Download - 2012 PPO Annual Accomplishment Report for POPCOM

  • 7/29/2019 2012 PPO Annual Accomplishment Report for POPCOM


    Republic of the PhilippinesPROVINCE OF MISAMIS ORIENTALProvincial Capitol, Cagayan de Oro CityPROVINCIAL GOVERNORS OFFICE

    January 21, 2013

    DIR. PSYCHE P. PALERRegional DirectorCommission on PopulationRegional Office No. 10, Cagayan de Oro City

    Dear Director Paler,


    We are respectfully submitting to your office the herein 2012 Annual

    Accomplishment Report of the Provincial Population Office for the period covering from

    January to December 2012.

    Thank you very much for your unequivocal support. Best Regards.

    Very truly yours,

    OSCAR S. MORENOProvincial Governor


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    Republic of the Philippines

    Province of Misamis Oriental

    2012 Annual Accomplishment Report

    A. Policy Objectives:

    1. Help couples/parents exercise responsible parenting to contribute to the reduction of infant,

    child and maternal mortality;

    2. Help adolescents and youth exercise responsible sexuality to reduce incidence of teenage

    pregnancies, early marriages, sexuality transmitted infections and other psycho-social


    3. To promote the integration of the Millennium Development Goals and other stakeholders in

    the agenda and programs of LGUs population management program and in support of the 8 -

    point agenda of Governor Oscar S. Moreno under Poverty Alleviation;

    4. To seek the cooperation and partnership of all government and non-government agencies,

    sectors and institution, individuals, families and communities in working together for the

    common good and welfare.

    5. To manage population policy involving fertility, mortality and migration so that demographic

    outcomes are harmonized with resources and environment.

    6. To see to it that all population dimensions are considered in the formulation of policies in

    achieving balance, growth and sustained development emphasizing the four(4) Pillars ofPopulation Management Policy, namely: Responsible Parenthood, Respect for Life, Birth

    Spacing and Informed Choice/Voluntarism.

    B. Strategies:

    1. Promotion of Responsible Parenthood

    a. Ensure equitable accessibility, availability, and sustainability of scientific Natural Family

    Planning (in communication and workplaces)

    o Develop training modules and standards


    Train services providers on Natural Family Planning

    b. Promote Responsible Parenthood through Information, Education, Communication and

    Counseling Services

    o Develop Unified Communication Plan (Responsible Parenting, Breastfeeding, Birth Spacing

    and Informed Choice/Voluntarism)

    o Undertake Campaign using multi media and alternative channels

    o Organize and mobilize the Responsible Parenting Movement in the province

    o Implement Pre-Marriage Counseling Program integrating Responsible Parenting messages

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    2. Promotion of Adolescent Health and Youth Development

    a. Provide age-appropriate and values based information, education and counseling services

    (in-school, out-school, workplaces and other settings) through the conduct of the AHYDP

    Orientations, Symposia, etc. using the Sexually Healthy and Personally Effective (SHAPE)


    b. Conduct training for youth on life skills and fertility awareness.

    3. Promotion of Population and Development Integration

    a. Integration of population and development interrelationships in policies, programs and plans

    b. Conduct and disseminate on population and development issues including urbanization and


    c. Establish, maintain and update a database of core POPDEV indicators

    4. Advocacy and Resource Mobilization

    a. Undertake policy advocacy on Responsible Parenthood (RP) with emphasis on Birth Spacing

    (3-5 years) and Breastfeeding

    o Identify and train champions for Responsible Parenthood(RP),

    Birth Spacing and Breastfeeding

    o Organize community/networks of advocate for RP

    o Develop advocacy core messages and materials

    o Collate, circulate and replicate best practices on RP

    b. Generate and mobilize program resources for Responsible Parenthood through the Natural

    Family Planning Program and Responsible Parenting Movement.

    Functions of Provincial Population Office:

    1. Facilitate the development of a Population Program Plan and its accompanying advocacy


    2. Coordinate the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the population program plan

    and advocacy plan.

    3. In consultation with program stakeholders, develop policies for the consideration of local

    legislators to ensure achievement of program goals and objectives.

    4. Establish and maintain coordinating mechanisms for the effective implementation of the

    population program.

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    5. Organize and mobilize volunteers at the grassroots level to provide population-related

    services to primary clients.

    6. Act as the Secretariat of the Provincial Responsible Parenting Movement Team (RPM Mis.


    7. As a member of the Provincial Nutrition Committee, monitor and evaluate the Municipal and

    Barangay Nutrition Program and the Barangay Nutrition Scholars Project in the municipalities

    and selected barangays of the province.

    8. Monitor and Evaluate the Responsible Parenting Movement/Natural Family Planning


    9. Provide technical assistance to partner agencies and other LGUs in matters related to

    population management.

    10. Establish and maintain a functional population program monitoring and evaluation system

    and management information system.

    11. Assist in resource mobilization for program continuity.

    12. Advocates on Quality Circles/Work Improvement Teams and facilitates in the creation of

    QC/WITs and in the institution of QC/WITs Projects on Quality and Productivity in the

    Provincial Government of Misamis Oriental and the Provincial Hospitals. Continued

    collaboration with the Mindanao Association for Quality (MAQ), Inc.

    13. Promotes in the continued implementation of the Integrity Development Program - Provincial

    Roads Management Facility in the province.

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    Budget CY 2012: Population Program - P 200,000.00

    Responsible Parenting Movement Program - 2,500,000.00

    Total : P 2,700,000.00

    Population and Development Integration

    a. Conducted the 1st

    Quarter 2012 Municipal Population Officers Meeting at POPCOM Regional Office,Cagayan de Oro City on February 3, 2012. Updated the Municipal/City Population Officers on theSchedule of the Responsible Parenting Movement/Natural Family Planning Barangay Classes - FinancialAssistance CY 2011, Team-Building Activity for Municipal Population Officers, National LEPOWPHILCongress 2012, etc.

    b. Conducted the Municipal Population Officers Mini-Meeting at POPCOM Regional Office, Cagayan deOro City on March 8, 2012. Updated the Municipal/City Population Officers on the 1

    stQuarter targets of

    the Pantawid Pampamilya Program (4Ps) by structure, 2012 Directions of the Philippine PopulationManagement Program, POPCOM Goals, LGUs Initiatives, Submission of Population Reports and othermatters.

    c. Conducted the 2nd Quarter 2012 Municipal Population Officers Meeting at Philtown Hotel, Cagayan deOro City on June 29, 2012. Updated the Municipal/City Population Officers on the following: 1


    Semester Responsible Parenthood-Family Planning Accomplishments, Family DevelopmentSession(FDS) conducted vs. Targets, Philippine Population Directional Plan for 2011-2016, NewGuidelines for conducting FDS of Pantawid Pampamilya Program, Responsible Parenting MovementOrientations for Barangay Population Officers Responsible Parenthood/Natural Family Planning UnmetNeed, Training of Trainors on Pre-Marriage Counseling by PNGOC, Adolescent Health and YouthDevelopment Program Orientations, Popularization of Crossroads Movie, 2012 POPQUIZ Division Level,RPM Barangay Classes Financial Assistance CY 2011, Total Population as of December 31, 2011, etc.

    d. Conducted the Barangay Population Officers (BPOs) RPM/NFP Orientation and Updates on the Stateof the Philippine Population Report 5 for the Municipality of Gitagum on December 18, 2012 at the

    Provincial Population Office, Cagayan de Oro City.

    Responsible Parenthood and Family Planning Program

    a. As the Secretariat of the Provincial RPM Team, conducted the Mini-Meeting with the RPM/NFPProvincial Health Office Team at the Provincial Population Office on June 4, 2012. Agenda: FinalProgram of the RPM/NFP Orientations for the ten batches, Attendance of barangay-based volunteersand RHU personnel as participants, Facilitators Schedule, etc. Mr. Samuel del Bando, Chairman of theProvincial RPM Team discussed important matters re program directions for 2013. Participated by theMs. Ann Pielago as vice-chairperson of the Provincial RPM Team with active involvement of POPCOMRegional Office 10 headed by Director Psyche Paler and Misamis Oriental Program Officers andMunicipal Health Officers.

    b. Conducted the Responsible Parenting/Natural Family Planning Orientations for selected RHUpersonnel, Barangay Health Workers, Barangay Population Officers, Barangay Nutrition Scholars andother community-based volunteers and barangay officials at Philtown Hotel in Cagayan de Oro City.Participants were oriented on Responsible Parenthood, Maternal and Child Health including BirthEmergency Plan, Fertility Awareness, Basal Body Temperature(BBT) Method, Cervical MucusMethod(CMM), Sympto-Thermal Method(STM), Standard Days Method(SDM) and LactationalAmenorrhea Method(LAM), Couple Communication and Counseling on the following dates:

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    Date No. of Participants

    August 1, 2012 40August 7, 2012 48August 10, 2012 30August 14, 2012 44August 15, 2012 39August 16, 2012 34August 17, 2012 34August 22, 2012 40August 23, 2012 48August 24, 2012 46Total: 403

    The trained volunteers will assist the Municipal/City RPM Teams in the conduct of the RPM

    Barangay Couples Classes. The selected Rural Health Midwives, Public Health Nurses and RN Heals

    were capacitated on Responsible Parenting and Natural Family Planning Program. They will also conduct

    follow-up visitations to married couples of reproductive age who have already attended the barangay

    couple classes to address the unmet need of family planning. The selected barangay captains and other

    officials will help in the promotion of Responsible Parenthood and Natural Family Planning Program in thebarangays. This is a continuing program of the Provincial RPM Team thru the Provincial Population

    Office and the provincial government has allocated the budget of Three Hundred Thirteen Thousand Five

    Hundred Pesos (P313,500.00) for the conduct of these orientations. Misamis Oriental is the only

    province in Region 10 that allocates a large amount of funds for the continuing training and capacity

    development for its service providers in the province. Best practice on Responsible Parenting/Natural

    Family Planning Program.

    c. Attended the Update Forum on All-NFP on August 21, 2012 at the P. Cronin Hall, Cathedral

    Compound, Cagayan de Oro City. At this forum was launched the 36- pamphlet, The Standard Days

    Method of Natural Family Planning: Expert Opinions and Pastoral Perspectives which the Archdiocese of

    Cagayan de Oro published aiming to clarify and dispel once and for all any misconceptions about the

    Standard Days Method (SDM). Mr. Samuel del Bando, Chair of the Provincial Responsible Parenting

    Movement Team shared his impressions on the Responsible Parenting Movement/Natural Family

    Planning Program of the province.

    d. Attended the Provincial Inter-Agency Committee (PIAC) Meeting on July 24, 2012 at the Provincial

    Governors Office. Agenda: Reports and Updates on 4Ps Program: POPCOM Regional Office 10

    Directions, Provincial Population Office Status Report on the Family Development Sessions on

    Responsible Parenting/ Family Planning, PSWDO Provincial Report, PHILHEALTH concerns, DSWD

    Regional Report, Sangguniang Panlalawigan, NGOs, etc.

    e. Conducted the Provincial Responsible Parenting Movement Team Meeting at Philtown Hotel onOctober 2, 2012. The activity was aimed to update the members on the different undertakings of the teamas well as plans for the coming year 2013.

    f. Conducted a Team Building Activity on October 3, 2012 at Dahilayan Forest Park, Manolo Fortich,Bukidnon. This activity was aimed to foster great working relationships with the Municipal/City RPM Teammembers and develop camaraderie and team work. A 4

    thQuarter Municipal Population Officers Planning

    Workshop was also conducted during the said activity.

    g. Facilitated in the Responsible Parenting/Natural Family Planning Training-of-Trainers for selected RuralHealth Midwives at Hotel Conchita on October 23-25, 2012 in Cagayan de Oro City in collaboration with

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    the Provincial Health Office and DOH-CHD10. Participants were trained on Responsible Parenthood,Maternal and Child Health including Birth Emergency Plan, Fertility Awareness, Basal Body Temperature(BBT) Method, Cervical Mucus Method (CMM), Sympto-Thermal Method (STM), Standard Days Method(SDM) and Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM), Couple Communication and Counseling.

    h. Rendered Financial Assistance in the amount of Forty-four Thousand Pesos (P 44,000.00) to theArchdiocese of Cagayan de Oro for the conduct of their mid-year assessment of the ResponsibleParenthood and All-Natural Family Planning Program. The financial assistance was used to fund thebudget for food of the participants in the activity held in Camiguin.

    i. Monitored the Family Development Sessions on Responsible Parenthood and Family Planning of 4Psconducted by the Municipal Population Officers.

    j. Monitored the Pre-Marriage Counseling Program as the lead office of PMC. Facilitated the variousrequests of the Municipal Population Officers re PMC program implementation in the province.

    k. Facilitated in the purchase of 5,000 pcs. Standard Days Method (SDM) Vertical Beads to be used by

    the Municipal/City Responsible Parenting Movement (RPM) Teams. The vertical beads will be given to

    the couples of reproductive age in the barangays who are current users, shifters and/or new acceptors of

    the SDM as a Natural Family Planning Method and in support of our continued promotion on Responsible

    Parenting. Allocated One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P 100,000.00) for the purchase of the SDM Vertical


    Adolescent Health and Youth Development Program

    a. Conducted the Adolescent Health and Youth Development Program (AHYDP) Orientations to highschool students at selected high schools in the province. This is in collaboration with the Department ofEducation - Misamis Oriental Division Level, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency Regional Office 10 andthe Municipal Governments of Gitagum, Villanueva and Laguindingan through the Municipal PopulationOfficers. Promoted healthy lifestyle and responsible sexuality and assisted the youth to avoid early sexualengagement, teenage pregnancies, early marriages, sexually transmitted diseases and other psycho-social concerns.

    School Date Municipality No. ofParticipants

    1. Alubijid National ComprehensiveHigh School

    January 31, 2012 Alubijid 120

    2. Misamis Oriental GeneralComprehensive High School

    February 13, 2012 Cagayan de Oro City 326

    3. Gitagum Advent Academy March 1, 2012 G. Pelaez, Gitagum 120

    4. Laguindingan National High School March 2, 2012 Poblacion, Laguindingan 350

    5. Kibaghot National High School March 2, 2012 Kibaghot, Laguindingan 250

    6. Villanueva National High School August 29, 2012 Villanueva 394

    7. Kalingagan National High School August 29, 2012 Villanueva 81

    TOTAL 1,641

    b. Conducted the Adolescent Health and Youth Development Program (AHYDP) Orientation to selected135 SPES beneficiaries of the province at the Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School onMay 7, 2012. This is in collaboration with the Department of Education - Misamis Oriental Division Level,Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency Regional Office 10 and the Provincial Job Assistance Center.Promoted healthy lifestyle and responsible sexuality and assisted the youth to avoid early sexualengagement, teenage pregnancies, early marriages, sexually transmitted diseases, substance abuse/useof illicit drugs and other psycho-social concerns.

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    1. Nutrition Program

    As a member of the Provincial Nutrition Committee, participated in the Annual Monitoring and Evaluation

    at the Local Level Plan Implementation (MELLPI) for 2011 performance in the municipalities and

    barangays from February 15, 2012 to March 27, 2012.

    2. Administrative Officers Network

    a. Attended the Monthly Administrative Officers Meeting at the SP Session Hall on April 26, 2012, May

    31, 2012 and June 28, 2012. The AO Network was updated on the HRMD Plan, ISSP and CAPDEV

    Plans of the Province through the PRMF (April 26, 2012) and were also given a Seminar on Customer

    Service (May 31, 2012) and Easy Kaizen Problem Solving Approach (June 28, 2012).

    b.Attended the Monthly Administrative Officers Meeting at the SP Session Hall on August 30, 2012. The

    AO Network was updated on Employees Compensation and GSIS Retirement Program.

    c. Attended the 1st

    Annual Conference of Administrative Officers at De Luxe Hotel on September 28,

    2012. Agenda: Development of the AO Network and the Milestones and Success of the Organization,

    Planning, and Team Building Activities. Ms. Caroline A. Neri was commended by Gov. Oscar S. Moreno

    for her exemplary efforts as the provincial governments leading advocate for Quality Circles/Work

    Improvement Teams. Ms. Caroline A. Neri was also named as one of the consultants on Quality and

    Productivity of the Mindanao Association for Quality (MAQ) and was also invited as a judge on Quality

    Circles, Easy Kaizen, and Quick-fix Projects in several Quality Circles conventions in the region.

    d. Attended the Special Meeting for the Socia l Sector of the Administrative Officers Network at the

    Human Resource Management Office on October 10, 2012. The meeting was conducted to plan the role

    of each office being a member of the Social Sector as host of the AO Network Monthly Meeting.

    3. Mindanao Association for Quality (MAQ), Inc.Provincial Government of Misamis Oriental: Member of MAQ

    Chair, Recruitment and Promotion Committee

    a. Attended the Regular Monthly Meetings of MAQ at Pearlmont Hotel in Cagayan de Oro City on

    January 19, 2012 and at Philippine Sinter Corporation on February 16, 2012. Ms. Caroline Neri of the

    Provincial Government of Misamis Oriental was appointed as the Chairperson of the Recruitment and

    Promotion Committee/Member of the Executive Committee. As the QC/WIT Advocate of the provincial

    government, continued our active collaboration with the members of MAQ on quality and productivity best

    practices and Quality Circles.

    b. Attended the Seminar on Leadership Emotional Quotient for Personal and Work Effectiveness onMarch 15-16, 2012 at Pearlmont Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City. Trained on in-depth analysis of LeadershipEQ as means of improving personal effectiveness and work productivity towards higher organizationaleffectiveness. We will disseminate key learning points to selected employees and program partners.

    c. Attended the Quality Circles/Easy Kaizen Judges Calibration at Pearlmont Inn in Cagayan de Oro

    City. Two QC/WIT Leaders of the Provincial Assessors Office and Human Resource Management Office

    and one QC/WIT Advocate of the Provincial Population Office passed the Calibration Examination (New

    Dimension) of the Productivity Improvement Circles Association of the Philippines (PICAP). Ms. Caroline

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    A. Neri and the other two(2) calibrated judges of the Provincial Government of Misamis Oriental are

    included in the pool of accredited judges for the regional and national quality circles competitions.

    d. Attended the Regular Monthly Meetings of MAQ at Pilipinas Kao Plant in Jasaan on April 19, 2012 and

    Mabuhay Vinyl in Iligan City on May 17, 2012. Agenda: Financial Report, Review/Updates on 2012

    Objectives, Regional Quality Circles Convention Preparations, Productivity Improvement Circles

    Association of the Philippines(PICAP) Matters, Updates on Benchmarking Program and other matters.

    e. Attended the Executive Committee and Regional Quality Circles Convention Committees Meeting at

    Mountain Pines Place, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon. Agenda of the Business Meeting: Regional Quality

    Circles Convention (RQCC 2012) Preparation Updates, Productivity Improvement Circles National

    Convention (PICNC 2012) Updates and other matters.

    f. Attended the Easy Kaizen Projects and Jingles Competition at the Del Monte Philippines, Inc. Canneryin Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City on May 30, 2012. Participated as a Competition Judge for the Exhibits ofthe Quick-Fix Projects of the Quality Circles Teams.

    g. Attended the Regular Meetings of MAQ at Nestle Training Center, Tablon, Cagayan de Oro City on

    July 11, 2012. Agenda: Financial Report, Review/Updates on 2012 Objectives, Regional Quality Circles

    Convention Preparations, Productivity Improvement Circles Association of the Philippines(PICAP)

    Matters, Updates on Benchmarking Program and other matters.

    h. Attended the Regular Meetings of MAQ at Pearlmont Inn, Cagayan de Oro City on September 7, 2012.

    Agenda: Financial Report, Review/Updates on 2012 Objectives, Regional Quality Circles Convention

    Post-Evaluation, Productivity Improvement Circles Association of the Philippines(PICAP) Matters,

    Updates on Benchmarking Program and other matters.

    i. Attended the Regional Quality Circles Convention on July 24-27, 2012 at Mountain Pines Place,

    Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon. Participated as Member of the Panel of Judges. Participated as Chairperson

    of the Secretariat Committee. The Convention showcased and recognized the best quality and

    productivity practitioners in the region from different industries, businesses, schools/universities and even

    from the government sector in Northern Mindanao.

    j. Attended the MAQ Special Meeting on September 14, 2012 at Grand Caprice Restaurant in Cagayan

    de Oro City. Agenda: Checkpoint for the Productivity Improvement Circles National Convention 2012,

    Updates of the Working Committees, Hotel Accommodation and other matters.

    k. Attended the Productivity Improvement Circles National Convention (PICNC12) on September 19 - 21,

    2012 at Pearlmont Inn, Cagayan de Oro City. The Honorable Governor Oscar S. Moreno was the keynote

    speaker of the convention. Ms. Caroline A. Neri was the Chairperson of the Secretariat Committee and

    the Provincial Population Office was utilized as members of the Secretariat Committee. Facilitated in the

    attendance of the Quality Circle/Work Improvement Teams of the Human Resource Management Office,

    Provincial Assessors Office, Provincial Accounting Office, Provincial Treasurers Office, Misamis Oriental

    Provincial Internal Audit Department and Provincial Engineering Office. . Facilitated in the participation of

    the Misamis Oriental Band and Misamis Oriental Chorale.

    l. Participated in the 2012 Hugpong Teams Convention as the Chairperson of the Panel of CompetitionJudges in the Quality Circles Jingles and Exhibit Board Competition on December 21, 2012 at Del MontePhilippines, Inc. at Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City.

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    m. Participated as a member of the Panel of Competition Judges for the Quality Circles Projects of theQuality Circles Teams during the 30

    thAnnual Quality Circles Convention of the Philippine Sinter

    Corporation in November 2012.

    n. Attended the Regular Monthly Meetings of MAQ at Vjandep Bakeshop, Cagayan de Oro City on

    October 26, 2012. Agenda: Financial Report, Review/Updates on 2012 Objectives, Regional Quality

    Circles Convention Preparations, Productivity Improvement Circles Association of the Philippines(PICAP)Matters, Updates on Benchmarking Program and other matters.

    o. Attended the Regular Meetings of MAQ at Del Monte Philippines, Inc., Bukidnon on November 15,

    2012. Agenda: Financial Report, Review/Updates on 2012 Objectives, Regional Quality Circles

    Convention Post-Evaluation, Productivity Improvement Circles Association of the Philippines(PICAP)

    Matters, Updates on Benchmarking Program and other matters.

    p. Presented an Executive Briefing for Mayors during 10th

    Regular Monthly Meeting of the League of the

    Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP), Misamis Oriental Chapter as part of the Mindanao Association for

    Quality (MAQ), Inc. Chair for Recruitment and Promotions Committee on November 21, 2012 at the LMP

    Office, Cagayan de Oro City.

    q. Attended the MAQ Meeting with the Provincial Government of Misamis Oriental on December 26, 2012at the Human Resource Management Office. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and assess theprovincial governments undertaking for ISO Certification.

    r. Attended the MAQ Christmas Fellowship and Executive Briefing at Dynasty Hotel, CDO on December7, 2012. Continued collaboration with MAQ on quality and productivity programs, activities and otherengagement.

    4. Provincial Youth and Development CouncilVice Chair: Health Team, PYDC Standing Committee

    a. Attended the Multi-Agency Meeting of the Provincial Youth and Development Council at Provincial

    Capitol, Cagayan de Oro City on March 15, 2012. Reported the conduct of the Adolescent Health and

    Youth Development Orientations of the Provincial Population Office. Continued partnership with PYDC

    on youth-related activities and programs.

    b. Attended the National Youth Commission National Convention on December 3-5, 2012 at Iloilo City.The National Convention sought to combine and harmonize all the Regional Action Plans under theframework of the Philippine Youth Development Plan (PYDP) and integrate the Adolescent Sexual andReproductive Health (ASRH) Communication Plan in the PYDP Strategic Plan.

    5. Philippines Provincial Roads Management Facility (PRMF)

    a. Attended the PRMF Meeting, Geographic Information System for Managers Orientation andManagement Committee Meeting at VIP Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City on May 8, 2012. The DepartmentHeads were oriented on the GIS and other important applications.

    b. Attended the Training on Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP) at the VIP Hotel, Cagayan de Oro

    City on May 28-June 1, 2012. Participants were oriented on the ISSP. The department heads produced

    a draft ISSP to present the same to the various stakeholders.

    c. Attended the Workshop and Coaching on Enhancing Planning-Programming and Budget ExpenditureLinkage - Annual Investment Program Preparation utilizing the Organizational Performance Indicator

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    Framework on June 6-7, 2012 at the Buffalo Grill in Cagayan de Oro City. Submitted the AIP of theProvincial Population Office.

    d. Attended the HRMDP Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Systems Enhancement on July 12, 2012. The

    activity workshop was aimed to update and enhance the M&E system as contained in the HRMDP. This

    activity was facilitated by the PRMF and the HRMO.

    e. Attended the HRMDP Re-visitation Workshop at the Marigold Hotel on July 4, 2012. The activity

    workshop was aimed to identify and prioritize the doable human resources capacity enhancement

    programs for CY 2012-2013 implementation as facilitated by the PRMF and the HRMO.

    f. Attended the series of planning-related series of trainings on the Project Management System

    facilitated by the PRMF and the PPDO on the following dates and on the particular topics:

    1. Project Development on July 4-6, 2012

    2. Project Management on July 24-27, 2012

    3. Technical Writing on Project Proposal Formulation on July 30-31, 2012

    g. Attended the HRMDP Communication Strategy/Plan Formulation Seminar-Workshop on July 23, 24,26, 27 and 31, 2012 at the Marigold Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City. The 5-day activity aimed to formulate

    and implement the HRMDP communication strategy/plan and assess its effectiveness and relevance in

    the realization of all HRMDP initiatives.

    h. Attended the Seminar on Strengthening the Leadership and Management Capacity on July 18-19,

    2012 at Pearlmont Inn, Cagayan de Oro City. The training activity was designed to underpin better

    appreciation of Administrative Officers and Department Heads on their role as HR Managers and

    effectively lead the implementation of the bureaucracy-wide Human Resource Management and

    Development (HRMD) Plan.

    6. Quality Circle / Work Improvement Teams (QC/WIT)

    a. As the QC/WIT Advocate, facilitated in the creation of Quality Circles/Work Improvement Team in the

    Provincial Hospital of Claveria as indicated below:


    Misamis Oriental - ClaveriaProvincial Hospital

    Patients Recreational Area

    Reading Section

    Team Unity-PILLOWS

    Wall Clock

    Weighing Scale

    Calibrated Glass


    Identification Bed TagsTeam Hope Project

    Quality Circle- Mosquito Nets

    Continuing Quality Improvement Committee Report(Quality Circle Information, Education,Communication Board


    Bathroom Scale

    Aquarium with Fish

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    b. Conducted the Easy Kaizen Orientation during the Administrative Officers Meeting at the SP Session

    Hall on June 28, 2012. This is in collaboration with the Mindanao Association for Quality (MAQ), Inc. and

    the Human Resource Management Office. Administrative Officers and Leaders of the Quality

    Circles/Work Improvement Teams in the provincial government and provincial hospitals were oriented on

    the principles and mechanisms of kaizen.They were taught on how to apply the Easy Kaizen problem-solving methodology in making simple improvement ideas in the workplace.


    Administrative Officers(AO) 3 12 15

    Quality Circles Team Leaders(QC) 3 12 15

    Administrative Officers/Quality Circles Leaders 3 7 10

    Others 4 11 15

    Human Resource Management Office Head 1 0 1

    Quality Circle/Work Improvement Team Advocate 1 1

    TOTAL 14 43 57

    c. Attended the Quality Circle/Work Improvement Team Meeting on November 19, 2012 at the ProvincialPopulation Office. The Meeting was conducted to revisit the previously organized QC/WIT per office aswell as their projects for a more effective and functional QC/WIT.

    d. Attended the Quality Circle/Work Improvement Team Meeting on December 12, 2012 at the ProvincialPopulation Office. The Meeting was conducted to follow-up on the output of each office during theprevious QC/WIT meeting.


    1. POPCOM Regional Office 10

    a. Attended the Regional Population Management Conference at POPCOM Regional Office 10 in

    Cagayan de Oro City on January 25, 2012. Updated on the status of Responsible Parenthood/Family

    Planning/Family Development Sessions implementation in 4Ps areas, Thrusts and Directions for 2012,

    Kalusugang Pangkalahatan Program, Projects and Activities for 2012 and other matters. These updates

    will be disseminated to the Municipal/City Population Officers in the province.

    b. Attended the Program Planning Workshop at POPCOM Regional Office 10 in Cagayan de Oro City on

    February 3, 2012. Presented the updated list of the Family Development Sessions Clusters for Misamis

    Oriental. The Municipal/City Population Officers submitted the FDS Sessions Schedule for March and

    April 2012. Monitored the conduct of the FDS Sessions in the province. Submitted the required FDS

    Reports to POPCOM Regional Office.

    c. Attended the 1st

    Quarter Meeting of the LEPOPHIL10 Chapter and the 1st

    Quarter Forum of the Center

    for Development at POPCOM Regional Office 10 in Cagayan de Oro City on February 28, 2012.

    Updated on the Regional Population Congress and Lakbay-Aral for LEPOPHIL10. Coordinated with the

    Municipal Mayors/Municipal Population Officers, POPCOM10 and AMMFY on the establishment of the

    Center for Development(CFD) in the Municipalities of Initao, Opol, Laguindingan and Lugait. Oriented on

    the National Standards and Implementation Guide for the provision of adolescent-friendly health services.

    Monitored the status of LGUs deliverables for the successful implementation of the CFD.

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    d. Attended the Training on Interpersonal Communication and Counseling (IPCC) on Family Planning for

    Population Officers and Workers at POPCOM Regional Office 10 in Cagayan de Oro City on March 6-8,

    2012 with the Municipal Population Officers of Magsaysay, Kinoguitan, Binuangan, Balingoan, Salay,

    Jasaan, Opol, Laguindingan, Alubijid, Naawan, Gitagum, Initao and Lugait including the midwife of

    Medina and MSWDO employee of Talisayan. The trained municipal officers will conduct the Responsible

    Parenting-Family Planning Classes as integrated in Family Development Sessions in Conditional Cash

    Transfer areas.

    e. Attended the 2nd

    Quarter Regional Population Management Committee Conference in Kitaotao,

    Bukidnon on April 17, 2012. Discussed the important updates on the Family Development Sessions of

    the Pantawid Pampamilya Program, Responsible Parenthood-Family Planning Program Implementation

    Report, Family Camp (Parents-Adolescents Camp), Pre-Marriage Counseling Summit and POPCOM

    Grand Reunion. The updates were reechoed to the Municipal Population Officers in the province.

    f. Attended the POPCOM-UNFPA Consultation Workshop with Local Population Officers and Workers on

    Strengthening Local Population Structures and Capacities for Implementing the Philippine Population

    Management Program(PPMP) and International Convention for Population and Development(ICPD) at

    Hotel Supreme Convention Plaza, Baguio City on June 12-15, 2012. Updated on the PPMP Directionsand Strategies within the ICPD Framework and Current Population and Development Realities. The

    important population issues and concerns were reechoed to the Municipal Population Officers in the

    province. Ms. Caroline Neri of Misamis Oriental won as the Mrs. Filipiana 2012 during the Cultural Night

    of the League of the Population Officers and Workers of the Philippines (LEPOWPHIL).

    g. Attended the Strategic Planning Workshop for the Region-Wide Implementation of the Responsible

    Parenting and Family Planning Program in Puerto Princesa, Palawan on April 23-27, 2012. The

    population concerns of the province was integrated in the 2011-2016 Directional Plan of the Population

    Management Program of the region. Visited several learning sites in Palawan on the successful

    integration of the Population, Health and Environment (PHE).

    h. Attended the 3rd Quarter Regional Population Management Committee Conference at POPCOM10 in

    Cagayan de Oro City on June 26, 2012. Agenda: Family Planning Target for 2012 and 2013,

    Responsible Parenting-Family Planning Program Implementation Report, Status of Implementation on

    Community Health Teams (CHTs), Priority Projects for the 2nd

    Semester of 2012 and other matters. The

    important updates were reechoed to the Municipal Population Officers in the province.

    i. Attended the Program Planning for Family Planning Unmet Need at the POPCOM Regional TrainingCenter on July 10, 2012. Reported the conduct of the Responsible Parenting and Natural FamilyPlanning Orientations in 10 batches attended by 403 service providers, barangay officials and communityvolunteers in the province. Requested some materials and tools for the NFP trainings. Continuedcollaboration with POPCOM10, Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro and Department of Health Center forHealth and Development-Northern Mindanao.

    j. Attended the POPCOM Coordination Meeting on September 6, 2012 at the POPCOM RegionalTraining Center. Agenda: Working Committees for the National Population Congress 2012, State of thePhilippine Population Report (SPPR) 5, 12

    th Its All in the Band Contest Organizers Meeting, Regional

    POPQUIZ, etc. Continued synergy and linkages with POPCOM10, Rotary Club of Bay Area and LGUs.

    k. Attended the Pre-Marriage Counseling (PMC) Summit on October 11, 2012 conducted by theCommission on Population Regional Office 10. The summit discussed issues and concerns as well asstrategies that will promote effective implementation of the PMC Program.

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    l. Attended the Regional Population Management Committee (RPMC) Conference on October 12, 2012at Philtown Hotel. The 4

    thquarter conference had the following agenda:

    1. Updates on Unmet Need tracking and monitoring through FamilyDevelopment Sessions;

    2. Pre-Marriage Counseling roll-out trainings;3. Basic Demography Training;4. Remaining project implementation for the last quarter of 2012;5. Other Matters

    m. Attended the Regional Population Quiz (POPQUIZ) on October 19, 2012 at Tourism Hall, Cagayan deOro City. This activity was conducted by the Department of Education in coordination with theCommission on Population Region 10. This activity is an advocacy tool primarily aimed to increaseawareness and interest of the youth on population issues and concerns that affect their lives. Facilitatedin the attendance of the Misamis Oriental contestant.

    n. Conducted and assisted in the Division Level Population Quiz (POPQUIZ) on October 8, 2012 atPhiltown Hotel. This activity was conducted by the Department of Education Division of Misamis Orientalin coordination with the Provincial Population Office. This activity is an advocacy tool primarily aimed toincrease awareness and interest of the youth on population issues and concerns that affect their lives.

    o. Attended the Its All in the Band Battle of the Bands Contest on November 21, 2012 at Pryce PlazaHotel, Cagayan de Oro City. The activity was participated with by the various secondary schools inCagayan de Oro City as part of the Commission on Populations celebration of the National PopulationCongress.

    p. Attended the Launching of the Fifth State of the Philippine Population Report (SPPR 5) on November22, 2012 at the Pryce Plaza Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City. The SPPR 5 explores the population, health andenvironment interrelationships and the experience of the country in the integrating the three variables inpolicies programs and projects. It also presents case studies on how PHE integration is happening in oururban, coastal, and upland ecosystems as well as lessons learned from these projects. Facilitated in theattendance of Governor Oscar S. Moreno as Guest Speaker and led in the unveiling of the SPPR5 withMr. Tomas Osias, Executive Director of POPCOM and Archbishop Antonio Ledesma of the Archdioceseof Cagayan de Oro. Governor Moreno received a Plaque of Appreciation for his support to the PhilippinePopulation Management Program. Facilitated in the participation of the Misamis Oriental Band andMisamis Oriental Chorale.

    q. Attended the National Population Congress on November 23, 2012 at Pryce Plaza Hotel, Cagayan deOro City. The Congress with the theme Population, Health, Environment and Local Governanceshowcased a forum on best practices as well as share and highlight milestones of the PopulationProgram and disseminate program directions to all stakeholders.

    2. LEPOPHIL10

    a. Attended the Consultative Meeting of the League of the Population Officers in Region 10

    (LEPOPHIL10) at the VIP Hotel in Cagayan de Oro City on May 4, 2012. Discussed the following

    matters: Drafting of the Resolution for the Change of Signatories of LEPOPHIL10, National LEPOWPHIL

    Congress, Plans and Programs, etc.

    b. Attended the 2nd Quarter Meeting of the LEPOPHIL10 at Kitaotao, Bukidnon on April 18, 2012. Ms.

    Caroline Neri of the Provincial Population Office was elected as Treasurer of LEPOPHIL10. She was the

    immediate past Vice-President of the LEPOPHIL10. Established active collaboration and synergy with

    the Provincial/City Population Officers and POPCOM Regional Office 10.

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    c. Continued collaboration with the League of the Population Officers of the Philippines-Region10(LEPOPHIL10) as Treasurer of the association.


    a. Attended the National League of the Population Officers and Workers in the Philippines (LEPOWPHIL)

    Meeting at Hotel Supreme, Baguio City on June 14, 2012. Agenda: National LEPOWPHIL Seminar-Workshop 2012, Working Committees, Financial Report 2012, Election of Officers, etc. Established

    active collaboration and linkages with the national officers of LEPOWPHIL. Won as the Mrs. Filipiniana

    2012 during the Cultural Night of the League of the Population Officers in the Philippines (LEPOWPHIL).


    DILG-Misamis Oriental

    Attended the Orientation on Local Governance Performance Management System (LGMPS) at Buffalo

    Grill, Cagayan de Oro City on February 17, 2012. Oriented on the self-assessment, management and

    development tool that enables the provincial government to determine its capabilities and limitations in

    the delivery of essential public services.

    Civil Service Commission

    Attended the Service Delivery Excellence Program (SDEP) at Grand Caprice Restaurant, Cagayan de

    Oro City on March 20-22, 2012 as representatives of the Citizens Charter implementers of the Provincial

    Government of Misamis Oriental. Trained on customer service ethos in the bureaucracy and other

    interventions to ensure compliance and successful implementation of the Citizens Charter/Anti-Red Tape

    Act of 2007. We will revisit the Citizens Charter of the Provincial Government for work improvement on

    key frontline services of offices/departments.

    National Statistics Office Region 10

    Attended the Regional Data Dissemination Forum on the Results of the 2011 Family Health Survey (FHS)

    on July 11, 2012 at Cha-li Beach Resort. The participants were updated on the final results of the survey

    and presented the highlights that focused on fertility, family planning, selected maternal and child health,

    and key health indicators in the region. Governor Oscar Moreno was the Keynote Speaker.

    Barangay Health Workers Convention

    Attended the Opening Program and participated as one of the Judges on the BHW Dance Competition in

    the 29th

    Annual BHW Convention held on October 12, 2012 at the Provincial Capitol Park, Cagayan de

    Oro City.


    The Provincial Population Office is the lead office in the implementation of the Quality Circles/Work

    Improvement Team Program in the Provincial Government of Misamis Oriental. As the QC/WIT

    Advocate, continued collaboration with the Human Resource Management Office, Misamis Oriental

    Provincial Internal Audit Department, Provincial Treasurers Office, Provincial Accountants Office,

    Provincial Health Office, Provincial Assessors Office, Provincial Administrators Office, Provincial

    Engineers Office, Provincial Budget Office, Provincial Assistant Administrators Office and the Provincial

    Governors Office including the other departments/offices and Provincial Hospitals in the province. This is

    also in support of the Citizens Charter of the provincial government and the Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA).

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    Awards Received:

    1. Certificate of Appreciation presented to Ms. Caroline A. Neri for actively supporting in the 2012Hugpong Teams Convention as Judge in the Easy Kaizen Competition given on May 30, 2012 by DelMonte Philippines, Inc., Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City

    2. Certificate of Appreciation given to Ms. Caroline A. Neri as Member, Panel of Competition Judgesfeaturing the theme: INNOVATION: From Idea to Reality during the 32nd Regional Quality CirclesConvention (RQCC) held on July 26-27, 2012 at Mountain Pines Place, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon givenby the Mindanao Association for Quality(MAQ), Inc.

    3. Certificate of Appreciation presented to Ms. Caroline A. Neri for actively supporting in the 2012Hugpong Teams Convention as Judge in the Quality Circles Jingles and Exhibit Board Competition givenon December 21, 2012 by Del Monte Philippines, Inc. at Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City

    4. Certificate of Appreciation presented to Ms. Caroline A. Neri in recognition for her wholeheartedsupport as member of the Board of Judges during the 30th PSC Annual Quality Circles Convention heldlast November 9, 2012 by the Philippine Sinter Corporation at Villanueva, Misamis Oriental.

    5. Certificate of Appreciation presented to Ms. Caroline A. Neri for her active involvement in the

    associations 2012 programs and activities which earned her the privilege of a subsidized participation tothe Quality and Productivity Benchmarking Activity in Bangkok, Thailand in February 2013 as therepresentative of the Provincial Government of Misamis Oriental given by the Mindanao Association forQuality (MAQ), Inc. on December 7, 2012.


    1. Certificate given to Ms. Caroline A. Neri for the Benchmarking Programs in Jakarta, Indonesia onFebruary 27-March 2, 2011 and Bandung, Indonesia on March 3-5, 2011 as the representative of theProvincial Government of Misamis Oriental given by the Indonesian Quality Management Association.Benchmarking Areas: Human Resource Management, Housekeeping, Productivity, Quality Assurance,Occupational Health and Safety, and Customer Care. She earned the privilege of a subsidizedparticipation to the Quality and Productivity Benchmarking Program for her active involvement in theassociations 2010 programs and activities of the Mindanao Association for Quality (MAQ), Inc.

    2. Ms. Caroline A. Neri won as the Mrs. Filipiana 2012 during the National LEPOWPHIL CulturalProgram in Baguio City on June 13, 2012 representing Region 10. She also received a special award asMs. SSS during the National LEPOWPHIL Congress, Cultural Night in Iloilo City in 2006.

    In Conclusion

    The Provincial Population Office established appropriate practical strategies, adopt aggressive policiesand improve on existing services for an effective population management program in the province. Weadopted teamwork and the kurambos system as promoted by Governor Oscar S. Moreno in our activecollaboration with the LGUs, NGOs, stakeholders and partner agencies. We supported the PovertyAlleviation agenda of Governor Oscar S. Moreno and the Millennium Development Goals.

    We would like to thank the cooperation of our partners who shared our directional plan to contribute toimproving the quality of life of the people of the Province of Misamis Oriental through responsibleparenting, better health and education, attainment of population outcomes that are in harmony withavailable resources and sustainable environment conditions, and reduction of poverty and inequalities inhuman development opportunities.

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    Our sincerest thanks to Governor Oscar S. Moreno, Vice Governor Norris C. Babiera, members of theSangguniang Panlalawigan, departments/offices in the Provincial Government of Misamis Oriental andDirector Psyche P. Paler and Staff of the Commission on Population, Regional Office 10 for the support inthe implementation of the population and sustainable development framework approach of the PhilippinePopulation Management Program in the province.

    Prepared by: Noted by:

    ROBBIE JAMES D. YPARRAGUIRRE CAROLINE A. NERIPopulation Program Officer II Population Program Officer II

    Provincial Population Office Provincial Population Office