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ITA – Specialisations

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

ITA EIT ICT Labs Master Programme

Internet Technology and Architecture The technical major in Internet Technology and Architecture is a focused programme of

study involving advanced networking technologies and architectures for the design and

management of modern distributed computer systems and networks. This programme is in

line with the challenging field of computing communication and networking technologies

that has lately received considerable attention and is today considered as a major topic for

most curriculum studies in IT.

More information:

Contact: Promethee Spathis

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

Specialisations Specialisations are provided during the second year. The ITA major offers 6 specialisations, each at a different location. To meet the requirements for geographic mobility, the chosen exit point needs to differ from the chosen entry point.

User-Centric Networking at UPMC

Internet Technologies at TU Berlin

Communication Systems Design at KTH

Wireless and Mobile Access Networks at UNITN

Heterogeneous Networking (Wireless and Backbone) at UNS

Internet of Things at Institute Telecom

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

User-centric Networking (UPMC)

Dr. Prométhée Spathis is the coordinator of the Internet Technology Architecture major. He is an associate professor at UPMC in the Network and Performance Analysis group. He received both M.Sc (1998) and his Ph.D. in Computer (2003) Science from UPMC. Over the years, Dr. Spathis has supervised over 20 master’s theses and 4 doctor of science theses. He has been involved in European projects (European Commission’s 6th and 7th Framework Programmes), as well as many national research projects. He has also participated in several French scientific-technological cooperation programmes with South America. He is currently co-advising

two PhD students in the research areas of content-based architectures and content dissemination in vehicular networks. Prométhée Spathis is also the programme director for a master programme implemented in Vietnam.

UPMC offers a specialisation in user-centric networking with courses in advanced routing and switching, network security, large networks, QoS and multimedia networks, digital communications, network management and traffic control. The focus is on offering a complete and consistent vision of networking architectures and technologies both in wired and wireless/mobile environments, at access and core networks. This programme aims to provide a rigorous theoretical knowledge and understanding of current issues as well as detailed practical experience of advanced networking technologies and architectures. The objective is to respond to the strong industry demand of high level network engineers and specialists. This programme in essence is thought out to make the students aware of the requirements, constraints, and evolutions that the networking industry has to cope with; it naturally trains them to be destined for a high level industrial career, particularly in the field of research and innovation.

Contact: Prométhée Spathis

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

User-centric Networking Specialisation Mandatory Courses (18 ECTS):

Advanced routing in large and complex Networks 6 ECTS

Network Management and Traffic Control 6 ECTS

Advanced Network Security 6 ECTS

User-centric Networking Specialisation Electives:

Digital Communications

Research Methodology

Internet Governance and Regulation

Distributed Resilience to Attacks

Carrier-Grade networks

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

Internet Technologies (TU Berlin)

Anja Feldmann is a Professor at the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories (an Institut at the Technische Universität Berlin). Previously she was a professor in the computer science department at the Technische Universität München and a professor in the computer science department at University of Saarbrücken both in Germany. She has been a member of the IP Network Measurement and Performance Department at AT&T Labs Research.

Her current research interest is network performance debugging. Starting from data traffic measurements over traffic characterization this leads to judging the performance implications of what we have learned. In 2011, she was awarded with the Leibniz prize of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. In 2009, she became member of the German National Acadamy of Sciences Leopoldina.

The Internet is a social phenomenon that has changed, and continues to change how humans communicate, businesses work, how emergencies are handled, the military operates, etc. It has redefined expectations about how interactions between humans, computers and humans, and between computers function. Without question, almost all major industrial sectors take advantage of the internet. This includes software companies such as Microsoft, Google, and SAP, as well as more traditional manufacturing companies e.g., the automotive companies, service providers like banks and insurance companies and the entertainment industry. We need an in depth understanding of the technology underlying the internet, to develop solutions and improve the current network to address challenges such as mobility, quality of experience, security, and reliability.

Contact: Anja Feldmann

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

User-centric Networking Specialisation Mandatory Courses:

Advanced Networking

Lab and project in Networking

Reading class

Two of the following set of courses:

Internet Security

Internet Measurement

Internet Routing

NGN Technologies

Sensor Networks

Broadband Networks

User-centric Networking Specialisation Electives:

Advanced OS

Operation of Complex IT Infrastructures


Advanced Databases

Security and Privacy


Resource Management

Advanced Software Engineering

Distributed Modeling and Algorithms

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

Communication Systems Design (KTH)

Viktoria Fodor received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. In 1999 she joined the KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, where she now acts as assistant professor in the Laboratory for Communication Networks where she is the coordinator of a local master’s programme. Over the years she supervised several master’s theses and 2 PhD theses. She

participated in several European and Swedish research projects. Her current research interests include multimedia and peer-to-peer communication, sensor network and cognitive radio network protocol design and performance analysis.

Peter Sjödin is an associate professor in Communication Networks at KTH in Stockholm. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Uppsala University, Sweden. Prior to joining KTH, he was Vice President of Research and Development at Dynarc, a company developing network systems for optical metropolitan networks. Prior to that, he was working at SICS, Swedish Institute of Computer Science.

At KTH, Peter is heading the Network Systems Laboratory. He is the director of the Communication Systrems Master’s programme, and academic coordinator for NordSecMob – an Erasmus Mundus Master's Programme in Security and Mobile Computing. He is teaching courses in computer networks, network security, and distributed applications. Currently he is supervising eight doctoral students, and he has been involved in several research programmes national and European. His current research interests include cloud networking, energy-efficient networking, and eHealth infrastructures.

KTH offers a specialisation track of the EIT core master on Communication system design and development. The core of the track is the Communication system design course. The objective of the course is to offer students an opportunity to learn about advanced emerging technologies and the associated market and business development by working in teams together with other students from different programmes and a few from different universities, an interdisciplinary teaching team and representatives from industry in projects where specialist knowledge from different disciplines is blended. In addition, the track offers related theoretical courses and courses on network system.

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

Contact: Viktoria Fodor + Peter Sjödin

Communication Systems Design Specialisation Electives:

Network Management

Network Security

Network Services and Internet Based Applications Project Course

Network Algorithms

Performance Analysis

Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures

Mobile Applications

Telecommunication Policy and Regulatory Principles

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

Wireless and Mobile Internet Access (UNITN)

Fabrizio Granelli is an associate professor at the Dept. of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) of the University of Trento (Italy) and IEEE ComSoc distinguished lecturer. Since 2008, he is deputy head of the academic council in Information Engineering.

His main research activities are in the field of networking, with particular reference to wireless networks (performance optimization, ad-hoc networks modeling), cognitive networks/radios, cross-layer design and green networking. He is the author of more

than 130 papers, a was guest-editor in relevant international journals (ACM/Kluwer Mobile Networks and Applications Journal, ACM TOMACS) and visiting professor at the State University of Campinas in August 2004 and August 2010.

He is the former Chair of the IEEE Communication Systems Integration and Modeling Technical Committee and he was chair or co-chair of several top-level international events, like IEEE Globecom Symposium TPC Co-Chair on "Performance Modeling, QoS and Reliability" from 2007 to 2009 and in 2012.

University of Trento offers a specialisation track of the EIT core master on Internet Technology and Architecture focused on “Wireless and Mobile Internet Access”. The objective of the track is to offer a complete and effective vision of the wireless access technologies to the Internet, to answer to the relevant demand for trained engineers and (freelance) professionals in enabling seamless mobile access to Internet services. The specificity of Trento is due to its territory, which being partitioned in several valleys strongly demands the usage of wireless access technologies to avoid digital divide and enable broadband access, and by the availability of a regional wireless / optical testbed, which covers all the Province of Trento with hundreds of kilometers of fibers and hotspots, as well as local testbeds (i.e. indoor/outdoor wireless mesh networking testbed, software-defined radio lab platform) for development of real internet prototypes and services - with the possibility of involving directly the citizens of the province.

Contact: Fabrizio Granelli

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

Wireless and Mobile Internet Access Specialisation Mandatory Courses (24 ECTS):

Antennas for Wireless Communications 6 ECTS

Advanced Wireless Networks Architectures and Protocols 6 ECTS

Mobile Communications 6 ECTS

Project course on “Wireless Internet Access” 6 ECTS

Wireless and Mobile Internet Access Specialisation Electives:

Satellite Communications 6 ECTS

Wired Communications Systems and Devices 6 ECTS

Digital Signal Processing 6 ECTS

Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications 6 ECTS

Data Hiding 6 ECTS

Distributed Systems 6 ECTS

Network Security 6 ECTS

Web Architectures 6 ECTS

Web Mining 6 ECTS

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

Heterogeneous Networking (Wireless and Backbone) (UNS)

Guillaume Urvoy-Keller received an engineering degree from the Institut National des Télécommunications, France, in 1995, the PhD degree in Computer Science from University Paris 6 in 1999 and the "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches" from the University of Nice in 2006. From 2000 to 2010, he was an assistant professor at the Institut Eurecom. Since 2010, he is a Professor at the University of Nice and a member of the I3S CNRS lab, where he leads the Signet research group. Since September 2011, he is responsible for the

Ubinet track of the Computer Science Master of the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis.

The courses in this programme provide students both with strong conceptual (performance evaluation, graph theory based design, distributed algorithmics, etc) and specialisation skills in the area of networking and distributed systems in general. Besides studying in depth the core internet protocols and architecture evolution, wireless and cross-layers approaches, network on chip, etc., this programme also introduces networked middleware and application layers: grids and clouds, internet of things, peer-to-peer content sharing systems. Doing such, the programme addresses transversal concerns like security, heterogeneity, performances, resilience, etc. This programme provides the training for qualified specialists who will be able to respond to the strong industry demand for software engineers, information system designers, and technical analysts and advisers. It will also prepare candidates to undertake further investigation and research into ubiquitous networking and computing.

Contact: Guillaume Urvoy-Keller

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

Heterogeneous Networking Specialisation Mandatory Courses (24 ECTS):

Evolving Internet: Architectural Challenges 4 ECTS

Wireless Networks and WLAN/WPAN Cross-layer 4 ECTS

Algorithms for Telecommunication 2 ECTS

Performance Evaluation of Networks 2 ECTS

An Algorithmic Approach of Distributed Systems 2 ECTS

Foundations and Models for the Design of On-chip Systems and Networks


Large Scale Distributed Systems 2 ECTS

Personal Research Project in Networking or Distributed Systems 6 ECTS

Heterogeneous Networking Specialisation Electives:

Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing 6 ECTS

From BitTorrent to Privacy 6 ECTS

Application Security and Intrusion Detection 6 ECTS

Compute and Data Clouds 6 ECTS

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

Internet of Things (Institute Telecom)

David Ros received his B.Sc. (with honors) and M.Sc. degrees, both in Electronics Engineering, from the Simón Bolívar University, Caracas, Venezuela, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Institut National de Sciences Appliquées (INSA), Rennes, France. He is currently working as an associate professor at Télécom Bretagne, Rennes, in the Networks, Security and Multimedia (RSM) Department.

David Ros is co-chair of the Internet Congestion Control Research Group at the IRTF (Internet Research Task Force), the research-

oriented sibling of the IETF. His active research interests include: transport protocols and congestion control, network simulation and modeling, as well as quality of service issues in IP networks. He has advised a dozen MSc-level theses and five completed PhD theses, and he has been involved in several national and European research projects, as well as in scientific collaboration programmes with two Latin American countries.

Internet connectivity has been widely deployed in the last decade and is now present not only in every house and office, but also in many personal, mobile communication and entertainment devices. However, with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the development of Machine-to-Machine communications the number of interconnected devices is expected to explode and to reach many billions by the end of the decade. Such evolution of the Internet opens the way to imagining a large panel of new services, but also raises several technical hurdles that have to be addressed: energy issues both in the terminal side and in the infrastructure; scalability issues for traffic management, QoS management, routing, addressing; heterogeneity of technologies; radio spectrum management (as many of such devices will be wirelessly connected to the network). Furthermore, new business models should be envisioned to foster the development of innovative services.

Contact: David Ros

EIT ICT Labs Master School: ITA – Specialisations

Internet of Things Specialisation Electives:

Network Services and Security

Real-time and Embedded OS

Wireless and Mobile Networks: Architectures and Protocols

Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks

Embedded Systems and IP Convergence

M2M Communications, Protocols and Architectures

M2M use Cases and Applications

Performance Evaluation