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Spring 2009 • Volume 56 No. 2USPS 165-700

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Connexions Spring 20092

Pennsylvania-Delaware Ministry Network4651 Westport Drive

Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Editor: Stephen R. TourvilleManaging Editor: Carole Bongiorno

Phone (717) 795-5921Fax (717) 795-5928

Email: [email protected]:

ExEcutivE PrEsbytEry

Stephen R. Tourville, SuperintendentPaul Grabill, Assistant SuperintendentDavid Crosby Sr, Secretary-Treasurer

Jonathan Baker, NC SectionJames Balzano, SCW Section

Christopher Clark, NCW SectionDaniel Clark Sr., SE SectionSteven DeFrain, EC Section William Ellis, SWM Section Donald Immel, SWS Section Jeffrey Kettering, SC Section Kenneth Martin, NW SectionRandall Rhoads, SCE Section

James Rugg, NE Section Timothy Satryan, DEL Section

GEnEral PrEsbytErs

Stephen R. TourvilleDavid Crosby Sr

Bryan Koch

Honorary GEnEral PrEsbytErs

Philip Bongiorno, PennDel Superintendent Emeritus

James E. Morris


ConneXions (USPS 165-700) is the official periodical published quarterly by the Pennsylvania-Delaware District

Council of the Assemblies of God. Periodical postage paid at Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.

Circulation stands at approximately 7,500

Spring 2009

POSTMASTER:Send address changes to:

Pennsylvania-Delaware District Council4651 Westport Drive

Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-4887

This year, our MinistrieSummit/District Council will unpack some vital issues essential for the pastor and congregation of the communities in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Among other activities and sessions, they will include such foundational issues as seeking God, reaching the lost, serving the church, and leading in ministry. During these difficult and trying days in American society, it is helpful to go back and revisit the basics of ministry. Perhaps there are some questions we should all be asking ourselves.

1. Am I spending a significant period of time praying and waiting on God?

2. Am I working with God as well as for God to accomplish His plan for my ministry?

3. Am I basing ministry on an encounter with God and experiencing a fresh anointing from Him?

4. Am I leading out of the call of God or just working at my career?

The Four Conference promises to be a time of refreshment, challenge, hope, and vision as we face the future with courage and strength to win our world for Christ. We pray this will be an opportunity for you to get away from the phone, frustrations, fears, and failures long enough to recapture the passion of your relationship with Jesus. We will be there 4U and hope you will be there 2.

Biblical numerology has been taken down some paths that can produce exotic results and distractions to the truth. At the same time, numbers do have significance in the Scripture. The Trinity is number 3, 6 is the number of man, 7 is for perfection, and 40 signifies completion, etc. From the early days of Pentecost, an emphasis has been given to the Four Square Gospel which is the four cardinal truths to which we hold; Salvation, Baptism of the Spirit, Divine Healing, and the Second Coming of Christ. These four provided an emphasis on truth that had been neglected and then restored by the early Pentecostals. Most of the preaching in those early days centered on these four truths. Four is how many men were in Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace, the number of seasons, the four primary direc-tions, the four horns of the altar, the four primary colors, etc. The best vehicle to use for travel is still one with four wheels.

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Aristotle said, “The mind thinks in pictures.” And we know that the postmodern mind of the 21st century is strongly influenced by a tsunami of visual media. Given that reality, we want to focus on four images Jesus connected with ministry.

The first face of leadership is SHEPHERD — our CALLING. Jesus used this metaphor in John 10. Our pastoral leadership should foster a nurturing environment rather than a bureaucratic culture. Nurturing cultures have a serving loving DNA, while bureau-cratic cultures are power driven and selfish. One of my concerns is our tendency to professionalize the ministry. It is a calling not a career. We must ask the question, “Is this decision motivated more by career advancement than a Holy Spirit led calling?”

In their book, The Way of the Shepherd, Dr. Kevin Lehman and William Pentak identify seven ancient secrets of managing produc-tive people by unpacking the shepherd leadership model. In my opinion it is a must read for every person who believes they are called to ministry.

Now we turn to the next face of leadership SERVANT — our CHARACTER. This metaphor comes from John 13. It’s the only time in scripture Jesus uses himself as an example. He washes the feet of the disciples and then instructs them with, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” (John 13:15)

A servant is one who handles power in word and action as though he/she does not need it. Someone has calculated that the word servant is used over 1300 times in Scripture. Frequency of use should send a strong signal of importance to us.

I haven’t always been a good servant, but one experience stands out in my pool of memories. A pastor in the Potomac District and I resolved an estrangement that happened as a result of a church conflict. Since I was his District Superintendent, he invited me to speak at the church to demonstrate to the congregation that the matter had been settled. God had used him to initiate a godly resolution to this legal dispute. On the day I ministered I felt led to kneel before the pastor and use a towel to wipe off his shoes. The spontaneous weeping and embracing that ensued in the congrega-tion was very heart warming. A couple of years later when I returned to preach again the spirit of reconciliation was still very much in evidence.

RobeRt RhodenGuest Contributor



We are excited to have Dr. H. Robert Rhoden as our guest speaker for the Ordination Celebration at the 2009 PennDel MinistrieSummit.

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Robert Rhoden was born in Jacksonville, Florida on October 14, 1942. He grew up in Olustee, Florida with his widowed grandmother, Florence Cobb, af-ter his parents were killed in a car accident when he was two years old. By the time he was twelve years of age, Mrs. Cobb was physically unable to care for him, so he went to live with relatives in Jacksonville until he graduated from Robert E. Lee High School in 1958. That same year, his grandmother died.

Following his graduation, Bob went to Toccoa Falls Bible College in Toccoa Falls, Georgia. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible in 1963. Enter-ing the ministry, he spent the next two years serving as an associate with David Wilkerson, founder of Teen Challenge in New York City, and traveled the east coast conducting evangelistic crusades.

On January 22, 1966 he married Joan Elaine Hershman. He has pastored in Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Virginia. Bob was ordained by the PennDel District of the Assemblies of God in May of 1968.

In 1982, Bob earned his Doctor of Ministry degree from Union Theological Seminary of Virginia. He is currently a featured speaker at conferences, seminars, workshops and special meetings. He is the published author of several articles for the development of pastors and church leaders which have been printed in the Assemblies of God Enrich-ment Journal, and a national transdenominational publication, Leadership.

He served as Superintendent of the Potomac District of the Assemblies of God from 1991 to 2006. Currently, he serves on various boards and committees, and is the Non-Resident Executive Presbyter for the Northeast Region of the General Council of the Assemblies of God.

Bob and Joan have three grown children: Julie, Rob and Cindy as well as eight grandchildren.

The third face of leadership is STEWARD — our COMPETENCY. At the end of the parable of the shrewd manager (Luke 16:10-12) Jesus said, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much...if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?....if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?” Paul reminds the Corinthians, “Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” (I Cor. 4:2)

Competency in ministry especially in pentecostal circles is a tricky subject because we place a strong emphasis on the anointing. It’s a mistake to believe it must be either/or. We know it can be both competency and anointing. I love what Barry Black, the current Chaplain of the US Senate, says about preaching, “Study until you are full...think until you are clear...pray until you are hot...and deliver with passion.”

The final face of leadership is SEER — our process for CHANGE. Jesus was often called a prophet. (Matthew 21:11,46) As a minister, God calls us to be voices for change. Effective leaders not only call for a course correction but also know how to get people there. Too often we believe changing personnel, programs or products is the place to start. Real change begins by clarifying our purpose. Next we chart the course that tells how to get there. And remember, it always takes longer than we envision. So underpromise and overdeliver. Trust me when we overpromise and underdeliver it erodes our credibility.

So how do we know which face of leadership to incarnate. Our relationship with the Father will guide us.

I don’t fear failure as much as I fear that I might succeed in doing things that don’t get people where they need to go. As a leader I can be a good servant — wash feet, but if I am not a shepherd who guides or a steward who manages well or a seer who calls for change I may not be getting people where they need to go. If we focus on any one of the faces and neglect the other three, I believe our leadership is missing what Jesus modeled.

We are to say to the people we serve, “Your potential is my mission” and then lead them with the face of a shepherd, servant, steward and seer. See you at the Summit on May 6th.


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AltoonA 11th Street ProjectPastor Jim Balzano and his congregation, Pleasant Valley Assembly of God in Altoona took an abandoned and condemned church that had become a place for homeless people, drug use, and overall blight and have transformed it into a place of HOPE.

Just a few of the ministries that will be a foundation of the project are:

• The Father’s House (Food and clothing for people in need)• The Potter’s House (Free haircuts for families in need)• After-School Programs (Safe place for children to go after school to use

a state-of-the-art computer lab, do homework, and receive tutoring)• Literacy Training (Adult tutoring)• A House of Worship• Support Groups for people dealing with addictions

PittSburgh city outreAchLee’s story is amazing! He came to Pittsburgh City Outreach as a horrible heroin addict, hopeless and helpless, he was ready to lose his arm because of his abuse. Pastor Brian Bolt recalls the time when Lee returned to the Men’s Recovery Home after being out on a pass, “I heard this thud and a yell from the other men. I saw Lee, he had turned purple. He was dead. When the EMT arrived I watched them take a huge needle full of Narcan and thrust it into his chest. As we prayed, he stood straight up. As they took him to the hospital, the Lord spoke to me, ‘Don’t give up on Lee. I’m going to use him.”

That was two and a half years ago. Lee now runs the Men’s Recovery Home. Jesus changed his life, and he is now mentoring 16 other men daily. He is a man of God!

Lives are being changed at Pittsburgh City Outreach!

Join us as we partner with Pastor Brian Bolt for this year’s Home Missions Project. A special offering will be received at this year’s MinistrieSummit.



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Paul E. Grabill, D.MiN.

assistant Superintendent

[email protected]

in January, arline and i landed in india, and i had the unex-pected privilege of ministering at New life assembly of God in Chennai, india. it is a congregation of 40,000 people which

meets in 15 one and one-half hour services every weekend. Many of those services run concurrently in four separate locations within the same building; they begin the first of five main services at 5 a.m. in the 4,000 seat auditorium.

The founding pastor, a great man of God, is David Mohan. Yes, he is up to preach every Sunday at 5 a.m.

Pastor Mohan is often asked what is the secret of his success. He always replies, “prayer and fasting,” to which many Westerners often ask something like, “uh, is there anything else?”

To which he says, “No, that’s it.” When he is asked to speak in the West, prayer and fasting is normally what he preaches on. it’s neither razzle nor dazzle.

it could well be that some of the trials and tribulations that many american Christians are currently facing will help return us to the practice of biblical, spiritual disciplines, practiced not only by early Pentecostals, but by Christians throughout the last two millenia.

My wife, arline, knows me well enough that when i preach on spiritual discipline, i’m usually preaching to myself. like most of you, i’ve worked on this part of my walk with God my whole life.

richard Foster, in his now-classic book, Celebration of Discipline, divides twelve Christian disciplines into three groups of four each. You can think of them as three ‘square’ meals.

The four personal, inner disciplines are prayer, fasting, study and meditation.

The four outward disciplines are simplicity, service, submission and solitude.

The four corporate disciplines, practiced by the church as a whole, are confession, worship, celebration and guidance.

it’s now March and one can’t help but wonder how many New Year’s resolutions made by Christians in one or more of these areas are being fulfilled.

Healthy spirituality is much like a healthy lifestyle. There is no short-term fix. it has to be a lifestyle.

it might be good to take 4 right now—take 4 (or 40, if necessary) minutes and ask God which of the twelve is His top priority for you.

is it learning how to pray for an hour? is it a commitment to bible study that will take you through the whole bible this year? is it humbling yourself to ask for guidance? is it making Sunday worship a higher priority than your child’s sporting event (when it’s not, you’re teaching them which is more important—so don’t be surprised when they practice what you teach by example)? is it giving of your time in service in ministry (and not just your money)?

let there be no doubt: healthy spiritual disciplines produce healthy Christians.

and that’s a square on which i pray all of us land.

A Healthy Spiritual Life

T h e M a t h o f S p i r i t u a l D i s c i p l i n e :

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DaviD CroSbY Secretary and Treasurer

World Missions

[email protected]

Ministers Transferring Out:ALeMAn, Jamie (licensed) – To Southern California

ALeMAn, Moses (licensed) – To Southern California

CARVeR, Thomas (licensed) – To appalachian

CoRLeW, Dawn (ordained) – To New Jersey

eRDeL, Michael (licensed) – To ohio

FAVA, stephen (licensed) – To Southern New England

LinsCoTT, nicole (Certified) – To rocky Mountain

MARBLe, Heather (licensed) – To New York

MoRine, John (ordained) – To Potomac

noViK, nikolay (ordained) – To Slavic

sCoTCH, David (ordained) – To North Carolina

siMMons, steven (Certified) – To North Carolina

ToMAsino, eric (ordained) – To alaska

Ministers Transferring In:ARCHeY, Robert (licensed) – From arizona

BARnes, Daniel (ordained) – From PenFlorida

HeneLY, Michael (ordained) – From New Jersey

LAnZA, John (ordained) – From PenFlorida

MATToCKs, Heather (licensed) – From North Carolina

MATToCKs, isaiah (licensed) – From North Carolina

sTone JR, oscar (ordained) – From arkansas

WHiTe, stephen R (ordained) – From North Carolina

Church Transitions:Dan Fox to Maranatha assembly of God, bellefonte, Pa.

Jonathan srock to New life assembly of God, Shillington, Pa.

Alan Reiman to New life assembly of God, Mifflintown, Pa.

Helping You Answer GOD’S CALLThe network secretary’s office is here to assist you in “answering God’s Call!” if you have questions on the credentialing process, please go to and access credentialing information under the head-ing, Ministers resources. Here you will discover the process, qualifications, educational requirements, what is involved in receiving a credential. Send an email from the page to receive answers to your questions.

New and Upgraded Credentials:Certified Minister:DiNGEr, James

Licensed Minister:DuTKo, HannahFiNaN, JosephoCaSio, JuanWooD, Jody

ordained Minister:baKEr, PhilipboiSvErT, PaulDEFraiN, ElizabethDuTKo, JosephFiTCH, JasonGorNiCZ, JasonGraY, ScottMarTiN, DavidMElE, KennethPETTET, FrederickProPSoN, PhilipPuGH, ToddroGErS, robert

About PeopleAbout PeopleWith The Lord:Chester Tennant, age 83, of brave, Pa died on Friday, November 21, 2008 at home. He had been in his usual health and death was due to an ap-parent heart attack. Please pray for Jean, his wife, four sons and their families. Pastor Tennant was a member and former associate Pastor of the Mt. Morris Gospel Tabernacle assembly of God. He also served as Pastor at ripley, Wv; Mason, Wv; austinville, va; and worked for 5 years at the assembly of God appalachian District office. He was a veteran having served with the u.S. army during W.W.ii

Friends were received at the Mt. Morris Gospel Tabernacle with Pastor Milford Watters and Pastor Fred Tomlinson officiating at the service.

Dorothy selleck, age 78, went to be with her lord on Sunday, December 28, 2008, after a long battle with cancer. Dorothy was the wife of rev. David Selleck, and they pastored alpha assembly of God, Clarion, Pa until their retirement in 2006. The Sellecks served faithfully in ministry for more than 50 years in uniontown, Milesburg, and Clarion. Dorothy was an accomplished musician and recording artist as well as serving with her husband. a Memorial Service was held at the alpha assembly of God in Clarion to commemo-rate her life and ministry.

Ronald Bole, age 67, joined the Church Triumphant on December 21, 2008. ron received his licensed Minister credential in 1987 with the General Council and served in ministry at the assembly of God, Franklin, Pa from 1987-2001. before entering full-time ministry, ron served as a funeral director with the Gardinier Funeral Home. The last seven years he served as a Hospice Pastor with venengo County. ron married Donna (Glunt) and God blessed them with two sons, allen and David. Pastors Ken Meyer, ron Whited and Walter Witherup officiated at his service celebrating his life and ministry.

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Notes From our Missionaries Go Assemblies of GodExperience the Opportunity to Serve

Experience the call, the mission, and the opportunity to serve. is the official placement service for assemblies of God World Missions and is here to serve you and your desire to live out the call of God on your life. is continuously adding new content weekly, so visit us often for new ministry opportunities and resources. Find an opportunity that fits you:

MAPs, short-term: 1-11 months Missionary Associates: 1-2 years short-Term Minister Abroad Missionary in Training Career Missionary: Lifetime call

Doug and Carol Baldwin – Ecuador: People are coming to Christ week after week! There is record growth at Centro Cristiano de Machala with capacity crowds. Thirty men and women committed their lives to Christ in a recent service. a daughter church is now two years old and thriving. a new church plant in Santa rosa is in the process of purchasing property for new church construction.

Steve and Lori Potutschnig – Bolivia: The opportunity for ministry has never been greater! a new bible School in riberalta celebrated their first graduation class. There were 15 graduates at the bible School in Chiquicollo. Steve has numerous construction projects for MaPS teams: bible schools, laCC schools, churches. Contact [email protected].

Jeff and Rebecca Wiles – Jamaica: after 22 months of itineration and thousands of miles, the Wiles family has land-ed in Jamaica! Jeff and rebecca have setup their home and have begun ministry in local churches. Jeff is also busy host-ing construction teams. if you are interested in taking a team, please get in touch with Jeff at [email protected].

John and Faith Higgins – India: John and Faith served as missionaries in residence at Trinity bible College during the 2008 fall semester. They enjoyed the opportunity to influence and encourage ministerial students to consider being next generation missionaries. The Higgins have returned to Calcutta to assist the national church in ministry and leadership.

Arlene Stubbs – India: arlene is continuing in the call to missions in Hyderabad. The andhra Pradesh bible College dedicated the Stubbs Memorial Multi-Purpose Hall in loving memory of Missionary Earl Stubbs. arlene expresses her thanks for your prayers and support during a difficult life transition.

Fred and Betty Howsare – Asia-Pacific: asia-Pacific Media Ministry has a profound impact on the nations of Thailand, burma, laos and the Phillipines. The Howsares assist in the purchase of air time to send the gospel across the land. The response to the Gospel message has been tremendous!

James and Sherry Sabella – Central Europe: The Sabellas relocated to Prague in January to continue their mission of networking the Central Europe missionaries. For all the latest news please go to

Construction Team to Burkina FasoFebruary 2009

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1sT AnniVeRsARY CeLeBRATionPastor Dawn & James edwards

Message of Hope Assembly of God, Bear, De

CHuRCH MeRGeRPastor Mike & Connie HammerCelebration Community Church & south Mountain ChurchDillsburg, PA

DeDiCATion oF neW BuiLDinGPastor Terry Drost

Assembly of God, Blakely, PA

65TH AnniVeRsARY CeLeBRATion

Pastor Daniel & Bonnie Winters

with The GabrielsGospel Tabernacle Assembly of God,

Philipsburg, PA

60TH AnniVeRsARY CeLeBRATionPastor Gregory & Renee LloydTrinity Assembly of GodHuntingdon, PA

PAsToR insTALLATionPastor Jonathan srocknew Life Assembly of Godshillington, PA


nd the district

insTALLATionPastor Daniel & sheryl BarnesFirst Assembly of God, Greencastle, PA

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ToM rEES assistant to the Superintendent

Honor bound Church Planting and Development

[email protected]

Bike Blessings We’re not really blessing a machine, but praying for the rider and passen-ger. ask if there is anything specific you can pray about for them. if someone invites you to pray with them about anything they have opened their heart Just a little to receive more of God farther down the road.

toy runs a toy run is a motorcycle ride usu-ally of less than 100 miles with the intent of collecting toys for kids around Christmas time. bikers donate a new toy to be able to make the ride. Free food is good. Some of the hardest bikers have a soft heart when it comes to kids. What better chance than to explain what Christ-mas is really all about.

Bike show a free bike show complete with free food and trophies will attract local riders. if your church is located on a main street or high-way in your community, the church parking lot could be a great choice.

hospitAlity tent if your church is near a major motorcycle event or on a heavily traveled route to or from one, you may be able to set up a tent to give out free coffee, ice water and snacks. Evangelism material can be available as well as someone willing to pray with anyone in need. Highway rest areas, motorcycle dealerships, swap meets and bike races are all possibilities.

Biker sundAys Encourage your church to dress casually for that service, invite their friends who are bikers, provide special parking and a free meal after church.

hospitAl Visits When a biker in your area has been in an accident, have a few bikers in your church visit them. incredible ministry opportunity is available. Perhaps God is even calling you to be a motorcycle chaplain?

Biker Friendly Churches

With over eight million bikers in the uS, this is an incredible opportunity for us to embrace the bikers in our communities. Here are some great ideas to help you become a biker Friendly Church. Jesus loves bikers too!

Is your church Biker Friendly?

If so, add your church to the listing at HonorBound Motor Ministries

Men of Promise Men of Promise

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KriSTiaN WalKEr

District Music & Worship liason

NiCHolaS PaloMo Media and

Communications Specialist

[email protected]

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DouG SaYErS Youth

www.penndelyouth.comGEorGE KrEbS Christian Education

[email protected]

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DouG SaYErS Youth

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JaSoN laMEr Youth alive

[email protected]

Taking it to the highways and the byways, the hallways and the sidelines…

Sportsfest 09 is making another appearance for the purpose of reaching student athletes.

Within every school and community there are those hardcore athletes who live, breath and

sweat for their sports season. They are students who have discovered the power of a dream

and the reality of discipline. They do what they do with all their heart by staying late for

practices that develop their skills. They are ready in season as well as out of season as they in-

volve themselves in activities just to prepare for the moment when the next season is back in

session. The heart of a student athlete is one of leadership and determination. They influence

their peers by earning the respect of their peers. Their performance on the court, the field or

the track elevates them to a place of position within the school they attend and even their

community. in essence, student athletes are influencing our schools. Who are influencing our

student athletes?

Youth alive is partnering with local FCa (Fellowship of Christian athletes) to conduct a one

day outreach event to serve as a tool and resource to the local church. The day will consist of

competition, relationship, and relevant truth. as students compete for the top place prizes in

3 on 3 basketball, flag football and dodgeball, they will hear the ultimate prize that is worth

competing for. We, of course, know this to be a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ.

in a recent visit to upper Perkiomen

High School in Pennsburg, Pa, the

home of the indians or as they call

themselves, the Tribe, the Seven Project team

had the privilege of challenging and inspiring

more than 900 students in the area of

character development. The day assemblies

were received very well as students compli-

mented and thanked the team for being

there. in the evening 400 of them returned

for the pizza, the inflatables, the prizes, the

fun and before the night was over an

opportunity was given for them to make

the greatest choice in life by receiving Jesus

Christ as their lord and Savior. The day was

marked wonderful as 150 or so walked to

the center court of the gym to pray the

prayer of a lifetime. This is what it’s all about.

The event will be held

April 25 in Harrisburg.

For more information visit

or call 717-795-9780.

Seven visits the Tribe…all photos provided by David Culton

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GrEG SCoTT royal rangers

[email protected]

Ranger of the Year Comes to an Endon January 3rd the last regional ranger of the Year competition was hosted by the Penn-Del District at lighthouse Christian Fellowship church in Pennsburg, Pa. The Penn-Del District sent six adventure rangers and three Expedition rangers to the competition. The results were excellent. Christopher Hamilton (below, right) of outpost 311 at Greater Johnstown Christian Fellowship, Johnstown, Pa, emerged as the Regional Ranger of the Year winner in the Expedition ranger age group. Congratulations Chris! our other boys (below) did fantastic as well. achieving an Excellent rating (above 70%) in the adventure ranger age group were Mark Hamilton, brandon Kieta, Elijah brown, Zachariah Misak and Frederick Sikes, while Zachariah brown achieved an outstanding rating (above 85%). in the Expedition ranger age group Joshua Miller achieved an

Excellent rating, while Eric Kemble and Chris Hamilton achieved an outstanding rating.

Junior Leadership Training Academy (JLTA)This year’s camps will be held on July 15-18th and will include the Junior Training Camp (JTC), advance Junior Training Camp (aJTC), Junior Survival Camp (JSC), and the Elite Junior leaders Camp (Elite JlC). visit for more information regarding each of these camps.

National Training Camp (NTC) to Undergo ChangesThis year will mark the end of the NTC as we now know it. it is undergoing changes and will evolve as an even higher quality training camp for rr leaders. The NTC will be replaced by the National rangers Ministry Camp (NrMC), which is scheduled to have its debut in 2010. The final NTC in our area will be on September 10-13th in Elmer, NJ. You can go to to obtain information and applications.

Thank You, Bob Haggerty for Your 43 Years of ServiceHaving served in the royal rangers ministry for 43 years, Cmdr. bob Haggerty has made the difficult decision to step out of serving in any official capacity in the ministry. residing in Tamaqua, Pa, he recently served as the District royal ranger alumni President. although the royal ranger ministry is now in its 47th year, bob has been in the rr ministry for most of those years and has been involved on almost every level, including the Frontiersmen Cam-ping Fellowship. He has served as lt. Commander, outpost commander, East Central Sectional Commander, District Missions Coordinator and Territorial FCF representative for the Northeast region. He has taken every national training camp and training opportunity that the ministry offers and has also served

on staff at just about every type of training camp that has been developed for the ministry over the years. Cmdr. Haggerty has virtually seen and done it all in the royal ranger ministry and has been an invaluable leader in the Penn-Del District. We wish him the best in his retirement. Good luck Cmdr. Haggerty. Your experience and wisdom will be missed.

Coming Events in 2009:Penn-Del RR Camp Work DayHoney Grove, Paapril 18th

Instructor Certification Seminarorchard Springs Fellowshipasper, Paapril 25th

George Washington Chapter FCF Spring TracePDrr Camp berry, Honey Grove, PaMay 1-3

Penn-Del RR Camp Work DayHoney Grove, PaJune 6th

Penn-Del District PowwowPDrr Camp berry, Honey Grove, PaJune 26-28th

Junior Leadership Training AcademyPDrr Camp berry, Honey Grove, PaJuly 15-18th

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Women of PurposeConference

ruTH PulEo Women of Purpose

[email protected]

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Women of PurposeConference

SHaroN PoolE Girls Ministries

[email protected]

Building BridgesGirls Ministries impact!

April 17 – 18Philip Bongiorno Conference Center,

Carlisle, PA

Speaker: Bobbie Moyer,

ohio District Girls Ministries Director


Leadership Training along with all levels of the Leadership Development will be taught.


Philip Bongiorno Conference Center, Carlisle, PA

Speaker: Heather Halbfoerster, Children’s Pastor

River of God Church, Enola


Special Honor Star/Club Graduate Celebration Saturday Night


Philip Bongiorno Conference Center, Carlisle, PA

Speaker: Jen Shawley, Assistant PastorFamily Life of Penns Valley


Special Honor Star/Club Graduate Celebration Friday Night

For Registration Information, contact:Sharon Poole1309 Darlington RoadBeaver Falls, PA [email protected]

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Since 1981, Heritage investment Services Fund has been helping people build the kind of wealth the bible speaks about, wealth that lasts. i’ve listed four guiding principles to building wealth that will last through the ages and yield eternal dividends to all who follow them.

NuMBER 1: Put God first, foremost and always, in every area of your life including and especially in regard to your finances. God ordained the principle of tithing as a means of blessing us and teaching us the benefits of discipline, accountability, sacrifice and generosity.

NuMBER 2: Eliminate debt and refrain from using credit cards, home equity lines of credit and other debt instruments. obviously, debt financing is usually required for certain major expenditures, such as the purchase of a primary residence or a primary vehicle. However, many people who are struggling under a huge burden of debt have come to realize that what they thought was a necessity and for which they bor-rowed money, was really a non-essential (luxury) that they can’t afford and certainly could live without.

NuMBER 3: Set money aside for savings from every paycheck and all other income, even if it’s a small amount and gradually increase the percentage of your savings as your paycheck increases. a regular and consistent savings program will generate substantial returns over the long run through the compounding of interest.

NuMBER 4: Never measure wealth in dollars and cents or any other worldly standard. True and lasting wealth is ultimately measured and determined by how much we love God, how much we love our neighbor, how much we love people for whom Christ died and what we do to express our love for God and humanity.

Heritage investment Services Fund would like to help you build lasting wealth and leave a legacy that will bless generations to come. if that’s your desire, contact us today and we’ll help you get started. Michael bongiorno, CEo, HiS Fund

4651 Westport Drive Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-4887

The initial interest rate on all Notes will depend on the effective interest rates at the time of purchase. Term Notes pay interest at a rate fixed at the time of is-suance. Once fixed, the interest rate on a Term Note will not be changed until the Note matures. At least thirty (30) days prior to any decrease in the interest rate on a Demand Note, the Loan Fund will notify the holder of such change.

This information is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy these securities. The offering is made only by the prospectus. These unsecured debt securities are NOT available to residents outside of Pennsylvania or Delaware. The notes are not savings or deposit accounts or other obligations of a bank and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, any state bank insurance fund, the Securities Investor Protection Corporation or any other governmental agency.

PHiliP boNGiorNo Chairman and President

[email protected]

DENiSE FolK administrative assistant

[email protected]

MiCHaEl boNGiorNo Chief Executive officer

[email protected]

Demand Note .................... 3.25%6 Month Note .................... 3.50%1 Year Note ......................... 3.75%2 1/2 Year Note .................. 4.25%4 Year Note ......................... 4.75%5 Year Note ......................... 5.00%

New Rates Effective May 1, 2009

($500.00 Minimum Investment)

HIS Fund-An investment that works! For additional information, contact us at 717-796-9784 or toll-free at 1-866-219-0820.

Visit our website at


An investment that works


An investment that works