Download - 2014-04-25 - Freedom Talk - MH370

Page 1: 2014-04-25 - Freedom Talk - MH370

Freedom Talk

Theme tune: Oh! Freedom - David Axlerod

1. Introduction

Welcome to Freedom Talk. There’ll be some great music on this show but this isn’t a music show. FT is a platform for alternative news stories. It’s a show that asks you to “Think again” about the news you are regularly being fed through mainstream channels. Are there other stories out there that deserve some air time?

Are you someone who seeks the truth as the authority or do you take the authority as the truth?

FT is the alternative choice for the common mans’ voice.

The show believes in a free press. We’re going to consider a myriad of facts, conjecture, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses and information. On this show, we say “No” to censorship.

DisclaimerAnd remember, the views expressed on this show do not necessarily reflect my views and neither do they necessarily reflect the views of Soho Radio.

ScheduleThe main topic of this show is that Malaysian aircraft. How can you lose a plane? Satellite technology these days boasts to be able to see a pimple on your face from outer space. But it can’t find that plane. How do you explain that?

Did the co-pilot try to make an emergency call from his mobile phone?The photo believed to have been sent from a passenger’s mobile phone and traced back to Diego Garcia.Patents for a semiconductorHijacked by the Taleban? Can drone technology provide an explanation?

In a moment we will set the scene for you. But first some music!!

Track one:


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2. Main Story

Maylasian Airline MH370

BackgroundMalaysia Airlines Flight MH370 vanished after taking off from Kuala Lumpur on Friday March 8 on route to China. It vanished around an hour into its flight with 239 people onboard. It made no distress call, and despite a huge search operation involving dozens of countries, reported satellite signals and false leads, investigators have still not found the wreckage.

TimelineSaturday, March 8

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Flight departs at 12:41am (1441 GMT Friday), and is due to land in Beijing at 6:30am (2230 GMT) the same day. On board the Boeing 777-200ER are 227 passengers and 12 crew.

Airline loses contact with plane between 1-2 hours after takeoff . No distress signal and weather is clear at the time.

Missing plane last has contact with air traffic controllers 120 nautical miles off the east coast of the Malaysian town of Kota Bharu.

Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam says plane failed to check in as scheduled at 17:21 GMT while flying over sea between Malaysia and Ho Chi Minh City.

Flight tracking website shows plane flew northeast over Malaysia after take off and climbed to altitude of 35,000 feet. The flight vanished from website's tracking records a minute later while still climbing.

Malaysia search ships see no sign of wreckage in area where flights last made contact. Vietnam says giant oil slick and column of smoke seen in its waters.

Two men from Austria and Italy, listed among the passengers on a missing Malaysia Airlines flight, are not in fact on board. They say their passports were stolen.

Sunday, March 9 Malaysia Airlines says fears worst and is working with U.S. company that specialises in

disaster recovery. Radar indicates flight may have turned back from its scheduled route to Beijing before

disappearing. Interpol says at least two passports recorded as lost or stolen in its database were used by

passengers, and it is "examining additional suspect passports". Investigators narrow focus of inquiries on possibility plane disintegrated in mid-flight, a

source who is involved in the investigations in Malaysia tells Reuters.Monday, March 10

The United States review of American spy satellite imagery shows no signs of mid-air explosion.

As dozens of ships and aircraft from seven countries scour the seas around Malaysia and south of Vietnam, questions mounted over whether a bomb or hijacking could have brought down the Boeing airliner.

Hijacking could not be ruled out, said the head of Malaysia's Civil Aviation Authority, Azharuddin Abdul Rahmanthe, adding the missing jet was an "unprecedented aviation mystery".

Tuesday, March 11 Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble names the two men who boarded jet with stolen

passports as Iranians, aged 18 and 29, who had entered Malaysia using their real passports. "The more information we get, the more we are inclined to conclude it is not a terrorist incident," Noble said.

Malaysian police chief said the younger man appeared to be an illegal immigrant. His mother was waiting for him in Frankfurt and had been in contact with authorities, he said.

Malaysian police say they are investigating whether any passengers or crew on the plane had personal or psychological problems that might shed light on the mystery, along with the possibility of a hijacking, sabotage or mechanical failure .

Malaysia's military believes missing jet turned and flew hundreds of kilometres to the west after it last made contact with civilian air traffic control off the country's east coast, a senior officer told Reuters. The jet made it into the Strait of Malacca, one of the world's busiest shipping channels, along Malaysia's west coast, said the officer.


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A Colorado-based company has put "crowdsourcing" to work in search for a missing jet, enlisting Internet users to comb through satellite images of more than 1,200 square miles (3,200 square km) of open seas for any signs of wreckage.

Wednesday, March 12 The search for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet expands to an area stretching from China to

India, as authorities struggle to answer what had happened to the aircraft that vanished almost five days ago with 239 people on board.

Its revealed that the finals words spoken by one of the pilots from the cockpit of the plane to ground control were "all right, good night" . The comment came as the plane flew from Malaysian into Vietnamese air space.

Thursday March 13 A Chinese satellite picture appears to show the outline of wreckage floating in the South

China Sea, but Vietnamese search teams failed to find any sign of the objects. Aviation experts say they believe the missing airliner could have flown for an extra four

hours, after it lost contact with traffic controllers. The new theory was based on data downloaded automatically from the jet's engines.

It was also revealed that satellites picked up faint electronic pulses from MH370 after it went missing.

China said that they would not stop searching for the missing aircraft so long as there is a "glimmer of hope".

Investigators began looking into suggestions that the plane may have been deliberately flown towards the Andaman Islands

Friday March 14 A satellite company revealed it had received signals for MH370 five hours after it

disappeared, suggesting the plane was still flying and had not crashed, and the search was dramatically shifted to large parts of the Indian Ocean.

Saturday March 15 The investigation into the disappearance shifted towards foul play, amid suggestions the plane

was deliberately flown hundreds of miles off course. Malaysian authorities then gave a press conference where they confirmed that they believed

"deliberate action" had caused the plane to veer off course, and that someone deliberately shut down its communication and tracking systems.

New satellite information suggests the plane was flown west into the Straits of Malacca, but could then have gone down either one of two huge north or south corridors, spanning large tracts of land and deep oceans.

Police searched the homes of pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah, and co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid.Sunday March 16

Pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah is picture wearing a T-shirt with a Democracy is Dead slogan, sparking fears he could have hijacked the plane as an anti-government protest.

The number of countries involved in the search increased from 14 to 25, as Malaysian authorities revealed all passengers, crew and ground staff associated with the flight were under investigation.

Investigators revealed a flight simulator had been found at Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's home, and taken away for further analysis.

At a press conference, it was suggested that Flight MH370 could have been on the ground when it sent its final satellite signal, and that its transmission system was switched off after its final communication with ground control.

Monday March 17 Flight engineer Mohd Kairul Amri Selamat, who was also one of the passengers on board the

plane, comes under investigation. Police say they are looking at anyone on the plane who may have had aviation skills and knowledge.

A theory emerges that the missing plane could be in a Taliban controlled base, where it could be being kept ready for use at a later date.

It is also suggested MH370 may have secretly flown at just 5,000ft to avoid radar detection.Tuesday March 18

After days of frustration at the lack of confirmed information, relatives of some of the Chinese passengers on board the plane threaten to go on hunger strike.


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Wednesday March 19 The FBI joined the search for the Malaysia Airlines jet, with the agency dedicating resources

to analysing computer hard-drives seized from the homes of the plane's pilots. Distraught relatives are bundled out of a press conference after storming in with a banner

demanding more information.Thursday March 20

Search teams spot huge chunks of possible wreckage in a remote part of the southern Indian Ocean, 1,500 miles off the western coast of Australia. One is 78ft long, the other 25ft. The find prompts the launch of another focused air and sea search mission from Perth.

Britain sends HMS Echo to join the search in the Indian Ocean.Friday March 21

The search off the Australian coast continues for a second day, but flights to the site where possible debris was spotted fail to find anything.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority say they continue to focus on locating any survivors.

Saturday March 22 There was a dramatic moment at the Malaysian authorities' daily press conference when the

country's transport minister was handed a note saying a Chinese satellite had spotted a "floating object" in the southern search corridor which could be debris.

The object measured 22.5m by 13m and was 120k south west of where an Australian satellite had previously spotted two other objects.

There were also angry scenes as at press conference in Beijing, where officials were briefing relatives of Chinese passengers who, frustrated at the lack of concrete information, demanded to know "the truth".

Search missions in the southern Indian ocean failed to find anything for a third day.Sunday March 23

A French satellite became the third to spot objects in the southern search corridor, 1,430 miles from Perth.

But again search crews setting off from Perth - including four military and four civilian planes - failed to find any sign of it.

Monday March 24 In an emotional press conference, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak told the world that

experts had established "beyond any doubt" that the 239 passenger and crew on board flight MH370 had perished in the Indian Ocean.

The train was tracked down to an area 1,200 miles from Perth by "unprecedented" analysis of satellite data by British company Inmarsat.

The announcement prompted emotional scenes from the passengers' grieving families, who launched a scathing attack on Malaysian authorities.

Tuesday March 25 Relatives of those on board MH370 hit out at authorities for the way the tragedy has been

handled. It also emerged Malaysia Airlines was offering relatives of the victims $5,000 per passenger

in compensation. The company said additional cash would be handed out at a later date.Wednesday March 26

Images taken by a French satellite are released, showing 122 objects floating in a possible "debris field" 2,557km west of Perth.

Transport minister Hishammuddin Hussein describes the discovery as "the most credible lead that we have".

But despite this, the search and rescue effort deployed to the remote area of the Indian Ocean fails to find any wreckage for another day.

Thursday March 27 The search operation was temporarily suspended due to bad weather as the Australian

Maritime Safety Authority revealed the news on Twitter As 300 floating objects were spotted by a satellite, a veteran Boeing 777 pilot claimed the

plane needed "human input" to change course so dramatically But the pilot's son dismissed any suggestions his dad was involved in the appearance

Friday March 28 The search moved on some 685 miles to northeast after a "new credible lead" in the Indian



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F1 teams organised a minute's silence ahead of Malaysian Grand Prix for victims, which is being supported by Williams ace Felipe Massa

British Airways were left red-faced after featuring an advert saying "escape to the Indian Ocean"

Saturday March 29 Grieving families of MH370 launched a scathing attack against 'despicable' Malaysian

authorities Families were moved out of the hotel where they were staying in Malaysia so that room could

be made for Ferrari's F1 team The search resumed after more debris was spotted as planes spot 'multiple coloured objects' in

Indian OceanSunday March 30

The daughter of MH370 pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah says her father had been acting strangely in recent months. Aishah, 28, said he was "not the father I knew", and that he "seemed disturbed and lost - in a world of his own".

Monday March 31 Malaysian authorities released a transcript of the final conversation between MH370's cockpit

and ground control. It revealed the final words spoken by the co-pilot were not "all right, good night" as previously reported, but "good night Malaysian three seven zero".

However, investigators said the rest of the transcript contained nothing that would have caused alarm.

Tuesday April 1 Malaysia's government announced it is in discussions with America about the use of

deep sea search and rescue equipment, as search and rescue operations still fail to find any sign of wreckage.

British submarine HMS Tireless arrived in the search zone to help with the underwater hunt.

Wednesday April 2 Malaysian police ruled out the involvement of any passengers in the disappearance of

MH370, saying all 227 have been cleared of hijacking, sabotage, or having personal or psychological problems.

Australian officials warned bad weather and a lack of reliable information were still hampering efforts to find any wreckage.

10 planes and nine ships continued their search in the Indian Ocean.Thursday April 3

Reports say the FBI found "nothing suspicious whatsoever" during their investigation of a flight simulator found at the home of pilot Zaharie Shah.

Malaysian PM Najib Razak arrived in Perth for talks with the Australian teams co-ordinating the search in the Indian Ocean.

At a joint press conference with Australian leader Tony Abbott, Mr Razak said: "I know that until we find the plane, many families cannot start to grieve. I cannot imagine what they must be going through, but I can promise them that we will not give up."

Angus Houston, the head of a joint agency co-ordinating the search, says there is no time frame for ending the search, but acknowledges a new approach will eventually be needed if nothing turns up.

April 7: Australian ship Ocean Shield detects underwater signals consistent with black boxes

April 9: Ocean Shield detects two more signals

April 11: Australian authorities pinpoint location 21 April – ABC reports that 2/3rds of planned underwater search complete with no wreckage found. No debris from the plane has been found despite an intensive air-and-sea search and hopes now centre on the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Bluefin-21 of finding wreckage on the Indian Ocean seabed.


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Diego Garcia Under the SpotlightFreelance journalist: ‘Hijacked flight 370 passenger sent photo from hidden iPhone tracing back to secret U.S. military base Diego Garcia’31 March, 2014  -

Are passenger Phillip Wood and others still alive after flight 370 was hijacked then taken to a secret U.S. military base located on a remote island in the Indian Ocean?By Shepard AmbellasAccording to freelance journalist Jim Stone, one of the American passengers, Phillip Wood, who is a technical storage executive at IBM, and was aboard the now missing Malaysian Airlines flight, keystered (a verb for storing contraband in your rectum, common in prison) his iPhone 5 in his anus after the Boeing 777 carrying 239 people was hijacked by military personnel while on route to China.The sight posts a blank black photo and Stone claims it was posted along with text allegedly from Wood to his website (unconfirmed – via intermediary / friend??).Stone claims that metadata within the photo yields evidence confirming “100 percent” that Phillip Wood sent the photo, along with a brief voice activated text, from GPS coordinates which put Wood only a few miles away from the U.S. controlled Diego Garcia military base which is located on an island south of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean. Stone claims that the coordinates may be off by a few miles, proving that the iPhone actually sent the otherwise blank black picture revealing nothing else. Stone speculates the picture was taken in a dark room or in some position in which Wood’s hands were bound.As reported by Stone, the picture was posted along with the following text allegedly from Wood:“I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ass during the hijack. I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly.”Stone also points out in detail how the above Exchangeable Image Format (EXIF) image data is the “smoking gun”, writing:The Exif is intact. Exif data gets embedded in every image by every camera and includes the circumstances under which the photo was taken. It can be viewed by saving the image to your desktop, and then right clicking it and selecting image properties. Hit the details tab. You can see that the image was taken on March 18 with an iPhone 5, with the ISO at 3200 and a shutter of 1/15. The coordinates are included in the exif data because the iPhone knows where it is, and the coordinates are for Diego Garcia. Exif can’t be rewritten with common software, it can only be added to in fields such as image credits with some advanced applications. It can be erased as well but NOT CHANGED. Photos with the exif intact will hold up in court. If the Exif is hacked and this is not real, the CIA or a really good hacker did this, which I doubt, I’d say it’s probably real.Another smoking gun is that the voice recognition software put the word personal instead of personnel. This is completely consistent with a blind software assisted dial out.Surrounding this story is the fact that the man who managed to get this information to Farganne (forum member Glitch) was harassed and received many threatening voice mails over it, that is another piece of evidence pointing to this as being real. One thing is certain, once it’s posted here on this site the genie is OUT OF THE BOTTLE. I cannot stress how important it is that the GPS coordinates in the photo do not perfectly match what Google says and are not posted anywhere on the web, because it proves that the source of those coordinates did not come from google or Wikipedia, they really did come from the imaging device and it HAD TO be at Diego Garcia when it took the photo.On March 24, 2014, a YouTuber by the name of Montagraph put two-and-two together following other reports.An excerpt from the article reads:“[...] MH370 most likely landed at Diego Garcia and the plane may have been ushered into a massive “Faraday cage” style hangar to avoid passengers from communicating with the outside world.”A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure formed by conducting material or by a mesh of such material. Such an enclosure blocks external static and non-static electric fields by channeling electricity through the mesh, providing constant voltage on all sides of the enclosure. Since the difference in voltage is the measure of electrical potential, no current flows through the space.


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A Faraday cage operates because an external static electrical field causes the electric charges within the cage's conducting material to be distributed such that they cancel the field's effect in the cage's interior. This phenomenon is used, for example, to protect electronic equipment from lightning strikes and electrostatic discharges.Faraday cages cannot block static or slowly varying magnetic fields, such as the Earth's magnetic field (a compass will still work inside). To a large degree, though, they shield the interior from external electromagnetic radiation if the conductor is thick enough and any holes are significantly smaller than the wavelength of the radiation. For example, certain computer forensic test procedures of electronic systems that require an environment free of electromagnetic interference can be carried out within a screen room. These rooms are spaces that are completely enclosed by one or more layers of a fine metal mesh or perforated sheet metal. The metal layers are grounded to dissipate any electric currents generated from external or internal electromagnetic fields, and thus they block a large amount of the electromagnetic interference. The reception or transmission of radio waves, a form of electromagnetic radiation, to or from an antenna within a Faraday cage is heavily attenuated or blocked by the cage.

Surprisingly, this all dovetails with a Malaysian Insider report released on March 18 titled “US military base, South Asian airports in MH370 pilot’s simulator, says paper“, as the pilot of MH370 was found to have had scale simulations of Diego Garcia in his home flight simulator.An exert from the Malaysian Insider reads:Investigations into the flight simulator taken from the missing pilot’s home showed a software programme for five practice runways.A source told the Malay daily: “Among the software we checked so far is the Male International Airport in Maldives, three airports in India and Sri Lanka, and one belonging to the US military base in Diego Garcia. All have a runway length of 1,000 metres.”

UK urged to admit that CIA used island as secret 'black site' prisonHuman rights group representing Gaddafi opponent rendered to Libya via Diego Garcia says Britain must 'come clean' over role

The Observer, Sunday 13 April 2014 The government is under mounting pressure to "come clean" about the role of an overseas UK territory leased to the US and allegedly used as a secret "black site" detention centre.An opponent of Colonel Gaddafi who was rendered in a joint MI6-CIA operation, and a leading human rights group representing him, have demanded that the foreign secretary, William Hague, clarify the UK's position on Diego Garcia, an atoll (a ring-shaped coral reef including a coral rim that encircles a lagoon partially or completely) in the Indian Ocean leased to the US until 2016. The Senate's intelligence security committee is preparing to declassify a file that reportedly confirms that the CIA detained "high-value suspects on Diego Garcia" and that "the black site arrangement on the atoll was made with the 'full cooperation' of the British government".The revelations are hugely troubling for the government and threaten to raise awkward questions about the UK's relationship with the US, its closest security ally. They strengthen claims made by Abdel-Hakim Belhaj, a rebel military commander and opponent of Gaddafi, who was arrested in Malaysia and rendered with his pregnant wife to Libya, allegedly via Diego Garcia, in a joint US-UK intelligence operation.Papers discovered in Tripoli in 2011 show that the British security services were instrumental in helping Libya to seize Belhaj, who says he was tortured during his rendition and during his subsequent four-and-a-half-year incarceration by the Gaddafi regime. A flight plan confirmed the CIA had intended to render him via Diego Garcia.Belhaj, who unsuccessfully tried to bring a case against former foreign secretary Jack Straw, former senior MI6 official Sir Mark Allen, the security services and the Foreign Office, told the Observer that


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the Senate report raised new questions about the role played by the British overseas territory in facilitating the CIA's extraordinary rendition programme."The first time I heard that I had gone through a place called Diego Garcia was when I was told by the head of the Libyan intelligence, Moussa Koussa, during my first interrogation session in a prison outside Tripoli," Belhaj said."He was running the interrogation and was angry that it had taken a long time for me to arrive in Libya. I told him that the plane had stopped somewhere on the way from Bangkok. He told me that he knew, and that the plane had landed on an island in the Indian Ocean called Diego Garcia."Perhaps he was showing off, or perhaps he had been given wrong information, I don't know. I just know that the flight stopped somewhere. I was chained up in a very painful position and had no means to know where I was, or even whether my pregnant wife – who had been kidnapped at the same time – was with me."Although the British government admitted in 2008 that two rendition flights carrying detainees had stopped for refuelling on Diego Garcia in 2002, it has consistently denied that detainees were held on it."Each year the US government reaffirms to us during our official political-military discussions that all previous assurances since 2008 on this subject remain correct," Mark Simmonds, the minister for overseas territories, wrote in a letter last month to Richard Ottaway, the chairman of parliament's foreign affairs select committee. "Namely that, apart from two instances in Diego Garcia during 2002, there have been no other instances in which US intelligence flights landed in the United Kingdom, UK overseas territories or crown dependencies, with a detainee on board since 11 September 2001."Polly Rossdale, deputy director at human rights group Reprieve, which has acted for Belhaj, said: "The government must come clean about the UK's role in this dirty affair."A spokesman for the Foreign Office declined to add any comment to what ministers had already told parliament.


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Investigators reveal MH370 co-pilot tried to make a call from his mobile phone after the aircraft 'vanished' but 'was abruptly cut off' as U.S. deny reports the plane landed at their remote military base

Investigators say call was made from Fariq Abdul Hamid's mobile phone It was flying low enough for a sub-station in Penang to pick up signal Details of who Fariq was trying to call have not been disclosed It possible for a mobile phone to be connected at an altitude of 7,000 feet U.S. denies reports plane landed at base on remote island of Diego Garcia

By Richard Shears and Tara Brady Published: 10:31, 12 April 2014 | Updated: 15:52, 12 April 2014

Fariq Abdul Hamid made a call from his mobile phone as the aircraft flew low over the west coast of MalaysiaThe co-pilot of missing flight MH370 made a call from his mobile phone while the aircraft flew low over the west coast of Malaysia, it was revealed today as the U.S. denied reports the plane landed at a military base on the remote island of Diego Garcia.Investigators have learned that the call was made from Fariq Abdul Hamid's mobile phone as the Boeing 777 flew low near the island of Penang, on the north of Malaysia's west coast.The New Straits Times reported the aircraft, with 239 people on board, was flying low enough for the nearest telecommunications tower to pick up Fariq's signal.The call ended abrupty, however it has been learned that contact was definitely established with a telecommunications sub-station in Penang state.The paper said it had been unable to ascertain who Fariq was trying to call 'as sources chose not to divulge details of the investigation.'It added: 'The telco's (telecommunications company's) tower established the call that he was trying to make.'On why the call was cut off, it was likely because the aircraft was fast moving away from the tower and had not come under the coverage of the next one,' the paper said, quoting 'sources'.The paper added that it had also been established that Fariq's last communication was through the WhatsApp Messenger app and that it had been made at about 11.30pm on March 7, shortly before he boarded the aircraft for the six-hour flight to Beijing.The New Straits Times said it had been told checks on Fariq's phone history showed that the last person he spoke to was 'one of his regular contacts - 'a number that frequently appears on his outgoing phone logs'.That last call, said the paper, was made no more than two hours before the flight took off 12.41am on March 8 from Kuala Lumpur International Airport.Separate sources told the paper that checks on Fariq's phone showed that connection to the phone when he made that last call before he boarded the plane had been 'detached'.'This is usually the result of the phone being switched off.'At one point, however, when the airplane was airborne, between waypoint Igari and the spot near Penang (just before the aircraft went missing from radar), the line was "reattached".'  The paper said that a reattachment does not necessarily mean that a call was made. It could also be the result of the phone being switched on again.The revelation came as the U.S. denied claims the missing flight had landed at its military base on the remote island of Diego Garcia.There had been rumours that the jetliner could have headed for the small coral atoll in the Indian Ocean after it veered off course while travelling between Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Beijing, China on March 8.However, a spokesman for the U.S. embassy in the Malaysian capital denied the allegation.According to Malaysia's Star newspaper, the spokesman said: 'There was no indication that MH370 flew anywhere near the Maldives or Diego Garcia.'MH370 did not land in Diego Garcia.'Diego Garcia is about 3,500km from Malaysia.Meanwhile experts said today that it was possible for a mobile phone to be connected to a telecommunications tower at an altitude of 7,000 feet - which is low for a large jet like the Boeing 777 unless it was flying at high speed to maintain height.The New Straits Times said that Fariq's cousin, Nursyafiqah Kamarudin, 18, had said recently that the 28-year-old co-pilot was very close to his mother.


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Police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said earlier in the week that investigators had obtained 'some clues' as to what might have happened, based on the statements from 176 people who had been interviewed.The crew, he said, were the main subjects of the investigation, a probe which has focused on four possible areas - hijack, sabotage, and personal and psychological problems among the crew or passengers.The dramatic revelation that Fariq tried to make a phone call after regular communication from the aircraft to ground control was lost opens up a new field of speculation - and more questions about the mysterious disappearance of the jet.If Fariq was able to make a call, why was there no attempt by the pilot, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, to also make a mobile phone call?Did Fariq know he was going to die and had, as his cousin had suggested, tried to phone his mother to say goodbye?An email received by the Mail recently suggested that the aircraft had been hijacked and that the pilots had been ordered to fly around Malaysian and Indonesian air space while negotiations were carried out.Those negotiations, said the email - from a source in Malaysia which could not be verified - demanded the dropping of a jail sentence imposed on Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.The hijackers, said the email, gave government negotiators five hours to meet their demands or the plane would be destroyed.Last night Malaysia's Acting Transport Minister said he could not comment on the report in the New Straits Times adding that 'if it is true, we would have known about it much earlier.'Mr Hishammuddin Hussein made his remarks to the Malaysian news agency, Bernama, pointing out that he had adopted the approach not to confirm anything without any corroboration or verification from the time when the aircraft was reported missing.The Star newspaper, which is in opposition to the New Straits Times, interpreted Mr Hishammuddin's remarks as refuting the report about co-pilot Fariq attempting to make a mobile phone call.The Minister, who is also Defence Minister, told the news agency that he hoped the public understood what he was going through because such 'baseless information' not only affected operations but also the families of the passengers and the crew of the aircraft.Mr Hishamuddin made his comments after performing prayers at a mosque in Kluang, Malaysia, earlier in the day.Yesterday, it looked like the black box may had been located deep in the Indian Ocean. Perth radio station 6PR tweeted the discovery, citing aviation expert Geoffrey Thomas, who revealed the flight recorder had finally been found more than a month after the Boeing 777 went missing.Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who is in China, said searchers are 'very confident' the signals detected were from the black box were from MH370. 'I really don't want to give any more information than that at this a sign of respect to the Chinese people and their families.'Speaking from Shanghai, China, Mr Abbott added that today's discovery was a huge step in solving the mystery - and even claimed that officials believe they can now pinpoint the position of the missing black box flight recorder to ‘within some kilometres’.'This is probably the most difficult search in human history,' he said. 'Among tragedy, however, there is hope. We are confident we know the position of the black box to the nearest kilometre.'But confidence in the position is not the same as recovering the wreckage from more than 4.5km beneath the sea and finally determining all that happened on that flight.'The fact that Mr Abbott has reportedly used the word 'confident' suggests that searchers are finally convinced that weeks of scouring the Indian Ocean might now have resulted in the discovery of the missing Boeing 777.Mr Abbott's announcement came after a fifth ping was detected around 1,500 miles north west of Perth, in western Australia. The signal was captured on Thursday by a Royal Australian Air Force Orion P-3 aircraft, which had been dropping sonar buoys into the water at the time.Yesterday's breakthrough came as black box manufacturer Dukane Seacom said batteries powering the beacon could last for 40 days rather than the 30 previously thought. If it is discovered, the plane's black box, or flight data and cockpit voice recorders, may hold the answers to why the Boeing 777 lost communications and veered so far off course when it vanished while flying to Beijing.Search crews are racing against time because the batteries powering the devices' locator beacons last only about a month - and more than a month has passed since the plane disappeared.Finding the black boxes after the batteries fail will be extremely difficult because the water in the area is 4,500 meters (15,000 feet) deep.


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The Australian ship Ocean Shield is towing a U.S. Navy device that detects black box signals, and two sounds it heard last Saturday were determined to be consistent with the signals emitted from aircraft flight recorders. Two more sounds were detected in the same general area on Tuesday - just days before the fifth ping was detected on Thursday. The underwater search zone is currently a 1,300-square-kilometre(500-square-mile) patch of the ocean floor, about the size of the city of Los Angeles.Investigators believe the plane went down in the southern Indian Ocean based on a flight path calculated from its contacts with a satellite and analysis of its speed and fuel capacity.Malaysia's government has now begun to investigate civil aviation and military authorities to determine why opportunities to identify and track Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 were missed in the chaotic hours after it vanished, two officials said.In an interview with Reuters last weekend, Malaysia Airlines Chief Executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said internal enquiries were under way, although he declined to give details.Malaysia's opposition coalition has demanded a parliamentary inquiry into what happened on the ground in those first few hours. Government officials have said any formal inquiry should not begin until the flight's black box recorders are found.


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With the Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH-370, Jacob Rothschild Became the Sole Owner of 'Freescale Semiconductors' Patent

26 March 2014

The disappearance of four members of a patent semiconductor traveling on Malaysia Airlines MH370 makes the famous billionaire Jacob Rothschild, the sole owner of the important patent.

The mystery surrounding the Malaysian Airlines MH-370 is growing as each day passes with more mysterious silence shadowing the disappearance of the airline. More and more conspiracy theories are beginning to boom on the internet.

One of the conspiracies one is the Freescale Semiconductor’s ARM microcontroller ‘KL-03′ which is a new improvised version of an older microcontroller KL-02. This crazy story about how Illuminati Rothschild exploited the airlines to gain full Patent Rights of an incredible KL-03 micro-chip is going haywire across the internet especially when it’s involving Jacob Rothschild as the evil master plotter.

A US technology company which had 20 senior staff on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar systems in the days before the Boeing 777 went missing.

Freescale Semiconductor has been developing microprocessors, sensors and other technology for the past 50 years. The technology it creates is commonly referred to as embedded processors, which according to the firm are “stand-alone semiconductors that perform dedicated computing functions in electronic systems”.

Why were so many Freescale employees traveling together? What were their jobs. Were they on a mission and if so what was this mission? Can these employees be the cause of the disappearance of this plane? Could the plane have been then hijacked and these people kidnapped? Did these employees hold valuable information, did they have any valuable cargo with them? Did they know company and technological secrets? With all the might of technology why cant this plane be located? Where is this plane where are these people?”

The 20 Freescale employees, among 239 people on flight MH370, were mostly engineers and other experts working to make the company’s chip facilities in Tianjin, China, and Kuala Lumpur more efficient, said Mitch Haws, vice president, global communications and investor relations.

“These were people with a lot of experience and technical background and they were very important people,” Haws said. “It’s definitely a loss for the company.”

In Malaysia, Freescale’s modern operations facility that manufactures and tests integrated circuits (IC) is based in Petaling Jaya.

Based on information obtained from Freescale’s website, the facility began operations in 1972 covering an eight hectare site and is specifically designed for the manufacturing and testing of microprocessors, digital signal processors and integrated radio frequency circuits.

It also owns Freescale RF which is involved in creating solutions for Aerospace and Defence listed below.

1. Battlefield communication2. Avionics3. HF Radar – Band L- and S-4. Missile Guidance5. Electronic Warfare6. Identification, friend or foe (IFF)


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Freescale’s shareholders include the Carlyle Group of private equity investors whose past advisers have included ex-US president George Bush Sr and former British Prime Minister John Major.

Carlyle’s previous heavyweight clients include the Saudi Binladin Group, the construction firm owned by the family of Osama bin Laden.

The fact that Freescale had so many highly qualified staff on board the Boeing 777 had already prompted wild conspiracy theories about what might have happened.

The company says they were flying to China to improve its consumer products operations, but Freescale’s fresh links to electronic warfare technology is likely to trigger more speculation and deepen the mystery.

Experts have been baffled how a large passenger jet seems to have flown undetected and possibly beaten military radar systems for up to six hours.

Avoiding radar via “cloaking technology” has long been one of the objectives of the defense industry and Freescale has been active developing chips for military radar.

On its website, the company says its radio frequency products meet the requirements for applications in “avionics, radar, communications, missile guidance, electronic warfare and identification friend or foe”.

Last June it announced it was creating a team of specialists dedicated to producing “radio frequency power products” for the defense industry.

And on March 3, it announced it was releasing 11 of these new gadgets for use in “high frequency, VHF and low-band UHF radar and radio communications”.

The company did not respond to questions from Express Online, including whether any of its missing employees had been working on the defense products.

It neither provided any responses to the latest bizarre conspiracy theory being widely published on the comments sections of newspaper websites and other internet forums.

The comment reads: “It reads: “Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China? If not, here are your missing pieces.

Four days after the  flight MH370  disappear, semiconductor patent was approved by the U.S. patent office patent is divided in parts of 20% between five starters. One of the owners is the company itself, Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, Texas (USA), and the other four Chinese employees of the company: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng and Li Ying Zhijong, all the Suzhou City. And they all passengers of Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared on March 8, according Eternit y .


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It adds: “Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane. As all four Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane.

Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs.

“However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved.”

However, the theory does not add up.

Although a Freescale patent does exist under number US8650327, none of the names listed actually appear on the passenger manifest released by the Malaysian authorities. ( But maybe the names have been removed from the flight manifest)

If the patent holder dies, the other owners share equally in dividends from the deceased.  If four of the five patentees die, then the patentee left alive gets 100% of the patent. That remaining patent holder is the company Freescale Semiconductor. Who owns Freescale Semiconductor?

The answer is: Jacob Rothschild(You can read the complete history of the House of Rothschild HERE).

British billionaire owns the company Blackstone, which in turn owns the company Freescale Semiconductors. Several speculations on the Internet now pay attention to this circumstance.


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- See more at:


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20 Freescale Semiconductor Employees - What were they doing? Who benefits? Updated

15 Apr 2014 04:42 Written by Kerry Cassidy

I was sitting around chatting with a friend and discussing the unlikely event that is the disappearance of Flight 370.  When we decided to follow the trail of the various clues where no one appears to be looking.

For example, if 20 employees of the same company all went aboard the same plane, assuming at least several may have been as has been reported, possibly patent holders.  Then when exactly did they buy their tickets?  One might ask when all 20 employees bought tickets to fly direct to China?  And if, the illuminati (specifically Rothschild) -- who owns Freescale Semiconductor, did not have the necessary time to adequately create an alibi for let's say, a planned disappearance and redirecting of the plane to Diego Garcia... It would be interesting to wonder if:

1.  The 20 employees all bought tickets around the same time... even last minute.

2.  The 20 employees (or even say some of them) might have been planning something.. say a 'walk-out" or possibly banding together to deliver top secret plans to the Chinese for the recent controller chip (KLO2) that they just released.  

3.  Or were all 20 employees, mind controlled and directed to all board the same plane, contrary to prudence of a top chip manufacturer putting their best and brightest all on one plane.  Not a wise move. Unless those employees were being "directed" to do so...

It seems clear after evaluating the clues we have so far that this operation was not well planned and perhaps had to be pulled together at the last minute.

I would be willing for example, to bet that the two so-called supposed terrorists who boarded with fake passports, bought last minute tickets.  They seemed to be part of a very last minute poorly constructed alibi for the disappearance of a plane that could not, would not, must not at all costs, reach its destination... China.

It seems no one is looking at this scenario closely enough to be able to see that this so-called false flag does not seem to have been planned in advance.  Instead, it seems that the plane was taken off-course because news of either what it carried, what the employees were carrying or what was on board, could not be allowed to reach its destination.

We need to determine what it was that the 20 Freescale employees were carrying that whoever engineered this stealth kidnapping, did not want to reach the Chinese.  This much seems clear.

It seems that the VERY PUBLIC DISAPPEARANCE of a commercial jet with 239 people would have to either be:

1.  A purposeful show of "strength" and technique displayed as a message government to government, whether Americans to Chinese or Russians or Israeli ... set out at the expense of those on board.

2.  Or it was the result of an unexpected last minute reveal to those in charge of Freescale that something was going on board along with those 20 employees.

The seemingly coincidental nature of the fact that you have a company (Freescale) that deals with:

1. Stealth technology


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2.  Has just a month before released their latest controller chip "the size of a dimple on a golf ball" cannot be simply "a coincidence".  Aside from the fact that there are no coincidences.. Everything plays a part however insignificant... leads one to want to investigate further into exactly what this "controller chip" is capable of... and whether, revealing the technology behind such a chip is enough to risk the public disfavor and a grandstanding manuever of such apparent disdain for the lives of the innocents on board.  It would seem that at least some of the Freescale employees on board were not so innocent.

Is this chip a sort of mini SKYNET command and control centralizer for running who knows what amount of software/hardware at what distance.  This is an example of a question that might be asked.

In a recent Rense radio show, Tim Rifat, occult magician and researcher, mentioned the possibility that the hijacking was in order to get hold of say, the 12 Chinese Freescale employees who might be what is called SUPERUSERS... in order to hook them up to an AI under command and mind control and get them to control say, Putin, in order to change the trajectory of the Ukraine situation.  But this seems while, very tantalizingly scifi -- (and quite along the lines of the upcoming Johnny Depp movie TRANSCENDENCE)...less than accurate. The very public display of disappearing a whole commercial jet of 239 people in the process seems like overkill.  Rather, if all they wanted to do was kidnap and control a high level techie, or several of them... then they could quite easily do that anytime.  They wouldn't have to do it publicly and with all 20 from the same company in plain daylight on the world stage.

What is much more likely is that this plane containing 20 employees of the same company was headed directly to China with something on board that they were going to DELIVER.  One must ask, when the dust settles and what you have is questions such as :

1.  Why this particular plane?

2.  Does where it was headed have anything to do with why it was taken?

3.  Why were 20 employees of a company specializing in stealth technology that had just released a world class chip on the scene disappeared?

4.  Is it possible the employees of Freescale had banded together and figured out something key about what they were dealing with? Or were they made an offer they could not refuse by the Chinese?

5.  As referenced by my interview with Field McConnell and David Hawkins, was it a coincidence that Michelle Obama was in a hotel in the same city where the plane was supposed to be headed?  Could she have been there to "broker a deal"?  Did she fail?

These are just some of the important questions people and especially real journalists should be asking.

It is also important to note that my interview with Mike Harris, radio talk show host and former contractor to top executives at Motorola when Freescale Semiconductor was part of it, was told to shut up, just after his interview with me.  That interview has been very widely viewed.  What is it Mike knows related to the history of Freescale that would be so important that the CIA would want to silence him, no doubt, in the interest of "national security"?


According to a source the Israelis took the plane in order to steal the ‘controller chip’ because they need it in a war against Iran.  Paraphrasing, “imagine a missile that delivers dromes as small as insects that fly or crawl, and have deadly capabilities, they can climb into the ventilation system and kill everyone at the Iranian nuke facilities.”

Perhaps, an Israeli fantasy (war with Iran) however, is this the real reason behind the abduction of the aircraft and its passengers?


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It is also significant that the new chip (a micro-controller) also called the KLO2 released into the public domain in February by Freescale can turn a human into a computer… Which sounds remarkably useful for controlling and manipulating androids (a human looking robot)…

The SKYNET, terminator aspects of this story seem to be expanding.  

It would seem actually that Israel is already deeply involved in Freescale and would have no need to abduct a jet with their own employees.  Freescale has an Israeli office.

It would also be suicide for Israel to attack Iran even with U.S. help.  Because ultimately the Israeli people would be the ones to suffer… The country is so tiny that it would take very little to wipe it off the map.  So why blame the disappearance of the jet on Israel?  This sounds like a convenient misdirect.

What is more likely is that the U.S. and Israel (and the UK) conducted a joint operation redirecting the flight using the Boeing non-interruptible auto pilot… to Diego Garcia.  The employees of Freescale are likely to have been put back to work (albeit as prisoners) in an underground base (under Diego Garcia) or perhaps at another location.

It seems unavoidable to conclude that the technology (whether patent holders or not) as a brain-trust via the employees on that plane or actual specs or other significant components must have been on that plane.

The false flag “use” of Flight 370 does not hold up simply because they can use ANY plane for the purpose of a false flag and wouldn’t have to go to all the trouble to abduct 239 people on a commercial jet in the process.

One has to ask, why that jet, why on that particular date and why one that has that number of employees all from the same company… This is the direction that a legitimate inquiry should go.

Indeed, the most obvious motive would appear to be something that the U.S./Israel and the UK did not want to get into the hands of the Chinese.


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Who stole Flight MH370? Malaysia explains

Friday, April 4th, 2014“Flight 370 Was Remote-Hijacked”By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

Author, barrister and political advisor Matthias Chang

A high-level Malaysian source has confirmed that missing Flight MH370 must have been hijacked by remote control.

Matthias Chang, a barrister who served as Political Secretary to the Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, explained why only a remote-hijacking “fly by wire” scenario can explain the plane’s disappearance.

Read Matthias Chang’s MH 370 – A Sinister Tragedy In the Fog of Coincidence? In an exclusive interview with Truth Jihad Radio, Chang – who remains well-connected with the highest political levels in Malaysia – patiently explained why all of the evidence points to a remote hijacking by one of the handful of countries capable of such a technological feat. He expressed annoyance with Western media criticism of the Malaysian government, arguing that it is Western governments, not Malaysia’s, that are covering up what they know while the media fails to ask the hard questions.

[The audio interview will be posted for subscribers by this evening here.]

During our interview on the morning of Friday April 4th (Malaysia time) Matthias Chang told me: “I want to raise a point that has not been much discussed in either the mainstream or alternative media, which is that the technology of autopilot has been in existence for a long time. Since September 11th, more sophisticated systems have been placed in all planes to avoid any hijackings. If there is a hijacking in progress it kicks in and flies to an airport to land safely. The system can be triggered by the pilot himself from the cockpit, or it can be triggered by ground control. And by ‘ground control’ I mean it can be operated from land, an AWAC plane, or a ship, by an entity that has the capability and technology to fly the plane remotely. That technology is out there.”

Chang pointed out that only remote-hijacking can explain the plane’s flight path: “This plane is flying for six hours on its own. Who’s flying the plane? The entity flying the plane must be those with the technology that’s used now to pilot drones. We know drones have been flown in Afghanistan from Florida. We have seen video tapes and news broadcasts about how ‘pilots’ in Florida are flying planes and drones in Afghanistan as if they are playing computer games.”

Chang explained that the Western media’s pilot suicide hypothesis “doesn’t hold water. If you’re a pilot, why turn back, go north to Thailand where there are military exercises going on, and you will know from the radar that other planes are flying, then turn south and fly for six hours? That’s ridiculous. Also, most suicides leave notes explaining why. This is another huge question mark. Why this accusation of the pilot, when the facts are inconsistent with suicide?”

Suggesting that the Western countries have been leading the public on a wild goose chase, Chang explained:“During the past four weeks, we have heard of various countries providing data. Australia said there were two floating objects west of Perth, but when ships were sent they were not found. France, also, said they discovered two objects. When the search planes went, these too couldn’t be found. The satellite of Thailand (a US client state) found two objects. It was sea rubbish. This was followed by (US occupied) Japan saying they found objects. But those objects were not MH370s. The British firm Inmarsat, using its calculations, said the plane would have crashed in the area where the objects were located. But subsequently Boeing, doing new calculations


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projecting faster flight at lower altitude, said the plane could have ended somewhere 1000 miles north of the previously projected location.”

Were all of these people ordered to look in all the wrong places – by a military high command that knows perfectly well where the plane is?Chang continues:“Given all this information, it’s crystal clear, clear as day, that the one country that has the most sophisticated surveillance technology has remained mute. They may have given sealed evidence – I don’t know. But no public announcement.

So how can a 777 vanish?

“America has the most advanced satellites in the world…it can detect an object the size of a coin, look at bunkers buried deep underground. NROL 39 (the US National Reconnaissance Office) uses the octopus emblem. It states clearly that enemies of America cannot hide because ‘nothing is beyond our reach.’ The octopus’s tentacles encompass the whole globe. I find it very odd that America has been reticent, conspicuously silent, about what their satellites have shown, if anything.”

What makes it especially odd that the US will not admit it tracked the plane is that the flight path involved some of America’s most sensitive military areas:“As MH370 reached the airspace of Vietnam it went north toward Thailand where the US-run Cobra Gold and Cope Tiger military exercises were being held. Then, allegedly, the plane ended in the Indian Ocean. But there is no evidence or debris. Now what is conspicuous…is that when a plane goes past Southern Thailand into the Indian Ocean, it has to fly past a very important landmark: Diego Garcia, a secretive US military base. It was from this base that the US launched bombers to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Vietnam before that. Surely this base has some of the most sophisticated surveillance technology. Any unidentified plane that flew in the direction of Diego Garcia would certainly be located and identified.”

Chang, the former top political adviser to the Prime Minister of Malaysia, noted that the bizarre disappearance of MH370 coincided with the US-run Cobra Gold and Cope Tiger military exercises – just as previous “disasters” have mirrored suspiciously-timed drills and exercises:

“On 9/11, when planes struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, there were military exercises taking place, and NORAD and others were confused about whether the planes were part of the exercise or not.”Chang was referring to the notorious 46 drills of September 11th 2001, the biggest pre-designated National Security Special Event Day in US history. Those exercises practiced and then mimicked every aspect of the actual attacks, including a live-fly plane-into-building exercise that shut down the National Reconnaissance Office and prevented NRO personnel from seeing satellite images of whatever the alleged attack planes and their military control planes, including the “Flying Pentagon” E-4B Command Center aircraft, were really doing that day.

Chang noted that the 7/7/2005 London bombings – like 9/11– perfectly mirrored drills that were occurring at exactly the same times and places:“On 7/7 in London, there was a bombing of underground stations, plus the bus in Tavistock Square. Surprise surprise, four Muslim youth were said to be responsible for the deaths and injuries. Yet on that very day, there were terrorist bombing exercises at precisely the same four locations.”

YouTube - Veterans Today - Chang observed that Christopher Bollyn, whose book Solving 9/11 implicates Israel and its US agents in the worst terrorist attack in US history, has discovered indications that the disappearance of MH370 might be connected with another false-flag plot: “Bollyn exposed how, immediately after the hijacking (of MH370), the Times of Israel put out propaganda that the plane was hijacked by agents of Iran, then landed in Bangladesh to weaponize the plane to carry out a diabolical attack like September 11th.” (Bollyn also discovered a suspicious “evil twin” of


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MH370 hidden in an Israeli hangar – his article is linked here.)

Chang said that the media’s focus on the search for the MH370′s black box is a deception. “We’ve been diverted to look for the black box. Bullshit! There are plenty of signals.” Chang asserts that both Boeing, a leading US military contractor, and the Rolls-Royce company that makes the plane’s engines, know exactly what happened to MH370, because they are constantly fed signals giving them every significant detail about all of their planes including exactly location, altitude, airspeed, engine function, manual or autopilot, and so on.

Regarding Rolls-Royce, Chang said:“As long as the engine is running, they monitor it. If anything goes wrong with the engine for any reason, they land the plane and abort the flight. There have been a couple of instances when Rolls-Royce detected malfunctions and told the pilot to land as soon as possible due to the malfunction.

“So for six hours or more, Rolls-Royce would have kept track of the pings. Rolls-Royce would know where the plane’s going. Now I’m told, rightly or wrongly, that in the protocol, Rolls-Royce may be prohibited from disclosing this information.”

Likewise, Malaysia has been prevented from disclosing the sealed evidence it has been provided by one or more unnamed countries – or even the name of that country or countries.But despite the gag order, Chang thinks the evidence speaks for itself: “There is cyber war between these (larger) countries, and we small countries are caught in the middle. I think the passengers were collateral damage.”

Chang’s conclusion about Flight 370?“Under the cover of the military exercises, something diabolical, something catastrophic, has happened.”

The top five theories surrounding Malaysian Flight 370Posted on April 5, 2014 by Whitewraithe

Theory 1. The tiny microchip

This theory is one that I brought up a couple days after flight 370 vanished and was subsequently picked up by Rense. The theory is that a Rothchild had the plane vanished so he could cash in on a microchip patent held by four freescale employees and himself – if the other four holders were on the plane and considered dead, he would be the sole owner of the patent.

There are a couple problems with this story which is why when I posted it I said it’s dubious and unconfirmed –

First of all, any Rothchild is ridiculously rich. Money is no object for them, why would they take the risk of vanishing a plane to get more?

Secondly – Rense pushed this as some sort of unique tiny chip. It is in fact a patent for a manufacturing process which could make all chips smaller. That makes it both a bigger deal than Rense stated, and irrelevant at the same time, let me explain -

Chips are made on a wafer of silicon called a die. That wafer is expensive. Many chips get made simultaneously on the same wafer. The patented manufacturing process made it possible to get more chips out of a wafer. That made them cheaper, and it would affect ALL chips, not just Renses “tiny microchip”, there was nothing unique other than that it would be smaller, in your calculator, in your Ipad, in whatever.


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Here is where this one gets really dubious

Advances in making chips smaller happen all the time. Intel makes a major breakthrough approximately every 18 months, and AMD does as well. So freescale is not alone in making advances in this area, and within ONE product cycle, Intel or AMD would have probaby rendered the Freescale patent irrelevant. For that reason and the other reason stated above, I give this theory a 4 on a scale of 1-10., said patent was just not that important.

Theory 2. The long soon Hijack

I think this is probably the real reason for the flight 370 hijack, and it revolves around Chinese data security in the run up to world war 3.

China has developed their own very powerful and completely secure microprocessor totally lacking ANY NSA back door, and paired it off with their own completely secure operating system that does not have any back doors, at least none the NSA knows about. This has allowed China to secure their data, and the entire country is switching over to it, and has been in the process of doing so for at least five years.

This un hackable processor was put in the Longsoon Yeelong laptop, which I had a chance to play with in 2012 in Mexico City. It’s not remarkable, but it is at least definitely up to modern standards, China scored a major hit with it, and there is no doubt the NSA wanted it’s secrets. You got to know about the Freescale employees on flight 370, but there were 80 other Chinese tech workers that mysteriously slipped all media attention and it is my guess that these workers were involved in chinese data security, which the NSA would want to breach before launcing world war 3 agains them.

Add to this the fact that after flight 370 and as a direct result of it, China lost all trust in the American government, EVERY LAST BIT OF IT, and will be launching their own enormous satellite network to prevent a flight 370 from ever happening again. If it was THAT important, it was about more than just a microchip patent and for that reason I give the Longsoon hijack theory at least a six on a scale of 1-10.

Theory 3: The drone control center seizure

This one is big in Malaysia, and can usually only be found written in Malay. This is actually very big, and possibly true. If true, it was censored in the American media.

This theory involves a succesful taleban heist of an American drone command and control center which was subsequently sent to Malaysia and sold to China, and was loaded onto flight 370 in six crates at the back of the passenger area, which was reduced to accomodate them. This actually has some merit.

The story goes as such: During the pull out from Afghanistan, when the transport carrying a drone command and control center was on it’s way down the mountain, it was succesfully ambushed by the Taleban. Two American special forces people were killed by the Taleban, and the taleban seized the contents of the transport and succesfully got away with it. It ended up being a complete command and control center for drone warfare, including multiple terminals, computers, EVERYTHING including the classified software, decryption, the whole 9 yards, and the Taleban sold it to the Chinese. It was smuggled by sea into Malaysia where the Malaysians gladly accepted it and held it at an embassy, from which it was subsequently loaded onto flight 370 which had been specially prepared to accept it in six pallets. Those six pallets were in fact on flight 370, whether or not they actually contained this drone control system is the only question.

The story continues that it was Israeli intelligence that figured all of this out, and they worked with American forces to electronically hijack flight 370 and get it to Diego Garcia.

I would give this theory an 8 on a scale of 1-10.


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Theory 4 – the biological warfare cargo

This theory involves a dangerous cargo which was smuggled on a cargo ship and was going to be used to spawn a plague in China. It involves the death of two guards on a cargo ship to cover it all up, and that flight 370 was the delivery craft. I called B.S. on this one and did not even bother to put it up but because it made the rounds I will at least mention it and give it a 2 on a scale of 1-10.

Theory 5 – the Philip Wood story

This story involves a successful post to the web by an IBM employee who was on flight 370. The story is plausible, and there has been no proven way to just write the story off as false. Shills hit the web big time with this one, trying to explain every way possible with every lie possible that it would not be true, but the lies were repeatedly easy to debunk and just obvious shillage.

Helping to dispel my doubts about this story was the fact that my site got hacked within hours of posting it and the accompanying picture destroyed. There had to be a reason. This story is very prominent on this site, I am not going to re-type it here.

At first I was going to give this story a 7.5 on the credibility scale, but the continued outright shillage that was such easily proven lies, the failure of any debunker to link back to this site to show people what I really said, the site hacks and other problems associated with this story weigh heavily in favor of it being true, I have not been attacked like this since the Fukushima report and for that reason I will upgrade this theory from a 7.5 to a 9.

Obviously this does not play into any reason to hijack flight 370 to begin with, Phil was just an above average guy who worked with IBM data security and certainly would not have been worth hijacking the plane over, Phil is collateral damage.

The search for a solid Philip Wood Debunk

(and yes, DG has full cell coverage as proven below)

I am actually tired of covering flight 370, I do not usually stick on a topic for this long. So last night I wanted to find a critical flaw in the story and hit a dead end – the Iphone’s wifi. Even if Philip could not get a cell connection, there could still be wifi. Regardless of what is found in phone records or cell coverage, the wifi makes it impossible to disprove, the Philip Wood story is going to be immortal.

I guess I could talk about the cell service on Diego Garcia which according to the disinfo shills does not exist, but even National Geographic Magazine provides cell coverage for Diego Garcia, the lie about how Philip could not have dialed out, especially with a phone that was probably provided by IBM and would have the best possible travel coverage is so nauseatingly stupid they might as well give up with it. But they wont. And the possibility of wifi makes it all moot anyway. They wont give up on shillage as silly as no cell coverage even if they can fool the bottom 5 percent with something that ridiculous because five percent is five percent and if they spout 20 lies that fool 5 percent each, they get everyone. That’s their job.

So rather than continue beating the same story day after day just to argue with paid government disinfo shills I am going to call this one over 90 percent probable, the site hacks and outright lies in all the shillage alone strongly support this being true. Ultimately we can’t get the final answer without busting into the military complex at Diego Garcia, and that would take world war 3 to accomplish.

If DG allows outside vendors to sell their services, then IBM probably has a blanket contract set up by a company that ferrets out all the locations cell coverage might be needed, and makes sure it works via various agreements with various cell contractors EVERYWHERE. You CANNOT send an IBM executive out at random and have his cell phone not work, it has to work wherever he goes and IBM would have taken care of that. If National Geographic can get this sorted out, you


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can safely bet IBM can and you can’t tell me IBM is NOT on Diego Garcia with a support contract somewhere to boot, which would guarantee it would all work, they are EVERYWHERE, #1.


NTS Notes:  The facts are almost definitive that Phillip Wood was able to fire off one last message via his IPhone 5 while in captivity on Diego Garcia as I, Whitewraithe, and of course Jim Stone, have noted in previous articles…. Sadly, by now most of the 239 passengers on board that ill fated flight are either dead or have had their minds hopelessly destroyed by drugs….As I noted in previous articles, we are dealing with monsters with absolutely no souls or compassion for human life.

Since the release of my first report last weekend about the almost certainty that Phillip Wood is indeed at Diego Garcia, there have been many comments coming my way that I have dismissed or not published.  It does appear that Jim Stone is again right over the target with these findings considering the amount of work by hackers and trolls in trying to suppress this information.

As more reports and findings do come my way, I will again bring that information here for everyone to view for themselves… This story is far from over, and I do hope by now everyone does get angry about the fact that our governments are truly this criminal!