Download - 2012-2014 ICT School Strategic Plan 1.pdf

  • 8/22/2019 2012-2014 ICT School Strategic Plan 1.pdf


    The Woden School

    ICT Strategic Plan


  • 8/22/2019 2012-2014 ICT School Strategic Plan 1.pdf



    The Woden School

    Our Vision:

    ICT at The Woden School will be used as a tool for skillacquisition, exploration and development. It will create

    an interactive aspect to individual student curriculum and

    be guided by individual and classroom learning sequencesand goals.

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    The Woden School

    Element 1. Personalising and extending student learning

    Description :

    Personalising and extending student learning refers to the school's capacityto use ICT to extend and differentiate student learning opportunities, andto support students to manage and direct their learning.

    Current Assessment of our School capability in 2012

    ICT decisions to meet immediate needs across the school with reference

    to the curriculum framework that informs learning, teaching andassessment.

    ICT to extend learning within curriculum areas, and to enable students towork independently and interact with others. Provides opportunities for students to use ICT in most curriculum areas.

    Monitors how ICT use within the school supports deep learning. Learningcontent is largely generated by staff.

    Consults wi th the school community and others to determine how ICTcan facili tate the development of personal learning pathways for students.

    At The Woden School, ICT is employed by students as a set of dynamictools to access and engage with all curriculum areas.

    Teachers at The Woden School teach ICT skil ls and commonunderstandings embedded in all curriculum areas, rather than as adiscrete subject.

    Tasks / Actions Resources required Funding Responsible

    (person or group)Timeline for Task /


    Indicators and

    Measurement of success

    ICT Skills Audit of Staff to

    determine key areas ofproficiency and further

    Development of audit


    N/A ICT manager Audit completed end



    Once individual professional

    targets have been identified,teachers wi ll engage with

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    The Woden School

    targeted development. development during


    appropriate learning sessions

    and demonstrate mastery ofskill in their ICT practices

    Audit of student ILPsrevealing how manystrategies/goals were

    related to ICT

    Baseline data from 2011 N/A Teachers



    End 2012 ILP documents wil l showincrease in studentsaccessing ICT to develop

    skills and understandings.

    ICT use highl ighted on every

    student's ILP in supports andaccommodations page.

    From Audit developpathways for teachers toembed ICT into teachingand learning programs


    Smart Board

    Boardmaker V6

    Clicker 5

    Share point for

    internal/external webdevelopment

    N/A ICT manager Professionaldevelopment during2012

    Teaching staff showing wideusage of school based ICTdocument in individualeducation planning goals toenhance student learning.

    Use of current school ICTassessment for all students

    Professional learning forteachers

    Digital records maintained inelectronic student files

    Subsequent purchases of

    new equipment as identifiedby scale


    regular staffmeetings(quarterly)

    ICT manager Professionaldevelopment, minimum

    twice per year

    Students will work towardsproficiency in ICT skills

    outlined in each studentsICT assessment, changes inaccess or content asrequired

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    The Woden School

    Element 2. Enabling Leadership

    Description :

    Enabling leadership refers to the ways in which school leadershipestablishes the ICT vision for the school and supports all aspects of

    implementation and change management across the school.

    Current Assessment of our School capability in 2012

    Plans for the provision of ICT use consistent with the school visionspecifically related to resources and responsibilities

    Allocates responsibility for the strategic leadership of ICT largely orexclusively to senior management team

    Relies on innovators and early adaptors in the school setting to drivethe extension of learning wi th ICT. This appears as mentors from withinand outside the school community leading learning in areas of expertise

    Tasks / Actions Resources required Fundi



    (person or group)Timeline for Task

    / Action

    Indicators and

    Measurement of success

    Development of ICT visionincorporated in ongoing schoolbased planning

    ICT Cross curriculumframework

    N/A Principal

    School BasedPlanning Team


    Ongoing review-revisit 2012

    Teachers can plan according toICT vision

    Assign In School Mentor (ISM)and ICT Manager roles

    implement and evaluate ICTpractices

    After School PD SchoolBased


    teacher, ICTCoordinator

    Ongoing andreviewed yearly

    ISM provides feedback and PDto all staff. Staff actively engage

    with new or reviewed ICTpractices

    All teachers provide studentswith ICT opportunities withinthe teaching and learning

    ICT manager, all teaching staff,External commercialproviders, External technical

    N/A ICT manager


    Ongoing andreviewed yearly

    Each teacher will be aware ofand use the range oftechnologies, content andinstruction varies significantly

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    The Woden School

    programs support services between each student with a


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    The Woden School

    Element 3. Supporting Professional Learning

    Description :

    Supporting professional learning refers to the school's planning for andimplementation of professional learning that contributes to improved

    teacher quality and the integration of ICT in curriculum, pedagogy,assessment and administration.

    Current Assessment of our School capability is

    Allocates a high priority for professional learning with and aboutICT for the staff and school learning community.

    Shares pockets of innovate practice across the school Enables teachers to identify teaching and learning benefi ts that may

    arise from specific uses of ICT

    Include face to face delivery of professional learning with increasingonline and blended delivery

    Current Assessment of our School capability in 2012

    Tasks / Actions Resources


    Funding Responsible

    (person orgroup)


    for Task /


    Indicators and

    Measurement of


    In 2012

    Through the auditprocess- Teachers will

    have individual goals andneeds set and achieved


    as required byindividual

    Professionallearning budget for

    external courses.

    ICT manager AchievedOngoingreview.

    Teaching staff will showongoing and extended

    learning ICT leading toincreased competence in

    Teacher proficiency inindividual learning areas

    will increase with each

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    The Woden School

    annually. goals Funding for

    additional expertICT time to takeschool basedtraining

    goal area Professional

    development recordswill indicate an increasein ICT based PD sessionsfor staff

    Encourage Teachers to

    engage in self-directedand group learning in

    commonly usedsoftware


    learning time

    N/A ICT manager Ongoing Teachers and LSAs have

    worked in small groupsattending the topic based

    learning series.

    Teachers and LSAs are

    actively involved in thesessions with attendance

    and achievements ofcollaborative learningevident throughclassroom practice andachievement of ICT

    related ILPs

    Provide resources and

    professional learning forteachers to develop astrong understanding of

    a range of school widecomputer programs


    ICT timeemployed todevelop

    resources and1:1 training


    learning budget forexternal courses


    ICT manager

    Ongoing development

    responding to studentneeds.

    Information and supportavailable for professionallearning

    Teachers will be

    universally able toperform basicoperational functions in

    common software

    In-service trainingteachers, engage insupported individuallearning programs,enabling them to use

    ICT as a well integratedteaching tool

    Access to ICTtools for pre-serviceteachers

    ProfessionalLearning Time

    Ongoingproportion of ICTbudget

    ICT managerOngoing

    All new pre-serviceteachersachievecompetence in theuse of ICT.

    Graduate teachersunderstand and use ICTto effectively supportimproved studentoutcomes in particular

    for students withdisabilities

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    The Woden School

    Tasks / Actions Resources required Funding Responsible(person or group)

    Timeline forTask / Action

    Indicators and Measurementof success

    Develop The Woden School

    website accessible to currentand prospective parents andstakeholders.

    Hosting access for

    SharePoint site throughonline services

    Allocated time for



    of ICTbudget

    ICT manager


    Waiting for

    share servicesto allocate time.

    Parents, school community and

    prospective families access thesite

    Periodic exchange of

    information with parent bodythrough fortnightly newsletterof current web resources to

    extend student learning at home

    ICT Coordinator Proportion

    of ICTbudget

    ICT Coordinator Provide list of

    resourcesthroughnewsletter at

    least everyquarter

    Positive parent feedback

    Listing of external web pageswith content extending school

    learning and student interest to

    enable online learningopportunities for students andfamilies

    External Website Proportionof ICT

    budget to


    All staff with editingrights to add to the


    Ongoing Regular addition and editing byteachers/editing staff

    Feedback from parents sought

    through biannual survey

    Element 4. Connecting Learning Beyond the School

    Description :

    Connecting learning beyond the school refers to the school's use of ICT to support communication and collaboration with the w ider school community,

    and to connect students and staff to external knowledge and learning networks.

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    The Woden School

    Sharing of individually

    developed program files withparents (as HTML, .doc, .jpg, orfree versions of classroomsoftware)

    Collaborative time with

    teachers and parents toshow how to export,save/install programs orfiles


    of ICTbudget

    ICT manager


    Ongoing Sharing of information wil l be

    offered in ILP planning andprovided to individual parents

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    The Woden School

    Element 5. Developing Measuring and Monitoring Student ICT Capabilities

    Description :

    Developing measuring and monitoring student ICT capabili ties refers to how the school supports and col lects evidence of students' confidence,engagement and skill in using ICT, and uses this data to improve learning programs.

    This will be achieved by:

    Tasks / Actions Resources


    Funding Responsible

    (person or group)Timeline for Task /


    Indicators and Measurement

    of success

    Continue utilising schooldeveloped student ICT

    assessment profiles,transferring information to

    electronic format.

    Time formaintenance of files

    Time during staffmeetings to discuss


    Individual student

    folders on staff drive

    Teacher PDtime

    ICT manager


    Ongoing All electronic student files willcontain up to date student ICT

    and assessment information beregularly monitored. Ongoing

    assessment will indicatechanges/wide variety of studentskills/modes/content of ICT

    Develop ongoing electronicportfolios of student videorecordings of developmentsand achievements

    Time for training inrecording, editing andstorage software

    X3 Digitalcamera/recordingunits

    Purchase ofequipmentand training

    ICT manager


    Investigations 2012

    If successful, installationin 2015

    All classroom teachers showproficiency in using electronicrecording of studentdevelopments, evidenced by

    ongoing recording demonstratingachievement

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    The Woden School

    Easily accessible technology in

    classrooms for all students todemonstrate their learningand understanding

    (Outlined in element


    Purchase of


    ICT manager


    2012-2014 All staff and students have access

    to all equipment and use iteffectively

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    The Woden School

    Element 6. Providing Reliable Infrastructure

    Description :

    Providing reliable infrastructure refers to the school's planning, implementation, ongoing maintenance and development of ICT infrastructure that meetsthe full range of learning, teaching and administrative needs across the school.

    This will be achieved by:

    Tasks / Actions Resources required Funding Responsible(person or


    Timeline for Task /Action

    Indicators and Measurementof success

    Provide digital devices and learningspaces appropriate to the varietyof teaching, learning andadministrative needs throughoutthe school

    Implementation of awireless network toprovide flexibility forplacement of computersand laptops

    Replacement/Upgrade ofdigital technologies


    ICT Manager


    Initial improvementsto hardware to bemade by end of 2012

    Wireless network

    ICT resource audit will show anumber of flat screen monitors,interactive white boards, wirelessaccess, digital still and videocameras and up to date printing,scanning and backup systems

    Maintenance of ICT andtechnology infrastructure through

    a bulletin board style helpdesklocated on the staff intranet

    SharePoint ICT managerITS supportservices

    Installed on site 2012in use 2013

    All issues will be logged on thesite with a resolution logged and

    recorded for each issue.

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    The Woden School

    Student access to desktop or

    laptop computers will be raised to2 : 1 with the systems beingsuitable for current universallyused computer software andhardware, including large (at least

    17) flat screen monitors andIWBs

    Access to technical

    support to add newmachines to network




    ICT manager

    Principal,school manager

    End 2014 Student ratio achieved with

    computers and flat screenmonitors at the ratio levelmentioned.

    Provide wider range of access tostudents with physical impairments

    than current options.

    Specifically providing increased

    access for students with vision andmobility disabilities

    x 3 portable interactive

    whiteboards (smart

    boards) for flexible

    teaching use. $8035.00


    based ICT




    manager, ICT


    Investigations duringthird term 2012.

    Purchase and install2012-2014

    Technologies will be purchasedand installed in classrooms.

    Anecdotal feedback from teacherswil l indicate improved studentengagement in learning

    Provide wider range of access tostudents with physical impairmentsthan current options.

    Specifically providing increasedaccess for students with sensory

    or cognitive disabilities

    x 6 Apple Ipod touch

    x 7 Apple Ipad per subschool

    x 7 apple Ipads for the


    Site licence for Crazy


    X 2 Clicker Interface



    based ICTbudget


    schoolmanager, ICT


    Investigations duringsecond term 2012.

    Purchase and install2012-2014

    Technologies will be purchasedand installed in classrooms.Anecdotal feedback from teacherswil l indicate improved studentengagement in learning

    Provide adequate machines to fulfilsupport net criteria of equipment

    being less than 4 years old


    based ICTbudget


    schoolmanager, ICT


    Investigations duringsecond term 2012.

    Purchase and install

    Technologies will be purchasedand installed in classrooms.

    Anecdotal feedback from teacherswil l indicate improved student

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    The Woden School

    2012-2014 engagement in learning