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    T R A N S F U S I O N P R A C T I C E

    Ten years of hemovigilance reports of transfusion-related acute

    lung injury in the United Kingdom and the impact of preferential

    use of male donor plasma

    Catherine E. Chapman, Dorothy Stainsby, Hilary Jones, Elizabeth Love, Edwin Massey, Nay Win,

    Cristina Navarrete, Geoff Lucas, Neil Soni, Cliff Morgan, Louise Choo, Hannah Cohen, and

    Lorna M. Williamson on behalf of the Serious Hazards of Transfusion Steering Group

    BACKGROUND AND METHODS: From 1996 through

    2006, 195 cases were reported as transfusion-related

    acute lung injury (TRALI) to the Serious Hazards ofTransfusion scheme and from 1999 onward classified

    by probability, using clinical features and HLA and/or

    HNA typing. From late 2003, the National Blood Service

    provided 80 to 90 percent of fresh-frozen plasma (FFP)

    and plasma for platelet (PLT) pools from male donors.

    RESULTS: Forty-nine percent of reports were highly

    likely/probable TRALI, and 51 percent possible/unlikely.

    Of 96 investigations, donor antibodies recognizing

    recipient antigens were found in 73 cases (65%), with

    HLA Class I in 25 of those (40%), HLA Class II anti-

    bodies in 38 (62%), and granulocyte antibodies in 12

    (17%). A review in 2003 revealed that the TRALI risk/component was 6.9 times higher for FFP and 8.2 times

    higher for PLTs than for red blood cells, and that in

    donors of implicated FFP/PLTs, white blood cell anti-

    bodies were found 3.6 times more often than by chance

    (p 0.0001), with all implicated donors being female.

    Provision of male plasma was associated with a reduc-

    tion in TRALI reports from 36 in 2003 to 23 in each of

    2004 and 2005 and 10 in 2006. Highly likely/probable

    cases reduced from 23 in 2003 to 10, 6, and 4 in the 3

    subsequent years, with cases implicating FFP or PLTs

    falling from 16 to 9, 3, and 1 respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: The risk of highly likely/probable

    TRALI due to FFP has fallen from 15.5 per million units

    issued during 1999 through 2004 to 3.2 per million

    during 2005 through 2006 (p = 0.0079) and from 14.0

    per million to 5.8 per million for PLTs.


    ow that the risk of transfusion-transmitted

    viral infection has reached extremely low

    levels, transfusion-related acute lung injury

    (TRALI) has emerged as one of the most

    serious complications of transfusion. In reports to the

    Food and Drug Administration (FDA), TRALI moved from

    the third commonest causeof transfusion-related death in

    1997 through 2002 to the commonest in 2003.1 Although

    single case reports which were probably TRALI have been

    published since the 1950s, the syndrome was character-

    ized and named only in the past 2 decades. 2 The accepted

    features of TRALI are acute dyspnea with hypoxia and new

    or worsening pulmonary infiltrates arising during or

    within a few hours of a transfusion of plasma, cellular

    blood components, or immunoglobulin.3 Immediate and

    ABBREVIATIONS: BC(s) = buffy coat(s); CSP = cryosupernatant;

    NBS = National Blood Service; SHOT = Serious Hazards of

    Transfusion; SSP(s) = sequence-specific primer(s);

    TACO = transfusion-associated circulatory overload;

    TTP = thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; vCJD = variant

    Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

    From the NHS Blood and Transplant, Newcastle, Manchester,

    Bristol, Tooting, Colindale, and Cambridge; Serious Hazards of

    Transfusion, Manchester; Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust,

    Royal Brompton NHS Trust, Medical Research Council Clinical

    Trials Unit, and University College London Hospitals NHSFoundation Trust, London; and the Department of Haematol-

    ogy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

    Address reprint requests to: Dr Catherine Chapman, NHS

    Blood and Transplant, Holland Drive, Barrack Road, Newcastle

    Upon Tyne NE2 4NQ, UK; e-mail: catherine.chapman@

    This study was funded by the UK Blood Services.

    Received for publication February 3, 2008; revision

    received August 10, 2008; and accepted August 25, 2008.

    doi: 10.1111/j.1537-2995.2008.01948.x

    TRANSFUSION 2009;49:440-452.

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    specific diagnosis of TRALI at the bedside is not possible,

    since the clinical features of TRALI are also seen in acute

    lung injury arising from other causes such as sepsis,

    trauma, and shock. Some of the features also overlap with

    transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO), but

    this is not always recognized acutely. The Canadian Con-

    sensus Conference on TRALI in 2004 therefore describedclinical criteria defining both TRALI and possible

    TRALI,4 depending on whether there were other factors

    that may have caused acute lung injury.

    Although neither of these proposed definitions

    depends on results of any laboratory investigations of

    donor or patient, the original case series describing TRALI

    noted that in nearly 90 percent of cases, either HLA- or

    neutrophil-specific antibodies could be detected in the

    plasma of one or more implicated donors and that most

    antibody-positive donors were multiparous women.2 The

    importance of the presence of the corresponding antigen

    in the recipient was also noted.5 It has since been pro-

    posed that the antibody/antigen interaction triggers a

    series of inflammatory responses involving neutrophils,

    monocytes, cytokines, and complement, culminating in

    pulmonary endothelial damage leading to an increase in

    pulmonary vascular permeability and rapid development

    of a protein-rich pulmonary exudate.3,6 It is now well

    accepted that exposure to white blood cell (WBC) anti-

    bodies is one important cause of TRALI. However, all

    reported case series contain a proportion of cases in

    which no WBC antibodies can be demonstrated in either

    donor or patient. A further mechanism to explain

    antibody-negative TRALI has therefore been proposed, in

    which a lipid promoter of neutrophil activation is pro-duced during storage of cellular blood components.7,8 This

    neutrophil priming activity has also been described in

    theplasma of some TRALI cases, leading to theproposal of

    two-hit model of TRALI pathogenesis, with the underly-

    ing illness being the first event and infusion of the lipid

    priming activity the second.9 However, since HLA anti-

    bodies have caused TRALI in two healthy volunteers with

    no predisposing factors,10,11 a thresholdmodel allowing for

    a single major or multiple minor hits provides a more

    unified theory that links all the available clinical and

    experimental observations.6

    The UK hemovigilance scheme Serious Hazards ofTransfusion (SHOT) was established in 199612 and from

    the outset included TRALI among the complications to be

    reported. The case definition, like the Consensus Confer-

    ence proposal, has no absolute requirement for positive

    donor or patient serology. It remained unchanged from

    1996 till 2005, thus allowing the effect of risk reduction

    steps to be monitored, with only the time limit for onset of

    symptoms being reduced from 24 to 6 hours after trans-

    fusion in 2006. In 2003, based on observations and recom-

    mendations from SHOT, the National Blood Service (NBS)

    carried out an option appraisal on steps which could be

    taken to reduce TRALI risk. This led to a strategy to use

    plasma from male donors for the production of fresh-

    frozen plasma (FFP) and for suspension of buffy coat

    (BC)-derived pooled platelets (PLTs), both strategies to be

    adopted as far as was operationally possible. No specific

    steps were taken at that time to reduce risk from apheresis

    PLTs. This report describes the clinical and serologic fea-tures of TRALI cases reported to SHOT from 1996 through

    2006, including the impact of the policy of preferentially

    using plasma from male donors.


    SHOT reporting

    The scope of SHOT encompasses all labile blood compo-

    nents issued by the four UK Blood Transfusion Services

    (NBS supplying England and North Wales; Welsh Blood

    Service, supplying the rest of Wales; Scottish National

    Blood Transfusion Service; and Northern Ireland Blood

    Transfusion Service). NBS supplies 83 percent of blood

    components in theUK. Adverse reactionsto FFP pathogen

    inactivated by either solvent/detergent (S/D) or methyl-

    ene blue are also included.When SHOT was established in

    1996, letters were sent to consultant hematologists and

    blood bank managers in all UK hospitals taking part in the

    national quality assessment scheme blood group serology

    exercises, inviting participation in hemovigilance. The

    reporting system involves hospital transfusion staff sub-

    mitting an initial report summarizing each case, followed

    by a detailed questionnaire specific for the complication

    reported. Investigation of the case is the responsibility of

    the reporting hospital and the blood service, which sup-plied the components, with laboratory results made avail-

    able to SHOT on completion. From 1997 through 2003,

    hospitals were also invited to either submit an annual

    no eligible cases observed to SHOT or to confirm the

    number and type of cases reported throughout the year.

    Linking of reports and confirmation of participation was

    aided from 2003 onward by the allocation of a confidential

    identity number for each hospital. Until 2006, participa-

    tion in SHOT was voluntary, but endorsed by the Depart-

    ment of Health Better Blood Transfusion initiative.

    Participation in SHOT was between 80 and 90 percent of

    all UK hospitals for the period covered by this article. For2006, SHOT reports were received via the new mandatory

    electronic reporting system SABRE run by the Medicines

    and Healthcare Regulatory Agency, the competent author-

    ity designated under the UK Blood Safety and Quality

    Regulations.13 SHOT publishes annual reports in paper

    form and on the internet ( The

    reports from 1996 until 2001 covered 12-month periods

    from October 1 to September 30, but in 2001, a decision

    was taken to move to calendar year reporting. The report

    for 2001 to 2002 therefore covers 15 months, with calendar

    year reports from 2003 onward. The data presented in this


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    article are compiled from TRALI reports encompassing

    the period October 1, 1996, through December 31, 2006.

    Case definition and investigation

    From 1996 to 2005, TRALI cases were defined by SHOT as

    acute dyspnea with hypoxia and bilateral pulmonary

    infiltrates occurring during or in the 24 hours after trans-

    fusion, with no other apparent cause, with no require-

    ment for any specific serologic findings. The 24-hour time

    period was chosen because in 1996, there was insufficient

    evidence that a shorter time period would capture all

    TRALI cases. In 2006, based on previous findings and the

    recommendations of the Canadian Consensus Confer-

    ence,4 SHOT reduced the time limit for onset of symptoms

    after transfusion from 24 to 6 hours.

    Suspected cases were referred to UK Blood Services

    laboratories for investigation. In the early years of SHOT

    reporting, the extent of each investigation was variable

    across the UK, but from 1999 onward the majority ofpatients and implicated donors were investigated forWBC

    antibodies as described below. In the NBS, a standard pro-

    tocol was introduced in 2002, in which the first step was a

    discussion between the hospital clinician and one of three

    specialist NBS consultants, including an intensive therapy

    specialist from 2003 onward. When investigation was con-

    sidered appropriate, donors were recalled to give fresh

    samples, because these had been shown to give less non-

    specific reactivity in lymphocyte and granulocyte immun-

    ofluorescence assays than frozen and thawed archived

    samples. All female donors and previously transfused

    males to whom the patient had been exposed were inves-tigated for WBC antibodies. Untransfused male donors

    were investigated only if all other donors gave negative

    results and if the patient had no other identified cause for

    the respiratory symptoms. From 2002, all patients were

    also tested for WBC antibodies, except those who died

    acutely. Ifspecific HLAor HNAantibodieswerefound inan

    implicated donor or patient, the relevant patient or donor

    HLA or HNA genotypes/phenotypes were determined to

    establish whether the cognate antigen was present.

    In 1999, SHOT introduced a system to assess the like-

    lihood of the reported cases actually being TRALI. This

    was based on clinical context, in particular fluid balance

    charts and features of cardiogenic pulmonary edema, the

    presence of other risk factors for acute lung injury and

    donor/patient WBC serology. After review by two clini-

    cians from the SHOT team, including an intensivist from

    2003 onward, cases were allocated into one of four groups:

    Highly likely: no other cause identified for the symp-

    toms AND positive serology (defined below);

    Probable: either positive serology as defined below

    but with other causes for symptoms also present OR

    no other causes present, but with either absent or

    incomplete serology;

    Possible: clinical picture compatible with TRALI, no

    other cause present, but results of patient and donor

    investigation negative as defined below; . . .

    Unlikely: another cause of symptoms present AND

    results of patient and donor investigation negative as

    defined below.

    The definition of positive serology used throughout this

    article is the presence of donor WBC antibodies that cor-

    responded with one or more recipient antigens and/or a

    positive WBC crossmatch between donor and recipient.

    Donor WBC antibodies which did not recognize cognate

    antigen(s) in the recipient were not considered relevant,

    unless recipient samples were not available for typing or

    crossmatch, for example, because the patient had died.

    The definition of an implicated component is the

    component transfused from a donor with positive serol-

    ogy. In cases of probable TRALI without positive serology,

    the type of component implicated could be allocated only

    in cases receiving one component type in the 24 hoursbefore theTRALI episode. For cases with no positive serol-

    ogy receiving multiple types of components, it was not

    possible to identify an implicated component.

    Other relevant categories of reporting to SHOT over

    this time period were acute febrile or anaphylactic reac-

    tions without chest X-ray changes, but TACO was not

    reportable. This has been included as a separate category

    from 2008.

    Laboratory methods

    Screening for HLA Class I antibodies was done usingthe microlymphocytotoxicity test14 and enzyme-linked

    immunosorbent assay (ELISA; GTI Quik Screen, ELISA

    system) assaysto detectthe presenceof cytotoxicand non-

    cytotoxic HLA Class I antibodies respectively. Investiga-

    tions for HLA Class II-specific antibodies by ELISA (GTI

    Quik Screen) were introduced in December 2001. One

    Lambda LABScreen replaced the ELISAand microlympho-

    cytotoxicity test in 2005. The cutoff to determine a positive

    result was twice the value of the negative control. Samples

    were initially screened by Lab Screen mixed and if positive,

    antibody identification was performed using panel-

    reactive antibodyClassI or Class II identification andmorerecently (since 2006) single antigen beads. If HLA-specific

    antibodies were identified in a donor sample, HLA Class I

    or Class II DNA typing of the patient was performed by

    using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay

    employing sequence-specific primers (SSPs).15

    HNA antibody screening was performed using

    the granulocyte immunofluorescence test, lymphocyte

    immunofluorescence test, and granulocyte chemilumi-

    nescence test using cells obtained from a panel of

    HNA-1a, -1b, -1c, -2a, and -3a and HLA Class Ityped

    donors.16-18We have found the granulocyte chemilumines-


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    cence test to be comparable to the granulocyte agglutina-

    tion test in the detection of HNA-3a antibodies and more

    sensitive than the granulocyte agglutination test in detect-

    ing other HNA antibody specificities. If specific HLA- or

    HNA-specific antibodies were found in an implicated

    donor or patient, the relevant patient or donor HLA or

    HNA genotypes/phenotypes were determined to establishwhether the cognate antigen was present.

    HLA Class I or Class II DNA typing was performed by

    using a PCR-based assay employing SSPs,15while serologic

    and PCR-SSP techniques were used to determine the HNA

    genotypes.19,20 In cases in which nonspecific HLA or

    granulocyte antibodies were detected, and if material was

    available, a flow cytometric crossmatch (granulocyte

    immunofluorescence test/lymphocyte immunofluores-

    cence test) was undertaken using donor serum and

    cells obtained from ethylenediaminetetraacetate-

    anticoagulated patient samples within 24 hours of


    Specifications of blood component,

    implementation of male FFP and pooled S/D FFP,

    and suspension of PLT pools in male plasma

    All blood components (red blood cells [RBCs], PLTs, FFP)

    were leukoreduced to EU specification from late 1999

    onward. Across the period of this report, more than 95

    percent of all RBC units were suspended in additive solu-

    tion (AS; saline, mannitol, glucose, adenine) with less than

    30 mL of plasma. The remainder were plasma reduced to

    approximately 100 mL of plasma. In April 2004, as a

    variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) risk reductionstep, all donors previously transfused in the UK from 1980

    onward were excluded from donation.

    Following SHOT observations up to 2002 to 2003,

    showingthat there was an excess against expected ofTRALI

    cases associated with FFP or PLTs from HLA antibody

    positive female donors, the NBS conducted an option

    appraisal to consider ways of minimizing TRALI risk. Since

    new donor questions were being introduced regarding

    West Nile virus and severe acute respiratory syndrome, it

    was agreed that no additional questions would be asked

    regarding previous pregnancy or transfusion. As a result of

    theoptionappraisal,the NBSintroducedin October 2003apolicy to use male plasma for manufacture of FFP as far as

    was operationally possible. This policy did not involve any

    additional donor questioning or loss of any donors from

    either whole bloodor apheresiscollections,since plasma is

    not collected by the latter method. Fractionation of UK

    plasma was discontinued in 1999 because of vCJD, so all

    plasma from non-FFP donations is discarded.

    Blood collection staff marked whole blood donations

    M or F at the donor session, and on return to the

    processing center the male donations marked M were

    directed for FFP production. To maintain supply continu-

    ity, FFPfromfemale donorsheldin NBSor hospitalfreezers

    was not withdrawn. The production of 100 percent of FFP

    units from male donors was limited by the requirement to

    meet thenational quality standardfor FFPof 0.7 IU permL

    of Factor VIII in more than 75 percent of units tested.13

    Whole blood units held at 4C overnight before processing

    do not meet this requirement, so plasma had to be sepa-rated and frozen on the day of collection. Therefore, the

    proportion of FFP that can be manufactured from male

    donors has consistently been between 80 and 90 percent

    since implementation (NBS quality monitoring data).

    In 2004, there were two further changes to FFP provi-

    sion, to reduce vCJD risk. First, pooled S/D FFP (Octaplas,

    Octapharma, Vienna, Austria) was recommended by the

    Department of Health for plasma exchange procedures for

    thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). Octaplas

    has been licensed in the UK since the mid-1990s, but only

    two hospitals used it for all patients across the time period

    of this report. In 2002, a survey of 29 representative

    hospitals estimated that FFP use for TTP amounted to

    approximately 11 percent of total issues (Wells A, EASTR

    study, unpublished data), and in 2006 through 2007, Octa-

    plas use was 42,000 units (each of 200 mL), amounting to

    14 percent of total FFP.

    Second, single-unit FFP for children was imported

    from the United States; this was all from male donors and

    was virus-inactivated by methylene blue/light treatment

    once in the United Kingdom. This amounted to approxi-

    mately 5 percent of total demand.

    As part of the 2003 TRALI review, NBS also considered

    ways to reduce the risk from PLT concentrates, which

    were provided from both apheresis (40% of supply) andBC-derived PLT pools (60% of supply). The standard NBS

    method for production of PLT pools requires separation of

    BC from whole blood donations within 8 hours of collec-

    tion. After overnight hold at 22C, four BCs are suspended

    in a unit of plasma from one of the four BC donors and

    respun and filtered to produce a pool of leukoreduced

    PLTs. From October 2003, processing centers were asked

    to ensure that, as far as was logistically possible, the resus-

    pending plasma would be derived from a male donor

    (Donor 1). Studies on the resulting components esti-

    mated that the contribution of plasma to the final PLT

    pool was approximately 225 mL from Donor 1 and 25 mLfrom each of the other three donors. As with FFP, the pro-

    portion of PLT pools that can be suspended in male

    plasma was limited by the requirements to separate the

    BC on the day of collection and has varied between 80

    and 90 percent of all PLT pools manufactured since

    implementation. No specific steps were taken to reduce

    the risk from apheresis PLTs.

    The other three UK Blood Services (together compris-

    ing approximately 17% of component manufacture) also

    moved toward exclusion of female plasma from FFP and

    PLTs as far as possible during 2004.


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    Overview of cases

    Between 1996 and 2006 inclusive, 224 initial reports of

    suspected TRALI cases were received by SHOT. Of these,

    23 were subsequently withdrawn, typically because the

    reporting clinician considered another cause for thesymptoms as more likely. In addition, six questionnaires

    were not returned, leaving 195 cases which met the TRALI

    case definition and that were analyzed further. As shown

    in Fig. 1, reports of TRALI to SHOT increased year on year

    from 9 cases in 1996 to 1997 to a peak of 36 cases in 2003

    and decreased thereafter.

    The probability of each case actually being TRALI was

    assessed in all 156 cases reported from 1999 onward, as

    defined above. Overall 51 cases were assessed as highly

    likely and 25 cases as probable (therefore, 76 cases, or 49%

    highly likely/probable), with 42 cases considered possible

    and 38 cases unlikely to be TRALI (80 cases, or 51%


    Sex and age were reported for 193 of the 195 cases,

    with 88 (46%) being male and 105 (54%) female. There was

    a slightly greater percentage of males amongst the highly

    likely/probable cases (53%) when compared with cases

    considered possible/unlikely (40%). The ages ranged from

    26 days to 83 years with a median age of 56 years. Twenty

    cases (9.7%) were children under the age of 18.

    As shown in Fig. 2, the most frequent clinical special-

    ties represented in the 195 TRALI cases were hematology

    and oncology combined (36%) and surgery (36%). Eigh-

    teen cases had had cardiac surgery (10%), of whom 12

    were considered highly likely/probable. Nine cases (5%)were associated with the use of FFP to reverse warfarin

    and an additional 9 (5%) with plasma exchange with FFP

    for TTP.

    Clinical features and outcomes

    By definition, all patients had acute dyspnea, hypoxia, and

    bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, with fever and hypoten-

    sion seen in 37 and 52 percent of cases, respectively. There

    was no difference in the incidence of these secondary fea-

    tures between highly likely/probable cases and those clas-

    sified as possible/unlikely. Up to and including 2005, theTRALI definition used by SHOT permitted the inclusion of

    cases where onset was up to 24 hours after transfusion

    (changed to 6 hr for 2006). Timing was reported in 151

    cases during these years, with 139 cases (92%) occurring

    either during or within 6 hours of transfusion, 7 (5%)

    between 6 and 12 hours, and 5 (3%) between 12 and 24

    hours. The corresponding figures for the 67 highly likely/

    probable cases between 1999 and 2005 where time of

    onset was reported were 63 (94%), 4 (6%), and none,

    respectively. Overall, 143 of 195 cases (73%) required

    admission to intensive therapy units or were already on an

    intensive therapy unit when thereactionoccurred, with 88

    (45%) requiring mechanical ventilation.

    A total of 40 deaths (21%) occurred in patients

    meeting the TRALI case definition and in whom TRALI

    was considered at least a contributory factor. The corre-

    sponding figures for highly likely/probable and possible/

    unlikelyTRALI, from 1999 to 2006, were15 of 76 (19%) and

    17 of 80 (21%), respectively. As with total reports, TRALI

    deaths rose year on year to a peak of 9 deaths in 2003(Fig. 1). The number of deaths per year fell thereafter in

    line with total cases to 1 in 2006, but the fatality rate has

    not varied significantly over time. Since SHOT began in

    1996, TRALI has been implicated in more deaths than any

    other category of adverse event, with a total of 109

    transfusion-associated deaths from all causes recorded in

    3763 SHOT reports (2.9%), 40 of which were at least

    possibly due to TRALI.

    In addition to the fatalities, 10 cases (5%) were

    reported as having suffered some long-term morbidity

    after the TRALI episode, for example, due to concomitant










    1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006

    Fig. 1. All reports of TRALI ( ; n = 195) and deaths ( ; n = 40)

    from 1996 through 2006 inclusive. Reporting years from 1996

    until 2000 each cover 12 months from October 1 until Sep-

    tember 30; 2001 covers 15 months from October 1, 2001, to

    December 31, 2002; 2003 and subsequently cover calendar


    TRALI reports analyzed by reason for transfusion

    1996-2006 n = 195







    6.7% 2.1%




    Coagulation correction


    Plasma exchange


    Liver biopsy

    Fig. 2. Reported reasons for transfusion of blood componentsin TRALI cases.


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    myocardial infarction or residual pulmonary impairment.

    The remaining 145 patients (74%) made a full recovery or

    died of an unrelated cause.

    Laboratory investigations

    The level of investigation of cases of suspected TRALI has

    improved and developed over the SHOT reporting period.

    Between 1996 and 1999, when there was no national labo-

    ratory protocol, 43 of 57 (75%) cases were either not inves-tigated at all or the investigations were incomplete or

    inconclusive. The NBS introduced a national testing pro-

    tocol during 1999, and from 2000 (the first full year the

    protocol was in place) to 2006 inclusive, 96 of 138 (70%)

    cases had complete donor investigations for antibodies

    considered relevant to the TRALI episode. As shown in

    Table 1, donor antibodies recognizing a cognate antigen

    in the patient were found in 62 of 96 completely investi-

    gated cases (65%), of which 12 matched an HLA Class I

    antigen, 25 matched an HLA Class II antigen, and 13

    matched both HLA Class I and Class II antigens, meaning

    that concordant HLA Class II antibodies were found

    overall in 61 percent of antibody-positive cases.

    Granulocyte-specific antibodies recognizing a cognate

    patient antigen were found in 9 cases, and antibodies

    reacting with patient granulocytes and lymphocytes

    without a clear specificity in 3 cases. In the remaining 34

    cases (35%), no donor antibodies were detected.

    Concordant donor WBC antibodies were identified in

    73 cases reported between 1996 and 2006. As shown in

    Table 2, the most common antibody specificities wereHLA Class II antigens DR52 and DR4 being found alone or

    in combination with other antibodies in 13 (18%) and 12

    (16%) cases, respectively. The most frequent concordant

    HLA Class I antibody specificity was HLA-A2, being iden-

    tified, alone or in combination in 10 cases (13%). In 18

    cases (24%), more than one concordant antibody was

    found. Concordant granulocyte antibodies were found

    less often and the most frequent specificity was HNA-1a (5

    cases). A single case involved HNA-3a antibodies. All

    donors found to have concordant WBC antibodies were

    female, with none attributed to a transfused male.

    TABLE 1. Numbers of donors with antibodies matching a patient antigen in 96 TRALI cases with completeinvestigations between 2000 and 2006


    HLA Class

    Granulocyte Granulocyte and lymphocyte NegativeI II* I and II*

    2000 to 2001 3 0 0 1 0 22001 to 2002 5 4 2 3 2 5

    2003 1 11 4 4 1 92004 2 7 3 0 0 42005 1 2 3 0 0 102006 0 1 1 1 0 4

    Total, number (%) 12 (19) 25 (41) 13 (21) 9 (14) 3 (5) 34

    The percentages shown are in relation to the 62 cases where matching donor antibodies were detected.* HLA Class II antibody testing was introduced in 2001.

    TABLE 2. Donor antibody specificities in 73 cases with concordant antibodies investigated between 1996and 2006

    HLA Class

    Granulocyte Granulocyte and lymphocyte TotalI II I and II

    17 25 13 13 5 73A2 4 DR1 2 A2 + DR52 2 HNA1a 5 All nonspecific, positive

    crossmatch onlyNS 8 DR4 4 A2 + DR4 1 HNA3a 1A24 and B7 1 DR8 1 A2 + DR4 + DR11 1 NS 7Bw6 1 DR11 1 A2 + DR4 + B13 + DR53 1B18 1 DR13 1 A2 + DR15 1

    B8 2 DR17 1 A11 + DR4 1DR52 7 A11 + DR14 1DR53 1 A24 + DR52 1DR52 + DR10 1 A29 + B12 + DR53 1DR52 + DQ9 1 NS + DR7 1DR4 + DQ8 1 B57 + DR4 1

    DR4 + DR7 2 B57 + DR4 + DR53 1DR7 + DR9 1NS 1


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    Of 195 cases analyzed from 1996 to 2006, HLA anti-

    bodies were found in the patient in 30 cases (15%) and

    granulocyte antibodies in 1. Eighty-four patients werenegative for the presence of both HLA and granulocyte

    antibodies and 81 cases did not have reported results.

    Antibody concordance with donor antigens was not fully

    assessed in most patients with WBC antibodies and was

    established in only three patients (2 male, 1 female), all

    with HLA antibodies. However, all 3 cases occurred after

    the introduction of universal leukoreduction, and the rel-

    evance of patient antibody to the development of TRALI is

    considered doubtful, especially as two of these cases also

    had donors with HLA antibodies, with one donors anti-

    bodies matching three HLA antigens in the patient. The

    third antibody-positive patient also had cardiac failureand a large positive fluid balance and was categorized as

    unlikely to be TRALI.

    Two TRALI cases were reported in which the only

    demonstrableWBC incompatibility was between 2 donors

    in the same PLT pool of4 donors. The firstcaseoccurred in

    1996, before universal leukoreduction and involved a

    donor with a strong HLA antibody in the plasma that

    reacted with the lymphocytes of another donor in the

    pool. The patient was negative for the presence of concor-

    dant antigens. The second case, which has been previ-

    ously published,21 involved a donor with HNA-1a

    antibodies and two other donors in the

    same leukoreduced PLT pool who were

    HNA-1apositive. The patient was

    HNA-1anegative and all donors were

    negative by serum crossmatch with the

    patients WBCs.

    Implicated components and their

    relationship to positive donor


    In 2003, a review of all TRALI reports

    to date was carried out to assess the

    relative risk of TRALI from different

    blood components and the relationship

    between implicated components and

    positive donor serology. As shown in

    Table 3, the risk/component for all

    TRALI case reports from 1996 through

    2003 was 6.86 times higher for FFP/cryosupernatant

    (CSP) than for RBCs (95% confidence interval [CI], 4.2-

    11.2) and 8.16 times higher for PLTs than for RBCs (95%CI, 4.91-13.37). These values show significance, unlike the

    relative risk from cryoprecipitate, which was 1.76 (95% CI,

    0.42-7.32). Next, 74 cases that had been fully investigated

    between 1998 and 2003 were analyzed to see whether they

    had had a greater than expected exposure to an antibody-

    positive donor. The expected figure was based on a pre-

    vious study that demonstrated HLA antibodies in 1 in 7

    female donors22 and assumed a median exposure to 3

    donors per transfusion episode, from which it can be cal-

    culated that 20 percent of all transfusion episodes would

    include an antibody-positive female donor by chance.

    This analysis (Table 4) showed that in TRALI cases whereRBCs had been implicated, exposure to an antibody-

    positive female donor was no greater than expected

    (p 0.08). In contrast, transfusions where FFP or PLTs

    were implicated in a TRALI episode had a much greater

    than expected exposure to an antibody-positive female

    donor (p 0.0001). In cases where the sex of the

    antibody-positive donor was reported to SHOT, all were

    female, as were those with antibodies either concordant

    with the patients antigens or with a positive crossmatch.

    These findings led to a decision by the NBS to source

    FFP from male donors, in whom the incidence of HLA and

    TABLE 3. Relative risk of TRALI from different blood components, based on the 93 cases from 1996 through2003 in which an implicated component could be identified

    Category RBCs Cryoprecipitate FFP/CSP PLTs

    TRALI cases in which component implicated 33 2 31 27Components issued (103) 18,370 634 2,515 1,842Risk/component issued* 1:556,000 1:317,000 1:81,000 1:68,000

    Relative risk compared to RBCs (95% CI) 1.76 (0.42-7.32) 6.86 (4.2-11.2) 8.16 (4.91-13.37)* To the nearest thousand. Significant since 95 percent CI does not contain 1.

    TABLE 4. Relationship between implicated component, serology, anddonor gender in 74 fully investigated cases of TRALI 1998 through


    Category RBCs FFP/PLTs

    All cases 18 56Cases with antibody positive donor,

    whether or not matching patient antigen

    6 44

    Proportion of all cases in which exposureto antibody-positive donor expected*

    0.2 0.2

    Proportion of all cases in which exposureto antibody-positive donorobserved (95% CI)

    0.33 (0.12-0.55) 0.79 (0.68-0.89)

    Sex of antibody-positive donors 3/3 female 34/34 femaleSex of donors with antibodies matching

    patient antigens/positive crossmatch2/2 female 29/29 female

    * Based on McLennan et al.22

    p 0.08. p 0.0001. In other cases, donor sex not notified from investigating laboratory.


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    HNA antibodies is low,22 and to suspend BC-derived PLT

    pools in male plasma, as far as regulatory and operational

    considerations permitted. This was implemented from

    October 2003 onward; to maintain supplies, FFP from

    female donors was not withdrawn from storage either in

    blood centers or hospital blood banks.

    As shown in Table 5, this policy has been associatedwith a gradual reduction in the total number of TRALI

    cases reported. Strikingly, the risk of highly likely/

    probable TRALI attributed to FFP associated with an

    antibody-positive donor fell dramatically, particularly

    after the washout period for female FFP still in storage.

    Despite some continued FFP production from female

    donors, there were no concordant antibody-positive cases

    attributed to FFP in 2005 or 2006, although antibody-

    negative TRALI after FFP was occasionally reported. The

    reduction in the number of cases attributed to PLTs was

    less dramatic because no risk reduction steps have been

    put in place for apheresis PLTs. Four cases attributed to

    antibody-positive female plasma in BC-derived PLTs

    occurred in 2004 and 2005 but none has occurred in 2006.

    As shown in Table 6, the risk of highly likely/probable

    TRALI associated with FFP and PLTs has reduced consid-

    erably between the two time periods before and after themale plasma policy was fully in place, dropping from

    15.5 to 3.2 per million components issued for FFP/CSP

    (p = 0.0079) and from 14 to 5.8 per million components

    issued for PLTs (p = 0.068). No such reduction was seen for

    RBCs, where the male : female mix was unchanged, while

    for cryoprecipitate, the risk appears to have doubled.


    The case definition of TRALI used throughout 9 of the 10

    years spanned by this SHOT series was defined in 1996

    and remains valid and broadly consistent with the defini-tion proposed by the Canadian Consensus Conference on

    TRALI in 2004.4 TRALI is defined entirely on clinical

    grounds and neither the SHOT definition nor that pro-

    posed by the Consensus Conference requires positive

    serology in the donor/patient. Since there may be mul-

    tiple etiologies of TRALI, it would be too restrictive in the

    current state of knowledge to require the presence of WBC

    antibodies in donor or patient to define a TRALI case. Two

    differences between the SHOT and Consensus Confer-

    ence definitions merit discussion. First, up to and includ-

    ing 2005, the SHOT definition allowed TRALI to be

    diagnosed up to 24 hours after commencement of trans-

    fusion, compared to 6 hours as proposed by the Canadian

    Consensus Conference. However, only 8 percent of the

    SHOT series developed after 6 hours (and only 6% of the

    highly likely/probable cases) so a 6-hour time limit now

    seems reasonable and was adopted by SHOT from 2006.

    TABLE 5. Changes to the profile of TRALI casesreported to SHOT 2003 through 2006

    Category 2003 2004 2005 2006

    TRALI cases analyzed 36 23 23 10Highly likely 20 10 3 2Probable 2 3 3 1Possible 6 4 3 4Unlikely 8 6 14 3

    Implicated componentFFP 8 6 1 1PLTs 8 4 2 1RBCs 1 3 2 3FFP plus other 3 0 0 4Cryoprecipitate 1 0 1 1

    Positive donor serologyFFP 8 6 0 0PLTs 8 3 3 1RBCs 1 3 2 2FFP plus other 2 0 0 0

    Cryoprecipitate 1 0 1 1

    TABLE 6. Risk of highly likely and probable cases of TRALI before and after introduction of male plasma forFFP and PLT pools*

    Categroy 1999-2004 2004-2006

    RBCs issued (103) 13,411 4,745Cases implicating RBCs 9 5Cases/106 RBCs issued (frequency) 0.67 (1:1,490,000) 1.1 (1:949,000)FFP/CSP issued (103) 1,874 634

    Cases implicating FFP/CSP 29 2Cases/106 FFP/CSP issued (frequency) 15.5 (1:65,000) 3.2 (1:317,000)PLTs issued (103) 1,265 518Cases implicating PLTs 18 3Cases/106 PLTs issued (frequency) 14 (1:71,000) 5.8 (1:173,000)||Cryoprecipitate issued (103) 465 209

    Cases implicating cryoprecipitate 2 2Cases/106 cryoprecipitate issued (frequency) 4.3 (1:232,000) 9.6 (1:104,000)

    The denominators are units of each component issued by UK Blood Services for the respective time periods.

    Frequency calculated to nearest thousand. p = 0.79. p = 0.0079.|| p = 0.068. p = 0.79.


    Volume 49, March 2009 TRANSFUSION 447

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    Second, there are some differences in the way the likeli-

    hood of the cases being TRALI is assessed. In 1999, SHOT

    introduced a likelihood scale based on both clinical fea-

    tures and serologic findings, such that cases with positive

    donor or patient serology would fall into the probable or

    highly likely categories. The Canadian Consensus Confer-

    ence proposes separate definitions for TRALI and pos-sible TRALI, but both are based entirely on clinical

    findings. Since there is scientific consensus that an inter-

    action between donor HLA or HNA antibodies and the

    corresponding antigen in the recipient can cause TRALI,

    we believe that it is entirely legitimate to use serologic

    findings as part of the assessment of whether posttrans-

    fusion pulmonary symptoms are likely to be due to TRALI

    or not. Since the workup of suspected TRALI cases pro-

    posed by the Consensus Conference includes testing of

    donors for HLA and HNA antibodies, it seems illogical not

    to use those results to reach a final conclusion as to the

    nature of the case. Our definitions resulted in 49 percent

    of cases thereafter being classified as highly likely or prob-

    able, the remaining 51 percent being considered possible

    or unlikely. Secondary clinical features such as hypoten-

    sion and fever were unhelpful in differentiating highly

    likely TRALI from less clear cut cases. This is not surpris-

    ing, since the final steps in the pathogenesis of TRALI are

    likely to involve the same proinflammatory cytokines

    leading to a final common pathway of pulmonary damage

    shared by other causes of acute lung injury such as sepsis

    and trauma.

    Some of the low-likelihood cases in whom TRALI

    could not be excluded may have been TACO, which was

    until recently not included as a category in the SHOTscheme. TACO may be difficult to differentiate from TRALI

    at the bedside without invasive monitoring and even more

    difficult after the event by case note review. Unless

    patients are in intensive care units, definitive diagnosis

    of TACO by measurement of pulmonary capillary

    wedge pressure is unlikely to be performed. The use of

    noninvasive markers of left-sided cardiac strain such

    as B-natriuretic peptide offers new possibilities to differ-

    entiate TACO and TRALI.23

    There are limitations in using hemovigilance data

    spanning 10 years to generate figures for TRALI incidence.

    There is still likely to be a considerable degree of underre-porting of all types of events to hemovigilance systems,

    but overreporting may also occur. We saw a sharp increase

    in low-likelihood cases in 2005, perhaps because of

    greater awareness of the condition. Blood safety and

    hemovigilance have been given a much higher hospital

    profile in recent years. Given that approximately 3 million

    components are issued annually by UK Blood Services,the

    incidence of TRALI case reports per unit issued based on

    SHOT data would be in the range of 1 case per 100,000

    components. However, figures for TRALI incidence in

    published case series vary widely, dependingon the inten-

    sity of surveillance, the range and type of components

    included, and whether the study was local or national.3,4

    The incidence as estimated by SHOT figure appears to be

    at the low end of the reported range, although consistent

    with other hemovigilance series from Quebec.24,25

    Our series covers the full age range of transfused

    patients, including a 2-year-old who developed TRALIafter receiving an HLA and HNA antibodypositive PLT

    concentrate.26 A previous nested case-control study has

    suggested an excess risk associated with cardiac surgery

    and hematologic malignancy.27 However, when calculated

    against FFP and PLT usage in the UK (Wells A, Llewelyn C,

    Casbard A, Johnson T, Ballard S, Buck J, Malfroy M,

    Murphy M,Williamson LM, unpublished), our data do not

    suggest a hugely increased risk in these groups of patients.

    The mortality in our series was 21 percent overall,

    which is at the high end of the 5 to 25 percent range in

    reported series.3 This may be because of inclusion of cases

    in the SHOT series in which TRALI was thought to have

    been only a contributory factor to the death. There was no

    significant difference in mortality between highly likely/

    probable cases and those considered possible/unlikely.

    Denominator data for the number of patients or transfu-

    sion episodes represented by these figures are not readily


    By 2003, clear differences in risk had emerged for dif-

    ferent blood components, particularly when only highly

    likely/probable TRALI cases are considered. Exposure to

    FFP has also been noted as an independent risk factor for

    TRALI in two recent series of intensive care patients from

    the Mayo Clinic.28,29 Interestingly, the risks from FFP and

    PLTs were not significantly different, so it does not appearthat the presence of intact PLTs or their microparticles

    generated additional factors such as lipid-priming activ-

    ity, which gave PLTs a higher risk than plasma alone. We

    did not see any differences in incidence between pooled

    and apheresis PLTs, probably because 75 percent of the

    plasma in pooled BC-derived PLTs comes from a single


    We agree with an earlier study that all steps must be

    taken in TRALI case investigations to establish whether or

    not donor WBC antibody corresponds with the patient,

    either by patient genotyping or by a direct crossmatch,23

    since there have been studies demonstrating a 13 to 17percent incidence of HLA antibodies in female donors.22,30

    We have also confirmed earlier reports of concordant HLA

    Class II antibodies as a possible cause of TRALI. 31,32 The

    antibody specificities found in reported TRALI cases most

    frequently were HLA-A2, -DR4, and -DR52. All these anti-

    gens occur relatively commonly in the UK population but

    antigen frequency does not appear to be the only factor

    influencing whether the corresponding antibody is impli-

    cated in TRALI. HLA-A2 antigen frequency is approxi-

    mately 50 percent in the UK and HLA-A2 concordant

    antibody was identified in 14 percent SHOT cases with


    448 TRANSFUSION Volume 49, March 2009

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    concordant antibody. HLA-A1, however, is also relatively

    common in the UK with an antigen frequency of approxi-

    mately 30 percent, but we did not identify a single case of

    TRALI with concordant HLA-A1 antibody in our series.

    One of the most striking findings in this series was the

    association between positive donor serology, sex, and type

    of implicated component in cases investigated between1999 and 2003. It might have been expected that, before

    they were excluded from donation in 2004, previously

    transfused male donors would have accounted for some

    of the cases, but this did not prove to be the case. This may

    be related or explained to the observation that HLA (and

    possibly HNA) antibodies induced by transfusion are of

    low affinity (mostly immunoglobulin M) and tend to be

    transient, compared with those induced by pregnancy.33

    The strong association between female FFP, WBC

    antibodies, and TRALI has also been noted in a recent

    series from the United States,34 in which 19 of 25 TRALI/

    possible TRALI cases due to FFP were associated with an

    antibody-positive female donor, compared with 5 of 10

    RBC cases. In the only prospective randomized trial to

    have been carried out in TRALI, infusion of plasma from

    parous females resulted in significantly greater changes in

    oxygen saturation than control plasma, with one frank

    TRALI case.35 However, although the implicated donor

    had granulocyte antibodies, crossmatch with the patient

    was negative. The finding of antibody-positive TRALI after

    cryoprecipitate and RBC transfusion in this and other

    series34 confirms other evidence36 that exposure to only a

    small volume of antibody-positive plasma can cause


    Unusually, the TRALI series reported by Silliman andcoworkers in 200325 reported antibody positivity in a

    donor in only 3.6 percent of cases, with a high percentage

    of cases in hematology patients receiving PLTs. Because

    components in that study were not leukoreduced, it may

    be that a high proportion of reactions were due to inter-

    actions between donorWBCs and patient HLA antibodies,

    which occur in 20 to 40 percent of multitransfused hema-

    tology patients receiving nonleukoreduced blood compo-

    nents.37 Unfortunately, patients were not investigated for

    WBC antibodies in the series by Silliman and colleagues.

    In addition, the diagnostic criteria listed for definition of

    TRALI in the series of Silliman and colleagues did notinclude a requirement for bilateral infiltrates on chest

    X-ray, in contrast to the SHOT and Canadian Consensus

    Conference definitions. Only 3 of 90 (3%) of their reported

    cases required mechanical ventilation and only 1 patient

    (1%) died, due to a concomitant myocardial infarct. These

    compare with mechanical ventilation initiated or con-

    tinued in 47 percent of TRALI cases and an overall

    transfusion-related mortality of 21 percent in our series of

    hemovigilance reports. It seems that the series by Silliman

    andcolleagues included a much largerproportion of cases

    with less severe respiratory reactions.

    The cause of posttransfusion respiratory symptoms in

    our antibody-negative cases remains unknown. Many

    reported cases had additional risk factors for acute lung

    injury and some may have had a degree of TACO. In addi-

    tion, the donors may have had HLA or HNA antibodies

    belowthe limit of detection, other as yetundefined types of

    WBC antibodies may have been responsible, or there mayhave been another cause altogether. Some cases before

    2001 could have been due to HLA Class II antibodies.

    It has been reported that cellular blood components

    accumulate lipid-derived neutrophil priming material

    during storage,7,8 although the frequency with which the

    concentration of such material becomes capable of trig-

    gering a TRALI reaction remains undefined. It is interest-

    ing to note that lipid priming material has not been

    identified in FFP. In one series, TRALI due to PLTs was

    associated with PLT storage time;25 unfortunately we

    have not recorded the age of implicated cellular compo-

    nents in our series. Since, by definition, an implicated

    component cannot be identified in antibody-negative

    cases transfused with more than one type of component,

    it would be difficult to correlate components of a par-

    ticular age with TRALI cases reported to hemovigilance


    Although the implementation of preferentially male

    plasma seems a rather crude approach, it proved simple

    and low cost to implement, aided by other changes to the

    UK blood supply. Because UK plasma had been excluded

    from fractionation since 1999, there was no program of

    collection of plasma by apheresis, with all FFP being

    manufactured from whole blood donations. Thus male

    FFP could be implemented without loss of any donorsand without the need to discuss the policy with the

    company undertaking fractionation. Donors were already

    aware that plasma from most donations was discarded

    and we have not specifically communicated the male

    plasma policy to them. Similarly, the decision to suspend

    most BC-derived PLT pools in male plasma could be

    implemented relatively easily.

    The steps we have taken have been associated with a

    reduction in highly likely/probable TRALI. All antibody-

    positive cases associated with FFPand PLTs continue to be

    due to female donors, either because of female FFP still in

    storage freezers during 2004 or because of the ongoingneed to use female donors for 10 to 20 percent of FFP/PLT

    production. Highly likely/probable TRALI due to FFP has

    now virtually disappeared, In contrast, highly likely/

    probable cases due to RBCs have not changed over the

    same 4-year period. The risk from cryoprecipitate seems

    to have increased slightly. Although numbers are small,

    this could be due to enriching of cryoprecipitate

    production with the female donors not used for FFP.

    Inone sense,this reduction wasas expected,sinceour

    definition of highly likely/probableTRALI was usually met

    by donor WBC antibodies matching a recipient antigen.


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    Occasional antibody-negativecases dueto FFP continueto

    be seen, however. It should also be considered whether the

    reduction in reports of FFP-related cases could be due to

    clinicians assuming that FFP no longer causesTRALI. This

    cannot be excluded, but the reporting of cases which can

    be tracked to a female donor suggests some continuing

    awareness of FFP-relatedTRALI. In 2005, there wasa sharpincrease in possible/unlikely TRALI. These are cases in

    which antibodies have not been detected, with complex

    clinical histories, and since antibody-negative TRALI

    cannot be totally excluded, they will continue to be classi-

    fied as possible/unlikely. Currentsteps to reduce antibody-

    positive TRALI would not be expected to have any impact

    on the incidence of such cases.

    It has not proved possible, within the NBS, to

    produce either 100 percent male FFP or plasma for PLT

    pools, because of current UK processing requirements

    which mean that FFP and BCs have to be manufactured

    on the same day the blood is collected. Other European

    countries (Ireland, Netherlands, France) have partially or

    totally adopted the 20C overnight hold method of

    component production, in which whole blood donations

    are held at a controlled 20C until separation into com-

    ponents the next day. This method produces RBCs, PLTs,

    and FFP of excellent quality,38 and steps are being taken

    to introduce it into the UK to provide 100 percent male

    FFP and cryoprecipitate. An alternative strategy to

    increase availability of male FFP would be acceptance of

    Day 1 FFP, as used in Canada.39 The use of manufactur-

    ing strategies to reduce TRALI risk from FFP has now

    been recommended by the AABB,40 although not yet

    mandated by the FDA. This parallels the situation inEurope, where some blood services are moving voluntar-

    ily toward greater use of male FFP, without it yet being an

    EU regulatory requirement.

    The use of S/D FFP was considered as an alternative

    to the male FFP approach. Countries that have both heavy

    or universal use of S/D FFP and an established hemo-

    vigilance system (Norway, Ireland, Belgium) have not

    reported any TRALI cases.41 The safe profile of S/D FFP

    with respect to TRALI has been attributed to dilution of

    donations containing high-titer HLA or HNA antibodies

    in the pool of 500 to 1000 donors, and such antibodies

    cannot be detected in the final product by current tech-niques.42 However, this is an expensive product compared

    with standard FFP and is currently recommended in the

    UK only for TTP and uncommon congenital coagulation

    factor deficiencies where no concentrate is available.43

    Some of the reduction in TRALI due to FFP which we saw

    after 2004 could be attributed to the use of S/D FFP for

    TTP, which now amounts to 14 percent of total FFP usage.

    However, the risk calculation shown in Table 6 takes

    reduced FFP use into account.

    A further key step in minimizing TRALI risk from FFP

    is appropriate prescribing. FFP and PLT use in the UK has

    remained virtually unchanged across the 10 years of this

    study. For example, UK guidelines for FFP recommend

    prothrombin complex concentrates for warfarin reversal

    in life-threatening situations and vitamin K otherwise,44

    yet 5 percent of patients in this series developed TRALI

    after FFP given to reverse warfarin. A systematic review of

    FFP trials concluded that no definite evidence for benefitof FFP has been shown in high quality trials in any clinical

    setting.45 This is not to say that FFP is of no value, but that

    there needs to be much stronger evidence supporting its

    use. The relationship between abnormal coagulation,

    bleeding, and the role of FFP in preventing or treating

    hemorrhage remains uncertain,46,47 andfurther studies are

    required to define this.

    Finally, further steps will be necessary to further

    reduce TRALI resulting from PLT transfusion. One possi-

    bility is the use of a PLT AS to replace most of the plasma.

    Several solutions are licensed in Europe, but none yet in

    the United States. PLT AS could be adopted in the manu-

    facture of pooled BC PLTs to replace the unit of plasma

    currently used. Although 100 mL of plasma is required in

    the final product, this would comprise 25 mL from each

    of the four donors, so the risk from WBC antibodies

    should be reduced to that of a RBC unit or of a PLT pool

    suspended largely in male plasma. However, since TRALI

    may occur after exposure to as little as 30 mL of plasma,

    as is seen in RBCs in AS or in cryoprecipitate, this would

    probably not eliminate the risk totally. For apheresis

    single-donor PLTs, the remaining 100 mL of plasma

    would come from a single donor, enough to trigger a

    clinically significant TRALI reaction. An alternative strat-

    egy would be to screen current apheresis donors for HLAand HNA antibodies, but this would result in loss of 7 to

    10 percent of donors. A compromise position would be to

    preferentially recruit men for plateletpheresis or screen

    female prospective apheresis donors. However, even this

    may be seen as excessively cautious, since reported

    TRALI is rare compared to the percentage of donors with

    WBC antibodies. Perhaps a more refined approach would

    be to exclude donors with high-titer antibodies or those

    with specificities commonly associated with TRALI. No

    approach is ideal, but it is reassuring that, 15 years after

    risk reduction was recommended,48 we are at last begin-

    ning to tackle one of the leading causes of transfusion-related mortality.


    The authors are as alwaysgrateful to all hospital staffwho partici-

    pate inSHOTandwho reportedTRALIcases; tothe staffin UKH&I

    laboratories for performing the HLA and HNA investigations; to

    Prof. M. Mythenfor clinicalreview of somecasesreferredto SHOT;

    toNeil Beckmanforproductiondataon useofmaleplasma;and to

    Rebecca Cardigan and the staff of the NBS Component Develop-

    ment Laboratory for calculations of plasma in PLT pools.


    450 TRANSFUSION Volume 49, March 2009

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