Download - 2012 Winter Sower

  • 8/3/2019 2012 Winter Sower


    winter 2012


    Investing in the Dreams of the Poor

    Most Successful Gala Yet!

    Plant With Purpose Saved My Life


    Directors Corner

    Breaking News

    Gifts With a Purpose







    in this issue

    Formerly known as Floresta Usa

  • 8/3/2019 2012 Winter Sower


    ForMerLY kNoWN aS FLoreSta uSa2

    Sometimes I wished that my

    children ailed their fnal school

    exams because I was unable to

    pay or their school ees.~Elikao Lyamuya

    eli is m ig m vil-

    lg Msii in tnzni. Li ny m,

    eli my v nc wisd dcin,

    l, nd pspiy cildn, b

    dspin dsyd dms.

    S wisd il n cildn n b-

    cs s didn lv m, b bcs

    pying scl s wld mn

    mily wldn v ng . Wn

    cd cs bwn ding nd d-

    cing cildn, is n wnd s s-

    cly wisd yd n scl.

    Pln Wi Pps xiss vs im-

    pc bjc pvy nd indl nd

    invs in dms pns li eli

    nd wld.

    Mn nd wmn vcming pvy,

    pviding i milis, nd ning i

    dms in liy in nmb din

    wys. on wy is g min

    villg svings nd ln gps.

    In tnzni, cmmniy mmbs jin-

    ing villg svings gps nd gining c-

    css n nly cdi nd fnncil in-

    ing, b ls n ni spp sysm.

    ab ys g, wi lil cnfdnc

    in sl nd n p milys -

    , eli jind villg svings nd

    ln gp.

    Wi ccing m Pln Wi Pps

    ins, gp ms wly pl

    i svings, ln smll bsinss sills,

    nd m lns. eli is nw bl sp-

    p ig cildns dcin nd bsic

    nds, aND mily is ing bl-

    ncd mls dy!! a sl vn g

    n elis wilds dms.

    as w invs in livs p, w s

    n nly cng in incm nd ppni-

    is milis, b ls nsmin

    s nd livs s individls bgin

    dm gin.

    rcnly in oxc, Mxic, wv wi-

    nssd is incdibl nsmin in n n

    lily plc: wi gp yng ppl m

    smll villg Lm Cimdi. ts 11

    yng ngs cmpis fs-v y

    svings nd ln gp. In i fs sving cy

    cl, y svd l $300!

    ty v bn s ncgd by i sccss

    y v cid vn m yng p

    pl, nd y js bgn scnd cycl wi 21

    cildn, nly dbl fs cycl. W cn

    wi i sccsss s y

    cnin dm nd xpnd i visin.

    Y cn lp dwing ms nd cildn

    li eli nd y m Lm Cimdi

    s y llw i dms nd giv i mi

    lis gi l, ppinss, nd p

    big . tg w cn mpw cm

    mniis bgin dm gin, nd invs in

    s dms by pviding ls, ining

    nd mns n i dms in liy.

    Y cn invs in dms p.

    For just $1 a day, you can Sponsor a Village and giv

    farmers the tools they need to feed their families

    raise their incomes, restore health to thei r commun

    ties, and accomplish their dreams. Visit our websi to learn more.

    InvestIng In theDreams oF the poorBy Aly lewis, Grant Writer

  • 8/3/2019 2012 Winter Sower



    In ocb Plning

    hp Gl, w nnncd

    w d cnly pln-

    d 7 millin .

    I is signiicn mil-

    sn, nd ws jsifbly

    cgnizd wi ppls. I sill mmb

    vy clly nmb ys g, wn

    wll-nwn sp, w ws ing

    yn n vns, sd m w

    mny s w d plnd s in is-

    y. I ms b millins nd millins!

    sid, nsisiclly. I ld im nmb

    ws 600,000. Nicbly dd, mm-

    bld, Wll s sill l s, I gss. I

    ws wi sm siscin I nicd

    is y ln, w plnd nly wic


    hwv, wnv I mnin nmbs

    s plnd, I cn cn n lil ps-

    bc m pgm nd cnicl s.

    ts w spnsibl vling

    pgms qic pin plning

    s is n civiy, n n cm. In

    wds, plning s is n lim gl

    nd cning s ds n ll y w

    w ming pgss wds s gls.

    I mig b lpl in dinc

    is wy: i y gl is ls wig, x-

    cising mig b n impn civiy

    cld ld lsing wig, b js cn-

    ing nmb ims y xcisd wld

    giv y n indicin s w y

    w clly lsing wig.

    I is sill impn ms civiis, nd

    i is wndl s w mc lvl

    civiy s gwn, ns pnsip

    s mny gns dns nd silld fld

    s. B i wld b mis slly m-

    s civiis.

    In cs, msing cng in s

    cv wld giv mc b indicin

    pgss wds gls, b i is mc d-

    ms. Wi sm nw c-

    nlgy vilbl, i is ging si, b i

    is msmn w d lss -

    n. Nnlss, s cv is incsing.

    eli is y I wld g plsn

    sd yng ss d bn plnd

    in ls svn ys in Mxic, nd sw li

    ning lnd.

    o mmbs m qic -

    scott sabin

    excutiv Dirctor

    DIrectors cornerBy sCOTT sABiN, Executive Director

    mind m vn sin is n n

    nd in isl, nd vy plnd p-

    sns s mc m is n cpd in

    sisic. I is smll p sming

    lisic - n dzn cs in n-

    ing li nd l b ppl nd lnd.

    ec psns nw cnmic pp-

    niis, sin ilnss ms

    nd wsds, livs nsmd, nd

    ppniy s lv Jss in

    b wd nd dd.

    ec gv cd psns s-

    is ppl li eli, gp

    Mxicn ngs m Lm Cimdi,

    b wm y will m lsw in

    is diin t Sw. Wn I in 7

    millin s i is s sis nd s mny

    s cm mind.

  • 8/3/2019 2012 Winter Sower


    4 ForMerLY kNoWN aS FLoreSta uSa4

    2011 plantIng hope galamost successFul Yet!W xcid nnnc is ysPlning hp Gl ws ms sccss-

    l y! tns vyns incdibl

    gnsiy, Pln Wi Pps pgms

    civd $380,236! tis xcds p-

    vis cd $317,000 in 2009.

    tn y vyn w ndd nd

    sppd is ys Plning hp Gl,

    inclding ddicd cmmi nd

    vlns. W vwlmd wi

    y spp nd ly ppci y


    t nig ws flld wi lg, xci-

    mn, nd gnsiy. on gs cm-

    mnd, I ws pc vning flld

    wi Ld nd clbin ll

    Pln Wi Pps s bcm. Cis

    ws clly b. t vning

    icd Pdis Pin rs wi

    n xciing siln cin, llwd by dlicis dinn, liv cin, inspiing

    sps, nv-b-sn vid ig-

    liging xpnding Villg Svings

    nd Ln pgm, nd Fnd Nd

    cin. t nig cncldd wi cl-

    by pmnc by lcl hiin

    bnd, Lng Di.

    all pcds m gl will g -

    wd mpwing snds ppl

    s nd nsm i livs nd lnd.

    as sl is incdibly sccssl

    vning, Pln Wi Pps will:

    - Launch 20 new village savings and loan

    groups, enabling poor amilies to start

    businesses and send their children to


    - Provide 200 amilies with water purifca-

    tion systems in the Dominican Republic

    and Haiti to treat water contaminated bybacteria and other water-borne disease


    - Plant 14,060 trees to reorest and revive

    the land and create opportunities or the

    rural poor.

    - Build 833 uel-efcient stoves to improve

    the health o amilies and reduce deor-


    - And much more!

    tn y gin vyn w md

    Plning hp Gl sc wndl

    sccss, nd y pnsip in ns-ming livs l p.

    Pleae save the Date f next yea

    Planting Hpe Gala, which will be at

    Paadie Pint ret n satuday,

    octbe 13th, 2012.

  • 8/3/2019 2012 Winter Sower



    the amazIng envIronmental

    meDIa awarDsLigs, cm, cin! on Sdy, oc-

    b 15, Pln Wi Pps sppd

    in splig envinmnl

    Mdi awds (eMa) Wn Bs

    Sdis in Bbn. Pln Wi Pps

    s mmbs id vid ssc

    syndm s y mingld wi clbs

    sc s Nicl rici, amy Sm, D-

    yl hnn, Micll kwn, olivi Wild,

    Mdlin Sw, Py rvs, ed Bg-

    ly J., nd Fncs Fis. (Jsin timb-

    l ws n, b y didn g

    m im, dn!)

    tis ws n incdibl ppniy g

    wd b Pln Wi Ppss

    vil w sing nvinmnnd livs l p. W w

    blssd b p is vn ns

    mzing cp pn, kl-

    lgg Gdn Pdcs, w is cnsidd

    eMas g cmpny gdning in-

    min nd is ls i pn in d-

    cing cildn b gdning.

    kllgg gcisly llwd s sw-

    cs Pln Wi Pps pmi

    b. W w md nd dy nd

    oxc pin ndl bss flld wi

    edn Vlly ping sil, m sds,

    nd iliz pcs 1,000 gss inndnc. Gdn nd Blm, pd-

    c kllgg, is dning $1.00 p bg

    sld Pln Wi Pps pln .

    (t sil will b vilbl in ms ns-

    is s Jny 1, 2012. Visi llggg- fnd m.)

    Thank you so much to Kellogg or your in-

    valuable partnership, and or allowing us to

    be a part o this spectacular event!

    IntroDuce plant wIth purpose to

    Your sunDaY servIce

    Pln Wi Ppss exciv Dic,

    Sc Sbin, wld lv ppniy

    sp y cc m llwsip.

    W nw bing ppinmns ll nd win. Pssibl pics incld:

    undsnding Cnncin Bwn

    Pvy nd envinmn, Bibli-

    cl Bsis Cin C, W ws

    nd W Dsn Wn hlping P

    (idl s-m missin ms), hw

    N t B a h (w w y b

    svi wld ldy s svi),

    nd tnding edn: envinmnl Sw-

    dsip Gds Ppl (n vviw

    Scs b).

    F m inmin nd b d,

    pls cnc Dg S dg@

    plnwipps.g cll fc

    (800) 633-5319.

    waYs to get InvolveD

    Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter

    civ pds n w.

    Sbscib blg: plnwipps.

    g/blg p p wi blg bzz.

    Bcm n dvc. Visi plnwip-

    ps.g/-cin nd fnd wys lp

    s spd wd in y cmmniy.

    Inn vln Pln Wi Pps.

    Cnc [email protected].

    vIsIt a vIllageevy y Pln Wi Pps spps

    v ppniy vl cm-

    mniis w w w s li-cnging

    w fsnd. upcming ip ds s



    February 5-11, 2012

    Dominican republic:

    april 26 - may 2, 2012

    Pls cnc Dg S dg@

    plnwipps.g cll (800) 633-5319

    i y insd in piciping in vi-

    sin ip.

    help us senD extreme global

    povertY Into the hIstorY booksending xm pvy is

    g nding. B w

    bliv i is pssibl. W

    xcid nnnc

    w v md p wi

    Cmpssin Inninl, Wld rli, In-

    ninl Jsic Missin (IJM), hp In-

    ninl, nd wld-clss nn-p-

    is m 58: n npcdnd llinc

    glbl Cisins, ccs, nd i-

    bsd pvy-fging gnizins w-

    ing g nd xm, glbl pvy

    by 2035. t c is iniiiv is bsd

    Isi 58, p wic sys: and i

    y spnd yslvs n bl n-

    gy nd sisy nds ppssd,

    n y lig will is in dnss, nd

    y nig will bcm li nndy.

    t ln m nd jin cs, visi

    liv58.g nd jin p w g

    s-wd nd pvy.

    the sower Issue #91The Soweris pblisd qly

    by Pln Wi Pps.

    edi-In-Ci: aly Lwis

    [email protected]

    Please consider including Plant With

    Purpose in your wills and bequests.

    4903 Mn Blvd. S 1215

    Sn Dig, Ca 92117

    P: (800) 633-5319

    Fx: (858) 274-3728

    emil: [email protected]

    www. plnwipps.g



  • 8/3/2019 2012 Winter Sower


    ForMerLY kNoWN aS FLoreSta uSa6

    gIFts wIth a purposeDs czinss lidy spping lly g y g? a y ling gi

    will bd jy li bbis? W i ws wy g ll y spping dn wi

    nning nd li cicn wi is d c ?

    Wll, l n ! Pln Wi Ppss nlin hlidy Villg M Gi Clg s

    mngi lniv gis will l y cc y lidy spping lis wi

    w ss lmbs il.

    Y cn sp nimls, s, c-ims sc s svs, cisns, lins, mily g-

    dns, miccdi lns, nd scs cmmniy Bibl sdy gps. Find pc

    lniv gi y mily nd inds by visiing www.plnwipps.g/gis. o,

    cc gi bx n nclsd mi nvlp nd cc wic ims y wld li

    dn. tn g www.plnwipps.g dwnld ging cd y cn

    pin nd snd s spcil ppl in y li.

    t fnd pc psn y lvd ns (ys, vn blc sp in y mily),

    cc Pln Wi Ppss gis www.plnwipps.g/gis. avid lidy

    spping z nd giv lsingnd n--mnin-dblgi wi vn lving s!

    Provide Animals: You can buy a brood o

    10 chicks, a breeding pair o rabbits, goats

    and sheep in honor o your loved ones th


    Plant Trees:





    Buy a Fuel-efcient Stove or $30Plant a Nutritious Family Garden or $50

    goat treesstove

    here are some examples oF

    alternatIve gIFts anD theIr lIFe-

    changIng beneFIts For rural


    t nd 2011 is lms pn s! I y plnning n ming dnin nd

    ving i cn wd y 2011 incm

    x n, IrS Pblicin 526 ss

    iming y dnin ms b s llws:

    Check: The envelope in which the check is

    mild ms b PoStMarkeD by n

    Dcmb 31s.

    Credit Card: Your card must be PRO-CeSSeD by n Dcmb 31s, vn i

    y dn py y bill nil Jny.

    Stock and Securities: When electronically

    nsing ppcid sc sci-

    is, d dnin is d Pln

    Wi Pps reCeIVeS sc in

    ccn. Pls llw ls 5 dys

    m im y inii ns.

    F m inmin n w dnsc nd/ bnfs dning

    sc, pls l cll -

    fcs mil kisn tc, Dic

    Finnc & adminisin, isn@


    I y v ny qsins, pls cnc

    fcs by i clling (800) 633-5319

    miling [email protected]. ofc

    s 9 .m.5 p.m. Pcifc tim.

    Important tax DeDuctIon remInDer

    Plant an orchard (10 trees)

    Plant a hillside (25 trees)

    Plant a grove (50 trees)

    Plant a orest (100 trees)

  • 8/3/2019 2012 Winter Sower



    M. Visnl Dlv is cmmniy gp ld

    m C Lmp, hii. a fs ws spi-

    cl b jining gp, b is nw d-

    mn i ws bs dcisin s v

    md. In c, vn sys Pln Wi P-

    ps s svd is li ims, lilly.

    t fs im ws ding icns

    2008 wn civd spp m Pln

    Wi Pps pln is ls vs, wic

    p im nd is mily m sving in

    mns llwd sms.

    t scnd im Pln Wi Pps svd

    is li ws q in 2010, wn

    nc gin is mily ws in dsp nd

    sds nd d, wic Pln Wi Pps


    t id im ws js w mns g

    wn Visnl cncd cl nd ws n-

    bl div spil. Lcily, ws

    bl cll rbcc, is Pln Wi Pps

    pm, w cm is sc. By

    im rbcc nd div ivd Visnls

    s, ws ldy ncnscis. ty im lcl l cn, w s

    sd im fs. rbcc bggd

    m sbiliz im bcs spil ws

    m n w s wy. a insising y

    p im n n IV, gind cnscisnss

    nd is nw ding vy wll.

    Visnl nds iving gsy pl, nd

    sys is cp yilds v dmiclly

    incsd sinc bgn sing Pln Wi

    Ppss innviv cniqs. his cn

    incsd m 40 80 pnds, is bns

    m 15 25 pnds, nd is s

    gwing sdily.

    Visnl is smn mny wys Pln

    Wi Ppss innviv pgms nd

    cing s mmbs nsmingndvn svinglivs.

    Visi wbsi, www.plnwipps.

    g, fll cd mi slip ln

    w y cn Spns a Villg in hii

    js $1 dy.

    Plant With PurPosesaved My life three tiMes!

    vIllage spotlIght:Caf loMPre, haitiBy Aly lewis, Grant Writer

  • 8/3/2019 2012 Winter Sower


    Plant with Purpose

    4903 Morn Blvd. Suit 1215Sn Digo, Ca 92117

    Ph: (800) 633-5319

    Fx: (858) 274-3728

    emil: [email protected]

    NoN-Profit org

    U.S. PoStage


    Permit 751

    SaN diego Ca

    InvestIng In the Dreams oF the poor

    plant wIth purpose saveD mY

    lIFe-three tImes!read the inCredible story inside...

    2011 plantIng hope gala most

    successFul Yet!