Download - 2011-2012 The essenTials - MARTEC · 2010-2011: tHE EssEntIAls_11 Other Fields of expertise Involved in deep water offshore worldwide, Hutchinson fits risers and other hydrocarbon

Page 1: 2011-2012 The essenTials - MARTEC · 2010-2011: tHE EssEntIAls_11 Other Fields of expertise Involved in deep water offshore worldwide, Hutchinson fits risers and other hydrocarbon

2011-2012 The essenTials

Page 2: 2011-2012 The essenTials - MARTEC · 2010-2011: tHE EssEntIAls_11 Other Fields of expertise Involved in deep water offshore worldwide, Hutchinson fits risers and other hydrocarbon

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Over the years, Hutchinson has mastered formula-tions and compounds for precision applications which are ever lighter, more durable and more recyclable. Its employees embrace innovation and seek to anticipate clients’ needs and users’ expectations. Our groundbreaking solutions are the guarantors of our growth and are aimed at bringing more comfort and safety to users in their daily life. Our company is firmly rooted in Europe and America and is tak-ing hold in Asia, multiplying partnerships and sites.

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Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03

Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04

Key Figures . . . . . . . . . . . 06

Proximity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08

Fields of expertise . . . . 10

Ambition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

“ Hutchinson, a Tech Company thatis a subsidiary of TOTAL and the privileged partner of big industrial firms, is ever broadening its expertise, working with high-performance materials.”

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Key Figures

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100% -owned subsidiary of ToTaL, The worLd’s 5Th LargesT OIlCOrPOrAtIOn

29,130empLoyees95 siTes wOrlDwIDEOPErAtIOns In 21 counTries

€2,989 MsaLes figure2009: €2,281 M / 2010: €2,720 M

For over 150 years, Hutchinson has been providing comfort and safety in transport and everyday life, charting the future through innovation.

Key figures: figures as at 31 December 2011Employee, site and country figures: Hutchinson 2012 sources

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Find out more Discover « Hutchinson in 120 seconds » the Essentials

€144 MresearchExPEnDIturEs

4.8%OF sAlEs invesTed in r&d

Our Fields of expertiseinsulAtionFocusing on structural dynamics, Hutchinson can offer materials and systems to reduce vibrational and thermal effects in order to optimize the comfort and protection of pas-sengers.

sEAling systEMsHutchinson is a specialist in static and dynamic sealing systems, effec-tively separating environments with barriers which feature light and re-cyclable interfaces.

Fluid trAnsFEr systEMsHutchinson is a world leader in the development of complex, intelligent and discreet pipes, housings and collars, applying high-value-added mechatronics.

trAnsMission And MobilityAlso a pioneer in transmission belts and an expert in run-flat and bicycle tires, Hutchinson stands out in all fields.

€80 MinvesTmenTs

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regional senior Vice PresidentsFields of expertise senior Vice Presidents

01_ PiErrE lEFEbVrEVice President Transmission Systems 02_ MArc MArQuAirESenior Vice President Body Sealing Systems 03_ PhiliPPE oliViErSenior Vice President Precision Sealing Systems04_ dAniEl PitoisEtSenior Vice President Automotive Anti-vibration05_ lAurEnt PoiriErSenior Vice President Aerospace and Industry06_ robErt riutortSenior Vice President Fluid Transfer Systems

sEnIOr VICE PrEsIDEnt AutOmOtIVE OPErAtIOns mErCOsur cElso FrAnciosi

VICE PrEsIDEnt AutOmOtIVE OPErAtIOns nAFtAcEdric duclos

COrPOrAtE sEnIOr VICE PrEsIDEnt AutOmOtIVE OPErAtIOns EurOPEchristiAn lEys

sEnIOr VICE PrEsIDEnt AsIAgérArd héMEryck

strenghtening our positionsOur teams are deployed over the five continents and work to support customers in Asia, South America and in the Mediterranean region.






brEAkdown oF turnoVEr PEr gEogrAPhicAl ArEA Figures as at 31 December 2011


23%north America

7%south America

4%Asia and other country

brEAkdown oF turnoVEr PEr businEss linEFigures as at 31 December 2011

40%sealing systems

26% Insulation

25%Fluid transfer systems

9%transmission and mobility

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95 sitEs wOrlDwIDEOPErAtIOns In 21 counTries



AsIA AnD OtHEr COuntry


Find out more Discover « Hutchinson in 120 seconds » Proximity


18 sItEs5,608 EmPlOyEEs


5 sItEs2,868 EmPlOyEEs

BElgIumCzECH rEPuBlICFrAnCEgErmAnyItAlymAltA POlAnDPOrtugAlrOmAnIAsPAInswItzErlAnDunItED KIngDOm................................

62 sItEs18,539 EmPlOyEEs

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10 sItEs2,115 EmPlOyEEs

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Fields of expertise

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Hutchinson designs, perfects and markets high-tech products and innovative, comprehensive solutions for the industrial sector.

reinventing ourselves A world leader in both air plane security

and in cabin comfort, Hutchinson Aerospace creates global solutions for its clients, unit-ing materials science and vibration, thermal, and acoustic engineering.

hutchinson Aerospace responds to a large range of requests for planes and helicopters, aircraft conversions, and maintenance opera-tions from Europe, the united states, and Asia.

Our service offering anticipates future stand-ards and meets the expectations of our clients. For example, we equip air plane cabins with fireproof coatings, “fire barrier” films, we protect the motor and its environment with materials resistant to high temperature, and

we reduce the noise in the cabin, to improve the passengers’ comfort. we establish a 3D modeling of acoustic problems in the air plane, so that we can simulate and predict their so-lutions. we check and test our results before certifying them. we also assure their integra-tion for our clients.


> Hutchinson Aerospace equips air plane cabins with fireproof coatings, “fire barrier” films.

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Keys to our success, innovation and techno-logy enable us to fit all types of vehicles. Our know-how is in 4 fields of expertise: design of high-performance materials, optimization of mechanical energy, thermal management of calories and acoustic performance.

hutchinson Automotive is positioned in an automotive market with a significant techno-logical content. we are developing solutions capable of both reducing pollutants from ther-mal propulsion vehicles and of fitting future hybrid and electric vehicles.

we are taking the opportunity of the generali-zation of downsizing to impose more efficient systems with intelligent functions that limit

their carbon footprint and resist increasingly severe constraints.

we offer major international manufacturers and new players on the market lighter and re-cyclable materials, which save on energy and take account of acoustics, mechatronics and connector technology.

we create thermoplastic parts for chassis seal-ing where mastery of moulding and attachment methods is essential, and are more and more involved in vehicle design. they integrate the most innovative technologies to serve the industry according to the new environmental criteria and meet the demands of style. All these systems pro-vide more comfort, serenity and safety to users.


> Hutchinson Automotiveintegrates the mostinnovative technologiesto serve the Automotive industry.

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Hutchinson railroad has imposed itself as a world leader in the design of shock absorber suspension units, complex joints, and window and door seals, which limit overpressure and discomfort when passing other trains.

we produce sophisticated systems that provide more comfort and safety to passengers. we participate in major public transport projects throughout the world.

In Europe, we are present to fit the Amsterdam metro, the german regional train, talent 2, and the Brussels suburban train with secondary suspensions. In France we provide inter-body strips for trains in the Ile de France mI09 express network as well as secondary suspensions for

IDF suburban trains. In the united states, we supply bogie suspensions for the options of the nJt (new Jersey transit).

we supply pneumatic suspension and joint systems for the Chinese high-speed trains (CrH in Chinese) and we are also fitting the metros in shenzhen, wuhan, guangzhou and suzhou.Our suzhou site close to shanghai has been recognised for its expertise and the quality of its services by the ministry of rail transport. By the end of 2010, China could already boast over 7,000 km of high-speed lines, making it n°1 in the world. It is also developing 500 km of new metro lines a year, which constitutes a market with significant potential.


> Hutchinson Railroad participates in major public transport projects throughout the world.

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2010-2011: tHE EssEntIAls_11

Other Fields of expertise

Involved in deep water offshore worldwide, Hutchinson fits risers and other hydrocarbon transport lines. the severity of the marine environment and the operating conditions re-quire the integration of elastomeric systems adapted to repeated oscillating movements.

built over the years, we benefit from a strong reputation with petrol platform manufacturers and operators.

Development projects relating to the explo-ration-production of deep or even ultra-deep offshore fields up to a depth of 3,000 m have picked up again intensely. Our activities are accelerating.

we design and produce high-capacity shock absorbers which are built into the larger off-shore “platform” legs. the lmu: leg mating units are stratified rubber and metal parts that reduce and absorb shocks to which the structure is violently subjected at sea during assembly phases.

Our research efforts are also concentrating on the area of flexible joints that can con-nect moving structures, suspend modules, rig tankers, connect risers, etc. the differences in temperature, the extreme pressure, and increasing constraints highlight our expertise in terms of the design of high-tech materials that are highly resistant and perfectly sealed.

Hutchinson applies its expertise and know-how to many sectors in the civil and military indus-tries. we are developing varied solutions to en-sure comfort and safety for all, while respon-ding to new environmental challenges.

we ensure sealing and insulation of buildings. we are developing complete transmission sys-tems to fit household appliances, agricultural machines… our military applications contribute to the safety of missions. we are developing an-ti-ballistic and anti-explosion tanks for trans-port vehicles and are fitting vehicles with wheel screens that protect tyre walls. As run-flat spe-cialists, our systems resist mine explosions.


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hutchinson sAHEAD OFFICE: 2, ruE BAlzAC - 75008

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