganga, Maria Cecilia / P&R

Multiple Entities Provider Fraud

Sentence Pending $0 ? $0

RM036288A Calleros, Carlos Salgado

Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,500

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Enforcement Branch

Kern County (Continued)



BM832612A Carter, Jason James Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $3,000

BM832605A Chavez, Eduardo Alberto

Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) prison 400 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $500

BM836429A Childress, Brandon Claimant Fraud

36 month(s) probation $0 $2,436 $470

BM816260A Cirilio, Artemio Uninsured Employer

? $0 $0 $500

BF139332A Dhaliwal, Gurdeep Claimant Fraud

24 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $550

BM821620A Forsythe, Stuart Wayne

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,500

RM039004A Freund, Randy Prescott

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,000

BM825622A Fuentes, Gerardo Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $150

BM779474B Fuentes, Sara Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $500

BM821619A Garcia, Francisco Carabez

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $500

BM832607A Green, Perry Lamar Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $500

BM820473A Henson, Jerry Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $5,500

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Enforcement Branch

Kern County (Continued)



BM835970A Hernandez, Pablo Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $5,500

BM832598A Hernandez, Rodolfo Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $500

BM779475A Hernandez, Tomas Sanchez

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $500

BF153920A Kilbourn, Brett William Other 36 month(s) probation $0 $40,000 $0

BM832608A Madrigal, Gilberto Avalos

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,500

BM821617A Martinez, Benigno Arguelles

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,500

RM039007A Martinez, Jaime Ponce Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,158

RM039006A Mckeown, Michael Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $0

BM832616A Miranda, Benjamin Uninsured Employer Conditional Dismissal $0 $0 $500

BM832610A Mitchell, Samuel Joe Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $960

BM832611A Navarro, Daniel Gomez Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $500

RM039001A Nokes, Drake Ashby Uninsured Employer Conditional Dismissal $0 $0 $0

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Enforcement Branch

Kern County (Continued)



DM085157A Nunez, Emilio Lopez Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $460 $0

BM821623A Ortiz, Martin Guadalupe Gill Other 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,000

BM832615A Paredes, Harry Gabriel Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,000

BM832609A Rizo, Sergio Noriega Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $500

BM832606A Simpson, Craig Robert Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,500

BM835729A Tinoco, Ray Tommy Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $500

BM821625A Todd, Daniel Ray Other 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $550

BF145389A Wanagitis, Stephen Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $460

BF141700G Yang, Chi Hong / P&R

Multiple Entities Provider Fraud

Sentence Pending $0 $0 $0

BM786488A Zamora, Miguel Carrasco

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $500

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Enforcement Branch

Kings County



M-13-4945 Azevedo, Scott Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $150

M-13-4804 Baker, Ryan Uninsured Employer

90 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service

$0 $0 $500

M-13-0062 Barraza, Felipe Claimant Fraud

36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

M-13-1323 Brewer, Jeffrey Uninsured Employer

180 day(s) jail $0 $0 $5,850

M-12-5002 Cordeiro, Benjamin Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $390

M-12-4991 Cortez, Miguel Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $530

F-11-5321 Deazevedo, Don Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $10,495 $150

F-12-990 Escamilla, Richard Premium Fraud 72 month(s) prison $0 ######## $1,680

M13-4801 Freitas, Paris Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $150

M-13-1095 Garcia, Sr., Salvador Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $140

M-13-4958 Gomez, Jorge Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $150

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Enforcement Branch

Kings County (Continued)



M-14-2303 Gonzalez, Guillermo Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service

$0 $0 $500

M-12-4995 Heinz, Edward Uninsured Employer

90 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,500

M-12-4989 Hudson, Ricky Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $395

M-13-1098 Leon, Francisco Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $530

M-14-1952 Martinez, Gerardo Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $150

M-13-2088 Meise, Gregory Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

M-11-1541 Muhlenbrock, Max Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $500

F-13-654 Nelms, Jason Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $140

M-13-2088 Pelayo, Rosalio Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

M-13-4959 Rodriguez, Felipe Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $140

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Kings County (Continued)



M-13-6242 Salas, Mario Uninsured Employer

8 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

F-13-654 Sanchez, Bernardo Other 36 month(s) probation $0 $10,000 $0

Los Angeles County



BA415410 Acosta, Isabel Claimant Fraud

226 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $5,000 $280

3R102810 Aguilar, Francisco Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

2PK05872 Aguilar, Jesse / G & A Brothers

Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation 150 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $0

BA404703 Andersen, Scott Premium Fraud

36 month(s) probation $0 $36,957 $280

BA403124 Arauz-Hernandez, Jose A

Claimant Fraud

1 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service

$0 $0 $0

3r100419 Arellano, Miguel Angel / ATS Auto

Uninsured Employer

24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,500

3R103545 Arriaza, Victor Vasquez / El Novillo Meat Market #2

Uninsured Employer

24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,000

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Los Angeles County (Continued)














Bates, Linda Renee

Bradfield, Marcella

Bramont, Jose Refugio / Bell G Transmission

Bugarin, Oscar Fernando / Los Planes De Rendero

Cade, Chris

Casas, Ismael / Casas Custom Concrete

Chai, Christopher

Chaires-Garcia, Dolores Mercedes

Chan, Chung Leung / Uniform Kingdom

Chang, Sophie Yeong / House Of Sandwich

Cisneros, Jose / Econo Smog 'N Tune


Claimant Fraud

Premium Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Claimant Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Premium Fraud

Claimant Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer


1 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation 30 hour(s) community service

36 month(s) probation

24 month(s) probation

24 month(s) probation

24 month(s) probation 120 hour(s) community service

24 month(s) probation

36 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service

12 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 400 hour(s) community service

24 month(s) probation

24 month(s) probation

24 month(s) probation





































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Enforcement Branch

Los Angeles County (Continued)



4JB02048 Corona, Saturnino Bustos / Constructor

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

3BF00499 Cortez, Jose Alfredo Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

BA422187 Cruz, Jorge Alberto Claimant Fraud

6 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 300 hour(s) community service

$0 $6,100 $0

BA408054 Delkhah, Danny Premium Fraud

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service

$0 $17,250 $280

3R102870 Flores, Esteban Julio Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000



Galaviz, Victor / JV Auto Repair

Galdamez, Rogelio

Uninsured Employer

Claimant Fraud

24 month(s) probation

2 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation







BA419952 Gaona, Marcela Claimant Fraud

36 month(s) probation 400 hour(s) community service $0 $7,915 $0

BA408971 Garcia-Palomera, Hugo Premium Fraud

36 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service $0 $7,000 $0

3RI02862 Garduno, Luis / Garduno's Auto Repair

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

3RI00757 Gomez, Armando / ABM Transmission

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

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Los Angeles County (Continued)














Gonzalez, Marcos

Guerrero, Leonel Castillo / La Flor De Michoacan

Gutierrez, Ines

Gutierrez, Johnny / La Puente Motors

Han, Jae Yong / OSS Enterprises Inc.

Hernandez-Arauz, Jose A

Hovanesian, Onnik

Huerta, Juan Carlos / Juan's Tacos

Jimenez, Abran

Jin, Chun Woo / CJ Uniform

Jo, Silk / Jo's Painting And Construction


Claimant Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Premium Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Claimant Fraud

Claimant Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Claimant Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer


1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service

24 month(s) probation


24 month(s) probation

24 month(s) probation

1 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service

36 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service

24 month(s) probation


24 month(s) probation

24 month(s) probation





































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Enforcement Branch

Los Angeles County (Continued)



3GN00619 Kasparian, Baghdassar / The Muffler Shop

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

4NW00558 Khouri, Jumana / Castaic Smoke Shop

Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $3,000

BA394413 Kiley, Tuan Claimant Fraud

2 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $55,000 $150

BA407343 Kim, Richard Yong Premium Fraud

2 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service

$0 $40,000 $0

3BF05693 Kim, Young Deok / Angelos Burgers

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $30,000

3BF01397 Lee, Hae Jung Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

3CP00542 Lee, Jessica / Uncle Joe's Donut

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $3,000

3DY07335 Louie, Kelvin Jeffrey / Plaza Liquor Mart

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $3,000

BA423382 Lu, Wayne Chehwun Claimant Fraud

4 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 300 hour(s) community service

$0 $40,122 $300

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Enforcement Branch

Los Angeles County (Continued)














Macias, Ricardo Mendoza / El Guero Body Shop

Medina, Carlos / El Guero Body Shop

Mejia, Carlos / Lakewood Auto Body

Mejivar, Josefina

Monroe, Michael Wayne / Broaster Kitchen

Montoya, George

Moreno, Laura Nacy Torres / Genesis Embroidery

Mourad, Merhe Melhem / Two 2 Mango

Mullin, Sara Jessica

Napier, Jeffrey Wilson

Nordom, Seyhar Chan / Mapledale Liquor


Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Claimant Fraud

Claimant Fraud

Claimant Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Claimant Fraud

Claimant Fraud

Uninsured Employer


24 month(s) probation

24 month(s) probation

24 month(s) probation



40 hour(s) community service

24 month(s) probation


36 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service

36 month(s) probation






































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Enforcement Branch

Los Angeles County (Continued)



3DY07860 Noriega, David Anastacio Diaz / Diaz Restaurant

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,000

3BF01154 Orozco, Pedro / Peter's Auto Repair

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,000

BA423294 Ortiz, Raquel Claimant Fraud

1 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 $64,498 $0

BA422390 Perez, Gelacio Martinez

Claimant Fraud

8 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 400 hour(s) community service

$0 $23,582 $240

BA422390 Ponce, Raul G Claimant Fraud

6 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service

$0 $7,658 $0

BA413746 Rivas, Carlos Premium Fraud

4 day(s) jail 36 month(s) prison 60 month(s) probation 600 hour(s) community service

$0 $156,878 $260

3DY00828 Rodriguez, Martin Hernandez / Randy's Restuarant

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,000

3CP06479 Rojas, Doris Tirona / JBJ's Bakery

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,000

BA395313 Rubin, Mitchell Marc Premium Fraud

36 month(s) probation 240 hour(s) community service $0 $128,000 $0

BA423448 Ruiz, Jr., Mariano Sanchez

Premium Fraud

36 month(s) probation 300 hour(s) community service $0 $29,109 $0

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Enforcement Branch

Los Angeles County (Continued)



2WW01422 Saldana, Joel / Tina's Mexican Food

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

4JB00579 Samaan, Zaher / Citrus Liquor

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

BA407894 Sayegh, Gina Marie Claimant Fraud

24 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service $0 $1,200 $0

4dy02387 Sharma, Bharat / A-1 Food Store

Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $4,000

3CP06478 Shively, Ofelia / Iloco And Hawaiian

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

3R103141 Tang, David / Silver Star Auton Repair

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

3DY07334 Uzeta, Oscar / DA Insurance

Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $1,000

BA409554 Vaipulu, Della Claimant Fraud

60 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service $0 $3,360 $0

3DY01519 Valderrama, Julia / Guadalajara Tires

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,500

4JB01317 Valdez, Ana Maria / Natural Power

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

BA388518 Vielma, Manuel Claimant Fraud

60 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service

$0 $66,884 $0

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Enforcement Branch

Los Angeles County (Continued)



4JB01318 Watfa, Moussa / Frontier Liquor

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

BA188880 Wilson, Robby A Other 2 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $100

BA406102 Yang, Bing Premium Fraud

1 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $140,000 $0

BA400874 Yeghyaian, Hrair Claimant Fraud

1 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service

$0 $34,894 $280

4CP01383 Yeo, Woon / Happy Cleaners

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $4,000

Marin County



252545 Capra, Marianita Uninsured Employer

84 month(s) prison $0 $0 $2,400

257402 Grillo, Jason Uninsured Employer

213 day(s) jail $0 $11,500 $280

254824 Pulido, Santiago Uninsured Employer

24 month(s) probation 24 hour(s) community service $0 $1,500 $650

259581 Sage, Russel Insider Fraud 24 month(s) prison Restitution re-sentenced in connection with Yolo county case

$0 $31,500 $600

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Enforcement Branch

Marin County (Continued)



24 month(s) prison Restitution 264465 Sage, Russel Insider Fraud re-sentenced in connection with $0 $7,100 $600

separate Yolo County case


Staples-Storm, Rayomond Thomas / Ray Storm Green Builiding & Energy Consultant

Premium Fraud

90 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $39,743 $400

Merced County










Barajas, Fernando

Galindo, Sammy

Portillio-Gonzalez, Mauricio

Quinn, Nicholas

Rojas, Emilliano Garcia

Rosales, Julian

Rosales-Lopez, Antonio


Uninsured Employer

Claimant Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Insider Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer


3 year conditional sentence

24 month(s) probation

3 year conditional sentence

36 month(s) probation

3 year conditional sentence

3 year conditional sentence

1 day(s) jail 36 month conditional sentence

























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Enforcement Branch

Monterey County



WCF12-0038 Bolton, Chip Claimant Fraud 96 month(s) prison $0 $83,850 $2,890

WCF14-0078 Bonilla, Odir Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,220

MS309957A Brown, Daniel Mack / Coachman At Your Service

Uninsured Employer

25 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $250 $25,350

WCF10-0003 Casillas, Ricardo / Casillas Transportation Services

Premium Fraud

300 day(s) jail 120 month(s) probation $0 $469,623 $61,110

WCF130078 Cunningham, Mathew Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,880

WCF14-0021 Fale, Lavaki Uninsured Employer

180 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 $0 $11,810

WCF14-0022 Galindo, Ephraim / Galindo Specialty

Uninsured Employer

5 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $11,440

WCF130047 Gida, Shari / Central Coast Tree And Timber

Insider Fraud

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,210

WCF14-0095 Guz Lazrovic Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,210

WCF140016 Langley, Danny Claimant Fraud

365 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 $3,360 $13,050

WCF120080 Langley, Danny Uninsured Employer

228 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 $1,100 $12,400

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Monterey County (Continued)



WCF14-0070 Nieto, Everado / Evercleen Carpet

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,210

WCF13-0034 Perez, Anthony / Esa International LLC

Premium Fraud

120 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation 1600 hour(s) community service

$0 $0 $35,960

Napa County



CR159284 Gibson, Michael Wayne / Partners In Painting

Premium Fraud

45 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $98,000 $280

CR168605 Quinones, Jose Trinidad

Claimant Fraud

8 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $11,076 $475

Orange County



12CF3350 Alaghemand, Hamed / Zolman Development

Premium Fraud

180 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $265,992 $240

10CF0851 Barron, Jayson Claimant Fraud

90 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 $8,000 $100

12CF3350 Bonner, Lourdes / Zolman Development

Premium Fraud

180 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $265,992 $240

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Orange County (Continued)



13CF1518 Bravo, Santiago Claimant Fraud

180 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $131,015 $240

14CF0541 Childs, Christopher / Childs Play

Premium Fraud 60 month(s) probation $0 $76,012 $20,240

13CM09118 Delgado, Eduardo Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,120

08ZF0025 Dickson, Roy Other Sentence Pending $0 $0 $0

11CF2187 Guerrero, Jose / Jose Martinez Tree Service

Premium Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $454,692 $150,200

13CF2507 Hardas, Loksarang / Awesome Products

Premium Fraud 120 month(s) probation $0 $898,310 $250,200

08ZF0025 Harnen, Andrew Other 64 month(s) prison $0 $0 $0

14CM00659 Jordan, Christian Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $10,000 $150

13CF2510 Lemusu, Maria Claimant Fraud

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $5,808 $240

13CF1112 Marquez, Alberto Other 365 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $200

12ZF0133 Mohammedi, Reza / Southland Construction

Premium Fraud 24 month(s) prison $0 $0 $0

14CF0750 Montano-Tirado, Adriana Claimant Fraud

150 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $0

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Orange County (Continued)



12ZF0129 Osumi, George Premium Fraud 72 month(s) prison $0 ######## $240

14HF0824 Pina, Horacio Claimant Fraud

132 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $240

12CF0644 Robison, Rick / Kitchen Fabricators

Premium Fraud 120 month(s) probation $0 $568,746 $200

08ZF0025 Rosenberg, Mario Other Sentence Pending $0 $0 $0

12CF2930 Santiesteban, Victor Claimant Fraud

360 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $280

13CF1220 Westaway, Robert Claimant Fraud 12 month(s) probation $0 $15,681 $100

Riverside County



SWM1401234 Abyad, Abraham / A&S Tire

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,280

RIM1400916 Ali, Osama Hasan / Canary Laundromat

Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $720

INM1401985 Andrews, Maged Rashid / Aladdin Deli & Market

Uninsured Employer 18 month(s) probation $0 $0 $710

RIM1316177 Arrizon, Sergio Edgar / Clean Air Smog

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,280

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Enforcement Branch

Riverside County (Continued)



RIF1401231 Azuaje, Elias Salvador Claimant Fraud 180 day(s) jail $0 $31,648 $370

RIF1302726 Barnett, Gregory Leray Claimant Fraud

180 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $350

INM1303722 Berkeley, Lisa Jean / Palm Desert Glass

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,140

SWF1200975 Burns, Beth Jean / CMG Outreach

Uninsured Employer

30 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $8,400 $5,260

INM1401989 Calbillo, Luis Enrique / Carnicera Mexicana

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $570

RIF1203754 Chenette, Paul Joseph / Greek Bistro

Uninsured Employer

180 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,350

INM1401988 Chhim, Kimhab / Swiss Donut

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,220

RIF1302280 Crumley, Harold Jess Claimant Fraud 180 day(s) jail $0 $0 $370

SWF1301509 Duhamell, Jason Eric / Puppies 4 Less

Claimant Fraud 18 month(s) probation $0 $1,800 $2,350

RIM1217007 Franco, Daniel Enrique / Grand Terrace Caregivers

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,170

INF1302802 Franco, Eddie Taylor Claimant Fraud ? $0 $25,143 $370

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Enforcement Branch

Riverside County (Continued)



RIM1301654 Guerra, Luis / Victory 215

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,170

RIM1315511 Hurtado, Socorro Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,210

RIM1318421 Jimenez, Maria / Tacos Los Primos

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,280

RIF1309570 Kim, Billy / Natural Health & Solutions

Uninsured Employer

150 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,490

RIM1306723 Lin, Yong Zeng / Lucky Wok

Uninsured Employer 18 month(s) probation $0 $0 $597

BAM1400449 Llamasgutierrez, Epifanio / Ramsey Burger #2

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $220

INM1302989 Mancia, Carlos / Mi Riconcito

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $460

INM1304353 Martinez, Margarito / Martinez Gardening Service

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,220

RIM1307199 Monarrez, David / Durango Medical Clinic

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,210

SWM1302285 Nguyen, Terry Thanh / King Restaurant

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $680

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Enforcement Branch

Riverside County (Continued)



RIM1304505 Ochoa, Enrique Martinez / Martinez Auto Repair

Uninsured Employer

15 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $22,658 $280

RIF1314332 Olatunji, Damilola Adewale

Insider Fraud 36 month(s) prison $0 $255,518 $380

SWM1403945 Olivarez, Christina Martinez / Christina's Food

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $566 $790

INM1402551 Padilla, Pedro F. / Restaurant Santa Fe

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,220

INM1401991 Park, Jihye / Otori Sushi

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $220

RIM1405012 Pham, Hao Xuan / N&H Beauty Supply

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,190

SWF1200977 Pilkington, Daniel Alen / Pilkington Roofing & Construction

Premium Fraud

36 month(s) probation 360 hour(s) community service $15,464 $49,103 $420

INM1402457 Por, Heng / TK Donut & Chinese

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $220

SWM1304580 Renna, Luigi / Little Louie's Cocktails

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $8,410

INM1401987 Rodriguez, Isabel Garza / Super Taco

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $410

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Enforcement Branch

Riverside County (Continued)



INM1304352 Rodriguezmartinez, Saul / Rodriguez Gardening

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) prison $0 $0 $2,220

RIM1403816 Roque, Martha Lorena / Sundance Party Supply

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $320

INM1303922 Saab, Fadi Assad / Free Style Furniture

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,140

INF1401010 Sevilla, Vidal / Water Depot.

Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,220

RIF1302275 Smith, Bryan Keith Claimant Fraud

120 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $210

SWF1301594 Steiner, James Uninsured Employer

90 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $4,413 $1,060

RIM1315512 Torres, Erika / Tacos Colima

Uninsured Employer

15 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,210

SWM1300150 Tovar, Roberto Hernandez

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $2,260

RIF1302381 Velasquez, Manuel Martinez / New Era

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $710

RIF1202515 Vicary, Renee Anne / Angel's Sports Bar & Grill

Premium Fraud

300 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $300,000 $306,281 $620

2014059006 Xu, Ke Nong / Wall Chinese Cafe

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $180

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Enforcement Branch

Sacramento County



13M02071 Fisher, Gerry Lee / Highlands Recycling

Uninsured Employer

12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $140

12F03831 Hernandez, Nicholas Adam

Claimant Fraud

36 month(s) probation $0 $15,000 $0

13M05733 Kwong, Sally / Sacramento Green Clean

Premium Fraud

12 month(s) probation 60 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $140

08F07272 Mortenson, Teri Lynne Claimant Fraud

60 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $12,000 $200

13F00773 Reyes, Jonahtan M Claimant Fraud

36 month(s) probation 360 hour(s) community service $0 $15,000 $140

14F01922 Shenefield, Matthew Scott

Claimant Fraud

30 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $3,951 $150

13M05713 Ullah, Aman / Ok Transport, Inc.

Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $660

11F02660 Valencia, Pete David Claimant Fraud

180 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $100

14F00829 Wright, Ladonna Marie Claimant Fraud

30 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 $3,101 $150

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Enforcement Branch

San Bernardino County



FVA1300637 Aguilar, Margarita Claimant Fraud

36 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service $0 $57,571 $300

MSB1202174 Andrade-Helguera, Victor / Victor Andrade Masonry

Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $2,739

FSB1205595 Beede, Brandon / Beede Construction

Premium Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $8,613 $478

FSB1301919 Biggs, Alyce Tisha Other 72 month(s) prison 60 month(s) probation $0 $470,639 $300

MSB1301068 Boice, David Other 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $690

FVA1200437 Brusven, Sandra Claimant Fraud

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $13,820 $0

MWV1305710 Casas Jr., Carlos Other 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $3,803

FWV1301124 Chanick, Heather Claimant Fraud

1 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $234

MSB1301072 Chavelas, Rene Other ? $0 $0 $500

MSB1301070 Chavez, Edwin Alberto Other 30 day(s) jail 36 month(s)

probation $0 $0 $1,434

FSB1300702 Daniels, Tiffany Other 180 day(s) jail $0 $0 $0

MSB1004587 Desouza, Luis Other ? $0 $0 $475

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Enforcement Branch

San Bernardino County (Continued)















Drone, Natalie

Espinoza, Jose

Gama, Angel

Garcia, Jr., Carlos / C&G Enterprises

Gonzalez, Andres

Guerrero-Gaxiola, Jesus Aristeo

Hoover, Kevin Jon

Lindsay, Sir Isaac & Denise / Lindsay Motorcade & Protective Service

Lopez, Mercedes

Marquez, Thomas

Molina, Gaspar

Mulligan, Michael / Stress-O-Pedic


Claimant Fraud



Premium Fraud

Claimant Fraud





Claimant Fraud


Premium Fraud


36 month(s) probation

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation

2 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation

60 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service


36 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service

10 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation

60 month(s) probation

36 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service

39 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation

36 month(s) probation

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation








































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Enforcement Branch

San Bernardino County (Continued) CASE



FVI1400563 Muro, David Joe Claimant Fraud 15 day(s) jail 18 month(s) probation $0 $0 $150

FVI1400563 Oconnor, Melinda Claimant Fraud

30 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $300

FSB1301437 Pang, James / Leland Nursery

Premium Fraud

36 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service $0 $2,341 $340

FSB1300702 Perkins, Jamar Other 180 day(s) jail $0 $0 $0

FWV1200687 Ramirez, Francisco Claimant Fraud ? $0 $61,383 $0

MSB1301076 Reynoso, Jose Other 36 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $1,898

MSB1203431 Sendejas, Ruben Other 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $659

MWV1201316 Stupke, Karl Other ? $0 $0 $509

FSB1000233 Trinidad, Leobardo Claimant Fraud 1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $20,000 $224

MSB1202757 Tueros, Luis Cuestas / Affordable Painter Other 24 month(s) probation 40 hour(s)

community service $0 $0 $400

FWV1203081 Urquiza, Courtney Claimant Fraud

2 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service $0 $5,716 $280

MSB1202753 Vargas, Alfredo Mayorga Other ? $0 $0 $475

FSB1300017 Woodle, Nathan / Stress-O-Pedic

Premium Fraud 1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $224

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Enforcement Branch

San Diego County



M094703 Abdihrahman, Hassan Osman

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $1,500 $520

ADO602 Alsbrook, Billy Ray Premium Fraud 24 month(s) probation $0 $26,144 $0

M094776 Alvarez, Agustin S Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $250

ADJ630 Alvarez, Alma Premium Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $18,654 $520

M094776 Alvarez, Jason H Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $500 $0

ADO916 Apodaca, Saul R Premium Fraud ? $0 $2,425 $0

M094737 Azazi, Ziad Mandeel Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $250 $520

M094740 Banke, Paul Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $520

M094765 Bos, Douglas Jon Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $2,500 $522

ADI727 Bowman, Russell H Premium Fraud ? $0 $0 $0

ADI223 Bowman, Russell H Premium Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $9,999 $0

M094751 Brugger, Carmen P Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $500 $520

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Enforcement Branch

San Diego County (Continued)


M094751 Brugger, Edmundo Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $500 $0

ADL226 Buitendag, Anton Claimant Fraud

180 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 $438,436 $0

ADO662 Castaneda, Marco Premium Fraud ? $0 $0 $0

M094748 Castillo, German B Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $1,500 $720

M094690 CB Metals Trading, Inc.

Uninsured Employer ? $0 $1,500 $540

ADK031 Cevallos, Oscar Claimant Fraud

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service

$0 $2,641 $0

ADJ627 Champion, Thomas Eldon

Premium Fraud

36 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service $0 $30,280 $1,030

ADJ603 Chance, Joshua Claimant Fraud 1 day(s) jail $0 $0 $0

M094749 Chanthalangsy, Udorn

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $500 $100

ADK077 Chapman, Mark Alan

Premium Fraud ? $0 $0 $0

M094731 Chiroque, Josefina Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $500 $520

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Enforcement Branch

San Diego County (Continued)














Cobian, Joseph Olmedo

Cortez, Vicente

Craig, James

Cruz, Ubaldo Orea

Curtis, Andrew S

Dao, Tan

De Santiago, Jacqueline

Fry, Amber

Garcia, Fermin J

Gilden, Ken

Grant, Derek James


Claimant Fraud

Premium Fraud

Claimant Fraud

Claimant Fraud

Premium Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Premium Fraud

Claimant Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Single Entity Provider Fraud

Uninsured Employer



200 hour(s) community service

1 day(s) jail 48 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service

180 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service

60 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service

12 month(s) probation

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation


36 month(s) probation

36 month(s) probation

36 month(s) probation





































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Enforcement Branch

San Diego County (Continued)



M094744 Harvey, Dale Noel Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $520

M094734 Helfrich, Kurt William Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $750 $520

ADJ902 Hennessy, Kevin James Premium Fraud 1 day(s) jail $0 $126,952 $0

M094745 Hill, Ryan Lane Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $2,000 $520

M094745 Hill, Seidy Herrera Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $2,000 $520

M094784 Hope, Jean F Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $0

M094690 Humphries, Cory Todd Uninsured Employer ? $0 $1,500 $540

ADI231 Ivanov, Denis Premium Fraud 60 month(s) probation $0 $35,237 $0

ADO602 Jarvis, Thomas E Premium Fraud ? $0 $726 $0

M094780 Kahia, Vicki Uninsured Employer ? $0 $1,500 $0

ADI383 Kettering, Marjorie Premium Fraud 220 hour(s) community service $0 $449,850 $0

M094732 Kim, Song Cha Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $500 $520

ADL226 Kohrumel, Yolandi Claimant Fraud 365 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 ######## $0

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Enforcement Branch

San Diego County (Continued)



ADO520 Kubart, Eugene R Premium Fraud ? $0 $0 $0

M094705 Kubart, Eugene R Uninsured Employer ? $0 $122,350 $0

ADO602 Kuhn, Jacob N Premium Fraud 60 month(s) probation 30 hour(s) community service $0 $12,755 $0

M094730 Lang, Sam Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $2,500 $520

ADI223 Lemieux, Arlene S Premium Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $4,999 $0

M094738 Limon, Eduardo Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $750 $520

M094698 Maccartee, Frances Lee Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $150

M094698 Maccartee, Robin Douglass Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $1,500 $0

ADC817 Macias, Benjamin Premium Fraud 1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service

$0 $275,000 $200

M094793 Marin, Alexander Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $10,522

M094754 Michelle, Leel Uninsured Employer ? $0 $500 $0

ADO602 Mountney, Timothy Premium Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $2,978 $0

M094752 Nashashibi, Ibrahim I Claimant Fraud 1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $2,000 $620

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Enforcement Branch

San Diego County (Continued)


M094711 Nava, Consuelo Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $520

M094800 Nealson, Marie Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $1,500 $522

M094783 Nguyen, Thunhi T Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $500 $522

M094746 Nguyen, Tuan Chau

Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $522

M094708 Nguyen, Ut Uninsured Employer 18 month(s) probation $0 $0 $425

ADO602 Norton, George C Premium Fraud ? $0 $1,252 $0



Olivas, Juan Garcia

Pacheco, Sandra Elizabeth

Uninsured Employer

Premium Fraud

36 month(s) probation

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation







M094799 Prout, Douglas S Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $2,000 $522

ADK032 Ramirez, Jorge Aldape

Claimant Fraud

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $13,066 $0



Reiss, Richard G

Resa, Sergio H

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

36 month(s) probation

36 month(s) probation







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Enforcement Branch

San Diego County (Continued)















Riches, Kent Alan

Riley, James William

Robledo, Raul

Rodriguez, Clifford John

Rodriguez, Joseph Robert

Rodriguez, Lourdes

Rossman, Timothy

Sanders, Cynthia Yvonne

Santilli, Robert

Saucedo, Domingo

Serban, Doinita

Silva, Gilbert Armando


Claimant Fraud


Uninsured Employer

Premium Fraud

Claimant Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Premium Fraud

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

Claimant Fraud


36 month(s) probation

16 month(s) prison

36 month(s) probation

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation

12 month(s) probation

180 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation

36 month(s) probation

36 month(s) probation


180 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation








































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Enforcement Branch

San Diego County (Continued)



ADK033 Silva, Richard Claimant Fraud

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 200 hour(s) community service

$0 $23,007 $0

ADJ128 Spellane, Steven Michael Insider Fraud 16 month(s) prison $0 $32,402 $0

ADK078 Stame, Chad Phillip Premium Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $4,414 $1,044

M094781 Sultanzada, Sharar Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $522

M094787 Tabali, Allan R Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $2,500 $522

M094735 Taron, Robert A Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $3,000 $520

M094728 Tatewaki, Hitomi Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $3,000 $520

M094728 Tatewaki, Seiji Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $3,000 $520

M094797 Thong, Sunny Uninsured Employer 18 month(s) probation $0 $1,000 $10,522

ADM348 Thurston, Edwina Adriano

Claimant Fraud

36 month(s) probation 60 hour(s) community service $0 $13,482 $0

M094775 Tong, Kin F Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $500 $522

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Enforcement Branch

San Diego County (Continued)



M094790 Tovali, Arcangel Uninsured Employer ? $0 $250 $0

ADN339 Tran, David Other 36 month(s) probation $0 $5,000 $0

M094795 Twist, Frank Anthony Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $1,500 $0

M094554 Valdovinos, Roberto Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $2,000 $525

ADK030 Valencia, Carmen G Claimant Fraud 1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $0

M094747 Vasquez, Mario Albe Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $500 $522

ADC818 Vazquez, Carolina Luna Premium Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $90,000 $0

ADC818 Vazquez, Rogelio Medina Premium Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $90,000 $0

ADJ212 Vergara, Cresenciano Claimant Fraud 1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 80 hour(s) community service

$0 $9,343 $0

ADP668 Weinberg, Daniel Other ? $0 $10,000 $0

ADJ909 Williams, David Arthur Premium Fraud ? $0 ######## $0

ADL665 Wright, Lance Edward Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $381 $0

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Enforcement Branch

San Diego County (Continued)



M094729 Wu, Jianxin Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $2,500 $300

ADN339 Wu, Rong Min Other 36 month(s) probation $0 $5,000 $0

M094771 Yoder, Derrick Uninsured Employer 18 month(s) probation $0 $1,500 $0

M094739 Zazuetaflores, Victor Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $500 $522

M094583 Zouris, James Michael Uninsured Employer ? $0 $10,000 $0

San Francisco County



13008557 Costa, Anthony Claimant Fraud 1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $40

10035675 Ong, Tiong Claimant Fraud 90 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation 310 hour(s) community service

$0 $157,173 $280

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Enforcement Branch

San Joaquin County CASE



SF122877A Lee, Raheem Dushad / AC Transit Claimant Fraud 1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $25,247 $259

SF125046A Lopez, Maria / Stockton Unified School District Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $25,792 $270

SF125916A Padilla, Humberto / San Jose Sport Marketing Claimant Fraud ? $0 $0 $0

San Mateo County CASE



SM384889 Gonzalez-Guzman, Luis Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,000

SC078656 Kho, Irene Insider Fraud 48 month(s) prison $0 $298,703 $630

SC079465 Koshafa, Nabil Premium Fraud 75 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $45,990 $350

SC080239 Sagar, Sunita / San Mateo County Claimant Fraud ? $0 $0 $0

Santa Barbara County CASE



1442825 Carranza, Francisco Javier Claimant Fraud 100 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $36,589 $240

1429284 Sifuentez, Daniel John Claimant Fraud 7 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $10,487 $400

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Enforcement Branch

Santa Clara County



C1473381 Angulo, Sergio / Joe's Tree Service

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1353294 Ayala, Nicolas De Jesus Claimant Fraud

36 month(s) probation 150 hour(s) community service $0 $23,071 $588

C1229811 Baek, Jeong Min / Baeks Brother Construction

Premium Fraud

180 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 $91,683 $504

C1240422 Camacho, Jose Francisco / Artistic Tree Service

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $542

C1479962 Cheung, Roy Keung / Roy Cheung Construction

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $575

C1365056 Gajjala, Vijaya Lakshmi / Hortus Design

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1362377 Garcia, John Bruno / John's Gardening Service

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $634

C1229101 Gonzalez, Margie Domingo / Better Care, Inc.

Claimant Fraud

4 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $15,000 $110

C1367599 Haro, Raul / Lacanada Tree Service

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1478645 Hartnett, Evan / Emerald State Painting

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $575

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Enforcement Branch

Santa Clara County (Continued)



C1104997 Hernandez, Cindy Claimant Fraud

129 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 $166,486 $220

C1366853 Hong, Wan Taek / Hong's Landscaping

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1364182 Hua, Tu Chi / T & S Auto Service

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $681

C1365360 Khuu, Hieu Chi / BHK Construction

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1370558 Lara, Miguel Angel Alvarez / Miguel Lara Landscaping

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1365057 Latif, Abdellatif M / R & L Construction

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1364485 Liu, Zhongri / Zhongri Liu, Contractor

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1478061 Llewellyn, Richard Kevin / South County Plumbing

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $575

C1355952 Lopez, Gilbert Joe / LG Landscaping

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1229602 Maurer, Trudy / Implantium, LLC

Single Entity Provider Fraud

180 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $50,220

C1363447 Onzo, Frank / Onzo Electric

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

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Enforcement Branch

Santa Clara County (Continued)



C1247463 Orozco, Carlos Samuel / Carlos Tree Service

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $747

C1478644 Pereyra, Leonardo / Leo's Remodeling

Uninsured Employer

15 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $575

C1122750 Plancarte, Santiago / Pine Tree Services

Uninsured Employer

5 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $220

C1366170 Ramos-Lopez, Nicomecez / Landscape Contractor

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1475421 Resendiz, Eduardo Ramirez / Resendiz Carpentry Construction

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $575

C1365183 Robledo, Librado Juan Claimant Fraud

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $9,218 $294



Robles, Zenon Huaman

Romero, Angel Ramirez / Angel's Masonry

Uninsured Employer

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation







C1353285 Salazar, Mark Antonio / Salvador & Son Plastering

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1250351 Sanchez, Connie Claimant Fraud

1 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation 150 hour(s) community service

$0 $11,000 $154

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Enforcement Branch

Santa Clara County (Continued)



C1351347 Schulba, William Charles / Beringer Construction

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $634

C1353823 Schwenk, Tory Dean / We Care Tree Care

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1370557 Somers, Dan Eric / Onsite Construx

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 6 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1362988 To, Kenny Khuong / K & T Painting

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

14507846 Truong, Vo Quach / Vo Auto Service

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $575

C1353284 Valenzuela, Jr., Salvador / Torres Tree Service

Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $769

C1366169 Vandenberg, Hans Henricus / Artistic Tree Service

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1366854 Vu, Huy / Buildrite Construction Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1353594 Waller, Michael James / Tree Of Life Tree Services

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1363445 Weill, Brett Alan / G & B Tree Service

Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1370294 Won, Ju Yean / Solomon Construction

Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $564

C1230033 Zarringsaray, Sied Mehrdad / United Rmr Enterprises

Premium Fraud

20 day(s) jail 24 month(s) probation $0 $24,836 $200

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Enforcement Branch

Santa Cruz County



F24862 Castelli, Kathleen Rose / Costa Bella Builders

Premium Fraud 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $360

f24860 Castelli, Vittorio Stefano / Costa Bella Builders

Premium Fraud

108 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $620

F18422 Kakkar, Sanjiv / Brookdale Lodge

Premium Fraud

12 month(s) prison 36 month(s) probation $0 $52,029 $0

F25396 Mitchell, Alex Pike Uninsured Employer

12 month(s) prison 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $0

F24864 Thranow, Jeffrey Martin / Costa Bella Builders

Premium Fraud

365 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $114,000 $710

Shasta County



13F6918 Winkler, Roger Edward / Winkler Insurance Agency

Claimant Fraud 90 day(s) jail $0 $8,196 $1,020

Siskiyou County



11-204 Childs, Patrick Claimant Fraud

90 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $85,508 $2,945

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Enforcement Branch

Solano County



FCR287019 Coleman, Troy Lynn Premium Fraud

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 30 hour(s) community service

$0 $13,876 $0

FCR298337 Kennedy, John Lee Premium Fraud

60 month(s) probation 30 hour(s) community service $0 $7,000 $570

FCR299779 Light, William Allen Claimant Fraud

4 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation 50 hour(s) community service

$0 $49,646 $340

FCR298369 Ponce-Brand, Tabithe Lynn

Claimant Fraud

60 month(s) probation 30 hour(s) community service $0 $15,000 $340

FCR293414 Triscas, Daniel Claimant Fraud

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 30 hour(s) community service

$0 $53,657 $0

Tehama County



BI13-804 Dere, Larry Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $278

BI13-944 Escobar, Pablo Uninsured Employer ? $0 $140 $507

BI13-1048 Lonnie, Carruth / Carruth Construction

Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $25

BI13-975 Noralles, Julieta Uninsured Employer ? $0 $0 $428

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Enforcement Branch

Tulare County



12-006759 Bewley, Randal Uninsured Employer 12 month(s) probation $0 $0 $162

12-012678 Del Real, Joann Claimant Fraud Sentence Pending $0 $0 $0

12-002358 Erme, Charles Premium Fraud

60 day(s) jail 60 month(s) probation $0 $16,361 $500

12-017040 Hernandez, Jesse Uninsured Employer

90 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $5,000

1301000053 Lomeli, Victor Uninsured Employer

30 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service

$0 $0 $1,000

NY20121131 Minyard, Timothy Uninsured Employer

30 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 100 hour(s) community service

$0 $0 $5,000

12-002292 Moler, Johnny

Multiple Entities Provider Fraud

10 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service

$0 $8,399 $232

12-019760 Morales, Justiniano Premium Fraud ? $0 $49,906 $0

1301000147 Munoz, Valentin Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

VCM279953 Ramirez, Jose Premium Fraud

1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $44,080 $1,000

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Enforcement Branch

Tulare County (Continued)



13-158-607 Ramirez-Ortiz, Jose Uninsured Employer

12 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $0

VCM284917 Reyes-Cabello, Alfonso Other 36 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $2,500

VCM279953 Rivas, Reynaldo Premium Fraud 1 day(s) jail 12 month(s) probation $0 $44,080 $1,000

VCM28044 Ruiz, Rufino Uninsured Employer

1 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

1301000049 Silva, Larry Uninsured Employer

24 month(s) probation 40 hour(s) community service $0 $0 $2,500

VCF258847 Vandyke, Derek Uninsured Employer 80 month(s) prison $0 $156,473 $280

VCM276001 Zarate, Javier Uninsured Employer

90 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $90

VCF279279 Zarate, Javier Premium Fraud 365 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $5,399 $390

Ventura County



2012000629 Aguirre, Frances Claimant Fraud ? $0 $0 $0

2012029556 Atwood, Keri Claimant Fraud 150 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $18,319 $1,120

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Enforcement Branch

Ventura County (Continued)



2012029556 Atwood, Michael Claimant Fraud 60 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $18,319 $140

2014004076 Connor, Michael Fain Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $0

2011032849 Diaz, Nelida Claimant Fraud 253 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $20,089 $0

2013036056 Erway, Brian Douglas Claimant Fraud 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

2013023169 Friedman, Trudi Lynn Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $1,140

2013006245 Guzman Jr., Johnny / The Wireless Store

Uninsured Employer 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

201406356 Haapaniemi, Erick Mark Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $0

2013023208 Kim, Ok Cha Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,140



Mangola, Mary

Martinez, Juan

Claimant Fraud

Premium Fraud

36 month(s) probation

36 month(s) probation







2014002420 Murrieta, Greg Alan Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

2014003832 Nowark, Troy Lee Claimant Fraud 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

2014003672 Roberts, Richard Thomas Claimant Fraud 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

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Enforcement Branch

Ventura County (Continued)



2014006784 Rojas, Fiilberto M Claimant Fraud 24 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

2013023099 Shiromar, Enrique Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,140

2014006393 Spratt, Donald Leslie Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $10,000

2010040448 Tapia, Ivan Claimant Fraud 90 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $2,576 $0

2011033662 Tappe, Darrin Claimant Fraud ? $0 $0 $0

2010036864 Torres, Esperanza Claimant Fraud 120 day(s) jail 36 month(s) probation $0 $9,922 $280

2014003421 Vasquez, Aldo Diaz Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $0 $0

Yolo County



13M04250 Almeido, Paulo Tarcio Uninsured Employer 36 month(s) probation $0 $125 $10,000

13F01475 Sage, Russel Joseph Insider Fraud 76 month(s) prison $0 $0 $0

13M02199 Walthall, Lee Michael Alan / Delta Of Venus Claimant Fraud 36 month(s) probation $0 $125 $10,000


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Financial Surveillance Branch

Financial Surveillance Branch The mission of the FSB is to assure that all insurers licensed to do business in California (as well as those insurers operating on a non-admitted or surplus lines basis) maintain the financial stability and viability necessary to provide the benefits and protection they have promised their California policyholders.

FSB pursues its mission by conducting risk focused financial surveillance of the insurance industry to ensure it can provide the benefits and protections promised to California citizens.

FSB divides its work among the Financial Analysis Division (FAD), the Field Examination Division (FED), the Actuarial Office (AO), the Troubled Companies Unit (TCU), and the premium tax function.

FAD, as part of the overall risk focused financial surveillance process, evaluates and monitors the financial condition of insurance companies to identify financially distressed companies, and requires insurers to take corrective actions or recommends regulatory actions to assure insurer solvency for the protection of California consumers.

FED is responsible for conducting risk focused financial examinations of California’s domiciled insurance companies and other insurance organizations to determine their financial solvency and capacity to meet policyholder obligations. The examinations also serve to protect policyholder interests by including a review of corporate governance, key business activities such as claims, underwriting, investments and operations, as well as an evaluation of prospective risks.

The AO oversees and substantiates life insurer reserves, reviews selected portions of life insurance and annuity policy forms, ensures proper replacement of Life Appointed Actuaries, verifies long term care loss ratio compliance, and reviews illustration certifications. The AO also provides general property-casualty actuarial support to FED and FAD as well as to the Rate Regulation Division for the workers’ compensation line.

TCU is responsible for overseeing those insurers identified as being financially troubled.

FSB also audits premium tax returns filed by insurers and surplus lines brokers.

Participation in National Association of Insurance Commissioners

The California Commissioner of Insurance is a member of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). The goal of the NAIC is to establish a national system of state based regulation in order to provide for consistent, uniform, and timely regulation of the financial condition and market conduct of insurers. The system of financial regulation is risk based in order to provide regulatory assets where they are most needed. As part of the California involvement in the work of the NAIC, the Financial Surveillance Branch staff participates in a significant number of NAIC committees and working groups (covering all areas of financial surveillance and financial reporting) in order to ensure that our financial surveillance is most efficient and effective. The California Department of Insurance is subject to annual offsite reviews of its solvency activities by the NAIC, and is subject to an on-site review every five years. California has passed each of these reviews.

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Financial Surveillance Branch

FINANCIAL ANALYSIS DIVISION FAD conducts on-going, risk-focused financial surveillance of all regulated entities (e.g., property and casualty insurers, life insurers, fraternal benefit societies, grants and annuities societies, underwritten title companies, home protection companies, motor clubs, multiple employer welfare arrangements, risk retention groups and non-admitted insurers) to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, promptly identifies companies in or approaching hazardous financial condition and intervenes with corrective action when necessary.

Furthermore, FAD reviews and provides timely financial l recommendations to the Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Branch on corporate applications (e.g., certificates of authority, amended certificates of authority, securities permits, variable contract qualifications, underwritten title company licenses, acquisitions, mergers and other holding company transactions) requiring the Insurance Commissioner’s prior approval.

FAD also provides financial and technical information and assistance to other divisions relative to oversight of reinsurance practices and procedures, surplus line insurers, captive insurers and risk retention groups.

The workload performed by FAD is distributed among three bureaus as well as selected Division Office personnel. The following is an overview of FAD’s workload statistics:





Life and Property & Casualty 615 916

Other Entities 602 346


TYPE NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS Certificate of Authority 24

Holding Company Matters 287

All Others 173

FIELD EXAMINATIONS DIVISION Under the provisions of Sections 730, 733, 734.1 and 736 of the California Insurance Code, the Insurance Commissioner may examine the business and affairs of every admitted insurer, whenever deemed necessary, to determine its financial condition and compliance with applicable laws. Unless financial or other conditions warrant an immediate examination, domestic insurers are usually examined every three to five years and foreign insurers are usually examined in accordance with the NAIC’s procedures for examination scheduling. FED

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Financial Surveillance Branch

also performs financial examinations of underwritten title companies, home warranty companies and other entities as necessary.

It is the responsibility of FED to determine the financial condition of insurance companies in accordance with California Insurance Code legal requirements and prescribed accounting practices as promulgated by the NAIC. Examinations are conducted in accordance with the NAIC’s Financial Condition Examiners Handbook.

Various types of examinations initiated and completed by FED in 2014 are presented as follows:



Domestic Companies 41 35 Underwritten Title Companies 10 9 Foreign Companies 3 5 Qualifying Exams 3 3 Statutory Exams 1 1

Total: 58 53

ACTUARIAL OFFICE The AO provides technical assistance within the FSB and provides assistance to FED in the examination of domestic companies. The AO monitors reserves established by life and health insurance companies; drafts new legislation, regulations, and bulletins regarding actuarial matters; reviews selected portions of life insurance and annuity policy forms; and ensures compliance regarding Appointed Actuary changes, long term care loss ratios, and illustration certifications. Listed below are workload statistics of the AO for the year 2014:


ACTUARIAL REVIEWS NUMBER REVIEWED Actuarial Memorandum for Statement Reserves 92 Regulatory Asset Adequacy Issues Summaries 443 Illustration Certifications 181 Life Insurance and Annuity Policy and Rider 694 Annuity Contracts and Riders 278 Grant and Annuity Submissions 55 Disability Income Rate Filings 25 Long Term Care Rate Filings 49 Credit Insurance Rate Deviation Filings 10 Schedule P Loss Review Compilations 252

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Financial Surveillance Branch

TROUBLED COMPANIES UNIT TCU is responsible for closely monitoring those companies identified as being financially troubled. The number of companies under review varies, along with the level of complexity each presents. An average of 41 troubled companies were assigned to TCU during 2014.

TCU monitors the financial status of assigned companies and makes recommendations to the Early Warning Team. The Early Warning Team has the ultimate responsibility for monitoring the companies determined to be in financial difficulty or under financial distress. TCU also provides other technical and administrative support for the Early Warning Team.

PREMIUM TAX AUDIT BUREAU Insurance Taxes – The Premium Tax Audit Bureau audits gross premium tax returns filed by insurance companies and surplus lines brokers. The premium tax supports State General Fund obligations.

Basis and Rate of Tax – A rate of 2.35 percent is levied on the amount of “gross premiums” received, less return premiums from insurance business done in California. A lower premium tax rate of 0.50 percent is applied to premiums received under pension and profit sharing plan contracts “qualified” under the Internal Revenue Code.

Title insurance and ocean marine insurance are exceptions to the general premium tax rate basis and rate structure. Insurers transacting title insurance are taxed at a rate of 2.35 percent upon all income received in this State, with the exception of income arising out of investments. Ocean marine insurers are taxed at a rate of 5 percent of the average annual underwriting profit earned during the preceding three calendar years.

Retaliatory Taxes – Insurers domiciled in states with a higher tax rate than California pay a “retaliatory tax” to California equal to the difference in the tax rate of their state of domicile and the tax rate of the State of California.

Surplus Line Taxes – The surplus lines insurers pay a tax rate of 3 percent levied on surplus line premiums pursuant to California Insurance Code Section 1775.5.

Taxes Levied and Collected


Insurance premium taxes and retaliatory taxes .............................$2,204,551,029

Retroactive premium tax adjustments ..............................................$212,847,460

Premium tax refunds ..........................................................................$48,598,353

Surplus line taxes.............................................................................$172,872,582

Additional taxes....................................................................................$3,277,015

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Legal Branch

Legal Branch The Legal Branch ensures compliance with the California Insurance Code by all admitted insurers, insurance agents and brokers, and any other person or organization engaging in or applying to engage in the business of insurance in California. The Legal Branch serves an integral part of the CDI’s mission by:

• Litigating enforcement actions.

• Reviewing and analyzing certain insurance policies to determine whether the policy should be approved for sale to consumers.

• Assisting with implementation of health care reform.

• Ensuring that rate filings comply with requirements of Proposition 103.

• Providing legal assistance to other branches of CDI.

• Supporting the Fraud Division in the prevention of insurance fraud.

The Legal Branch also promulgates regulations implementing California statutes, and provides legal services to CDI relating to service of process and records requests. The Legal Branch is divided into eight bureaus:

• Auto Enforcement Bureau

• Enforcement Bureau - Sacramento

• Enforcement Bureau - San Francisco

• Fraud Liaison Bureau

• Government Law Bureau

• Health Policy Approval Bureau

• Policy Approval Bureau

• Rate Enforcement Bureau


The Auto Enforcement Bureau (AEB) litigates enforcement actions against insurance companies and Broker-Agents (producers). AEB protects policyholders, prospective policyholders, consumers, and the California insurance marketplace by ensuring that insurance producers and insurers comply with the Insurance Code and other laws and regulations that apply to the business of insurance.

AEB is also responsible for Vehicle Service Contracts, including the review of contracts and forms, evaluation of Vehicle Service Contract Provider license applications, and related license disciplinary matters. AEB attorneys prepare and file pleadings and represent the Commissioner in administrative hearings involving disciplinary actions against insurers and producers, including the revocation or denial of licenses and imposing fines for unfair claims practices by insurers. AEB also represents the Department in employee adverse actions.

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Legal Branch

Auto Enforcement Bureau Statistics

• In 2014, the Auto Enforcement Bureau conducted 67 administrative hearings to conclusion.

• Monetary penalties and costs assessed through negotiated settlements and/or hearings amounted to over $105,000.

• 461 total new matters were opened and 463 total matters were closed in 2014.



Disciplinary 119 136 Vehicle Service Contract 325 311 Unfair Practices Act 0 1 Legal Opinion 1 1 Regulation 0 0 Cease & Desist 6 6 Litigation/Defense 1 0 Legislation (bill analysis) 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 Human Resources 7 7 Order to Show Cause 0 0 Public Advisor 10 21 Public Records Act Request 2 1 Oversight 0 0

Total 471 484


The Enforcement Bureau-Sacramento (EB-SAC) litigates enforcement actions against insurance producers, insurers and others conducting insurance business in California. EB-SAC provides assistance to the Licensing Services Division in evaluating qualifications for licensure of producer applicants who have a criminal record or a record of professional license discipline, and reviewing legal documents implementing recommended action regarding those applicants.

Enforcement Bureau – Sacramento Statistics

• During the year, 1402 cases were received and action was completed on 1400.

• In 2014, EB-SAC concluded 38 administrative hearings.

• Monetary penalties cost and restitution assessed through negotiated settlements and/or hearings amounted to over $52,337.

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Legal Branch



Order of Revocation 101

Order of Revocation/Issuance of Restricted License 48

Order of Revocation/Issuance of Restricted License w/fines 16

Order of Denial 83

Order of Denial/Issuance of Restricted License 132

Order of Denial/Issuance of Restricted License w/fines 26

Order of Suspension 57

Order of Dismissal 13

Cease and Desist 0

Order for Monetary Penalty and or/Reimbursement 77

Order Removing Restrictions 112

Miscellaneous Orders 21

Warning 15

Voluntary Withdrawal of Application 13

No Disciplinary Action Warranted 54

No AR Action/Referred for Disciplinary Proceeding 310

Removal of Restrictions Denied 11

Order of Summary Denial 94

Order of Summary Denial/Issuance of Restricted License 61

Order of Summary Revocation 72

Order of Summary Revocation/Issuance of Restricted License 23

Order Granting 1033 Consent 14

Order Denying 1033 Consent 5

Barred from Licensure/Exam 5


The Enforcement Bureau-San Francisco (EB-SF) litigates enforcement actions against insurance companies and insurance producers. EB-SF protects the insurance public and the California insurance marketplace by ensuring that insurance producers and insurers comply with the Insurance Code and other laws that apply to the business of insurance by initiating enforcement actions when it appears that a regulated person or company has violated California law.

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Legal Branch

Within EB-SF is the Health Insurance Bureau, formed to provide focused enforcement activities pertaining to health insurance. The bureau provides legal services to various units of CDI responsible for implementation of legislation relating to health insurance, and when appropriate, initiates enforcement actions against insurers and other regulated persons when violation of laws relating to health insurance is alleged.

Enforcement Bureau – San Francisco Statistics

• During the year, 292 cases were received and action was completed on 314.

• Monetary penalties, cost, and restitution assessed through negotiated settlements and/or hearings amounted to over $66,069.



Order of Revocation 41

Order of Revocation/Issuance of Restricted License 19

Order of Denial 26

Order of Denial/Issuance of Restricted License 35

Order of Immediate Suspension 0

Order of Suspension 5

Order of Monetary Penalty 13

Order of Dismissal 0

Order Removing Restrictions 0

Rewritten Decision 4

Miscellaneous 69

No Disciplinary Action Warranted 60

Warning Letter 4

Order of Summary Revocation 21

Order of Summary Denial 1

Order to Cease & Desist 2

Default Revocation 8

Default Denial 2

Surrender License 2

License Application Withdrawn 2

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Legal Branch

FRAUD LIAISON BUREAU The Fraud Liaison Bureau (FLB) provides legal support to the Department’s Fraud Division (FD).

General Duties – FLB provides legal services to the anti-fraud grant programs created by statute and managed by the FD. Legal support is provided to the Division office in Sacramento and the Regional offices throughout the state in the implementation of these grant programs, including the promulgation of regulations, drafting of proposed legislation, and providing advice to the Fraud Assessment Commission (FAC). The FAC, in conjunction with the FD, is charged with the enforcement of the laws relating to workers compensation fraud prevention.

Additionally, the bureau provides legal advice related to Fraud Division’s peace officer functions such as search and seizure, and unique employment related issues due to the peace officer status of its investigators. The FLB coordinates with the Office of the Attorney General when FD employees are involved in civil litigation cases. This type of litigation often involves the conduct of an employee in the performance of his or her duties on the job.

Qui Tam Cases Overview – FLB handles numerous civil cases filed by private parties alleging violations of the False Claims Act (FCA) in the Insurance Code. These cases are referred to as “qui tam cases.” Qui tam cases are complex civil actions filed by a whistle-blower. A private party whistle-blower must serve the Commissioner with civil qui tam complaints. The cases cover a large range of alleged unlawful conduct including kickbacks in the sales and promotion of pharmaceuticals, misleading billing practices by hospitals, fraud by medical clinics, and the unlawful promotion and sale of medical devices. The Commissioner may intervene in these cases. These cases can involve large companies which have been accused of engaging in false and misleading practices.

On December 31, 2014, there were 60 active qui tam cases pending. This includes a major case against pharmaceutical company in the promotion and sale of its drugs.

Commissioner’s Intervention – The Commissioner represents the interests of the State when intervening. In cases in which the Commissioner has not intervened, the Commissioner must approve the allocation of funds that result from a settlement or judgment against the defendant(s) to insure that the state’s interest in the case is protected.

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Legal Branch

TABLE D: FLB WORKFLOW Calendar Year 2014




Qui Tam Litigation 14 0 60 Legal Opinions 3 3 0 Legislation(analysis of pending bill) 2 2 0 Miscellaneous 5 5 0 Human Resources 0 0 0 Regulation 2 2 0 Civil Litigation 2 0 2 Subpoenas/Public Records 3 3 0 Search Warrants 0 0 0 Oversight 1 0 1

Total 32 15 63


The Government Law Bureau (GLB) provides legal support to the Legislative Office and for CDI’s rulemaking program. GLB personnel assist the Special Counsel to the Commissioner with the oversight and management of all CDI rulemaking actions. An attorney in GLB serves as the CDI’s Privacy Officer. Consequently, GLB is responsible for CDI’s privacy policy and advises CDI on questions relating to the protection of personally identifiable information contained within CDI’s files. Staff in GLB monitor the workers’ compensation system and assist the Commissioner with his analysis of the workers’ compensation advisory pure premium rate. GLB also serves as CDI’s agent for service of process and is the custodian of records. GLB participates in several interdisciplinary task forces, including task forces relating to senior issues, workers’ compensation and wildfire catastrophe mitigation.



Litigation – Defense/Other 16 16

Public Records Act Request 825 836

Subpoena 166 174

Substituted Service of Process 42 45

Legislation Oversight 18 12

Regulation Oversight 3 2

Total 1070 1085

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Legal Branch


The Policy Approval Bureau (PAB) and Health Policy Approval Bureau (HPAB) perform reviews of life, disability (accident and health), and workers’ compensation insurance products. PAB also reviewed insurer qualifications to market and sell variable life and annuity products. Insurer qualifications to sell variable life and annuity products was transferred to the Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Branch (CARAB) during 2014. PAB and HPAB advise the public, other government agencies, CDI personnel and legislators on statues and regulations pertaining to life, disability and workers’ compensation insurance. Further, PAB and HPAB develop regulations and bulletins relating to life and disability insurance product design, advertising, and administration.


PRODUCT RECEIVED CLOSED Group Non-Health 256 314 Supplemental Life Insurance 224 171 Variable Contracts 297 336 Group and Individual Health Insurance 394 423 Medicare Supplement 208 241 Unclassified 37 42 Individual Non-Health 93 103 Individual and Group Credit Insurance 2 4 Long Term Care Insurance 118 138 Workers’ Compensation 295 295

Subtotal 1,924 2,067 Variable Product Qualifications: Variable Annuity Qualification 3 3 Variable Life Qualification 0 0 Amended Variable Annuity Qualification 11 78 Amended Variable Life Qualification 1 37 Modified Guarantee Annuity Qualification 0 0

Sub-Total 15 118 Total 1,939 2,185


The Rate Enforcement Bureau (REB) enforces the provisions of Proposition 103 and other laws pertaining to the availability and affordability of property and casualty insurance; and the rating and underwriting practices of property and casualty insurers. REB provides legal support to the Department’s Rate Regulation Branch, represents CDI in prior approval rate hearings, and represents CDI in administrative enforcement cases where rating and underwriting violations are alleged. REB provides legal assistance for issues related to the California Earthquake California Department of Insurance Page 132 of 253 2014 Annual Report

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Legal Branch

Authority, the Commissioner’s Catastrophe and Climate Change Initiatives, the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan, and the California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program.



Prior Approval: Petitions for Hearing Received 10 Petitions for Hearing Granted 0 Petitions for Hearing Denied 6 Determinations Not to Hold Hearing Issued 6 Notices of Hearing Issued 0 Hearings in Progress 0 Matters Resolved Without Hearing 11 Matters Resolved Following Hearing 0 Matters Pending 5 Regulations: Regulation Matters Opened 9 Regulations Approved 8 Regulations Pending 1 Enforcement Matters: Enforcement Matters Opened 7 Enforcement Matters Closed 13 Enforcement Matters Pending 17 Civil Litigation: Matters Opened 0 Amicus Brief Filed 0 Matters Closed 0 Matters Pending 2

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Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Branch

Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Branch Branch Overview

The Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Branch (CARAB) was created in January 2012 when Corporate Affairs Bureaus I and II were split off from the Legal Branch to form a new branch to focus on insurer governance, licensing, and solvency oversight. CARAB protects California consumers through company licensing, oversight and enforcement. These activities protect insurer solvency and require the conduct of company affairs in accordance with the law. Program areas handled by CARAB include insurer corporate applications, troubled companies, surplus lines, risk retention groups, risk purchasing groups, and providing legal advice and assistance to the Financial Surveillance Branch and the Conservation & Liquidation Office.


CARAB is headed by a Deputy Commissioner and is comprised of three bureaus: Corporate Affairs Bureau I, Corporate Affairs Bureau II and Administrative Hearing Bureau. The three bureaus are each headed by an Assistant Chief Counsel.


The Corporate Affairs Bureau I (CAB I) specializes in the areas of surplus lines, risk retention and risk purchasing groups, title and underwritten title companies, insurer name approvals, premium tax issues, and charitable gift organizations. In addition, CAB I reviews applications filed by insurance companies for approval of securities issuances, mergers, acquisitions, inter-affiliate service agreements, holding company act filings, and extraordinary dividend payments.


The Corporate Affairs Bureau II (CAB II) specializes in the areas of reinsurance, non-standard company structures, and life settlements. In addition, CAB II handles corporate licensing and oversight, provides legal services to Financial Surveillance Branch’s Troubled Companies Unit and to CDI’s Conservation & Liquidation Office (CLO). The CLO takes over and manages insurers found to be in such a condition that further transaction of business would be hazardous to their policyholders, creditors or to the public. The goal is to protect those stakeholders, and in the case of liquidation, maximize return to policyholders and creditors.


The Insurance Commissioner is authorized by statute to fulfill regulatory and adjudicatory roles. In his adjudicatory role, the Insurance Commissioner is authorized to conduct evidentiary hearings on various insurance matters pursuant to provisions of the Insurance Code. The Administrative Hearing Bureau (“AHB”) supports the Insurance Commissioner in his adjudicatory role. The AHB supplies administrative law judges (“ALJ”) to conduct hearings authorized by the Insurance Code. In 2014, the AHB employed 3 full-time ALJ I’s, one full time ALJ II supervisor, one legal secretary, one office technician and one office assistant. As directed by a particular statute, the AHB conducts formal or informal hearings in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”) and other controlling statutes or regulations. The ALJs submit proposed decisions containing findings of fact and conclusions of

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law to the Commissioner who issues the final decision in each case. The ALJs will mediate disputes thereby avoiding the necessity of an evidentiary hearing. The AHB also is charged with overseeing the hearing calendar, hearing room reservations, the mandate files and the court reporter contract.

The matters heard at the AHB during 2014 include the following:

• Appeals from decisions of the Workers’ Compensation (WC) Insurance Rating Bureau or insurance carriers regarding application of the workers’ compensation insurance rating system.

• Plans including proceedings related to workers’ compensation insurance rate filings (underwriting procedures).

• Disciplinary proceedings regarding prohibited persons.

• Non-compliance proceedings.

The AHB hearing room remodel in LA was completed in 2014. The ALJs developed a law and motion procedure manual for prior approval cases and compiled a volume of the Commissioner’s WC experience modification decisions containing decision summaries and an index to supplement the classification multi-volume set completed in 2013. The Chief ALJ worked with IT and developed AHB’s pages for the new CDI website. Efforts to amend the Insurance Code to allow the Commissioner to assign certain licensee disciplinary cases for hearing at the AHB were unsuccessful but these efforts will be renewed in 2015. While the AHB did not hear any prior approval cases in 2014, the AHB opened 45 cases and closed 35 cases in the following case categories. These figures exceed the 2013 case count.1


TYPE OPENED CLOSED Disciplinary Proceedings Regarding Prohibited Persons 2 1 Non-Compliance Proceedings 1 30 Workers’ Compensation Appeals Including Procedures Re-Rate Filings (Underwriting Procedures) 42 34

1The number of case closures includes case closures that occurred in 2014 on files that were opened during 2013. By comparison, the AHB opened 25 cases and closed 36 cases in 2013.

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Advisory Organization License 1 1 2 0 Amended Deed of Trust 0 6 6 0 Approval of Trust 13 0 13 0 C/A Amend-Add Line 10 11 15 6 C/A Amend-Delete Line 2 0 2 0 C/A Amend-Domestic Change 709.5 1 5 5 1

C/A Amend-Name 7 37 39 5 C/A Amend-Non-Domestic Re-domicile 4 18 20 2

Certificate of Authority 5 11 11 5 Certificate of Authority Status -700C 10 2 9 3

Certified Reinsurer 0 5 2 3 Custodian Qualification 1 3 3 1 Custody Agreement 1 6 4 3 Exemption – Certificate of 1 0 1 0 Failure to Make Required Filing 0 0 0 0 Grants/Annuities - C/A 21 13 19 15 Grants/Annuities-Amended C/A 2 3 5 0 HC Disclaimer of Affiliation .4l 3 4 5 2 HC Exempt - Comm. Domiciled Status .14b 1 5 3 3

HC Exempt - Form A .2f 1 8 9 0 HC Extraordinary Dividend .5g 0 18 18 0 HC Guarantees .5b5 0 0 0 0 HC Mgt. Serv./Cost Share Agmt .5b4 46 130 120 56

HC Misc. 0 8 6 2 HC Reinsurance .5b3 7 31 34 4 HC Sales Purchases Loans .5b1 0 7 5 2

Holding Companies Acquisition 2 13 11 4 Home Protection 0 0 0 0

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TABLE B CARAB STATISTICS Calendar Year 2014 (Continued)





Letter of Credit 0 1 1 0 Life Settlement Provider 5 3 7 1 Merger 4 23 23 4 Miscellaneous 7 88 81 14 Motor Club License 1 0 1 0 Motor Club Service Contract 21 23 21 23 Name Approval Reservation 13 85 93 5 Organizational Permit 2 3 2 3 Purchasing Alliance Registration 0 0 0 0 Rein/Sale-Purchase/Transfer-Assumption 5 19 12 12

Reinsurer Accreditation 3 31 30 4 Renewal of Trust 0 19 14 5 Risk Purchasing Group 18 12 29 1 Risk Purchasing Group Renewal 26 316 308 34 Risk Retention Group 5 5 0 10 Risk Retention Group Renewal 80 110 105 85 S810 0 0 0 0 Stock Permit 3 14 13 4 Stock Permit - Amend 0 2 1 1 Surplus Line Filing 0 4 4 0 UTC-Amend License 3 3 4 2 UTC-License 1 4 3 2 UTC-Organizational Permit 2 0 1 1 UTC-Permit 1 0 1 0 UTC-Transfer of Shares 0 11 11 0 Variable Annuity 0 1 0 1 Variable Annuity - Amend 0 169 65 104 Variable Life 0 1 0 1 Variable Life - Amend 0 54 17 37 WC Deposit Agreement 2 9 3 8 Withdrawal 5 8 10 3

TOTAL 346 1363 1227 482

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Office of the Special Counsel

Office of the Special Counsel The Special Counsel provides independent legal advice directly to the Insurance Commissioner, oversight of Department Rulemaking Projects and Regulations, directs the interaction with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), and manages various special projects and Commissioner-initiatives.

• Legal Advice and Litigation – The Special Counsel provides the Commissioner with independent legal advice on various issues regarding litigation, adjudicatory proceedings and other legal matters. In 2014, the Special Counsel acted as “in house counsel” on several litigation matters, interfacing with Deputy Attorney Generals and advising the Commissioner and Chief Deputy Commissioner. In 2014, the Special Counsel also handled approximately 25 adjudicatory matters received from the Department’s Administrative Hearing Bureau (AHB) and the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) in the California Department of General Services, where hearings on enforcement actions, insurance rate plans, workers’ compensation matters and other disputes are conducted.

• Rulemaking Proceedings – Oversight of the Department’s Regulations is vested with the Special Counsel. This process includes regulation development, project management, research, interaction with the insurance industry and other stakeholders, and navigating the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) in conjunction with the Office of Administrative Law (OAL). In 2014, the Department managed 24 rulemaking projects, reviewed and evaluated 8 potential rulemaking projects, and filed and received OAL approval on sixteen rulemaking projects including regulations on Mental Health Parity, Essential Health Benefits, and California Organized Investment Network (COIN) tax credit.

• National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) – Coordination and facilitation of the Department’s interaction with the NAIC, and its participation on NAIC Committees, Task Forces, and Working Groups are handled by the Special Counsel. As the largest insurance market in the nation, California plays a significant role in helping shape model laws and regulatory policy. Doing so involves active participation in National Meetings and conference calls with regulators from other states. In 2014, California served as Chair, Vice Chair and/or Member on 115 out of the 162 NAIC technical and policy groups, and monitored approximately 47 others.

• Special Initiatives – The Special Counsel manages various special projects and initiatives for the Commissioner involving policy and law such as climate change, green insurance and others. In 2014, the Special Counsel continued to assist the Commissioner in his leadership in the effort to survey the insurance industry on the impact of climate change on insurance companies and their efforts towards adaptation, mitigation and resilience. In 2014, California collaborated with Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, and Washington to survey 990 companies representing 77% of the entire insurance market, and developed an interactive website that allows regulators, insurers, and members of the public to quickly analyze the results and better measure the insurance industry’s ability to respond to the impacts of climate change. Served as Co-Chair of the 2014 Climate Risk Forum: Bridging Climate Science and Actuarial Practice, with Next Generation (Risky Business Project), the American Academy of Actuaries, and the Stanford University Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy & Finance.

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Legislative Office

Legislative Office In 2014, the Legislative Office (LO) staffed eleven bills sponsored by Commissioner Jones and CDI, of which nine were signed into law. In addition, the LO closely monitored, provided technical assistance to, took positions on, and/or advocated for or against 173 bills that were sent to Governor Brown for his consideration, 133 of which the Governor signed into law. The LO also tracked 258 other bills that were introduced or amended throughout the year but did not successfully complete the legislative process.

Below are summaries of the nine CDI-Sponsored Bills signed into law in 2014 (In Numerical Order):

1. AB 1234, authored by Assembly Member Marc Levine (D-San Rafael) - Confidentiality

Maintains the confidentiality of state investigations and examinations that monitor the financial health of insurance companies. The new law protects insurer solvency by precluding the Department of Insurance from being forced to provide sensitive financial data. This bill also clarifies an important element of the law authorizing the insurance commissioner to survey the supplier diversity efforts of insurance companies which is part of Commissioner Jones' Insurance Diversity Initiative.

2. AB 1804, authored by Assembly Member Henry Perea (D-Fresno) - Back-up contact

Requires insurers to provide consumers the option to designate a third party as a back-up contact and receive notification from their insurance carrier if their policy is in danger of lapsing, expiring, being terminated or canceled due to nonpayment of premium. This new law benefits both insurers and consumers by promoting continual insurance among automobile, homeowners, and disability income insurance policyholders. Especially seniors and members of the military who move often or are deployed, and may unintentionally have their policies terminated due to nonpayment. This will take effect January 1, 2016.

3. AB 2056, authored by Assembly Member Matthew Dababneh (D-Encino) - Pet insurance

Under AB 2056 pet insurers are required to disclose important information regarding their policies, standardize definitions, and provide consumers with a 30-day free look period. As of July 1, 2015, pet insurers will be required to disclose baseline information regarding their policies such as reimbursement benefits, pre-existing condition limitations and a clear explanation of limitations of coverage including coinsurance, waiting periods, deductibles and annual or lifetime policy limits.

4. AB 2128, authored by Assembly Member Richard Gordon (D-Menlo Park) - Community development investments

Reforms the California Organized Investment Network (COIN) Program to better focus on finding and facilitating insurance industry investments that provide economic and social benefits to California's underserved communities. The new law requires insurers who write $100 million or more in California premium to provide information to the commissioner, by July 1, 2016, on all of its community development investments, including infrastructure and green investments, as well as streamlining reporting requirements. This bill also clarifies an

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Legislative Office

important element of the law authorizing the insurance commissioner to survey insurers' supplier diversity efforts, which is part of Commissioner Jones' Insurance Diversity Initiative.

5. AB 2347, authored by Assembly Member Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) - Annuity disclosures

Consumer protection and helping seniors avoid possible financial hardship is paramount to the mission of the Department of Insurance. Seniors now have more protection with the new annuity disclosure requirements provided by AB 2347. The new law requires disclosure language on the front of the policy jacket or on the cover sheet for an immediate annuity that aligns with the disclosure language already required for the more common deferred annuity products. This bill will go into effect July 1, 2015.

6. AB 2734, authored by the Assembly Committee on Insurance - Omnibus provisions

This omnibus bill clarifies and improves various sections of the Insurance Code, the body of law that provides for consumer protections and regulation of insurance companies. Specifically it provides the Locomotive Engineers and Conductors Mutual Protection Association (LECMPA) the authority to offer an accidental death benefit in addition to job protection insurance to their members. Railroad workers will gain an important insurance protection benefitting them and their families.

7. SB 1142, authored by Senate Insurance Chair Bill Monning (D-Carmel) - Insurance fraud

The law clarifies the annual fraud health and disability assessment to ensure that CDI is able to continue its mission in ensuring a healthy and vibrant insurance marketplace by reducing fraud and working with local district attorneys.

8. SB 1273, authored by Senator Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) - Low Cost Auto Insurance Expansion

The signing of SB 1273 was the single most important action taken in 2014 to reduce the number of uninsured vehicles on our roads. The law enhances the California Low Cost Auto program by allowing more low-income individuals the opportunity to purchase low cost auto insurance, most importantly the estimated 1.4 million undocumented individuals who began applying for licenses starting in January 2015.

9. SB 1446, authored by Senator Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord) - Small business protections

This all employer health coverage urgency bill is a victory for all California small businesses. The new law provides small employers who need time to transition to Affordable Care Act compliant policies additional time to make the transition. Small employers with non-grandfathered health insurance coverage purchased by December 31, 2013 have the option to renew their existing coverage for one year, rather than be required to move to new coverage by December 2014.

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Community Programs and Policy Initiatives Branch

Community Programs and Policy Initiatives Branch The Community Programs and Policy Initiatives Branch (CPPI) leads and oversees programs that benefit California’s underserved communities.

CPPI delivers services through the:

• CPPI Deputy Commissioner’s office

• Consumer Education and Outreach Bureau (CEOB)

• California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (CLCA)

• Community Organized Investment Network (COIN)

• Insurance Diversity Initiative (IDI)

• Office of the Ombudsman (OMB)

• Special Projects Division (SPD)

• Statistical Analysis Division (SAD)

CONSUMER EDUCATION AND OUTREACH BUREAU The Consumer Education and Outreach Bureau (CEOB) educates consumers on insurance issues and the availability of CDI as a resource to Californians. CEOB coordinates and participates in educational and outreach events, and educates consumers through the development and distribution of informational guides.

CEOB coordinates hearings, town hall meetings and special events for the Insurance Commissioner. The bureau also plays an important role by helping to organize disaster outreach events immediately following major disasters in the state.

Throughout 2014, CEOB distributed 40,051 insurance related informational guides and coordinated/participated in 224 outreach events throughout the state as follows:



California Low Cost Auto/ AB60 76

Department of Motor Vehicles 24

General Consumer Outreach 55

Senior 53

Employment Development Department 4

Health Insurance 7

Emergency Preparedness 5


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CEOB creates, updates and publishes insurance consumer informational guides to meet consumer needs and statutory provisions. The majority of these information guides may be found on the California Department of Insurance website at

Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Program

CDI is tasked with educating consumers on all aspects of life insurance and annuity products, including consumer rights and protections, the purchasing and utilization of life insurance and annuity products, claims filing, benefit delivery, and dispute resolution for the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Program.

In 2014 CEOB updated the Senior Life & Annuity Brochure which is distributed at consumer outreach events and to District Attorney’s offices throughout the State.

The Senior Information Center on CDI’s website provides useful information through alerts, advisories and press releases issued by CDI. The website can be found at:

The website’s Health Plan section provides links to programs and resources such as Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP), Medicare Advantage Plan, California Health Advocates, and Social Security. This website can be found at

The website also includes a senior events calendar, videos, insurance guides specific to seniors, and an insurance glossary created specifically for seniors.

Patient and Provider Protection Act (PPPA)

California Insurance Code Section 10133.661 requires that CDI “provide announcements that inform health insurance consumers and their health care providers of the department’s toll-free telephone number that is dedicated to the handling of complaints and of the availability of the internet web page established under this section, and the process to register a complaint with the department and to submit an inquiry to it.”

Space was secured to advertise CDI’s ability to help health consumers and providers resolve disputes with insurers in the following Penny Saver publications during April and May 2015:

• South Bay Zone – includes, but are not limited to San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Milpitas.

• Sacramento Zone – includes, but are not limited to Laguna, Folsom, Sacramento, Citrus Heights, Roseville, Folsom, and Rocklin.

• Peninsula Zone – includes, but are not limited to Redwood City, San Mateo, San Bruno, Daly City, Pacifica, and San Carlos.

• Southern California – includes, but are not limited to Riverside, San Bernardino, Downy, Ontario, and Torrance.


The California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (CLCA) was established by the Legislature in 1999 and exists pursuant to California Insurance Code Section 11629.7. The

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program is designed to provide income eligible persons with liability insurance protection at affordable rates as a way to meet California's financial responsibility laws.

Since inception 99,475 Californians have received insurance through the program. At the end of 2014, there were 12,854 policies in force. According to statistics from the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan (CAARP), approximately 96% of the applications assigned were from motorists that had been uninsured at the time of application for a CLCA policy.

During 2014, California Senate Bill 1273 (Lara) was signed into law. This legislation expands eligibility and will allow more income eligible drivers to participate in the program. It also:

• Increases the commission paid to producers for each CLCA policy sold from $35 to $50.

• Increases the limits on the values of vehicles insured under the CLCA program from $20,000 to $25,000.

• Eliminates the requirement that drivers insured in the CLCA program be continually licensed for three years, thus allowing AB 60 license holders to qualify for the program (while incurring an additional surcharge).

During 2014, CDI approved several proposals submitted by the California Assigned Risk Plan that will have an impact on the CLCA program for 2015, including:

• Proposed changes to base premium rates which are effective January 1, 2015.

• Improved the definition of “household” for the purpose of establishing income eligibility.

• Expanded the list of acceptable documents as proof of income.

• Revised the installment payment plan to allow only one simplified installment payment option.

• Updated the online eligibility questionnaire.

The CLCA website ( served as the primary source of information and education about the CLCA program to consumers and producers.

The CLCA program meets the success standards established under the law:

• Rates generated sufficient premiums to cover losses and expenses incurred by CLCA policies issued under each respective county program.

• Benefited underserved communities throughout California. CAARP statistics show that approximately 89% of policies issued in 2014 were issued to applicants whose household income was at or below $20,000 per year.

• Reduced the number of uninsured motorists. According to CAARP statistics, 96% of new policies assigned were to applicants who were uninsured at the time of application.

• Caused motorist to purchase a policy other than CLCA which meets the requirements of California law. At least 565 motorists visited a producer because of the program’s advertising and left with a higher coverage automobile policy.

2015 CLCA Report to the Legislature:

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The California Organized Investment Network (COIN) guides insurers on making safe and sound investments that yield environmental benefits in California and/or social benefits for the State’s underserved communities.

In 2014, COIN accomplished the following:

• Analyzed the results of the Community Investment Survey (CIS) Data Call and published a key findings report on annual insurer COIN investment holdings, which have increased from $5.4 billion in 2009 to $9.1 billion in 2012.

• Built the foundation and support for the passage of Assembly Bill 2128 (Gordon) that extends the CIS Data Call to 2016 and revises the number of insurers participating in the CIS Data Call from all insurers with written premiums in California to only those whose exceed $100 million.

• Launched the COIN Inaugural Investment Summit that provided an interactive forum for insurers, CDFIs, investment funds, and community investment stakeholders.

• Led two rounds of the COIN Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Tax Credit Program and awarded $13.79 million in CDFI Tax Credits to leverage $68.95 million in private investments into COIN certified CDFIs.

2014 Community Investment Survey (CIS) Data Call

COIN conducted the CIS 2014 Data Call to bring transparency to the amount of capital that insurers held in California community development investments between 2009 and 2012, in addition to high impact and green investments. Insurers that wrote $100 million or more in California premiums made 85% of COIN qualified investments between 2009 and 2012. COIN sent all 1,044 California admitted insurers the CIS 2014 Data Call Survey. All insurers responded, and a total of 19,156 investments were submitted; COIN qualified 9,439 of these investments. The next CIS Data Call scheduled to be completed by July 1, 2016.

• High Impact Investments are sourced and/or structured by COIN for insurers, or are insurer investments that are innovative, responsive to community needs, not routinely provided by insurers, or have a high degree of positive impact on the economic welfare of LMI households or areas in California.

2009: $943.3 million

2010: $1.1 billion

2011: $1.5 billion

2012: $2.3 billion

• Green Investments emphasize renewable energy projects, economic development, and affordable housing focused on infill sites to reduce the degree of automobile dependency and promote the use and reuse of existing urbanized lands supplied with infrastructure for accommodating new growth and jobs.

2009: $539.7 million

2010: $1.1 billion

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2011: $1.5 billion

2012: $2.3 billion

• COIN Qualified Investments sourced and structured, guided or approved through the COIN program. COIN seeks to source/structure investment opportunities that meet the COIN program guidelines. These investments must be safe, sound and solvent, offer an acceptable financial return, and benefit California’s environment and/or LMI and rural communities.

2009: $5.4 billion

2010: $6.6 billion

2011: $7.8 billion

2012: $9.1 billion

Community Investment Survey 2014 – Key Findings Report

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25.87% 8.46% 4.55% -0.84%



43.62% 6.96%



















* 2007-2008: Great Recession

*2009: 234.6% Growth in COIN Qualified Inv estment Holdings Reported in the CIS-2014 Data Call

*2010: Green Inv estments are added to COIN Qualifying guidelines

*2012: CIS-2014 Data Call requested inv estments 2009-2012 since 2013 Annual Statement filings are not av ailalble until April, 2014.

*CIS-2014 Data Call was conducted in 2014.

Assembly Bill 2128 (Gordon)

AB 2128 (Gordon) extended the COIN CIS Data Call through January 1, 2020 and limited the report to only the top 200 insurers. Insurers must provide information on all of their green, community development, and community development infrastructure investments by July 1, 2016.

The COIN Advisory Board is comprised of insurance investment executives, consumer advocates, and economic development, legal, and community development organizations. The Advisory Board guides COIN on its policies and procedures for securing and investing insurance capital for community investment in California. In 2014, the COIN Advisory Board held quarterly meetings and frequent subcommittee meetings.

COIN Inaugural Investment Summit

The Department and the COIN Advisory Board launched the COIN Inaugural Investment Summit on September 17, 2014 at the Federal Reserve Building in San Francisco. This event brought together insurers, CDFIs, community organizations, asset managers, government officials, trade associations, and other stakeholders to engage in productive and insightful dialogue to garner feedback and suggestions on COIN's programs. The summit featured panels on how insurers invest, investments that reach yield and achieve impact, CDFIs and CDFI tax credits, COIN investment opportunities, and diversity in investment management. More than 115 individuals including Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones, Assembly Member

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Richard Gordon, insurer investment executives, CDFI executive management, social investment funds, asset managers, and government officials attended the summit.

COIN CDFI Tax Credit Program

The COIN CDFI Tax Credit Program attracts and leverages private capital to fund investments that benefit California’s environment, and/or its low-income, reservation-based and rural areas. Established in 1997, the CDFI Tax Credit Program is administered by COIN for the purpose of increasing the amount of private capital available to CDFIs for community development. COIN allocates a state tax credit of 20% on qualified investments of $50,000 or more. Every $1 of tax credit yields $5 of private investment, with the total tax credit annual allocation of $10 million generating up to $50 million of private investment in COIN-Certified CDFIs. COIN CDFI Tax Credit investments have a minimum term of 60 months, with the tax credit allocated in year one of the five-year investment period. Unused tax credits may be carried forward.

In October 2013, Assembly Bill 32 (Pérez) was signed into law by Governor Brown, and increased the cap on the annual aggregate amount of qualified investments made into COIN certified CDFIs from $10 million to $50 million. AB 32 also placed two restrictions on investments qualified by COIN that remain in effect until October 1st in any calendar year. First, the total amount of investments qualified by COIN to any one community development financial institution may not exceed 30% of the annual aggregate amount of qualified investments. Second, 10% of the annual aggregate amount of qualified investments is reserved for investment amounts of less than or equal to $200,000, as specified.

AB 32 increased the annual economic impact of the COIN CDFI Tax Credit Program from $23 million to $115.1 million, for a total impact of $460.4 million between 2013 and 2016.

• $10 million = Annual available amount of COIN CDFI Tax Credits.

• $50 million = Expected investment into the COIN-Certified CDFIs.

• $460.4 million = Total projected economic impact from 2013 to 2016 (under AB 32).

• 3,128 = Jobs potentially created from 2013 to 2016 (under AB 32).

During 2014, COIN awarded $13.79 million in CDFI Tax Credits for 67 investments into 17 CDFIs to leverage $68.95 million in private investments. The investors included nine insurance companies that invested a total of $32.8 million. The amount of community investment made by insurers throughout 2013 and 2014 has continually increased under the leadership of Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones. Since the inception of the COIN CDFI Tax Credit program in 1997, $42.8 million COIN CDFI tax credits have been award to leverage $214 million in private investments.

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C $40 ~

~ $30




$3.2 $2.9 $0.3

$8.8 $10.0 $8.9




$10.7 $10.0 $9.1 $9.3 $6.4

$10.0 $10.0

Community Programs and Policy Initiatives Branch


• In 2011, COIN awarded roll over tax credits from previous years and supported a total of $23.58MM in investments. • In 2014, due to the late passage of AB 32, COIN tax credits supported $68.95MM in investments.



1 3CORE, Inc. $190,000 $950,000

2 Clearinghouse CDFI $570,000 $2,850,000

3 Enterprise Community Investment $5,705,398 $28,526,991

4 Fresno CDFI $400,000 $2,000,000

5 Genesis LA $350,000 $1,750,000

6 Housing Trust Silicon Valley $400,000 $2,000,000

7 Low Income Investment Fund $3,000,000 $15,000,000

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8 Northern California Community Loan Fund $1,010,000 $5,050,000

9 Nehemiah Community Reinvestment Fund $250,000 $1,250,000

10 Neighborhood Housing Services Neighborhood Lending Services $170,000 $850,000

11 Neighborhood Housing Services of Orange County $120,000 $600,000

12 Opportunity Fund $260,000 $1,300,000

13 Pacific Coast Regional Small Business Development Corp $60,000 $300,000

14 ProAmérica Bank $200,000 $1,000,000

15 Rural Community Assistance Corp $700,000 $3,500,000

16 Self-Help Federal Credit Union $255,000 $1,275,000

17 San Luis Obispo County Housing Trust Fund $150,000 $750,000

TOTAL $13,790,398 $68,951,991

Insurance Diversity Initiative

The Insurance Diversity Initiative was established to focus on diversity issues within California's $257 billion insurance industry. Specifically, these efforts, both by Department staff and the Commissioner-appointed Insurance Diversity Task Force, are meant to encourage increased procurement from diverse suppliers and diversity of insurer governing boards. The Department accomplishes these goals by conducting surveys to collect and make public information about the diversity efforts of insurers, as well as through outreach, partnerships, and Department-hosted events.

The Insurance Diversity Task Force is made up of 15 members who are interviewed, selected, and appointed by the Commissioner. The Insurance Diversity Initiative (IDI) is officially made up of one employee and draws major support from the Special Projects Division. IDI contains an official internship program that offers support on various tasks, projects, and research assignments. Stakeholders include: community advocates, chambers of commerce, diverse businesses, certification agencies, insurers, trade associations, researchers, and interested individuals from the banking, energy, and legal industries.

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In 2014, the Insurance Diversity Task Force and IDI staff made great strides and accomplished the following:

• Issued the first Governing Board Diversity (GBD) Survey, a first-in-the-nation survey examining the state of diversity on insurer governing boards which is meant to encourage insurance companies to seek a leadership and board that is reflective of California’s, and the nation’s, changing demographics and diversity.

• Collected, compiled and publicly posted reports from 289 insurance companies that responded to the survey.

• Assembled multiple resource documents from the aggregate data to ensure maximum use and dissemination of information collected.

• Organized the 3rd Annual Insurance Diversity Summit in December which saw the release of the 2014 GBD Survey and awards for the inaugural Insurance Commissioner’s Award for Excellence in Diversity, Blue Shield of CA; the inaugural governing board diversity honorees, Kaiser Permanente and Morgan Stanley’s Managing Director Carla Harris; and supplier diversity honorees, CSAA Insurance Exchange and Nationwide’s Regional Vice President Ramon Jones.


The Office of the Ombudsman’s primary function is to support the Department’s commitment to serve, educate and provide the highest level of customer service to our consumers, insurers, agents, brokers, and public officials. The Ombudsman is responsible for ensuring that complaints about Department staff or actions receive full and impartial review.

The Ombudsman also serves as the primary contact for legislative offices, initiates consumer reviews of cases upon request, serves as liaison to public inquiry requests, analyzes consumer issues data for legislative focus, spotlights areas in need of regulatory reform, and carries out special projects to enhance Department communications and streamline operations.

During 2014, the Ombudsman staff responded to 1,298 consumer requests for assistance and 421 legislative inquiries, while facilitating and closing 1,705 general requests from other divisions within the Department or other state agencies.


The Special Projects Division (SPD) performs targeted research, analysis, development, and implementation and coordination of working groups.

The SPD continues to host the Senior Gateway ( an inter-agency website designed to provide meaningful resources and information to seniors and their families to inform them about health care and insurance options, and empower them to protect themselves against financial fraud, abuse and neglect. In 2014, the website received more than 22,000 visitors.

Additionally, the SPD develops a listing of reports mandated by statute or regulation of CDI or the Insurance Commissioner. SPD also administers the process and facilitates the Commissioner’s appointments of members to serve on seven boards and committees. SPD processed 8 new appointments and 16 reappointments. In accordance with an initiative to increase the diversity among the Commissioner’s appointees, SPD added management efforts to ultimately increase the number of diverse (women and minorities) appointees to boards and

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committees by 7.66% from the prior year (reached 15% 3-year strategic planning goal in 2 years).


The Statistical Analysis Division (SAD) is responsible for responding to all data collections and reporting requirements set forth in the California Insurance Code and the California Code of Regulations. The data analysis and reports developed by SAD help the Insurance Commissioner and management, the Legislature and related government agencies support a healthy insurance marketplace and provide California’s consumers with information to help them make important insurance decisions.

SAD maintains databases on a variety of insurance lines. On an annual basis, SAD conducts in-depth analysis on a multitude of data elements submitted by the insurance industry and other sources. SAD evaluates, compares and interprets massive raw data and statistics in order to maintain annual and semi-annual reports based on that data. In addition, SAD analyzes and develops legislation related to the collection of data by the Department.

SAD has provided data and related research assistance to virtually every unit in the California Department of Insurance. This includes support to the Actuarial Division, COIN, Consumer Services, Financial Analysis Division, Enforcement Branch Fraud Branch, Legal Division, Licensing Division, the Press Office and the Rate Regulation Branch. In addition to CDI internal units, SAD’s data and reports are used by the public, consumer groups, industry, the media, university students and professors, as well as federal and state lawmakers.

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1 Private Passenger Automobile Liability and Physical Damage Experience by ZIP Code


2 Community Service Statement, reporting exposures and service offices in “underserved” communities

Title 10, Chapter 5, Section 2646.6

3 Community Development Investment Policy Statements


4 Insurer Supplier Diversity 927(b)

5 Personal Property Coverage and Limits 16014(b)

6 Annual Private Passenger Automobile and Homeowners Premium Comparison surveys


7 Annual Consumer Complaint Ratio Study 12921.1

8 Workers Compensation Claims Adjusters, Medical-Only Claims Adjusters and Medical Bill Reviewers

11761 Title 10, Chapter 5, Sections 2592 – 2592.08


Annual Long-Term Care Insurance Consumer Rate and History Guide. Revised the Long-Term Care to capture the outlines of coverage and policy summary information from the companies and developed a new LTC Outlines of Coverage web page and report for the Legal Division.

10234.6 and AB 999 (LTC Outlines of Coverage: California Insurance Code Section 10233.5)


Medicare Supplement Insurance Consumer Rate Guide. Revised the Rate Guide pursuant of CIC§10140.2,“any health insurance policies issues, amended, or renewed on or after January 1, 2011, shall not be subject to premium differentials because of sex” so that it does not differentiate between genders.


11 Health and Disability Insurance. 10127.19, 10508.6, 10508.7, 1872.85, 700(c) and 900

12 Fraud Disability and Health Assessment Table and Report Development.


13 California Healthcare Benefits Fund Assessment Table and Report Development.

2218.62 (SB 1704)

14 Long-Term Care Insurance Agents semi-annual reporting.


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TABLE C: SAD ANALYSIS WORKLOAD (Continued)Calendar Year 2014





15 Developed a list of insurance companies currently offering health insurance coverage.



Special Purpose Fraud Assessment - Developed a database and tracking system to Support Collection of Fraud Assessments.

(SAD worked with Accounting Services Bureau to develop a system to track companies and send notifications)


17 Bureau of Fraudulent Claims Table and Report Development



Mental Health Services Company Exhibits, SAD worked with Legal Division to incorporate additional Company Reporting Exhibits in the annual Health & Disability Insurance reporting to collect and track company compliance.

(Data is reported annually to Legal Division.)

10144.5(a), 10123.198 and 10123.199

19 Workers Compensation Policyholder Appeals information.

Title 10, Chapter 5 Section 2509.43 et. Seq


Health Insurance Covered Lives Report. The Statistical Analysis Division (SAD) developed a public report of the number of covered lives under health insurance plans and administrative service only (ASO) plans issued by California Department of Insurance licensees. The Statistical Analysis Division staff coordinated efforts with the Department of Managed Healthcare (DMHC)



Health Insurance Dispute Resolution information conducted. Collected experience data on a company's "Health Dispute Resolution Mechanism." This data was submitted to Legal Division.



In addition to annual data calls, SAD also conducts research and data collection for special projects. These special projects are a result of “hot topic” policy issues that the CDI Executive Staff faces throughout the year. For 2014, special projects included:

• Governing Board Diversity Survey – in collaboration with the Insurance Diversity Initiative staff, the Statistical Analysis Division (SAD) assisted in the development and collection of insurance company governing board diversity. The survey was conducted on companies that

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wrote over $100 million and collected the composition of their governing board in order to report and ultimately encourage a more diverse governing board.


At various times throughout the year, SAD provides technical assistance in developing databases or assistance in conducting analysis of data for CDI internal branches as well as other state or insurance related agencies. The following is a list of the SAD’s research consultation/database development activities during 2014:

• Arizona Department of Insurance Data Request – Responded to a request from Arizona Department of Insurance for assessment data pertaining to California Health Care Benefits Fund for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 and for Fiscal Year 2014-2015. This information was used for the development of reports pertaining to the Arizona retaliation calculation.

• California Healthcare Foundation – Provided covered lives data on individual & group health, Administrative Service Only (ASO) and Medicare supplement plans to support trend reports developed by the foundation.

• Provided Individual & Group Health Plan Information to Legal Division – In support of the Department’s regulation of grandfathered and non-grandfathered health plans related to Assembly Bill 1083, SAD provided health plan information to the Legal Division to identify all medical plan forms that were subject to AB 1083 and related laws.

• Consultant for Rate Regulation Branch (RRB): Long Term Care Rate Increase History – Starting in 2012, SAD has provided the Long-Term Care Rate Increase History data tables to an RRB Consultant. SAD has agreed to provide this service on an annual basis on behalf of RRB and the department.

• Medicare Supplement Rates Database for Rate Regulation Branch (RRB)/Health Actuary Unit – Starting in 2010, SAD has provided and updated the Medicare Supplement Rates Database (i.e. tables) for the Health Actuary unit. The Health Actuary Unit analyzes the updated Medicare supplement rates reported by the companies and provides valuable feedback to SAD and other CDI units. SAD has agreed to maintain and update this Medicare supplement database for RRB on an annual basis.

• California Earthquake Authority (CEA) – Provided residential property amounts of insurance for CEA and non-CEA insurers summarized by ZIP code and indicating the number of policies that have earthquake coverage.

• National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Annual Reports – Provided Private Passenger Automobile and Personal Property information to the NAIC for their annual reports.

• Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation (CHSWC) Annual Request – Provided workers’ compensation related data to the CHSWC for their annual reporting on the health, safety, and workers’ compensation systems in California.


During calendar year 2014, SAD was requested to provide data and handle inquiries received by the CDI’s Consumer Hotline and through Public Records Act. SAD fielded requests for data from a wide spectrum of the public, including individual consumers, state and federal agencies, university students and professors, and from the insurance industry.

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Communications and Press Relations Branch

The Communications/Press Relations Office The Communications and Press Relations Bureau (CPRB) coordinates communications within the Department and disseminates the Department’s important messages to consumers, the industry, media, CDI staff, and other stakeholders. The effective delivery of this information, through a variety of tools ensures that all Department efforts contribute to the CDI Mission, “to ensure vibrant markets where insurers keep their promises and the health and economic security of individuals, families and businesses are protected.”

The function of the CPRB is to keep the public informed about significant insurance issues. To accomplish this goal, the Bureau studies trends, conducts research, and identifies relevant issues that could potentially impact the Department. The CPRB fosters relationships with important stakeholders, including: consumers, the insurance industry, state legislators, advocates, the Governor’s Office and CDI staff.

The CPRB also collaborates with the Community Programs and Consumer Services and Market Conduct Branches in formulating and executing outreach campaigns about the Department’s consumer programs and services. The Bureau works closely with a many internal stakeholders to advance the Department’s goals and objectives, including the Enforcement Branch, Licensing and Legal, to name a few. The Communications Bureau plays an integral role by serving as a positive liaison to the media (television, newspaper, internet, radio and bloggers) via press releases, phone calls, emails, social media outreach and media events. During 2014, major initiatives included:

Consumer Protection and Education:

• Produced seven news conferences and news releases regarding insurer rate filings.

• Communicated and coordinated with numerous reporters and hundreds of outlets throughout the state to promote the consumer services branch and consumer hotline. Major media outlets included CNN, World News Tonight, ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox national and local news affiliates, Sacramento Bee, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal, among many others.

• Supported outreach regarding pending and legislation, including: media coverage, creation of fact sheets, consumer stories, press conferences, and graphic design and promotion.

• CPRB also supported other CDI branches by providing graphic design and writing services, as well as marketing and other outreach to assist each branch with messaging and consumer education and protection.

• Produced 153 news releases, an average of 2.94 each week covering a range of topics including consumer protection and information, natural disaster preparedness health insurance, and the development of new insurance products to meet the demands of emerging technologies such as Transportation Network Companies.

• Planned and executed 13 news conferences to inform the public about important issues and organizational accomplishments and to promote key initiatives to protect consumers.

• Coordinated with Enforcement Branch, Consumer Education, and Outreach to educate homeowners after natural disasters by working closely with major media outlets.

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Communications and Press Relations Branch

Enforcement efforts:

• CPRB collaborated with the Enforcement Branch to promote significant enforcement operations.

• Coordinated media at enforcement command centers, enabling real time news dissemination.

• Independently developed real time newsworthy media material immediately following major operations.

• Coordinated with the Enforcement Branch to dramatically increase CDI’s social media presence on multiple platforms, which resulted in more than 450,000 hits and established daily social media followers including trend bloggers, mass media, insurance trade media, trade associations and insurers.

• Coordinated multi-agency media outreach during two statewide Underground Economy enforcement programs.

• CPRB held a major press event which garnered national news attention for the largest case of insurance fraud in department history, bringing attention to the pervasiveness of medical provider fraud.

California Wildfire Public Information Campaign:

• CPRB led a multi-pronged outreach campaign to motivate California residents to prepare for wildfire season and to educate them about post-disaster recovery by combining efforts with Cal Fire, the insurance industry, community and government assistance services, and retailers, CPRB leveraged opportunities to positively impact consumer behavior.

• CPRB joined allied agencies to produce a joint news conference and live broadcast town hall meetings. CPRB also disseminated multiple news releases and used social media and retail messaging in home improvement stores via end-cap displays to educate consumers about wildfire prevention and preparedness.

• CPRB also created multiple feature interviews with major media outlets throughout the State where it provided important information on wildfire preparedness and prevention issues such as home inventory, emergency kits, insurance review, and post-disaster assistance.

Continued Affordable Care Act rollout support:

• CPRB produced multiple news conferences, wrote press releases and speeches by the Insurance Commissioner about the Affordable Act. The purpose of these efforts was to encourage consumer enrollment, promote consumer protection and to ensure proper conduct by navigators and enrollment councilors.

• CPRB also arranged multiple feature interviews and provided ACA background information to major media outlets throughout the state.

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Administration & Licensing Services

Administration and Licensing Services Branch The Administration and Licensing Services Branch (ALSB) provides administrative support services to the California Department of Insurance (CDI), including budgets, accounting, business services, human resources, and information technology, as well as provides licensing services to insurance agents, brokers, adjusters, and bail agents. The Branch consists of the following divisions:

• Financial Management Division

• Human Resources Management Division

• Information Technology Division

• Licensing Services Division


The Financial Management Division (FMD) consists of the following three bureaus:

• The Accounting Services Bureau (ASB) provides a full range of accounting functions including payables, receivables, revolving fund, cashiering, general ledger, security deposits, and gross premium and surplus line tax collection. ASB maintains centralized records of CDI’s appropriations, financial activities, and cash flow to ensure effective management of CDI’s financial affairs and to provide accurate financial reports to State control agencies.

• The Budget and Revenue Management Bureau (BRMB) consists of the Budget Office and the Administrative Systems Unit (ASU). The Budget Office develops CDI’s annual budget including the preparation and submission of all Supplementary Schedules required by the Department of Finance, develops annual budget allocations for all programs, develops various hourly rates for cost recovery, and monitors expenditures and revenue collection. ASU oversees/maintains CDI’s activity reporting system for cost accounting purposes; generates monthly expenditure and time/activity reports; provides training and technical assistance to all CDI employees; provides technical support to users of various fiscal systems including CALSTARS; establishes new program cost accounts as appropriate; updates the cost allocation plan; and develops specialized financial-related management reports.

• The Business Management Bureau (BMB) provides CDI administrative and management services in the areas of contracts, purchasing, facilities, records, forms, physical assets, fleet management, mail, and supply services. BMB also provides services such as photo identification, security, transportation management, and disaster planning.

FMD Key Accomplishments in 2014:

• Implemented Online Remote Deposit Service Program – ASB successfully implemented the State Treasurer’s Office online remote deposit program, another “Green” accomplishment for CDI. This program allows CDI to complete deposits electronically, thus creating efficiencies and eliminating the need for physical deposits. Additionally, it improves the State’s cash flow by creating same-day credits for investments thereby maximizing State investments.

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Administration & Licensing Services

• Sustained High-Performance in Procurement Activities with Small/Micro and Disabled Veteran Businesses – CDI is committed to supporting the State’s Small/Micro Business (SB/MB) and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) programs, as reflected in CDI's participation rates. In the last five years, the Department has consistently exceeded the statewide participation rate goals of 25 percent for SB/MB and 3 percent for DVBE. As a result of the Department’s proactive efforts to seek out and include SB/MB and/or DVBE vendors when conducting procurement activity, CDI’s SB/MB participation rate of 53.4 percent in FY 2013-14 was 113 percent higher than the statewide goal and reflected an almost 27percent increase over the previous year.

• Achieved Excellence in Financial Reporting – ASB’s FY 2012-13 financial reports submitted to the State Controller’s Office (SCO) were complete, accurate, and timely, thus meeting SCO’s established criteria for Excellence in Financial Reporting.

Major Programs:

Tax Collection Program – One of FMD’s functions is to ensure the timely processing of premium tax returns filed by insurers and surplus line brokers and the timely collection and reporting of all appropriate taxes. The timeframes for remitting tax payments to CDI are monthly, quarterly, or annually depending on the tax liability of each insurer/surplus line broker. CDI collected approximately $2.6 billion in tax revenue for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-14 to support the State’s General Fund.




Surplus Line 2,162 3% CIC Section 1775.5

Property & Casualty 921 2.35% CRTC Section 12202

Ocean Marine 553 5% CRTC Section 12101

Life 421 2.35% or 0.5% CRTC Section 12202

Title 17 2.35% CRTC Section 12202

Home 12 2.35% CRTC Section 12202

Health 23 2.35% CRTC Section 12202

TOTAL 4,109

CIC = California Insurance Code CRTC = California Revenue and Taxation Code

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2009-10 $2,262,588,000

2010-11 $2,307,752,000

2011-12 $2,441,762,000

2012-13 $2,422,934,000

2013-14 $2,590,271,000

CDI Budget and Programs – CDI’s budget includes the following five programs:

• Regulation of Insurance Companies and Insurance Producers (Program 10) – The objectives of this program are to: prevent losses to policyholders, beneficiaries, or the public due to the insolvency of insurers; prevent unlawful or unfair practices by insurers as defined by the Insurance Code; ensure that property and casualty insurance rates are not excessive, inadequate, unfairly discriminatory, or otherwise in violation of the Insurance Code; review health insurance rates filed with the Department to determine whether they are reasonable and attempt to get unreasonable rates lowered by insurers; and ensure that applicants for insurance licenses, and holders of insurance licenses, satisfy and maintain the qualifications for licensure. Through the Conservation and Liquidation Office, the Department administers the estates of insolvent and delinquent insurance companies.

• Consumer Protection (Program 12) – The objectives of this program are to: provide direct service to California consumers by protecting insurance policyholders and other parties involved in insurance transactions against unfair or illegal practices with respect to claims handling, rating, or underwriting by insurers; and protect applicants and policyholders from discriminatory, unlawful, or fraudulent practices or incompetence relating to the sale of insurance.

• Fraud Control (Program 20) – The objective of this program is to protect the public from economic loss by actively investigating, arresting, and referring for prosecution or adjudication those who commit insurance fraud and other violations of the law. The program is staffed by sworn peace officers who conduct criminal investigations of insurance fraud and related criminal cases.

• General Fund Tax Collection and Compliance (Program 30) – This program performs tax collection; ensures compliance from insurance companies and surplus line brokers with the laws contained in the Insurance Code and Revenue and Taxation Code; and assists the Board of Equalization and the State Controller's Office with various refund, assessment, and accounting matters relative to the premium tax program. Tax

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General Fund Tax

Collection & Compliance

$1,853,000; 0.77%

Regulation of Insurance Companies & Insurance

Producers (Federal Funds)

$2,675,000; 1.12%

Regulation of Insurance

Consumer Protection $50,416,000; 21.06%

Consumer Protection (Local Assistance) $714,000; 0.30%

Administration & Licensing Services

collections from this program are deposited in the State’s General Fund.

• Administration (Program 50) – This program provides administrative support services to the Department including budgets, accounting, human resources, business services, and information technology, as well as legislative and legal services.

Expenditures – CDI’s total expenditures for FY 2013-14 were $239.4 million. The following chart displays the expenditures by Program:


TOTAL: $239,422,000

Fraud Control (Local Assistance) Fraud Control $61,464,000; 25.67% $47,645,000; 19.90%

Companies & Insurance Producers

$74,655,000; 31.18%

Note: Includes FY 2013-14 Distributed Administration expenditures of $29,386,000.



Personal Services $120,355,000

Operating Expenses and Equipment $56,889,000

Local Assistance $62,178,000

TOTAL $239,422,000

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• Personal Services – Payments made for services performed by CDI employees to support operations. This includes salaries, wages, and staff benefits.

• Operating Expenses and Equipment – Costs of goods and services (other than personal services previously defined) incurred by CDI to support its operations.

• Local Assistance – Funds provided to local entities (e.g., District Attorneys) in support of CDI's programs.

Revenues – In FY 2013-14, CDI generated $223.8 million in revenue from fees, licenses, and various assessments paid by insurers, insurance producers, and other licensees. Insurance Fund revenue generally is received from insurance companies and insurance producers that CDI regulates. Both insurers and producers pay license, filing, and other fees. Insurance companies pay special assessments for Proposition 103, Fraud, Consumer Services Auto, and Life and Annuity. Insurance companies also pay for the Department’s periodic examinations to determine the financial stability of companies and to evaluate insurance practices and market conduct.

TABLE E: CDI REVENUE BY TYPE Fiscal Year 2013-2014


Fraud: $ 101,621,000 45.42%

Workers’ Compensation ($50,139,000) (49.34%)

Auto ($1.50) ($39,800,000) (39.17%)

Health & Disability ($7,054,000) (6.94%)

General Assessment ($4,628,000) (4.55%)

Fees & License $63,783,000 28.50%

Proposition 103 $27,758,000 12.40%

Examination Fees $19,251,000 8.60%

Consumer Services Auto ($0.25) $9,305,000 4.16%

Seismic Safety $1,122,000 0.50%

Life & Annuity $930,000 0.42%

TOTAL $ 223,770,000 100.0%

• Fraud Assessment – This revenue is derived from the following assessments:

o Fraud Workers’ Compensation – Annual assessment determined by the Fraud Assessment Commission used to fund workers' compensation fraud investigation and prosecution.

o Fraud Auto ($1.50) – Annual assessment for each vehicle insured. $1.00 funds the investigation and prosecution of automobile insurance fraud and $0.50 funds the

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organized automobile Fraud Activity Interdiction Program (self-assessed quarterly).

o Fraud Health and Disability – Annual assessment not to exceed $0.20 for each insured person to fund investigation and prosecution of fraudulent disability insurance claims.

o Fraud General – Annual assessment up to $5,100 for each insurer doing business in the state to support fraud activities.

• Fees and License – This revenue is derived from the following fees:

o License Fees and Penalties – Fees to cover the cost of issuing and making changes to licenses (paid by companies and individual licensees) to support the Department’s general operations.

o General Fees – Fees to cover the costs associated with processing and maintaining Action Notices, Policy Approvals, Insurer Certifications, Annual Statements, and Workers’ Compensation Rate Filings.

• Proposition 103 Assessment – Annual assessment to recover costs of administering Proposition 103 including participating in rate hearings and conducting inquiries into consumer complaints.

• Examination Fees – Hourly rate developed annually to recover the cost of performing insurance practice exams, financial analysis reviews, field exams, and actuarial reviews.

• Consumer Services Auto ($0.25) – Annual assessment for each vehicle insured to fund the consumer services functions related to regulating automobile insurers. Part of the fee (i.e., up to $0.05) is specifically used to support the California Low Cost Auto Program (self-assessed quarterly).

• Seismic Safety – Annual assessment of $0.15 per earned property exposure to fund the Seismic Safety Commission (pass through from CDI to the Commission).

• Life and Annuity – Annual fee of $1.00 for each individual life insurance and individual annuity product issued (self-assessed bi-annually).


The Human Resources Management Division (HRMD) provides essential human resources services to CDI’s employees through the following five functional units:

• The Classification and Pay Unit administers CDI’s classification and pay program. Analysts provide advice and assistance on varied personnel management problems; analyze and classify positions; gather and evaluate pay data; conduct classification and pay surveys; provide management support on employee progressive discipline issues; and review proposed personnel actions for conformity with laws, regulations, and standards.

• The Selections and Recruitment Unit is responsible for CDI’s selections process. Analysts administer civil service exams, conduct job analyses, establish certification and eligibility lists, oversee recruitment efforts, and function as liaisons between the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) and CDI’s programs in the development of online exams.

• The Departmental Training/Health and Safety Unit provides technical expertise,

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training, and guidance to employees, supervisors, and managers in administrative personnel matters relating to a variety of health and safety issues. Analysts perform ergonomic evaluations for CDI employees and act as coordinators for the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA); Americans with Disabilities Act; Reasonable Accommodation Policy; Return-to-Work; Injury, Illness, and Prevention Policy; Workplace Violence Prevention Policy; Drug-Free Workplace Policy; the Workers’ Compensation Program; and Wellness Program. The Training Officer/Analysts develop and deliver in-house training using instructor-led training and intranet-based training videos, coordinate training for employees, facilitate CDI’s annual award and recognition programs, and administer the Biennial Language Survey.

• The Personnel Transactions Unit provides a full range of personnel and disability transactions as well as technical resources to the Department. Personnel Specialists prepare appointment, separation, and other personnel/payroll transaction documents to establish and update CDI employees’ employment history; ensure accurate and timely payment of regular and miscellaneous pay; ensure accurate and timely completion of benefit forms; certify time and attendance to confirm accuracy of leave balances; and process State Disability Insurance, Non-Industrial Disability Insurance, catastrophic leave, paid family leave, FMLA requests, and Workers’ Compensation claims pertaining to pay and leave credit restoration. Technical Resources Analysts disseminate HRMD policies, procedures, and personnel-related documents and develop processes and procedures addressing complex and diverse personnel practices.

• The Labor Relations Unit facilitates cooperative and productive labor relations among CDI, its employees, and their respective employee labor organizations. This unit provides consultative services to management on collective bargaining agreements and contract administration, establishes procedures for the equitable and peaceful resolution of differences on labor relations matters, and provides information on the application of collective bargaining agreements including CDI policies and grievance responses.

HRMD Key Accomplishments in 2014

• Completed Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Replacement Project – In July 2014, HRMD, in collaboration with ASU and the Information Technology Division, implemented a new automated human resources (HR) system for timekeeping/daily attendance, leave balance accounting, and position management/control. In addition to providing these mission critical HR functions, key innovations included automating leave and overtime requests; consolidating timekeeping and CDI’s primary activity reporting/cost accounting system; and enhancing access to leave balance information.

• Achieved Workers’ Compensation Efficiencies – CDI achieved monthly savings of more than $1,000 in State Compensation Insurance Fund (State Fund) administration fees due to CDI’s reduction in its average open case inventory. The Department’s reporting timeliness to State Fund was on average fewer than three days in contrast to the statewide average of six days and State Fund’s goal of five days.

• Sustained Efforts to Modernize Actuarial Classifications – HRMD, in collaboration with the Financial Surveillance and Rate Regulation Branches, continues to lead a multi-department project to identify classification and compensation changes necessary to enable departments to recruit and retain qualified actuaries. Participating departments include the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, State Compensation Insurance Fund, California State Teachers’ Retirement System, and Department of Managed Health Care. The completed proposal was submitted to CalHR for

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consideration in October 2013, and based on continued collaboration with CalHR, updated in 2014.


The Information Technology Division (ITD) provides reliable, supportable, and innovative information technology (IT) services and solutions to the Department to meet business and operational requirements. ITD consists of the following five bureaus/offices:

• The Statewide Network Support Bureau provides departmental support for the technology infrastructure. Support consists of telecommunication services, Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, hardware/software installation, e-mail services, video services, security, and maintenance for personal computers.

• The Application Development and Maintenance Bureau (ADAM) provides custom software development and supports a variety of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products/applications to meet the business needs of the Department. ADAM keeps abreast of the latest advancements in application tools and technology; monitors and maintains the Oracle Internet and Intranet application servers, commonly referred to as the 'middle tier'; and hosts all production data in-house serving as CDI’s Data Center.

• The Project Coordination and Administrative Support Bureau provides departmental and divisional support. Departmental support activities include IT procurement, IT project management, and control agency compliance as well as supporting and improving usability of CDI’s website content, online services, and intranet. Divisional support activities include expenditure tracking, human resources coordination, IT and Department infrastructure budget tracking and monitoring, and training request coordination.

• The CDI Menu Modernization Project (CMMP) Office is responsible for overseeing and delivering the Department’s five-year IT project initiated in FY 2014-15 to replace/upgrade its legacy CDI Menu and Integrated Database. The Office, tasked with replacing 27 subsystems in eight development waves throughout all branches of CDI, is responsible for implementing a department-wide data architecture effort; cataloging and classifying data; standardizing data structures; and providing project oversight and management (including risk management) for this large, reportable IT project.

• The Information Security Office is responsible for protecting CDI’s information assets, managing vulnerabilities within CDI’s information processing infrastructure, managing threats and incidents impacting CDI’s information resources, developing and maintaining policies to ensure appropriate use of CDI’s information assets, and educating employees about their information security and privacy protection responsibilities.

ITD Key Accomplishments in 2014

• Launched Development of CMMP – After extensive research and documentation of existing business processes and the development of an IT Feasibility Study Report documenting CDI’s dependency on 20-year old legacy software that will no longer be supported after 2017, CDI received approval to modernize its legacy CDI Menu and Integrated Database. A re-architected system will leverage newer technologies. The five-year project was initiated on July 1, 2014.

• Completed Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Replacement Project – ITD, in collaboration with HRMD and ASU, implemented a new automated HR system called cdiHR. This system also created an infrastructure that will provide for future

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flexibility to replace other legacy systems and implement additional functionality to meet the needs of HRMD and other business areas.

• Completed Responsive Design Website Project – Utilizing federal funding provided by an Affordable Care Act Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) grant, ITD, in collaboration with the Health Policy and Reform Branch and Consumer Services Division, enhanced insurance consumers’ website experience by adding health information, reorganizing consumer content, and implementing a responsive design platform. Responsive design’s innovative technology automatically reformats the website page view on any device screen (e.g., computer, tablet, smartphone) thus enhancing users’ mobile experiences.

• Implemented Hot Transfer of Consumer Calls between CDI and the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) – Utilizing federal funding provided by an ACA CAP grant, ITD, in collaboration with the Consumer Services Division and DMHC, implemented “hot transfer” of calls between CDI and DMHC call centers. Hot transfer ensures consumers are routed to the appropriate call center more effectively and efficiently, thus enhancing their telephone experience and reducing potential frustration.

• Microsoft Office 365 Upgrade – ITD upgraded CDI’s outdated email system to a vendor-managed, fully redundant cloud service (Office365). Department messaging, calendaring, and contact information is now available 24/7, resulting in system stability and providing access via mobile device, Outlook Web Access, or the Outlook client regardless of location or CDI network availability. All email is fully secured, backed up, and managed by the service with up-to-date and state-of-the-art disaster recovery and security features that surpass the capabilities of CDI’s resources.

• ITD Help Desk Consolidation – ITD upgraded and merged three separate IT Help Desks into a single Help Desk “call center” and ticketing system. This gives ITD reportable metrics, the ability to meet service levels, and systematically increases functionality, allowing ITD to modernize processes and procedures in support of the IT needs of the Department.

• Data Center Co-Location – ITD moved CDI’s most critical network and public facing systems to a redundant powered co-location facility with 24/7 availability, thus enhancing service levels and availability for internal customers and the public.


The Licensing Services Division (LSD), under the authority of the Insurance Code, protects insurance consumers and maintains the integrity of the insurance industry by determining the qualifications and eligibility of license applicants. The Division consists of the following three bureaus:

• The Producer Licensing Bureau (PLB) issues, maintains, and updates records of all insurance producer licenses; prepares and administers written qualifying insurance examinations; and reviews and approves education courses submitted by insurance companies, educational institutions, and others.

• The Licensing Background Bureau (LBB) obtains information and documentary evidence regarding criminal convictions and other adverse actions in the backgrounds of insurance producers and license applicants seeking authority to transact insurance in California. LBB analyzes evidence and makes recommendations as to the actions, if any, to be taken against these individuals.

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• The Licensing Compliance and Company Investigations Bureau reviews consumer complaint files received from the Investigation Division, performs background reviews of insurance company officers and individuals seeking appointment to the Commissioner’s boards and committees, and assists in processing the applications of non-admitted insurers applying to be added to the Department’s List of Approved Surplus Line Insurers.

LSD Key Accomplishments in 2014

• Continued Expansion of Examination Sites – Passing a qualifying examination is a prerequisite for obtaining an insurance agent, broker, adjuster, or bail agent license. Providing convenient examination locations throughout California is critical to facilitate expedient licensing for applicants. During 2014, PLB, in collaboration with its licensing examination contractor (PSI Services), opened a new examination site in Laguna Hills. During the past four years, CDI increased the number of its examination sites from 4 to 22 with sites located throughout California. During 2015, CDI will open two more examination sites in Los Angeles and Riverside, bringing the total number of examination sites to 24.

• Launched Online Course Application Service – PLB, in collaboration with its licensing database contractor (Vertafore), launched an innovative, online service (Compliance Express) that offers education training providers with a more efficient option for submitting new courses and course renewals to CDI. Additionally, the service will allow Compliance Express users to input and modify course schedules and to lookup information about their continuing education provider status, course status, and transaction history.

• Developed New Examination Study Guide for Public Adjusters – PLB, in coordination with the Commissioner’s appointed Curriculum Board, developed a comprehensive examination content outline for the Public Insurance Adjuster license. The purpose of the new examination outline is to provide a detailed listing of the subject areas to be covered in the examination so candidates will be better prepared to pass the license exam.

• Updated Prelicensing and Continuing Education Regulations – PLB revised the Prelicensing and Continuing Education Regulations under California Code of Regulations, title 10, sections 2186 - 2188.10. The Office of Administrative Law approved the amendments to these regulations on October 22, 2014. These changes took effect on February 19, 2015. The regulations were amended to reflect recent changes in licensing laws and to conform to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Guidelines for Online Continuing Education courses.

• Implemented Legislation – PLB successfully implemented the licensing provisions of AB 1391 (Chapter 321, Statutes of 2013). This bill, effective January 1, 2014, made several changes in law relating to insurance producer licenses, including strengthening the registration requirements for life agents to be eligible to sell variable contracts in California and to set the ethics training requirement for insurance producers at three hours every license term to conform with NAIC standards.

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Producer Licensing Statistics



License Applications Received 69,901 75,268 +8%

License Examinations Scheduled 69,534 75,491 +9%

New Licenses Issued 55,040 60,762 +10%

Licenses Renewed 118,988 129,276 +9%

Insurer Appointments/Terminations 821,718 776,079 -6%

Bonds Processed 7,353 5,388 -27%

Licensing Calls Handled 145,734 151,751 +4%

e-mail Inquiries Processed 18,749 12,989 -31%



Life and Accident/Health (combined) 27,327 30,960 +13%

Life 12,696 14,256 +12%

Property and Casualty 12,947 14,447 +12%

Accident and Health 5,789 6,708 +16%

Personal Lines 5,694 6,120 +7%

Limited Lines Automobile 499 442 -11%

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Life 34,295 38,645 +13%

Accident and Health 28,199 34,093 +21%

Property and Casualty 11,723 12,739 +8%

Personal Lines 5,544 6,127 +10%

Limited Lines Automobile 477 403 -16% 1The number of new licenses issued in this table includes duplication, such as for those individuals issued a new license as a life agent and also issued a new license as an accident/health agent. Therefore, these numbers do not reconcile with the number of new licenses issued presented in the previous producer licensing statistics table, which does not include duplication.

Licensing Background Statistics



Insurance agent and broker background reviews 3,784 3,263 -14%

Cases referred to Legal Branch for disciplinary action 478 394 -18%

Insurance agent and broker alternative resolution program cases 820 718 -12%

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Licensing Compliance Statistics



Insurance company officer and director background reviews 671 533 -21%

Updates to list of approved surplus line insurers 12 10 -17%

Cases referred to Legal Branch or Investigation Division for disciplinary action or further investigation

7 6 -14%

Orders of Administrative Bar for cheating on examination 23 2 -91%

Commissioner Board and Committees background reviews 22 19 -14%

Producer Licensing Examination First-Time Pass Rates

In recent years, the life insurance industry has published several studies showing that the number of career life agents nationally is declining. Industry representatives believe that it is important that the insurance agent licensing process recognize the changing demographics nationally and be flexible to ensure that qualified life agents serve every community.

To that end, the insurance industry is encouraging all states’ departments of insurance to obtain data on the number and pass rate of first-time examinees to identify whether certain examinations produce the unintended effect of inappropriately excluding specific population groups from obtaining an insurance producer license.

In proactive response, PLB began partnering in 2011 with its examination contractor, PSI Services, to facilitate periodic examination workshops to review the pool of questions from each examination type. Subject matter experts from the insurance industry review each question to determine whether the questions are current, relevant, and accurate while a PSI psychometrician reviews the questions for the purpose of identifying and removing any cultural or other biases.

In 2014, PLB continued to collect demographic data from license examinees on a voluntary basis. PLB and PSI are using the results of the demographic data provided to assist in identifying examination questions that may be changed or removed from the various examination question pools. For each of these examinations, examinees must correctly answer at least 60 percent of the questions to receive a passing score.

The following tables are the examination pass rates for individuals taking the examination on their first attempt. In addition to the pass rates for each license type, a breakdown of first-time pass percentages is broken out by gender, ethnic group, and education levels.

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Property/ Casualty

Life and Accident/Health Life Accident

and Health Personal Lines Limited Lines Automobile

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

8,562 45% 22,164 61% 14,913 68% 1,947 82% 2,136 66% 473 69%


Gender Property/ Casualty

Life and Accident/Health Life Accident

and Health Personal Lines Limited Lines Automobile

Number Pass Number Pass Number Pass Number Pass Number Pass Number Pass of Rate of Rate of Rate of Rate of Rate of Rate

Examinees (%) Examinees (%) Examinees (%) Examinees (%) Examinees (%) Examinees (%)

Female 4,494 41% 10,103 57% 3,882 67% 841 79% 1,134 63% 274 67%

Male 3,510 50% 10,365 64% 4,061 74% 797 84% 590 71% 93 73%

Declined to Participate 549 46% 1,667 59% 6,939 65% 303 82% 401 67% 106 69%

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Ethnic Group

Property/ Casualty

Life and Accident/Health Life Accident

and Health Personal Lines Limited Lines Automobile

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

American Indian / Alaskan Native

53 49% 110 61% 53 70% 11 55% 5 100% 1 100%

Asian 992 46% 4,514 54% 1,356 61% 254 80% 56 79% 4 50%

Black 337 43% 1,307 57% 604 71% 123 83% 159 85% 2 50%

Filipino 190 44% 2,256 48% 803 66% 161 81% 23 91% 3 100%

Hispanic 2,366 31% 3,414 49% 1,838 59% 325 74% 750 53% 297 68%

Pacific Islander 55 49% 197 52% 70 57% 14 79% 7 57% 0 NA

White 3,012 57% 5,957 77% 1,613 86% 448 91% 265 87% 14 64%

Declined to Participate

1,548 43% 4,380 62% 8,545 67% 605 79% 860 66% 152 70%


Education Property/ Casualty

Life and Accident/Health Life Accident and

Health Personal Lines Limited Lines Automobile

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

Number of


Pass Rate (%)

High School / GED 1,145 26% 1,819 37% 1,034 48% 141 72% 428 53% 126 62%

Some College 2,592 37% 5,230 51% 2,221 64% 428 74% 543 65% 163 73%

2-Year College Degree

801 38% 2,016 52% 784 68% 140 80% 107 72% 28 68%

4-Year College Degree

2,400 62% 7,344 71% 1,979 81% 524 91% 224 88% 13 77%

Master’s Degree 418 68% 1,690 82% 428 87% 127 95% 19 95% 1 100%

Doctoral Degree 63 81% 344 91% 77 94% 29 100% 1 100% 0 NA

Declined to Participate

1,020 3,334 8,142 400 542 140

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Office of Civil Rights

Office of Civil Rights The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) ensures CDI’s compliance with State and federal laws relating to discrimination, sexual harassment and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibit discrimination and harassment of employees, applicants for employment, clients, visitors and others based on certain enumerated protected characteristics. The OCR updates and issues policy statements relating to discrimination and monitors compliance with all applicable civil rights laws. The OCR also ensures that all CDI staff are trained to comply with these policies and practices in the employment, development, and treatment of its employees and the consumers that we serve.

Annually, OCR completes a Workforce Analysis that is submitted to CalHR. The Workforce Analysis is used to gauge the Department’s representation of employee’s on the basis of race gender, and disability across all classifications. The Workforce Analysis includes a report on the Upward Mobility Program. The OCR‘s Upward Mobility program counsels Department employees who are in low paying jobs that do not easily offer potential to advance. Employees who want to move into jobs that offer a better career ladder are given strategies on how to acquire the requisite skills that could help them move up the employment ladder. OCR provides staff support to the statutorily mandated departmental Disabilities Advisory Committee (DAC) which serves in an advisory capacity to the Commissioner. DAC’s purpose is to help identify systemic access issues. DAC also sponsors several brown bag presentations annually aimed at sensitizing and educating CDI’s employees on disability related issues.

The Department’s goal is to eliminate the harmful effects of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation so employees can focus on CDI’s mission. OCR continues to implement a proactive program aimed at eliminating discrimination and sexual harassment in CDI by educating managers, supervisors, and non-supervisory staff on departmental policy. The training covers behaviors that are unacceptable or could be construed as being in violation of the Department’s zero tolerance policy towards discrimination and sexual harassment; reporting incidents as and when they occur; assisting managers and supervisors about their obligations to take immediate and appropriate action when such behaviors occur. This training, which began in 2010, achieves the statutorily mandated training requirement that managers and supervisors be trained every two years on sexual harassment prevention. It also meets departmental policy which extends the same training requirement for CDI’s non-supervisory staff. In calendar year 2014, 82 CDI Supervisors and 545 non-supervisory staff were trained, for a total of 627 CDI employees. This represents 100% compliance with department policy and statutory mandates, which has now occurred for two consecutive years.

The passage of AB 2053 in 2014 (Codified in section 12950.1of the Government Code), “prevention of abusive conduct” requires that the Department include, “prevention of abusive conduct” as a component of the discrimination and sexual harassment training conducted in the Department. Towards this end, OCR will be incorporating a “prevention of abusive conduct” component into its current training. Every Manager and Supervisor is required to attend this training within six months of their assumption of a supervisory position and every 2 years thereafter. Adherence to this timeline is monitored by the CDI Training Office. Due to the Department’s policy, the same training requirement is extended to non-supervisory staff as well.

AB 2053 also requires that the “prevention of abusive conduct” training be incorporated into the 80 hours of training (pursuant to Government code section 19995.4) provided to all new supervisory employees. CDI contracts out the 80 hour training. Upon OCR’s request, the CDI

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Training Office has confirmed that the contractor has incorporated the AB 2053 requirements into the section 19995.4 training.

OCR continues to provide conflict resolution services on the request of management. The goal of this activity is to resolve problems early in order to minimize the risk of a full blown investigation and litigation, and to restore a work environment that is congenial to optimal productivity.

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Organizational Accountability Office

Organizational Accountability Office The Organizational Accountability Office (OAO) provides the Commissioner of the California Department of Insurance (CDI) and the Department’s management with independent, objective, accurate, and timely fact finding and information regarding CDI’s:

• Audit function

• Ethical compliance

• Incompatible activity policy compliance

• Enterprise risk assessment facilitation

• Financial Integrity State Manager’s Act (FISMA) facilitation

The OAO assists management in their efforts to increase operational and program efficiency and effectiveness by providing them with analysis, appraisals, recommendations, and technical assistance.

The OAO reports to the Chief Deputy Commissioner and collaborates with CDI Programs to provide timely, professional, and objective services to satisfy customer needs. The OAO receives and investigates complaints of ethical or unprofessional business conduct and resolves such complaints according to statute and policy.

The OAO is composed of two distinct functions with four staff members:

• Internal Audits Unit

• Ethics Office

INTERNAL AUDITS UNIT The Internal Audit Unit (IAU) was established in 1994 to ensure compliance with management's goals and objectives and adherence to federal, state, and departmental mandates, policies, and procedures. The professional audit staff conducts internal audits and special projects for the Department according to the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. The audit staff facilitates the annual CDI risk assessment.

The IAU staff assists executive management by conducting independent and objective audits and program effectiveness and efficiency reviews. The staff uses the enterprise risk assessment as the basis for development of the risk based audit plan. This includes the Financial Integrity and State Manager’s Accountability Internal Control Review, which is required every two years. Additionally, the audit staff facilitates Controlled Self-Assessments as a means for self-improvement and continuous monitoring. The staff also performs a variety of special projects that include:

• Research and fact finding

• Project consultation

• Post-implementation evaluations

• Reviews of automated projects

• Reviews of proposed changes to policies and procedures

• Participation in various workgroups.

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The IAU provides management with information about the adequacy and effectiveness of the Department's system of internal controls and quality of performance.

ETHICS OFFICE The Ethics Office (EO) was created in 2000 to provide private, secure, and confidential communications and investigations. This is an independent office where CDI employees can confidentially obtain answers to questions regarding proper business conduct and report improper governmental activities by telephone, letter, or e-mail, without fear of retaliation. EO promulgates the CDI Incompatible Activities Statement.

EO receives and investigates complaints and inquiries regarding employees’ possible conflicts with CDI’s Incompatible Activities Statement, such as misuse of state property, inappropriate acceptance of gifts, and abuse of authority.

EO oversees Ethics Orientation Training for CDI employees and advises them of their rights and responsibilities. EO investigates Whistleblower complaints and claims of fraud, waste, and abuse as required by the Whistleblowers’ Protection Act and the State Administrative Manual Section 20080.

EO also reviews complaints of retaliation for reporting complaints or assisting others to report complaints.

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Office of Strategic Planning

Office of Strategic Planning The Office of Strategic Planning (OSP), as part of the Commissioner’s Office, coordinates the following processes within the California Department of Insurance (CDI) on a department-wide level:

• Strategic planning and organizational performance management, including the implementation of action plans (and correlating established objectives) to support the vision, mission values and goals of the CDI.

• Succession planning and workforce development, including development and implementation of department-wide and program level goals and objectives.

Background: Development of CDI’s Strategic Plan

In October 2011, the Commissioner and his executive team crafted a strategic plan that will guide our organization during the Jones administration. The strategic plan is the result of a collaborative effort among the 1300 employees of the California Department of Insurance and its varied stakeholders. The development of the Strategic Plan included reaching out to multiple internal and external constituents for input, feedback, and ideas to capture diverse perspectives, while identifying common themes for change.

CDI’s strategic planning efforts have resulted in an updated vision, mission, values, and goals that are the foundation of its strategic plan. This strategic plan focuses on strategies that are seen as key for organizational improvements that will facilitate implementation of Commissioner Jones' priorities. CDI’s updated vision, mission, values and goals are the following:

Our Vision

Insurance Protection for all Californians

Our Mission

We act to ensure vibrant markets where insurers keep their promises and the health and economic security of individuals, families, and businesses are protected.

Our Values: CDI FAIR

• Consumer-focused professionals • Dedicated to serving with • Integrity as a • Fair • Accountable • Innovative and • Responsive team

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Our Goals

Together, we

• Provide excellent, fair, and responsive services.

• Advance effective and efficient business processes.

• Value our resources and use them wisely.

• Promote innovation and Professional growth.

2014 Organizational Health Survey

In an effort to make the California Department of Insurance (CDI) an “employer of choice” and “promote innovation and professional growth,” the Office of Strategic Planning. On October 17, 2014, all CDI employees were invited to participate in this survey. Employees had a four-week window to complete the survey, which closed on November 13, 2014.

The survey accomplished four important objectives: 1) to capture the current snapshot of employee attitudes towards the workplace; 2) to identify potential areas of strength and those that may need improvement; 3) to provide employees with an opportunity to voice important concerns; and 4) to offer an opportunity to measure progress when compared to our 2012 baseline results. OSP was pleased to achieve a 67.6% employee response rate.

Lunchtime Series

As a result of CDI’s first Employee Satisfaction Survey in 2012, CDI implemented a Lunchtime Series of presentations designed to help employees advance or promote by leveraging internal resources. During the 2014 calendar year this effort has enjoyed continued executive level support and much success. Below is a list of milestones that were achieved.

• Creation of the Lunchtime Series Committee’s (LSC) vision, mission and goals

• Development, design and deployment of the following:

o Lunchtime Series intranet webpage to promote each event and solicit feedback and ideas;

o An intranet registration page to offer structure to this effort and track participation

o Creation and deployment of a Survey Monkey based evaluation tool to measure success and further refine processes.

Alignment of Strategic Planning and Risk Assessment Processes

In 2014, OSP and the Organizational Accountability Office (OAO) implemented methodology to align their processes, the strategic planning and the risk assessment, to achieve a higher level of efficiency. More so for strategic planning, this methodology was refined for 2015 and received well at the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioners management levels. Implementation is due to begin mid-2015.

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Conservation & Liquidation Office

Conservation & Liquidation Office Background

The California Insurance Commissioner, an elected official of the State of California, acts under the supervision of the Superior Court when conserving and liquidating insurance enterprises. In this statutory capacity, the Commissioner is charged with the responsibility for taking possession and control of the assets and affairs of financially troubled insurance enterprises domiciled in California. An impaired enterprise subject to a conservation or liquidation order is referred to as an estate.

The Commissioner, through the state Attorney General’s office, applies to the Superior Court for a conservation order to place the financially troubled enterprise in conservatorship. Under a conservation order, the Commissioner takes possession of the estate’s financial records and real and personal property, and conducts the business of the estate until a final disposition regarding the estate is determined. The conservation order allows the Commissioner to begin an investigation that will determine, based on the estate’s financial condition, if the estate can be rehabilitated, or if continuing business would be hazardous to its policyholders, creditors, or the public.

If, at the time the conservation order is issued or anytime thereafter, it appears to the Commissioner that it would be futile to proceed with the conservation of the financially troubled estate, the Commissioner will apply for an order to liquidate the estate’s business. In response to the Commissioner’s application, the Court generally orders the Commissioner to liquidate the estate’s business in the most expeditious fashion.

The Conservation & Liquidation Office (“CLO”) performs conservation and liquidation services on behalf of the Commissioner with respect to insurance companies domiciled in California.

The CLO was created in 1994 as the successor to the Conservation & Liquidation Division of the Department of Insurance which was managed by State employees. The CLO is based in San Francisco, California. As of December 31, 2014, the CLO is responsible for the administration of 21 insurance estates.

In addition to the role described above, the CLO at times provides special examination services to the Financial Surveillance Branch of the Department of Insurance. The CLO is reimbursed directly by the company being examined. During 2014 the CLO assisted with two such examinations.

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Conservation & Liquidation Office

Organizational Structure


Conservation & Liquidation Office


Oversight Board



Audit Committee

Legal Service - AG - CLB

- Outside

Executive Assistant

Reinsurance OfficerChief Claims Officer Chief Estate Trust Officer Chief Financial Officer

Estate Estate Estate Estate Estate Future Estates

Oversight Board and Audit Committee Meetings

CLO activities are overseen by an Oversight Board composed of four senior executives of the California Department of Insurance. The current Oversight Board and Audit Committee members are Ms. Nettie Hoge, Chief Deputy Commissioner, Mr. John Finston, Deputy Insurance Commissioner – Corporate and Regulatory Affairs, Mr. Adam Cole, Deputy Commissioner and General Counsel, and Mr. Al Bottalico, Deputy Commissioner-Financial Surveillance Branch. The Oversight Board and Audit Committee meet regularly on a quarterly basis throughout the year.

During 2014, the Oversight Board and Audit Committee held four regularly scheduled meetings and two additional special meetings. For all meetings, there was a 92% attendance by the Committee members. California Department of Insurance Page 189 of 253 2014 Annual Report

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Conservation & Liquidation Office

2014 Organizational Goals and Results

On an annual basis, the CLO prepares a Business Plan for the organization supporting the CLO Mission Statement. The Business Plan is presented to the Oversight Board for approval. The CLO Mission Statement is as follows:

The CLO, on behalf of the Insurance Commissioner, rehabilitates and/or liquidates, under Court supervision, troubled insurance enterprises domiciled in the State of California. In addition the CLO provides Special Examination Services, with Commissioner and Board oversight. As a fiduciary for the benefit of claimants, the CLO handles the property of troubled or failed enterprises in a prudent, cost-effective, fair, timely, and expeditious manner.

The 2014 Business Plan focused on estate closings and distributions, collecting/converting assets, evaluating claims and enhancing the operating efficiencies of the CLO.

Entering 2014, there were 20 open estates under management by the CLO and two companies for which CLO was providing “Special Examination Services” to the California Department of Insurance. The open estates consist of 17 Property & Casualty Estates and three Life/Health Estates. The CLO goal in 2014 was to close three estates and distribute $79 million.

SeeChange Health Insurance Company, a relatively new market entrant, was placed in Conservation on November 19, 2014. On January 28, 2015 the Superior Court of Los Angeles entered a liquidation order.

Goal 1: Close 3 estates



1 American Sterling Ins. Co. Due to unforeseen challenges, will not close until 2015.

2 Fremont Life Ins. Co. Due to unforeseen challenges, will not close until 2015.

3 Majestic Ins. Co. Due to unforeseen challenges, will not close until 2015.

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t I

Conservation &

Liquidation Office







& C



ecember 31, 2014

105 109 91

78 71

51 55

54 54


30 26

26 25

26 23

22 22

20 20


6 2


11 15


4 5


12 15

4 1

1 0

4 1

2 2

0 0

0 20 40 60 80





Since 1994, there have been approximately 124 estates closed. These estates consisted of 55

ancillaries, 22 title companies and 47 regular insurers. Ancillary and title com

panies typically require only lim

ited work on behalf of the Liquidator.

California D

epartment of Insurance

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Conservation & Liquidation Office

Goal 2: Distribution


ESTATE 2014 ACTUAL ($ Millions)

2014 GOAL ($ Millions)

Superior National Insurance Companies In Liquidation $20.4 $20

Fremont Indemnity $25.4 $25

Majestic Ins. Co. (Interim 1 and 2) $9.3 $4.5 California Compensation Ins. Co. (stat deposit release) $.3 $0

Commercial Compensation Ins. Co. (stat deposit release) $.3 $0

Subtotal: $55.7 $49.5


ESTATE 2014 ACTUAL ($ Millions)

2014 GOAL ($ Millions)

American Sterling $0.0 $3

Great States $0.0 $20

Majestic Ins. Co. $0.0 $5.5

Fremont Life Ins. Co. $0.0 $1

Enterprise Ins. Co. $6.7 $0

Pacific National Ins. Co. $3.8 $0

Subtotal: $10.5 $29.5

Total Distributions $66.2 $79

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-- --~ - - -

~ - - - ~ ~

n n n n

Conservation & Liquidation Office

CHART B: CLO DISTRIBUTIONS BY YEAR Calendar Year 2001-2014 ($ millions)







476 385

108 57 66









2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

CLO Investment Policy

The CLO has a formal investment policy, as approved by its Oversight Board, requiring that investments be investment grade fixed income obligations of any type. These investments may be issued or guaranteed by: 1) the U.S. and agencies, instrumentalities, and political sub-divisions of the US; and/or 2) U.S. corporations, trusts and special purpose entities. Such securities must be traded on exchanges or in over-the-counter markets in the U.S. None of the portfolio will be invested in fixed income securities rated below investment grade quality by Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, or by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization. In addition, the duration must be maintained within +/- 12 months of the Barclays Capital U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Yr. The average duration was approximately 1.5 years at December 31, 2014.

The investments are managed in equal parts by two professional money management firms and are warehoused at the Union Bank of California.

At December 31, 2014, the CLO had $485.4 million of estate marketable investment securities under management.

For the year ending December 31, 2014, the average portfolio balance was approximately $500.9 million. The portfolio earned an interest yield of 1.6% and a net yield after security gains/losses and mark-to-market adjustments of 1.2%.

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Administrative Expenses

Administrative expenses consist of both direct and indirect expenses.6

Direct expenses charged to estates consist of legal costs, consultants and contractors, salaries and benefits for employees working exclusively for a single estate, office expenses, and depreciation of property and equipment.

Indirect expenses that are not incurred on behalf of a specific estate are allocated using an allocation method based on the ratio of employee hours directly charged to a specific estate to total direct hours charged to all estates, and in some instances direct contract hours charged. For example, if employees charged 200 hours to a specific estate and in total 2,000 hours was incurred by all estates, then that specific estate would be allocated 10% (200 hours divided by 2,000 total hours charged to all estates). Indirect expenses include CLO employee compensation, rent and other facilities charges and office expenses.

In accordance with California Insurance Code Section 1035, the Commissioner may petition funds from a general appropriation of the State of California Insurance Fund if an estate does not have sufficient assets to pay for administrative expenses.













$5.0 4.5



2.1 1.8 1.7


1.1 1.0 0.9

0.52 0.42


0.56 0.38

0.15 0.48 0.38

0.11 0.06 0.07

Assets at Beginning of Year


Admin expenses

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

The chart above displays the Conservation & Liquidation Office assets at beginning of year, distributions and administrative expenses from the year 2004 to 2014. The table below lists these figures.

6 See “CLO Financial Results” section of this report on the budget and actual expenditures for 2014 for direct and indirect expenses.

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Conservation & Liquidation Office


YEAR ASSETS ($ billions)

DISTRIBUTIONS ($ millions)


2004 $4.8 $515 $50 2005 $4.5 $416 $76 2006 $3.7 $1,254 $32 2007 $2.8 $564 $24 2008 $2.1 $380 $29 2009 $1.8 $149 $29 2010 $1.7 $476 $22 2011 $1.6 $385 $21 2012 $1.1 $108 $25 2013 $1.0 $57 $14 2014 $0.9 $66 $15

CLO Compensation and Methodology

The CLO is not part of the State’s civil service system. All employees are at-will. The CLO does not have a bonus plan or pay incentive compensation. To that end, the CLO has established policies and procedures that are more akin to the private marketplace.

The CLO engages an outside consultant to assist in establishing compensation ranges. In developing this report for the CLO, the two primary survey sources used are described below:

• Comp Analyst – Large survey representing thousands of companies across the U.S. which include hundreds of jobs. This subscription survey collects marketplace compensation data from many sources, and uses mathematical algorithms to predict the pay level of any of its survey jobs in major industries and geographical locations. The data used in this study was the nonprofit industry segment located in San Francisco.

• Projected Salary Increase Budgets – From several human resource organizations including Society for Human Resource Management, Mercer, Conference Board, Watson Wyatt, Aon Hewitt, World at Work, BLR as well as US Government published CPI data.

A summary of the compensation procedures follows:

• A written job description is developed for each position.

• Salary grades are derived from comparable external market data.

• Salary ranges are identified (low, middle, and high) based on market comparisons obtained by an outside independent compensation consultant.

• Salary ranges are updated periodically.

• The creation of a “new job position” is sent to an outside consultant for external evaluation.

• All employees receive an annual compensation review.

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31-DEC-14 31-DEC-15 (BUDGET) Number of CLO employees at beginning of year 28.2 27.4

Total compensation and benefits for CLO employees $5,303,427 $5,306,865

CHART D: NUMBER OF CLO EMPLOYEES Calendar Years 2004-2014


91 87

76 68

53.5 52.5 52.5 51.5

28.2 27.4








The chart above shows the number of CLO full-time employees from 2004 to 2014.

As estates have closed resulting in reduced workloads and as a result of internal operating efficiencies the number of full-time employees decreased by 73% compared to December 31, 2004.

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CLO Financial Results

TABLE F: FINANCIAL RESULTS For years ended December 31, 2014 and December 31, 2013

CASH RECEIVED 2014 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2013 Litigation, reinsurance recoveries, and miscellaneous income $55,786,100 N/A7 $69,479,200 Investment income, net of expenses 5,843,300 N/A8 3,608,900

TOTAL $61,629,400 $73,088,100

2014 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2013 Distributions $66,196,600 $79,000,000 $56,853,300

TABLE G: ADMINISTRATIVE – ESTATE DIRECT EXPENSES For years ended December 31, 2014 and December 31, 2013

ESTATE DIRECT EXPENSES 2014 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2013 Legal expenses $2,624,100 $2,713,700 $2,440,000 Consultants and contractors 1,953,000 1,414,100 1,909,000 Office expenses 2,853,900 1,177,800 1,541,000 Compensation and benefits 109,600 0 4,000

TOTAL $7,540,6009 $5,305,600 $5,894,000

TABLE H: ADMINISTRATIVE – CLO OVERHEAD EXPENSES For years ended December 31, 2014 and December 31, 2013

CLO OVERHEAD EXPENSES 2014 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2013 Compensation and benefits $5,303,400 $5,129,500 $6,021,000 Office expenses 1,721,100 1,763,200 1,886,000 Consultants and contractors 101,900 70,500 92,000 Legal expenses 10,300 24,000 11,000

Total $7,136,700 $6,987,200 $8,010,000 Estate Direct Expense Total $7,540,600 $5,305,600 $5,894,000

TOTAL $14,677,300 $12,292,800 $13,904,000

7 Litigation, reinsurance recoveries, and miscellaneous income are not amendable to budgeting due to the irregular timing of their occurrence. 8Investment income is not budgeted due to the large changes in investment balances that occur throughout the year (due to distributions), as well as changes in investment return rates. 9 Variance between actual and budget amounts primarily due to Superior National Estates refunding of $1.3 million (ceding commission due to ceded losses exceeding limits set out in cession agreement). In addition, unforeseen estates events such as deconsolidation, legal and tax issues.

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Estates Open Longer Than Ten Years

After the entry of an order placing an impaired California insurer into conservation and/or liquidation, the Insurance Commissioner and the CLO have the statutory responsibility to marshal and resolve the assets and liabilities of the failed entity.

The time required to close an insolvency proceeding is largely determined by the amount and complexity of the assets to be monetized and distributed to claimants. In addition, the length of an insolvency is equally affected by the amount of time required to make a final determination of an estate’s liability.

Most of the insolvencies that remain open for more than ten years have some combination of on-going litigation, complicated tax exposure; potential collection of additional material assets, and challenges associated with the evaluation of liabilities. Until both sides of the insolvent estate’s balance sheet are resolved (assets collected and liabilities fixed), the insolvency proceeding will remain open. In addition, estates are subject to federal tax reporting and escheatment requirements after the final distribution. The estates listed below have been in liquidation for ten years or more.

Executive Life & ELIC Opt Out Trust

Continuing asset recovery, via complex litigation, has required the Estate to remain open. The Commissioner’s lawsuit against Altus S.A. et al has been completed; however the court’s decision is on appeal before the U.S. Ninth Circuit. The Estate and associated trust will be required to complete any escheatment of unclaimed funds post the final distribution. Since the Estate was transferred to the CLO in 1997, the Estate has recovered $731 million from litigation and distributed $737 million to claimants. Assets presently in the Estate are held to fund ongoing litigation and operations.

Fremont Indemnity Company

The Fremont Estate is in the final stages of completing the run off of its extensive reinsurance program. Once the remaining treaties are commuted or otherwise resolved, the estate will be in position to determine and settle all class 2 liability claims, the majority of which is comprised of the state guaranty fund claims. Thereafter the estate will petition the court for approval of final distribution and closing orders. The estate has distributed in excess of $1 billion dollars in early access distributions to state guaranty funds since 2003. The estate released its 10th early access distribution in 2014 for approximately $25M. Other than one pending claim dispute the estate is not facing any other material litigation or legal impediments.

Frontier Pacific Insurance Company

The Estate completed a commutation settlement with National Indemnity Company (NICO) in January 2015. The Estate will be in a position to complete a final distribution in 2015 and position the Estate for closure in the first quarter of 2016.

Golden Eagle

The Estate is in long-term runoff. Although all policyholder claims have been 100% reinsured and policyholder claims are being paid timely, Golden Eagle remains liable to the policyholders should the reinsurer not be able to fulfill their obligations. The reinsurance program is structured to accommodate all remaining claims exposure. Until all claims are resolved or paid out, the

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Conservation & Liquidation Office

Estate must remain open. The CLO acts in a pure monitoring capacity to ensure that the reinsurance contract continues to pay all claims.

Great States

The Estate continues to seek a resolution on the American Home Assurance Surety Bond matters in California and Arizona, and to work with CIGA for certain claim documentation to support ongoing billing of the surety. In an effort to resolve the balance of the surety in California, the parties are exploring commutation possibilities. In Arizona the estate has encountered obstacles because the Arizona Insurance Guaranty Fund has not been billing the surety. The estate has suggested a method of resolution to Arizona but has not yet received a meaningful response. To date the Estate has distributed 40.3 percent of the paid losses to the Insurance Guarantee Associations.

HIH America Compensation & Liability

The Estate’s remaining reinsurance program involving upper layer treaties is being reviewed for potential collectability. The upper layer exposure has proven to be a challenge to negotiate and commute at any material value with reinsurers for an extended period of time. Absent a favorable development regarding a reinsurance recovery, we anticipate a final distribution in late 2015. To date, all Insurance Guarantee Associations (IGAs) have received a payment of 52 percent of their paid losses and the non-IGAs have received 45 percent of their approved claims.

Mission/ Mission National/ Enterprise

In 2012, Mission Insurance Company, Mission National Insurance Company, and Enterprise Insurance Company each applied to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) for a release from super-priority claims. A release agreement has been entered into and court-approved as to Enterprise Insurance Company Trust. As to the Mission and Mission National companies, the DOJ has not yet issued a release. Both Mission Insurance Company and Mission National Insurance Company are in discussion with the DOJ in reference to additional information the DOJ has requested.

Pacific National Insurance Company

The Estate’s remaining matter to be resolved concerns a procedural tax issue that may require a payment, which we anticipate we will largely recover. The estate obtained court approval for a closing reserve regarding this matter and to move forward with a final distribution, which was completed in December 2014. The estate plans to file a Declaration of Compliance in 2015 to effectuate estate closure.

Superior National Insurance Companies in Liquidation (“SNICIL”)

The SNICIL estates have $140 million of possible collectible reinsurance still on the books. Nearly all of the collectible reinsurance involves long tail Workers Compensation business; thus, the strategy is to attempt to commute the remaining balances. This will continue to require a significant amount of time and effort to commute all of the reinsurance contracts and programs. All of the known liabilities have been determined except the finalization of the Guaranty Association claims. The Estates completed the eleventh early access distribution in 2014 for approximately $20.4 million.

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Western Employers

Western Employers underwrote coverages on very long-tail exposures (workers compensation, asbestos, pollution, etc.) and had been subject to extensive litigation associated with claims that exceed state guaranty fund coverage limits or were altogether not covered by the guaranty funds. The CLO worked to overcome pre-receivership record-keeping issues inherited at the time of liquidation. Western Employers has several high limit claims that have not reached policy attachment points and as those liabilities are not liquidated, the estate still must obtain a court order before those claims can be determined as to liability against the estate. Western Employers coverage included many liability policies that have produced toxic tort claims by EPA Super Fund clean-up sites. Under Federal priority statutes, the Federal Government is entitled to verification that all policy liability is extinguished for the clean-ups; otherwise they believe they have a direct right of access to the policy. To close the estate we must obtain a Federal Waiver whereby they acknowledge that there is no known unresolved claim. The CLO on behalf of Western Employers has provided the Federal Government substantial supporting material to justify its waiver request. After two years of exchanging information with the DOJ they recently indicated a willingness to grant the waiver. We are presently in the process of perfecting the waiver agreement. Once that is achieved we should be able to deal with certain administrative legal issues which will allow us to move forward with closing the estate.

Claims History






American Sterling 10/26/2011 93 93 0

Frontier Pacific 11/30/2001 43,573 43,572 1

Fremont 7/2/2003 45,669 45,372 297

Golden Eagle10 2/18/1998 n/a (see below)

HIH (2 estates) 5/8/2001 3,175 3,170 5

Majestic n/a 90 90 0

Mission (3 estates) 2/24/1987 173,920 173,920 0

Pacific National 8/5/2003 4,448 4,448 0

Superior (5 estates) 9/26/2000 13,936 13,890 46

Western Employers 4/19/1991 9,809 9,727 82

TOTAL 294,713 294,282 431

10 Golden Eagle is not subject to a finding of statutory insolvency. All claims are covered under a reinsurance agreement and are being paid by the reinsurer.

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Conservation & Liquidation Office

Life Insurance Estates

Executive Life Insurance Company - Executive Life is a life insurance company and has policies rather than claims. There were 327,000 policies/contracts at time of liquidation.

Fremont Life Insurance Company - Fremont Life transferred approximately 3,500 in-force policies to assuming insurers via reinsurance agreements prior to conservation. All policy administration is handled by the successor insurers. The Estate is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Fremont Indemnity insolvency estate.

Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company - Golden State transferred approximately 120,000 in-force policies to an assuming insurer via a reinsurance agreement. All remaining policy liabilities not assumed through the reinsurance transaction were covered by the National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations (NOLHGA) via a consensual agreement approved by the liquidation court.

2015 Business Goals

The 2015 Business Plan is focusing on estate closings and distributions, collecting/converting assets, evaluating claims and refining operating efficiencies.

Entering 2015, there are 21 open estates under management by the CLO. The open estates consist of 17 Property & Casualty Estates and four Life/Health Estates. Our goal in 2015 is to close six estates and distribute $87 million.

Starting 2015, we have 27.4 full-time employees. We will re-assess staffing requirements throughout the year and will make any changes deemed necessary.

The 2015 Goals are as follows:

Goal 1: Close 6 Estates 1. Fremont Life Ins. Co11

2. Golden State Mutual Life Ins. Co. 3. HIH America Compensation & Liability Ins. Co 4. Majestic Ins. Co. 5. Enterprise Ins. Co. 6. Pacific National Ins. Co

11 Closing is defined as fully releasing the Commissioner from all legal responsibilities for an estate.

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Goal 2: Early Access, Interim, and Final Distributions TABLE J: EARLY ACCESS, INTERIM, AND FINAL DISTRIBUTIONS

Early Access and Interim Distributions: Superior National Estates.................................................................. $15,000,000 Fremont............................................................................................. $25,000,000 Western Employers ........................................................................... $20,000,000

Final Distributions: HIH America Compensation & Liability Ins. Co. ................................. $12,000,000 Frontier Pacific .................................................................................. $11,000,000 Majestic ............................................................................................... $3,000,000 Fremont Life ........................................................................................ $1,000,000

Total .................................................................................................. $87,000,000

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Conservation or Liquidation Estates Opened During the Year 2014 - See Change Health Ins. Co.

Conservation or Liquidation Estates Closed During the Year 2014 - None

TABLE K: Current Year and Cumulative Distributions by Estate (in $000) 12

Estate 2014 Policyholders

2014 Federal

and State


2014 General Creditors

2014 Total Cumulative Policyholders

Cumulative Federal

and State Claims

Cumulative General Creditors

Cumulative Total

American Sterling Ins Co - - - - 205 - - 205

Executive Life Ins Co - - - - - - - 737,276

Fremont Indemnity Co 25,427 - - 25,427 1,005,724 - - 1,005,724

Frontier Pacific Ins Co (46) - - (46) 24,440 - - 24,440

Great States Ins Corp - - - - 10,155 - - 10,155

HIH America Ins Co - - - - 328,500 - - 328,500

Majestic Ins Co - - 9,282 9,282 - - 9,282 9,282

Mission Ins Co - - - - 846,833 111 265,664 1,112,608

Mission National Ins Co - - - - 499,852 - 27,077 526,929

Enterprise Ins Co - - 6,736 6,736 120,573 40 12,076 132,689

Pacific National Ins Co 3,835 - - 3,835 56,252 - - 56,252

California Comp Ins Co 7,747 - - 7,747 902,599 - - 902,599

Combined Benefits Ins Co 2,500 - - 2,500 26,055 - - 26,055

Superior National Ins Co 6,500 - - 6,500 406,610 - - 406,610

Superior Pacific Cas Co 3,000 - - 3,000 43,970 - - 43,970

Commercial Comp Cas Co 1,215 - - 1,215 97,187 - - 97,187

Western Employers Ins Co - - - - 68,190 - - 68,190

TOTAL $50,178 $0 $16,018 $66,196 4,437,145 $151 $314,099 $5,488,671

*Since administration was transferred to CLO in 1997.

12 Fremont Life, Golden Eagle, Golden State Mutual, and SeeChange estates are not included on this schedule as no distributions have occurred.

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Conservation & Liquidation Office


ESTATE DATE CONSERVED DATE LIQUIDATED American Sterling Insurance Company 9/26/11 10/26/11

California Compensation Insurance Company 03/06/00 09/26/00

Combined Benefits Insurance Company 03/06/00 09/26/00

Commercial Compensation Casualty Company 06/09/00 09/26/00

Enterprise Insurance Company 11/26/85 02/24/87

Executive Life Insurance Company 04/11/91 12/06/91

Fremont Indemnity Company 06/04/03 07/02/03 Fremont Life Insurance Company 06/05/08 *

Frontier Pacific Insurance Company 09/07/01 11/30/01

Golden Eagle Insurance Company 01/31/97 02/18/98

Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company 09/30/09 01/28/11

Great States Insurance Company 03/30/01 05/08/01

HIH America Comp. & Liability Insurance Company 03/30/01 05/08/01

Majestic Insurance Company 04/21/11 *

Mission Insurance Company 10/31/85 02/24/87

Mission National Insurance Company 11/26/85 02/24/87

Pacific National Insurance Company 05/14/03 08/05/03

SeeChange Health Insurance Company 11/19/14 01/28/15

Superior National Insurance Company 03/06/00 09/26/00

Superior Pacific Casualty Company 03/06/00 09/26/00

Western Employers Insurance Company 04/02/91 04/19/91

*No Liquidation Order obtained

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Conservation & Liquidation Office

Report on Individual Estates

Each estate has its own unique set of challenges to monetizing assets, valuing the claims, distributing assets, and closing. No two estates are the same. The remaining portion of Section 2 provides a brief summary of the 2014 operating goals and results, the current status of the estate in the conservation or liquidation process, and summarized financial information.13

In reviewing the financial information, the following must be taken into account:

• The Statement of Assets and Liabilities have been prepared on the liquidation basis of accounting. Under the liquidation basis of accounting, assets reported on the financial statements are assets that are determined to be collectible. The liabilities may change during the course of the liquidation depending on the types of business written by the company, and as claims are reviewed and adjudicated.

• No estimates for future administrative expenses are included in the liabilities, unless the estate has been approved for final distribution and closure by the Court.

• California Insurance Code Section 1033 prescribes that claims on estate assets are paid according to a priority, except when otherwise provided in a rehabilitation plan. The probability of a valid claim being paid is dependent on the valuation of the claim, the order of preference of the claim, and the amount of funds remaining after other claims having higher preference have been discharged. Each priority class of claims must be fully paid before any distribution may be made to the next priority class. All members of a class receiving partial payment must receive the same pro-rata amount.

• For estates where available assets are insufficient to pay all policyholder claims, the CLO intentionally does not evaluate the lower priority proofs of claims, since to do so would incur unnecessary administrative time and expenses, reducing funds available for distribution to higher-priority claimants.

• Shareholders receive any remaining residual value of the estate’s net assets only after the general creditors have been paid.

• Beginning Monetary Assets at takeover represent cash and investment balances at the time of liquidation or, in cases where the estate was first liquidated and managed by other parties, at the time the estate was taken over by the Conservation & Liquidation Office.

13 Estates under management of the CLO have an annual independent review of its financial statements. Copies of the independently reviewed financial statements can be accessed through the CLO webpage ( Annual audits or reviews are waived for estates with little or no assets or activity.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


American Sterling Insurance CompanyConservation Order: September 26, 2011 Liquidation Order: October 26, 2011

2014 Report

American Sterling Insurance Company (ASIC) was a California domiciled property and casualty insurance company formerly located in Laguna Nigel, CA. ASIC is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Sterling Corporation (ASC), a California corporation. ASIC has a wholly owned subsidiary American Sterling Productions, Ltd, which in turn has four wholly owned subsidiaries, three that appear dormant and one that held a material real estate investment.

ASIC was licensed to write multiple classes of coverage. Pre-liquidation ASIC wrote only liability and automobile classes of insurance in Arizona, Kansas, and Nevada. ASIC was not writing business in California.

Due to a lack of adequate cash flow to meet claims and overhead obligations, ASIC and its subsidiaries were placed into conservation on September 26th 2011. No immediate or reliable prospect of new cash materialized through efforts of the shareholder. As a result, the conservator had to seek an insolvency order to trigger the state guaranty funds to timely honor claims payments. ASIC and its subsidiaries were placed into liquidation on October 26, 2011.

As of December 31, 2011 all open policyholder claims had been transferred to the three participating IGAs, 30-day cancellation notices were issued at liquidation to all in force policyholders and insolvency orders were either served on key entities and principals or recorded in counties where ASIC or its subsidiaries have assets.

The focus of the estate in 2014 was to take possession and monetize the final real estate asset in the liquidation estate. ASIC foreclosed its security interest in a residential property in Orange County that was pledged as collateral for a defaulted loan made by ASIC (Monarch Bay residence). After failing to negotiate a consensual resolution with the long-term occupants of the Monarch Bay residence, the estate was forced to file an unlawful detainer action and incur the costs and delay of the formal eviction process.

The shareholder of ASIC, who also was the occupant of the Monarch Bay residence, has filed for protection under the federal bankruptcy code. The estate continued to operate through year-end 2014 without sufficient cash to honor all claims and cover the estimated administrative cost to close the insolvency proceeding. In 2015 the estate will secure and place the Monarch Bay residence on the market for resale. Upon the disposition of the residence the estate will determine the final guaranty claims and seek a distribution and closing orders.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $1,973,900 $1,669,100

Other assets 5,374,700 5,373,300

Total assets 7,348,600 7,042,400

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 41,300 41,200

Claims against policies, before distributions 2,250,887 2,250,900 Less distributions to policyholders (205,100) (205,100)

All other claims 419,313 504,600

Total liabilities 2,506,400 2,591,600

Net assets (deficiency) $4,842,200 4,450,800


For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and 2014

Income 2013 2014

Investment income $22,200 $19,500

Litigation recoveries 1,200 -Salvage and other recoveries 443,600 46,600

Total income 467,000 66,100

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses 654,300 88,400

Administrative expenses 732,500 369,100

Total expenses 1,386,800 457,500

Net income (loss) ($919,800) ($391,400)


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $104,500

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 1,769,700

Distributions..................................................................................................... (205,100)

Monetary assets available for distribution.................................................................................................. $1,669,100

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Executive Life Insurance Company

Conservation Order: April 11, 1991 Liquidation Order: December 6, 1991

2014 Report

Executive Life Insurance Company (ELIC) was placed in conservation by order of the Los Angeles County Superior Court on April 11, 1991. At the time, ELIC, which had more than 330,000 policyholders, was the largest life insurance insolvency in United States history. In the summer and fall of 1991, the Commissioner conducted an auction seeking bids to acquire the junk bond portfolio and insurance assets of ELIC. In December 1991, the Commissioner’s selection of a group of French and European investors (the Altus/MAAF group) as the winning bidder, and the transaction was approved by the Conservation Court.

In March 1992, ELIC’s junk bond portfolio was transferred to Altus Finance for a purchase price of approximately $3 billion. In August 1993, the Court approved a final Rehabilitation Plan under which the majority of ELIC’s assets and its restructured insurance policies were transferred to a new California insurance company created by the European consortium that had won the 1991 bid. The Rehabilitation Plan became effective in September 1993. Under the terms of the Rehabilitation Plan, former ELIC policyholders were given a choice either to accept new coverage (Opt In) from Aurora National Life Assurance Company (Aurora) or to terminate their ELIC policies (Opt Out) in return for a pro rata share of ELIC’s assets. The Rehabilitation Plan also provided for the establishment of various trusts, collectively known as the Enhancement Trusts, to marshal and distribute assets for the benefit of former ELIC policyholders.

The Commissioner commenced a civil action in 1999 against Altus Finance S.A. (Altus) and other defendants alleging that they had acquired the junk bond portfolio and insurance assets of ELIC through fraud. Settlements were reached with Altus and some of the other co-defendants in 2004 and 2005.

A trial against the remaining defendant in 2005 resulted in a jury verdict finding Artemis S.A., a two-thirds owner of Aurora, liable for knowing participation in a conspiracy with members of the Altus/MAAF group to defraud the Commissioner, but the Commissioner was not awarded damages. In August 2008, the jury’s verdict of liability was upheld on appeal and the case was remanded to the U.S. District Court for a new trial on the issue of damages.

Continuing asset recovery, via complex litigation, has required the estate to remain open. The new trial concluded on October 29, 2012 and the jury rendered a verdict finding no damages. On April 2, 2013, the trial court reinstated the restitution award in favor of the Commissioner and entered judgment against defendant Artemis in the amount of $241,092,020 less a credit of $110,000,000 that the Commissioner received at an earlier date. The Commissioner appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and on April 16, 2013, the U.S. District Court issued an order staying execution of the restitution judgment pending the appeal decision. On April 24, 2013 defendants, Artemis S.A. filed its Notice of Cross-Appeal against the restitution judgment.

In accordance with the U.S. Appeals Court Ninth Circuit Briefing schedule, the Commissioner and defendants have completed briefing the court.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

The estate is a party to a proceeding brought by certain Indenture Trustee policyholders who challenged various CLO administrative expenses for the period January 1, 1997 to June 30, 2008. The Court issued an order on December 7, 2009 approving those expenses and subsequently denied the request by the Indenture Trustee policyholders for attorney fees. On February 4, 2010, the Indentured Trustee Policyholders filed a Notice of Appeal against the court’s approval of CLO administrative expenses of ELIC for the period January 1, 1997 to June 30, 2008 (approximately $12 million), as well as the court’s denial of ITP’s attorney fees of $395,730.50. The ITP’s appeal brief was filed in December 2010 and the Commissioner’s response brief was filed January 27, 2011. The appeal was scheduled for hearing on December 13, 2013 but prior to the hearing date the parties agreed to settle the litigation for a consideration of $300,000.00 subject to approval of the court. This matter is now closed.

ELIC Opt-Out Trust

The Opt-Out Trust receives approximately 33% of ELIC assets which are distributed to approximately 27,300 former ELIC policyholders (“Opt-Outs”) who elected to terminate their policies. A distribution of $211 million of Altus Litigation Funds was made to Opt-Out policyholders in February 2006. Presently the remaining assets of the Opt-Out Trust consist of distributions allocated to policyholders with whom contact has been lost, in most cases due to bad addresses (such funds will be escheated to the last known state of residence). This trust however, continues to remain open to effect additional distributions to Opt-Out policyholders if the Commissioner is successful in the ELIC Estate’s pending litigation.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $31,933,700 $23,792,600

Other assets 574,300 592,900

Total assets 32,508,000 24,385,500

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 9,479,800 3,025,500

Policyholder liability 6,379,864,700 6,607,487,900

All other claims 428,800 428,800

Total liabilities 6,389,773,300 6,610,942,200 Net assets (deficiency) ($6,357,265,300) ($6,586,556,700)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013

and 2014 Income 2013 2014

Investment income $206,900 $315,600

Litigation recoveries 498,200 -

Miscellaneous income - 2,600

Total income 705,100 318,200

Expenses 2013 2014

Administrative expenses 2,173,700 2,346,800

Interest on policyholder liability 227,453,500 227,262,800

Total expenses 229,627,200 229,609,600 Net income (loss) ($228,922,100) ($229,291,400)


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $112,111,400

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 648,957,100

Distributions..................................................................................................... (737,275,900) Monetary assets available for distribution...................................................................................... $23,792,600

14 This schedule represents changes in monetary assets from August 1, 1997, when Executive Life's state accounting was transferred to the CLO, to December 31, 2010.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $8,415,800 $8,103,400

Total assets 8,415,800 8,103,400

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims 6,130,200 5,956,600

Unclaimed funds payable 2,238,500 2,238,500

Payable to Affiliates 571,500 590,000 Reserve for administrative expenses (524,400) (681,700)

Total liabilities 8,415,800 8,103,400

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income and Expenses 2013 2014

Investment income $53,500 $92,500

Miscellaneous income -

Administrative expenses 163,200 250,000 Net income (loss) ($109,700) ($157,400)

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2013

Assets 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 Cash and investments $8,534,600 $8,415,800

Total assets 8,534,600 8,415,800

Liabilities 12/31/2012 12/31/2013

Secured claims 6,132,600 6,130,200

Unclaimed funds payable 2,240,200 2,238,500

Payable to Affiliates 571,460 571,500 Reserve for administrative expenses (409,600) (524,400)

Total liabilities 8,534,600 8,415,800

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2012 and


Income and Expenses 2012 2013 Investment income $253,900 $53,500

Administrative expenses 194,900 163,200 Net income (loss) $59,000 ($109,700)

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Fremont Indemnity Company Conservation Order: June 04, 2003 Liquidation Order: July 02, 2003

2014 Report

Fremont was authorized as a multi-line Property & Casualty insurer, but at the time of liquidation operated as a “Monoline” workers’ compensation (WC) insurer writing only WC and Employer Liability coverage in 48 states. Fremont is the successor by merger of six affiliate insurers that were under the common ownership of Fremont Compensation Insurance Group, Inc. (“FCIG”), Fremont’s immediate parent company. FCIG was wholly owned by a publicly traded holding company, Fremont General Corporation (“FGC”). Approximately 65% of Fremont’s WC claims are attributable to business written in California. Most of the general liability business was assumed by a group of life insurance companies and administered through a third party administrator named Riverstone. The “Claims Bar Date”, or the final date to submit a claim against the insolvent entity, was June 30, 2004.

All legal disputes with the exception of one Order to Show Cause associated with a toxic tort claim have been resolved. The unresolved matter has been continued in the liquidation court to preserve the opportunity to settle the dispute without litigating all remaining of issues. During 2015, the Estate will continue working to avoid costly litigation and to negotiate a reasonable compromise of the disputed claim.

The Estate continues to bill and collect on the remaining active reinsurance treaties, as well as seeking commutations where advantageous.

The Estate released its tenth early access distribution in July 2014. The estate is planning an eleventh early access distribution in 2015.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $80,007,800 $70,274,400 Recoverable from reinsurers 40,365,200 39,373,400

Other assets 20,879,100 19,556,500

Total assets 141,252,100 129,204,300

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 15,631,600 15,631,600

Claims against policies, before distributions 3,062,614,200 3,130,912,400 Less distributions to policyholders (980,297,700) (1,005,724,300)

All other claims 316,732,800 319,903,600

Total liabilities 2,414,680,900 2,460,723,300 Net assets (deficiency) ($2,273,428,800) ($2,331,519,000)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2012

and 2013

Income 2013 2014

Investment income $413,400 $800,200 Salvage and other recoveries 6,754,300 26,826,200

Total income 7,167,700 27,626,400

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses 31,748,500 83,312,300

Administrative expenses 3,280,000 2,404,300

Total expenses 35,028,500 85,716,600 Net income (loss) ($27,860,800) ($58,090,200)


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $434,855,900

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 641,142,800

Distributions..................................................................................................... (1,005,724,300) Monetary assets available for distribution.................................................................................................. $70,274,400

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Fremont Life Insurance Company Conservation Order: June 05, 2008

2014 Report Fremont Life Insurance Company (“Fremont Life”), a California domiciled life insurance company was located in Costa Mesa, California. Fremont Life was a wholly owned subsidiary of Fremont Compensation Insurance Group Inc., whose ultimate parent is Fremont General Corporation (“FGC”). FGC filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in June of 2008. At the time of the parent’s bankruptcy filing Fremont Life was unable to maintain the minimum required capital and surplus of $4,500,000. At about the time of the subsequent bankruptcy filing by its parent FGC, the California insurance regulators opted to seek a conservation of Fremont Life. All active insurance contracts have been transferred to successor insurance companies, and the operations of Fremont Life have been discontinued. The conserved Estate has the responsibility to ensure all risk associated with the remaining policies and life products are properly assumed by the successor insurers.

The Estate has recovered the last remaining protective deposits, and has documented that all policy risk has been transferred and novated.

The Estate has completed the withdrawal process from doing business in Guam and completed the release of all statutory deposits associated with the Guam business.

The Estate is also working with the California Department of Justice to resolve an outstanding restitution order in connection with the Alliance for Mature Americans Insurance Services, Inc. judgment.

Once these issues are resolved, the Estate will be positioned to make a final distribution and the Conservation will be closed.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $1,569,300 $1,515,400

Other assets 500

Total assets 1,569,800 1,515,900

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 5,969 6,600

All other claims 1,609,200 1,609,200

Total liabilities 1,615,200 1,615,800 Net assets (deficiency) ($45,400) ($99,900)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $9,600 $16,800

Salvage and other recoveries - -

Total income 9,600 16,800

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses - -

Administrative expenses 54,300 71,300

Total expenses 54,300 71,300 Net income (loss) ($44,700) ($54,500)


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $1,443,100

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 72,300 Monetary assets available for distribution.................................................................................................. $1,515,400

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Frontier Pacific Insurance Company

Conservation Order: September 7, 2001 Liquidation Order: November 30, 2001

2014 Report

Frontier Pacific Insurance Company (“FPIC”), a California domiciled property and casualty insurer, was licensed in California, Nevada, New York and South Carolina. FPIC primarily wrote surety and private passenger auto liability. In August 2001, FPIC’s parent company, Frontier Insurance Company (“FIC”) of New York, voluntarily entered rehabilitation under the control of the New York Liquidation Bureau. As a result of the FIC rehabilitation, reinsurance recoverables due FPIC from FIC were never paid. A subsequent financial examination by the California regulators disallowed the FIC reinsurance receivable, resulting in a negative surplus by FPIC, and FPIC was placed into conservation on September 7, 2001. During conservation, the Commissioner determined that FPIC’s financial condition was such that rehabilitation was futile and an Order of Liquidation was obtained on November 30, 2001. The “Claims Bar Date,” or the final date to submit a claim against the Estate, was August 30, 2002. The FPIC claims operation was transferred to the CLO in October 2005.

FPIC and its agents (including its parent, FIC) held collateral in various forms as security for the issuance of surety bonds, including large numbers of bail bonds. The Liquidator has finalized and released security for those obligations which have expired. All items of collateral associated with bail bonds have been returned, except those associated with forfeited bonds. As for those outstanding unliquidated obligations, the Liquidator is making suitable arrangements to affect release to the appropriate parties, including escheatment. The Liquidator has reached an agreement with the New York Liquidation Bureau on a procedure for the disposition of collateral securing joint and several obligations of FPIC and FIC.

Since FPIC’s liquidation in November 2001, the Liquidator continues to marshal FPIC’s assets to pay approved claims. In 2011, an arbitration proceeding against NICO, the main reinsurer of FPIC, not only awarded FPIC approximately $18 million, but also preserved FPIC’s right to pursue an Unallocated Loss Adjustment Expense (ULAE) claim of approximately $3.4 million.

Concerning the unpaid ULAE, the Commissioner again filed for arbitration to recover this amount from NICO. Instead of proceeding with the arbitration scheduled for January 2015, the parties agreed to a commutation settlement in which FPIC received $1,650,000. Frontier Pacific’s remaining reinsurance programs are labor intensive to administer, but known case reserves are relatively small. In 2014, the Commissioner collected $825,000 from some of these reinsurers. The Estate completed an interim distribution in the third quarter of 2012 for approximately $22 million and is positioned to complete a final distribution by July 2015.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $12,089,100 $11,960,400

Recoverable from reinsurers 15,493,500 825,000

Other assets 1,358,200 1,358,200

Total assets 28,940,800 14,143,600

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 4,748,100 4,745,100

Claims against policies, before distributions 42,968,700 42,608,000 Less distributions to policyholders (24,486,500) (24,440,100)

All other claims 13,510,000 8,675,600

Total liabilities 36,740,300 31,588,600 Net assets (deficiency) ($7,799,500) ($17,445,000)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $69,100 $122,100

Salvage and other recoveries 28,200 10,400

Total income 97,300 132,500

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses (6,900) 5,367,000 Post-liquidation Federal tax expense - -

Administrative expenses 1,029,100 1,129,700

Total expenses 1,022,200 6,496,700 Net income (loss) ($924,900) ($6,364,200)


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................

Recoveries, net of expenses...........................................................................................

Distributions..................................................................................................... Monetary assets available for distribution..................................................................................



(24,440,100) $11,960,400

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Golden Eagle Insurance CompanyConservation Order: January 31, 1997 Rehab./Liquidation Plan Approved: August 4, 1997 Liquidation Order: February 18, 1998

2014 Report

Golden Eagle Insurance Company (“Golden Eagle”) is the subject of a Plan of Rehabilitation and Liquidation (“Plan”) approved by the Superior Court in 1997. Under the Plan, Golden Eagle’s insurance operating assets and future business were sold to affiliates of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. The Plan also provides for an orderly “runoff” of claims under Golden Eagle’s pre-1997 insurance policies, a process which is ongoing.

As part of the process to runoff the remainder of the Golden Eagle estate additional reinsurance coverage was purchased from Liberty Mutual affiliates to cover all the remaining covered insurance policy exposures. Because payment in full of Golden Eagle’s insurance liabilities is provided for under the Plan, the Liquidation Order does not contain a formal finding of insolvency, and thus the claim payment obligations of the Insurance Guaranty Associations (IGAs) have not been triggered. As a result, no bar date has been set for the filing of insurance claims covered under a Golden Eagle policy. Such claims will continue to be received, adjusted and paid in the ordinary course of the runoff of Golden Eagle’s policyholder liabilities. The IGAs remain as a backup, in the unlikely event that the claims payment assets available under the plan are exhausted prior to the final policyholder claim payment. The judicial proceeding (and the liquidation estate) must be kept open to allow for IGA coverage to be triggered in the event the existing claims paying capacity provided for under the Rehabilitation Plan is exhausted.

All remaining policyholder claims are being administered and paid under the plan’s indemnity reinsurance and excess of loss reinsurance agreements with Liberty Mutual affiliates. Policyholder claims continue to runoff within the range of expected cost and reinsurance coverage. Until the entire remaining exposure is paid, assumed or novated, the Estate must remain open to monitor the long-term claim runoff and to give policyholders access to appeal rights through the OSC process that is incorporated into the Rehabilitation Plan.

The only assets that remain in the Estate consist of a reserve to fund the administrative expenses that the CLO will incur while monitoring the duration of the runoff process.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $1,871,600 $1,841,800

Total assets 1,871,600 1,841,800

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses - -

Total liabilities - -Net assets (deficiency) $1,871,600 $1,841,800

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $11,900 $20,800

Salvage and other recoveries - 2,700

Total income 11,900 23,500

Expenses 2013 2014

Administrative expenses 58,300 53,200

Total expenses 58,300 53,200 Net income (loss) ($46,400) ($29,700)


Beginning monetary assets at takeover15 ........................................................................ $2,029,000

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... (187,200) Monetary assets available for distribution..................................................................................... $1,841,800

15 As of December 31, 2006, when Golden Eagle's estate accounting was transferred to the CLO.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company Conservation Order: September 30, 2009 Liquidation Order: January 28, 2011

2014 Report

Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company (GSM), was a mutual life and health insurance company domiciled and incorporated in California, with its principal place of business and home office located in Los Angeles, California. Golden State’s business provided life insurance products to the minority middle-income marketplace primarily in California, Texas, North Carolina, Michigan, and Illinois.

As of June 30, 2009, Golden State filed its Quarterly Statement reporting surplus that was less than the minimum paid-in capital and surplus required by the Insurance Code. Consequently, Golden State was deemed statutorily impaired and placed into conservation on September 30, 2009.

In November 2009, the Conservator conducted a national “request for proposal” process seeking a healthy successor insurer to purchase the mutual company or assume its book of business. IA American Life Insurance Company was the successful bidder and the Superior Court approved IA’s assumption of all in-force GSM policies on June 24, 2010.

By December 2010, after the assumption by IA American, the Conservator determined Golden State’s estimated liabilities exceeded its estimated remaining assets by over $3 million. A hearing on the Liquidation Motion was held on January 28, 2011, and an order of insolvency was entered.

During 2011 Golden State obtained court approval and completed the transfer of the company’s remaining pension plan obligation and its administration to the Federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. Additionally, the Estate negotiated an agreement with the National Association of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations (NOLHGA) whereby all un-assumed policy liability will be honored by the respective state guaranty association subject to any statutory limitations.

Due to a continuing lack of available funds to distribute, the Estate has filed annual requests with the court to suspend the formal proof of claim process and to extend the planned claims bar date.

The Estate is positioned to confirm sales contracts on the final two assets in the estate, an REO property and the remaining art collection. Once these asset sales are closed the estate will prepare pleadings seeking a closure order.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Golden State Mutual Life Ins Co ASSETS AND LIABILITIES

As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $317,600 $227,200

Other assets 275,000 190,000

Total assets 592,600 417,200

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 1,026,000 1,026,000

Policyholder claims 1,664,200 1,664,200

All other claims 7,571,900 7,571,900

Total liabilities 10,262,100 10,262,100 Net assets (deficiency) ($9,669,500) ($9,844,900)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income (loss) ($3,700) $2,400 Cessions and premium income - -

Other income 7,900 75,100

Total income 4,200 77,500

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses - -

Administrative expenses 678,300 236,400

Total expenses 678,300 236,400

Net income (loss) (674,100) (158,900)


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $72,139,200

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... (71,912,000) Monetary assets available for distribution.................................................................................... $227,200

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

HIH America Comp. & Liability Insurance Company Conservation Order: March 30, 2001 Liquidation Order: May 8, 2001

2014 Report

HIH America Compensation Liability Insurance Company (HIH) was domiciled in California and licensed to transact business in 31 states with California being the primary state accounting for 82% of the business written. HIH wrote only workers’ compensation insurance. The “Claims Bar Date,” or the final date to submit a claim against the Estate, was December 2, 2001.

Given the number of states in which HIH wrote business, a significant effort was required at the time of liquidation to properly transfer all open covered claims to the insurance guaranty community. The estate had a significant amount of intercompany relationships with various affiliates that required a considerable amount of work to resolve such intercompany balances. Additionally, the Estate had a significant reinsurance program that was placed under a runoff plan.

The balance of the reinsurance program has been essentially runoff to conclusion. All material assets have been collected or resolved. The estate continues to collect periodic claim payments from the insolvency estate of its parent company and is actively seeking the sale of the unliquidated portion of the claim. Depending on the resolution of the final upper layer reinsurance treaties together with the claim against the bankrupt parent, the estate will work to schedule a final distribution in 2015.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

HIH America Comp & Liability Ins Co

ASSETS AND LIABILITIES As of December 31, 2013 and December

31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $12,828,200 $13,423,300

Recoverable from reinsurers 284,200 664,900

Other assets - -

Total assets 13,112,400 14,088,200

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 68,200 68,100

Claims against policies, before distributions 777,903,700 774,771,100 Less distributions to policyholders (328,499,900) (328,499,900)

All other claims 1,990,400 1,990,400

Total liabilities 451,462,400 448,329,700 Net assets (deficiency) ($438,350,000) ($434,241,500)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $80,200 $146,400 Salvage and other recoveries 1,219,600 (180,000)

Total income 1,299,800 (33,600)

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses 6,010,800 (4,431,600)

Administrative expenses 217,800 289,600

Total expenses 6,228,600 (4,142,000) Net income (loss) ($4,928,800) $4,108,400


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $147,637,800

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 194,285,400

Distributions..................................................................................................... (328,499,900) Monetary assets available for distribution.................................................................................. $13,423,300

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Great States Insurance Company Conservation Order: March 30, 2001 Liquidation Order: May 8, 2001

2014 Report

Great States Insurance Company was domiciled in California and was licensed to transact business in 14 states. Great States wrote only workers’ compensation insurance and concentrated in Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada. Great States wrote a minimal amount in California and Illinois. The “Claims Bar Date,” or the final date to submit a claim against the estate, was December 2, 2001.

A significant portion of the estate’s statutory deposits are held in the form of surety bonds and are released as claims arise and formal awards are issued. The entity that has issued the surety bond has offset rights related to certain reinsurance recoveries by Great States. The process of reconciling these releases and offsets has been an on-going requirement of the estate.

The estate continues to seek a resolution of the surety bond issue with American Home Assurance. Absent an agreement on the development of loss reserves, the estate will consider foregoing a settlement and seek agreeable arrangement with the California Guarantee Association to assign the surety bonds and prepare the estate for a final distribution and closing in 2016.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $20,502,100 $20,599,600

Recoverable from reinsurers 746,400 740,100

Total assets 21,248,500 21,339,700

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 34,400 26,000

Claims against policies, before distributions 80,446,100 79,121,100 Less distributions to policyholders (10,154,800) (10,154,800)

All other claims 11,917,600 11,917,600

Total liabilities 82,243,300 80,909,900 Net assets (deficiency) ($60,994,800) ($59,570,200)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $127,400 $230,000

Salvage and other recoveries 2,752,400 290,100

Total income 2,879,800 520,100

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses 2,759,300 (1,149,600)

Administrative expenses 205,500 245,200

Total expenses 2,964,800 (904,400) Net income (loss) ($85,000) $1,424,500


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $7,889,700

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 22,864,700

Distributions..................................................................................................... (10,154,800) Monetary assets available for distribution.................................................................................... $20,599,600

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Majestic Insurance CompanyConservation Order: April 21, 2011

2014 Report

On April 21, 2011, an Order appointing Conservator and Restraining Orders (“Conservation Order”) was entered by the Superior Court of the State of California with respect to Majestic Insurance Company, a California Corporation. The California Department of Insurance (CDI) conducted an examination of Majestic for the period January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2010. CDI found Majestic’s recorded loss and loss adjustment expense reserves to be deficient by approximately $40.9 million. Also, due to the increase in reserves, a premium deficiency reserve was required in the amount of $5.5 million. After these examination adjustments, Majestic’s Risk-Based Capital (RBC) fell within the Mandatory Control Level. The CDI Examination determined that Majestic was operating in a hazardous financial condition in accordance with California Insurance Code Section (CICS) 1011(d). These findings were incorporated into the Commissioner’s application for the Conservation Order.

The Commissioner was appointed as Conservator and directed to conduct the business of Majestic. The Conservator is authorized, in his discretion, to operate the business of Majestic, or so much of the business as he deems appropriate, and to pay or defer payment of some or all proper claims, expenses, liabilities and obligations of Majestic, in whole or in part, accruing prior or subsequent to his appointment. The Conservator continued to operate Majestic’s business in substantially the manner the company was operating prior to conservation, solely for the purpose of preserving Majestic’s business assets and going-concern value in order to facilitate a Plan of Rehabilitation (the “Plan”).

Immediately after the entry of the Conservation Order, the Conservator filed a motion seeking court approval of the Plan. Court approval of the Plan was granted on June 2, 2011 and the transaction contemplated by the Plan closed on July 1, 2011. The Plan provided for the assumption of 100% of Majestic’s workers’ compensation claim liabilities by an A-rated insurance company affiliate of AmTrust North America, Inc. (“AmTrust”) via a Loss Portfolio Transfer and Quota Share Reinsurance Agreement (the “Reinsurance Agreement”). Under the Reinsurance Agreement, AmTrust (through an insurance company affiliate, Technology Insurance Company) assumed the majority of Majestic’s assets and liabilities relating to its workers’ compensation business. Majestic’s in-force policies and expired policies with reported claims were novated to Technology Insurance Company. The Reinsurance Agreement also provides that all reinsurance contracts providing coverage for the business written by Majestic shall inure to the benefit of AmTrust.

Pursuant to the Conservation Order, continued prosecution of the lawsuits and the filing of any other claims, lawsuits or actions against the Company outside of the conservation proceedings pending in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Francisco (the “Conservation Court”), is enjoined. Alternative remedies for the assertion of any and all such claims are provided for under the Conservator’s Rehabilitation Plan. The Rehabilitation Plan provides that the Conservator may request the Conservation Court to establish a claims bar date for filing proofs of claim against Majestic by non-policyholder creditors. The Rehabilitation Plan further provides that the Conservator shall administer, investigate, adjust and determine all such proofs of claim in a manner consistent with California Insurance Code Sections 1010 through 1062. In accordance with these provisions of the Rehabilitation Plan, the Conservation Court established a claims bar date of January 31, 2012 for filing non-policyholder proofs of claim with the Conservator. The Conservator received a total of 90 proofs of claim which set forth claims of non-policyholder creditors in the aggregate amount of $205 million.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Majestic solicited potential purchasers for the insurance company, together with certain residual assets and licenses, to be sold as a clean “shell”, free and clear of pre-acquisition liabilities. The request for proposal (RFP) required bids to be received by August 31, 2012. The request for proposal (RFP) process was completed shortly thereafter by selecting a winning bid. Agreements have been negotiated, signed, and approved by the court. The estate’s shell was transferred to purchaser as of May 31, 2013.

In 2013, the Conservator finalized all proofs of claims and received court approval in December 2013 and completed its first interim distribution in February 2014.

In June 2014, the estate filed an application in the San Francisco Superior Court to approve the Conservator’s proposal to disburse assets to the approved creditor and to approve special publication notice relating to “Great Western” policies. The order was approved on July 8, 2014 and the Great Western policies publication notice was advertised in three newspapers on July 14, 2014. Pursuant to the order, the Conservator is authorized, if no newly reported claims potentially subject to coverage under the Great Western policies are received within forty-five (45) days following the last publication of the Great Western Notice, to distribute and pay a total of $5,000,000 to the Class 9 Creditor (Embarcadero Holdings, the Liquidating Trustee) as a section 1033(a)(9) claimant. On September 18, 2014, the Conservator filed a status report indicating no new claims or reports had been received that could be entitled to payment under any of the Great Western Policies, and pursuant to the authorization set forth in the Distribution Order, the Conservator completed a second interim distribution to the Class 9 Creditor in the amount of $5 million on September 24, 2014.

Once all estate matters are completed, the Commissioner will petition the San Francisco Superior Court to the close the estate and any remaining funds will be sent to Embarcadero Holdings, the parent of Majestic Insurance Company.

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As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $14,008,200 $3,872,600

Other assets 27,600 27,600

Total assets 14,035,800 3,900,200

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 434,200 346,100

All other claims 1,723,500 -

Total liabilities 2,157,700 346,100

Net assets (deficiency) 11,878,100 3,554,100

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $250,300 $92,300

Other income 506,700 6,800

Total income 757,000 99,100

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses 633,600 8,267,300

Administrative expenses 940,500 784,700

Total expenses 1,574,100 9,052,000

Net income (loss) (817,100) (8,952,900)


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $14,895,600

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... (11,023,000) Monetary assets available for distribution.................................................................................... $3,872,600

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Mission Insurance CompanyConservation Order: October 31, 1985 Liquidation Order: February 24, 1987

Mission National Insurance Company Conservation Order: November 26, 1985 Liquidation Order: February 24, 1987

Enterprise Insurance Company Conservation Order: November 26, 1985 Liquidation Order: February 24, 1987

2014 Report

The Mission Insurance Companies’ insolvency proceedings began with a court-ordered conservation of the Mission entity on October 31, 1985 with the balance of the entities being conserved in November 1985. All were placed into conservation due to their hazardous financial condition. Efforts to rehabilitate the companies did not succeed, and on February 24, 1987, the companies were ordered into liquidation. Ancillary proceedings in California for Holland America Insurance Company and Mission Reinsurance Company were initiated concurrent with the Missouri Insurance Director’s obtaining a receivership order as the domiciliary liquidator.

In accordance with a court approved closing plan, the Mission Estates completed a final policyholder distribution in 2006 whereby all policyholder claimants for Mission, Mission National and Enterprise were paid 100% of their approved claim. As of year-end 2013, the general creditors of the Mission and Enterprise Estates have unsatisfied portions remaining on their approved claims. The Enterprise Estate will be positioned to complete a final distribution at year-end 2014 and for a closing in 2015 while keeping the shell open for tax purposes.

The Mission Estates participate as members of a consolidated tax group (Covanta being the parent) and, as such, are joint and severally liable for the tax exposure of the group. With guidance and advice from tax counsel, the estates have established proper tax reserves for certain open tax years. Covanta has commenced an audit with the IRS of the consolidated group returns for a number of tax years and is undergoing an administrative appeal process from the result. The estate expects to hear the final resolution in 2014.

The Mission Estates contacted the Department of Justice (DOJ) in late 2011 in an effort to obtain a Federal Claim waiver primarily to avoid any possibility of the Federal Government presenting any late claims for toxic tort clean-ups where a Mission policyholder may have had exposure. Given the Federal priority statute, obtaining a waiver that the companies had considered all the known potential policyholder liabilities prior to closure of the estate was of paramount importance. Enterprise was given the waiver because the nature of its business did not contain significant policyholder exposure for any government claims. Mission and Mission National have continued to be engaged in a back and forth with the DOJ to give them all the necessary documentation for the DOJ to issue the waiver. Owing to the nature of the two remaining estates portfolio of policyholders, this has been a tedious, time consuming process which we foresee continuing into 2015.

The Enterprise Estate completed its final distribution in December 2014 and plans to file a Declaration of Compliance in 2015 to effectuate estate closure.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $110,234,400 $110,903,600 Recoverable from reinsurers 21,066,600 20,791,300

Other assets 23,816,500 23,816,400

Total assets 155,117,500 155,511,300

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 78,753,500 78,753,500

Claims against policies, before distributions 846,832,600 846,832,600 Less distributions to policyholders (846,832,600) (846,832,600)

All other claims 198,438,500 198,438,500

Total liabilities 277,192,000 277,192,000 Net assets (deficiency) ($122,074,500) ($121,680,700)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $749,500 $1,246,000 Salvage and other recoveries 3,662,500 30,400

Total income 4,412,000 1,276,400

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses - -

Administrative expenses 716,700 882,500

Total expenses 716,700 882,500 Net income (loss) $3,695,300 $393,900


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................

Recoveries, net of expenses...........................................................................................

Distributions..................................................................................................... Monetary assets available for distribution...............................................................................



(1,112,608,000) $110,903,600

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $25,355,300 $30,326,600

Recoverable from reinsurers 3,542,300 2,706,800

Other assets 34,000 34,500

Total assets 28,931,600 33,067,900

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 17,753,800 17,753,800

Claims against policies, before distributions 596,098,500 596,098,500 Less distributions to policyholders (499,851,900) (499,851,900)

All other claims 16,838,100 16,838,100

Total liabilities 130,838,500 130,838,500 Net assets (deficiency) ($101,906,900) ($97,770,600)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $161,200 $295,800

Salvage and other recoveries 41,100 300

Total income 202,300 296,100

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses (40,400) (4,087,100)

Administrative expenses 152,900 246,800

Total expenses 112,500 (3,840,300) Net income (loss) $89,800 $4,136,400


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $18,289,000

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 538,966,800

Distributions..................................................................................................... (526,929,200) Monetary assets available for distribution.................................................................................. $30,326,600

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $7,475,500 $356,300

Total assets 7,475,500 356,300

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 1,240,500 255,800

Claims against policies, before distributions 120,573,400 120,573,400 Less distributions to policyholders (120,573,400) (120,573,400)

All other claims 30,780,900 24,044,700

Total liabilities 32,021,400 24,300,500 Net assets (deficiency) ($24,545,900) ($23,944,200)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $47,500 $78,000 Salvage and other recoveries 61,400 37,100

Total income 108,900 115,100

Expenses 2013 2014

Administrative expenses 68,800 (486,700)

Total expenses 68,800 (486,700) Net income (loss) $40,100 $601,800


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $3,281,000

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 129,764,000

Distributions..................................................................................................... (132,688,700) Monetary assets available for distribution................................................................................ $356,300

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Pacific National Insurance CompanyConservation Order: May 14, 2003 Liquidation Order: August 5, 2003

2014 Report

Pacific National Insurance Company (“PNIC”) is a subsidiary of the Highlands Insurance Group. PNIC’s principal business lines include workers’ compensation, commercial multiple-peril, general liability, and commercial automobile insurance. PNIC wrote business exclusively in California.

In October 2002, Highlands Insurance Group and five of its non-insurance subsidiaries commenced Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the District of Delaware.

On May 14, 2003, the Commissioner was appointed as Conservator of PNIC and on August 5, 2003, the Superior Court appointed the Commissioner as Liquidator of PNIC. Upon liquidation, covered claims were transferred to the appropriate insurance guaranty associations. PNIC’s assets consist primarily of cash and reinsurance receivables. The “Claims Bar Date,” the final date to submit a claim against the estate, was July 30, 2004.

Highlands Insurance Company (“HIC”) in New Jersey, a subsidiary of Highlands Insurance Group, handled routine administrative services for PNIC under an inter-company agreement. HIC was placed in conservation by the Texas Department of Insurance in November 2003. The CLO worked with the Texas Department of Insurance on data transfer/storage and reinsurance collections.

The estate was successful in commuting a significant reinsurance treaty completing the transaction and recovery in time to prepare for and release a $19 million early access distribution to the California Insurance Guarantee Association in October 2011. The estate team was successful in commuting the remaining reinsurance treaties and completed collection of the remaining reinsurance recoveries in 2014. The estate completed its final distribution in December 2014 and plans to file a Declaration of Compliance in 2015 to effectuate estate closure.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $4,657,600 $1,934,000

Recoverable from reinsurers 885,700 -

Total assets 5,543,300 1,934,000

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 1,550,600 1,550,600

Claims against policies, before distributions 107,777,300 107,777,300 Less distributions to policyholders (52,416,400) (52,416,400)

All other claims 246,500 (3,588,900)

Total liabilities 57,158,000 53,322,600 Net assets (deficiency) ($51,614,700) ($51,388,600)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $26,800 $64,100

Salvage and other recoveries 1,700 879,700

Total income 28,500 943,800

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses 1,073,400 515,100

Administrative expenses 199,300 202,500

Total expenses 1,272,700 717,600 Net income (loss) ($1,244,200) $226,200


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $36,519,100

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 21,666,800

Distributions..................................................................................................... (56,251,900) Monetary assets available for distribution................................................................................... $1,934,000

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

SeeChange Health Insurance CompanyConservation Order: November 19, 2014 Liquidation Order: January 28, 2015

2014 Report

On November 19, 2014, the Insurance Commissioner of the State of California (the "Commissioner") was appointed as Conservator of SeeChange Health Insurance Company ("SeeChange") by the Los Angeles County Superior Court pursuant to Section 1011 of the California Insurance Code. The Conservation Order authorizes the Commissioner, through his Conservation & Liquidation Office, as Conservator to conduct the business of SeeChange or so much of the business as he may deem appropriate. All policies will terminate on December 31, 2014. Policyholders will have 12 months from their termination date to file their claims.

On January 28, 2015, the Insurance Commissioner of the State of California was appointed as Liquidator of SeeChange Health Insurance Company ("SeeChange") by the Los Angeles County Superior Court pursuant to Section 1016 of the California Insurance Code. The Liquidator is directed to liquidate and wind up the business of SeeChange and to act in all ways and exercise all powers necessary for the purpose of the Order and the liquidation provisions of the Insurance Code.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


For Period Ended September 30 and December 31, 201411

Assets 9/30/2014 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $20,683,493 $7,007,448 Other assets 2,673,565 1,033,590 Total assets 23,357,058 8,041,038

Liabilities 9/30/2014 12/31/2014

Policyholders claims All other liabilities

16,758,162 5,391,135

17,963,658 6,556,741

Total liabilities 22,149,297 24,520,399

Capital and Surplus Common stock 3,000,000 3,000,000 Additional paid-in capital 82,228,055 82,228,055 Unassigned surplus (84,020,294) (101,707,416) Net assets (deficiency) $1,207,761 ($16,479,361)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Period Ended September 30 and December 31, 201416

Income 9/30/2014 12/31/2014 Investment income (loss) $144,694 $155,916 Cessions and premium income 81,136,915 98,749,898 Other income 14,824 19,094 Total Income 81,296,433 98,924,908

Expenses 9/30/2014 12/31/2014 Loss and claims expenses 147,149,891 101,880,832 Adminstrative expenses 19,270,828 23,556,068 Total expenses 90,041,178 125,436,900 Net Income (loss) (8,744,745) (26,511,992)

16 9/30/14 and 12/31/14 figures are per the quarterly statement filed with the CA Dept. of Ins. using statutory basis of accounting. The 9/30/14 figures were used in support of the Conservation Order in lieu of an 11/19/14 conservation date balance sheet.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Superior National Insurance Companies In Liquidation (“SNICIL”) (California Compensation Insurance Company, Combined Benefits Insurance Company, Commercial Compensation Casualty Company, Superior National Insurance Company, and Superior Pacific Casualty Company)

Conservation Order: March 6, 2000 Liquidation Order: September 26, 2000

2014 Report

On March 6, 2000, the Los Angeles County Superior Court (the “Court”) ordered and appointed the Insurance Commissioner to serve as Conservator of four workers’ compensation insurance companies: Superior National Insurance Company, Superior Pacific Casualty Company, California Compensation Insurance Company and Combined Benefits Insurance Company. On June 9, 2000, the Court ordered and appointed the Commissioner to serve as conservator of a fifth workers’ compensation insurance company named Commercial Compensation Casualty Company. In his capacity as Conservator, the Insurance Commissioner obtained title to and possession of all the property and assets of the five estates, collectively identified as Superior National Insurance Companies in Liquidation (“Superior National Estates”).

In September 26, 2000, the Court found that each of the Superior National Estates were insolvent and that it would be futile to proceed as Conservator. The Court terminated the Insurance Commissioner’s status as conservator of the five insurers and ordered and appointed the Commissioner to serve as Liquidator of the insurers.

In 2012, the Superior National Estates obtained court approval of an indemnity settlement agreement with the SNTL Litigation Trust and the Oversight Committee of the SNTL Litigation Trust. Final indemnity payment was made in December 2014 and the matter is now closed.

In 2014 the Superior National Estates released its eleventh early access distribution to guaranty associations. The estates are planning a twelfth early access distribution in 2015.

Under the most optimistic estimates, SNICL has insufficient assets to fully pay the policyholder claims. Consequently, once all asset recoveries are fully monetized, the estate will seek court approval not to review any claims below the policyholder class.

The largest remaining asset on the books of the estates are reinsurance recoverables of approximately $140,300,000 (includes IBNR). The estates’ continuing and ultimate goal is to fully resolve its reinsurance recoverables through treaty commutations since workers compensation claims are such long tailed claims that conceivably there could be reinsurance billing for the next 50 years. Once reinsurance has been resolved, there are no significant issues remaining and the Liquidator can seek closure.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

California Compensation Ins Co ASSETS AND LIABILITIES

As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $18,503,400 $17,819,700 Recoverable from reinsurers 75,933,000 71,675,100

Other assets - -

Total assets 94,436,400 89,494,800

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 5,359,400 232,700

Claims against policies, before distributions 2,078,815,500 2,081,819,000 Less distributions to policyholders (894,851,900) (902,599,100)

All other claims 119,300,100 119,289,200

Total liabilities 1,308,623,100 1,298,741,800 Net assets (deficiency) ($1,214,186,700) ($1,209,247,000)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and

2014 Income 2013 2014

Investment income $73,600 $195,500

Litigation recoveries - 10,969,400 Salvage and other recoveries 6,207,400 6,258,200

Total income 6,281,000 17,423,100

Expenses 2013 2014 Loss and claims expenses 20,512,300 10,592,800

Administrative expenses 993,000 1,890,700

Total expenses 21,505,300 12,483,500 Net income (loss) ($15,224,300) $4,939,600


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $165,879,200 Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 754,539,600

Distributions..................................................................................................... (902,599,100) Monetary assets available for distribution............................................................................... $17,819,700

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $11,414,300 $8,858,500

Recoverable from reinsurers 206,700 687,900

Total assets 11,621,000 9,546,400

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 47,900

Claims against policies, before distributions 37,057,400 36,016,900 Less distributions to policyholders (23,554,800) (26,054,800)

All other claims 6,667,100 6,274,800

Total liabilities 20,217,600 16,237,500 Net assets (deficiency) ($8,596,600) ($6,691,100)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $68,400 $129,200

Litigation recoveries - 41,900

Salvage and other recoveries 4,500 358,000

Total income 72,900 529,100

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses 1,396,600 (1,568,000)

Administrative expenses 88,700 191,500

Total expenses 1,485,300 (1,376,500) Net income (loss) ($1,412,400) $1,905,600


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $11,115,400

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 23,797,900

Distributions..................................................................................................... (26,054,800) Monetary assets available for distribution.................................................................................... $8,858,500

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $25,292,700 $22,483,500

Recoverable from reinsurers 44,888,800 38,505,400

Other assets - -

Total assets 70,181,500 60,988,900

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 1,236,600 77,500

Claims against policies, before distributions 888,170,600 894,047,400 Less distributions to policyholders (400,114,400) (406,610,200)

All other claims 28,723,600 28,723,400

Total liabilities 518,016,400 516,238,100 Net assets (deficiency) ($447,834,900) ($455,249,200)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and

2014 Income 2013 2014

Investment income $250,000 $237,100

Litigation recoveries - 1,830,200 Salvage and other recoveries 3,142,600 4,203,700

Total income 3,392,600 6,271,000

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses 4,912,300 13,227,000

Administrative expenses 356,600 458,300

Total expenses 5,268,900 13,685,300 Net income (loss) ($1,876,300) ($7,414,300)


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $68,622,300

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 360,471,400

Distributions..................................................................................................... (406,610,200) Monetary assets available for distribution.................................................................................. $22,483,500

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

Superior Pacific Casualty Co ASSETS AND LIABILITIES

As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $6,888,300 $7,688,400

Recoverable from reinsurers 28,753,600 23,703,900

Total assets 35,641,900 31,392,300

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 17,200

Claims against policies, before distributions 231,295,900 225,053,700 Less distributions to policyholders (40,969,700) (43,969,700)

All other claims 62,365,700 62,365,700

Total liabilities 252,709,100 243,450,100 Net assets (deficiency) ($217,067,200) ($212,057,800)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $42,200 $102,500

Litigation recoveries - 14,900 Salvage and other recoveries 436,400 597,000

Total income 478,600 714,400

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses 5,844,100 (4,653,400)

Administrative expenses 222,400 358,400

Total expenses 6,066,500 (4,295,000) Net income (loss) ($5,587,900) $5,009,400


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $58,666,300

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... (7,008,200)

Distributions..................................................................................................... (43,969,700) Monetary assets available for distribution.................................................................................. $7,688,400

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Page 258: 2014 Annual Report of the Commissioner...underserved communities and the elimination of the sunset on three insurance related special assessments used to fight insurance fraud. •

Conservation and Liquidation Office

Commercial Compensation Casualty Co

ASSETS AND LIABILITIES As of December 31, 2013 and December

31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $11,660,800 $10,562,000

Recoverable from reinsurers 7,277,500 5,740,200

Total assets 18,938,300 16,302,200

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 939,800 682,600

Claims against policies, before distributions 140,127,100 144,641,400 Less distributions to policyholders (95,971,800) (97,187,200)

All other claims 13,754,500 13,754,500

Total liabilities 58,849,600 61,891,300 Net assets (deficiency) ($39,911,300) ($45,589,100)

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2012 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $66,400 $124,800

Litigation recoveries - 228,100

Salvage and other recoveries 350,500 478,300

Total income 416,900 831,200

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses 1,788,600 6,435,200

Administrative expenses 63,100 73,800

Total expenses 1,851,700 6,509,000 Net income (loss) ($1,434,800) ($5,677,800)


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $6,420,700

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 101,328,500

Distributions..................................................................................................... Monetary assets available for distribution....................................................................................

(97,187,200) $10,562,000

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Page 259: 2014 Annual Report of the Commissioner...underserved communities and the elimination of the sunset on three insurance related special assessments used to fight insurance fraud. •

Conservation and Liquidation Office

Western Employers Insurance Company

Conservation Order: April 2, 1991 Liquidation Order: April 19, 1991

2014 Report

Western Employers Insurance Company (“WEIC”) began as a New York-domiciled insurer known as Leatherby Insurance Company and was re-domesticated to California in the late 1970’s. The company was licensed in all 50 states and D.C. and wrote primarily workers’ compensation and commercial multi-peril insurance. After four years of attempted self-liquidation, WEIC determined it could no longer continue to liquidate without the assistance of the California Department of Insurance. An order placing WEIC into liquidation was entered on April 19, 1991.

WEIC’s primary objective will be to resolve all asset recoveries, principally reinsurance assets at this juncture, determine final estate liability and position the estate for closure by 2017. A significant requirement to meet that objective is to determine how to quantify the remaining long-tail exposure.

In 2010 the San Francisco Superior Court set a deadline by which all holders of claims, other than workers’ compensation claims, must submit detailed claim updates which set forth the facts regarding the further developments of those claims. Currently all claims that were submitted with the update continue to be reviewed.

Two distinct problems slow the claims determination process. First, is the fact that claims must be liquidated before they can be approved, and WEIC wrote a significant number of excess and umbrella policies for environmental type exposure, and the losses continue to accumulate but have not reached an attachment point yet. Secondly, in 2012, the CLO made an initial reporting to the Federal Government. After two years of exchanging information with the Department of Justice they recently indicated a willingness to grant us the waiver. We are presently in the process of perfecting the waiver agreement. Once that is achieved we should be able to deal with certain administrative legal issues which will allow us to move forward with closing the estate.

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Conservation and Liquidation Office


As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014

Assets 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Cash and investments $134,020,600 $144,496,300

Recoverable from reinsurers 16,439,500 5,657,700

Total assets 150,460,100 150,154,000

Liabilities 12/31/2013 12/31/2014

Secured claims and accrued expenses 350,000 350,000

Claims against policies, before distributions 167,914,800 166,685,200 Less distributions to policyholders (68,190,000) (68,190,000)

All other claims 2,971,800 2,971,800

Total liabilities 103,046,600 101,817,000 Net assets (deficiency) $47,413,500 $48,337,000

INCOME AND EXPENSES For Year Ended December 31, 2013 and


Income 2013 2014

Investment income $872,100 $1,495,600

Salvage and other recoveries 258,800 3,069,800

Total income 1,130,900 4,565,400

Expenses 2013 2014

Loss and claims expenses (17,083,500) 2,735,300

Administrative expenses 990,300 924,800

Total expenses (16,093,200) 3,660,100 Net income (loss) $17,224,100 $905,300


Beginning monetary assets at takeover........................................................................ $74,867,900

Recoveries, net of expenses........................................................................................... 137,818,400

Distributions..................................................................................................... (68,190,000) Monetary assets available for distribution................................................................................... $144,496,300

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Conservation and Liquidation Office

CROSS REFERENCE TO CALIFORNIA INSURANCE CODE (CIC) CIC Section 1060 – The Commissioner shall transmit all of the following to the Governor, the Legislature, and to the committees of the Senate and Assembly having jurisdiction over insurance in the annual report submitted pursuant to Section 12922:


(a) The names of the persons proceeded against under this article. .........................................21

(b) Whether such persons have resumed business or have been liquidated or have been mutualized...........................................................................................................................21

(c) Such other facts on the operations of the Conservation & Liquidation Office as will acquaint the Governor, the policyholders, creditors, shareholders and the public with his or her proceedings under this article, including, but not limited to:

(1) An itemization of the number of staff, total salaries of staff, a description of the compensation methodology, and an organizational flowchart. .............................4, 11, 12

(2) Annual operating goals and results. .............................................................................5, 7

(3) A summary of all Conservation and Liquidation Office costs, including an itemization of internal and external costs, and a description of the methodology used to allocate those costs among insurer estates......................................................................................9. 13

(4) A list of all current insolvencies not closed within ten years of a court ordered liquidation, and a narrative explaining why each insolvency remains open. ................................14-16

(5) An accounting of total claims by estate. .........................................................................17

(6) A list of current year and cumulative distributions by class of creditor for each estate. ...20

(7) For each proceeding, the net value of the estate at the time of conservation or liquidation and the net value at the end of the preceding calendar year.....................................21-61

(d) Other facts on the operations of the individual estates as will acquaint the Governor, Legislature, policyholders, creditors, shareholders, and the public with his or her proceedings under this article, including, but not limited to:

(1) The annual operating goals and results. ...................................................................21-61

(2) The status of the conservation and liquidation process. ............................................21-61

(3) Financial statements, including current and cumulative distributions, comparing current calendar year to prior year........................................................................................21-61

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