Download - 2014-04-21 - News cuts

  • 8/15/2019 2014-04-21 - News cuts


    Maylasian Airline MH370

    With the Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH-370, Jacob Rothschild Becamethe ole !"ner of #$reescale emicond%ctors# &atent'( March '0)* +he disappearance of fo%r members of a patent semicond%ctor traelin on

    Malaysia Airlines MH370 the famo%s billionaire Jacob Rothschild, the soleo"ner of the important patent/

     +he mystery s%rro%ndin the Malaysian Airlines MH-370 is ro"in as each daypasses "ith more mysterio%s silence shado"in the disappearance of the airline/More and more conspiracy theories are beinnin to boom on the internet/

    !ne of the conspiracies one is the $reescale emicond%ctors ARM microcontroller12-03′ "hich is a ne" improised ersion of an older microcontroller 2-0'/ +hiscra4y story abo%t ho" 5ll%minati Rothschild e6ploited the airlines to ain f%ll&atent Rihts of an incredible 2-03 micro-chip is oin hay"ire across theinternet especially "hen its inolin Jacob Rothschild as the eil master plotter/

    A technoloy company "hich had '0 senior sta8 on board Malaysia Airlines$liht MH370 had 9%st la%nched a ne" electronic "arfare adet for military radarsystems in the days before the Boein 777 "ent missin/

    $reescale emicond%ctor has been deelopin microprocessors, sensors and othertechnoloy for the past :0 years/ +he technoloy it creates is commonly referredto as embedded processors, "hich accordin to the ;rm are ?an these employees bethe ca%se of the disappearance of this plane> ?o%ld the plane hae been thenhi9ac.ed and these people .idnapped> Did these employees hold al%ableinformation, did they hae any al%able caro "ith them> Did they .no" companyand technoloical secrets> With all the miht of technoloy "hy cant this plane belocated> Where is this plane "here are these people>=

     +he '0 $reescale employees, amon '3@ people on iht MH370, "ere mostlyenineers and other e6perts " to ma.e the companys chip facilities in +ian9in, ?hina, and 2%ala %mp%r more ecient, said Mitch Ha"s, ice president,lobal comm%nications and inestor relations/

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    */ Missile G%idance:/ lectronic Warfare(/ 5denti;cation, friend or foe C5$$

    $reescales shareholders incl%de the ?arlyle Gro%p of priate eE%ity inestors "hose past adisers hae incl%ded e6- president Geore B%sh r and former

    British &rime Minister John Ma9or/

    ?arlyles preio%s heay"eiht clients incl%de the a%di Binladin Gro%p, theconstr%ction ;rm o"ned by the family of !sama bin aden/

     +he fact that $reescale had so many hihly E%ali;ed sta8 on board the Boein 777had already prompted "ild conspiracy theories abo%t "hat miht hae happened/

     +he company says they "ere yin to ?hina to improe its cons%mer prod%ctsoperations, b%t $reescales fresh lin.s to electronic "arfare technoloy is li.ely totrier more spec%lation and deepen the mystery/

    6perts hae been baIed ho" a lare passener 9et seems to hae o"n

    %ndetected and possibly beaten military radar systems for %p to si6 ho%rs/

    Aoidin radar ia

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    5t addsK

  • 8/15/2019 2014-04-21 - News cuts


    $reescale emicond%ctors/ eeral spec%lations on the 5nternet no" pay attentionto this circ%mstance/- ee more atK httpKPPh%mansarefree/comP'0)*P03P"ith-disappearance-of-malaysian/htmlQsthash/2'A3*b0(/dp%f

    20 Freescale Semiconductor Employees - What were they doing? Who benefits? Updated

    • 15 Apr 2014 04:42

    • Written by Kerry Cassidy

    I was sitting around chatting with a friend and discussing the unlikely event that is the disappearance of Flight 370. When we decided to follow the trail of the various clues where no one appears to be


    For example, if 20 employees of the same company all went aboard the same plane, assuming at least

    several may have been as has been reported, possibly patent holders. Then when exactly did they buy

    their tickets? One might ask when all 20 employees bought tickets to fly direct to China? And if, the

    illuminati (specifically Rothschild) -- who owns Freescale Semiconductor, did not have the necessary

    time to adequately create an alibi for let's say, a planned disappearance and redirecting of the plane to

    Diego Garcia... It would be interesting to wonder if:

    1. The 20 employees all bought tickets around the same time... even last minute.

    2. The 20 employees (or even say some of them) might have been planning something.. say a 'walk-

    out" or possibly banding together to deliver top secret plans to the Chinese for the recent controller

    chip (KLO2) that they just released.

    3. Or were all 20 employees, mind controlled and directed to all board the same plane, contrary to

    prudence of a top chip manufacturer putting their best and brightest all on one plane. Not a wise move.

     Unless those employees were being "directed" to do so...

    It seems clear after evaluating the clues we have so far that this operation was not well planned and

    perhaps had to be pulled together at the last minute.

    I would be willing for example, to bet that the two so-called supposed terrorists who boarded with fake

    passports, bought last minute tickets. They seemed to be part of a very last minute poorly constructed

    alibi for the disappearance of a plane that could not, would not, must not at all costs, reach its

    destination... China.

    It seems no one is looking at this scenario closely enough to be able to see that this so-called false flag

    does not seem to have been planned in advance. Instead, it seems that the plane was taken off-course

    because news of either what it carried, what the employees were carrying or what was on board, could

    not be allowed to reach its destination.

    We need to determine what it was that the 20 Freescale employees were carrying that whoever

    engineered this stealth kidnapping, did not want to reach the Chinese. This much seems clear.

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    It seems that the VERY PUBLIC DISAPPEARANCE of a commercial jet with 239 people would have

    to either be:

    1. A purposeful show of "strength" and technique displayed as a message government to government,

    whether Americans to Chinese or Russians or Israeli ... set out at the expense of those on board.

    2. Or it was the result of an unexpected last minute reveal to those in charge of Freescale that

    something was going on board along with those 20 employees.

    The seemingly coincidental nature of the fact that you have a company (Freescale) that deals with:

    1. Stealth technology

    2. Has just a month before released their latest controller chip "the size of a dimple on a golf ball"

    cannot be simply "a coincidence". Aside from the fact that there are no coincidences.. Everything

    plays a part however insignificant... leads one to want to investigate further into exactly what this

    "controller chip" is capable of... and whether, revealing the technology behind such a chip is enough to

    risk the public disfavor and a grandstanding manuever of such apparent disdain for the lives of theinnocents on board. It would seem that at least some of the Freescale employees on board were not so


    Is this chip a sort of mini SKYNET command and control centralizer for running who knows what

    amount of software/hardware at what distance. This is an example of a question that might be asked.

    In a recent Rense radio show, Tim Rifat, occult magician and researcher, mentioned the possibility that

    the hijacking was in order to get hold of say, the 12 Chinese Freescale employees who might be what is

    called SUPERUSERS... in order to hook them up to an AI under command and mind control and get

    them to control say, Putin, in order to change the trajectory of the Ukraine situation. But this seems

    while, very tantalizingly scifi -- (and quite along the lines of the upcoming Johnny Depp movie

    TRANSCENDENCE)...less than accurate. The very public display of disappearing a whole commercial jet of 239 people in the process seems like overkill. Rather, if all they wanted to do was kidnap and

    control a high level techie, or several of them... then they could quite easily do that anytime. They

    wouldn't have to do it publicly and with all 20 from the same company in plain daylight on the world


    What is much more likely is that this plane containing 20 employees of the same company was headed

    directly to China with something on board that they were going to DELIVER. One must ask, when the

    dust settles and what you have is questions such as :

    1. Why this particular plane?

    2. Does where it was headed have anything to do with why it was taken?

    3. Why were 20 employees of a company specializing in stealth technology that had just released a

    world class chip on the scene disappeared?

    4. Is it possible the employees of Freescale had banded together and figured out something key about

    what they were dealing with? Or were they made an offer they could not refuse by the Chinese?

    5. As referenced by my interview with Field McConnell and David Hawkins, was it a coincidence that

    Michelle Obama was in a hotel in the same city where the plane was supposed to be headed? Could

    she have been there to "broker a deal"? Did she fail?

    These are just some of the important questions people and especially real journalists should be asking.

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    It is also important to note that my interview with Mike Harris, radio talk show host and former

    contractor to top executives at Motorola when Freescale Semiconductor was part of it, was told to shut

    up, just after his interview with me. That interview has been very widely viewed. What is it Mike

    knows related to the history of Freescale that would be so important that the CIA would want to silence

    him, no doubt, in the interest of "national security"?


    According to a source the Israelis took the plane in order to steal the ‘controller chip’ because they

    need it in a war against Iran. Paraphrasing, “imagine a missile that delivers dromes as small as insects

    that fly or crawl, and have deadly capabilities, they can climb into the ventilation system and kill

    everyone at the Iranian nuke facilities.”

    Perhaps, an Israeli fantasy (war with Iran) however, is this the real reason behind the abduction of the

    aircraft and its passengers?

    It is also significant that the new chip (a micro-controller) also called the KLO2 released into the public

    domain in February by Freescale can turn a human into a computer… Which sounds remarkably useful

    for controlling and manipulating androids (a human looking robot)… 

    The SKYNET, terminator aspects of this story seem to be expanding.

    It would seem actually that Israel is already deeply involved in Freescale and would have no need to

    abduct a jet with their own employees. Freescale has an Israeli office.

    It would also be suicide for Israel to attack Iran even with U.S. help. Because ultimately the Israeli

    people would be the ones to suffer… The country is so tiny that it would take very little to wipe it off

    the map. So why blame the disappearance of the jet on Israel? This sounds like a convenient


    What is more likely is that the U.S. and Israel (and the UK) conducted a joint operation redirecting the

    flight using the Boeing non-interruptible auto pilot… to Diego Garcia. The employees of Freescale are

    likely to have been put back to work (albeit as prisoners) in an underground base (under Diego Garcia)

    or perhaps at another location.

    It seems unavoidable to conclude that the technology (whether patent holders or not) as a brain-trust

    via the employees on that plane or actual specs or other significant components must have been on that


    The false flag “use” of Flight 370 does not hold up simply because they can use ANY plane for the

    purpose of a false flag and wouldn’t have to go to all the trouble to abduct 239 people on a commercial jet in the process.

    One has to ask, why that jet, why on that particular date and why one that has that number of

    employees all from the same company… This is the direction that a legitimate inquiry should go.

    Indeed, the most obvious motive would appear to be something that the U.S./Israel and the UK did not

    want to get into the hands of the Chinese.


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    Drugs and War

    Why aren't we putting US agencies on trial for financing El Chapo's drug war?

    From Capone to Mexico's captured cocaine king, the villains we love to hate obscure the truth aboutAmerica's secret support

    o Gabriel Matthew Schivone 

    o, Thursday 10 April 2014 15.14 BST

    "This American system of ours," shouted the famed gangster Al Capone in a 1930 interview. "Call it

    Capitalism, call it what you like – gives to each and every one of us a great opportunity if we only seize

    it with both hands and make the most of it."

    Since those untouchable days, Chicago officials have awarded "Public Enemy No 1" status to only one

    other person: cartel billionaire Joaquí n Guzmán Loera, better known – now to the world over – as "ElChapo".

    Nearly seven weeks ago, of course, El Chapo was captured by US and Mexican authorities after 13

    years on the lam. Having achieved a cultural stature akin to that of a Bond villain, his capture naturally

    got all the limelight – while his US backers went more or less unmentioned.

    But nearly seven weeks before an overnight capture at a beach resort, the Mexican newspaper El

    Universal reported how US agencies had armed and financed El Chapo's Sinaloa criminal empire for at

    least 12 years. That link has been substantiated by DEA and Justice Department court testimonies, and

    even US agents confirmed the financing had been approved by high-ranking officials and federal

    prosecutors. But the American media barely reported how entrenched the American government has

    become in the Mexican drug trade.

    Instead, we got photos of agents leading a shackled Guzman, his head bowed by one of the marines'

    gloved hands gripping his neck, toward a US Blackhawk helicopter that would shuttle him off to a

    high-security prison.

    "The choice of news organizations to not make the connection reflects a choice [of] what media would

    like for us to remember and would like for us to forget," said Crystal Vance Guerra, a Latin American

    studies scholar at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She asked: Why don't we hold these

    agents and agencies to the same judgment as organized crime?

    As we wait for the biggest gangster trial in years, why, indeed, aren't we putting American intelligence

    and drug agencies on trial for financing a drug war?

    The latest instalment of the "war on drugs" has killed 100,000 people since its official declaration by

    Mexican President Filipe Calderon and US President George W Bush in 2006. During this period, the

    US-El Chapo partnership was reportedly never closer: under the deal, Washington allowed El Chapo's

    Sinaloa cartel to carry on business as usual while top Sinaola members, for their part, provided

    information on their rivals. DEA agents met with their informants more than 50 times, El Universal

    reported, as the agents offered their whisperers immunity.

    American patronage goes well beyond stoking the largest and most powerful of the Mexican cartels

    (Sinaloa), as well as the most heinous (Golfo and Los Zetas). The US also openly armed and financed

    even bigger players in this game – Mexico's state and security forces. Just as the US-El Chapo

    relationship was at its closest, the Bush administration signed into law the Merida Initiative, a hugemilitarization package to Mexico under the "war on drugs" Between 2008 and 2012, President Obama

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    increased security aid under the plan – for helicopters, armored vehicles, surveillance equipment and

    police training programs – totalling $1.9bn.

    As US authorities surely knew by this time, appearances were deceiving on Mexico's counter-narcotics

    battlefield, awash with stockpiles of American guns and money. Drug arrests of cartel associates

    amounted to less than 2% of over 50,000 arrests made in the first four years of the Bush-Calderon

    partnership. As unflagging Mexican journalist Anabel Hernandez showed in her 2013 book,Narcoland , Mexico's government wasn't fighting to stop a drug trade industry – it were fighting for

    what the industry had to offer. Shattering popular misconceptions about the drug wars, Hernandez


    [T]he biggest danger is not in fact the drug cartels, but rather the government and business officials that

    work for them and fear exposure.

    The US played a leading role in creating the cartel underground in the first place. Joint US-Mexican

    military forces carried out brutal scorched-earth incursions in Mexico as early as 1976, ostensibly

    targeting small, rural poppy and marijuana farmers but actually destroying mostly poor communities

    caught in the middle. This enforcement-based approach hardened farmers into reactionary elements

    that relocated to major cities and eventually formed the federated Sinaloa-led cartels.

    The American-made monster modeled itself off its creator. Today, more and more drug cartel-tycoons

    are investing in "legitimate" business enterprises expanded by US-based free trade. In Mexico alone,

    free trade agreements mandated a flood of US agribusiness imports that displaced 2.3m jobs in the

    agricultural sector; the average wage dropped severely while the commercial sector and the informal

    economy grew exponentially.

    While actors both small-time (cartel) and big-time (government and corporate) claim to "make the

    most" of the American dream, those who end up suffering the most are the poor, women and

    undocumented migrants in Mexico, Central America and the US. The amalgamation of the criminal

    ring that enriched El Chapo with US business interests therefore shows capitalism at its worst: a race

    for wealth free of moral or ethical considerations.

    Officially, El Chapo's judgments are currently underway in Chicago, because the authorities there

    believe they have the strongest case to extradite the former public enemy for trial. The government of

    Mexico, however, will not consider extradition to the US without first trying El Chapo in Mexican


    But when the time comes, shouldn't El Chapo's US backers – the high-ranking US officials responsible

    for inciting and directing cartel violence – face prosecution, too?

    We have long glamorized the lives of high-profile criminals, in everything from civil rallies to popular

    TV shows to entire musical genres. Cartels are the public demon so many of us love to hate. But a

    public focus on them essentially deflects attention from the way in which other players – like the US

    government – are not only complicit, but even run the show.

    As the filmmaker Guillermo Del Toro Gómez once observed, "You can have a main character be the

    hero, but almost invariably the star is going to be the villain." He could easily have been talking about

    the larger-than-life media depictions of Al Capone in the 1930s. Or the media frenzy around El Chapo


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    US complicit in South America drug trade


    By Dr. Dylan Murphy

    This failure on the behalf of the US government to really crack down on the finances of the drug cartels

    extends to British banks as well. In July 2012 the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and

    Governmental Affairs issued a 339 page report detailing an amazing catalogue of ''criminal '' behavior

    by London based HSBC.

    Mexico is in the grip of a murderous drug war that has killed over 150,000 people since 2006. It is one

    of the most violent countries on earth. This drug war is a product of the transnational drug trade which

    is worth up to USD 400 billion a year and accounts for about 8% of all international trade.

    The American government maintains that there is no alternative but to vigorously prosecute their zero

    tolerance policy of arresting drug users and their dealers. This has led to the incarceration of over

    500,000 Americans. Meanwhile the flood of illegal drugs into America continues unabated.

    One thing the American government has not done is to prosecute the largest banks in the world forsupporting the drug cartels by washing billions of dollars of their blood stained money. As Narco

    sphere journalist Bill Conroy has observed banks are ''where the money is'' in the global drug war.

    HSBC, Western Union, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase&Co, Citigroup, Wachovia amongst many

    others have allegedly failed to comply with American anti-money laundering (AML) laws.

    The Mexican drug cartels have caught the headlines again and again due to their murderous activities.

    The war between the different drug cartels and the war between the cartels and government security

    forces has spilled the blood of tens of thousands of innocent people. The drug cartels would find it

    much harder to profit from their murderous activity if they didn't have too big to fail banks willing to

    wash their dirty money.

    In March 2010 Wachovia cut a deal with the US government which involved the bank being given

    fines of USD 160 million under a ''deferred prosecution'' agreement. This was due to Wachovia's heavy

    involvement in money laundering moving up to USD 378.4 billion over several years. Not one banker

    was prosecuted for illegal involvement in the drugs trade. Meanwhile small time drug dealers and users

    go to prison.

    If any member of the public is caught in possession of a few grams of coke or heroin you can bet your

    bottom dollar they will be going down to serve some hard time. However, if you are a bankster caught

    laundering billions of dollars for some of the most murderous people on the planet you get off with a

    slap on the wrist in the form of some puny fine and a deferred prosecution deal.

    Charles A. Intriago, president of the Miami-based Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialistshas observed, “… If you’re an individual, and get caught, you get hammered.

    “But if you’re a big bank, and you’re caught moving money for a terrorist or drug dealer, you don’t

    have to worry. You just fork over a monetary penalty, and then raise your fees to make up for it.

    “Until we see bankers walking off in handcuffs to face charges in these cases, nothing is going to

    change,” Intriago adds. “These monetary penalties are just a cost of doing business to them, like paying

    for a new corporate jet.”

    This failure on the behalf of the US government to really crack down on the finances of the drug cartels

    extends to British banks as well. In July 2012 the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and

    Governmental Affairs issued a 339 page report detailing an amazing catalogue of ''criminal '' behavior

    by London based HSBC.

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    This includes washing over USD 881 for the Mexican Sinaloa Cartel and for the Norte del Valle Cartel

    in Colombia. Besides this, HSBC affiliated banks such as HBUS repeatedly broke American AML

    laws by their long standing and severe AML deficiencies which allowed Saudi banks such as Al Rajhi

    to finance terrorist groups that included Al-Qaeda. HBUS the American affiliate of HSBC supplied Al

    Rajhi bank with nearly USD 1 billion.

    Jack Blum an attorney and former Senate investigator has commented, “They violated every goddamnlaw in the book. They took every imaginable form of illegal and illicit business.”

    HSBC affiliate HBUS was repeatedly instructed to improve its anti-money laundering program. In

    2003 the Federal Reserve Bank of New York took enforcement action that called upon HBUS to

    improve its anti-money laundering program.

    In September 2010 the Office of Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) sent a ''blistering supervisory

    letter'' to HBUS listing numerous AML problems at the bank. In October 2010 this was followed up

    with the OCC issuing a cease and desist order requiring HBUS to improve its AML program a second


    Senator Carl Levin chairman of the Senate investigation into HSBC has commented that ''HSBC’sChief Compliance Officer and other senior executives in London knew what was going on, but allowed

    the deceptive conduct to continue.''

    Let us look at just a couple of the devastating findings in the Senate report. The main focus of the

    report is the multiple failures of HSBC to comply with AML laws and regulations:

    ''The identified problems included a once massive backlog of over 17,000 alerts identifying possible

    suspicious activity that had yet to be reviewed; ineffective methods for identifying suspicious activity;

    a failure to file timely Suspicious Activity Reports with US law enforcement; ... a 3-year failure by

    HBUS [a HSBC affiliate], from mid-2006 to mid-2009, to conduct any AML monitoring of USD 15

    billion in bulk cash transactions ... a failure to monitor USD 60 trillion in annual wire transfer activity

    by customers ...inadequate and unqualified AML staffing; inadequate AML resources; and AML

    leadership problems.

    The report catalogues in great detail the failings of HSBC affiliates HBUS in America and HMEX in


    ''From 2007 through 2008, HBMX was the single largest exporter of US dollars to HBUS, shipping

    USD 7 billion in cash to HBUS over two years, outstripping larger Mexican banks and other HSBC

    affiliates. Mexican and US authorities expressed repeated concern that HBMX’s bulk cash shipments

    could reach that volume only if they included illegal drug proceeds. The concern was that drug

    traffickers unable to deposit large amounts of cash in US banks due to AML controls were transporting

    US dollars to Mexico, arranging for bulk deposits there, and then using Mexican financial institutions

    to insert the cash back into the US financial system. ... high profile clients involved in drug trafficking;

    millions of dollars in suspicious bulk travelers cheque transactions; inadequate staffing and resources;and a huge backlog of accounts marked for closure due to suspicious activity, but whose closures were


    In the Senate hearing on July 17, 2012 Carl Levin Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security

    and Governmental Affairs explained how HMEX helped the Mexican drug cartels:

    ''Because our tough AML laws in the United States have made it hard for drug cartels to find a US bank 

    willing to accept huge unexplained deposits of cash, they now smuggle US dollars across the border

    into Mexico and look for a Mexican bank or casa de cambio willing to take the cash. Some of those

    casas de cambios had accounts at HBMX. HBMX, in turn, took all the physical dollars it got and

    transported them by armored car or aircraft back across the border to HBUS for deposit into its US

    banknotes account, completing the laundering cycle.''

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    Senator Levin went on to note how: ''Over two years, from 2007 to 2008, HBMX shipped 7 billion in

    physical US dollars to HBUS. That was more than any other

    Mexican bank, even one twice HBMX’s size. When law enforcement and bank regulators in Mexico

    and the United States got wind of the banknotes transactions, they warned HBMX and HBUS that such

    large dollar volumes were red flags for drug proceeds moving through the HSBC network.''

    In December 2012 the Department of Justice cut a deal with HSBC which imposed a record USD 1.9billion dollar fine. It may sound a lot to ordinary folks but it is a tiny fraction of its annual profits which

    in 2011 totaled USD 22 billion. Assistant Attorney General Lanny Bauer announced the settlement at a

    press conference on 11 December 2012.

    His comments reveal why the US government decided to go soft on such criminal behavior and show

    quite clearly how there is one law for the richest 1% and one law for the rest of us. Lenny Bauer said:

    ''Had the US authorities decided to press criminal charges, HSBC would almost certainly have lost its

    banking license in the US, the future of the institution would have been under threat and the entire

    banking system would have been destabilized.''

    Think about that statement for a moment. A bank that has quite clearly been caught out helping

    murderous drug criminals, terrorist groups, third world dictatorships and all sorts of criminal charactersis to be let off with a slap on the wrist.

    No criminal prosecutions or even a mention of criminal behavior due to the fears that to do so would

    put the world economy in jeopardy. So there you have it. Banksters who engage in such behavior that

    is regarded as criminal by the vast majority of people on the planet are not only too big to fail they are

    also too big to jail.

    After the Department of Justice announcement of the deferred prosecution HSBC Chief Executive

    Stuart Gulliver said, "We accept responsibility for our past mistakes. We have said we are profoundly

    sorry for them, and we do so again.''

    Such statements will provide little solace to the families of the 150,000 people estimated by US

    Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to have been killed in Mexico's drug war. Nor will it help the

    hundreds of thousands of Mexican citizens who have been forced to flee their homes and escape the

    violence by going to the United Sates or moving to other parts of Mexico.

    Senator Elizabeth Warren appearing at a meeting of the Senate Banking Committee in February

    expressed frustration with officials from the US Treasury Department and US Federal Reserve over the

    issue of why criminal charges were not pressed on HSBC or any of its officials. The officials were

    evasive when she tried to draw them on the issue of what it takes for a bank to have its license


    ''HSBC paid a fine, but no one individual went to trial, no individual was banned from banking, and

    there was no hearing to consider shutting down HSBC’s activities here in the United States. So, what

    I’d like is, you’re the experts on money laundering. I’d like an opinion: What does it take - how manybillions do you have to launder for drug lords and how many economic sanctions do you have to

    violate - before someone will consider shutting down a financial institution like this?''

    Senator Warren finished the session by commenting on the glaring double standards within the US

     justice system:

    “You know, if you’re caught with an ounce of cocaine, the chances are good you’re going to go to jail.

    If it happens repeatedly, you may go to jail for the rest of your life. But evidently, if you launder nearly

    a billion dollars for drug cartels and violate our international sanctions, your company pays a fine and

    you go home and sleep in your own bed at night, every single individual associated with this. I think

    that’s fundamentally wrong.”

    On 4 March 2013 HSBC announced profits of USD 20.6 billion in 2012 while it paid out a USD 3

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    million bonus to its CEO. This outrageous state of affairs beggars belief after HSBC has been clearly

    caught out engaging in activity on behalf of murderous drug lords, terrorist financing banks and brutal

    third world dictatorships.

    Where is the British Government's condemnation of HSBC? You may be waiting a long time for that

    considering the fact that Chancellor George Osborne and his fellow ministers are intimately connected

    to the British banking elite.

    This government of the rich ruling on behalf of the rich will never take action of any kind against the

    criminal activity of British banksters. Nor will the craven mainstream media expose the blatant

    hypocrisy of a government which wages war against the poorest sections of society while completely

    ignoring criminal activity by British banksters whether it be Libor fraud or laundering money for some

    of the most murderous people on the planet.

    Long time observer of the Mexican drug war Bill Conroy comments that the deal cut with HSBC by

    the Department of Justice, ''should illuminate for all the great pretense of the drug war - no matter how

    hard US prosecutors, via the mainstream media, attempt to convince us otherwise. ...And it should lead

    us to conclude, if we are honest with ourselves, that the so-called drug war is little more than one

    immense "drug deal.'' 

    Western complicity in Afghanistan heroin trade is old news


    14-09-2010, 23:19

    U.K. military police are investigating claims that British and Canadian troops have been smuggling

    heroin out of Kandahar according to the BBC on Sunday. Well, it's about time because one of the worstkept secrets in Afghan history is that Westerners have their hand in the Central Asian drug trade, most

    notably the United States via the C.I.A.

    Today, Afghanistan is the source of 90% of the world's opium, a multi-billion dollar industry which

    fuels the insurgency and is destabilizing the region. The drug trade allows militants to purchase

    weapons with which they then attack the Afghan government and international forces. Which makes

    Western culpability even more maddening.

    Yet the C.I.A. has been accused of enabling the explosion of the drug trade in the AfPak region,

    stretching back to the 1980s when they funded the Afghan mujahideen via Pakistan's spy agency to

    wage a holy war against Russia.

    Before 1979 Pakistan was not a major exporter of heroin. In 1984 80% of all heroin consumed in

    Britain and 30% of U.S. imports came from Pakistan thanks to the collaboration between the C.I.A.

    and Pakistani intelligence. According to Alfred W. McCoy in The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity

    in the Global Drug Trade:

    "CIA assets again controlled this heroin trade. As the Mujahideen guerrillas seized territory inside

    Afghanistan, they ordered peasants to plant opium as a revolutionary tax. Across the border in

    Pakistan, Afghan leaders and local syndicates under the protection of Pakistan Intelligence operated

    hundreds of heroin laboratories. During this decade of wide-open drug-dealing, the U.S. Drug

    Enforcement Agency in Islamabad failed to instigate major seizures or arrests."

    According to Elizabeth Gould and Paul Fitzgerald in Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story, thedrug trade was financed through the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) - which acted

    as a go-between for D.C., Hong Kong, Peshawar and Switzerland - laundering drug money and

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    facilitating arms sales to Nicaraguan Contras and Afghan mujahideen.

    Jack Blum, former special counsel to the 1987 “Kerry” Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on

    Terrorism, Narcotics and International Relations, claimed that the C.I.A., Mossad, Arab intelligence,

    the Russians and the British also used BCCI to finance arms deals and drug smuggling operations.

    Blum said:

    “The amounts of heroin were staggering, the amounts of money involved were staggering. There was a

    seizure of a ship off the coast of Turkey that had come from the Makran coast of Pakistan that had

    twelve tons – metric tons – of heroin and heroin derivatives on it. That is such a startlingly large

    number, it’s sort of like the world’s supply for a year.”

    During the 1980s the CIA partnered with the Safari Club, which was a network of foreign intelligence

    agencies formed to help the CIA fund operations not authorized by Congress, to transform Central Asia

    from a self-contained opium zone into a major supplier of heroin for the world market. Congress knew

    about mujahideen drug dealing as early as 1984 but turned a blind eye because the opium profits were

    financing the aforementioned U.S. jihad against the Soviet Union.

    By 2003, Afghanistan’s heroin problem had grown twenty times worse than it was under Taliban ruleaccording to a report by Hy Rothstein, a Special Forces veteran and teacher at the Naval Postgraduate

    School in Monterrey California, who had been commissioned by the office of Special Operations and

    Low Intensity Conflict to conduct a military study of why the U.S. was not making progress in

    Afghanistan. As of yesterday’s BBC report, since the U.S. invasion on Oct. 7, 2001, Afghanistan's

    opium output has increased 33-fold.

    In a 2007 Daily Mail piece, Britain’s former ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, reported that

    Western intelligence agenices direct and indirectly helped Afghanistan go from simply farming poppies

    to converting opium into heroin on an industrial scale. Murray wrote:

    How can this have happened, and on this scale? The answer is simple. The four largest players in the

    heroin business are all senior members of the Afghan government. The government that our soldiers

    are fighting and dying to protect.

    Murray also asserted that vast amounts of heroin came from the fiefdom of General Abdul Rashid

    Dostum, the head of Afghan's armed forces, in north and east Afghanistan:

    Dostum is an Uzbek, and the heroin passes over the Friendship Bridge from Afghanistan to

    Uzbekistan, where it is taken over by President Islam Karimov's people. It is then shipped up the

    railway line, in bales of cotton, to St Petersburg and Riga.

    Murray’s appeals have fallen on deaf ears because General Dostum is vital to Afghan President Hamid

    Karzai's coalition and to Western pretense of a stable, democratic government.

    The C.I.A. has protected a number of Karzai cronies and relatives involved with the drug trade,including Sher Mohammed Akhunzada, Karzai's former governor in Helmand Province who was

    caught with 9 tons of opium and heroin in his basement in 2005. Karzai actually tried to reinstate

    Akhunzada in 2008 to no avail. The President’s brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, has been accused of

    being one of the biggest druglords in Afghanistan, but he too is on the C.I.A.’s payroll.

    Former Russian military Commander, Mahmut Gareev, claimed the U.S. was not going to stop the

    production of drugs in Afghanistan because it covered the costs of their military presence there.

    "Actually, they (the US and NATO troops) themselves admit that if drugs were smuggled past them,

    they wouldn't interfere. Why? …. Americans themselves admit that drugs are often transported out of

    Afghanistan on American planes. Drug trafficking in Afghanistan brings them about 50 billion dollars

    a year — which fully covers the expenses tied to keeping their troops there."

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    Jeff Stein reported in The Washington Post just a few weeks ago that bags of cash believed to be drug

    proceeds and diverted foreign aid are leaving Afghanistan via the Kandahar airport which is controlled

    by Ahmed Wali Karzai. According to a former C.I.A. official:

    “The direct Ariana flight from Kandahar to Dubai in its cargo hold carries many bales of U.S. dollars

    wrapped in burlap. No hand carry. This is AWK’s preferred route.”

    Afghan intelligence agents have corroborated the story and have provided the ex-C.I.A. employee the

    locations of where Ahmed Wali meets C.I.A. operatives, what his monthly salary is, how it is delivered

    and the names of the two C.I.A. women who do the actual cash transfer.

    These are startling reports indeed, made more distressing by the fact that no law enforcement official of 

    fit mind would dare investigate the C.I.A. and its beneficiary's drug trafficking racket.

    Keep laughing at people who make claims that the CIA is the biggest illicit drug smuggling operator in

    the world...

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    Excerpted from Drug Fallout by Alfred McCoy 

    Throughout the forty years of the Cold War, the CIA joined with urban gangstersand rural warlords, many of them major drug dealers, to mount covert operationsagainst communists around the globe. In one of history's accidents, the IronCurtain fell along the border of the Asian opium one, which stretches across

    !,""" miles of mountains from Tur#ey to Thailand. In $urma during the %&!"s, inaos during the %&("s, and in Afghanistan during the %&)"s, the CIA allied withhighland warlords to mobilie tribal armies against the *oviet +nion and China.

    In each of these covert wars, Agency assetslocal informantsused their alliancewith the CIA to become major drug lords, e-panding local opium production andshipping heroin to international mar#ets, the +nited *tates included. Instead ofstopping this drug dealing, the Agency tolerated it and, when necessary, bloc#edinvestigations. *ince ruthless drug lords made eective anticommunist allies andopium ampli/ed their power, CIA agents mounting delicate operations on theirown, half a world from home, had no reason to complain. 0or the drug lords, itwas an ideal arrangement. The CIA's major covert operationsoften lasting adecadeprovided them with de facto immunity within enforcementfree ones.

    In aos in the %&1"s, the CIA battled local communists with a secret army of2",""" 3monga tough highland tribe whose only cash crop was opium. A handfulof CIA agents relied on tribal leaders to provide troops and ao generals to protect their cover. When 3mong o4cers loaded opium on the ClA's proprietary carrier Air America, the Agency did nothing. And when the ao army's commander,5eneral 6uane 7atti#one, opened what was probably the world's largest heroinlaboratory, the Agency again failed to act.

    8The past involvement of many of these o4cers in drugs is well #nown,8 the ClA'sInspector 5eneral said in a stillclassi/ed %&(9 report, 8yet their goodwill . . .considerably facilitates the military activities of Agencysupported irregulars.8

    Indeed, the CIA had a detailed #now ledge of drug tra4c#ing in the 5oldenTrianglethat remote, rugged corner of *outheast Asia where $urma, Thailand,and aos converge. In :une %&(%, The ;ew eung in aos= and ?ae *along in Thailand.8Three of these areas were controlled by CIA allies@ ;am >eung by the chief of CIAmercenaries for northwestern aos= $an 3ouei *ai by the commander of the 7oyalao Army= and ?ae *along by the ;ationalist Chinese forces who had fought forthe Agency in $urma. The CIA stated that the $an 3ouei *ai laboratory, which wasowned by 5eneral 6uane, was ' believed capable of processing %"" #ilos of rawopium per day,8 or 2.1 tons of heroin a yeara vast output considering the total yearly +.*. consumption of heroin was then less than ten tons.

    $y %&(%, 2 percent of all +.*. soldiers in *outh Bietnam were heroin addicts,according to a White 3ouse survey. There were more American heroin addicts in*outh Bietnam than in the entire +nited *tateslargely supplied from heroinlaboratories operated by CIA allies, though the White 3ouse failed to ac#nowledgethat unpleasant fact. *ince there was no indigenous local mar#et, Asian drug lordsstarted shipping 5olden Triangle heroin not consumed by the 5Is to the +nited*tates, where it soon won a signi/cant share of the illicit mar#et.

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    Within a few years, the currents of global geopolitics then shifted in ways that pushed the CIA into new alliances with drug tra4c#ers. In %&(&, the *ovietsinvaded Afghanistan and the *andinista revolution seied ;icaragua, promptingtwo CIA covert operations with some revealing similarities. During the %&)"s,while the *oviets occupied Afghanistan, the CIA, wor#ing through Ea#istan's Inter*ervice Intelligence, spent some F9 billion to support the Afghan resistance.

    When the operation started in %&(&, this region grew opium only for regionalmar#ets and produced no heroin. Within two years, however, the Ea#istan Afghanistan borderlands became the world's top heroin producer, supplying 1" percent of +.*. demand. In Ea#istan, the heroinaddict population went from near ero in %&(& to !,""" in %&)% and to %.9 million by %&)!a much steeper rise thanin any other nation.

    CIA assets again controlled this heroin trade. As the ?ujaheddin guerrillas seiedterritory inside Afghanistan, they ordered peasants to plant opium as arevolutionary ta-. Across the border in Ea#istan, Afghan leaders and localsyndicates under the protection of Ea#istan Intelligence operated hundreds ofheroin laboratories. During this decade of wideopen drugdealing, the +.*. DrugGnforcement Agency in Islamabad failed to instigate major seiures or arrests.

    In ?ay %&&", as the CIA operation was winding down, The Washington Eost published a frontpage e-pose charging that 5ulbudin 3e#matar, the ClA'sfavored Afghan leader, was a major heroin manufacturer. The Eost argued, in amanner similar to the *an :ose ?ercury ;ews's later report about the contras,that +.*. o4cials had refused to investigate charges of heroin dealing by its Afghan allies 8because +.*. narcotics policy in Afghanistan has been subordinatedto the war against *oviet inHuence there.8

    In %&&!, the former CIA director of the Afghan operation, Charles Cogan, admittedthe CIA had indeed sacri/ced the drug war to /ght the Cold War. 86ur mainmission was to do as much damage as possible to the *oviets. We didn't reallyhave the resources or the time to devote to an investigation of the drug trade,8

    he told an Australian television reporter. 8I don't thin# that we need to apologiefor this. Gvery situation has its fallout.... There was fallout in terms of drugs, yes.$ut the main objective was accomplished. The *oviets left Afghanistan.8

     Again, distance and comple-ity insulated the CIA from any political fallout. 6ncethe heroin left Ea#istan's laboratories, the *icilian ma/a managed its e-port tothe +nited *tates, and a chain of syndicatecontrolled pia parlors distributed thedrugs to street gangs in American cities, according to reports by the DrugGnforcement Agency. ?ost ordinary Americans did not see the lin#s between theClA's alliance with Afghan drug lords, the pia parlors, and the heroin on +.*.streets.

    In Central America, pro-imity simpli/ed the political euation. According to

    sections of the *an :ose ?ercury ;ews story that the mainstream press have notcontested, this 8dar# alliance8 began in the early %&)"s when the contra revoltagainst ;icaragua's leftist *andinista government was failing for want of funds. In%&)%, the CIA hired e-;icaraguan army Colonel Gnriue $ermude to organiewhat became the main contra guerrilla army, the ;icaraguan Democratic 0ront.$ermude then accepted funds from two ;icaraguan e-iles active in the crac#trade to supplement meager Agency funding.

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    In California, Danilo $landon, the former director of ;icaragua's farmmar#eting program, used his business s#ills to open a new drugdistribution networ#.$landon allied with the rising young blac# drug dealer 80reeway 7ic#8 7oss toconvert tons of cocaine into lowcost crac# for a growing mar#et among the city's poor African Americans. With supplies of cheap cocaine from Central America,7oss undercut rival dealers and built a booming drug business that spread up the

    California coast and across the ?idwest. 7oss and $landon avoided arrest for years. $ut in the late %&&"s, the operation lost its contra connection. $oth dealerswere soon arrested on drug charges. 0reeway 7ic# started serving a tenyearsentence, while the :ustice Department intervened to free the contraconnected$landon and send him home as a well paid Drug Gnforcement Agency JDGAKinformant.

    6ther responsible sources have made similar allegations about contrainvolvement in cocaine smuggling to the +nited *tates In December %&)!, the Associated Eress issued a story about the contra alliance with cocaine smugglers.8;icaraguan rebels operating in northern Costa 7ica have engaged in cocainetra4c#ing,8 wrote AE reporters 7obert Earry and $rian $arger, 8in part to help/nance their war against ;icaragua's leftist government, according to +.*.

    investigators and American volunteers who wor# with the rebels.8 As evidence,the reporters cited a CIA intelligence report noting 8the contras in ;icaragua hadbought aircraft with drug pro/ts.8

     After lengthy investigations, a +.*. *enate subcommittee chaired by :ohn >erry,the Democratic *enator from ?assachusetts, issued a report in %&)) concludingthat 8individuals associated with the contra movement8 were tra4c#ers= cocainesmugglers had participated in 8contra supply operations= and the +.*. *tateDepartment had made 8payments to drug tra4c#ers . . . for humanitarianassistance to the contras. in some cases after the tra4c#ers had beenindicted . . . on drug charges.8

    During this decade of contra operations from bases in southern 3onduras, the

    region was eectively closed to narcotics investigations. In %&)2, at the height ofthe contra war, the DGA suddenly shut down its 3onduran o4ce even though theagent there, Tomas Lepeda, had, in his words, 8generated a substantial amount of useful intelligence8 about 3onduran military involvement in the cocaine tra4c tothe +nited *tates. 8The Eentagon made it clear that we were in the way,8 ananonymous DGA agent e-plained. 8They had more important business.8 As host tothe main contra bases and the ClA's supply operation, the 3onduran military, li#ethe commander of the 7oyal aotian Army and Ea#istani Intelligence, were sparedinvestigation of their involvement in drug tra4c#ing.

     Alfred W. ?cCoy, a history professor at the +niversity of Wisconsin, is the authorof 8The Eolitics of 3eroin@ The CIA Complicity in the 5lobal Drug Trade.8

    Opium Throughout History

    c.3400 B.C. The opium poppy is cultivated in lower Mesopotamia. The Sumerians refer to it as Hul

    Gil, the 'joy plant.' The Sumerians would soon pass along the plant and its euphoric effects to the

    Assyrians. The art of poppy-culling would continue from the Assyrians to the Babylonians who in turn

    would pass their knowledge onto the Egyptians.

    c.1300 B.C. In the capital city of Thebes, Egyptians begin cultivation of opium thebaicum,grown intheir famous poppy fields.The opium trade flourishes during the reign of Thutmose IV, Akhenaton and

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    King Tutankhamen. The trade route included the Phoenicians and Minoans who move the profitable

    item across the Mediterranean Sea into Greece, Carthage, and Europe.

    c.1100 B.C. On the island of Cyprus, the "Peoples of the Sea" craft surgical-quality culling knives to

    harvest opium, which they would cultivate, trade and smoke before the fall of Troy.

    c. 460 B.C. Hippocrates, "the father of medicine", dismisses the magical attributes of opium but

    acknowledges its usefulness as a narcotic and styptic in treating internal diseases, diseases of women

    and epidemics.

    330 B.C. Alexander the Great introduces opium to the people of Persia and India.

    A.D. 400 Opium thebaicum, from the Egytpian fields at Thebes, is first introduced to China by Arab


    1300's Opium disappears for two hundred years from European historical record. Opium had become

    a taboo subject for those in circles of learning during the Holy Inquisition. In the eyes of the

    Inquisition, anything from the East was linked to the Devil.

    1500 The Portugese, while trading along the East China Sea, initiate the smoking ofopium. The

    effects were instantaneous as they discovered but it was a practice the Chinese considered barbaric and


    1527 During the height of the Reformation, opium is reintroduced into European medical literature by

    Paracelsus as laudanum. These black pills or "Stones of Immortality" were made of opium thebaicum,

    citrus juice and quintessence of gold and prescribed as painkillers.

    1600's Residents of Persia and India begin eating and drinking opium mixtures for recreational use.

    Portugese merchants carrying cargoes of Indian opium through Macao direct its trade flow into China.

    1606 Ships chartered by Elizabeth I are instructed to purchase the finest Indian opium and transport it

    back to England.

    1680 English apothecary, Thomas Sydenham, introduces Sydenham's Laudanum, a compound of

    opium, sherry wine and herbs. His pills along with others of the time become popular remedies for

    numerous ailments.

    1700 The Dutch export shipments of Indian opium to China and the islands of Southeast Asia; the

    Dutch introduce the practice of smoking opium in a tobacco pipe to the Chinese.

    1729 Chinese emperor, Yung Cheng, issues an edictprohibiting the smoking of opium and itsdomestic sale, except under license for use as medicine.

    1750 The British East India Company assumes control of Bengal and Bihar, opium-growing districts

    of India. British shipping dominates the opium trade out of Calcutta to China.

    1753 Linnaeus, the father of botany, first classifies the poppy, Papaver somniferum-- 'sleep-inducing',

    in his book Genera Plantarum.

    1767 The British East India Company's import of opium to China reaches a staggering two thousand

    chests of opium per year.

    1793 The British East India Company establishes a monopoly on the opium trade. All poppy growers

    in India were forbidden to sell opium to competitor trading companies.

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    1799 China's emperor, Kia King, bans opium completely, making trade and poppy cultivation illegal.

    1800 The British Levant Company purchases nearly half of all of the opium coming out of Smyrna,

    Turkey strictly for importation to Europe and the United States.

    1803 Friedrich Sertuerner of Paderborn, Germany discovers the active ingredient of opium by

    dissolving it in acid then neutralizing it with ammonia. The result: alkaloids--Principium somniferum

    or morphine.

    Physicians believe that opium had finally been perfected and tamed. Morphine is lauded as "God's own

    medicine" for its reliablity, long-lasting effects and safety.

    1805 A smuggler from Boston, Massachusetts, Charles Cabot, attempts to purchase opium from the

    British, then smuggle it into China under the auspices of British smugglers.

    1812 American John Cushing, under the employ of his uncles' business, James and Thomas H.

    Perkins Company of Boston, acquires his wealth from smuggling Turkish opium to Canton.

    1816 John Jacob Astor of New York City joins the opium smuggling trade. His American Fur

    Company purchases ten tons of Turkish opium then ships the contraband item to Canton on the

    Macedonian. Astor would later leave the China opium trade and sell solely to England.

    1819 Writer John Keats and other English literary personalities experiment with opium intended for

    strict recreational use--simply for the high and taken at extended, non-addictive intervals

    1821 Thomas De Quincey publishes his autobiographical account of opium addiction, 'Confessions of 

    an English Opium-eater.'

    1827 E. Merck & Company of Darmstadt, Germany, begins commercial manufacturing of morphine.

    1830 The British dependence on opium for medicinal and recreational use reaches an all time high as

    22,000 pounds of opium is imported from Turkey and India.

    Jardine-Matheson & Company of London inherit India and its opium from the British East India

    Company once the mandate to rule and dictate the trade policies of British India are no longer in effect.

    1837 Elizabeth Barrett Browning falls under the spell of morphine. This, however, does not impede

    her ability to write "poetical paragraphs."

    March 18, 1839 Lin Tse-Hsu, imperial Chinese commissioner in charge of suppressing the opium

    traffic, orders all foreign traders to surrender their opium. In response, the British send expenditionary

    warships to the coast of China, beginning The First Opium War.

    1840 New Englanders bring 24,000 pounds of opium into the United States. This catches the

    attention of U.S. Customs which promptly puts a duty fee on the import.

    1841 The Chinese are defeated by the British in the First Opium War. Along with paying a large

    indemnity, Hong Kong is ceded to the British.

    1843 Dr. Alexander Wood of Edinburgh discovers a new technique of administering morphine,

    injection with a syringe. He finds the effects of morphine on his patients instantaneous and three times

    more potent.

    1852 The British arrive in lower Burma, importing large quantities of opium from India and selling it

    through a government-controlled opium monopoly.

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    1856 The British and French renew their hostilities against China in the Second Opium War. In the

    aftermath of the struggle, China is forced to pay another indemnity. The importation of opium is


    Opium production increases along the highlands of Southeast Asia.

    1874 English researcher, C.R. Wright first synthesizes heroin, or diacetylmorphine, by boiling

    morphine over a stove.

    In San Francisco, smoking opium in the city limits is banned and is confined to neighboring

    Chinatowns and their opium dens.

    1878 Britain passes the Opium Act with hopes of reducing opium consumption. Under the new

    regulation, the selling of opium is restricted to registered Chinese opium smokers and Indian opium

    eaters while the Burmese are strictly prohibited from smoking opium.

    1886 The British acquire Burma's northeast region, the Shan state. Production and smuggling of

    opium along the lower region of Burma thrives despite British efforts to maintain a strict monopoly on

    the opium trade.

    1890 U.S. Congress, in its earliest law-enforcement legislation on narcotics, imposes a tax on opium

    and morphine.

    Tabloids owned by William Randolph Hearst publish stories of white women being seduced by

    Chinese men and their opium to invoke fear of the 'Yellow Peril', disguised as an "anti-drug" campaign.

    1895 Heinrich Dreser working for The Bayer Company of Elberfeld, Germany, finds that diluting

    morphine with acetyls produces a drug without the common morphine side effects. Bayer begins

    production of diacetylmorphine and coins the name "heroin." Heroin would not be introduced

    commercially for another three years.

    Early 1900's The philanthropic Saint James Society in the U.S. mounts a campaign to supply free

    samples of heroin through the mail to morphine addicts who are trying give up their habits.

    Efforts by the British and French to control opium production in Southeast Asia are successful.

    Nevertheless, this Southeast region, referred to as the 'Golden Triangle', eventually becomes a major

    player in the profitable opium trade during the 1940's.

    1902 In various medical journals, physicians discuss the side effects of using heroin as a morphine

    step-down cure. Several physicians would argue that their patients suffered from heroin withdrawal

    symptoms equal to morphine addiction.

    1903 Heroin addiction rises to alarming rates.

    1905 U.S. Congress bans opium.

    1906 China and England finally enact a treaty restricting the Sino-Indian opium trade.

    Several physicians experiment with treatments for heroin addiction. Dr. Alexander Lambert andCharles B. Towns tout their popular cure as the most "advanced, effective and compassionate cure" for

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    heroin addiction. The cure consisted of a 7 day regimen, which included a five day purge of heroin

    from the addict's system with doses of belladonna delirium.

    U.S. Congress passes the Pure Food and Drug Act requiring contents labeling on patent medicines by

    pharmaceutical companies. As a result, the availabilty of opiates and opiate consumers significantly


    1909 The first federal drug prohibition passes in the U.S. outlawing the imporation of opium. It was

    passed in preparation for the Shanghai Conference, at which the US presses for legislation aimed at

    suppressing the sale of opium to China.

    February 1, 1909 The International Opium Commission convenes in Shanghai. Heading the U.S.

    delegation are Dr. Hamilton Wright and Episcopal Bishop Henry Brent. Both would try to convince the

    international delegation of the immoral and evil effects of opium.

    1910 After 150 years of failed attempts to rid the country of opium, the Chinese are finally

    successful in convincing the British to dismantle the India-China opium trade.

    Dec. 17, 1914 The passage of Harrison Narcotics Act which aims to curb drug (especially cocaine

    but also heroin) abuse and addiction. It requires doctors, pharmacists and others who prescribed

    narcotics to register and pay a tax.

    1923 The U.S. Treasury Department's Narcotics Division (the first federal drug agency) bans all

    legal narcotics sales. With the prohibition of legal venues to purchase heroin, addicts are forced to buy

    from illegal street dealers.

    1925 In the wake of the first federal ban on opium, a thriving black market opens up in New York's


    1930's The majority of illegal heroin smuggled into the U.S. comes from China and is refined inShanghai and Tietsin.

    Early 1940's During World War II, opium trade routes are blocked and the flow of opium from India

    and Persia is cut off. Fearful of losing their opium monopoly, the French encourage Hmong farmers to

    expand their opium production.

    1945-1947 Burma gains its independence from Britain at the end of World War II. Opium cultivation

    and trade flourishes in the Shan states.

    1948-1972 Corsican gangsters dominate the U.S. heroin market through their connection with Mafia

    drug distributors. After refining the raw Turkish opium in Marseille laboratories, the heroin is made

    easily available for purchase by junkies on New York City streets.

    1950's U.S. efforts to contain the spread of Communism in Asia involves forging alliances with tribes

    and warlords inhabiting the areas of the Golden Triangle, (an expanse covering Laos, Thailand and

    Burma), thus providing accessibility and protection along the southeast border of China. In order to

    maintain their relationship with the warlords while continuing to fund the struggle against communism,

    the U.S. and France supply the drug warlords and their armies with ammunition, arms and air transport

    for the production and sale of opium. The result: an explosion in the availability and illegal flow of

    heroin into the United States and into the hands of drug dealers and addicts.

    1962 Burma outlaws opium.

    1965-1970 U.S. involvement in Vietnam is blamed for the surge in illegal heroin beingsmuggled into the States. To aid U.S. allies, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) sets up a charter

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    airline, Air America, to transport raw opium from Burma and Laos. As well, some of the opium would

    be transported to Marseille by Corsican gangsters to be refined into heroin and shipped to the U.S via

    the French connection. The number of heroin addicts in the U.S. reaches an estimated 750,000.

    October 1970 Legendary singer, Janis Joplin, is found dead at Hollywood's Landmark Hotel, a

    victim of an "accidental heroin overdose."

    1972 Heroin exportation from Southeast Asia's Golden Triangle, controlled by Shan warlord, Khun

    Sa,becomes a major source for raw opium in the profitable drug trade.

    July 1, 1973 President Nixon creates the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) under the

    Justice Dept. to consolidate virtually all federal powers of drug enforcement in a single agency.

    Mid-1970's Saigon falls. The heroin epidemic subsides. The search for a new source of raw

    opium yields Mexico's Sierra Madre. "Mexican Mud" would temporarily replace "China White" heroin

    until 1978.

    1978 The U.S. and Mexican governments find a means to eliminate the source of raw opium--byspraying poppy fields with Agent Orange. The eradication plan is termed a success as the amount of

    "Mexican Mud" in the U.S. drug market declines. In response to the decrease in availability of

    "Mexican Mud", another source of heroin is found in the Golden Crescent area--Iran, Afghanistan and

    Pakistan, creating a dramatic upsurge in the production and trade of illegal heroin.

    1982 Comedian John Belushi of Animal House fame, dies of a heroin-cocaine--"speedball"


    U.S. State Department officials conclude, after more than a decade of crop substitution programs for

    Third World growers of marijuana, coca or opium poppies, that the tactic cannot work without

    eradication of the plants and criminal enforcement. Poor results are reported from eradicationprograms

    in Burma, Pakistan, Mexico and Peru.

    1988 Opium production in Burma increases under the rule of the State Law and Order Restoration

    Council (SLORC), the Burmese junta regime.

    The single largest heroin seizure is made in Bangkok. The U.S. suspects that the 2,400-pound shipment

    of heroin, en route to New York City, originated from the Golden Triangle region, controlled by drug

    warlord, Khun Sa.

    1990 A U.S. Court indicts Khun Sa, leader of the Shan United Army and reputed drug warlord, on

    heroin trafficking charges. The U.S. Attorney General's office charges Khun Sa with importing 3,500

    pounds of heroin into New York City over the course of eighteen months, as well as holding him

    responsible for the source of the heroin seized in Bangkok.

    1992 Colombia's drug lords are said to be introducing a high-grade form of heroin into the United


    1993 The Thai army with support from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) launches its

    operation to destroy thousands of acres of opium poppies from the fields of the Golden Triangle region.

    October 31, 1993 Heroin takes another well-known victim. Twenty-three-year-old actor River

    Phoenix dies of a heroin-cocaine overdose, the same "speedball" combination that killed comedian

    John Belushi.

    January 1994 Efforts to eradicate opium at its source remains unsuccessful. The ClintonAdministration orders a shift in policy away from the anti- drug campaigns of previous administrations.

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    Instead the focus includes "institution building" with the hope that by "strengthening democratic

    governments abroad, [it] will foster law-abiding behavior and promote legitimate economic


    April 1994 Kurt Cobain, lead singer of the Seattle-based alternative rock band, Nirvana, dies of

    heroin-related suicide.

    1995 The Golden Triangle region of Southeast Asia is now the leader in opium production, yielding

    2,500 tons annually. According to U.S. drug experts, there are new drug trafficking routes from Burma

    through Laos, to southern China, Cambodia and Vietnam.

    January 1996 Khun Sa, one of Shan state's most powerful drug warlords, "surrenders" to SLORC. The

    U.S. is suspicious and fears that this agreement between the ruling junta regime and Khun Sa includes

    a deal allowing "the opium king" to retain control of his opium trade but in exchange end his 30-year-

    old revolutionary war against the government.

    November 1996 International drug trafficking organizations, including China, Nigeria, Colombia and

    Mexico are said to be "aggressively marketing heroin in the United States and Europe."


    Booth, Martin. Opium: A History. London: Simon & Schuster, Ltd., 1996.

    Latimer, Dean, and Jeff Goldberg with an Introduction by William Burroughs. Flowers in the Blood:

    The Story of Opium. New York: Franklin Watts, 1981

    McCoy, Alfred W. The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade. New York:

    Lawrence Hill Books, 1991.

    Musto, David F. The American Disease: Origins of Narcotic Control. New York: Oxford University

    Press, 1987.

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    &harmace%ticalsMonsantoK +he nemy !f $amily $armers

    Elizabeth Kucinich&olicy Director, ?enter for $ood afety&ostedK 0*P0'P'0)*

    After years of work by scientific public interest organizations such as Center for Food Safety andgovernmental bodies such as the United Nations, consumers around the world are becoming aware of

    the dangers of industrial, chemical-based agriculture. The most legitimate science and research bodies

    recommend turning toward organic and sustainable agriculture, shunning genetically engineered (GE

    or GMO) products and the chemicals they are designed to promote. Yet despite the U.N.'s assessment 

    that sustainable agriculture is the way to feed the world's growing population, U.S. government

    agencies continue to support the biotechnology industry and its pesticide-promoting crops as the path

    forward. But the message is failing -- even with the backing of the U.S. government and a barrage of

    advertising from companies like Monsanto.

    With the growth and power of the food movement, corporate giants are beginning to take action.

    According to news reports last year, Monsanto "[shook] up its senior public relations staff, upped its

    relationship with one of the nation's largest public relations firms  and helped launch a [new]website..." After decades of employing a "block-us-and-we'll-sue-you" approach, Monsanto recently

    began an intense makeover PR campaign: popularity by association.

    Monsanto is cozying up to the reputation, authenticity and wholesomeness of family farmers -- and

    hoping the all-American nostalgia many associate with the small scale farmer rubs off on them.

    During the Super Bowl, key media markets  saw Monsanto's "It Begins with a Farmer" commercials,

    which were intended to demonstrate that the company shares the same values as family farmers and the

    consumers they feed and clothe.

    Consider the cold, hard facts:

    • Monsanto's seeds squeeze out family farms. 

    In reality, Monsanto is no friend to the family farmer or the communities they live in and

    support. In fact, Monsanto (and other chemical companies like Dow Chemical, Syngenta,

    BASF, Pioneer/Dupont, and Bayer) have forced small farmers into a dying breed. The cost of

    industrial agriculture forces farmers to get big or get out. This is particularly true of  GE

    herbicide-resistant seeds, which USDA economists tell us have contributed to increased

    consolidation of farmland in fewer hands.

    For those farmers who survive, profit margins are smaller due to the high cost of inputs.

    Genetically engineered (GE or GMO) seeds have dramatically driven up per-acre seed prices

    ever since they were introduced in 1996 (see chart below).